Strange hobbies of people. Unusual hobbies

What people do not come up with in order to have fun and pass the time! In this list, you will find seven of the most unusual hobbies in the world.

1. Submission statements of claim to court

Judgment is something that many, at least sane people try to avoid, but not Jonathan Lee Riches, who entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most litigious person in the world. AT this moment he is serving time for fraud in a federal penitentiary in Kentucky.

In pursuit of "legal masterpieces," Riches has filed 2,600 lawsuits in various federal district courts between 2006 and today. The targets of his litigation were former US President George W. Bush, Somali pirates, the missing American trade union leader Jimmy Hoffa, Holocaust survivors, the Roman Empire, and even Buddhist monks. Jonathan Lee Riches has also sued various scientific ideas and inanimate objects, among them the Lincoln Memorial, the Dark Ages and the Eiffel Tower.

2. Collecting ecstasy

In 2009, the police in the city of Irbik (Netherlands) received a strange call: a 46-year-old man reported that an unknown person had stolen a collection of ecstasy from his house, which was stored in coin albums and consisted of more than 2,400 tablets.

According to the victim, he himself never used drugs and was well aware that his unusual hobby was illegal. The man decided to report to the police for the simple reason that several dozen pills in his stolen collection were poisonous.

The Irbik authorities did not press charges against him due to a lack of direct evidence. The man said he no longer hoped to see his amphetamine collection again.

3. Flying… without a plane

Have you ever jumped from an airplane with a parachute? And with a parachute, then without an airplane, in a wingsuit, soaring like a bird above the ground?

Wingsuits appeared in the early 1930s and were made of canvas and whalebone, which naturally had a negative effect on the duration, range and safety of the flight.

Modern wingsuits began to be developed in the mid-1990s. Thanks to an improved design, they allow the athlete to overcome tens of kilometers through the air (the current record is just over 27 km) when falling from a height of 5000 meters.

Buying a wingsuit in the United States, for example, is quite difficult, since the government of the country, as well as a number of manufacturers, require a person to have serious experience in this matter - at least 200 standard free-fall jumps made no earlier than 18 months before submitting the request to buy a suit.

4. Extreme ironing

Ironing clothes is a rather boring and tedious task. But what if you combine it with rock climbing, snowboarding and other extreme sports? Brad, you say. But no!

It all started in 1997, when an East Midlands resident named Phil Shaw was given a choice: stay at home and do what he loves - ironing - or go rock climbing with friends. Being a completely sane person, Shaw decided to combine both, therefore, in addition to climbing equipment, he also took with him an ironing board and an iron. So a new hobby was born - extreme ironing, which in 15 years managed to conquer the whole world. Fans of the sport (if you can call it that) have ironed their shirts on kayaks, mountaintops, and even on busy highways.

5. Participation in dog trimming competitions

People who take part in dog trimming competitions "mock" the poor animals as they please. What is there to say?! Judge for yourself:

6. News bombing

Some people make history, while others are constantly trying to "light up" in the news reports, just at the moment when this story is being conveyed to the audience. They call such background characters “news bombers.”

The man who is captured in all the frames below is a resident of London, Paul Yarrow. For several years, he managed to appear in many reports of such well-known television companies as the BBC, al Jazeera, Sky News and others.

Yarrow learns about the places from where the live broadcast will be conducted, comes there, and while the correspondent is talking about the events on camera, he simply stands in the background, without disturbing anyone.

7. Trainsurfing (travel outside trains)

Trainsurfing originated in Germany in the 1980s and from there spread throughout the globe. Its essence is to find the train - the faster the better - jump on it and probably die after that. And what other consequences can be expected from such a dangerous undertaking?

In 2008, train jumping killed more than 40 people in Germany, mostly young people.

Good day, dear students and parents!

Wandering through the pages of the Internet, I found interesting articles about the hobby different people, to which they devote their free time from work, and sometimes their whole lives. sometimes found favourite hobby so absorbs a person that it becomes the main one in which the craftsman reaches the highest skill.

