Business plan for a home bakery. Main stages of project implementation

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Business plan

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We present you a business plan for a confectionery, an institution that can carry out not only the production of cakes, donuts, sweets, chocolate, but also their implementation directly on the spot. In addition, a good confectionery can produce an assortment of cookies and offer them for sale to city shops and cafes. Thus, such a small confectionery factory will operate with a constant income.

Use a business plan to organize a candy store and immediately start thinking through the range of products. It is in it that the basis of the big profit of any confectionery store, and also in the quality and freshness of the goods offered. A lot will depend on what kind of specialists will work in such a confectionery or shop. This is what you should think about right away, even at the planning stage.

We suggest using a business plan to create a confectionery shop, which can be formed within any restaurant, supermarket. Here you can establish the production of cakes, pastries, rolls. With high quality products, any production of confectionery products will be profitable, since the demand for this product is constantly growing, and will continue to do so in the future.

Study the presented business plan and also open a confectionery cafe - for children and adults, where it will be so pleasant to spend weekends and holidays. A mini confectionery can offer, in addition to an assortment of pastries, ice cream, juices, and delicious desserts. Here you can also sell confectionery products simply “to take away”. All this will work for profit and satisfaction of the needs of the population.

Fast food has firmly entered our lives, despite all the hype around the discussion of how harmful the abuse of such food can be. But against the background of hamburgers, shawarma and hot dogs, one product stands out favorably, loved by both adults and children - mouth-watering and satisfying donuts. Opening a donut shop is a great chance to start at a low cost, recouping your investment in the shortest possible time.

According to experts, the donut baking business is highly profitable, which in some cases reaches 100%! Such profitability and relevance of this turnkey business is due to the fact that the fast food market is not yet saturated with donuts. So, start-up entrepreneurs have every chance to conquer this territory. In order to open a bakery with donuts, it is enough for a businessman to invest 10-15 thousand dollars.

The main charm of a donut is its freshness, therefore, for maximum success, it is recommended to open a mini-production and a donut shop at the same time, because the aroma of baking has an attractive force that is almost impossible to resist. If you decide to open a coffee shop and confectionery at the store, you will not end up with buyers, of course, if your products can satisfy the most demanding taste.

How to start a business for the production and sale of donuts? From determining the amount of initial investment. If you are only engaged in the production of donuts, selling them to nearby stores, the costs will be small. The main item of expenditure is the purchase of an apparatus for the production, production of donuts, the price of which is an average of 30-40 thousand rubles. Productivity of the device for baking donuts - 300-400 pieces per hour. Payback of equipment for the production of donuts, depending on the price, usually does not exceed 2-3 months.

When planning to sell donuts, you can purchase a mobile stall and install a donut making machine in it. By choosing a busy place to trade, you can be sure that your products will be a success. Donut fillings can be very different - chocolate, fruit, caramel. Provide your customers with a rich assortment of products, and they will thank you with their attention.

With the development of the donut business, it makes sense to think about opening a small confectionery department, in which, in addition to donuts, other products will be sold - cakes, muffins, buns. In order to open a full-fledged confectionery store, you will need additional financial investments. But this step will allow you to attract new customers, which is important in an increasingly competitive environment. Over time, you can open a whole network of confectionery departments, the main products of which, of course, will be lush and fragrant donuts. A competent example of a business plan for opening a candy store from scratch with ready-made calculations will help you speed up this process and avoid annoying mistakes. Based on it, it will be easy for you to comprehend all the basics of this type of business.

When planning to open a business such as a confectionery trade, you should be prepared for some specific problems. The first and most serious difficulty is related to finding a suitable premises, which must comply with all the norms and requirements of Rospotrebnadzor. Finding this is not easy, since some of the requirements are, to put it mildly, difficult to meet. A package of documents for opening a confectionery shop will require a rather impressive one, and difficulties may also arise at this stage.

The organization of confectionery production as a business begins with the selection of qualified specialists. And here one should take into account such a factor as constant staff turnover, as the main players in this market segment confidently say. Judging by the reviews, people who do not have enough experience often go into the confectionery business. And the businessman is forced to spend money on their training. At the same time, there is no guarantee that, having learned, the specialist will stay in this company for a long time.

When planning the opening of a new confectionery mini-shop and store, pay attention to such a work organization component as the timely receipt of raw materials, which requires an agreement with reliable suppliers. If you don't want to lose some of your customers, never let your supply of flour, margarine and other ingredients needed to produce quality confectionery be interrupted.

In a business like confectionery, a lot depends on the quality of raw materials. And it, as practice shows, is often uneven. As a result, entrepreneurs are forced to adapt to these fluctuations, constantly adjusting the formulation of products in order to prevent deterioration in the quality of the finished product. When planning to open your own business - a confectionery shop - be prepared for the fact that the prices of raw materials will constantly rise. As a rule, when opening a confectionery store, a businessman focuses on a certain category of customers. In the context of rising prices for raw materials, he will have to make a difficult choice: either increase the cost of finished products, knowing that some buyers will be lost, or switch to less expensive products in order to retain his client.

