Alexander Romanovich Belyaev. Psychological counseling Handbook of a practical psychologist Compiled by Svetlana Leonidovna Solovieva

Friends, I inform you that the club-studio "PARUS" with the support of the VRO LLC "Union of Writers of Russia" is applying for the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Voronezh" to Ivan Egorovich Bezgin. We prepared the necessary package of documents, attached to the characteristics of publications in various media, an essay by Y. Kurguzov, etc. I hope that we will be supported by my colleagues in the City Public Chamber, as well as deputies of the City Duma. Below is a brief description and a film by Vladimir Krapotkin about the master Bezgin. Wish us luck, friends! CHARACTERISTICS Bezgin Ivan Egorovich was born on June 2, 1939 in the village of Maly Samovets, Ertilsky district, Voronezh region. Musician, member of the Russian Union of Masters-Artists and Restorers musical instruments(since 2003), laureate of numerous folk art festivals. In Voronezh since 1954. Studied at the Voronezh College of Music (guitar class) (1967-1969) Worked as a mechanic at the factories of Voronezh (1956-1974) Kirov, club mechanical factory(1962-1967), Palace of Culture named after the 50th anniversary of October (1967-1985) Managed a music studio in the Soviet region. He brought up dozens of students - guitarists. Author of compositions for guitar (etudes, waltzes, quadrille, tango), numerous arrangements of Russian and gypsy romances. Since 1974 he has been making classical guitars. To date, he has made more than 150 guitars that sound on different stages: in Russia, Poland, USA, Israel, Germany. I.E. Bezgin's guitars are played famous musicians: Zhanna Bichevskaya, Sergey Orekhov, Irina Makarova, Anatoly Belyaev, Konstantin Shatalov, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko (Moscow), Larisa Dyakova, Leonid Shumovsky, Vyacheslav Vorotilin, priest Father Alexy, Alexander Tsys (Voronezh), musicians from Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Chelyabinsk, Lipetsk , Krasnodar, Tula, Petrozavodsk and many other cities. Since 1999 - consultant of CJSC "Akkord" (Bobrov, Voronezh region) national competition classical guitar makers (for the most original guitar) in St. Petersburg. Two films were made about Bezgin: “The Poor Rich Man” (author L. Dyakova) and “The Master and Margarita” (author V. Krapotkin) Master Bezgin is the hero of stories by famous Voronezh writers Vyacheslav Degtev (“Russian Soul”) and Yuri Kurguzov ( "The Golden Thread of the Master") He is the hero of numerous publications in local and federal media (authors of articles: A. Starukhin, L. Shumovsky, V. Yeletskikh, N. Bateykina, S. Synorov, L. Mikhailova and many others), in which Ivan Yegorovich Bezgin is often called the "Voronezh Stradivari". I.E. Bezgin - personalia of the Voronezh historical and cultural encyclopedia edited by O.G. Lasunsky (2006)

