Definition of nationality. How to determine your ethnic origin

NATIONALITY NATIONALITY - 1) a person's belonging to a certain ethnic community people, differing in the peculiarities of language, culture, psychology, traditions, customs, way of life. According to Part 1 of Art. 26 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, no one can be forced to determine and indicate his N.; 2) in a number of Romance states, the term (Spanish nacionalidad), used to denote citizenship or citizenship (Spain) or belonging to a particular national state, does not completely coincide in its content with citizenship relations (for example, in Mexico, citizens are recognized as persons with Mexican N., who have reached the age of majority and "lead a worthy lifestyle").

Big legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .


See what "NATIONALITY" is in other dictionaries:

    nationality- and, well. nationalite f. 1. State, state affiliation. Note also the unattractive rules of the Historian regarding those reasons that established and glorified Russia, and which, in his opinion, should be in future times ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    NATIONALITY, nationality, wives. 1. Same as nation. “...Only subject to the development national cultures it will be possible to involve the truly backward nationalities in the cause of socialist construction. Stalin. "The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    1) belonging to any nation, people; 2) the people themselves. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. NATIONALITY Nationality, totality distinguishing features and properties of the people. Explanation of 25000… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    This is a political and legal category, denoting a set of characteristics formalized by law, the possession of which makes a person a full member of the nation state. The concept of nationality developed in the 19th century, in the process ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    See nation Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. nationality n., number of synonyms: 5 ... Synonym dictionary

    NATIONALITY, and, wives. 1. see national. 2. In some combinations: the same as a nation. 3. Belonging to what n. nations, peoples. Ukrainian by nationality. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    English ethnicity; nationality; German Nationalitat. 1. National and ethnic group, nationality. 2. Belonging of an individual to a class of l. nat. or ethnic group, nationality, nation. 3. Citizenship or nationality; legal affiliation to one or another ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    NATIONALITY- NATIONALITY, 1) the designation of modern. nationalities, nations, etc. ethnic. groups inhabiting the country (for example, nationalities of the USSR); Tribes do not usually apply. 2) Belonging of a person or group of people to a certain nationality or nation. ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    nationality- Belonging to a particular nation, nation state ... Geography Dictionary

    NATIONALITY- (Spanish nacionalidad) in a number of Romance states, a term used to refer to relations of citizenship or citizenship (Spain) or relations of belonging of a person to a particular national state that do not completely coincide in their own ... ... Legal Encyclopedia


  • Nationality and socialism, P.L. Lavrov. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1887 edition (publishing house `Paris`). AT…
  • Nationality and socialism, P.L. Lavrov. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1887 edition (publishing house "Paris" ...

Man has always been interested in the origin of his kind, the history of his ancestors, the search for his national roots. Answering these questions will help DNA test for origin offered by the Lab-DNK laboratory. Today, genetics can determine race, ethnicity, and even place of residence with great accuracy. distant ancestors a person, when nationalities and states were just being formed. This information is embedded in the genes of each individual and does not change over time.

How is ethnicity determined by DNA

If a person wants himself or his relatives, he must submit biological material to the genetic laboratory for research. At the same time, a woman who submits her own material for analysis can only find out her ethnicity through the maternal line. To clarify this parameter on the father's side, you will need to take a biomaterial from him. But for a man, his own DNA is enough for this. What will the DNA analysis give? First, it will classify the person being tested into one of the four ethnic groups and allow you to clarify where they come from. For example, representatives of the European group can live both in Europe and in India or in the countries of the South East. By some indications, it is possible to narrow geographical area where the ancestors of the person under study probably lived. Also, DNA examination will give an answer to the question of what race a person belongs to. As you know, there are three known races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. This is very large groups. But, they are quite well divided into various subgroups, which allows you to more accurately determine whether the customer belongs to certain people. However, it should not be understood that genetic analysis will indicate a specific nationality. After all, such a term is more political. It unites people according to cultural, historical, economic and geographical characteristics, and not according to the presence of certain genes. Therefore, the ethnicity test can only roughly indicate the possible nationality of the subject, based on the analysis of the data obtained. Thus, the answer to the question how to find out the nationality of your grandmother, will not be complete if you do not compare the results of DNA analysis with the actual history of a kind.
Interesting! There are 23 thousand different genes in the human body, which make up the hereditary information of DNA.