As experience shows, the second option often also causes a drop in consumer demand, and at the same time leads to a loss of the company's reputation. This factor must be taken into account when opening a confectionery store, the business will require constant investment and only a competent calculation will not allow you to fall out of the cage. Most of the costs will go to the purchase of equipment. The final figures depend on the scale of production, as well as the specialization of the workshop. If you plan to focus on French bakeries and pastry shops when creating a business, then you should give preference to fully automated equipment, which, by the way, makes it easier to control the work.

Opening a cafe-confectionery will not cause you serious difficulties if, in the process of creating your business, you are guided by the advice of professionals, which are given in a competent sample business plan for a mini-confectionery with a store and production with ready-made calculations. It also contains a detailed description of the confectionery business, with special emphasis on its features. By neglecting the confectionery business project, you are putting your business in serious danger, putting at stake by no means small financial resources.

What is a celebration without cake? And if this is an exclusive confectionery made to order, there will be no limit to the delight of the guests. A business like baking cakes to order will always be in demand, because in modern life we ​​always want a little holiday. Opening your own business - the confectionery business, prepares you for many difficulties, but they will all pay off, especially if you do what you love.

There are two options for entering a bakery and cake making business: you can either start out solo taking orders for homemade cakes, or you can start your own small pastry shop straight away, which will certainly be more expensive. But the return is also expected to be appropriate, since you cannot cope with a large influx of orders alone, and unnecessary problems with the sanitary inspection may arise. Opening an IP for the production of cakes at home will simplify the situation, but will not increase income.

In order to open your own business - a confectionery, and make cakes to order on a larger scale, you will need at least 200 thousand rubles at a time. Subsequently, if the business develops actively, the business can be expanded by opening a full-fledged confectionery factory or a large cake production workshop.

The organization of a small business for the production of cakes and pastries begins with the search for ways to sell sweet products. Making cakes to order may be one line of business, but by no means the only one, as this will severely limit the scope, reducing the likely profit. At first, you can negotiate with large supermarkets, which are usually willing to sell high-quality baked goods. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the terms for the sale of cakes are very short, and it is necessary to clearly calculate the volume of products.

Subsequently, it would be advisable to open your own confectionery, which will allow you to easily sell your own products. The cake sales business is highly profitable, which also attracts start-up entrepreneurs. The main thing is to attract customers, for which you need to correctly advertise your services. Be sure to make a colorful catalog with samples of cakes that you can make to order, with an indication of the cost.

Even as an experienced confectioner, opening your own cake shop is not so easy. And for a newcomer who first encountered the realities of this business, it is incredibly difficult to overcome the existing problems. How to open a small mini-confectionery, where to start, how to calculate the cost of the necessary equipment for the production of cakes, and will the business be successful? If you have such questions, this indicates a lack of sufficient experience in this type of business. In this case, the most reliable assistant for you will be a professional example of a business plan for a confectionery shop for the production of cakes with ready-made calculations. Using it, you will be able to competently open your own cake baking business without risking financial resources.

Owning a business is an opportunity to realize your ideas and achieve financial success. One of the most popular areas is the production of sweets. How to open a bakery from scratch? A business plan for the successful implementation of this idea is the first necessity.

When asked how to open a pastry shop from scratch and organize your business profitably, you need to take into account many nuances. To get the desired profit in such a specific area as the food industry, and to avoid many mistakes, it is worth listening to the advice of knowledgeable people.

Formats for organizing work with sweet products

The attractiveness of the business on treats lies in the profitability, reaching 30%, and the relatively low price of entering the market for products that are in constantly stable high demand. Moreover, the formats of such establishments are diverse, starting with a small cafeteria and ending with an online store selling cakes. It can be:

  1. Confectionary shop.
  2. Confectionery bakery.
  3. Factory.
  4. Mini confectionery.
  5. Home confectionery.

Each of them has its own characteristics. For example, to open a workshop and a cafe for the sale of sweets, you need a rather impressive package of documents and a decent room, and organizing a home confectionery will cost less and take less time. How to start a confectionery business, everyone chooses based on their financial and organizational capabilities, experience in this industry.

Where to begin?

Before you start, you need to develop a business plan. Its main functions include the following sections:

  • Indication of the main directions.
  • Description of specific benefits, what marketing moves are planned to be taken to promote your business.
  • Formulating a development strategy for both the short and long term.
  • Calculation of financial needs, taking into account possible risks and unforeseen expenses.
  • Characteristics of the components for starting a new business, personnel, equipment, premises, etc.
  • Identifies the persons responsible for the process of launching a startup in stages.
  • Shows the amount of time required to spin up a new project.

A clear, detailed plan creates the main prerequisites for the success of a new business. Its specific content, detailing the strategy of action on how to open your own business, depends on what form of business organization you choose.

How to open your own bakery?

If you are going to organize the sale of goodies of your own production, then the main thing will be the choice of the location of the confectionery and the study of the sales market. Of great importance is the design of the premises and competent professional staff, friendly and attentive.

