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Jackie Chan

Hong Kong, Chinese and American actor, stuntman, film director, producer, screenwriter, stunt and fight scene director, singer.

Born Chen Gangsheng, which means "born in Hong Kong"; sometimes also referred to as Chan Kongsang / Chan Kong-sang (Cantonese transcription of the name Chen Gangsheng) and Fang Shilong (original family name returned many years after birth).
Filmed under the pseudonyms: Jackie Chan, Jackie Chan with a Baseball Bat, Yuan Lung Chan, Yuen-Lung Chan, Lung Chen, Long Cheng, Wellson Chin, Sing Lung.

There is nothing unusual in the touching attitude of the parents of the newborn Jackie to his hometown. In 1954, when this momentous event took place in the Chiang family, Hong Kong was an amazing piece of freedom in the vast field of communist China. And the parents of the future star, who recently with difficulty broke through from a large, but bad homeland to a small, but good one, wanted to capture gratitude in the most precious thing they have - in the name of their own son.

When Jackie Chan was six years old, his parents went to work in Australia, where they got a job in the French (or American) embassy as a cook and maid. The boy was taken with him and then sent back. From the age of six to sixteen, Jackie Chan is a student of a closed school, where he mastered acting, philosophy and martial arts according to the traditional Chinese program. The discipline in this educational institution was the most severe. Lessons are sixteen to seventeen hours long. But it is here that one should look for the starting point of his career. One day, a certain producer needed a well-trained boy to shoot an action movie...

And now Jackie Chan is an actor who has played roles in fifty films. A director who directed a dozen films. In his track record such hits as "Police Story" and "Armor of God" (both in several parts), "Showdown in the Bronx" and "Operation A", "Island of Fire" and "City Hunter". Finally, Jackie Chan is a man, confident and bold, with a triumphant cry of "Ya-i-i!" broke into Hollywood, which, in general, does not like strangers.

But let's go back a little. So, the moment came when the Hong Kong Born changed his name and turned into Sing Lung, which literally means "Become a Dragon". He was already about twenty. Jackie Chan managed to act in extras, worked as a stuntman. Then John Wu, director and friend of Bruce Lee, invited Jackie as a stunt foreman.

Of course, the young man bowed before the legendary Bruce. And a legend begets a legend. How was Jackie Chan not to use this rule?!

For a long time on the question of true character relations with Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan answered with a truly Asian evasiveness. From his answers, with equal success, one could conclude that, despite the fact that fate brought these two fighters together on the set more than once, they hardly knew each other, except that they greeted each other. And also, with no less certainty, the conclusion that Bruce Lee saw it in Jackie Chan, and only in him alone, his spiritual heir. It is no coincidence that this name appeared - Become a Dragon! After all, fans and journalists called Bruce the Dragon.

Be that as it may, in creative biography Jackie Chan, it was after the death of the legendary Bruce Lee that a sensitive break arose, which almost forced young actor leave the cinema. It can't be a coincidence, can it?...

But over time, in his statements about the Dragon, Jackie became more restrained and more specific. “Yes,” he says, “we were with Bruce in the same company. And although I cannot fully consider myself his heir, I can be called his follower, for sure. I follow him Although my path is different.”

Jackie Chan can now afford to say so, because his name all over the world, and especially in Asia, has eclipsed the name of Bruce himself, and his films are making collections that the mysteriously dead Dragon never dreamed of. He is in an exceptional position today. Evidence of this, for example, is the dialogue that took place between him and journalists. "How did you end up in the Hollywood project 'An Alan Smiyhee Film', which seems to be not the most typical Jackie Chan?" they ask him. “Yes, when I was offered this idea, I didn’t like it at all,” he answers with some laziness, “but then Stallone called me ...” “Did he personally call you?” - the journalist shows distrust. “Well, of course,” Jackie is surprised and even slightly offended. “He is my good friend. He told me: "Let's do it," and I agreed."

Times are changing. Now Jackie Chan, without the risk of seeming a ridiculous upstart, can calmly say that he would love to work with Cameron, Spielberg or Tarantino.

But he cannot completely forget Bruce Lee, stop mentioning his name or speaking arrogantly about him, otherwise there will be one less secret. He is also a dragon. But not the second, but the other.

