The meaning of the name Lyudmila horoscope. Lyuda, Lyudochka, Lyudmila: the meaning of the name, the vicissitudes of fate, the strengths and weaknesses of the character

    Hi all)

    I’m Lyudmila Evgenievna ... according to the horoscope, a fish .. (very sensual and vulnerable, perhaps that’s why I like the softer forms of this name more ... I love it when my relatives call me Lyuska, Lyusyonka ... my beloved is all over Foxy, Foxy calls ... because she’s cunning like a fox ) I was born in the year of the snake ... (I heard from many that I’m smart not for the weather, very reasonable and wise ... therefore I don’t agree at all that Lyudmil has little mind ... = (

    Since childhood, I have been friends mainly with the male sex ... (very few friends) and have never felt discomfort from this ...

    I didn’t play with dolls at all ... from the very childhood I was an unpredictable quiet person ... (always on my own mind) and now I’m very sociable ... I don’t tolerate boors and hypocrites ... I always say everything I think to my face ... maybe that’s why not everyone likes me ... but I don’t care, because I think it's fair to tell a person that he is wrong ... or acts boorishly ...

    By nature, I am really a leader… I have a very strong character… I always achieve what I have in mind… it is simply not realistic to convince me otherwise!!! even if I understand that I’m wrong, I’ll stand my ground until the very end ... I agree that I’m very quick-tempered ... really like an atomic bomb!)) but also quickly outgoing .. (I don’t remember that I would pout for longer than 15 minutes)))

    Very boldly, drastically (and unexpectedly for myself and others) I can change my life ... due to a combination of circumstances .. (from the age of 15 I managed to live in a civil marriage twice ... both times she herself left men ... leaving them in amazement and misunderstanding because of what? I couldn’t answer…because I often didn’t understand why I did it…it’s just that my heart said that it was necessary…but I gave in…now I’m loved for the third time…for a long time?I don’t know…)

    I agree that Lyudmila is a very good housewife and needlewoman ... not az received praise from guests)

    I love children too! and I agree that I have a very kind heart ... I will always help ... even sometimes to the detriment of myself .. (I often suffer because of this, because many become impudent and sit on their necks (((

    But no matter how hard life is given to us, we have Lyudmil, a very strong and firm character ... and we always find a way out of any difficult situation, acting very noble and fair ... because we always think about others.

    Love the purple and lilac colors...

    I love chic and sophistication… stand out from the crowd…

    Dear Lyudochki ... I wish everyone great human happiness and love! our name is the best!!!

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    Hello! In my youth, I had an ambivalent attitude towards my own name. Now, having matured, I understand that I like it more than before. It seems to me that it is not necessary to take everything so literally and analyze what was written in the definition of the name. What for? Yes, a lot of things are the same, but a lot of them aren't. Take any other name - it will be the same story. If you believe that the name has a rock, and if you do not believe - in any case, you are right. Lyudmila is a beautiful name. That's all I'm interested in. I believe that everything comes from the family - what kind of person you become. Your further destiny depends on your character, temperament. And it doesn't matter what your name is. Any person needs to be strong, to fight in life, to overcome something. Therefore, I do not consider it right to attach great importance to the definition of the name. Be happy!

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    All about me. I love to cook. In this case, fantasy has no boundaries. Sheathing of dolls began at the age of 5. Everyone considers a very good housewife. And everything else is just about me. Especially when you consider that I am an Aries - the entire atomic bomb can be foreseen in advance. I have been living well with my husband for 37 years. I still take care of my children as little ones, but my relationship with them is excellent. Since childhood, always and everywhere a leader. There never were friends and never will be. Worked as a leader. She has always had a strong analytical mind. She was highly respected. Retired for 8 years, and employees are still remembered as a fair and caring leader. The name is certainly very strong, but I think that next to us is not very easy.

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    This verse is dedicated only to Lyudmila: “Kissed, bewitched, Once married with the wind in the field, All of you are chained as if in chains, My precious woman! Not cheerful, not sad, As if descended from a dark sky, You and my wedding song, And my crazy star. Dpay to enter into these heavy eyes, Into these black eastern eyebrows, Into these half-naked hands of yours. Or is it just my imagination?"

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    This verse is dedicated only to Lyudmila: “Kissed, bewitched, Once married with the wind in the field, All of you are chained as if in chains, My precious woman! Not cheerful, not sad, As if descended from a dark sky, You and my wedding song, And my crazy star. Let me enter into these heavy eyes, Into these black eastern eyebrows, Into these half-naked hands of yours. Or is it just my imagination?"

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    This verse is dedicated only to Lyudmila: “Kissed, bewitched, Once married with the wind in the field, All of you are chained as if in chains, My precious woman! Not cheerful, not sad, As if descended from a dark sky, You and my wedding song, And my crazy star. Let me enter into these heavy eyes, Into these black eastern eyebrows, Into these half-naked hands of yours. Or is it just my imagination?"

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    This verse is dedicated only to Lyudmila: “Kissed, bewitched, Once married with the wind in the field, All of you are chained as if in chains, My precious woman! Not cheerful, not sad, As if descended from a dark sky, You and my wedding song, And my crazy star. Let me enter into these heavy eyes, Into these black eastern eyebrows, Into these half-naked hands of yours. Or is it just my imagination?"

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    This verse is dedicated only to Lyudmila: “Kissed, bewitched, Once married with the wind in the field, All of you are chained as if in chains, My precious woman! Not cheerful, not sad, As if descended from a dark sky, You and my wedding song, And my crazy star. Let me enter into these heavy eyes, Into these black eastern eyebrows, Into these half-naked hands of yours. Or is it just my imagination?"

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    This verse is dedicated only to Lyudmila: “Kissed, bewitched, Once married with the wind in the field, All of you are chained as if in chains, My precious woman! Not cheerful, not sad, As if descended from a dark sky, You and my wedding song, And my crazy star. Let me enter into these heavy eyes, Into these black eastern eyebrows, Into these half-naked hands of yours. Or is it just my imagination?"

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    This verse is dedicated only to Lyudmila: “Kissed, bewitched, Once married with the wind in the field, All of you are chained as if in chains, My precious woman! Not cheerful, not sad, As if descended from a dark sky, You and my wedding song, And my crazy star. Let me enter into these heavy eyes, Into these black eastern eyebrows, Into these half-naked hands of yours. Or is it just my imagination?"

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    Reading it was like flipping through the book of my life. As a child, she didn’t like it when her grandmother and biology teacher called Lucy like a goat. I couldn't stand being called "Ludik". A dear person recently said that he would call me Lucy. I replied that it would not take root, because. I do not accept this name. And today he wrote "Lyusenka" and I smiled - nice. Liked the comparison with the atomic bomb. Unfortunately, I am a widow, I do not like to cook, although I can, I am a leader, I manage a women's team. And as a child, she was unpredictable quiet. Happiness and love to all Lyudmilas and Lusenkas.