Balabukha A. Batalov E. Bezgina N. Belyaev A. Berezhnoy S. Bernstein I. Bilenkin D. Borisov V. Borisov L. Brandis E. Braudo E. Britikov A. Bugrov V. Bulychev K. Burya V. Vozdvizhenskaya O. Vulis A Vyatkin A. Gakov Vl. Gevorkyan E. Geller L. Goncharov V. Gopman V. Gorbunova L. Gorchakov V. Gorshenin A. Gromova A. Gurevich G. Dilaktorskaya O. Dinamov S. Dmitrevsky V. Dobrusina T. Evdokimov A. Efremov I. Zhuravleva V. Zakharchenko V Zvantseva E. Zerkalov A. Zuenko E. Ibragimova R. Ivich A. Ignatov S. Isangazin M. Kagarlitsky Yu. Kazakov V. Kalashnikov N. Kan V. Karavaev D. Kashirin A. Kerzin A. Klenov V. Klokova E. Kovsky V. Korolev K. Kudryavtsev S. Kuznetsov G. Kushaev N. Kushch O. Lavrova T. Lanin B. Larin S. Levidova I. Linnik Yu. Lyapunov B. Malevich O. Manukyan A. Medvedev Yu Melnikov A. Milovidov B. Mirer A.I. Mirlis A. Mikhailova L. Mostkov Y. Muravyov V. Mukhortov N. Neelov E. Nekrasov S. Nikolsky S. Novikova N. Nudelman R. Osipov A. Paley A. Parnov E. Perelman Y. Pereslegin S. Plekhanov S. Polyakov P Propp V. Revich V. Rezanova N. Rozanova A. Royfe A. Rostotsky S. Rublev K. Rykachev Y. Rynin N. Ryurikov Y. Ryaguzova G. Svyatlovsky V. Semibratova I. Smelkov Y. Solomodenko V. Strugatsky A. Strugatsky B. Tamarchenko E. Toporov V. Urban A. Fedoseev G. Khalymbadzha I. Khanyutin Yu. Kharitonov E. Khutorskaya L. Chalikova V. Chernysheva T. Chernaya N. Chertkov A. Chistov K. Chudakova M. Shalashova Z. Shatilov I. Shek A. Shestakov V. Shudrya E. Yanovskaya M. ALTOV Heinrich (Pseudo; real full name - ALTSHULLER, Heinrich Saulovich; 1926 - 1998) - prose writer, engineer-inventor, one of the leading authors of the Soviet science fiction 1960 -s. Born in Tashkent, graduated from Azerbaijan. industrial in-t, worked in a closed scientific research institute, as a journalist. Since 1990 he lived in Petrozavodsk. He made his debut in print in 1957 (the story "Zinochka", co-authored with V. Felitsin). Author of the SF prose books Legends of Star Captains (1961), The Scorching Mind (1968), Made for the Storm (1970), pl. short stories and short stories in collective collections (sometimes in collaboration with his wife - V. Zhuravleva). Along with prose works A. belongs to a number of publications of a theoretical nature, of undoubted interest not only for philologists, but also for teachers of technical universities. As the creator of the famous Decision Theory Inventive Challenges(TRIZ), A. paid special attention to the theory of "strong thinking" and "life strategy of a creative person. A prerequisite tv-va according to A. is the ability to operate science fiction. ideas, and therefore in dep. discipline allocated Development of Creative Imagination (RTI), based on the use of DOS. techniques for generating new fantastic ideas..." (Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Mn., 1995. P. 33). Together with P. Amnuel, he developed the "Fantasy-2" scale to assess the novelty, persuasiveness and artistic value of SF ideas; of particular interest is and other research A. - "Register of science fiction ideas, plots, situations", in which the author made a successful attempt to classify the ideas used in science fiction, as well as to identify the ratio of science fiction ideas that have received their continuation in real life (Space flights, laser beam Most of A.'s articles are devoted to the complex relationship between science and fiction, and articles on the problems of modern Soviet science fiction have not lost their relevance. Bibliography 1. ugly ducklings science fiction, or Fifty Ideas of Alexander Belyaev // Pole of Risk. - Baku: Ganjlik, 1970. - S. 201-226. 2. Paints for fantasy // Lit. Azerbaijan. - 1970. - N 11. - S. 118-124. 3. Course per person. We continue the discussion of science fiction issues // Lit. and life. - 1960. - 31 Aug. 4. Gain wings // On literature for children: Sat. Art. Issue. 10. - L .: Det. lit., 1968. - S. 156-165. 5. Rereading Wells // These amazing stars: Sat. - Baku, 1966. 6. Frontiers of Science and Fiction // Knowledge is Power. - 1963. - N 11. - S. 55-56. 7. The fate of the predictions of Jules Verne // World of Adventures. - M.: Detgiz, 1963. - S. 521-543. 8. Fiction and readers // Problems of sociology of the press. Issue. 2. - Novosibirsk, 1970. - S. 74-91. 9. Fantasts are repeated // Koms. truth. - 1962. - 24 Dec. 10. To become a princess. [Problems of development of modern. owls. NF] // About literature for children: Sat. Art. issue 13. - L .: Det. lit., 1968. - S. 45-64; The same // Det. lit. - 1968. - N 8. - S. 9-13. 11. Screen open to the future. [On the problems of cinema fiction] // The Art of Cinema. - 1965. - N 97. - S. 62-66. - In co-authorship with V. Zhuravleva. 12. Sketches about fantasy // NF: Sat. Issue. 22. - M.: Knowledge, 1980. - S. 217-235. LIT.: Borisov V. Altov, Genrikh Saulovich // Encyclopedia of Science Fiction: Who's Who. - Minsk: Galaxias, 1995. - S. 31-33; Urban A. Let's return to addictions // Det. lit. - 1969. - N 9. - S. 2-5. AMUSIN, Mark Fomich (b. 1948) - critic, literary critic. Born in Leningrad (St. Petersburg); Graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. Since the late 1970s, he has appeared in print with literary critical articles, mainly devoted to various aspects of Russian fantastic prose. Published in the magazines "Neva", "Star", "Lit. review". In the mid 1990s. emigrated to Israel. The author of the first Russian-language monograph devoted to the review of the work of A. and B. Strugatsky "The Strugatsky Brothers. An Essay on Creativity" (1996), in which the problems, poetics and figurative system works of outstanding domestic science fiction writers. It is also known for a number of critical publications on the problems of modern Russian science fiction literature. Bibliography 1. Brothers Strugatsky. Essay on creativity. - Jerusalem: Beseder Ltd, 1996. - 187 p. ------ 2. In search of a wonderful alloy. Notes on fantasy-everyday prose // Neva. - 1983. - N 10. - S. 157-164. 3. Is it far from the future? // Neva. - 1988. - N 2. ANDREEV Kirill Konstantinovich (1899 - 1967) - Writer, critic, essayist. Born and died in Moscow. He made his debut in print in 1927. Lit. editor in the publishing house "Children's Literature". Creativity A. is closely connected with adventure and fantasy literature: he acted as the author of afterwords to science fiction books, compiler and commentator. Prefaces and afterwords to the books by J. Verne, S. Lem, R. Bradbury distinguishes among related works an excellent knowledge of the material and an undoubted gift of the artist, which allowed them to rightfully take their place in the golden fund of commentary criticism. A special place in A.'s work is occupied by the documentary book "Three Lives of Jules Verne" (1956. 1957. 1960), which contains a lot of interesting facts life and creative biography of the French writer. The book "Adventurers" (1968) also stands out, containing essays on the most widely read adventure and science fiction writers in our country - R. Stevenson, A. Conan Doyle, A. Green ... It should be noted that A. always spoke as one of the most active organizers of the development and propaganda of the SF: both as an editor of a publishing house, and as an organizer of various events for science fiction writers through the SP, etc. etc. Bibliography 1. Adventure seekers.- M.: Det.lit., 1968.-256 p.; 2. Three lives of Jules Verne.- M.: Young Guard, 1956.-311 p. (ZhZL); Same: 2nd ed.-M., 1957; Same: 3rd ed.-M., 1960. _______________ 3. Running time // Fiction-1963.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1963.- S. 3-20. 4. Will we be like this? // Strugatsky A. and B. Return (Noon, 22nd century). - M.: Detgiz, 1962. 5. Jules Verne // Ogonyok. - 1953. - N 6. - S. 25. 6. Jules Verne // Verne J. Sobr. op. In 12 volumes - M .: Khudozhestv. lit., 1954. - T. 1. - S. 5-42. 7. Tomorrow will come // Novy Mir.- 1952.- N 9.- S.274-277. 8. Books about the future society // Children's literature. 1960. - M .: Detgiz, 1961. - P. 33-57; 9. The world of tomorrow // Novy Mir.- 1959.- N 6.- P.241-247; 10. Lem vs. Lem // Lit.gaz. - 1965. - 26 Oct. 11. About J.Verne's novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth" // Technique-youth. - 1953. - N 12. - S. 14-17. 12. About the work of Vl. Nemtsov // Nemtsov V. Fireball. - M., 1958. 13. Afterword // Verne J. Mysterious Island. - M.: Mosk. worker, 1956. - S. 495-505. 14. Almost the same ... // Lit.gaz. - 1965. - May 27. - P.3. 15. Preface // J. Verne. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. - M.: Mol. guard, 1955. - S. 3-10. 16. Preface // J. Verne. Mysterious Island. - M.: Mol. guard, 1955. - S. 3-10. 17. Preface // Bradbury R. Fiction.- M.: Knowledge, 1963.- P.5-24; 18. Foreword // Verne J. Children of Captain Grant.- M .: Mol.gvardiya, 1955.- P.3-16; 19. A word about tomorrow // Izvestia. - 1960. - 15 Feb. 20. Stanislav Lem // Lem S. Magellanic Cloud.- M.: Detgiz, 1960.- P.5-12; 21. Peers of youth // Seeker.- 1961.- N 3.- S. 91-93. 22. Morning new era// New signal.- M.: Knowledge, 1963. 23. Fiction. Year 1962 // Technique-youth.- 1962.- N 12.- P.28-29; 24. Fiction by Ray Bradbury // New signal. - P.216-220; 25. Four future Stanislav Lem // Lem S. High Castle.- M .: Mol.guard, 1969.- P.132-143. LIT.: Inozemtsev I. The Fourth Life of Jules Verne: [Rec. on the book: Andreev K. Three Lives of Jules Verne. - M., 1956] // Spark. - 1957. - N 22. - S. 21; Klimova V. A peer of future generations: [Rec. on the book: Andreev K. Three Lives of Jules Verne. - M., 1956] // Komsomol. truth. - 1957. - June 29; Levin F. Review: [Andreev K. Adventure seekers. M., 1966] // Lit. gas. - 1967. - January 4; Osipov A. Fiction from "A" to "Z". Andreev K.K. // Altair.- M., 1993.- N 1.- S.155-156; Ryss E. Afterword // Andreev K. Adventure seekers. - M., 1969. ANIKEEV Vladimir Ivanovich (1950) - Bibliographer, translator of the National Philosophy. Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry. Belarusian State. university Worked as a junior researcher. an employee in the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. He combines scientific work with translation (translations of SF from English and Polish) and bibliographic activities in the field of SF. Of greatest interest is the bio-bibliographic guide compiled by A. - "Writers and Critics of Science Fiction in the Polish Republic" (1990). Member of the editorial board of the NF magazine "Fantakrim-MEGA". Lives in Minsk. Bibliography 1. Bibliographic works 1. Bibliography of translations of Paul Anderson's works into Russian. lang. // Fantacream-MEGA. - Mn., 1991. - N 3. - S.89. - In co-authorship with I.G. Khalymbadzha. 2. We say: French fiction. We read: Jules Verne: Franz. fantasy in Russian translations (1991-1993) //Fantakrim-MEGA. - 1993.- N 6. - S.42-43. 3. The ice has broken...: Anglo-American science fiction in Russian. lang.: Experience of Bibliography // Fantakrim-MEGA. - 1992, No. 6; 1993, N.N. 2-6; 1994, N.N. 1-4; 1995, No. 1-5. 4. Writers and Critics of Science Fiction in the Polish Republic (Materials for Bibliography) // Witch Slayer. - M.: Mol.guard, 1990. - C. 317-351. 2. Critical articles, essays 5. Dead swell and " new wave" // Sail. - Mn., 1988. - N 7. - C.62-63. 6. Are we being translated? We are translating ... // Fantakrim-MEGA. - 1995. - N 3. - C. 28- 30. 7. Science Fiction of Poland // The Slayer of Witches. - M., 1990. - C.305-316; Also: Fiction of Poland. // Fantakrim-MEGA. - 1990. - N 1. - C.76 -81. 8. Shadows over the city...: Review of E.Drozd's book "Shadows over

