Patterns of male behavior. Modern Man's Code

Rules of conduct for modern boys, men

A knight without fear or reproach, a brave warrior, a true gentleman. The image of a “real man” has been formed over many centuries. It happened that the requirements that were presented to the representatives of the stronger sex changed over time to the opposite. Let's talk about the code modern man.

The Code is a set of rules and norms of behavior that has evolved over time under the influence of historical, social and cultural traditions society. Violation of the code is socially frowned upon, and compliance with the rules is encouraged.

The question arises: why follow some rules, invented by no one knows who? Is it just for public approval? But you've probably already encountered such a problem: what causes the approval of the majority is not always correct. Is it good to live guided by the opinions of others? And what about your own individuality, your beliefs?

Of course, not every "code" needs to be blindly followed, and among the rules there are both reasonable and completely ridiculous. Therefore, it is very important to find the "golden mean". This is the first lesson to be learned a real man: make decisions independently while taking into account the opinions of others.

The second rule follows directly from the first. A man must be responsible for your words and actions. Every word you say, every action you take has consequences. You must be able to anticipate them before you say or do something. Calculate in your mind what will happen if you do this and that. Compare the positive and negative consequences: which ones are more, which ones are more significant, more serious. Think about whether you are ready to take responsibility for each of the possible consequences? If yes, take action. No, look for other options. Do you find it funny to throw a rock at a cat? Your friends will surely admire your accuracy, and the cat will scream very funny. But consider: a cat is a living being, just like you. How would you feel if someone threw a rock at you or your mom? Or maybe you have a cat, dog or other animal at home? What if someone throws a rock at your pet in the same way? It is possible that you will cripple the cat and even kill it. Are you ready to take responsibility for his death? And you don't need to convince yourself that bad things can happen to anyone, but not to you. This is a very dangerous childish delusion.

Believe me, there are many ways to demonstrate your accuracy to your friends and at the same time not harm anyone or anything. If you are smart and mature enough, you will definitely find such a way.

Do right choice not easy. With experience, mistakes become less, but they still happen. In addition, sometimes what seems right to us turns out to be wrong later on.

Therefore, a real man should be able to admit your mistakes and try to correct them. The second part of the rule is especially important. It’s not enough to just say, “Yes, I made a mistake.” There is nothing to be proud of here. Having admitted your mistake, you must do everything to correct its consequences. Correcting a mistake is not always possible. In this case, it should be taken as a useful experience: to understand what is the cause of the error, draw conclusions and try not to make such mistakes again.

Never judge others. If you have already begun to master the three previous rules, then you understand how difficult it is to behave correctly in everything and not make mistakes.

Don't shy away from difficulties. Don't be discouraged if something goes wrong. There are many difficulties in life. It is impossible to list them. Moreover, it is impossible to predict with what encounter problems it's you. But in any case, remember: you are able to overcome any difficulties. The way out is not always obvious. Sometimes it takes a long time to find it. If you feel like it's all over, take a break. Just wait a little, and soon the decision will come to you. But never run away or give up. Find in your environment someone who is weaker than you, someone who is worse than you, and help him. Maybe it's your mother, brother, friend, classmate, your girlfriend. Maybe it's your dog, maybe it's a plant you care about. You are a man. You have no right to abandon those who need you.

Appreciate friendship. Don't betray your friends. Don't hurt your friends. For example, if at a party you accidentally take a picture of a friend in a ridiculous position, do not show this picture to others, do not post it on the Internet. Entries in the block about your friend's personal life, about his secrets, troubles are also unacceptable.

Do not offend those who are weaker than you. Firstly, it's mean, and secondly, it's pointless. What will you prove by offending the weak? That he is weaker than you? Then why are you going to him? It means that you are not confident in yourself, and this is already a manifestation of your own weakness. Conversely, by protecting the weak in front of those who offend them, you demonstrate your own strength.

Under any circumstances, be polite, attentive to others, follow the basic rules of etiquette. This is the long rule. It implies a lot of little rules that a real man must follow.

Say hello when you meet and say goodbye when you part, not only with those people you know, but also with those you often meet along the way (with sellers, neighbors, regular fellow travelers, etc.). Greet girls and older people first.

Don't be rude.

In transport, give way to girls and older people.

Let the women go first.

If necessary, move the elderly person across the road, help climb or descend the stairs, get off public transport.

