What are cymbals: a general characteristic of a musical instrument. What is Cymbals? The meaning of the word cimbali, historical dictionary Examples of the use of the word cimbali in the literature

Cymbals pl. Folk musical instrument in the form of a flat wooden trapezoidal body with metal strings, which are struck with two sticks or hammers. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • cymbals - noun, number of synonyms: 5 instrument 541 cymbal 4 santur 2 chordophone 12 chang 4 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • cymbals - CYMBALES, al. A musical instrument in the form of a box with strings, which is struck with wooden mallets. | adj. cymbal, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • Cymbals - (Polish cymbały, from Greek kymbalon - cymbal) a stringed percussion musical instrument. It consists of a flat trapezoidal wooden body with strings stretched over the top deck. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • cymbals - orff. cymbals, -al Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • CIMBALS - CIMBALS (Polish cymbaly) - a multi-stringed percussion musical instrument of ancient origin. They are part of the folk orchestras of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc. Big encyclopedic dictionary
  • cymbals - CYMBALES - ball; pl. Folk musical instrument in the form of a flat wooden trapezoidal body with metal strings, which are struck with two wooden sticks or hammers. Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • cymbals - (from the Greek kymbalon - cymbal), a stringed percussion and plucked musical instrument. trapezoidal flat body, when playing, set on your knees or on a table or hung over your shoulder on a belt, hit with two sticks, extracting a sound that does not fade for a long time Ethnographic dictionary
  • Cymbals - A stringed musical instrument, the strings of which are beaten with hammers with leather-covered heads. The box, in which metal transverse strings are stretched (usually number 34), has the shape of a truncated cone. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • cymbals - -bal, pl. Folk musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which are struck with two hammers. The young people were seated at the table; cut the loaf; blurted into banduras, cymbals --- - and the fun began. Small Academic Dictionary
  • cymbals - Cymbal, unit. no [from Greek. kymbalon - cymbal]. A musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which, when playing, is struck with hammers. Large dictionary of foreign words
  • dulcimer - Dulcimer, dulcimer, dulcimer, dulcimer, dulcimer, dulcimer Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  • cymbals - CYMB'ALS, cymbals, unit. no (from Greek kymbalon - cymbal). A musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which, when played, are struck with mallets. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  • cymbals - CYMBALES w. pl. musical instrument: metal strings are beaten with hooks; a genus of small goose. || Star. cymbals, a type of copper plate. With cymbals (with trumpets) a wedding, and without cymbals (without trumpets) a wedding! || Kind of a roar, for cleaning of grain bread. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

    The meaning of the word cymbals

    cymbals in the crossword dictionary

    Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal


    and. pl. musical instrument: metal strings are beaten with hooks; a genus of small goose.

    Star. cymbals, a type of copper plate. With cymbals (with trumpets) a wedding, and without cymbals (without trumpets) a wedding!

    Kind of a roar, for cleaning of grain bread. Not to the hands of the cymbals got. Cymbal strings. Zimbalist, dulcimer, who plays them. Polish Jews, and even Volosh gypsies, are the best cymbal players. cymbal, play the cymbals;

    vyat. joke, scoff.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    cymbal, unit no (from the Greek kymbalon - cymbal). A musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which, when playing, is struck with hammers.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


    Al. A musical instrument in the form of a box with strings, which is struck with wooden mallets.

    adj. pimbral, th, th.

    New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    pl. A stringed musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which, when played, are struck with hammers.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    CIMBALS (Polish cymbaly) is a multi-stringed percussion musical instrument of ancient origin. They are part of the folk orchestras of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.


    (Polish cymbały, from Greek kýmbalon ≈ cymbal), a stringed percussion musical instrument. It consists of a flat trapezoidal wooden body with strings stretched over the top deck. The sound is extracted by striking 2 wooden sticks or mallets on 2≈5-chorus metal strings. The mi range is large ≈ mi of the third octave. C. ≈ an ancient instrument (there are images on ancient Assyrian monuments); in Western Europe it has been known since the 18th century, it was most widely used in Hungary and Slovakia. C. are related to Moldavian tsambal, Armenian santur, Georgian santuri, Uzbek chang. Improved at the end of the 19th century. (Hungarian master V. Shunda) chromatic C. formed a family (prima, viola, bass, double bass); are part of the orchestras of folk instruments. In Russia, 17th century C. was called the harpsichord.

    Lit .: Modr A., ​​Musical instruments, M., 1959, p. 80≈82.



    Cymbals- a stringed percussion musical instrument, which is a trapezoidal deck with stretched strings. The sound is produced by striking two wooden sticks or mallets with expanding blades at the ends.