Picked up the top ten, which includes unusual hobbies of people in different countries ah, which seemed to me the most interesting and causing delight and surprise.

Lesson plan:

Sculptures made of wood

ancient Chinese occupation many are passionate, but the master from China, Zheng Chonghui, was able to build the longest sculpture in the world from solid wood - more than 12 meters. The work, about 3 meters high, was made in the form of a wooden copy of the Chinese painting “Along the river during Qingming”, created more than a thousand years ago.

The author worked for four years, carving rivers, people, animals, forests, boats and even entire villages on the canvas from wood. As a result, more than 550 human figures settled on the sculpture. For his work, Zheng Chonghui received a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records.

Sculptures in pencil

Unusual hobby at American artist and sculptor Dalton Getty. For 25 years he has been fond of carving on ... It's hard to believe - pencil lead!

He has achieved such mastery that he simply makes masterpieces of miniature sizes out of fragile material. And he doesn't use it while he's at work. magnifying glasses. Among his working arsenal is only a blade, sewing needles and a knife.

The most painstaking work, to which he devoted two and a half years, a miniature of a pencil with a chain.

Few people believe that it is made from a single lead without gluing. How he does it? As Dalton himself says, he never sells his wonderful creations, but gives them to his friends.

Paintings with nails

Each of us imagines how to hammer an ordinary nail, but the Briton Markus Levin can not only hammer it into the wall, but knows how to approach this process creatively, creating artistic masterpieces from building material. At least fifteen thousand nails and one hammer - all that the master needs to be born in three days - a maximum of a month another work art.

Markus “draws” his iron paintings by hand, like any other artist, without preliminary sketches. The pioneer of such an artistic direction called “Nail sculpture” has been passionately engaged in a hobby since 2005. Today, the artist's favorite occupation brings a good income - his paintings are successfully sold, and at a price of about $ 40,000.

sand drawings

American surfer Jim Denevan has a peculiar hobby, which, alas, is short-lived - he draws his amazing pictures on the beach sand.

During his 18 years of creativity, he decorated more than a hundred beaches around the world with a rake and wooden sticks. Begins creative process immediately after low tide, so that by the time the sea water returns, the drawing is ready.

When creating sand paintings, Jim does not resort to either measuring instruments or mathematical calculations of distances, doing everything “by eye”, as his heart tells him. Would you feel sorry for the work that the sea wave swallows at high tide? But the artist has a philosophical attitude to the process of destroying his works by nature, calling it an integral part of creativity.

See works sand art is possible only at the time of their creation or already in the photographs.


There are craftsmen in Russia too. So, the modern Tula "Lefty" Nikolai Aldunin is fond of creating tiny metal miniatures.

Being a mechanic by education, he achieved such skill that he was able to make a rifle the size of a grain of rice, shod a flea with golden horseshoes under a microscope, put a golden saddle on it, settled camels in the eye of a needle and placed the T-34 tank on longitudinal sections of an apple seed. and Ostankino tower height 6.3mm.

metal embroidery

Many girls know how to cross-stitch, laying out the details of a fabric pattern stitch by stitch. But the Lithuanian craftswoman Severia Insirauskaite is fond of embroidery on metal.

To do this, she takes a male tool - a drill, makes holes, and then embroiders patterns with a cross. In her creative piggy bank are beautifully decorated buckets and shovels, car hoods and doors.

Card figures

Playing cards - not so much useful activity, but the playing pictures themselves can be very useful if you do construction.

American Bert McLain became a famous architect thanks to playing cards, from which he built a five-story house at the age of 5. If you have enough patience, you can try your hand at building at least a three-story building. But the talented Bert honed his skills by building pyramids and copies of American skyscrapers from maps. Hobbies led him to world fame.

Government Saudi Arabia gave an order to Bert for the construction of a card copy of the royal high-rise complex. For a month and a half and a fee of $ 1.5 million, the card builder built an object 15.3 meters long and 3.5 meters high, using 4,351 decks of cards on it.