What do you need to do an ethnicity test?

To understand your ethnic roots, nationality and race, you need to contact geneticists. Where to do a DNA test for nationality? For example, in a licensed Lab-DNK laboratory, which has everything necessary to carry out this procedure. For the organization of the examination, the biological material of the person being tested will be required. Such material is obtained from human cells containing genetic information. It:
  • epithelial cells;
  • blood;
  • nails;
  • hair;
  • bones;
  • human life products.
It is also possible to isolate DNA suitable for the test from non-standard samples: personal hygiene items, used napkins, cocktail straws, etc. The main thing is that biological traces of the user remain on them. The submitted material is examined in special devices, and the result is decoded and given to the customer in the form of a text document, tables and graphs. Do a DNA test for ethnic background today everyone has the opportunity. It is enough to apply to the genetic laboratory and go through simple procedures.

Over the past quarter century, the self-identification of the citizens of our country has undergone many changes and most often against the backdrop of political unrest. Well, over the past few years, it has even become fashionable to be “Russian”. No wonder it is believed that the nationality "Russian" is more than just the concept of "nationality", it is a state of mind. How many nationalities are there in the world, how did they form and how do they differ from citizenship? All these questions have become very relevant in recent times.

Origin of nationalities

Just a few centuries ago, such a concept as "nationality" did not even exist, only data on the speakers of a particular language were counted. Actually, this is happening now in many other countries of our planet. Mankind has always sought to divide itself into certain ethnic groups, for example, into tribes of the primitive communal system. Later, in the era of slavery and feudalism, the concept of nationality had already begun to take shape. And when society came to the bourgeois system, the concepts of "nation" and "nationality" appeared as the next stage in the development of ethnic groups. In most countries of the world, these definitions refer to the identification of citizenship, while in Russia and some other countries they have a broader meaning.

On a global scale

The concepts of "nationality", "nation" and "nationality" are almost identical, and it is difficult to isolate the main difference between them, because the division into ethnic groups exists much longer than any of these definitions. Today, it is incredibly difficult to count all the nationalities of the world, because they are in constant dynamics, merging with each other, as a result of which many disappear. According to rough estimates, there are now about two thousand nationalities on the planet with a tendency to constantly decrease. This is somewhat more than self-identification on a linguistic or territorial basis, because with 251 official states in the world, there are about six thousand languages, each of which is native to someone. Therefore, it is difficult to determine how many nationalities actually exist. In addition to the most common and well-known, such as Americans, British, Germans, French, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Bulgarians and others, there are small and little-known ethnic groups: Balochs, Golds, Ingris, Lappies, Mishars and many others.

Difficulties of definition

Nationality is usually called belonging to a particular ethnic group. It has a hereditary character, because its main features are the surname and appearance of a person, as well as some character traits that are defined as mentality. But the concept is rather arbitrary. In connection with the constant dynamics towards the mixing of ethnic groups in the pedigree of a person, the presence of representatives of a wide variety of nationalities is possible, which makes it difficult to determine nationality itself. Thus, despite the fact that in many countries the main feature of such a definition is citizenship or language, nationalities increasingly remain a concept of self-identification of an individual.

From Empire to Federation

AT Russian Empire in 1897, a census was held, then the citizen's belonging to one or another ethnic group was determined by linguistic and religious grounds. A little later, the concept of “nations” and “peoples” began to be applied, and the column “nationality” in passports appeared already in the Soviet Union in the 70s of the last century. The Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR had this name for more exact definition the territorial formations represented in it (republics, autonomous regions and districts). Well, today the Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the right to self-determination in the choice of nationality.