Does Jackie Chan have a personal life? Perhaps now this question sounds absurd. But until recently, it was very relevant. Just imagine - over the years, this most popular man in Hong Kong managed to hide not only his love affairs, but even the fact that he is married! And this is despite the constant persecution of journalists, all these peeping, eavesdropping, probing. Of course, rumors about the actor's personal life periodically appeared. But no matter how close to the truth or, on the contrary, ridiculous, Jackie always kept a deathly silence. Only five years after his marriage, the general public became aware that her favorite - family man. And after some time it was possible to establish that his wife is a Taiwanese actress Lin Fen-Jao. But that's what! He hid the existence of his own son for thirteen years! In conspiracy! Stirlitz is resting! And if, after the “revealing” with his wife, Jackie Chan tried to laugh it off that, they say, he was afraid of a wave of suicides among disappointed fans, then after the “presentation” of his son, it became clear: the actor is guided by a quite natural desire in his position - to protect the peace of loved ones from excessive attention of outsiders . As you can see, for a long time he succeeded quite well. And, which is also very curious, such a position of Jackie Chan ultimately caused not irritation, but respect: his family was indeed left alone for several years.

"Isn't it difficult for you to do your own stunts? - Jackie Chan is often asked. - After all, you are over forty!" - "Yes, of course, the reaction is now not the same as before. But in my youth I was so good school that until now it allows you to stay in shape. "

“The most terrible injury that almost killed me was during the performance of an unremarkable stunt on the set of the film“ Armor of God ”. simple: jump from the wall of the castle to the tree below. The first time the trick was perfect. But something about it did not suit me. The second time I jumped, I could not catch on the branch. Below was the operator. If only he If he didn't move away, I would have collapsed right on top of him, but perhaps then we would have got off with bruises. And so I hit my head on the ground. The skull cracked, and one of the bones cut into the brain. Blood gushed from the ears, People immediately rushed to the phone, trying to find a clinic where they can perform the operation. Eight hours later I was already under anesthesia. Oddly enough, everything went well and I recovered pretty soon. However, now there is a hole in my head, sealed with a plastic plug. "

Jackie Chan's medical record should be as thick as War and Peace. You just wonder how he is actually alive ?! As soon as he was not crippled, he just did not break! "Police Story" almost made him a paraplegic - two vertebrae were broken. Broke my nose three times. He got knee injuries so often that he himself doubts whether there was at least one whole bone left in it. On the set of Rumble in the Bronx, he broke his ankle. Doctors forbade stepping on a plastered leg. But we had to keep shooting. And then he returned to the set, and pulled a white sock over his swollen sore leg, painting it under a sneaker. Once Jackie Chan almost suffocated, injuring his throat. Nearly lost an eye when he cut his eyebrow. Another time, on the set, through someone else's fault, his "enemy" was given a sharp sword. He hit Jackie on the arm. Blood spattered. Jackie Chan screamed in pain as the cameraman continued filming, thinking everything was going according to plan.

In recent years, no insurance company has taken the risk of concluding a contract with Mr. Chan. Too many such firms went bankrupt, paying for the crippled arms and legs of the actor. And you, if you were in the place of insurers, would you dare to take responsibility for the health of a person who constantly jumps from many meters high, throws himself under wheels, exposes his body to all kinds of cold steel and firearms?!

And yet, sooner or later, the moment will come when Jackie Chan will not be able to do the trick. What then? “Maybe I will do other films,” he says calmly. “Besides, I hope to find a talented young actor whom I can teach everything that I can do myself. me".

What is written on his business card? Well, apparently, the answer is simple: Jackie Chan, actor, director, producer, screenwriter.

But if you wish, you could write a lot more things: the owner of his own studio, an honorary doctorate from several universities, a plenipotentiary representative of the Hong Kong tourism association, the author of four films included in the "hot Hong Kong ten century", an honorary citizen of Seoul, an activist for animal protection organizations, restaurant chain owner, etc., etc.

Name: Jackie Chan

Place birth: Hong Kong

Growth: 174 cm

The weight: 62 kg

Sign Zodiac: Aries

Oriental horoscope: Horse

Activity: stunt actor, director


Jackie Chan was born on April 7, 1954 to a poor family in Hong Kong. His father, Charles Chan, was from the Chinese province of Anhui. His first wife died of cancer at a young age, and he was left alone with his two young sons Shi De and Shi Sheng (these are Jackie Chan's brothers by father, later they became beggars and died in poverty). Charles worked in the port, where he was engaged in the inspection of passenger things. Once he discovered opium in the luggage of Lily's girlfriend. He wanted to arrest her, however, after listening to the story of a difficult fate, Charles Chang took pity on her and let her go. This is how Jackie Chan's parents met for the first time.

Starting in China civil war Charles, who supported nationalistic views, left his sons and fled from persecution to Shanghai. A girl lived here, whom he then let go in the port, Charles found her at the address and at first hid with Lily.

Jackie Chan's mother also has a difficult fate. Her parents early married her off to a cobbler they liked. The girl gave birth to two daughters. But during the war, her husband died, and she herself was left with two babies on the verge of poverty. Hearing that good money was paid for transporting opium, the young woman took a chance out of desperation. It's good that she was arrested by the kind Charles, who took pity and let go, became a friend, and later a husband.