This is the art of growing plants and trees of a certain shape in order to create natural sculptures from them.

Spouses Peter Cook and Becky Northay can boast of such a passion, who began their work with growing wooden chair, directing the growth of trees in a given trajectory. For work, sculptors use garden plum and bird cherry.

They do not tell their secret of painstaking intervention in nature, creating intricate images year after year.

Star fever

Who has a hobby, but Briton Paul Yarrow will have a wasted day if he does not flash in the background during television filming.

His bald head and corpulent body, invariably dressed in a beige sweater, have become so familiar to viewers of well-known TV channels Sky News, BBC, Channel 4, ITV and others that reporting without the usual worker "behind the scenes" is already losing its appeal. An unusual passion to be always in the frame made Paul a TV star.

ride on rides

American old man Vic Clement, aged about 80, prolongs his youth with his hobby. How do you think?

He gets emotionally charged on a "roller coaster", flying at breakneck speed at least 20 times for each visit to the amusement park. About 4,000 flights high into the air were counted by extreme sports enthusiasts, confirming their records with saved receipts. Vic set the absolute record on the Jack Rabbit wooden ride, riding as many as 90 times in one sitting.

These are the most unusual hobbies people from different countries have. By the way, this interesting information it can be used to develop an unusual school project. Do you agree?

What do you do in your free time from studies? Tell us in the comments and maybe someone will tell about you in their research project.

Success in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Not used to being like everyone else and doing what others do? Find for yourself an extraordinary hobby that arouses the interest and delight of others.

We never tire of repeating that the world of women's hobbies has no boundaries, along with traditional types of needlework and the usual ladies' activities, there are peacefully new and unusual hobbies that not only attract attention, but also surprise sophisticated natures. Do you want to stand out from the crowd and be among extraordinary people? Choose for yourself a hobby that is different from the mass and familiar to most. And we will be happy to help you with this!

A fresh look at creativity

Considering the most unusual hobbies and hobbies of creative people, one cannot but pay attention to shell carving chicken egg. Finished works look like jewelry crafts, but only a real jeweler with patience, talent and accuracy can make such beauty.

On vegetables - one of the ones that attracts not only women, but also the male half of humanity. Having mastered this unusual skill, you will learn how to create masterpieces from familiar products: melons, pumpkins, cucumbers, carrots.

British artist Ian Berry came up with a new unusual hobby - creating paintings from denim. In his paintings you can see only shades of blue, but the result is delight and admiration.

Creative people, who do not like to spend a lot of money on their hobbies, take junk materials as a basis, thereby saving environment from garbage. Used to create masterpieces plastic bottles, from toilet paper, burnt , old tires. Genuine delight is caused by crafts made from rags for mopping and cleaning, nylon socks and outdated jeans.

If you like coffee, then find yourself an unusual hobby in this direction. Drawings on the surface of milk foam have their own name - latte art and unite hundreds of thousands of fans around the world.

Kirigami has a lot in common with, but scissors are used in this type of creativity, resulting in very beautiful voluminous crafts from paper, in which it is difficult to recognize the source material.

Kinusaiga is another old hobby that has received new life. This needlework originated in Japan - Japanese women never threw away old kimonos, but made them patchwork paintings, filling the slots in the wooden bases with pieces of fabric. Now any fabrics are used for these purposes, as well as patches from old thin things, for example, summer dresses, silk blouses, scarves.

New facets of painting

Drawing with a brush and paints is not given to everyone, but you won’t see anyone with this occupation anyway. - an unusual hobby of people who are passionate about drawing on water. At first glance, this seems like a miracle - the artist paints a picture on the water surface, and then instantly transfers it to the sheet. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, so everyone can master the skill.

Highly unusual drawings can be obtained with the help of leaves - this type of painting does not require the natural gift of the artist. The leaves are covered with paints, and then applied to paper. The result is an interesting process and a very beautiful result.