    Distributed in Eastern European countries such as Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia. A similar instrument is found in China, India and other Asian countries.

    Ferenc Erkel was the first to introduce dulcimer into the opera orchestra - in the opera "Ban Bank". This instrument was also used by Ferenc Lehar - in the operetta "Gypsy Love" cymbals accompany the violin solo.

    Examples of the use of the word cymbals in the literature.

    Almost immediately the horns sang, thundered cymbals, and already, breaking through the ranks of the advanced regiment and bypassing, the first Horde horsemen rushed at them.

    First you pierced me with your lousy arrow, then you smashed me cymbals and now you ask for something else?

    Drum first, then cymbals began to beat the rhythm, and all the dancers began to squat to the beat.

    At almost any hour, in the parking lot or on the move, a violin and flute melody was wove around the wagons, cymbals, zithers and drums - sometimes playing along with each other, sometimes playing by themselves.

    Drum roll sounded, fanfares sang, rang cymbals flutes shrieked.

    In order to get an idea of ​​what cymbals are, you must first of all keep in mind that we are talking about a string string. Strings sound, stretched on a flat trapezoidal body, but the sound from them is extracted by blows of wooden sticks. This instrument is popular mainly in its relatives, similar in design, in India, China and other Asian countries.

    folk and academic, what is the difference

    The cymbals are divided into two groups - folk (or folklore) and concert-academic. What are cymbals belonging to the group of "folk" is easy to understand by their appearance. They differ, first of all, in the size of the case, although these indicators often vary depending on the goals that the manufacturer sets for himself. In addition, folk cymbals have two coasters - bass and voice, while there are six of them in concert cymbals.

    The bases of folk cymbals are arranged in such a way that bass cymbals are located on the right, and voice cymbals are on the left. They divide strings into fourths and fifths. The voice stand is characterized by the location of “middle voices” on the right, and “high” ones on the left. Thus, a scale is created that has three registers. The design of professional cymbals provides two main and four auxiliary stands. With their help, the strings are divided into fifths, thirds and seconds. Both types of cymbals also differ from each other and the number of strings.

    The position of various types of cymbals while playing them

    There is also a difference in that during the game, the performers do not keep them on their knees, and professional cymbals are placed on the floor. Wooden sticks for sound extraction in both traditions are held between medium and but differ in size. In addition, professionals cover the sticks with suede, which allows you to achieve a wider range of sound shades. This is not accepted among performers on folk cymbals.

    Changing the design of the tool

    Cymbals are a musical instrument that has gone through a difficult path of constructive development. It was determined in many respects. If the folk version of the instrument, widespread in the villages for a long time, did not change, then its urban counterpart has undergone significant changes in order to introduce performers to professional, academic art. Its design has been constantly improved. Ever since Ferenc Erkel and Ferenc Lehár introduced this instrument to the opera orchestra, it has become a regular member of many professional ensembles. And if relatively recently only a few lovers of ethnic music could answer the question of what cymbals are, now all visitors to concert halls are familiar with it.

    and. pl. musical instrument: metal strings are beaten with hooks; a genus of small goose. | Star. cymbals, a type of copper plate. With cymbals (with trumpets) a wedding, and without cymbals (without trumpets) a wedding! | Kind of a roar, for cleaning of grain bread. Not to the hands of the cymbals got. Cymbal strings. Zimbalist, dulcimer, who plays them. Polish Jews, and even Volosh gypsies, are the best cymbal players. cymbal, play the cymbals; | vyat. joke, scoff.

    Watch value Cymbals in other dictionaries

    Cymbals- cymbal, unit. no (from the Greek kymbalon - cymbal). A musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which, when playing, is struck with hammers.
    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Cymbals Mn.- 1. A stringed musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which, when played, are struck with hammers.
    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

    Cymbals- - ball; pl. Folk musical instrument in the form of a flat trapezoid-shaped wooden case with metal strings, which are struck with two wooden ........
    Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

    Cymbals- (Polish cymbaly) - a multi-stringed percussion musical instrument of ancient origin. They are part of the folk orchestras of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.
    Big encyclopedic dictionary

    Cymbals- In Belarus and Ukraine, in Poland and Slovakia, in Hungary and Romania, this instrument is widely known, the ancestor of which once very long ago came to Eastern Europe from ........
    Music dictionary

    Cymbals- - a multi-stringed percussion musical instrument of ancient origin. They are part of the folk orchestras of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine.
    Historical dictionary

    Cymbals- (Polish cymbaly, from lat. cymbalum, Greek kumbalon - cymbal) - strings. percussion and plucked music. tool. It has a flat wooden resonant body of a trapezoidal shape, 2-5-choirs ........
    Music Encyclopedia

    Cymbals- Symbolize the two hemispheres of the earth, the movement of the elements. They were used in orgies along with the drum and tambourine, especially in the rituals of Dionysus (Bacchus), in the cults of Cybele........
    Symbol Dictionary

    Cymbals Cymbals

    Distributed in Eastern European countries such as Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia. A similar instrument is found in China, India, and other Asian countries.