Bibliographer of the National Philosophy and the creative heritage of A. R. Belyaev. Lives in Perm.


1. Alexander Romanovich Belyaev: On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth: Method. recommendations // Region. Department of the DOK RSFSR; KLF "Wind of time". - Volgograd, 1984. - 21 p. - Signed: Bezgina N.

2. Alexander Romanovich Belyaev: Bibliography. decree. works and criticism // Poisk-87. - Perm: Prince. ed., 1987. - S. 398-412. - Signed: Nikitina N.

  • - Performer of the author's song, was born on May 23, 1963 in Murmansk. Graduated from secondary school and music school piano class...
  • - Deputy of the State Duma Federal Assembly RF of the first convocation; born November 13, 1952; Graduated from Rostov State University...

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  • - art. opera, chamber singer and teacher. In 1882-86 she studied singing in Kyiv. music school, in 1887-89 - to Milan. cons. ...

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  • - Member of the Board of Directors of the concern "Germes"; born in 1960; higher education; worked as a senior economist for the supply of workers at the Oberteinsky Shipping Company, financial director JSC "NTC Germes and K"...

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  • - spec. in the region modern German philosophy; cand. philosophy Sciences, art. n. With. Genus. in Moscow. Graduated from philosophy. Faculty of Moscow State University. Until 1960 she worked at the Department of the History of Zarub. philosophy philosophy Faculty of Moscow State University. Graduated asp. ...

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  • - Director of JSC "Biokhim" since 1993; was born on March 15, 1964 in the city of Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory; Graduated from the faculty of commodity science of non-food products of the Leningrad Institute of Soviet Trade in 1985....

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  • - Olympic champion in the jump and team championship, Olympic champion in the team championship; born February 9, 1973 Honored Master of Sports; Graduated from the Belarusian Academy of Physical Culture...

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  • - Genus. in the city of Gorky in a family of employees. She graduated from the shipbuilding faculty of the Gorky Polytechnic Institute. Worked as a design engineer at the Central Design Bureau "Volgobaltsudoproekt" ...

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  • - Born in 1929; daughter of L. I. Brezhnev; studied at the Faculty of Literature of the Dnepropetrovsk Pedagogical Institute, graduated from the Philosophical Department of the Chisinau State University...

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  • - genus. June 9, 1947 in Baku. Musicologist. In 1971 she graduated from Azerb. cons. In 1971-1972 he was a teacher of music theory at the Mus. Sumgayit school. Since 1972, an employee of the journal. "Owl music"...

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  • - Dean of the Faculty of Biology of the Chelyabinsk State University since 1998, Head of the Department of Microbiology of ChelGU since 1997; was born in 1946 in Mongolia...

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  • - First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation since October 1998; was born on September 6, 1945 in Kuibyshev; Graduated from the Faculty of History of the Leningrad State University with a degree in "...

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  • - President of "ART-Furniture-Design" LLC. She was born on September 25, 1965 in Moscow. She graduated from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering in 1995. She organized her own business - a furniture company...

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  • - genus. March 10, 1907 in St. Petersburg. Musicologist. In 1933 she graduated from the Kharkov Musical Theatre. in-t according to class. f-p. M. A. Slavinskaya...

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  • - spec. on ethics; Dr. Philosophy Sciences, Assoc. Graduated from philosophy. Faculty of Moscow State University, Ph.D. the same f-ta. Works at the Department of Ethics Philosophy. Faculty of Moscow State University successively Ass., Art. lecturer, since 1990 - Assoc. Cand. diss. - "...

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  • - Professor of the department ancient world Faculty of History, Moscow State University; was born on September 27, 1922 in Moscow; Graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor...

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"Bezgina, Nina Leonidovna" in books

Vera Leonidovna Kosheleva ROGNEDA ROGVOLODOVNA (c. 960–1000) AND PRESLAVA VLADIMIROVNA (c. 985-?)

author Muromov Igor

Vera Leonidovna Kosheleva ROGNEDA ROGVOLODOVNA (c. 960-1000) AND PRESLAVA VLADIMIROVNA (c. 985-?) A woman is a great word. In her is the purity of a girl, in her is the selflessness of a friend, in her is the feat of a mother. N. A. Nekrasov None female destiny the ancient Russian chroniclers did not dedicate

Vera Leonidovna Kosheleva ANNA (between 1026–1028 - not earlier than 1075), ELIZABETH (1024-?) AND ANASTASIA (1047–1066) YAROSLAVNA

From book famous beauties author Muromov Igor

Vera Leonidovna Kosheleva ANNA (between 1026-1028 - not earlier than 1075), ELIZABETH (1024-?) AND ANASTASIA (1047-1066) YAROSLAVNY Nature said to the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must be prudent by all means . P. Beaumarchais Russian princesses, daughters of Yaroslav