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    In my opinion, the first part of the name sounds cold - ... People - and quite harsh. Phonetically it does not go well with the soft-sounding second part - ... Mila. Maybe that's why all the abbreviated names based on the first part of the name sound dissonant. The name is especially ugly in my opinion “Luda.” And on the contrary, all derivatives of the second part really sound sweet and soft. However, it seems to me that the people around us intuitively turn to us with those names that are closest to our character and image. Therefore, to all Lyudmilas of the universal charm of inner harmony and happiness!

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    ... you can’t call your daughters that name if you don’t want loneliness in old age, this is given by the planet Saturn, number 7 is the name Lyudmila, almost all women in old age remain abandoned by their husbands, this name is associated with the mission of helping other people, their children, but only loneliness for yourself… analyze everyone who has this name… it is not necessary to know them by sight, almost all widows, etc. unlucky name, but the MOST BEAUTIFUL AND BEST! The name of God with the number of God-7. Good luck to all Lyudmilas, happiness, and in the horoscope of the name, do not throw out a single line, everything is to the point. Thank you!

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    Hah =)) Everything coincided right)) I used to not like my name at all until I read about it =) Especially right in the bull's-eye, where the character is described! Really explosive, everything constantly infuriates =) We need to somehow deal with this ... it's hard, really, but I'll try)

    I just didn’t like it about the divorce .. ((It’s sad everything is so ... And why does everyone say that girls with patronymics Nikolaevna often get divorced ?? Here is my aunt (she is also Lyudmila Nikolaevna) kind, cheerful, there is no anger in her at all and lives in marriage for quite a long time =)) Eh ... I also want to like that))

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    Tin!!! I read and understand that most of it is not about me !!! I love my name, especially the form Mila, and everyone says that the name suits me, because it’s really pretty, and nice to people. The character is complex - I will not argue, but very sociable and cheerful)))). I couldn’t stand housekeeping at school))) My husband loves him, and I love him))) and I’m a wonderful hostess, although work matters to me, and not a little. I am insanely happy in marriage))) and I think that blindly believing definitions and characteristics is stupid, because we make ourselves))

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    Yes, a lot has been said about me: fair / born in the year of the Dog /, honest, stubborn, and that the atomic bomb is a bull's-eye! I can’t stand rudeness, betrayal, I will never be silent and will not pass by someone else’s misfortune. I can’t stand it when they call me Lucy or Milochka! Little man - that's my name! Maybe Mika too. I am betrayed in friendship, but I easily part with people who have ceased to be interesting for me! I am a leader, but about the scarcity of the mind - sheer nonsense! Folks - we are the best! Love our name! It is given to us by God and parents!

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    I love my name! As a child, I didn’t like being called Lucy, but when I met my husband, I realized that it was very pleasant to hear: “My Lucy!” Accurate hit on all counts! Yes, I'm the bomb! If evil, then all the carcasses of the light throw a grenade! Nobody will survive! Then I will sort out whom to spare, whom to punish). Relations with my sister improved after my marriage, but with my brothers they deteriorated (Lyudochki, darlings, Lusenki, love your name and bring the light that it gives! Our name also gives the strength to be a woman!

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    Almost everything is accurate. Once again, I was convinced that it was not in vain that I hated my name all my life. As a child, I waited for 16 years to change it for another, but I gave up on it ... A rude revolutionary is about me! I always regretted that I did not live during the Revolution of 1917) And in general, everything is about me. Even, quite unpleasant, about a shallow mind - but nothing can be done! Namesakes! We are not Einsteins or Platos - let's put up with it)))) The only miss is that I don't cook ... AT ALL.)

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    Well, there are a lot of similarities. I hate to cook, but my husband does a great job with it. How to learn not to react and worry so much when faced with rudeness, betrayal and gossip? - JUST LOVE YOURSELF !!! And people will be attracted to you. Sweethearts, don't be so afraid of divorce. My mother-in-law said: “You need to be a diplomat with my son.” The result is 31 years of a happy life together (pah-pah-pah). So something else depends on us. I wish all the best to all Lyudmilas !!!

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    )))) It's funny, but there are a million coincidences ... the dolls were all in hand-made ... I still like to draw, I knit, I sew, I even start cooking more often ... Alexander appeared - he licks his fingers)))) ... explosive, but at the same time a lot I forgive. And from the 7th grade I dreamed of being a fashion designer ... then medicine ... etc ... often Lyudmila does not finish what she started ... but I want to get married once and for all ... although I doubt that it will work out)))) All Lyudochki are SMART ... Love yourself !!!


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    I've always been embarrassed about my name. And at the age of 32, a month ago, she officially changed him to Mila. Happy!!!

    1) I don't like to cook

    2) didn't play with dolls

    3) not explosive

    4) not stupid (2 higher educations, both with honors)

    5) happy in marriage and I think that my husband was lucky with me :)

    6) indifferent to purple - not my color

    Otherwise, 75 percent, it converges


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    “What is in my name to you?” ... And the fact that it is the best! The whole horoscope converges. What a good Lyudmila we are! I'm always on top! That's why my colleagues intrigue me out of envy. They just won't devour me! I'm strong and they can't beat me! And we are rude only when we need to protect ourselves from such unkind people. Remember: no matter how good you do to people, all the same, cattle will not respond with kindness. They don’t even have the mind for it.

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    Information Much is similar. It is a pity that rock pursues and there is no beloved ”

    I used to think so too. The time has come and everything has changed.

    Now I'm sure: it's not the name that controls the fate. Believe that WILL be as it should be. LISTEN TO YOURSELF and do not give in to the habit of “resting with the horn” against the “wave”. Otherwise, habit can slow down the future or ruin it ...

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    Girls, Lyudmila, we are the best! At the sound of my name, people smile! Yes, I'm happy to help and I know how to do it effectively. I can't stand rudeness and rudeness, especially in my address! I will definitely put the boor and the rude person in their place. Serious decisions are made for a long time, but ... the last straw falls and ... there is no return to the past. I never regret what comes after that! Widow. Girls, CUTE, happiness and love to you!

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    Even so, a lot of things coincide, I was also ashamed of my name in childhood, and I never loved him, I considered him somehow old. But now I’m used to it, and I didn’t have to change his thoughts, it seems to me life. everything is bullshit. don’t believe how you tune in yourself, I have a wonderful marriage, already 13 years old and 2 sons, I got married very early. but I don’t regret anything and I’m very HAPPY!!!

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    I read all the options, Of course, a lot of things coincide, but about the explosive character, this is not about me, I am a very patient person. And in general I love my name, although they gave it to me quite by accident, they could not decide what to call it for a long time, And my father's sister saw me and srazk said - let it be Lyudmila! To all Ludmilas - HAPPINESS, LOVE! We are LYUDMILA - VERY COOL - MOTHER, WIFE, FRIENDS, INTERVIEWERS!!!

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    Spread the faith of Christ; was killed by a pagan Zodiac sign - Libra. How all the unconnected was woven into one. And who likes to read such nonsense.

    Today I was thinking Who is the head of our beloved Orthodox Church according to the city and why the priests are so struggling with horoscopes ... yes ...


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    • NORMAL MAN! (True, what is he doing here O_O)

      He doesn't believe in horoscopes or anything.