In 1949, the creation of the PRC was announced, and nationalists began to move to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Charles Chang also set off. And in 1951, Lily came to Hong Kong for him, the young people got married.

They were lucky enough to find a job at the American consulate on Victoria Peak, then they worked in the residence of the French consul. Lily was a maid, and Charles worked hard in the garden and in the house. The salary then was 120 dollars, and in order to get at least a little more, Charles asked to teach him cooking. As a result, he became a perfect cook and worked as a cook for a long time.

Three years after the marriage, Charles and Lily had a boy - Jackie Chan - with a heroic weight (more than 5 kg). Lily had a caesarean section, the operation cost $200. It was a lot of money for the family. So they paid in installments later. The mother even nicknamed the baby “Pao Pao”, which means “cannonball”.

Childhood and youth

The father began to introduce Chen to kung fu from early childhood - he believed that martial arts would help the child gain patience, strength and courage. Mom affectionately called her son Pao-Pao (“cannonball”), because he often rushed around the house, knocking down everything in his path. At the age of 5, Chan started going to primary school, but after the first class he was expelled for poor progress. In 1960, when he was 6 years old, his parents again faced persecution from the Chinese side and were forced to move once again, this time to Australia. In Canberra, Charles got a job as a chef at the US Embassy, ​​but decided that it would be better for his son to stay in his native Hong Kong and learn a useful profession, so he placed the boy in the Peking Opera School at the Chinese Theater Academy, where Chan spent the next 10 years.

The school taught martial arts, acrobatics, vocals and acting and prepared boys for further career in traditional Chinese opera. The strictest discipline reigned here, severe corporal punishments were practiced. Chan did not like his school, but he had nowhere to go: his parents were far away, and he almost never saw them. Therefore, the boy studied intensively and at one time was even a member of the Seven Lucky Group, an ensemble of the seven most talented students who traveled to theaters in Hong Kong and abroad.

He then became close with two bandmates, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao, and the three of them formed a show group known as "Three Brothers" or "Three Dragons". During his studies, as a teenager, Chan managed to act in extras and episodes in several films: “ Eternal love”, “Big and small Wong Tin Bar”, as well as “Fist of Fury” and “Enter the Dragon” with Bruce Lee.

At the age of 17, the young man successfully graduated from drama school, but by this time the traditional Chinese opera had lost its former popularity, and the graduates were left face to face with uncertainty. The situation was aggravated by the fact that theater school they did not teach general education subjects, and Chang could not even read and write properly. All that remained for him was either unskilled physical labor or a career as a stuntman in films.

Film career

He has mastered stage performance skills since early years, he was amazingly able to control his plastic body, and in kung fu and acrobatics, hardly anyone could compete with him in the world of cinema. This was appreciated by the directors, and Jackie Chan gradually began to appear in major roles.

In the mid-70s, he himself took up the production of films. These were entertaining pictures, mostly comedic, with a lot of street fights and a demonstration of skills. martial art. Thus, a new genre began to form in the world of cinema, in which only Jackie Chan could work. Because only he could risk his life so fearlessly for the sake of another trick.

The films were successful with the audience, but they never made their way to the American market:

  • "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow";
  • "Patron";
  • "Drunk master";
  • "Big fight";
  • "Race "Cannonball".

After that, Jackie decided to go to America, but he did not succeed there, except that he was noticed by Raymond Chow and Leonard Ho, who later paid compensation to Lo Wei for Jackie. The size of this transaction was equal to 10 million Hong Kong dollars. Now Jackie could return to his hometown with peace of mind, which he did.
In 1983 he directed the comedy Winners and Sinners with his old friends from the Opera, Sammo Hung and Yen Biyaom. Both were like brothers to him. But after the movie "Dragons" their paths diverged.

In 1984 came out in a sense Jackie's masterpiece - "Operation A". Why a masterpiece? Yes, because it was in this film that Jackie changed the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfilms about kung fu. After this film, our hero had a second attempt in America with the film The Protector. But it also failed with a bang, as Chan had a Clint Eastwood-type game.

Disappointed in the ability of Americans to make films, he decided to make his own film, with his own vision of the characters. And he did it. "Police Story" made an unprecedented sensation. This was new type action in cinema. The only thing that upset Jackie Chan was that not a single insurance company in the world after this film agreed to issue an insurance policy to him. And this is natural, because he did all the tricks himself.
Having caught courage, Chan produced such hits as: "Dragons Forever", "Armor of God 1.2", "Operation A-2". After this stream of hits, no one had any doubt who the "king" of Hong Kong cinema was. But Jackie Chan didn't stop there. In 1992 came out "City Hunter" "Supercop", in 1993 - "Detective", which was based on real history. In 1994 the audience waited for this moment, the Drunken Master 2 came out.