Such different "Russians"

Many people are very interested in the question why all the nationalities of the world are nouns (Latvians, Poles, Romanians, Tatars and others), and only Russians have this adjective. It is difficult to answer this question for sure, and different scientists put forward different theories. You should start with the fact that this is the largest nationality in the world. Nationality "Russian" have, according to various estimates, from 130 to 150 million people around the globe, living not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Russians are the most numerous East Slavic ethnic group. This is the main part of the population and the indigenous people of Russia, as well as most of population of the former Soviet republics, such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova and others. But Russians are distributed not only in the post-Soviet space, in the USA, Germany, Canada and Brazil, as well as in other large states, they are represented by large diasporas. Russian is considered the national language. Some sub-ethnic groups of the Russian people in other countries have their own names: Goryuny (region of Ukraine), Lipovans (region of Romania), Albazins (region of China), Nekrasovites (region of Turkey). As for the territory of Russia itself, despite the common nationality "Russian", the population is also divided into narrower ethnic groups, such as Cossacks, Sayans, Tudovians, Pomors, Kolyma, Siberians, Markovites and many others, depending on the region of residence .

What defines a Russian?

It is believed that as a nationality, "Russian" is too condensed a concept. These are not just some anthropological features or surname endings in -ov / -ev. V. I. Dahl, the great Russian scientist, writer and lexicographer, had his own point of view on the definition of a person’s nationality, and there is undoubtedly a rational grain in this opinion. He believed that depending on what language a person thinks in, he belongs to that people. Russian is spoken by a huge part of the world's population and, in addition to Russia, by the vast majority of the population of some former republics of the USSR, while identifying themselves with other nationalities on a territorial basis. Russians are more than a nationality, they are a civilization, original and unique, combining language, culture, mentality into a single whole.

We determine the color type of appearance: winter, spring, summer, autumn

How to determine your color type?

Probably, at least once in your life you have heard about the so-called “appearance color type”. And I have already used this term a couple of times in articles on makeup. What kind of thing is this - a color type?

Color type- This is a set of certain signs of a person's appearance, depending on his eye color, hair, skin. And depending on this, you can choose the most suitable colors when choosing clothes or shades of cosmetics. There are 4 types of appearance: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Spring and autumn are warm shades, summer and winter are cold.

To determine which of the 4 types you belong to, you can take an online color type test.

Before that, we wash off all makeup, look at ourselves in the mirror and carefully study the reflection in it. Did everyone remember? And now let's proceed to the test to determine the color type.

What did we see in the mirror?

Appearance color type: winter, spring, summer, autumn

To determine your color type, take this simple test.

1. Which of the following statements suits you best?

The whites of the eyes are pure white

The skin has a bluish tint on the crook of the elbow, on the inside of the wrist and forearm

The joints of the fingers often turn red

In the eyes of golden sparks

2. How do you sunbathe?

I tan quickly, tan color is light or olive

I burn easily, tan shade is light or red

I tan very quickly, the tan color is golden, carrot.

there are no problems with tanning, the tan color is olive-ash.

3. What kind of skin do you have?

transparent, light pink, with a bluish cold tint

light beige, ivory. Warm skin tone

ivory, peach, beige-yellowish, light golden

either light porcelain white or swarthy

4. Shade your blush

bright red or salmon

cold with an olive tint, or not at all

5. What is your hair color? (according to natural hair color)

red, golden, with a copper tint, dark blond. warm shades

light blond, golden, red, chestnut. warm shades

black, dark hair sometimes with a silvery or blue tint

ash, blond hair, light blond, dark blond. Cold tones

6. What is your eye color?

brown, with slight yellowness

black, dark brown, dark green, cold, dark blue

dull, grey, yellowish

light green, amber, light olive, blue

7. What color are your eyebrows and eyelashes?

dark brown, red, with a golden sheen

cold pink, with an olive tint

By the way, it is sometimes difficult to determine the color type. Well, firstly, not everyone can clearly tell if their skin / eyes are warm or cold. Second, there are exceptions to every rule. And they may be you. Thirdly, you may not be “pure”, but a mixed color type. This very often happens due to the mixing of blood of residents of different latitudes and nationalities. As a result, you will be the owner of a unique color type. In this case, you need to decide what type, what tones (cold or warm) prevail in you. And depending on this, choose a makeup palette and clothing colors.