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      I agree with many things, but No. 4 is like an abstruse speech, a person whom some kind of Lyudmila offended and got nasty)))) Lyudmila is rude only in cases where they were greatly offended, this is more of a defensive reaction.

      I liked the description of our name No. 2,7,8. We really know how to get out of any difficult situation - this is a very important quality in our unstable time.


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      Option number 1 and number 4 - just about my mother! Atomic bomb - to the point! Save yourself who can!!! Calm people just piss her off. And if a man has a soft character, he is generally subject to destruction! But in case of danger - she rushes into battle and she does not need to win - everyone scatters in horror in advance)))

      And she cooks exceptionally well! And a needlewoman.

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      And my name was both Lyusenka - this is the happiest period of my life (childhood), and Boat (when my husband looked after me), Lyuda - when I was not very well, and they just called me LYu - it was wonderful. Now I try to they called me Lyudmila. Yes, not everything is so simple and I would like the best, but I love my name and I love all Lyudmilas. Happiness to YOU!!!


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      thank you very much ... almost everything is true, but here is some ... for example: I am not at all economic and can not stand home economics lessons, but about dolls in my childhood ... I did not play with them at all !!! and so ... some character traits, straight to the bull's-eye! and I hope it won’t come to a divorce ... good luck to all Lyudmilas in life !!!))) we have a very beautiful name that we should be proud of!

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      It seems to me, or do many Lyudmila really do not like to cook? and one more thing: our name cannot be defiled. all my friends like it very much, and most importantly, they can all call me differently - Lyudmila, Lyusenka, or quite at home Lyulya. I am proud of my name. and wish all Lyudmila and Lucy a happy and prosperous life)

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      • I love to cook, but occasionally ...))) 2-3 times a week - it would be what you need)

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        • ... and I 2-3 times a MONTH!)))))))))

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          The author of options 4 and 6 most likely “filled in” the pain received from Lyudmila for a long time ... And he wrote (a) these works clearly from a big hangover! I wonder what she did to him (her)? .. And the rest of the options (especially 1) to the point !!! Only I am a very calm and balanced person with strong moral principles!!! I'm proud of my name!!!

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          Once again I was convinced that I (as my brother says) is a true devil, a despot and a murderer))) I’m just all proud of it)))) I just don’t like this about divorce ... I have a beloved boyfriend, I would like he is over my coffin (naturally, when I live a long colorful life) as a REAL, and not FORMER husband grieved))))))

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          The name of a person is a book written by the hand of GOD. Previously, LUDA didn’t really like her name. And in Germany they recorded me Ludmilla. It sounds soft and beautiful. Luda is an abusive expression in German. years ago. Good luck to you, my SISTERS. Remember your NAME!!!

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          It seems to me that there is no better name than Lyudmila, it sounds cute and thank God it is not as popular as Dasha or Nastya, these names have already been consumed. Personally, I don’t care at all about the horoscope, I’m happy in marriage and I don’t think loneliness threatens me. And the owners of the name Lyudmila Zhona are usually influential men

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          100% about me, but when instead of Lyuda they call Lyuba, it just infuriates ... therefore I introduce myself as Lyudmila, for especially stupid Mila. ..., and whoever is not sweet, let ... Happiness and good luck to all Lyudmilkas !!!

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          Complete match! Simply on all counts.

          But my different sides manifest themselves at different times: I was married as an ideal hostess, now I’m a bitch :) and I don’t cook at all.

          Everyone close to you will agree about the nature of the atomic bomb.)))

          To all Ludmilas - happiness! Take it from life boldly!

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          Why do we desecrate? I really like the name Lucy and all my family and friends call me that! And so, everything I read is all about me!))) but I didn’t like much that it says that there will be a divorce ... they don’t know, maybe the husband will be good and will love and will never get divorced

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          That's what I think. Everything in general about our name is correct. Except for some moments. But here's what's amazing, who loves his name, or these women like it, they have everything in life in order. And for those (including me) who do not like their name, everything is very difficult.

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          I always loved my name, although I was interested in why they called me that. My husband and relatives call me Lyuska, my acquaintances are Lyuda, Lyudmila, and I introduce myself, often without a patronymic, for now. But traditions must be honored ... The time will come and ... Lyudmila Nikolaevna. I wish all Lyudmila love and happiness!

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          They also call me Lyudmila Evgenievna. Everything that is written in the previous message about me. The character is strong, but please teach me how to learn not to react and worry so much when faced with rudeness, betrayal and gossip, not let it all through yourself.

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          Finally, today I changed this name “Lyudmila”, hated by me since childhood, to “Yana”. Under socialism, they didn’t give it, then I thought that it was too late and suddenly one day, waking up in the morning, I decided: live, live like this, walk, walk like that ... And I am 64 years old !!! Today is my second birthday!


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The beautiful, feminine name Lyudmila gained popularity thanks to Vasily Zhukovsky's ballad "Lyudmila" and Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". It endows the girl with character traits, temperament, which determine her fate.

Origin and meaning of the name Lyudmila

The name Lyudmila comes from the common Slavic words "dear" and "people" and means "dear to people." It is the female form of the male name Lyudmil, and is now used in Bulgaria.

The name Lyudmila is one of the original Russians.

Transliteration, nicknames, short and diminutive forms

When applying for a passport, ordering goods in an online store or booking a hotel room, you may need to write the name in Latin: LIUDMILA.

  • ღAngel Lucyღ;
  • ۩Ludmila۩;
  • MILA;
  • Luda_007.

Diminutive and short forms of this name:

  • Luda;
  • Ludasik;
  • Lyudasha;
  • Ludka;
  • Lyudmilka;
  • Ludok;
  • Lyudonka;
  • Lyudochka;
  • Ludun;
  • Ludusya;
  • Luduha;
  • Lyudusha;
  • Ludushka;
  • Lyulya;
  • Lyusenka;
  • Lusechka;
  • Lusenok;
  • Lusik;
  • Lucish;
  • Luska;
  • Lucy;
  • Mika;
  • Mila;
  • Milasha;
  • Milka;
  • Darling;
  • Milusya;
  • Milusha;
  • Cutie;
  • Mile.

Names are consonant with short forms:

  • Lucinda;
  • Lucy;
  • Lucia;
  • Lusina.

Their meaning, however, is different.

Table: name Lyudmila in other languages

ArmenianԼյուդմիլա Ludmila
PolishLudmila, LudzimilaLudmila, Ludzhimila
CzechLudmila, LidmilaLudmila, Lidmila

Photo gallery: name options

Mila is called not only Lyudmila, but also Milena Mika - a short form of the name Lyudmila, as well as the Japanese name Mikami Milochka, Milushka - so parents affectionately refer to their daughter Luda, and Russian fans to actress Milla Jovovich If Luda loves English, she can ask friends call her Lucy The diminutive name Lyusyonok is consonant with the word "fox cub" Lusya is one of the shortened versions of the names Lyudmila and Lucia

Suitable middle names

They go well with the name Lyudmila patronymic, formed from names of Slavic origin:

  • Borisovna;
  • Vyacheslavovna;
  • Rostislavovna;
  • Svyatoslavovna.