It broke all sales records in Hong Kong, as a result, New Line Cinema bought the rights to show Jackie Chan's next film, although no one knew what it would be. But the company is lucky. That film turned out to be Showdown in the Bronx, which was an incredible success. By the way, this was Chan's third attempt to enter the American market. It was a success, raising $10 million in its first week.
But this success also brought problems. calling card all Jackie Chan films have become a huge number of tricks. Jackie performed his own stunts, but stuntmen were needed to perform the difficult moments of the films of other actors. But since the stunts were mostly very dangerous, it was hard to find volunteers. Because of this, he created his own association of stuntmen and, with it, created an agency that was looking for young talents.

Playing the same story in different settings Jackie Chan starts to get bored, so he is looking for new opportunities to make an interesting movie with elements of kung fu. Thus, in 1999, romantic movie"Magnificent", in 2000 - a fun action movie "Shanghai Noon" with Owen Wilson. Chan also tries his hand at costume films such as Around the World in 80 Days.

After that, in Hollywood for Jackie, a not very successful period came - several films in a row failed at the box office. So he returns to Hong Kong to start work on films that will open new stage in his film career.

In New Police Story, Jackie plays an alcoholic old cop who dreams of getting revenge on the bad guys for the deaths of close friends. In "30,000,000 Baby," he is already a crook, with a stolen child in his arms. In the fantasy film Myth, Chan played two main characters at once: an archaeologist and a legendary Chinese commander.

Many fans among children and adults received the animated series "The Adventures of Jack Chan", released in 2000. A total of five seasons were released - a total of 95 episodes.

In 2011, Jackie Chan starred in the film The Fall of the Last Empire - the film became the 100th in his track record.

Musical career

The biography of Jackie Chan is of interest because he is a multifaceted and extraordinary person. He has many hobbies and skills.

Jackie Chan has been singing since childhood. In 1984, he released 20 LPs of his songs in Cantonese, Mandarin, and Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese, and English. He also wrote his songs for the films in which he starred. Jackie was invited to the opening and closing Olympic Games where he sang.

Stunt group

Jackie March 5, 1977 organized his own stunt group. Only people with exceptional martial arts and fall skills were accepted into it. The actor did not accept everyone into it, but only those who proved their loyalty to their team. Training has become a major part of life for both Jackie and his band. It has existed for more than 40 years, although 8 generations have already changed. Each participant is grateful to Jackie.

On the set, stuntmen often had injuries, so Ambulance always stood by. Jackie himself received many injuries (broken hands, cut eyelids, cheeks, cracks in the ribs, broken ankle, cracks in the kneecaps, broken fingers, knocked out a tooth). Most He spends his life in training, adheres to proper nutrition. If he eats something forbidden, he will definitely work it out in training.

Personal life

Jackie does not like to put her personal life on public display. In 1982, the famous stuntman married Taiwanese actress Lin Fengjiao. In the same year, star couple son Cho Ming was born. The wife stopped working in the cinema and hid from the eyes of the press for 15 years. Her fame faded over time, and Lin became an ordinary mother and wife.

She reappeared in public only at the funeral of producer Leonard Ho in 1998, who was a close friend of Jackie and godfather his only son. Chan's wife has always remained an exemplary wife, she loves and respects her husband infinitely.

Jackie's son is now acting in films and singing. In 2004 he released music album, the songs for which he composed himself. Unfortunately, the album did not receive huge popularity. Cho Min began to appear more often on movie screens, he had fans. Many, of course, are skeptical about his career, saying that he owes his popularity to his famous father.

In 1999, Chan admitted to having an affair with actress Elaine Ng. At 26, she had the status of Miss Asia-90. The girl claims that she gave birth to a daughter from Jackie, but the actor does not admit this. There were many offensive rumors in the press. The wife did not leave Chan, saying that she completely trusted her husband.

The actor realized how lucky he was with his wife, and shone her one of the songs that was included in solo album titled "From the bottom of my heart". Elaine has gone to live in Shanghai and is raising her daughter on her own.

Jackie Chan children

Jackie Chan's children are his son, who grew up in a legal marriage and he also has a daughter from a temporary relationship with another actress. I must say that the girl was born in 1999, that is, when the actor was legally married. It is difficult to say about the reason for the act, but one way or another, the Hollywood actor was not going to leave the family.

They even wrote in the press that he did not pay much attention to the newborn girl. It is not known what relationship he now has with his illegitimate daughter. But it is known that Chan does everything possible for his family to make his family happy and loved by him, and this is the main thing for him.