At home, you can also try to determine which color type you belong to. To do this, also wash off all makeup, choose pieces of fabric (or just plain clothes) different shades cold or warm. And gradually apply these tissues to your face. Important! Lighting in the room should be natural, but not direct sunlight. By applying the fabric to the face, you can notice that the face acquires either a certain glow, a fresher look (i.e. this shade suits you) or the face acquires an unhealthy tone, becomes tired, or older (which means this shade does not suit you). Having decided which tones suit you (warm or cold), you can understand that you are approaching one of two color types. Warm - this is autumn and spring. and cold - winter. summer. After reading the descriptions of each type of appearance, you can decide which type you are most suited to.

Especially for readers of the site Beauty for all, I found a video “how to determine your color type”. See if it suits you

A few years ago in the Soviet Union, a lot depended on the nationality of a person, for example, getting a job, or entering a higher educational establishments. Now we live in a democratic country where the nationality of a person essentially does not play any role, as well as throughout the world, because, regardless of the place of birth of a person and his “blood”, everyone has equal rights.

However, the question of nationality is quite interesting, because each person is interested in knowing what kind of person this or that person or he himself comes from, so in this article we will try to figure out how to determine nationality, all the more, it can be useful, for example, for emigration. There are many ways to determine nationality, consider each of them.

How to determine nationality - the first way

Ask your parents if mom and dad are Kazakhs, then you will belong to this nationality, but it often happens that parents are married different nationality, for example, the mother is Tatar, and the father is Ukrainian. Then you must determine your nationality based on general rules of one or another people, for example, in Russia the nationality is determined by the father, while in Israel the nationality is determined by the mother.

How to determine nationality - the second way

It happens that a person does not know his true parents, for example, he was adopted or brought up in orphanage. Then the nationality of this person will depend on his place of residence, following the traditions of this people and knowing perfectly the language of the country in which this person lives. For example, you live in Germany, but your native language- Hebrew, you also honor the traditions of Israel, observe all Jewish holidays, for example, Hanukkah, which means you are a Jew.

How to determine nationality - the third way

By physiological signs, you can determine your nationality, although, most likely, this method can be subjective, not objective, because, for example, if you had a distant great-grandfather Armenian, and your mom and dad are Russian, then you can still manifest facial features inherited from distant relative such as eye color and nose shape. Below are the most common features of certain nationalities.
To begin with, let's remember school courses biology and consider existing classifications races of people that are determined by the place of residence: for example, dark skin contains more melanin, which protects from the debilitating sun.

  • Caucasoid race - about half of the world's population belongs to this type. Distinctive features: fair skin, soft or slightly wavy hair, narrow nose, thin lips, eye color may vary. The Caucasian race includes residents of Europe, Armenians, Tajiks, Ukrainians and others.
  • Negroid race - most often found in Africa and America. People differ in dark skin, wide lips and nose, brown eyes (there are exceptions) and dark curly hair.
  • The Mongoloid race makes up about 40 percent of the world's population. It is distinguished by a yellowish skin color, a straight forehead, a wide nose and narrow eyes. The Mongoloid race includes the inhabitants of China, Japan, Koreans and other peoples of Asia.
  • Australoid race - inhabits Australia and the island New Guinea. Is different dark color skin, wide nose, brown eyes and well-developed hairline.

But, thanks rapid growth of the population of the Earth, now there has been a mixture of different races, which makes a person unique. It is enough to read about one or another nationality so that one can attribute oneself to it.

In general, it’s not only interesting to study your own or someone else’s nationality, it’s also pretty cool to find out the traditions of certain nationalities, for example, what holidays people celebrate different countries. As you can see, nationality is sometimes difficult to determine, because in modern life people have a lot of "mixed" blood.

The nationality of a person can be very difficult to determine in some cases. There are several ways to determine the nationality of a person, this is natural, firstly, appearance, and secondly, the language in which he speaks. It also determines nationality by manners, the accent with which a person speaks, his citizenship, surname and many other factors. I will explain with some examples how to determine nationality by appearance, and which by internal signs of a person.