Lyudmila Bogdanovna is patient, good-natured, and wants to be the center of attention. Boris Khigir describes Lyudmila Pavlovna as arrogant, arrogant, irreconcilable in disputes, but at the same time kind, always ready to help.

Church name, name day dates

On August 28, 1937, the Orthodox martyr Lyudmila Vladimirovna Petrova was sentenced to capital punishment on charges of anti-Soviet activities. In the Catholic tradition, St. Ludmila of Bohemia, who was killed in 927 by her own daughter-in-law, is the intercessor of the Czech Republic.

Princess Ludmila of Czech was baptized by Saint Methodius

For girls and women named Lyudmila, Orthodox name days are celebrated on September 16, and Catholic ones on September 28 and 29.

There is a popular sign: on Lyudmilin's day, geese fly away - they drag a winter on their tail. That is, since the geese began to fly away, it means that frosts will soon hit.

Video: the secret of the name Lyudmila

Fate and character

Lyudmila is a typical choleric. She knows how to adapt to circumstances, to extract her own benefit from them. With difficulty endures loneliness, without communication falls into depression. She does not want to live like everyone else, she tries to stand out from her surroundings, because she believes in her uniqueness and knows that she came into this world with a special purpose.

Description of the characteristics of the name by different researchers

Boris Khigir considers unpredictability to be the main feature of Lyudmila. Almost all women with this name at least once abruptly change their fate. It happens spontaneously: a combination of circumstances, insight, but not a planned event. Surrounding then for a long time wondering what was the impetus. It is useless to dissuade a woman from the decision made. The rejection of the usual way of life usually changes everything for the better: an emotional outburst mobilizes internal forces to achieve the desired.

Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima compare the energy and karma of this name with a splash from a stone that has fallen into the lake and circles radiating from it across the water surface. The second part of the name is much softer than the first, and Lyudmila, like scales, tries to balance two heterogeneous principles: hardness and softness of character.

According to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, behind the analytical mindset and poise of Lyudmila lies a sensual nature

P. A. Florensky pointed out the discrepancy between the meaning and energy of this name: “I am not nice, although I am nice, and you, although Lyudmila, are not nice to people, and you will not become nice to them.” In the same way, people with pious surnames can rarely be called blameless.

L. Tsymbalova notes Lyudmila's energy, passion, self-esteem, excellent musical ear. She is energetic, inquisitive, has an excellent memory and an analytical mindset, but often drowns in trifles and loses objectivity.

Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters in the name

It is believed that each letter brings its own trait to the name:

  • "L" means the desire for physical comfort, love for good, beautiful things, talkativeness;
  • "Yu" - purposefulness, love of truth, naivety, romance, the ability to sacrifice, a tendency to fanaticism;
  • "D" - loyalty to the family, responsiveness, passion for collecting. The owner of this letter in the name extremely rarely commits rash acts;
  • "M" - thirst for impressions, restlessness, the desire to try everything in this life. Sometimes there is shyness;
  • "I" - subtle spirituality, impressionability, peacefulness;
  • "L" - this letter occurs twice, which means that the qualities that it gives to the name (pragmatism, love of bodily comfort, eloquence) are squared;
  • "A" at the end - touchiness, inability to accept criticism in one's own address, arrogance, capriciousness.

On August 30, 1908, the American astronomer Joel Metcalf discovered the asteroid and named it Ludmila in honor of the heroine of the opera Ruslan and Ludmila.


He does not get along with his younger sister, he is more condescending towards his brother. In the company of peers, he does not seek to become a leader, but he does not allow himself to be pushed into the shadows. Thanks to the mind, diligence, resourcefulness, he studies well at school.

My classmate Luda, although she was not a straight A student, received only good grades.

Youth and adulthood

In her youth, Lyudmila can throw something out of the ordinary, hitting her parents and teachers. For example, he will leave the institute shortly before graduation.

Lyudmila can suddenly break away from her familiar place and go hitchhiking around the world

She seeks to please, to make a good impression, in order to settle down in life with the greatest comfort in the future. She plays the role of a sweet, modest, courteous girl, hiding her temperament for the time being. Skillfully manipulates others, removing rivals from the path. Many speak of her as a selfish, selfish person. With friends, Luda is generous and kind, but she will never put other people's needs above her own.

Significant years of life: 15, 28, 35.

Adult Lyudmila does not tolerate hypocritical, deceitful, inert people. In her environment there should be active, bright, purposeful personalities. The rigidity and integrity of this woman do not find understanding either among men or among colleagues. He reacts painfully to criticism, blossoms from praise. Due to the duality of character, Lyudmila is credited with inconstancy.


The lifestyle and diet of Lyudmila leave much to be desired, but this practically does not affect her health. She has had good immunity since childhood. Feeling worse due to lack of sleep and worries over trifles. In adulthood, due to impaired blood circulation, varicose veins can develop.

To avoid health problems, Lyudmila needs to get enough sleep.

Work and hobby

Mila reads a lot, does needlework, loves and knows how to cook. On weekends, he watches his favorite cooking show.

AT All the Lyudmilas I know are really hospitable hostesses and excellent cooks. It is interesting to communicate with them, but they are reserved, and it is rather difficult to understand their inner world. These charming, intelligent women follow the fashion, carefully look after themselves.

The desire to save, to be needed makes Lyudmila an ideal doctor, trustee, social worker. Thanks to her aesthetic instinct, she can become an excellent actress, designer, fashion designer. This woman hates monotonous, painstaking work. Such qualities as perseverance and diplomacy help Lyudmila to make a successful career.

Love and marriage

The beauty and charm of Lyudmila attract many admirers to her, but she will choose the strongest, most reliable, faithful, preferably without bad habits. Successful relationships will develop only with those who cope with her difficult character.

In a controversial issue, it is better to convince Lyudmila with reasonable arguments, logic, and not emotions.

Lyudmila's attempts to adjust her husband's character to her ideals often lead to family strife or divorce.

In sex, Lyudmila is relaxed, open to experiments. She does not require love confessions and she herself is in no hurry to give a heart, for a long time being content only with carnal pleasures.

The first marriage is rarely successful. Pushing her to marriage is not so much love as a life plan developed in childhood. Relations with her husband are gradually cooling down, Lyudmila begins to treat him as a roommate or even a familiar piece of furniture. Marriage becomes a disappointment. Lyudmila has a wonderful relationship with children, her whole life is in them.

Table: compatibility with male names in love and marriage

How the seasons affect the name

Lyudmila, born in one of the autumn months, is freedom-loving, independent, prefers relationships without obligations. She cannot imagine her life without adventures, interesting acquaintances and vivid impressions. Thanks to the gift of eloquence, he can convince anyone and anything.

The Winter Lady will never give up her principles, she is demanding both to others and to herself. Some colleagues call her a tyrant behind her back. Only relatives and friends know that behind the mask of arrogance lies a sympathetic soul, longing for love and warmth. For the sake of a loved one, this woman is ready for anything.