    Ferenc Erkel was the first to introduce dulcimer into the opera orchestra - in the opera "Ban Bank". Also, this instrument was used by Ferenc Lehar - in the operetta "Gypsy Love" (Introduction and Zorika's aria, act one), cymbals accompany the violin solo.

    Varieties of cymbals

    There are folk and concert-academic varieties of cymbals. The dimensions of the case for the former can vary: 750-1150 mm for the lower base, 510-940 mm for the upper, 255-400 mm for the sides, height - 33-95 mm, width - 235-380 mm. Professional cymbals (Prima model) have the following parameters: bottom base - 1000 mm, top - 600 mm, side - 535 mm, height - 65 mm, width - 490 mm.

    Cymbals around the world

    In the countries of Eastern and Southern Europe, cymbals are called approximately the same:

    • Belarus: cymbals, cymbals, tsynbals, sambaloshki
    • Czech: cimbal
    • Ukraine: cymbals
    • Hungary: cimbalom
    • Poland: cymbally, cymbalki
    • Moldova: țambal, tsambal
    • Romania: Lambal(large cymbals are called lambal mare)
    • Serbia: cymbal
    • Slovenia: cembale
    • Slovakia: cimbal
    • Yiddish: צימבל cymbal
    • Latvia: cimbale
    • Thailand : ฉิ่ง (ching)

    see also

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    • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

    An excerpt characterizing Cymbals

    "That's what we'll see," he said aloud. - That's what we'll see.
    And he, as always, with brisk steps entered the living room, quickly cast his eyes around everyone, noticed the change in the dress of the little princess, and the ribbon of Bourienne, and the ugly hairstyle of Princess Marya, and the smiles of Bourienne and Anatole, and the loneliness of his princess in the general conversation. "Get out like a fool! he thought, looking angrily at his daughter. “There is no shame: but he doesn’t even want to know her!”
    He went up to Prince Vasily.
    - Well, hello, hello; glad to see.
    “For a dear friend, seven miles is not a suburb,” Prince Vasily spoke, as always, quickly, self-confidently and familiarly. - Here is my second, please love and favor.
    Prince Nikolai Andreevich looked at Anatole. - Well done, well done! - he said, - well, go kiss - and he turned his cheek to him.
    Anatole kissed the old man and looked at him curiously and completely calmly, waiting to see if the eccentric promised by his father would soon happen from him.
    Prince Nikolai Andreevich sat down in his usual place in the corner of the sofa, pulled up an armchair for Prince Vasily, pointed to it and began to ask about political affairs and news. He listened as if with attention to the story of Prince Vasily, but incessantly glanced at Princess Marya.
    - So they write from Potsdam? - he repeated the last words of Prince Vasily, and suddenly, getting up, he went up to his daughter.
    - You cleaned up for the guests like that, huh? - he said. - Good, very good. You have your hair done in a new way in front of the guests, and I tell you in front of the guests that you don’t dare to change clothes without my asking.
    “It’s me, mon pire, [father] is to blame,” blushing, interceded the little princess.
    “You have complete freedom,” said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, bowing in front of his daughter-in-law, “but she has nothing to disfigure herself - and she is so bad.
    And he again sat down in his place, no longer paying attention to his daughter, brought to tears.
    “On the contrary, this hairstyle suits the princess very well,” said Prince Vasily.
    - Well, father, young prince, what is his name? - said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, turning to Anatoly, - come here, we'll talk, we'll get to know each other.
    "That's when the fun begins," thought Anatole, and sat down with the old prince with a smile.
    - Well, here's what: you, my dear, they say, were brought up abroad. Not the way the deacon taught us to read and write with your father. Tell me, my dear, are you now serving in the Horse Guards? asked the old man, looking closely and intently at Anatole.
    “No, I joined the army,” answered Anatole, barely able to keep from laughing.
    - BUT! good deal. Well, do you want, my dear, to serve the king and the fatherland? Military time. Such a young man must serve, must serve. Well, in the front?
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