- another unusual view drawing, in which wax is used as ink, and a heated iron plays the role of a brush. It would seem - what could be the output? And the result is masterpieces that may well qualify for the exhibits of the exhibition of avant-garde artists.

Freezelight is a very interesting type of art in which images are obtained using a flashlight that plays the role of a light brush, and digital camera. Flashlight movements are photographed in night mode with maximum shutter speed. The most spectacular drawings can be obtained using multi-colored lanterns. You need to do light graphics in the twilight, and direct the light towards the lens.

If you know how to hold a hammer, try creating pictures from nails. Briton Markus Levin has been doing this for a long time, and exhibitions with his works gather crowds of people who want to look at the result of an unusual hobby.

Street art is another unusual drawing, in which nails are used, but here the nails are interconnected with threads, obtaining a very effective panel. With the help of multi-colored threads it is easy to create funny picture for a great mood.

Available paper is used for different types creativity, but not everyone is familiar with a rather unusual hobby, these are drawings with paper bends. All you need to practice Blank sheet and unlimited flight of fancy. Try it, in the worst case - ruin only a paper sheet.

Using the same technology, paintings are created from fabric, making folds and fixing them in the desired position with an iron.

Extraordinary hobbies for needlewomen

Needlewomen also do not want to stay on achieved level. Of course, such hobbies as crocheting, cross-stitching will remain forever, but craftswomen do not stand still and come up with more and more exciting activities.

Embroidery lovers are no longer satisfied with floral motifs, but create photo portraits using a thread and a needle, taking photographs as a basis. Today, embroiderers are not limited to fabrics, they create masterpieces on very unusual foundations. A striking example an extraordinary hobby - embroidery on eggshells. Embroidered on empty eggs with ribbons, beads, cross stitch and stitch.

Fashionable knitters do not knit socks and scarves, but take to the streets of the city and tie trees, sculptures, fences, benches, bridges, cars, bicycles, garbage cans. This movement is called or street graffiti.

Zardozi - the oldest Indian needlework today can be attributed to not ordinary hobbies and hobbies for women. Initially, paintings in this technique were created from gold jewelry and precious stones, but today it is permissible to take artificial stones and jewelry as a basis.

- not very good yet popular hobby gaining momentum. In fact, it originated in the Middle Ages, but was undeservedly forgotten. Having mastered this art, you will learn how to create very beautiful crafts from tracing paper, reminiscent of elegant airy lace.

Endless possibilities for adventurers

Our review is completed by the most unusual hobbies for extreme people who need a new portion of adrenaline all the time. It is important to understand that all extreme hobbies require long-term preparation and pose a danger to health and life.

Flying in a wind tunnel allows you to relatively safely experience the sensations during a free fall. The human body is held on the surface due to the powerful air flow. An amazing attraction gives you the opportunity to feel like a bird and remember childhood dreams, during which you could fly above the ground.

Rafting is another extreme sport, during which participants float on special rafts along fast mountain rivers, getting the maximum portion of unforgettable pleasure.

Jailoo tourism is an interesting and unusual hobby of the world, the essence of which is the complete isolation of a person from civilization. Living in primitive conditions without technology and fashionable entertainment, you can completely reconsider your lifestyle, improve your health on natural products and experience all the difficulties and delights of an ancient person.

This occupation cannot be called rest, because survival will require considerable effort and hard physical labor. For unprepared people, short-term tourist excursions into the past are organized, which are exploratory in nature.

Among hundreds of interesting activities, it is difficult to single out the most unusual hobbies in the world, because everyone looks at their own and other people's hobbies differently, and what seems familiar to one, is seen as a miracle by another. Take a look at ours to find a hobby to your liking. Visit our site more often and join us in in social networks, because the list is constantly updated with new interesting activities!