Spring Luda is impressionable, sentimental, extremely receptive to other people's troubles, and she endures her own for a long time. She is easily thrown off balance. The disadvantage is the inability to admit their mistakes. Career is often more successful than family life.

Summer Lucy is kind, smart, not lost even in seemingly hopeless situations. She seems to be made for flirting and compliments. She has few friends, but this circumstance is more than compensated by male attention. The girl has a great sense of style, she does not allow herself to leave the house without makeup on her face, even if it is a walk to the next entrance.

Lyudmila, born in the summer, is not deprived of male attention

Name horoscope

When compiling a zodiac horoscope of a name, first of all, the influence on the personality of the elements and the patron planet is taken into account.

Venus endows Lyudmila with a desire for partnership and physical comfort, an inner need to surround herself with beautiful people and things. Mercury bestows business qualities, curiosity, sociability.

Table: influence of the sign of the Zodiac

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesBright, purposeful, quick-tempered, bold and somewhat frivolous. She tends to fall in love at first sight, but avoids serious relationships. Strives to become a leader and be the first in everything. Fights against injustice, risks not only for the sake of victory, but also for the sake of thrills.
TaurusEndowed with a subtle aesthetic sense, her house is warm, calm and comfortable. She is stubborn, hates quarrels, will never forgive betrayal, betrayal. She loves when she is looked after, her beauty is sung.
TwinsGemini is like lightning. They have an excellent reaction, a mobile psyche, a bright head, volunteer inclinations. Lyudmila of this sign knows how to surprise, she is brave, active, ambitious, cheerful, friendly. It is very easy to communicate with her. She does not even consider weak men as potential partners. She needs a man who is brave to the point of recklessness, a real hero.
CrayfishThe keeper of the hearth and patriot: she is kind to the history and culture of her native country. This is an affectionate, romantic, dreamy, sensual woman. She loves children, believes in mysticism, hates to feel alone. In a difficult period, there may be problems with alcohol, in which she is looking for a way to escape from reality.
a lionSurrounded by radiant majesty. Even at an ordinary party, she looks and behaves like a socialite. She is a leader, maximalist, has unquestioned authority. Status, image, money are important for her. She does not tolerate when she crosses the road, extremely rarely makes concessions. The desire to protect family members sometimes turns into total control. From the spouse expects respect and understanding.
VirgoIndependent, secretive, pragmatic. She makes an exemplary business woman. She is a great original, has a sense of harmony, has her own opinion about everything. Likes to communicate with interesting people, but avoids noisy parties. He prefers to work alone, in everyday life and relationships he appreciates simplicity and clarity. If she gave her word, she would definitely keep it.
ScalesRefined lady-muse, a person of mood. She is easy to communicate, freedom-loving, well-read, non-conflict, hospitable. Avoids responsibility, rarely commits impulsive acts. Loves to travel, knows how to charm. He hesitates for a long time before making a choice.
ScorpionHot-tempered, mysterious, domineering, violent and jealous. Her life is a volcano of passions. The owner of this sign is often called a femme fatale. She is not characterized by hesitation, she resolutely moves towards the intended goal.
SagittariusPersistent, sensual, quite practical. Appreciates comfort, protects personal space, avoids hard work. Remains young at heart until old age. A man who decides to conquer this independent woman should take Shakespeare's comedy "The Taming of the Shrew" into service.
CapricornBold, sharp-tongued, knows how to stand up for herself, she cares little about the opinions of others about her person. She is hardworking, temperamental, serious, stubborn, principled, adheres to strict moral laws. Disadvantage: does not know how to relax, have fun.
AquariusCurious, diversified, interesting stories often happen to her. She is successful in every field. She is attracted by ancient languages, archeology. It is easy to earn money, but for a long time they do not stay with the representative of this sign. In relationships, she is oppressed by boredom, predictability.
FishReceptive, unforgiving, endowed with a rich inner world. She is devoted, open and naive, easily attached to people, difficulties unsettle her. The girl needs a man who will guide and protect her.

My friend Luda is a Gemini. It suits her, no matter what she wears. Thanks to perseverance, she made a brilliant career and, together with her husband, built a happy marriage.

Symbol Conformity auspicious dayFriday Unlucky dayWednesday SeasonAutumn WoodBeech Zodiac signScales Talisman stonesYellow sapphire, jade MetalIron patron planetsVenus, Mercury PlantMistletoe, hazel FlowerChrysanthemum ElementAir Lucky number6 Name number7 totem animalsPersian cat, rooster Name colorBeige lucky colorsGreen, tan

Jade is a source of additional energy, courage, helps in making important decisions. Yellow sapphire is considered in the East as a stone of prosperity and health.

Photo gallery: famous Lyudmila

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Putina - ex-wife of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Lyudmila Artemyeva - Honored Artist of Russia, beloved by viewers thanks to her roles in the series "Matchmakers", "Who's the Boss in the House?" Lyudmila Belyakova - hockey player, the first Russian woman to sign a contract with the National Women's Hockey League club New York Riveters Lusya Chebotina - finalist of the Ukrainian analogue of the musical show "Voice" Lusya Stein - model, actress, daughter of director Peter Stein LuSEA (Lyusya Alekseenko) - seaside singer , Miss FENU-2007

Poems and songs

Agnia Barto has a poem “Give, give ...” about the girl Lucy:

Lucy entered the room
Sat on the sofa
And gets down to business:
Starts begging.
From dawn to dawn
On a summer day and on a winter day
Lucy asks: - Give,
Mom, give me...
Give me, give me
These beads are amber.
What are the beads for?
Give it to Lusenka.
- Igorek, Igorek,
Give me a bubble!
You are my comrade
Will you give me a bubble?
Grandma walks in winter
In a warm scarf with a fringe,
Begging, begging Lusenka:
- I'm tiny,
You give me a scarf,
Buy yourself another one.
Shut up for a minute...
(Start reading from the beginning.)

Agniya Barto

Luda is dedicated to the work of Lyudmila Tatyanicheva "Eighteen sonorous years" - probably autobiographical:

Is it a lot or not
Judge for yourself...
Eighteen sonorous years.
The sun over the forests.
Black rain straight hair
Mom's legacy.
Yes, shaggy good dog,
Warming my childhood...
And smiles are full of mouths.
Songs - to failure.
At the unlocked gate
Shade of gray elm.
He walks near the elm,
For whom I am a miracle.
It's a pity that he calls me
Prosaically "Luda".
And always looks after me
Smoky eyes...
Is it a lot or not
Judge for yourself!

Ludmila Tatyanicheva

Lyudmila rhymes with words such as “fell in love”, “rewarded”, “asked”.

Alisa Freindlikh, Lyudmila Sokolova, Valery Obodzinsky, Mikhail Krug, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Yuri Vizbor and others sang about Lyudmila.

Video: Uma2rmaH - "You left"

Among Lyudmila there are many actresses, singers, writers. Creative approach is inherent in Luda in many areas of her life. Charm, mystery, unpredictability attract confident, strong men to this woman. She never gets bored.

The name Lyudmila is Slavic, so it simply means - "People Dear".