Bakery with pastry

The most profitable way to open your own confectionery is the cafe-bakery project. In this case, the preparatory stage takes about three months, and the highest demands are placed on pastry bakers. When choosing a room, it should be borne in mind that it should not be located in a residential building, however, all communications must be in good working order.

The range of products sold in the cafe includes, in addition to bakery products, various types of cakes. A cozy atmosphere and a large selection of the freshest products contribute to the popularity of establishments of this type. The opening of a bakery and confectionery, despite the high costs, is considered by marketers to be a profitable enterprise, primarily because of the low degree of risk.

How much it costs to open a pastry shop depends on various factors, but approximately you need to focus on the amount of about four hundred thousand rubles.

For example:

In addition, some funds should be provided to finance unforeseen expenses. All these points should be reflected in the business plan. It, in addition to general points on choosing the status of registration and obtaining permits, contains the following sections:

  1. Information about the personnel, the bakery's work schedule and the schedule for the delivery of finished products to the trade.
  2. Marketing of the sales market for "sweet" products.
  3. Description of the planned range of output products.
  4. Technical equipment of the bakery with a detailed listing of all the necessary confectionery equipment (ovens, molding and dough mixing machines, etc.), inventory, furniture.
  5. The procedure for paying employees.
  6. Financial information on all planned expenses.

For the production of different types of bread, special attention is paid to the selection of baking ovens. There should be several such devices: stainless steel, with a timer, with glass doors.

Making products at home

In the absence of financial opportunities, but if a person has the talent of a confectioner, it is better to start a business at home. There are many recommendations for this, but the main benefit will be cost savings. In this case, you can get by with the equipment that is already in the kitchen, supplementing it with a variety of forms for baking cakes and other sweets, as well as a good electric oven.

Focusing on creativity and non-standard design solutions, such a home-made confectionery will be able to compete with stores. The cost to start production is only a few thousand. For beginner businessmen, baking at home is a fairly simple and at the same time profitable activity that can bring a stable income.

Confectionery and bakery in the "mini" category

Before you open a mini-confectionery, you should decide in advance on the form of ownership. The best option would be to register an individual business with a simplified taxation system. Distribution channels should also be considered.

This may be the conclusion of an agreement with the store for the supply, implementation on its own, or another way. Confectionery equipment is purchased at a minimum, but must be:

  • powerful hood;
  • refrigerator and freezer;
  • flour sifter and dough mixer;
  • electric stove;
  • convection oven;
  • a cauldron for cooking cream and a container for making biscuits;
  • mixer and convector machine.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase various inventory, household and office equipment. A mini-bakery with an assortment of author's design will be popular.

The confectionery shop is, although small in volume, but a production process. It is necessary to take into account the costs of renting or purchasing a room with an area of ​​at least 200 m², and separate entrances. This includes funds for repairs, taking into account all the requirements of state inspections.

The cost of purchasing confectionery equipment at the very beginning of the work of the shop is up to 20 thousand dollars. In general, the minimum amount of initial investment can reach $50,000. But the most important thing when opening a confectionery shop is to take the time to select highly professional staff.

The minimum number of shop employees is five people (baker, 2 assistants, technologist, driver). A good baker, together with a technologist, guarantees a constant demand for manufactured products, which affects the profitability of production.

factory production

The complexity of organizing a confectionery factory lies in the fact that in addition to production shops, there should be a packaging shop, a packaging shop and a warehouse for finished products. For an optimal organization, at least 400 m² of production space is required.

Opening a mediocre confectionery factory will cost much more, starting from 1.5 million rubles. It is preferable to purchase equipment from a well-known European brand. In the absence of funds from a novice businessman, it is possible to purchase or rent used equipment.

However, it is advisable to contact an experienced specialist who, after inspection and testing, will be able to give qualified advice.

The financial model contains the following indicators:

  1. The amount of investment, which ranges from three to thirty million rubles.
  2. Payback (up to 3 years).
  3. Profitability up to 40%.

Video: business from the inside - “A piece of happiness”.

Raw materials in production

For success in the "sweet" business, and how quickly it can be achieved, a significant role belongs to the use of natural products in the production of confectionery. In this case, chocolate is the ideal product, suitable for both children and adults of both sexes.

It is widely used in the manufacture of cakes, pastries, sweets and other products. In the retail space, a separate showcase can be distinguished, where not only bars of different types of chocolate will be displayed, but also funny figurines and eggs, which is especially attractive for children.

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Capital investment in business: from 2,000,000 rubles.
Payback period of the enterprise: 2-3 years.

Despite the state of economic crisis already familiar to the Russian-speaking population, people are not going to give up small pleasures.

On the contrary, the manufacture and sale of confectionery products is a cost-effective idea.

However, this niche is represented by several large concerns, which are not so easy to compete with.

If you are serious, first you need to make confectionery business plan.

Sweet products of own production can be sold to supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, and delivered to individuals.

As a prospect for business development, it is worth considering the idea of ​​opening a coffee shop with a wide range of goodies.

Required documentation in a confectionery business plan

Any business plan begins with brief information about what kind of enterprise it is planned to open.

An important part of the introductory section is the choice of registration method and the list of required documents.