Jackie Chan's son Chan Zuming

Jackie Chan's son Chan Zuming was born into the family in 1982, but some sources point to 1984. For Jackie Chan, this turned out to be the only son, and the rightful heir, given that he still has a daughter. Today, the son of Jackie Chan is already an adult, but it is difficult to say how much he will repeat the success of his father.

Of course, with parents like his, all the doors to show business are open, but we know very little about him. Perhaps in China they know more about the guy, he is filming or working in show business. One way or another, with his father he is in good relations, inherited from him strong will and stubborn character.

Jackie Chan's daughter - Etta Wu Zholin

Jackie Chan's daughter Etta Wu Zholin became the second child of the actor, but, however, she is illegitimate. The girl was born in 1999, when Jackie was in a relationship with actress Elaine Wu Qili. It is not known what the celebrity felt after he found out that he would become a father again unplanned.

At one time, the press wrote that Jackie Chan did not show much attention and interest in his daughter. Little is known about the girl, she lives with her mother, perhaps she does not even communicate with her father. But, as you know, the truth is somewhere in the middle, so no one can say for sure how it really is.

Notable aliases

Before becoming known as Jackie, he used many aliases. Since he was born weighing about 5.5 kg, his mother gave him the nickname Pao Pao ("cannonball"). Then at the opera school, Chan was called Yuen Lo after his teacher Yu Jim-Yen.

Until 1976, he was known as Chen Yuen Lung (Yuen-Lung Chan). Then he received the name Jackie from his Australian comrades. A guy named Jack worked on the construction site, and Chan was called Little Jack (then Jackie) for simplicity. Because the real name his father - Fan, Chinese name Jackie was subsequently changed to Fang Shilong. He was also called Sing Lung (little dragon).

He also acted under the pseudonyms Yuan Lung Chan, Lung Chen, Long Cheng, Wellson Chin, Baseball Bat (for the fact that he himself performed dangerous jumping stunts).

Is it possible to imagine a person who would not know Jackie Chan? One has only to pronounce his name, and before the mind's eye, a talented Chinese actor with a charming smile and amazing karate skills will appear. It seems that nothing is impossible for him, he starred in huge number films, became famous all over the world.

This nice guy seems to include all sorts of talents imaginable, not to mention natural charisma and always positive attitude. But where did it all start? Has Jackie Chan always been as successful as he is now? Did he have connections to general recognition, or did he achieve everything himself? Let's look at the interesting and eventful life path of the world famous " good guy».

Height, weight, age. How old is Jackie Chan

No one will argue that Jackie Chan is in great shape, otherwise he simply would not be able to perform all those tricks that made him famous all over the world. But if we talk more specifically about height, weight, age. How old is Jackie Chan, you can answer that his height is 174 centimeters and his weight is 62 kilograms.

That is, the Chinese actor is thin and fit, always athletic and fit. It's hard to believe, but now the star is already 63 years old, because he seems forever young. His unsurpassed acting talent, sports skills and natural charm simply "doomed" him to fame and success in the world of cinema and show business.

Biography of Jackie Chan

The real name of the actor sounds like Chen Gangsheng, which means “born in Hong Kong”, and he already received the name Jackie when he was friends with Australians. The fact is that at the construction site where she worked future star, another young man also worked, whose name was Jack. In order not to bother too much with the names, they decided to call the new one "Little Jack" in other words, it sounds like Chan or Jackie. So a Chinese guy with an intricate name turned into Jackie Chan.

The childhood years of the future actor were not too easy, primarily because he grew up in a poor family. It would seem that the poor boy will not succeed in breaking out into people, but fate decreed otherwise. Until the age of six, he went to a regular school in Hong Kong, only then he moved to a school at the Peking Opera, where he was taught some stage skills, as well as the ability to control his body on stage. Jackie was also fond of kung fu from an early age.

The first time in the movie, Chan got at the age of eight. He first appeared in the extras, and already, as a teenager, he again got into the extras, but already performing stunts. He even happened to duplicate the legendary Bruce Lee, to whom the young guy was very reverent, with undisguised delight.

I must say that initially Jackie Chan got into the movie as a stuntman, as a rule, he received episodic roles, or they were very small. He confidently possessed the skills of acrobatics, plasticity delighted those around him, his stage skills also did not fail. Therefore, in the seventies, he was already offered serious roles. After a while, the actor began to make films on his own, mostly of an entertaining nature.

Filmography: films starring Jackie Chan

The filmography of Jackie Chan is huge. In every film where he appeared, he created an unforgettable atmosphere that immediately fell into the hearts of the audience. The breakthrough film of the actor can be called the picture "The Drunken Master", where he played a careless and lax hero, but kind and brave. In the eighties, he starred in a number of films called "Lucky Stars", however, there he assigned himself a supporting role. Three years later, he creates his own group of stuntmen, this happens on the set of "Project A". He continues to work with these guys in the future. With each picture in the early nineties, the actor is trying to break into the American market.