Vera Leonidovna Kosheleva KSENIA BORISOVNA GODUNOVA (1581–1622)

From the book Famous Beauties author Muromov Igor

Vera Leonidovna Kosheleva KSENIA BORISOVNA GODUNOVA (1581–1622) Love is the homeland of the soul, a beautiful longing for the past. N. V. Gogol


From the book Father and Son [SI] author Polle Helmut Khristianovich

Nina Nina is from a very modestly living family, my age (born 07/10/41). Father, Nikolai Ageev, returning from the front, did not live with his wife, and in 1951 he committed suicide. Mother, Maria Efimovna Berezovskaya, a welder, no longer had a permanent husband. Nina lived mostly with her grandmother

SANCTUSAMOR. "Poor Nina" - Nina Petrovskaya

From the book Three Furies of times past. Chronicles of passion and rebellion author Talalaevsky Igor

SANCTUSAMOR. " Poor Nina» - Nina Petrovskaya PROLOGUE Khodasevich. In August 1907, due to personal sorrows, I went to St. Petersburg for a few days - and got stuck for a long time: I did not have the strength to return to Moscow. I saw few writers and lived hard. At night loitering in restaurants,


From the author's book

Nina Behind the “romances” that arose then, natural youthful hobbies, there was a need for a loved one for life. I do not presume to judge all of Glazunov's friends of those years, but, judging by his diary entries in 1953, such a need manifested itself in

YURENEVA Vera Leonidovna

From the book Silver Age. Portrait Gallery of Cultural Heroes of the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries. Volume 3. S-Z author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

YURENEVA Vera Leonidovna 10 (22) 6.1876 - 19.1.1962 Dramatic actress. On stage since 1902. Roles: Bronka (“Snow” by Pshibyshevsky, 1904), Regina (“Ghosts” by Ibsen, 1904), Nora (“Nora” by Ibsen, 1909) and others. had a charming appearance - a small


author Okudzhava Bulat Shalvovich

Nina - And you are beautiful, - says Sasha Zolotarev. I shave in front of a mirror fragment. There is nothing to shave. It is colder in the dugout than in the yard. The hands are red. The nose is red. The blood is red. While shaving, all cut up. Am I handsome? Ears apart. Potato nose. Why do I shave? It's been three


From the book Nine grams in the heart ... (autobiographical prose) author Okudzhava Bulat Shalvovich

Nina No matter how much I go to the headquarters of the regiment, no matter how much I look at Nina, she does not notice. And their staff, they simply speak to her: “Nina, give me a mug ...”, “What, honey, are you tired?”, “Let's smoke ...”, “Great, Ninochka! So we saw each other again! .. ”- and they hug her. And she gives a mug, smiles,


From the book Nine grams in the heart ... (autobiographical prose) author Okudzhava Bulat Shalvovich

Nina Karpov leaves the division headquarters. We look at him. “Replenishment has already gone to us,” he says. - We missed each other. They didn’t wait. - That’s good, - says the foreman, - there are fewer worries. - We will get an American armored personnel carrier, - says Karpov, - also a little thing

Galina Leonidovna. Fall from paradise

From the book How Brezhnev replaced Khrushchev. secret history palace coup author Mlechin Leonid Mikhailovich

Galina Leonidovna. The overthrow from paradise Galina Leonidovna Brezhneva lived a life in which everything that belonged to her, everything that was dear and close to her, suddenly disappeared forever. And every time this loss turned out to be a blow for her, from which she could not

Galina Leonidovna Brezhneva

From the book Adultery author Ivanova Natalya Vladimirovna

Galina Leonidovna Brezhneva Galina Leonidovna Brezhneva was an outstanding adventuress of the Soviet era. Her biography may well become a plot for an adventure film. She always acted contrary to everything: traditions, circumstances, decency, and even common sense.

Psychological counseling Handbook of a practical psychologist Compiled by Svetlana Leonidovna Solovieva

From the book Psychological Counseling. Directory practical psychologist author Solovieva Svetlana Leonidovna

Psychological counseling Handbook of a practical psychologist Compiled by Svetlana Leonidovna

Just Natalya Leonidovna

From the book People and phrases [collection] author Desnitsky Andrey Sergeevich

Just Natalya Leonidovna It is very difficult, almost impossible, to write about nun John - Natalya Leonidovna Trauberg. Write some memoir? Surely those who knew her much better than me will compose, and it will be good and right, but she herself said about memoirs: “They take

Krachkovskaya Natalya Leonidovna

From book The big Book female wisdom [compilation] author author unknown

Krachkovskaya Natalya Leonidovna Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, Honored Artist of Russia, born in 1938 Once, the head of the course at VGIK, Vladimir Belokurov, took entrance exams as part of the commission. He especially liked the artistic

Yu.N. Bezgin

A.F. Urazova



Guidelines for laboratory work for students of all forms of education direction 250400.62 (35.03.02) "Technology of logging and wood processing industries"

Yekaterinburg Electronic archive of UGLTU Published on the recommendation of the methodological ILBiDS.

Reviewer - Professor of the Department of TOLP, Dr. Tech. Sciences Hertz E.F.

Editor E.L. Mikhailova Computer layout operator E.A. Gazeeva Signed for publication on 30.01.15 Pos. 4 Flat printing Format 6084 1/16 Circulation 10 copies.

Order no. l. 1.16 Price rub. cop.

Editorial and Publishing Department of the USFTU General provisions In accordance with the program of the course "Technology and machines of logging operations" of direction 250400.62 (35.03.02) "Technology of logging and wood processing industries", it is envisaged to study the structures of logging machines and mechanisms, schemes and technologies for their use for logging operations in laboratory classes. Students during the laboratory work must:

To study various technologies of logging operations;

To study the purpose and arrangement of machines and mechanisms for logging;

Learn to draw up schemes for performing operations;

Learn how to calculate the technological parameters of the operation of logging machines and equipment.

When performing laboratory work, students make an individual report of the brigade.

The main objectives of the guidelines:

1) theoretical training of students in the course being studied and the acquisition of skills in practical application acquired knowledge;

2) preparation for execution term paper in the discipline "Technology and machines of logging operations" and the technological part of the final qualifying work.

Before starting to study the discipline, the student must attend a theoretical course of lectures on the disciplines "Theory of moving and processing operations", "Technology of logging abroad".

In addition, the student must know the basic concepts related to the technology and equipment of the forest industry; definitions, classification of logging operations; principles of formation of machine systems; apply the skills of calculating the performance of machines and mechanisms; have an understanding of the technological processes of logging operations, the arrangement of logging equipment.

General instructions for performing laboratory work During the laboratory classes a group of students is divided into teams of 3-4 people in such a way that there are no more than 10-13 people for each head of classes.