This name was almost forgotten, and the poet Vasily Zhukovsky, who wrote the ballad "Lyudmila" in 1808, "resurrected" him from oblivion. And of course, Pushkin was not without - Alexander Sergeevich used this name in his poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" in 1818. But the name Lyudmila became really popular only in the 30-50s of the XX century, when the name was ahead of Nina, Tamara, Tatyana and was in third place in popularity, second only to Valentina and Galina.

Lusya, Luda and Lyudmila are the same name. Short form of the name: Lyudmilka, Lyudochka, Lyudochek, Lyudushka, Lyudasha, Mila, Milasha.

Lyudmila is a reliable, good, feminine name, always well perceived by others, although there is a clear contradiction in this name - the first part of the word has sufficient hardness, while the ending is very soft.

In different languages, the name Lyudmila sounds differently. In English - Lusie (Lucy), French - Lucie (Lucy), Italian - Lucia (Lucia).

The main features of Lyudmila are receptivity, sociability, activity, sexuality.

Patrons named after Lyudmila

  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Venus
  • Color - Beige
  • Tree - Hazel
  • happy season- Autumn
  • treasured plant– Chrysanthemum
  • Patron - Cat
  • Talisman Stone - Sapphire

Childhood of Lyudmila

Little Lyudmila is just a gift for her parents, a calm, neat, kind girl. The traits of a future loving mother appear at an early age. She masks her sensitivity and vulnerability from an early age, trying not to show weakness, and this must be taken into account, after all, a child is a child. Of course, Lyudmila can throw a tantrum, but still, whims and conflicts happen to her much less often than other children. She has excellent relations with her girlfriends, she is sociable, she does not strive for leadership, but she does not give herself offense either. She has acting skills - and she perfectly uses them to achieve her goals. At school, she studies patiently, diligently - and success is more due to diligence, although her abilities are at a high level.


Lyudmila always strives for success and recognition - so she makes a good actress, artist, designer. She likes everything beautiful, catchy, but she can’t stand painstaking, monotonous work - well, she doesn’t like being a subordinate without the right to vote. Another thing is if she can make independent decisions - then her abilities are fully revealed. So for her, you can choose areas that require management, leadership, and those that require precision or a sense of beauty (music, art).

The second area of ​​Lyudmila's activity is related to caring for people. By her nature, she constantly has to save someone, and it is in the environment of people in need of help that Lyudmila feels in her place. There is no better doctor and psychologist in the world. If you call her for help, she will do even the impossible - and successfully help solve any practical or emotional problem.

When working with Lyudmila, it should be borne in mind that she can be completely different - energetic, decisive and active, or simply acting within the framework of necessity, without even trying to improve or change something - it all depends on the circumstances and, most importantly, her motivation.

The nature of the name Lyudmila

Lyudmila means a kind, active, inquisitive woman who takes the troubles and experiences of others close to her heart. By nature, she is a perfectionist, and her attitude to order is rather reverent: it should be in the house, at work, and in the head. She is so sociable that she simply needs interlocutors (she is not a gossip), therefore she loves to visit and receive guests. At home, she always has comfort, order, something tasty and unusual is being prepared.

The first impression about her is that she is slightly rude, but this is only a consequence of her strong and impulsive nature. A quiet, calm life is not for her - energy and passions boil in her, she is very active, inquisitive and excitable to the extent that she can completely lose control of herself. With all this, she is very kind, sociable, taking other people's problems to heart. She is a very sensitive woman who takes everything that happens around her to heart and never remains indifferent. Her presence can generally be used as a calming and reassuring factor.

Lyudmila needs attention, encouragement, admiration, approval, she is very jealous of herself. Under the mood, she can be aggressive, but she can be easily calmed down and persuaded. Rarely, but it happens that she is so excited that she loses all control over herself, but her anger is short-lived, she is not vindictive and always strives to restore relationships.

Despite good logic, intuition and analytics, Lyudmila simply drowns in trifles, literally gets hung up on them and becomes unfair and biased. Often she is pushed to completely inexplicable acts that do not bring anything good. Taking into account the fact that Lyudmila does not spare herself and torments herself for the slightest reason, she has quite understandable periods of melancholy and indifference.


Love, family and marriage

Lyudmila is very selective in relationships. She wants to love and be loved, she needs care and attention. She will definitely be an excellent hostess - skillful, economical, caring, creative. Children with her will always be under reliable protection. She will be a good wife, the main thing is to find someone who will understand and accept her complex character. She always has enough admirers, but because of her exactingness with marriage, things are going slowly. She can open her heart only to a strong and reliable man who will not betray or deceive - but where can one find such a thing in the real world. But Lyudmila will not live with a weak man, and rather choose loneliness.

Her idealistic approach and the desire to remake her husband to her liking interfere very much in family life. Unfortunately, her nit-picking with her husband, her independence and defiant independence lead to problems. But even in the event of a divorce, Lyudmila does not give up, but cheerfully continues to look for new acquaintances, looking for her ideal - a reliable, strong, decent and caring man.

In general, we can say - if Lyudmila can accept her husband as he is, without trying to remake - she will be completely happy.

Given to a person, it is called upon to serve him until the end of his life, and with good fame or not so much - this is his choice. Many researchers believe that it greatly affects the fate of a person, his future status in society, successes or failures, and it’s not for nothing that they say: “Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.” Next, we will try to understand the history of this and the chronicle of the life of people wearing it, and also consider what character traits are observed in a small, adolescent and already adult female age.

What does it mean and where does it come from

There are different versions of the origin and meaning of the name Lyudmila: some researchers argue that this is a Slavic name, derived from the male name Lyudmil (by the way, both then and now it is common in Bulgaria) and divided into meanings: “people” and “mercy” ; according to the second version, the origin of the name is Indo-European (Aryan). Translated from this language, its parts mean "grow" and "freedom".
Most scholars support the first theory that Ludmila is of common Slavic origin. Like most names in this nation, "Lyudmila" is translated literally as "love for people" or "people" and "mercy." According to historical data, it was first forgotten, but then restored with the help of artistic creative activity: the great Russian poet of the era of romanticism Andreevich Zhukovsky called his ballad, written in 1808, so. And later, after 10–12 years, Sergeevich Pushkin, being a student of the outstanding poet mentioned, created the famous work “

Did you know? In one of the literary evenings held in the winter of 1820 by Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky in one of the houses of the Anikov Palace, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin read the sixth and last song of Ruslan and Lyudmila, after which he received as a gift a lithographic portrait of Zhukovsky with a significant signature: “To the winner-student from a defeated teacher…”. Later, Vasily Andreevich bothered about resolving the issue with the printed edition of Pushkin's work.

Despite the creative chanting of this name, it became popular only in the 30s of the XX century.

When is the name day

Name days, or angel's day, people with the name Lyudmila, who profess the Orthodox faith according to the church calendar, celebrate only 1 time a year - September 29th. It is on this day that the memory of the holy martyr Lyudmila, Princess of Czech is venerated.
There is a legend that once the saint was a pagan, but, having united her fate with the prince of the Czech Republic Borivoi, she and the prince decided to be baptized and accept the Orthodox faith. Moreover, after the princess, Saint Methodius, she and her husband began to spread the Christian faith among those around them, build churches and raise children in the same spirit. Unfortunately, because of an incomprehensible hatred, she was killed by the wife of her son Vratislav (daughter-in-law).