The short algorithm looks like this:

    Choose a Sole Proprietorship or LLC.

    The first option is preferable, more affordable and easier.

    However, if there are several founders, individual entrepreneurship will not work.

    Choose a taxation system.

    Well, if you can choose the "simplified".

    This will reduce not only financial costs, but also the amount of information needed.

    Get permissions.

    To conduct any activity, it is required to obtain a “go-ahead” from the SES and fire safety.

    Also, specifically for a confectionery (since this is a food production), you need to obtain a work permit from the local authorities.

    The last paper will make it possible to carry out activities, approve the recipe and, of course, serve as a certificate.

Without all these papers, it is impossible to conduct business.

Firstly, because no serious buyer will make a deal without quality certificates.

Secondly, as soon as any check reveals the absence of documents, huge fines will be imposed, up to the closure of the outlet.

But it's worth noting: if you're starting small, you can leave a couple of weeks to test your niche.

This applies, for example, to those who make cupcakes or designer cakes in small volumes at home.

Marketing analysis for a confectionery business plan

As already mentioned, at the moment there are several giants of the "sweet" industry on the market.

But for a start-up business, there are chances to take their place.

To achieve success and stability, it is important to analyze the market situation and highlight significant competitive advantages.

Market analysis of confectionery firms

General characteristics of the marketAt the moment, the market is conditionally divided into two parts. Large enterprises focus mainly on cooperation with large points of sale. While small firms prefer to sell business products on their own.
Growth trendsThe niche is actively developing, creating conditions for the emergence of new firms. However, in times of recession, the less competitive ones are quickly weeded out.
barriers to entryThe entry threshold for this business is available for experienced market players. Most start-up entrepreneurs find the entry barrier too high.
Price categoryThe main part of the assortment of sweet products should be aimed at people with an average income level. However, it is important to have a product line for the least solvent public.
FlexibilityMore than 34% of product consumers are ready to start buying products from a new manufacturer if they are more attracted to them than they are used to.
Technology ChangesLarge enterprises are constantly improving technologies, offering new solutions. Small confectioneries are at risk of making smaller profits due to outdated equipment.
Best before dateThere is a tendency to shorten the life of sweet products. If you do not keep up with it, you may face the risk of large volumes of expired goods.

List of competitive advantages for a confectionery

Competitor analysis is something that must be in the business plan of production.

Obviously, the range of products will be almost the same everywhere.

Therefore, you need to look for some other features that will distinguish you in the market.

Party identityPeople love to experiment with new flavors. But they also expect their favorite candies to always be the same. If you do not follow the technology and strive to save money by changing the recipe, you can greatly undermine your reputation. Consistency, on the other hand, becomes an important competitive advantage for the bakery.
Only fresh goodsOften supermarkets sell products not from the manufacturer, but brought by an intermediary. Because of this, people do not receive such fresh goods, and sometimes the products are out of date! The sale of products from our own confectionery production gives such an advantage, as always, high-quality goods "only from the oven."
natural ingredientsOwn production allows us to offer customers products prepared without dyes and preservatives. The fashion for healthy food began a few years ago and is not going to give up. Use this as a competitive advantage for your business.

Promotion methods in a confectionery business plan

AT confectionery business plan it is worth including a list of methods you will use to promote.

Even a small establishment can achieve significant success if you use a competent advertising strategy.

  • Before opening an institution, it is worth advertising in local media.
  • Offer customers discounts in the evening.

    This will allow you to sell products with suitable expiration dates and attract additional visitors.

  • Pay attention to the bright design of the cafe or.
  • Use the power of the internet.

    In addition to the obligatory step in the form of a website, pay attention to promotion through Instagram.

    Confectionery production allows you to make a large amount of beautiful photo content.

    This will attract a lot of subscribers who can turn into customers.

Point of sale for confectionery

Small confectioneries can sell products exclusively to direct buyers using courier delivery.

In this way, they usually sell goods for the holidays: muffin gift sets, sweets in their original packaging.

If you are aiming to cooperate with stores, please note: large retail chains do not cooperate with start-up confectionery industries.

Do not be persistent and beat their thresholds.

Better switch your attention to small local shops.

Only after you firmly stand on your feet, you can proceed to the "conquest" of retail chains, but small ones.

Another good option for development is to open a cafe or coffee shop at a confectionery where you will sell products.

This will significantly increase sales and attract new customers.

How to choose a room to open a confectionery?

The main requirements for a business premises are dictated by the SES and the fire inspection.

    The confectionery must have good electrical wiring and a source of constant electricity.

    The consequences of shutdowns and disruptions in the production of sweets can be much more serious than for any other business.

    High temperatures and intense odors create inconvenience for staff.

    Ensure the room is well ventilated.

  • Confectionery can not be placed in the basement and semi-basement.
  • There must be an emergency exit, fire extinguishers, a fire alarm system.
  • The confectionery should have technical premises - a bathroom for workers, a rest room, a warehouse.

If you sell products directly next to the production, you need to choose places with a large flow of people.

What equipment is needed to open a bakery?

The list of equipment in the confectionery business plan will be formed depending on the future range and production format.