The Negroid race is considered the easiest type in the world. Determining the nationality of a person if he is from Africa or is African American is very easy. He will naturally have very dark skin or simply very tanned. No one a white man or an Asian will never in his life be able to tan to such an extent, either in a solarium or in the sun, that he looks like a black person. Black people have almost one hundred percent of the case dark brown eyes, or almost completely black. The Negroid race has pronounced large noses with large nostrils. The eyes are also very large and larger than those of other races and nations. Also the structure of the skull is slightly different. What causes big noses and nostrils? The fact that Africa has a very warm climate and historically it so happened that such hot air as for example in the desert is very harmful to a person. Therefore, nature adapted the Negroid race and made them big noses so that they could filter and cool the air. Also, blacks tolerate heat more easily than white people, this is due to their special black skin, in which there is more pigment, to sunstroke they are better adapted, but still, like whites and Asians, they cannot be on open sun without drinking or pouring water for more than eight hours. Also, blacks have very large and thick lips for the most part, I don’t know exactly how this is isolated, but this is also due to the hot climate in Africa. They also have a slightly different physique from white people, more square shoulders and are mostly big stature. Their accent may be different, but for example, a Negroid who grew up in Russia will speak pure Russian, so it’s not always possible to determine by accent.

Asians, that is, the Chinese can be specifically identified by the following factors. The Chinese are very short stature, almost always 160 centimeters. They also have darker skin than white people, but not the same as blacks. Basically, it is with yellowish tints, but not the same as with jaundice. The Chinese have very narrow eyes, a small nose and thin lips. The Chinese, for the most part, also have dark brown eyes, like the Negroids, the Chinese are rare with gray or blue eyes, only if their parents are of a different race, for example, the mother was European.

Many people cannot identify Kazakh or Kyrgyz in front of them. But here too there are different factors. All nations of the post-Soviet space are different from each other. The Kirghiz, for example, have smoother and well-proportioned faces than the Kazakhs. Although the eyes of both peoples are narrow. This is due to the steppes, nature made it there so that dust does not get into the eyes and does not blow much with the wind. Also, all the nations of this region, that is to say: Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Mongols, Uzbeks and Turkmens have dark hair and dark eye color. But there are also exceptions, red-haired Kazakhs, for example, with blue eyes.

Now about the Thais and about those who live in Southeast Asia. People from these regions are short like the Chinese, have the same narrow eyes, but their lips are thicker. There is something from the Negroids, because the climate there is similar to some latitudes like in Africa. Thais and Vietnamese have darker skin than the Chinese, some look like Negroids, some are just like two drops of water if it weren’t for their height and narrow eyes. Women from these areas are very similar to children even at the age of twenty-five. Men and women have very sparse body hair and dark hair. Men almost do not wear a beard, and if they do, it grows on them only on their chins, under their noses and on sideburns. Their accent is just awful. The languages ​​of Southeast Asia lack most of the sounds that you and I pronounce in Everyday life. These languages ​​are softer. For example, I heard such a fact that it is difficult for Asians to pronounce the letter L. Strange, but this happens.

Islanders. It's like a separate nation. They can be identified by dark skin color and dark eye and hair color. They have everything almost similar to Negroids, the only thing is that their facial features are very regular and in general they mostly have very Beautiful face. Their growth is small and the emphasis will be similar to the inhabitants South-East Asia.

Germans, residents of the northern and central Europe can be identified by the face. Basically, these are gray eyes and a lightish hair color, but not white, only thirty percent of them are blondes. The Germans are naturally easy to identify by language. Native Germans speak German very terribly, it will not be very pleasant for our person to listen to, because the phonetics there is quite rough and they frankly distort some sounds. The Germans, in contrast to the Russians, for example, have more square faces, more disproportionate facial features. German girls basically do not differ in beauty, unlike our girls. They have a fairly average build, rarely exceeding two meters in height. Just like all Europeans, they have light eyes and small noses and lips. This is due to the fact that the air in Europe is mostly cool and favorable for human body, it does not need to be cooled like in Africa, and nature has done everything for this. Also, the sun does not hit hard as in Africa, the skin is light and not tanned by nature.