Remembering the life deeds of the blessed one, the blind often came to the burial place, who miraculously healed from the bright light of many candles. Thus, already in heaven, she continued to help people. Grandson Vyacheslav transferred the grandmother's relics to the church built in honor of the saint in Prague. Since then, the day of memory of the first martyr of the Czech Land as the patroness of the country has been celebrated in Prague.

Short and diminutive form

Lyudmila is a very beautiful, but difficult to quickly reproduce name. The abbreviation of the name sounds like Lyuda, Lyudok, Lyudasha, Lucy, Mila. In a diminutive form, a daughter (sister or granddaughter), a beloved girl, woman or grandmother can be called Lyudochka, Lyudushka, Lyudonka, Lyusenka, Lyusechka, Milochka, Milushka, Milusey, Milasha. Variations such as Lyudochek, Lyusik, Milochek, Mika are also known.
In Ukrainian, you can hear such variants as Lyuda, Lyudonka, Lyudochka, Lyudusya, Lusya, Lyusenka, Lyusechka, Mila, Milonka, Milochka. And in Belarus, girls with this name can be called Lyudmilka, Lusya, Lyuska, Milka.

Did you know? There is a special science that studies the names of people, the roots of their origin, as well as the process of development and temporal change, and it is called "anthroponymy". The origin of this science, alas, is not independent, until the 60sIn the 20th century, it was part of onomastics - a scientific discipline that studies the information that a name could carry: a description of inherent qualities, connection with parents, belonging to a nation.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

The sound of this sociolinguistic unit in different languages ​​of the world only adds to the name of harmony and verbal beauty:

  • In Polish, in addition to the usual "Ludmila", which is read as it is written, there is also a variant of "Ludzimila", pronounced as "Ludzimila" or "Ludzhimila". At the same time, in a diminutive form, it can be both “Lyudka”, and “Lidka”, and even “Litka”.
  • In the Czech Republic, such nominal varieties can be found as: “Lidmila” (“Lidmila”), “Lída” (“Lida”), “Liduška” (“Lidushka”), “Liduše” (“Liduse”), “Lidunka” ( "Lidunka"), "Lilina" ("Lilina"), "Lola" ("Lola") and "Duška" ("Darling").
  • Bulgarian diminutive analogues of the name Lyudmila - "Lucy", "Mika", "Lalya" - are no less elegant.
  • Moreover, they say that this name has an ancient Latin analogue - "Lucia", which means "light" in translation.
  • In the UK and other countries using the English dialect, this name is spelled "Lusie", sounds like "Lucy".
  • In France, such a form as "Lucie" ("Lucy") is common.
  • In Italian, Ludmila is usually translated as "Lucia" ("Lucia").

Character traits, temperament and behavior

Features of the characteristics of a person named Lyudmila:

  • excessive sentimentality;
  • initiative and activity;
  • the ability to sympathize and support, the desire to help and console;
  • organizational skills;
  • sometimes impulsiveness and increased emotionality;
  • irascibility, giving way to quick quickness;
  • ability to negotiate;
  • concreteness and practicality;
  • curiosity and desire to learn something new;
  • inventiveness and uniqueness both at home and at work;
  • perfectionism in everything (imposes certain duties both on one's own personality and on other people, punishing for non-performance);
  • goodwill and the desire to settle the world in a quarrel;
  • responsibility, leadership;
  • slight note of arrogance.

Important!Character traits may not be fully reflected due to the time of year in which the fair sex was born.

According to individual psychophysiological personality traits associated with the dynamic aspects of life, Lyudmila belongs to the choleric type of temperament. This is a person who feels like a fish in water when he is in the seething stream of life. Sometimes she can behave inexplicably strange towards others and loved ones, which is interpreted by the restless nature and instability of the internal emotional state.

Study, profession and career

Studying at school and a higher educational institution will be easy for Lyudmila, provided that she keeps her restlessness under control, maintains patience and develops attentiveness. Diligence, as well as a well-developed skill of remembering and reproducing information, will greatly help her in the learning process. The humanities and natural sciences lend themselves well to study, especially biology. When Lyudmila faces the choice of creating a successful career or family, she hesitates for a long time before making the right decision.

And if she takes into account the interests of a loved one, giving up her dreams, she will choose a profession that is directly related to helping people and caring for them. Medical and psychological assistance, administrative positions, practical legal activities - these are just such specialties. People with this name often have analytical thinking abilities and pronounced intuition. Not enduring monotonous and monotonous work, they often combine several types of professional employment.

Health and hobbies

As statistics show, the named can suffer from the respiratory system (and lungs), kidney failure, disorders of the bone and nervous systems, and thyroid disorders. The condition of little Lyudmila must be monitored very carefully, since she may be prone to infectious diseases associated with disruption of the ENT organs.

Among the hobbies of this person, the first places are occupied by music, art and dancing. Parents of a little or already a teenager who have noticed any musical, artistic or choreographic talents in their child should definitely begin to develop them in a progressive direction.

Love relationships, family and compatibility with male names

Lyudmila is a person who likes to "like" others. Her charm and willfulness play into her hands very successfully, but only when she is free. In relationships and in marriage, this can be fraught with disagreements, misunderstandings, scandals. Adult Lyudmila treats her person very carefully and painstakingly, sometimes it can look like pride, which also affects relationships.
The instability of moral principles is a dual feature of this person, but all people go through it, and her approach to soul-searching is charming in its own way. Often referred to marry at an early age. Good luck is promised by an alliance with men who bear the following names: Ruslan (which is not surprising, if you recall Pushkin's poetry), Alexander, Andrey, Daniil, Dmitry. "The wreck of the ship in a joint voyage" can suffer with Ilya, Artem,.

Deciphering the meaning of the letters of the name and numerology

The influence of a name on the fate of a person is a special effect on the life of each letter of the name. Let's try together to interpret (find out numerology) a name consisting of 7 letters, 2 of which are repeated, in order:

  • letter "L" denotes a subtle understanding of beauty, amazing artistic and artistic abilities, the ability to learn and teach, purposefulness in life, a constant search for one's destiny on this earth;
  • "YU"- broad outlook, developed imagination, good intuitive abilities, striving for truth, self-giving for the good of the world around;
  • "D"- careful weighing of the pros and cons before making any decision or taking any action, focus on family values, the desire to help those in need;
  • "M"- care, maternal care, education of oneself and others;
  • "AND"- sophistication, sensitivity, kindness;
  • "BUT"- the desire to defend their interests, the interests of close people, extraordinary moral strength, the desire to change the world for the better.

The numerological code of the name is the so-called number of the life path of the person who was called by this name. So, such an indicator for Lyudmila is the number "7". Seven is a symbol of wisdom, sharp mind and originality of thinking. For people with nominal numerological code 7, nothing is impossible: they achieve very great success, and also motivate others.