It is attractive that in any case the list will not be particularly extensive.

The entrepreneur must indicate the name and cost of the equipment, from whom it will be purchased and who will install, configure, and repair.

In order to save money, business equipment can be purchased second-hand.

The main items on the list for organizing the work of a confectionery

Cash machineEquipment that is necessary if the confectionery will independently sell products on display cases or in an adjacent cafe. The price varies between 20,000 - 35,000 rubles.
FurnacesFor the full operation of the confectionery, you need to purchase several types of ovens and ovens. The total cost will be from 450,000 rubles.
Cooking equipmentFor the manufacture of confectionery products, a flour sifter, baking sheets for ovens, various forms, equipment for making dough, confectionery syringes, and proofers are needed.
Optional equipmentFood production also requires a standard set of storage and packaging equipment. For a confectionery, these are: refrigerating chambers, refrigerated display cases for sale at the establishment, packaging containers, work tables.

Staff in a confectionery business plan

Some entrepreneurs, opening a confectionery, decide to start doing all the business alone.

In practice, it quickly becomes obvious that it is almost impossible to cope on your own.

It is much more reasonable to hire a small staff, and direct your time to manage the process, coordinate processes and promote the business.

The main requirements for employees are work experience and health books.

The chef will also need documents confirming the necessary education.

Financial section of the confectionery business plan

In the financial section of the confectionery business plan, all calculations for the organization of the company are made.

The main attention of investors or representatives of the bank will be directed precisely here.

How much money does it take to open a bakery?

The cost of opening a confectionery will depend on the location, format of the institution, state, production volume.

However, in any calculations, these points are sure to occur:

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:from 1,140,000 rubles
Business documentation preparation60 000
Interior design150 000
Purchase of initial stock of raw materials100 000
Carrying out marketing analysis150 000
Purchase and installation of equipment600 000
Advertising campaign for a confectionery30 000
Other business expenses50 000

Regular investments in the confectionery

Interesting fact:
German scientists investigated the relationship between character and preferences in candy filling. It turned out that creative people love coconut stuffing, and romantics love strawberry stuffing. Shy people will prefer nut-filled chocolate, while decisive people will choose cherry.

It is important to understand that the confectionery does not pay off as quickly as some other types of business.

Therefore, an entrepreneur needs to have a source of funds to finance the confectionery until the moment of reaching the level of self-sufficiency.

With my experience, how to make a profitable business out of the confectionery business,

shares a successful pastry chef in a video:

Payback periods in a confectionery business plan

Although it is not recommended to immediately buy a business premises, having your own retail space, an entrepreneur can significantly increase the profitability of a confectionery.

Income is provided by the sale of sweet products at retail, the manufacture of author's cakes, profit from production.

If the idea is implemented correctly, the payback will be at least 30%.

With this indicator, even a solid capital investment will pay off in 2-3 years of work.

Literate confectionery business plan and the correct promotion of the point create the likelihood that in the future profitability will increase to 100%.

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  • What documents are needed to open a candy store
  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
    • Revenue Forecast
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We suggest studying a typical business plan for opening a counter-type candy store in a small town.

Step-by-step plan for opening a candy store

General information:

  • City population: 150 thousand people;
  • Trade format: counter type shop;
  • Store location: office center;
  • Type of ownership: lease of premises with an area of ​​50m2;
  • Working hours: 09:00 - 19:00;
  • Number of jobs: 4 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds - 570 thousand rubles.

Key performance indicators of a confectionery store:

  • Monthly profit = 61,699 rubles;
  • Profitability = 11.7%;
  • Payback = 9 months.

How much money do you need to open a candy store

List of starting costs:

To open a retail outlet, investments in the amount of 570 thousand rubles will be required.

What system of taxation to choose for the store. OKVED code

The organizational and legal form of the organization will be individual entrepreneurship. When registering activities, the OKVED code was indicated 52.24 - “Retail trade in bread, bakery and confectionery products”.

The single tax on imputed income (UTII) will be applied as a taxation system. The tax amount is calculated according to the formula: 15% * (1800 (basic yield) * sq.m)*k1*k2. The coefficient k2 for retail trade in confectionery in the Ulyanovsk region is 0.6; k1 - the deflator coefficient in 2014 is 1.672. The planned sales area of ​​the confectionery shop is 40m2. As a result of the calculations made, the tax amount will be 10,834.56 rubles per month.

Location of the outlet: the office center of the city, in the immediate vicinity is a large shopping center.

What documents are needed to open candy store

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Individual entrepreneurship was registered with the local tax service;
  2. A preliminary lease agreement for a retail space of 40 m2 (plus a warehouse of 10 m2) on the first floor of a two-story building has been concluded. The rent is 40 thousand rubles per month.
  3. A search was made for companies, local manufacturers of confectionery products. Agreements have already been signed with 11 companies.

The operating mode is supposed to be set from 09:00 to 19:00 without breaks and days off.

Description of products and services

The average markup on goods, according to the business plan, will be 40%. Which corresponds to the average margin for stores of this type.