After studying the operations performed, machines or mechanisms, it is necessary to independently draw up a technical specification, bring a drawing or a technological scheme of work and receive a task from the teacher with the initial data for calculating the shift productivity of the equipment.

A report on the work done is submitted to the teacher before the next laboratory work.

–  –  –

Safety precautions when performing laboratory work Before starting laboratory work, the teacher conducts an introductory safety briefing, and students sign in a special journal about the briefing.

–  –  –

Topic: "Tree felling: gasoline-powered chain saws, feller buncher, harvester"

Questions to study:

1. The concept of the operation "felling the forest".

3. Apiary development schemes:

With the use of a gasoline-powered saw (narrow-apiary, medium-apiary, wide-apiary technology);

With the use of a feller buncher (single-tape, two-tape, three-tape methods, VPM operation schemes);

With the use of a harvester (when placing a portage at the border and in the middle of the apiary, with stops at half apiaries, with an auxiliary corridor).

4. Determine the interchangeable productivity of the chainsaw and feller buncher on the felling of the forest and compare them with the corresponding norms for the production of Nvyr (ENiR).

The shift performance of a gasoline-powered saw is calculated by the formula T Qchl P s0 s2, tp where T is the shift time, s;

Qchl – whip volume, m3;

c0 is a coefficient that takes into account the costs of preparing the workplace and transitions from tree to tree (c0 = 0.15…0.8);

c2 – working time utilization factor (c2 = 0.8…0.9);

tp is the time of cutting one tree;

–  –  –

where N is the power of the saw engine, kW (N = 4.4);

– Efficiency of transmission from the engine to the saw chain (= 0.92);

- friction coefficient of the chain on the tire (= 0.1);

Рн – worker pushing force, N (Рн = 16…20);

ао is a coefficient depending on the sharpness of the chain teeth, (ао = 0.6…1).

–  –  –

Q0 104 a(lmax (lmax lmin))M, where Q0 is the volume of the package formed by the vehicle from one stop, m3;

a is a coefficient that takes into account the operating conditions of the machine (when developing the lane on one side of the machine a=1, on both sides a=2);

M – forests per 1 ha, m3;

lmax, lmin - the largest and smallest outreach of the machine manipulator, m;

–  –  –

where t is the cycle time, s;

t1 – guidance and delivery of the harvester unit to the tree, s;

t2 – harvester unit lever clamp, s;

t3 – tree felling, s;

t4 - delimbing, s;

t5 - bucking whips;

t6 - moving from one technological site to another per tree, p.

t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6 determined by measuring their duration with a stopwatch.

5. Basic provisions for safety on the roll for each type of equipment.

–  –  –

Topic: "Pruning: delimbing machines, gas-powered saws"

Questions to study:

1. The concept of the "branching" operation.

2. Short description and purpose of the equipment used.

3. Schemes for cleaning branches in the upper warehouse, in the apiary.

4. Determine the shift productivity of machines and mechanisms during the operation and compare with the production rate Nvyr (ENiR).

–  –  –

5. The main methods of disposal of logging residues.

6. Safety guidelines for delimbing for each type of equipment.

–  –  –

Questions to study:

1. Classification of applied machine systems:

1.1. VPM+Skidder+Processor

1.2. Harvester+Forwarder

1.3. Forvester

2. Professions of workers and their job responsibilities

3. Ways to develop apiaries

4. Performance calculation:

4.1. harvester

Calculate the productivity of the harvester:

–  –  –

where Tcm is the time of the working shift, min.; tp – regulated downtime, min (15…30 min); Vchl is the average volume of the whip, m3; tc – cycle time, min.

The cycle time consists of the time of guiding and delivering the harvester head to the tree, clamping the levers of the harvester head, sawing and felling the tree, trimming the branches, bucking the whips, moving from one technological parking lot to another per tree.

–  –  –

4.2. Forwarder Calculate the maximum possible volume of assortment moved by the forwarder, depending on the load capacity and reach of the manipulator:

–  –  –

where Tm = 145 kNm is the lifting moment, b is the coefficient expressing the relationship between the load capacity and the outreach of the manipulator;

y \u003d 800 kg / m 3 - wood density; g = 9.81 kgm/s2 is the free fall acceleration.

–  –  –

where Tcm is the time of the working shift, min; tp - regulated downtime, min. (15…30 min); Vpack is the average volume of a pack of transported assortments, m3; tc – cycle time, min.

–  –  –

Topic: "Skidding wood with tractors"

Tractors with choker equipment, with a manipulator, skiders, forwarders

Questions to study:

1. Brief description of the operation.

2. Brief description of the purpose of the equipment used.

3. Schemes of tractor operation, skidding conditions.

4. Determine the shift productivity of tractors and compare it with the production rate Nvyr (ENiR):

–  –  –

where Vp, Vsh, V1y, Vy are the speed of the tractor in the corresponding gears from the technical characteristics of the base tractor, km/h.

The collection time tc of the cart and the uncoupling time of the cart t0 are taken according to ENViR and depend on the average volume and type of skidder within 12 ... 32 min for TT-4, TT-4M, TDT-55, TDT-55A.

Pack uncoupling time t0 for chokerless tractors 0.15…0.25 min.

Pack collection time tb with chokerless tractors LT-154, LT-157, LT-171, LT-89 – 1.0…2.5 min; LP-18B, LP-18A, TB-1, TB-1M - 2.0 ... 3.0 min per 1 m3 of skid pack.

–  –  –

If the condition Fk Fst is met, i.e., there is no slipping of the tractor with a pack of wood, we substitute into the tractor performance formula Psm smallest value Qmin.

Calculate forwarder performance:

–  –  –

where a is the width of the apiary, 12…15 m;

q is timber stock, m3/ha;

p is the share of the harvested stock, 0.3…1;

i is the proportion of timber of a certain variety group, 0 i 1.

The unloading travel time t8 should be taken into account if the forwarder sorts timber during unloading and stacking. In this case, the calculation is carried out according to a formula similar to t7.

–  –  –

1. Matveiko, A.P. Technology and equipment of logging production [Text]: a textbook for university students inzh.-ekon. specialist.

forestry complex / A.P. Matveiko. - Minsk: Tekhnoperspektiva, 2006.

447 p.: ill. - Bibliography: p. 441.

2. Technology and machines of logging operations [Text]: a textbook for university students studying in the direction of preparing diploma. specialists, masters and bachelors of direction 250400 “Logging technology. and woodworker. pr-v ”on the profile“ Forest engineering business ” / V.I. Patyakin [et al.]; ed. V. I. Patyakin;

St. Petersburg. state. forest engineering un-t im. S. M. Kirov. - St. Petersburg: SPbGLTU, 2012. - 362 p.: ill. - Bibliography: p. 360.

3. Azarenok, V.A. Cut-to-length logging [Text] / V.A. Azarenok, E.F. Hertz, A.V. Mekhrentsev; Ural. state. forest engineering acad. Yekaterinburg, 1999. - 134 p.