I would like to note that Chan completely refuses to play villains. But he was offered to do it at least twice, and the fees were worthy. The real popularity awaited the actor in the mid-nineties, when the film "Showdown in the Bronx" was released, followed by a number of successful films with his participation.

At the same time, Jackie receives good money for his work, which he could not even dream of as a child. So the boy from a poor Chinese family began to revolve with millions. I would also like to add that the actor acts as a pop artist, and sings in different languages. He began his career as a singer in the mid-eighties, during which time he released twenty albums, sang more than a hundred songs.

Personal life of Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan's personal life is stable and constant. For several years now, he has been married to a Taiwanese actress named Lin Fengjiao. Many sources give the date of the wedding as "December 1, 1982", but the written autobiography says 1983. In marriage, their son is growing up, and Jackie Chan has an illegitimate daughter, born from a relationship with an actress, whose name is Elaine Wu Qili.

According to many sources, Jackie Chan did not show much attention to the girl, apparently, he decided that he did not need it, but no one knows for sure. In any case, he had his own motives for this, which he did not voice to the press.

Jackie Chan family

Jackie Chan's family is small but strong, it consists of himself, an actress wife and a son who was born in the early eighties. He also, as mentioned above, has an illegitimate daughter. In fact, for some reason, Jackie Chan's personal life has rarely received much press coverage.

Once Jackie Chan said in an interview that one of his fifteen-year-old fan committed suicide when she found out that he was married. Realizing that he was responsible for such incidents, the actor decided to carefully hide his family secrets. But still, he has had a family for a long time, and he looks quite happy next to his family. Which, however, did not prevent him from "working up" his daughter on the side.

Jackie Chan children

Jackie Chan's children are his son, who grew up in a legal marriage and he also has a daughter from a temporary relationship with another actress. I must say that the girl was born in 1999, that is, when the actor was legally married. It is difficult to say about the reason for the act, but one way or another, the Hollywood actor was not going to leave the family.

They even wrote in the press that he did not pay much attention to the newborn girl. It is not known what relationship he now has with his illegitimate daughter. But it is known that Chan does everything possible for his family to make his family happy and loved by him, and this is the main thing for him.

Jackie Chan's son Chan Zuming

Jackie Chan's son Chan Zuming was born into the family in 1982, but some sources point to 1984. For Jackie Chan, this turned out to be the only son, and the rightful heir, given that he still has a daughter. Today, the son of Jackie Chan is already an adult, but it is difficult to say how much he will repeat the success of his father.

Of course, with parents like his, all the doors to show business are open, but we know very little about him. Perhaps in China they know more about the guy, he is filming or working in show business. One way or another, he is on good terms with his father, inherited from him a strong will and stubborn character.

Jackie Chan's daughter Etta Wu Zholin

Jackie Chan's daughter Etta Wu Zholin became the second child of the actor, but, however, she is illegitimate. The girl was born in 1999, when Jackie was in a relationship with actress Elaine Wu Qili. It is not known what the celebrity felt after he found out that he would become a father again unplanned.

At one time, the press wrote that Jackie Chan did not show much attention and interest in his daughter. Little is known about the girl, she lives with her mother, perhaps she does not even communicate with her father. But, as you know, the truth is somewhere in the middle, so no one can say for sure how it really is.

Jackie Chan's civil wife - Lin Fengjiao

civil wife Jackie Chan Lin Fengjiao is the legal wife of Jackie Chan. They got married in the early eighties. Taiwanese actress, she totally shares creative way star husband. They had a son in their marriage, also, given that Chan has an illegitimate daughter, it turns out that for a while, they could have a discord.

But in the end, they are still together, their family can become a real example of a long married life. Little is known about this actress, but it is possible that she is popular in her country. Of course, first of all, she is the wife of the beloved actor Jackie Chan, and this is her main achievement.

Photos of Jackie Chan before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Jackie Chan before and after plastic surgery are searched on the Web by many, because the actor was injured a lot of times. But did he then turn to plastic surgeon? Most likely, the situation is such that a celebrity has turned to an ordinary surgeon many times, because there is not a single whole bone in his body.

But it is doubtful here to consult a doctor for the sake of prolonging youth or having a facelift. After all, Jackie Chan does not need this at all, he is in great shape, even in his seventh decade of life. So the great actor does not use plastic surgery, although he has already been remembered on the surgeon's table, because he has been there many times.