An approximate range of outlets will look like this:

  • Bread (about 30 varieties);
  • Baking (about 20 types);
  • Cookies and sweets (more than 80 types);
  • Gingerbread, marshmallows;
  • cakes;
  • Dry breakfasts;
  • Pasta and cocoa;
  • Tea and other products.

We believe that the average check will be 200 rubles. The price level in the store will be at the level of the average market.

Since most of the products of the confectionery store are perishable, the goods will be supplied from local producers as a priority. Especially these are goods such as bread, pastries (pies, buns), cakes. Part of the goods is planned to be taken with a deferred payment (for sale).

Download business plan for a candy store

Marketing plan

The main customers of the outlet will be office workers, visitors to shopping centers and boutiques. The store is located in a high traffic area. On average, up to 12,000 people a day pass by the building where the store will be located.

It is expected that up to 100 people will visit us daily. That is 1% of the total cross. Peak attendance: from 11:00 to 15:00, when the main revenue will be formed.

How much can you earn on the products of a candy store

Based on the total attendance and the average check, you can determine the potential revenue: 120 people. * 200 rub. = 24,000 rubles. However, such indicators of income will not be achieved immediately, since the store still has to “untwist” and gain regular customers. You can reach the planned revenue indicators only after 6 months of work:

In total, the planned annual revenue will be 7.2 million rubles.

The planned revenue indicators will be achieved due to:

  1. Selling only fresh produce. This will be strictly controlled by the sellers;
  2. A wide range of confectionery products, incomparable with any competitor within a radius of 500m;
  3. Polite attitude towards customers from the staff.

Production plan

The premises where the store will be located are in excellent condition. No renovations are planned. To start trading, it is enough to install trading equipment and start the goods.

The total area of ​​the premises is 50m2, including a trading area of ​​40m2 and a warehouse - 10m2. The room complies with all SES and fire safety standards.

To create a commodity stock (confectionery products), it is initially planned to allocate 200 thousand rubles. The store will operate in a counter trade format.


Planned staffing includes:

Salespeople will work on a 2 through 2 schedule. Monthly bonuses are possible for good sales performance.

In addition to sellers, you will need to hire an accountant and a cleaner. It does not make sense to employ these workers full-time, so a contract for paid services (outsourcing) will be concluded with them. Monthly costs under these contracts will amount to 10 thousand rubles.

Financial plan

Monthly fixed expenses

Total monthly expenses will amount to 150,800 rubles, per year - 1.8 million rubles. The structure of the annual costs of a confectionery store is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main expenses in the overall structure of annual costs will be the cost of paying salaries to shop assistants - 37%. In second place are the costs of rental payments - 26% of total costs. And finally, in third place are the costs associated with the payment of insurance premiums for employees to off-budget funds of the Russian Federation - 11% of the total annual costs.

The break-even point of sales with an average trade margin of 40% will be 527.8 thousand rubles per month:

Revenue Forecast

The calculation of the economic indicators of the work of a confectionery store, according to the business plan, is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses:

The net profit of the confectionery shop at the end of the year will be 740,392 rubles.

It is not necessary to expect high incomes in the first year of operation, as the store is still gaining popularity. Hence the low profitability of the confectionery shop - only 11.7% (in fact, this is comparable to the income from a bank deposit). However, the project pays off already after 10 months of work. In the second year of operation, the expected monthly profit will be at least 150 thousand rubles, with the store's sales profitability at 30%.

Recommended download a business plan for a candy store, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 180,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 86,720 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 255,000 rubles.
  • Payback - from 3 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will draw up a detailed business plan for a mini-confectionery with calculations.

Service description

The organization is engaged in baking cakes, pancakes and muffins to order. We are considering a situation where a private entrepreneur independently prepares products for sale. He has no additional employees. There is only the desire of a good cook to become a real seller of sweets. We consider renting the premises, but you can also use your own premises, if available.

Market analysis

The realities of today suggest that it is almost impossible to open and stay afloat with a simple confectionery. This is due to the very high competition in the industry.

Having considered the analytical data, we can conclude that the industry is not developing today. There was a glut in the market. There has been no growth since 2000. Even small towns are oversaturated with confectionery.

The competition in the industry is very strong, respectively, and the requirements for products are high. How can a private entrepreneur with a small production volume attract buyers? First of all, the exclusivity of the products offered. Why are people willing to buy such a product? Because large stores offer the same goods to the customer. They do not have variety, more precisely, there is variety, only in large supermarkets they sell the same thing as in a small trading shop. In general, this is a very relative variety.

People want something special that would be made just for them. So, today mastic cakes, products with photos, drawings, small toys, figurines are very popular. How is the whole process going? The person tells the seller about the required weight, the event itself. Attention is also paid to the specific features of the life of a person or people for whom this cake will be prepared. The same thing happens with baking small muffins, pancakes.

An important advantage is that, in fact, production directly depends on the number of customers. That is, you can pre-purchase the required number of products.

Of course, looking at consumer demand data, you can see that cakes and pastries account for only 8%. But is it really that bad?

Firstly, our entrepreneur does not cook in such large volumes in order to provide a large number of customers. The number of consumers will be much greater than the number of manufactured products. This will allow you to set a good price for handmade cakes.