If you see a person carrying heavy bags, offer to help.

Hold doors open in front of other people.

On the street and especially in in public places don't play loud music. Talking loudly and laughing is also indecent. Believe me, people around you are not at all obliged to share your musical preferences, know all the details of your conversations and have fun with you. A situation may also happen in your life when you really need silence, and next to you someone will laugh at the top of his lungs, scream in handset or listen to music through the speaker.

If you are in a public place and you receive a call, find a private place. If this is not possible, ask to call you back later or offer to call back yourself.

Many of these little rules of politeness are very desirable to break. I want to forget about the existence of others. Some believe that only "nerds" and " sissy". "Cool man" does what he wants. Reasoning is absolutely childish. Pay attention to who from your environment says this, and be sure: these people have nothing to do with the concept of a “real man”. You can take them as an example of what not to do.

Compliance with the rules of courtesy is a sign of adult behavior. A man must be responsible to others and to himself.

Guys who spit on others may seem "cool" to the outside. In fact, they look like rotten tomatoes: outwardly strong, neat, beautiful, but inside they are filled with vile, smelly goo. If you want to be a rotten tomato, do what they do. If you want to become a real man, have success with girls, learn to behave like a person.

Demonstrate sincerity, honesty and sensitivity in your relationships with women. If you like a girl, show it: give her flowers, a card with a poem, invite her to the cinema, or just tell her frankly about your Feelings. Stand up for the girls, help them, escort them home. Don't fool girls. And remember: a real man will never offend a woman, no matter what she does, no matter how she behaves.

Watch your appearance. Follow the rules of hygiene: brush your teeth, wash your face, take a regular shower, use deodorant. Wear clean, neat clothes. Go in for sports to be agile and strong. Physical exercises form muscles and a beautiful body.

Treat others the way you want them to treat you. This rule does not need detailed explanation. Just don't expect everyone to love you. This does not happen, because all people are different, and they also make different demands on others. You will be surprised, but a person needs enemies no less than friends. Detractors like no one else see our weaknesses and negative sides. Listen to the opinion of enemies, and try to correct your shortcomings.

Are you worthy? To become a husband and father of children - a girl who retained honor?

A Real Man lives on the basis of the Noble Ideals of the Soul and Spirit, putting Always at the head: Honor, Responsibility, Duty to Ancestors and Descendants.


1. Be true to the Blood and the Earth. In your Blood is the power of the Race, in your Earth is the dust of the Ancestors.
2. Be brave and proud. The one who conquers his fear, the one who does not retreat before the Force, is the real Hero.
3. Honor the Truth by which your Ancestors lived. Follow the paths of the Old Gods, for they were once people of your Blood, and by heroic deeds gained Immortality.
4. Be faithful to your Blood Brothers. True loyalty is known only in battle. The circle of brothers is worth thousands of foreign armies.
5. Be faithful to your beloved. The one who was not loved by a woman is not worthy to pass through the North Gate to the Home of Heroes.

6. Be honest. Lies are worthy of peoples who are too weak to defend the right to life in open battle.
7. Be fair. Treat others only as they deserve.
8. Be wise. Do not accept false truths on faith, but comprehend the world with your mind.
9. Do not put up with evil, for evil left unpunished multiplies, and the blame lies with the one who left it unpunished.
10. Don't follow the Society. The crowd can only educate you as a Slave. Strive to break out beyond its limits, to where the invincible Forces of Nature rule.
11. Appreciate the Will. Strive for it, for it is better to die standing than to live on your knees.
12. Always remember that the weak is afraid of battle, the strong rushes into it, and the great finds happiness in it.

5 points from the knightly code:
1. The knight despises monetary reward for his deed.

2. Respects women, protects the weak and defenseless, helps widows and orphans.

3. Never runs from the enemy.

4. Does not refuse and is not afraid of a fight with an opponent of equal strength.

5. Fear God and uphold the covenants of the Church.

5 points from the gentleman's code:
1. Don't borrow money from a friend unless absolutely necessary. Borrowed money is a debt of honor that must be repaid as soon as possible. Debts of deceased parents, siblings or adult child fair man takes on himself.

2. Do not lose your temper, do not show anger, fear, hatred, embarrassment, excitement and fun in public places.

3. Don't pat strangers on the back and don't touch ladies you don't know.

4. In a conversation, do not mention names, as well as how much things cost.

5. Not taking advantage of someone else's helplessness or ignorance and not letting another gentleman take advantage of you.