In our age of speed and high technology When we are always rushing somewhere, having a snack on the go, communicating with children or parents only by phone, and always somewhere in a hurry and in a hurry, each person needs some kind of outlet. A matter that does not require fuss, an occupation for the soul and heart. Therefore, almost every person has such a passion or hobby that allows you to forget about the daily hustle and bustle for a while, about pressing problems and plunge into the world of your interests. And if it seems to you that life is boring and monotonous, we recommend that you urgently find yourself a hobby. But what hobby you choose - it depends only on you. Hobbies can be completely different, the main thing is that they give pleasure. Hunting, fishing, knitting, collecting stamps or coins - all this can be attributed to the usual hobbies. And we present you "TOP 10 most unusual hobbies and interesting hobbies."

So, the top ten unusual hobbies are opened by one of the kindest hobbies in the world - charity.

Charity has always been considered a noble occupation. Here in modern world one not the richest man, once left without a job, decided to distribute money to those in need. Reed Sandridge, walking the streets, gives ten dollars a day to the most needy, in his opinion, person. Now this good deed has become a real hobby for Reed. But Sandridge records every good deed done in a special notebook, and at the same time maintains his own blog, where he talks about his hobby.

Ninth place among those who like to pretend to be a corpse or imitation of death

Someone might think that this is not quite a normal hobby. When a person travels the world, not to admire the beauties of nature and architectural monuments, but to take pictures in the form of ... a corpse. But Chuck Lamb was brought to such a hobby by the desire to act in films or at least get on television. But since his appearance is not "Hollywood", he decided to attract the attention of producers in another way. For many years he has been posting photos and videos of his own "corpse". To do this, he started his own website, which is visited by millions of curious visitors.

In eighth place is the King of Buttons.

American Dalton Stevens got carried away with this unusual hobby because of his insomnia. One night, when he could not sleep again, and the TV had already stopped broadcasting, Dalton took out his old overalls and sewed several dozen buttons on it. This was the beginning of an unusual passion for the American. Buttons covered everything that was surrounded by Stevens. A few years later, the resourceful old man opened a button museum, where everyone can see button masterpieces absolutely free of charge. And this is a whole bunch of clothes, a private car, a couple of coffins, a hearse and other exhibits.

Seventh place among collectors of miniature things

This is one of the most stylish hobbies. To get away from the hustle and bustle big world» many passionate people create a miniature world. These can be puppet and furniture compositions, miniature interiors and entire cities. And although this is a very painstaking task, it is very interesting and exciting. In addition to creating miniature compositions, there are collectors of the world's smallest objects. For example, Jozsef Tari from Hungary has been collecting a library for more than forty years, and the language of the books and the edition does not bother him at all, he is only interested in the size of the book. And most importantly, that it does not exceed 7 cm 6 mm, and the smallest book in his collection and in the world - 2.9x3.2 mm, it can be put in a nutshell. Here are some small items that can become a big hobby.

The sixth row is occupied by playing cards

You can play cards, you can play solitaire, show tricks, or you can build. Yes, yes, build houses, house of cards, which everyone has heard about, that they can easily collapse. And you can build world-famous buildings, or rather their copies, such as the Empire State Building, Burj Dubai, skyscrapers, casinos and other famous buildings. And which will not collapse, but will stand for a long time. A resident of Iowa, Brian Berg has been fond of creating structures from playing cards, his hobby has long grown into a highly paid job, into art. And what could be better when your favorite hobby brings not only good money, but also worldwide fame?

In fifth place - unusual coloring and grooming of dogs

This hobby initially struck the Chinese, but is already successfully sweeping the planet. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire enthusiastically cut and color their dogs in an original way. Moreover, you do not always immediately recognize the breed of dogs, and sometimes pets seem to be completely different animals. But this amuses the owners and pushes them to new fantasies.

Fourth place - fluff from the navel

Third place - an unusual hobby - creating a ball of paint

This unusual hobby began out of boredom. One dyer, bored at work, decided to paint a baseball. And for almost forty years, every day, Mike Carmichael, and that is the name of a person with such an original hobby, applies layer after layer to this ball. Mike's friends and guests are allowed to take part in painting the ball, but you must always come up with new color. And now it is the largest ball of paint in the world. And the most surprising thing is that such a hobby has a lot of fans.