4. Azarenok, V.A. Ecologized logging: textbook. allowance / V.A. Azarenok; UGLTA. Yekaterinburg, 1998. - 99 p.

5. Gorokhovsky, K.F. Machines and equipment for logging and timber storage works [Text] / K.F. Gorokhovsky, N.V. Livshits. M.:

Ecology, 1991. - 528 p.

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Voluntary Society of Book Lovers

Board of the Volgograd Regional Organization

Science Fiction Club "Wind of Time"


(to the 100th anniversary of the birth)

Volgograd - 1984

The material was prepared by N. L. Bezgina

"A science fiction work must meet all the requirements that apply to fiction. But beyond that, the author of a science fiction work has additional load: he must master the scientific material and skillfully present it.

"Science fiction is the most difficult genre. The genre is very laborious and requires a lot of preliminary preparation for each work"

      A. Belyaev

      B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev".

"Some invent and calculate, others present these works more clearly, and still others devote novels to them. All are necessary, all are precious!"

      K. Tsiolkovsky

      B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"What Belyaev has done gives him an indisputable right to one of the first places in world science fiction."

      L. Borisov.

      B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

“Among the authors of that era, the most significant, in my opinion, is A. Belyaev. When I was in the Mauthausen concentration camp, captured Soviet comrades told me about many novels by this author, which I could not get later. Belyaev’s novels I read "I find them simply wonderful. The scientific thought is excellent, the story is very well written and the main science fiction themes are well developed. Personally, I would simply devour Belyaev's unread books if I could find them. I hope that what was not included in the three will be republished volumes of his collected works. Belyaev is certainly one of the greatest science fiction writers."

      Jacques Bergier

      A. Britikov "Russian Soviet science fiction novel"

He felt like a forgotten writer, forgotten by his colleagues, misunderstood by critics. But at the same time, he considered himself by no means great, he said that the images often fail, the language is not always rich. The plot - that's what he felt his power over."

      V. Azarov

      B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"Belyaev Alexander Romanovich, born in 1884. As a child, he was fond of Jules Verne. He traveled around the world without leaving his room. He dreamed of flying. He threw himself from the roof on a large open umbrella, on a parachute made of sheets, paying hefty bruises.

Later he made a glider, flew an airplane of one of the first designs of Eng. Gakkel, abroad - on a seaplane. Loved to invent. At the age of 16-18 he invented a stereoscopic projection lamp. After 20 years, the same was invented in America. He received a higher legal education, a musical education in the violin class. Studied art history, traveled to Italy to study the Renaissance. Was in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, in the south of France. In his student years, he earned one time by playing in the orchestra of the Truzzi circus. In 1905, as a student, he built barricades on the squares of Moscow. He kept a diary, recording the events of the armed uprising. Already during the advocacy, he spoke on political matters, was subjected to searches. The diary almost burned down. He devoted at least 15 years to the theater. He directed and played in the provinces and for several seasons in Moscow (in the Sergiev People's House). He was a barrister, but the advocacy - formalism and casuistry of the royal court - did not satisfy. He began working in provincial newspapers around 1911-1912, was a music and theater critic. Collaborated in children's magazine"Protalinka" in Moscow. From 1916 to 1922 he was seriously ill with bone tuberculosis of the vertebrae. Since 1923, he served in Moscow in the NKPS and NIS and at the same time began to write stories in science fiction terms. Collaborated in the magazines "World Pathfinder", "Struggle of the Worlds", "Knowledge is Power", "Nature and People", etc. Individual editions came out "Amphibian Man", "Professor Dowell's Head", "Struggle on the Air", "Isle of Lost Ships", "Lord of the World", "Jump into Nothingness". More than 200 printed sheets were written in total.



"For all its originality, science fiction is part of Soviet literature, and the tasks of Soviet literature are participation in socialist construction. Because in science fiction questions of science and technology are treated, the conclusion naturally arises that our science fiction should be one of the means of agitation and propaganda of science and technology, should expand and scientific knowledge, to attract the interest of readers and young people in particular to scientific and technical problems.

Science fiction cannot be turned into a boring popular-science book, into a non-scientific-literary bastard. A sci-fi novel, a short story should be equal works of art.

It is necessary to ensure that, having become interested in a pronounced scientific problem, the reader of a science fiction work would himself undertake to study the literature related to this issue, and perhaps he himself would engage in the scientific, technical development of this problem. And from this point of view, the best work of science fiction should be recognized as one that throws a new fruitful idea into the world, contributes to the emergence of a new inventor, a new scientist.

A writer working in the field of science fiction must himself be so scientifically educated that he can not only understand what the scientist is working on, but also, on this basis, be able to anticipate such consequences and possibilities that are sometimes unclear even to the scientist himself.

Soviet social science fiction or, more precisely, social part Soviet science fiction works should have the same reliable scientific justification as the scientific and technical part.

And above this difficulty - the image of the social future - lies an even greater one - showing the man of the future. This is the task that must be solved for the Soviet writer working in the field of science fiction.

      "Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction" - 38

On March 4 (16), 1884, the science fiction writer Alexander Romanovich Belyaev, the "Soviet Jules Verne", the founder of Soviet science fiction, as they call him now, was born in Smolensk.

    1895-1901 - study at the Smolensk Theological Seminary

"My brother and I decided to travel to the center of the Earth. We moved tables, chairs, beds, covered them with blankets, sheets, stocked up on an oil lantern and went deep into the mysterious depths of the Earth. And immediately the prosaic tables and chairs disappeared. We saw only caves and abysses, rocks and underground waterfalls as they were portrayed by wonderful pictures: creepy and at the same time somehow cozy.And the heart sank from this sweet horror.

Later, Wells came with the nightmares of "The Struggle of the Worlds", This world was no longer so comfortable ... "

      "Illustrations in Science Fiction"

In the seminary, he was "famous for performing at evenings with vivid artistic recitation of poems. Thin, slender, with dark hair, smoothly combed, Alexander had excellent acting skills, good looks, a high culture of speech, great musicality, a bright temperament and an amazing art of reincarnation, in particular mimic talent was strong." This is how he was remembered by the high school students, helping in the production of the fantastic fairy tale play "Three years, three days, three minutes." Taking the plot of a fairy tale as a basis, Belyaev, as a director, managed to "enrich it with many mise en scenes, bloom with bright colors, saturate it with music and singing. His fantasy knew no bounds!"

      S. Yakovlev V. Griboyedov "A. Belyaev-artist"
    1901-1906 - studies at the Demidov Lyceum in Yaroslavl and the Musical Conservatory in the violin class 1913 - travel to Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland

"A few jumps, and we are already completely separated from the water. Last time the boats touched with their rear edge the ridge of a large wave. And immediately rose above the water for several fathoms.