Secondly, in the segment of sweets and biscuits, the highest demand is observed. At the same time, there is huge competition. Most of the market is occupied by large confectionery factories. It is more than difficult to compete with them. And the profit from sales will be less than when making cakes.

So, who will become the main consumer of sweets of a private entrepreneur?

This may include people of average and above average income levels. As a rule, family people order cakes for birthdays, anniversaries, name days. Close attention should be paid to families with small children. Parents, as a rule, take a very responsible approach to preparing a holiday for their child. A handmade cake with favorite cartoon characters will certainly please the baby.

Of course, there will be no competition. There are three main competitors:

  1. Large shops and supermarkets . But a private entrepreneur will win against their background due to exclusivity, individual approach, quality and novelty of the ideas used.
  2. Coffee houses and other catering establishments . They can be eliminated by separating the niche of buyers. Not everyone is ready to go celebrate the celebration in a cafe, many do it at home. Yes, and the cake will cost a little less, and the taste will be better.
  3. Other private entrepreneurs-confectioners . There are more and more such people today. You can fight them. It is necessary to prepare custom cakes so that people come again and again. Yes, and customers can bring new applicants. In this business, it is word of mouth that is the main engine of advertising. Therefore, all that is required from the confectioner is to do his job with love.

SWOT analysis

A person who knows how to cook delicious cakes is often afraid to open his own business. And he has every reason to. Before organizing a business, you need to study the sphere, the market situation in detail, and, finally, evaluate your own capabilities and take into account possible difficulties.

Not all factors can be controlled. There are those that you have to put up with or try to avoid them.

External factors include:

  1. Capabilities:
  • Possibility of using various resources (a large number of suppliers).
  • Low activity of competitors (meaning that other manufacturers develop their own production, and do not wage intra-class struggle).
  • Full control of your own expenses and income.
  • High demand for the product.
  • The novelty of the idea, its "tasty".
  • Ability to develop new products, recipes, varieties.
  • Income growth.
  • Consumer love for exclusive things.
  • A large number of restrictions, the need for certification.
  • Constant demand for manufactured products (within the industry).
  1. Threats:
  • It is quite difficult to enter the market (this is due to the execution of the necessary documents).
  • The emergence of other individual entrepreneurs with the same idea.
  • The emergence of new requirements, standards for manufactured products.
  • The tightening of work in this industry, associated with the emergence of new laws, SanPins.
  • High sensitivity of business to external conditions.

There are also factors that the entrepreneur himself can regulate. They are also called internal. These include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Qualification of the entrepreneur, which determines the quality of products.
  • High level of motivation.
  • High performance.
  • Using the most effective advertising methods.
  • Product exclusivity.
  • Working with reliable product suppliers.
  • Use of high quality modern equipment.
  • Experience in the industry (pastry chef).
  • Working with a specific segment.
  • Profit will depend on the entrepreneur himself.
  • Costs, in case of failure, will be minimal.
  1. Weak sides:
  • The need for initial investment.
  • There is no clear strategy.
  • Inexperience as an entrepreneur.
  • Sales channels have not been developed.

First of all, the entrepreneur must solve the following questions:

  1. Develop an assortment . It is best to create a portfolio with your work, a price list with detailed composition, weight, menu, and features. This will not only make your business more presentable, but will also give it respect and respectability from customers.
  2. Pay attention to technology . It is very important to comply with all standards, not to break the law. At this stage, it is necessary to study the existing legislation. You can use the services of a technologist.
  3. Find product suppliers . This, firstly, will help reduce costs, and secondly, it will ensure the quality of the raw materials used. It is worth spending a little time but finding a great supplier with all the required certifications. You can go to local grocery stores and compare prices.
  4. Start looking for clients early . This can be done at the stage of certification, search for premises.

Opportunity Assessment

What can be said about the possibilities? The entrepreneur himself can work at any time of the day or night. Everything will depend on the number of orders. The mode of operation can be called irregular.

A private entrepreneur does not have to worry about the seasonality of work. There are many more consumers than he could bake cakes.

Based on the experience of many "private confectioners", they also work on weekends. And on such days, the number of orders is noticeably higher.

You can find a job anywhere in the city. The main thing here is to comply with all sanitary standards. You also need to look at the cost. It shouldn't be too big. You can take an ordinary room and bring it into a suitable form, in accordance with all norms and rules.

It is important to remember that the possibilities of one person are not unlimited. If the demand is too high, you can hire another pastry baker and create masterpieces together.