5 points from the scout code:
1. The duty of a Scout is to be useful and to help others.

2. Every Scout is a friend and brother to other Scouts, no matter what social class they belong to.

3. The Scout obeys the patrol leader's orders without question.

4. The scout does not lose heart and smiles, no matter what difficulties come across on his way.

5. Scout is polite and frugal.

5 points from the dueling code:
1. Having received an insult, the offended must declare to his opponent: "Dear Sovereign, I will send you my seconds." If the opponents are unfamiliar with each other, they exchange cards and addresses.

2. In the event of a grave insult, the offended person, in addition to the right to choose a weapon, has the right to choose between the legal types of a duel. When dueling with pistols, he has the right to choose one of the six legal types of dueling with pistols. When dueling with swords or sabers, he chooses between a continuous or periodic duel, and in the latter case he has the right to determine the duration of the fights and breaks.

3. An insult inflicted on a woman does not concern her personally, but directly falls on her natural protector, who becomes the offended person, and the severity of the insult increases by one degree.

4. The credibility of discrediting facts does not give the offender the right to evade satisfaction, except in the case when the consequence of the attributed and proven fact is the dishonor of the offended person.

5. Having received the weapon, the opponents must remain silent throughout the duel. Any comments, ridicule, exclamations, screams are absolutely not allowed.

5 points from the mafia code:
1. Never look at your friends' wives.

2. You must always be available for family affairs, even if your wife is on demolition.

3. Family members have an obligation to tell each other the truth.

4. The money of other families must not be embezzled or stolen.

5. No one can personally call himself a friend of the family and talk to one of us - a new person must be recommended by a family member.

Since the first club-headed Neanderthal spoiled the air in a common cave without ventilation, people have thought that it would be nice to designate a certain line of civilized behavior, deviating from which is life-threatening. Of course, if you have a flamethrower in your hands, you can ignore all sorts of . But in other cases, they can be quite useful.

The archaeological service MAXIM, which is always digging into some tombs, recently stumbled upon a huge golden sarcophagus. Shaking out the mummies of dried dwarfs from there, our scientists discovered the "CODE OF MALE RELATIONSHIPS": the oldest set of rules and laws in forty volumes. Alas, this work has no historical value - instead of the laws of the past, some smart guy guessed to put there the Rules for the Men of the Future, that is, for you and me. Nevertheless, we appreciate it.

(Unfortunately, only a few paragraphs, miraculously saved from mold and termites, were able to decipher.)

Rule #1

cannot be borrowed.

Rule #6

You are obligated to lend a friend a car, a nail puller, or your child if he gives you at least 12 hours' notice. If he breaks something, he must fix it within a week, even if it requires his organs. Exception: if you didn't notice any damage at the time of return, your friend doesn't owe you anything.

Rule #85

You have the right to use a hammer, a jacket and a friend's half-eaten hamburger. Even without asking. But the community of property does not apply to the following items: battle awards, pacemaker chargers, and girls.

Rule #212

If you have just lost a game of chess or boxing to another man, you have every moral right to win back. (It is possible on someone, by the way, turned up under the arm.)

Rule #404

If your friend ended up in the police, you are obliged to get him out of there at any cost, unless he killed a member of your family.

Rule #723

If a friend treats you to a beer, don't grumble about the beer. But if it is warm, you can safely make a scandal.

Rule #959

Anyone who guesses to shoot on video can be legally killed and eaten by the rest of the participants in the orgy.

Rule #1073

You can only kiss your friend if you are president of a friendly country. And that - without the language!

Rule #1219

If your friend is late, the minimum waiting time is 5 minutes. The maximum is 6 minutes.

Rule #1476

If a friend's wife, friend's girlfriend, friend's mother, friend's father, or younger brother If they ask you about this friend, you have the right not only to remain silent, but to generally deny the very fact of the existence of a friend.

Rule #1699

It is forbidden to address a person lifting weights with the following phrases:
1) Well, did you eat a little porridge?
2) A couple more tons - and you can go under the shower.
3) Great ass! Are you a Sagittarius according to your horoscope?

Rule #1862

If you saved a friend from, he has the right to talk about it anywhere. But if you are completely out of hand and live with your own bull terrier, it is forbidden for a friend to talk about this even in a male company after three bottles.