Instagram and Wikipedia Jackie Chan

There is a lot of information about Jackie Chan on the Web, starting from his childhood years and talking about his creative path. One of the most important sources is the Wikipedia page (,_Jackie), where general facts about a Hollywood actor. But if you want to know even more about Jackie Chan, then you should ask for help from social networks.

The Hollywood star actively uses Instagram (, maintains a personal page there, where he uploads photos, shares news from life. It cannot be otherwise, because he must tell about himself to his fans, who are interested in his every step. Instagram and Wikipedia Jackie Chan will always help to get a little closer to a talented actor.

The name of Jackie Chan is familiar not only to cinema lovers, but also to fans of martial arts and music lovers. The multi-talented individual has hundreds of fan clubs all over the world. the globe, his contribution to world art truly priceless. But the militant star does not seek to advertise his personal life at all. But still, something is known about her.

Personal life of Jackie Chan

Jackie was born in China in 1954. His family was poor. Dad was a kitchen worker, and mom cleaned the houses of rich people. AT early childhood he began attending classes at the Peking Opera, which gave him a good base to start learning kung fu. From the age of ten, he tried to act in episodic roles and extras in films, then moved on to work as a stuntman on film sets. And so, gradually, step by step, Jackie achieved the heyday of his career. Now he is not only famous actor action films and comedies, but also a director and a singer. There are more than a hundred roles in his filmography, and twenty albums and about a hundred songs in his discography. In addition, he is also a generous philanthropist.

In the early 80s, Jackie married Lin Feng Jiao. It so happened that their only son and heir was born immediately after the wedding day. For the sake of the family, Lin left her career and became a reliable rear, support and support for Chan. She always shunned the attention of the press and fans of Jackie, tried to be his ideal wife and support in everything. However, this did not stop Jackie from cheating on her. Upon learning of this, Lin behaved very dignifiedly, and the unfaithful actor managed to beg forgiveness for himself. For a long time it remained a mystery to the public whether Jackie Chan has children, and if so, how many? It turned out that there is a son born in wedlock and an illegitimate daughter.


And children are a topic that has always interested his fans. As soon as his son Jaycee Chan grew up, he stopped hiding him from the paparazzi. Residents of China quite often have two names, or even three - in different dialects of their language and the European version. Jaycee Chan is a European name, and at birth the boy was named Fang Zu Ming.

Being a photo of which constantly flashes on posters and covers is not at all easy. This was experienced by both of his offspring. But the boy inherited from his father a talent and craving for music and acting art. After graduating from school, Jaycee entered a college in the US. However, the process of obtaining knowledge did not arouse enthusiasm in him, and Chan dropped out of college. After moving to Los Angeles, he began to take courses acting skills, vocals, classical guitar and also visited dance school. Then Jaycee decided to build a career not in America, but in Hong Kong and went there. The first solo album he recorded did not help him achieve fame and success, rather, on the contrary. Against young man critics rallied. The same thing happened with several films.

Despite all the failures, Chan Jr. did not despair and did not give up trying to get out of the shadows. famous father. A certain success along this path was the shooting in the film "Young", released in 2007. But then something went wrong again, failure followed failure. Even Jackie's participation in projects did not help. And all this led to the fact that in 2014 Jaycee went to prison on charges of drug use and possession. After serving his term, he came out, asked for forgiveness from his parents and fans, and swore an oath never to touch illegal substances again. How true his words were, only time will tell.


Thanks to the birth of a girl named Etta Wu, a not weak scandal broke out, and Jackie Chan got a couple of gray hair. A daughter was born to him by an aspiring actress and Asian beauty queen of the early 90s, Elaine Wu. Jackie resisted the birth in every possible way, foreseeing trouble. But Elaine refused to have an abortion, and Etta was born in the fall of 1999, seven months pregnant.

Chan begged for forgiveness from his wife, at the same time justifying himself to the public. He begged for forgiveness, but refused to recognize his daughter. The former lover took the child and went to live in Shanghai, where she independently coped with the role of a single mother. However, apparently, for Etta, such a family situation was not in vain. Out of great resentment in 2015, she publicly renounced her father, saying that he was nobody to her, just a man, and nothing more. And in the spring of 2017, the girl was taken to the hospital after failed attempt commit suicide. Whether this difficult situation will bring Chan closer to his daughter or not remains a mystery.

children and relationships

There is a version that the famous actor, fighter and comedian never wanted children, and he also did not want to marry. But life decided otherwise, and he became a father twice. And in both cases, Jackie Chan's relationship with children leaves much to be desired. He did not indulge his son Jaycee with attention, devoting all his time to his career. He himself admitted that he had a hard time with him. There is no mutual understanding, different goals and values ​​in life. When Jaycee went to jail, Jackie publicly refused to seek leniency. However, after the son served time and repented, the relationship between father and son seems to have improved. But with the illegitimate daughter, Chan not only does not communicate, but generally refuses to recognize her. The girl is growing up, she has a difficult adolescence, and she is very sensitive to such neglect.