The sea is sinking below us. The houses surrounding the bay do not seem white, but red, because from above we see only their tiled roofs. The surf stretches like a white thread near the shore ...

Behind us is the Italian Ventimiglia, in front of the French Nice, and in the middle is the small principality of Monaco ... "

      "Hydroplane ride"

"Amazing people, these Italians! They know how to combine slovenliness with a deep understanding of beauty, greed - with kindness, petty passions - with a truly great impulse of the soul ..."

      O. Orlov "Alexander Belyaev"
    1914 - "Grandma Moira"

“The disease once laid me in a plaster bed for three and a half years. This period of illness was accompanied by paralysis of the lower half of the body. And although I owned my hands, nevertheless my life was reduced in these years to the life of a“ head without a body ”, which I did not feel at all ... That's when I changed my mind and re-felt everything that a "head without a body" can experience.

      "About my work"
    1924 - "In the Kyrgyz steppes"
    1925 - "Professor Dowell's Head", "The Last Man from Atlantis", "Three Portraits"
    1926 - "Modern Post Office Abroad", "Lord of the World", "Island of Lost Ships", "Neither Life nor Death", "White Savage", "Ideophone", "Guest from the Bookcase", "The Man Who Doesn't Sleep" , "Fear"

“Wagner set himself the task of capturing more knowledge than the human brain can accommodate. And the professor achieved this due to the fact that, without needing rest and sleep, he could work almost twenty-four hours a day. In addition, through training, he developed the ability to think with both halves of the brain independently of one another. His eyes also moved independently of one another, and Wagner could thus observe several phenomena at once. He could write simultaneously with his right and left hand ... "

      "The Man Who Doesn't Sleep"
    1927 - "Above the Abyss", "The Hunt for the Big Dipper", "Among the Feral Horses", translation and notes to the story of Jules Verne "In the year 2889"
    1928 - "Sputnik's Companion", "Amphibian Man", "Struggle on the Air", "Eternal Bread", "Dead Head", "Open Sesame!"

"The first fish among people and the first man among fish, Ichthyander could not help but feel lonely. But if other people followed him into the ocean, life would be completely different. Then people would easily defeat the powerful element - water. More than seven tenths of the earth's surface is the expanse of a water desert. But this desert, with its inexhaustible supply of food and industrial raw materials, could accommodate millions, billions of people. Billions of people without crowding and crowding could accommodate in the ocean. "

      "Amphibian Man"

"Sooner or later, humanity will settle at the bottom of the sea ... I see a new race "HOMO AQUATICUS" - the coming generation, born in underwater villages and finally adapted to the environment."

      Jacques Yves Cousteau
    1929 - "The Man Who Lost Face", "The Air Seller", " golden mountain"," Light representation "," Created legends and apocrypha, "Devil's mill", "Ancestral instinct", "Keep to the west", "Air pillars", "Dead zone", "In the pipe", "Riding the wind", "Amba", "Is It Easy to Be Cancer?", "Release". Prefaces to the novels by D. London "Iron Heel" and "Moon Valley"

“Jack London, due to the special conditions of the labor movement in America, had little faith in the success of the working class. Or rather, he believed in the final victory of the workers, but he endured the onset of this in the distant future. In the novel The Iron Heel, the author also outlines the dates for this future: in his opinion, at least three hundred years must pass before the “Era of Brotherhood” comes in. But before the onset of the “Era of Brotherhood”, the workers still have to go through a terrible period of unheard of exploitation, through the era of the “Iron Heel” of capitalism ... A short-sighted and pessimistic “prophet "and the politician turned out to be Jack London in his fantasy novel."

      From the preface to "The Iron Heel"
      B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"How it happened, the horse could not tell. But Santa Anna himself reproduced the picture. Papelas apparently managed to catch the half-strangled Vianto. He sat on the horse. But Vianto could not bear such an insult and preferred to die along with the enemy. He rushed to the cliff and rolled down down. The horse was lucky: she escaped with a bruise, and the man ... "

      "Riding the Wind"
    1930 -"Underwater Farmers", "Citizen of the Ethereal Island", "Green Symphony", "City of the Winner", "VTsBID", "Hoyti-Toyti", "Imperishable World", "Rami"

"A mathematician, physicist, astronomer, mechanic, biologist, sociologist, inventor," patriarch of astronautics ", Tsiolkovsky thinks in astronomical numbers, counts in millions, billions, billions. Infinity does not suit him. He turns his gaze to the past of our solar system and calmly says, as about the age of their own children: "It took thirty-one billion years for the birth of all the planets. The Earth separated from the Sun two billion years ago, and our Moon was born by the Earth less than a billion years ago. "A completely newborn baby! What does a billion mean if Tsiolkovsky sometimes deals with numbers for which, in his own words," in order to write them , the whole universe would not be enough!"

      "Citizen of the Ethereal Isle"
    1931 - "Earth is on fire", "Kite", "External engineer", "Stronger than God", "Sunny horses", "Storm", "Damn swamp". "Freed Slaves"
    1932 - "Blue Coal", "Let's create a Murmansk Zoo", "More about the greening of the city", "Tsiolkovsky", "Sevtraltrest must have a technical station", "The radio center must resolutely restructure its work", "Will this end?"

"No cages of old menageries - these bourgeois prisons for animals! Only "islands" of animals in the open air. Reservoirs. Aviaries for birds and small animals. Natural polar landscape without" underpainting ". Genuine polar sky. What could be better? ..

But such a zoo is not only an interesting and healthy spectacle, especially in Murmansk, which is so poor in spectacles. A lot of scientific and educational work can be carried out in the zoo"

      "Let's Create a Murmansk Zoo"

"Our polar scientists-enthusiasts will be heated by icy polar winds... The wind that caused us so many troubles, accidents, losses, will serve us. There is nothing fantastic in the idea of ​​"winding" our trawlers by installing windmills on them... One thing is undeniable - the big Murmansk wind will help us create a big Murman."

      "Blue Coal"

"Imagine a huge rocket in the form of an egg-shaped wagon with a pointed upper end. Inside the wagon there is a cabin with a supply of oxygen, food for travelers and a large supply of explosive material - gunpowder or oil, gases - that's the "starship" for you.

"If such a projectile acquires a speed of approximately 11 kilometers per second from the explosion, then it can overcome the earth's gravity and fly at least to the Moon, to Mars ..."

    1933 - "Jump into nothing", "The fires of socialism, or Mr. Wells in the dark", "Record flight", "Unusual occurrences", "New Year's Eve"

“Your story is more meaningful, more scientific and more literary than all the works on the subject of “interplanetary travel” known to me ... It will spread knowledge and interest in the great task of the 20th century more than other popular stories, not excluding even foreign ones ... As for dedicating it to me, I consider it your courtesy and an honor for myself.