Scandinavians can be identified by blond hair and eyes. Their skin is the whitest of all nations in the world, because they live in the most northern latitudes, where the sun is never as hot as in Africa. Their accent in Russian will be the same as that of all Europeans, or maybe not at all, since in principle our languages ​​have similar alphabets and phonetics. The physique is the same as that of all Europeans, but growth is also rather tall, unlike our nation.

Define Latins. More precisely, residents Latin America. These are Mexicans, Panamanians, residents of Honduras, Colombia. These are the descendants of the Spaniards and the Portuguese. And so I will tell right away about everyone who lives in South America, Latin America, Portugal and Spain. Excluding naturally Negroids who live there in in large numbers. In general, Latinos have smooth facial features, their faces are very pleasant, although sometimes their noses are quite large. They like to wear mustaches, shaving off everything else, it's like national trait and as a stereotype that a Mexican should have a distinctive black mustache. Their eyes and hair color are mostly brown and dark. But there are also burning green eyes and blue and gray. Their language is very beautiful, they will speak Russian without an accent if they have learned it. Basically, they are very temperamental and they are all based on feelings. A few days of communication with such a person can make a very accurate conclusion that he is either from Latin America, or from Spain or Portugal.

It is very difficult to define an American. And all because the Americans are the descendants of Europeans. Their blood is very mixed. There are French and Italians, Portuguese, Spaniards. AT North America For a long time, Negroids were brought as slaves, so after the abolition of slavery, a mixture of the white population with the black began. Of course, if the husband or wife is a Negroid and the second parent is white, then 90 percent of the child will be born a Negroid, but if he was born white, he will still have some kind of Negroid facial features or have black eyes and black hair. An American can be identified by an accent only if he was not born in a Russian-speaking country. In principle, one can say that they are a universal nation or not a nation at all, because so much is mixed in their blood. The USA is a country of immigrants, there are absolutely all nations there, and everyone who was born there can consider himself an American, it will be very difficult to say. The only way to define it is that Americans are very fond of money and business, but this is most likely useless information for determining a nation.

Of course, the surname of a person also determines his nationality mainly. For example, the surnames of the Chinese are very short, from two to four letters. Their last name is Lee. If a person has the surname Chen, Xian, Li, Huan, then most likely this is a Chinese. But Koreans have such surnames as Pak, Kim, and, in principle, the surname Lee is also very common among them.

The same applies to the inhabitants of Southeast Asia and the inhabitants of some islands where Asians live.

The surnames of Americans will generally be very difficult to confuse with others. Only if with other English-speaking nations. Usually in their surname, as in ours, there is the name of a grandfather or great-grandfather. Surnames such as Anderson, Johnson, Thomson. At the end, for the most part, "sleep" is added, which means on English language son, that is, the son of John is Johnson.

In the UK, the surname Smith is very common. There are the same surnames as in the USA, because they have the same language, but the names there are more complicated. Like Gerard for example. It is possible if it can be distinguished by the name of an Englishman and an American. Also, many Americans, when they became, let's say, Americans, sailed from Europe to colonize America, they took whatever surnames they wanted. For example Brown or Snipes. These were both convicts and criminals, they took very elaborate surnames for themselves, the same Gold, which means gold.

Residents of Central Asia are also mostly distinguished by their surname. They sound very rude in Russian. For example Aldarbekov or Nurbekbaev. Everything here is due to the prefix at the end of the surname. Bek or buy can be attached, or maybe both at once. These surnames end in -ov and -ev, as well as -in. But in some countries of the post-Soviet space, they abandoned the Russian heritage and removed the prefixes. We got such surnames as Aryn, Baltabay, Zhanbyrbay. Also, the names can be the same, that is, Nurbai Boltabek. This is a first and last name. And the patronymic is attached -uly or -kyzy. For example, Boranbay Ahmed Saibolatuly. This is the name of some Kazakh or Kyrgyz.

But the Caucasians are generally wonderful. Georgians add -shvili or -dze at the end of the surname. For example, Garadze or Dzhugashvili (by the way, the name of the Georgian Stalin). Armenians add -yan, for example Gasparyan, Harutyunyan. Maybe the name Harutyun and the surname Harutyunyan, that is, the son of Harutyun logically. For Azerbaijanis, the surname cannot be so easily determined, as well as for other Caucasians.