Silver gets a very beautiful and difficult cassette tape painting craze

It would seem that audio and video cassettes are the last century. Indeed, in the modern digital world, many no longer remember such an invention of mankind as a magnetic tape. And only really creative people have found non-standard application for it. It turns out that unique paintings can be made from cassette tape. After all, it is elastic and looks like bulk ink.

In the first place is a very unusual hobby

While it does not have its own unique name, but it is a hobby of many people. What is the point? A ball is rolled from ordinary dirt by hand, moisture is removed from it and polished by hand. And now the ball of dirt turns into a glossy sphere. The smoothness is perfect. Such balls are considered a real work of art; many connoisseurs purchase mud balls as interior items. Here it would seem from ordinary dirt, but immediately into ... an expensive and stylish interior.

So, we have presented you the ranking of the most unusual hobbies. You can always bet who will be in first place, and what hobby will be the most unusual. But whatever your hobby is, it's very good that you have it. This means that you are a creative, enthusiastic person. And you don't spend your all free time just lying on the couch. We are all different, and how to spend your leisure time is up to you. And if you have the most unusual hobby - tell us about it!

You do not know how to entertain yourself in the evening? You do not want to cross-stitch or go in for equestrian sports? Look at the list of unusual hobbies. These classes are non-trivial and interesting. Yes, they will require you to invest effort and money, but then you will be able to do business to which the soul lies.

sand painting

One of the unusual hobbies that became popular thanks to Ksenia Simonova captured the minds of people. Sand painting - even a person who is far from art can learn it. Yes, drawing skills will undoubtedly be required. But drawing silhouette images is much easier than doing similar work using pencil and paper. You should come up with or find a suitable image and then use your fingers to draw it in the sand. it an exciting activity develops creative thinking.

If you are not tempted to draw images on a flat surface, you can create drawings inside the bottle. This activity can become one of the creative hobbies. To do this, you will need sand or tinted salt. Pour the material into the bottle in layers, and then use a long sharp stick to create a pattern. A little evening practice, and you will create non-trivial handmade gifts within an hour. This hobby can even be turned into a business.

Scotch tape pictures

Creative people use a creative approach to create their masterpieces. For example, Max Zorn - Dutch painter, uses adhesive tape as a material for his work. This unusual hobby made him famous all over the world. But you, too, can try yourself in this art form. There is nothing complicated here. If you can't draw but have a good sense of shape, you can print people's silhouettes and "paint" them with scotch tape. It's quite easy.

It is enough to break the drawing into light and shade parts, and then sculpt the necessary shape. In this way, you can create not only portraits. You can draw nature, architecture or cartoon scenes. Even a primitive image made using this technique will look amazing. If it’s difficult for you to immediately feel the idea, you can first copy a few paintings of the Dutchman. This will help you understand the essence of working with tape. And do not think that copying is not creativity. All famous artists at first, they were only engaged in redrawing the paintings of recognized masters.

Pictures from coffee beans

Want to find unusual hobbies? Consider creating paintings from coffee beans. This type of creativity can be mastered even by people who do not know how to draw at all. The fact is that creating silhouettes is much easier than usual full pictures. All you have to do is print out a suitable image in lines and fill it in. After just a week of practice, you can create your first artistic work. The main thing in this kind of creativity is accuracy and painstaking work.


Hobbies are different. Some of them are creative, others are sports, and others are aimed at self-development and self-improvement. Ebru is a creative hobby. And what does this incomprehensible word mean?

Ebru is the Turkish art of water painting. The basin is filled with a special solution, which can be purchased at any art store, and then paint is poured into the water using a knitting needle. Paintings are created by mixing layers of color pigment. Think it's difficult? No. A little practice, creativity and developed imagination help you become a good artist.

slate art

What are some hobbies that help develop creative skills? One of them is slate art. And if it seemed to you that such work is done with a pencil, then you are mistaken. They are created on a pencil, or rather, on its lead.