Did you know? The name is a kind of energy-vibrational substance, which includes spiritual and material aspects. Their ratio determines the level of energy in the human soul. And every day has its own energy-vibrational level, and, according to numerology, each born child has its own “native” name, the vibrations of which correspond to the frequencies of the date of birth. If parents call their child “correctly”, then such a person has complete harmony in the future life, positive character traits are more pronounced, life is more successful.

Name astrology

The astrological data of the name Lyudmila are as follows:

  • Planets-patrons: 1) Venus (the second planet in the solar system, a symbol of love), represents the harmonization of relationships between individuals, a high feeling of love, as well as unanimity; 2) Mercury (the smallest and closest planet to the Sun), the symbol of the "equator" between the feminine and the masculine.
  • Zodiac sign: Libra (seventh sign of the zodiac), date of birth from the 24th day of the first month of autumn to October 23rd.
  • Totem animals: 1) a Persian cat (cats in general symbolize grace and feminine beauty, well-developed intuition, but in many cultures it is regarded as a cunning creature capable of reincarnation, and Persian cats are an emblem of amazing splendor, chic, wealth and strength of the personal "I" ); 2) a rooster, as a symbol of something in between good and evil, day and night, beginning and end.
  • Treasured tree: hazel (hazel) - a unique plant, symbolizing the continuation of the family, wisdom and protection.

Did you know?In ancient Chinese manuscripts, it was said that hazelnuts are one of the few holy types of meals that God bestowed on mankind.

  • totem plant: chrysanthemum, personifying the warmth of the sun, longevity, happiness; it is often referred to as the "phoenix plant".
  • Talisman stone: jade is a semi-precious ornamental stone of green, white, black colors (in translation it means “kidney stone”, which is why it has a beneficial effect on self-awareness in various kidney diseases; it has a high heat capacity - it always seems warm to the touch).
  • Color: beige - one of the representatives of the classic shades of the palette, symbolizes warmth, comfort, peace, coherence in life's affairs.
  • Number, bringing good luck: 7 (for more information about the symbolic meaning of this figure, see the section of this article “Deciphering the meaning of the letters of the name and numerology”).
  • Auspicious day: Friday.
  • Element: air.

Name in history: famous and successful people

Researchers who are studying the meaning of a person’s own name adhered to the idea of ​​a discrepancy between the sound and its “possible” meaning in an attempt to decipher the very character of the named person. This theory was observed in those cases where the meaning of the name was too obvious, for example, Lyudmila - “sweet people”, - “own the world”.
But during the life of the Proto-Slavic peoples, people called their own, independently folding words into a name in order to make a "parting word" for a happy life to their beloved child. Besides, history proves otherwise. How many women with this beautiful name, due to the fact that they were loved and revered, became famous:

Thus, having learned everything about the name Lyudmila, we can conclude that this is a very interesting sociolinguistic unit that combines two completely different principles: the invincible hardness of the first part, complemented by the kindness of the second.

Important! Despotism in relations on the part of Lyudmila very often manifests itself if everything is not the way it should be ideally according to her standards. You need to negotiate with this person: it is almost always difficult, but no one says that it is impossible.

Moreover, the duality of temperament and the ability to combine opposite sides in oneself are absolutely unique abilities of the bearer of this name. Naming your child this way, be prepared for the fact that this is a very difficult nature in perception, but a very successful and achieving person in this vast world.

Linguists claim that the name Lyudmila is a name of Slavic origin. It's believed that the meaning of the name Lyudmila is "Darling to people". The name received true recognition after the publication of the work of A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Prior to this, there was no noticeable presence in the written sources of the name Lyudmila. The name was most popular in the second half of the twentieth century. Now the name is included in the 100 most popular names in Russia.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila for a girl

In childhood, girls named Lyudmila are usually talkative and, in principle, quite active. They are collected and able to concentrate, which is rarely characteristic of children. At the same time, they are characterized by inconsistency. They can get carried away every day with something new. The girl easily finds a common language with her peers and older comrades.

Luda usually studies well. Studying for her is not a pleasure, but her grades are almost always good. Lyudmila has the necessary perseverance and patience. She can learn any subject and forget what she taught the next day. Luda has good musical abilities, but she does not want to go to a music school. The girl gladly goes to all kinds of circles, although she will change them quite a lot.

Ludmila's health is good. She has a good life sinking and at the same time there is no haste. This is a rather rare combination of properties of the nervous system. A weak point in Lyudmila's health can be called her cardiovascular system. The first problems with blood circulation may appear quite early. Usually this is varicose veins, so Luda needs to be careful and take care of herself.

Abbreviated name Ludmila

Lyuda, Lyudka, Lyudok, Lyudasha, Lucy, Luska, Mila, Mil, Milka.

Diminutive names

Lyudochka, Lyudushka, Lyudonka, Lyusenka, Lusechka, Lusik, Darling, Milushka, Milasha.

Name Ludmila in English

In English, the name Ludmila is spelled as Ludmila.

Name Lyudmila for a passport- LUDMILA.

Translation of the name Lyudmila into other languages

in Belarusian - Lyudmila
in Bulgarian - Ludmila
in Polish - Ludmila
in Ukrainian - Lyudmila
in Czech - Ludmila

Church name Lyudmila(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. This is a church name.

Characteristics of the name Lyudmila

Since childhood, Lyudmila has combined such different characteristics that it attracts people to her. She is temperamental and practical at the same time. Lyudmila is endowed with charm and easily wins people over. She is endowed with great internal energy, which many others see. At the same time, Lyudmila usually looks quite modest or rather reserved. For Lyudmila, external attributes of success are important. She does many things for public recognition, and not from a pure heart. After the birth of children, it becomes more feminine.

Ludmila knows how to work perfectly. For her, work is the tool with which she achieves success. At the same time, her perfectly folded mind and the ability to work in a team help her. Lyudmila knows how to listen to employees if she sees that this leads to a useful result. Ludmila also has great business skills. She's just a born entrepreneur. With the advent of children, Luda often changes priorities, but this is not for long. Usually Lyudmila retires for a couple of years, and then again plunges into her usual environment.

In family relationships, Lyudmila often has problems. She is a leader by nature and wants to take a leadership position in the family. At the same time, she often reproaches her husband for the lack of initiative, while suppressing this initiative herself. If Lyudmila does not learn humility, then her family life may at some point collapse like a house of cards. She needs to learn to be truly feminine and trust her partner, otherwise she will not achieve happiness in family life.

The secret of the name Lyudmila

Luda's secret can be called her complex character. She is often inconsistent, which causes a lot of inconvenience to others. She is sometimes feminine, sometimes despotic, sometimes the best friend and comrade. This feature is usually noticeable already in childhood and there is still the possibility of correcting it.

Another secret of Lyudmila can be called her ability to distinguish between flattery. Some individuals, seeing that Lyudmila likes recognition and success, begin to fawn and flatter in every possible way. But it was not there. Luda sees such people from afar and treats them with disgust.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

totem animal- Persian cat.

Name color- Beige.

Wood- Hazel.

Plant- Chrysanthemum.

Stone- Yellow sapphire.

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