For example, until recently, I thought that the surname Pirov is a Russian surname, derived from the word "feast", that is, a holiday. But no, this is a Dagestan surname. In Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan, the surname basically follows the name of the teip. These are surnames similar to Basaev, Pugoev, Tsechoev. They basically differ from Russians in that their meaning will not be clear to us.

The Ukrainian surname must end with the letter O. These are Glushko, Shmatko, Tymoshenko, Yushchenko. And also, for example, Yanukovych Ukrainian surname, that is, there are also options.

The surnames of the inhabitants of Latin America and Spain, Portugal are easy to distinguish. This is Sanchez, Perez, Luis. All their surnames sound very beautiful, as well as their names, as well as their smooth language.

Well, it is simply impossible to confuse the names of Arabs, for example, with some others. There will be very long surname which lists all seven generations that came before this person. Ibn will definitely be present there, which means the son of so-and-so. For example, if we had Arabic surnames, then we would say Alexei Ibn Gavrila. That is, the son of Gabriel. And they don’t have surnames as such, they have a pedigree.

Jewish surnames in the Russian version will end in -vskiy and -vich. These are Abramovich, Zhirinovsky, Khodorkovsky, Yavlinsky. All this Jewish surnames and naturally point these surnames to Jewish roots.

An exact knowledge of belonging to a particular ethnic group may be necessary for a person when he is looking for his relatives, restoring a family tree, or is going to move to another country and receive citizenship there. And in almost every case, the question arises - how to determine ethnicity with maximum accuracy?

If previously traditionally studied family archives, now the development of modern technologies, the emergence of new types of research have brought DNA analysis for ethnic origin to a new level.

How to determine the ethnicity of a person

A modern, accurate and reliable DNA testing method allows you to get answers to whole line questions related to the genealogy of a person and his belonging to a particular ethnic group. In the process of evolution, various mutations were concentrated in the human genome, which were passed down from generation to generation. As a result of this, each nationality has characteristic genetic markers that determine skin color, eye shape and other features of appearance.

A special study of DNA fragments allows you to determine the ethnicity of a particular person and his genetic history. To date, four special population groups are used for this:

  • European - includes the countries of Europe and the Middle East.
  • East Asian - South and North Korea, Japan, China.
  • Southeast - Australia and Oceania, Philippines.
  • African - Libya, Egypt, etc.

To determine the percentage of each group in the human genome, 175 SNP markers on all chromosomes are used. The alleles that are determined by these markers correspond to a particular group. As a result, the proportion of human ancestors from a certain corner is established. the globe. For example, the researcher may have 15% of relatives from the southeastern group and 80% from the African group.

How to find out your ethnic origin

Genetic examination is carried out in special laboratories that have the necessary equipment and reagents for this. To find out your ethnicity, you must pass a sample of biological material. In most cases, buccal epithelium is used for research, which is obtained from the inside of the cheek. If it is not possible to take such a smear, then another material is used - spots of biological fluid, hair, skin particles, and much more. Such samples are called non-standard.

DNA testing is carried out according to different methods, depending on the gender of the subject:

  • Women. Determination of belonging to an ethnic group along the mother's line is carried out by examining mitochondrial DNA, which is isolated from one's own bioassay. For testing on the father's side, you need male pattern DNA. It can be any man on the father's side, for example, an uncle, brother, grandfather, etc.
  • Men. To establish a relationship to a certain group along the male and female lines, the biomaterial of a man is sufficient. This material is sufficient both for the study of the male line (Y-chromosome) and for the study of the female line (mitochondrial DNA).

When studying a mitochondrial haplogroup, one can find out ethnicity at the continent level. The definition of the haplogroup allows you to establish the nationality of a person by DNA test.

How to determine your ethnicity in the DTL laboratory

The DTL Center offers to undergo a modern genetic examination and find out your ethnic origin, genealogy, a certain race. At the service of clients - the most modern technologies, the latest equipment and experienced geneticists.

For testing, you must pass a sample of biomaterial, wait a few days and receive an official conclusion with the result. More detailed information can be obtained from the specialists of the Center by calling the specified phone number.

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