The appearance on the screens of the fearless and resilient Jackie Chan is always associated with joyful emotions, so the widespread audience love and sympathy has become his faithful companion. From the outside it seems that everything is given to him very easily and carefree, and all his projects are doomed to success in advance. Whether this is the case in reality, the biography of the actor and the facts of his professional and personal life will help to understand.


The future star of world cinema was born on April 7, 1954 in a poor Chinese family. His parents are from the province of Shandong and ended up in the vast Hong Kong in the hope of improving their financial situation. No wonder they named their first child Chen Gangsheng, which means "born in Hong Kong." The familiar name of Jackie Chan appeared much later, at the suggestion of the Australian friends of the future actor. As a result, he fell in love with it so much that it later became a pseudonym in professional life, under which numerous fans around the world now know him.

At first, the family lived at the French Embassy, ​​where the boy's parents managed to get hired as attendants. Later, my father was offered a better job at the US Embassy in Australia. So, Jackie ended up on the Green Continent. When it was time to study, at the family council it was decided to send the restless boy to his homeland to study at the Peking Opera School. There he had to work hard for almost the entire daylight hours. Under the guidance of master Jim-Yen, the students mastered the wisdom of kung fu, actively engaged in physical training and helped with cleaning the premises and washing dishes.

Due to his excellent control of his own body, young Chen was among the lucky few chosen to participate in the mass theatrical performances. When the popularity of the Peking Opera began to decline, teachers came up with another way to earn extra money on the abilities of students. They began to "loan" the guys to local film studios as young stuntmen. When Jackie Chan was seventeen years old, he decided to say goodbye to teachers and school. The kid continued his career on his own, first performing dangerous stunts in the movies, and then playing episodic, small roles.

By the mid-70s, his acrobatic abilities and stage skills were noticed, and the aspiring actor began to receive offers for fairly large roles. Only this Jackie was clearly not enough, and he tries himself as a director. Comic films, richly seasoned with martial arts scenes, are becoming popular among the audience, forming a new genre of comedy action movie. A breakthrough in the career of a young man was the film "The Drunken Master", followed by a job offer from "Golden Harvest", and a talented Chinese guy became a highly paid actor in his homeland.

At first, all attempts to conquer Hollywood ended in failure, but with the release of the action movie "Showdown in the Bronx", popularity came to Jackie there as well. He became a sought-after actor overseas, especially since he performed all the complex stunts in the films himself. Since that time, high fees have appeared and interesting offers Jackie Chan, but the irrepressible energy of the actor and director demanded something else. He got carried away musical creativity and recorded over the years 20 albums with pop songs. Chan often performs songs for own projects, and knowledge of languages ​​allows him to do this in different dialects of Chinese, as well as in English and Japanese.

Versatile and talented person, Jackie Chan is also famous for his charity work. He often takes part in various projects to help those in need and victims of disasters and other good deeds. The actor is an ambassador good will and is known for his large donations. He even decided to bequeath half of all his money charitable foundations and advocates for the United Buddy Bears exhibition to move to Hong Kong. For all his many merits, the actor, singer and philanthropist was awarded honorary stars on the Walk of Fame both in his homeland and in Hollywood.

Personal life

My family life Jackie Chan prefers not to advertise, because there have been cases that his not very balanced fans committed suicide because of the news of his engagement. Since then, he has been careful not to make the facts public. personal biography, but stellar life is very difficult to hide from prying eyes. According to various sources, the actor married in 1982 or 1983 to the charming Taiwanese actress Lin Feng Jiao. The woman still tries to avoid the paparazzi and reporters, agreeing to an interview only in extreme cases.

The star couple has an only son, Jaycee, who, due to the constant employment of his father, practically did not see him in childhood. For a long time, Jackie generally hid his loved ones, so few people knew that he had a son. Only at the funeral of Leonard Ho, the actor appeared with his wife and 15-year-old son, and this was the first time he appeared with them in public. Jaycee received a good education in the States, but decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents. He composes and performs musical compositions, records albums, acts in films and also does charity work.

Another child famous actor is the girl Etta Wu, who was born as a result of a short-term affair with model Elaine Wu Qili. The birth of the baby was overshadowed by a scandal, perhaps the only one in the biography of her famous father. Journalists subjected him to all sorts of attacks, while Jackie Chan himself tried in every possible way to evade the answer and did not want to officially admit the fact of infidelity and the birth of a child. Once the actor said that he was ready to support his daughter if his paternity was proven. However, Elaine did not want proceedings and prefers to raise the girl on her own.

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