In the future, you can think about developing your own packaging.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Since the entrepreneur will be alone, it is better to choose. In addition, if he has never had his own business, then he will be able to take advantage of tax holidays, but more on that later. You must specify the following OKVED codes:
  • 15.81 - Production of bread and flour confectionery products of non-durable storage;
  • 52.24.2 - Retail sale of confectionery.
  1. We choose the taxation system (UTII is also possible, but tax holidays do not apply to it). Our organization is engaged in the production of goods, which means that it can qualify for tax holidays. Where to start? From studying the law on tax holidays. It is very important to see if it is accepted in your city. Remember that you can use the 0% tax rate only for 2 tax periods. We will make the calculation in this business plan based on the 0% rate.
  2. use not necessary. You can limit yourself to BSO. This will save the cost of purchasing a cash register and its maintenance.
  3. We study all the requirements of the SES, obtain the appropriate permit ( not necessary, but there will still be a check someday, so it's better to prepare in advance). Remember that the FEZ must indicate the range of products (in the application).
  4. Certificates of conformity of production to the available requirements are necessary.
  5. The equipment must also have certificates (Russian ones!).
  6. The development of technological maps of manufactured dishes must be agreed upon (it concerns the recipe).
  7. An agreement must be concluded with an organization that conducts disinfection, disinfestation and deratization.
  8. No work licenses no need.
  9. It is imperative to develop a program for monitoring compliance with sanitary standards at the enterprise.

Marketing plan

Price policy:

Determining the cost, you need to understand that people are willing to pay good money for quality goods. The cost will be clearly higher than the average market. Would anyone believe that a delicious, high-quality and exclusive cake can cost 300 rubles? For people, the cost, on the contrary, will be a certain indicator of quality.

When developing a promotion strategy, you need to understand that you do not need to use all types of advertising. This will not be effective, and it will also significantly increase costs.

  1. Create your own website . It's not worth saving. It is worth trusting a professional who will make a “delicious” site for good money. It is worth doing its constant filling - adding photos and reviews of your customers. Of course, it is also important to promote your site so that it has as many visitors as possible.
  2. Opening a group on a popular network . Working with the community will in many ways be similar to working with the site - photos, reports, prices, compositions. You can attract new subscribers with the help of advertising within the network.
  3. contextual advertising . With it, you can advertise your own site, where the contact information is located, or a group.
  4. "Word of mouth" . This method plays a huge role. It is impossible to manage it on its own. But to influence - very even. You just need to love your job, do it with love! The more satisfied customers, the more new ones. Their number is growing exponentially, based on the professionalism of the confectioner.
  5. Promotions, discounts, bonuses . This method will allow you to develop your own client base. Together with the previous method, these will be real promotion engines. Over time, contextual advertising may simply not be needed.

Calculation of projected income

We will proceed from the fact that a pastry chef can cook from 1 to 6 cakes per day. Everything here, of course, will depend on the level of skill. The average weight of the cake is at least 2 kilograms. So the average return will be something like this:

Production plan

The requirements for the premises are the same as for the mini-bakery:

  • No basements.
  • There must be a ventilation system.
  • It is obligatory to have cold and hot water, as well as sewerage.
  • Ceilings should be whitewashed and walls tiled.
  • There must be a toilet and a warehouse in production.

Repairs must be made to comply with the requirements of the SES and the fire inspection.

From the equipment you will need:

  • bake;
  • mixer;
  • tables;
  • fridge.

The inventory will also include decor accessories, cutlery.

organizational plan

Financial plan

Do not forget that we have chosen the simplified tax system and we are entitled to tax holidays. That is, net profit will be equal to 89,800 rubles.

As for the insurance premiums of the entrepreneur. For an amount below 300,000 rubles (depending on the type of simplified tax system chosen, the income base is also assigned) payments will be:

  • to the Pension Fund - 19,356.48 rubles;
  • in FFOMS - 3,796.85 rubles;
  • in TFOMS in 2016, contributions are not paid.

In total, the total amount of contributions: 23,153.33 rubles.

From incomes over 300,000 rubles, the following contributions are paid:

  • there are no payments in the FFOMS;
  • in the PF - 1% of the amount of income, minus these 300,000 rubles.

Thus, the annual income will be: 180,000 * 12 = 2,160,000 rubles.

We do not include costs in our calculations. In a particular case, everything will depend on the chosen taxation system.

So, insurance payments will be: 23,153.33 + (2,160,000 - 300,000) * 0.01 \u003d 41,753.33 rubles. We remind you that this insurance payments not in a month but for the whole year.

Let's take the average monthly value of payments to calculate the profitability: 3,480 rubles.

Profitability: 86,720/180,000 = 48.18%.

Payback: 255,000/86,720 = 2.94. Opening a candy store will pay off in 3 months.


The prospects are bright. But it is important to think about the possible risks. The most significant risks include:

  1. Cost growth . It will be associated with rising prices for raw materials and rent. You can protect yourself by concluding long-term contracts for the lease of premises and the supply of raw materials.
  2. The growth of competition. It is important to work with the customer base, replenish it, offer discounts, promotions, bonuses to your regular customers (for example, after buying 4 cakes, pancakes are a gift!). Let's not forget about quality.
  3. Legislative change . There is no way to protect yourself. But it is worth remembering that experienced lawyers can always help.
  4. Technological risks (equipment failure). Everything is much simpler here. It will not be difficult to buy new equipment if there is such a need.
  5. Risk of delayed deliveries . We do not forget about the formation of trade stocks, we are looking for a reliable supplier, we indicate the late delivery in the contract and the subsequent "sanctions" for the supplier.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

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