Rule #2284

Before you leave a drunken friend with his girlfriend, you must do a little test. If the guy is able to stand up, look you in the eyes and articulately send you to hell, your duty is done.

Rule #2475

When making a toast at a friend's wedding, it is forbidden to use the phrases "husband - overeated pears" and "I would not have missed such a heifer either."

Rule #2500

Feel free to take the last piece of pizza or the last bottle of beer from the table. But never do both at the same time.

Rule #2650

Any man can kick another man only in case of mortal danger or threat of rape.

Rule #2811

Telling your friends about yourself, you can embellish your virtues (including those of The Same) by 50%. (If you are trying to seduce a girl, you have full right wind up 400%.)

Rule #2907

The question of who pays for the beer is appropriate to solve in the way that cowboys in Texas sorted out their relationship. Whoever manages to grab his wallet first pays the bills.

Rule #3462

It is forbidden to terrorize lonely friends. If you are married, and he came to visit with his girlfriend, even after a liter of vodka you can’t ask: “Well, when will you finally sign?”.

Rule #4671

Rule #5294

If you know a person for more than a day, you can forget about his sister forever. Or marry her.

Rule #5649

If you introduce your companion to the girls of your friends, they must be friends forever and be nice to each other. If, on the contrary, your girlfriend is trying to introduce you to her friends' boyfriends, you don't have to smile at them. Of course, this is a double standard. But this is true.

Rule #5888

If your wife or girlfriend wants to introduce her boring and ugly to one of your friends, you can let her do it. But only if you gave your friend time to come up with a reason for refusing to get acquainted. Like leaving for a monastery or the army.

Rule #5934

The universal reward for friends who helped you with is beer. The incentive formula is:
(time it took to move) x (number of drawers and cupboards) x (floors): cost of property damage in thousands of rubles = number of honestly earned bottles of beer.

For the person who lent you the truck, there is a bonus: the right of the first night with your new neighbor ..

Rule #6666

You should not comment on appearance, character and moral character the girl with whom your suddenly crazy, blind and deaf friend started what he is foolish to call "a serious relationship."

Rule #6748

When visiting a friend in intensive care, never ask him who he intends to leave his fancy scooter to. Just ask him for the keys.

Rule #6975

If you come to a company that looks sports match, you have the right to ask what account. But you're not allowed to ask who's playing.

Collected codes of honor of all times to talk about the main male laws, and to understand what differences and similarities can be found in the codes of the knight, boy scout, gentleman, duelist and mafia.

Today we will talk about the codes of honor of a knight, a gentleman and a scout. But tomorrow about the codes of the duelist and the mafia ...


Chivalry was the moral system of the Middle Ages, which rested on such qualities as courage, courage, honor and gallantry. All future men's codes in one way or another repeat and idealize the knightly code of the dark ages. This codex was first recorded in the Song of Roland, a heroic poem from the 12th century.

5 points from the knightly code

1. The knight despises monetary reward for his deed.
2. Respects women, protects the weak and defenseless, helps widows and orphans.
3. Never runs from the enemy.
4. Does not refuse and is not afraid of a fight with an opponent of equal strength.
5. Fear God and uphold the covenants of the Church.

Printed on the basis of the "Song of Roland", written in the XII century.


Throughout the existence of the term "gentleman" hundreds of gentlemen's codes have been written, but one of the most stringent can be called the code of the oldest military institution in the United States - the Virginia Institute, founded in 1839. Virginia is a southern state, which meant in those years the traditional and conservative local society.

The Virginia Institute had grueling training, military discipline, and a strict code of the gentleman: “Without strict adherence to the fundamental Code of Honor, no person, no matter how he looks, can be considered a gentleman. The honor of a gentleman requires the inviolability of his word and the incorruptibility of his principles. He is a descendant of knights, crusaders, he is a protector of the weak and a knight of justice."

5 points from the gentleman's code

1. Don't borrow money from a friend unless absolutely necessary. Borrowed money is a debt of honor that must be repaid as soon as possible. An honest person assumes the debts of deceased parents, brothers, sisters or an adult child.
2. Do not lose your temper, do not show anger, fear, hatred, embarrassment, excitement and fun in public places.
3. Don't pat strangers on the back and don't touch ladies you don't know.
4. In a conversation, do not mention names, as well as how much things cost.
5. Not taking advantage of someone else's helplessness or ignorance and not letting another gentleman take advantage of you.

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