Skilled craftsmen can carve jewelry pieces. For example, it could be a camel caravan or a profile of a woman. One of the popular themes is intertwined hearts. It takes more than one year to master this hobby. First of all, a person must become a sculptor and jeweler, and only then will he be able to create works of art from a fragile lead.

Photo art

What are the hobbies? Today, one of the most popular leisure activities of people is photography. Of course, amateur phone shooting cannot be considered art. But the creation of creative works with the help of professional equipment can become not only a hobby, but also a job. Wedding photographers start by making photography a hobby. They train their eyes, learn to use the equipment, set the light correctly and choose a good angle. After years of practice, they get wonderful shots that help them earn money with the help of their favorite pastime.

Writing fanfiction

One type of hobby is literary creativity. But it is not necessary to create your own universe and invent heroes. If you have a favorite book but don't like the ending or want to make a side storyline main, you can do it. Write fanfic. What it is? it piece of art based on an existing story. But you do not copy it, but supplement or remake it a little. Sometimes such creative work can become more popular than the work of which they are a parody. Just remember Fifty Shades of Grey. This book, according to one version, was written as a fan fiction for "Twilight".


Do you like dress up parties? Then a fashionable hobby called cosplay is just for you. a kind of masquerade, in which adults become heroes of their favorite comics, historical eras or TV shows. There are many cosplays, and they are all of different genres. You can choose the one you like. Such events need to be prepared in advance. All participants sew their own costumes or order them in the atelier. It is in this preparation that the cosplayers find their main pleasure. The process of creating an image is more important for many than performing in a costume during the evening.

Butterfly breeding

A century ago, people bred pigeons. It was a hobby not only for aristocrats, but also for ordinary citizens. Even today you can find people who are not indifferent to these birds. But there are very few of them. But breeding butterflies can become an unusual hobby and hobby. Some are fascinated by the process of appearance beautiful creation from a cocoon, others are simply pleased to look at the motley beauty. And also many people make this hobby a profitable business.

Today it is fashionable to order butterflies for a wedding, for Valentine's Day or for a birthday. Guys confess to girls in love, using winged creatures to achieve greater effect. You can breed butterflies for yourself, or you can sell them. In any case, this unusual hobby will bring unprecedented pleasure.

edible creativity

What is the hottest hobby today? Of course it's baking. Cooking professionally difficult task. Even an inept housewife can bake muffins and buns at home. But not everyone can create small masterpieces from culinary products. Therefore, people who have creative thinking and can knead the dough have firmly occupied the baking niche. Girls in their free time can create small cakes or complex compositions that are decorated with mastic. Housewives bake pancakes or make Viennese waffles.

If you do not know what to do at your leisure, give preference to cooking. Relatives and friends will definitely appreciate your new hobby. And also with due skill, you will be able to establish mass production. For example, bake cookies for the holidays and sell them to colleagues. Or maybe you will enjoy collecting gingerbread houses, and you can earn money by creating them.


An unusual hobby for men is collecting miniature models. Many boys in childhood are fond of building with Lego. But when the boys grow up, it becomes not so interesting for them to combine plastic parts. The soul wants something more. But not everyone becomes architects and engineers. Some go into law or medicine. But their leisure is occupied by the construction of cities in miniature. It could be like collective images our homeland, and realistic projects of cities. Moreover, some reach such a level of skill when they launch miniature cars to drive around the city, turn on the lights in the windows and start the trains.

Houses of cards

An interesting and unusual hobby is construction. But not in the standard sense of the word. Everyone has tried these masterpieces. But few people reach good luck in this type of activity. Some are limited to buildings with three floors, and some are erecting "large-sized buildings." Moreover, many are fascinated not so much by the process of creating such a structure as by the process of its destruction. But such destroyers prefer the construction of dominoes. This is also a kind of hobby, which today is considered almost an art. Why? The fact is that after the domino falls, interesting images are created from it.

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