      K. E. Tsiolkovsky
      B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"What attracted him to Russia? An experiment! A great experiment in the restructuring of the world, the old civilization, culture, the creation of a new social order. This is a daring attempt to put into practice what has been the subject of utopias for centuries. But weren't utopias his forte? Didn’t he, in his works, which the whole world read into, draw pictures of the future, pictures of world wars, even the cosmic struggle of the worlds, the collapse of the old civilization, the birth of a new, unprecedented technical progress? .. And suddenly these people - the Bolsheviks - announced that They are the ones who will change the world! It touched him, as a professional, could not help but worry."

      "The fires of socialism, or Mr. Wells in the dark"
    1934 - Meeting in Leningrad with H. D. Wells
    "Airship", "Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction"

“I have read with pleasure, Mr. Belyaev, your marvelous novels The Head of Professor Dowell and The Amphibian Man. Oh! They compare favorably with Western books. I even envy their success a little.

      H. G. Wells
      B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"He (the young reader) loves science fiction, is fond of science fiction novels, hunts for them, reads and rereads them. He forgives the author's inevitable mistakes and growing pains - he is more tolerant and patient than critics and other readers of this genre. He, - and so far only he - morally supports the author on the difficult, responsible path of creating genuine Soviet science fiction.

      "Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction"

"The story ... is witty written and scientific enough for fantasy. I will allow myself to express my pleasure to Comrade Belyaev and the respected editors of the magazine. I ask Comrade Belyaev to send me cash on delivery of his other fantastic story, dedicated to interplanetary wanderings, which I could not get anywhere. I hope and find the good in it. Please forward the letter to Comrade Belyaev. With regards, Tsiolkovsky."

      B. Lyapunov "They dreamed of conquering space"
    1935 - "The Miraculous Eye", "The Lost Island", "Blind Flight", "In Memory of the Great Scientist-Inventor", "Academician Pavlov"

"Your warm review of my novel gives me new strength in the difficult struggle to create science fiction works."

"I cordially and sincerely welcome the release of the second edition (Jump into Nothing), which will undoubtedly help spread the interest in exatmospheric flights among the masses. They probably have a great future ahead of them."

      From the preface by K. E. Tsiolkovsky to the novel "Jump into Nothing"
      B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"I sort through his books and pamphlets, published by him at his own expense in the provincial Kaluga printing house, his letters, drafts of his manuscripts, in which he packed the books he sent, his portraits and think about this man who lived such a difficult and at the same time interesting life, he knew solar system better than we - his city, mentally lived in interplanetary spaces, felt like a "Citizen of the Universe ..."

      "In memory of the great scientist-inventor"
    1936 - "Star of KETs", "D. I. Mendeleev", "Mikhailo Lomonosov", "D. Watt and I. Polzunov", "Flying Carpet"

"I made a great mistake in my politics, that I allowed Lomonosov to become a professor." Schumacher's son-in-law Gaubert said: "Do we really need a dozen Lomonosovs? And one is a burden to us ..." Lomonosov was not mistaken in that he failed to accomplish all that "that he did for the good of the fatherland." But his sad thoughts that “all my useful intentions will disappear with me” did not come true: he managed to put many useful intentions into practice ... And only today this exceptional person finds himself fully appreciated.

      "Mikhail Lomonosov"

"Loving father, kindest person, ready to help all those in need, and at the same time a quick-tempered eccentric, "roaring lion", catching fear in all who knew him little. Almost rude from extreme shyness and extraordinary excitement in front of a new person.

      "Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev"
    1937 - "Heavenly Guest", "Professor Dowell's Head", "Mr Laughter", "Shooters of New Discoveries"

"Thirteen years ago I wrote the story 'Professor Dowell's Head' on the subject of the reanimation of a human head cut off from a body...

For that time, the story in the form in which it was published was quite bold, and the author could be reproached for an unscientific approach to the topic. Since then the situation has changed. Huge advances have been made in the field of surgery. And I decided to rework my story into a novel, making it without looking up from scientific basis, even more fantastic."

      B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"
    1938 - "Under the Arctic Sky", "Dublve's Laboratory", "Invisible Light", "Horned Mammoth", "Cinderella. About Science Fiction in Our Literature", "Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction", "Arctania", "Winners of the Subsoil", " Miracle Park"

"I'm also interested in the man of the future, the life and way of life of communist society. The first attempt to give a more or less detailed picture of the life of our future is the novel "Dublve's Laboratory" ... In this novel, I still do not dare to characterize the people of the future - for this I have not enough material. The main attention is paid to the description of the cities of the future, communal institutions, apartments, transport, etc."

      "Argonauts of the Universe"

"They say that writers, especially great ones, pay little attention to science fiction, considering it second-rate literature. This is not true. Literature is always the same grade as the writer who created it. Or rather, writers do not favor science fiction because writers, like editors and critics, not too firm in technology, physics, biology. The position of Cinderella in which science fiction resides in our literature cannot but frighten off writers.

      "Cinderella. About science fiction in our literature"
    1939 - "Castle of the Witches", "Pushkin's Visit", "The Great Transport Worker", "About My Works", "Illustration in Science Fiction", "Argonauts of the Universe", "Pushkin City - a Fish City", "Children's Leisure", "Stalin's Care" about people"

"The easiest thing is to create an entertaining, plot-driven, science fiction novel on the theme of the class struggle. There are contrasts, character, and tension of the struggle, all sorts of secrets and surprises ... And the most difficult thing for a writer is to create an entertaining plot in a work that describes the classless future communist society, to foresee the conflicts of positive heroes among themselves, to guess at least two or three traits in the character of a person of the future ... But showing this future society, scientific, technical, cultural, everyday, economic prospects is no less important than showing the class struggle. I take on the hardest."

      "About my work"

"Science fiction illustrator must have great imagination and rich developed imagination. At the service of illustrators of today and yesterday, and ready-made nature, and photos, and illustrative material of magazines, and the wealth of archives. Another thing is science fiction, where one has to operate with things that do not yet exist, and where, therefore, one has to rely to a large extent on fantasy, on imagination. A science fiction illustrator should be at least on par with the author in terms of the power of imagination and fantasy. He must embody the ideas of the author with the utmost completeness in visual images, and sometimes even make up for the writer's omissions.

      "Illustration in Science Fiction"
    1940 - "The Man Who Found His Face", "The Anatomical Groom", "The Brilliant Scientist", "The Victorious Hero", "Jules Verne", "Mikhailo Lomonosov", "He Lived Among the Stars", "The Birth of Radio", "An Interesting Undertaking "," Fifteen brave "," The earth in the yoke. Flame in the swamps "," Conquest of the stratosphere "," On the verge of great discoveries "," Earth and sky "," The hero comes out of the screen "," What are the growers doing?, " At the exhibition of works by Pushkin artists", "For the cultural Russian language", "Palace of Soviets", "Giant on the Volga", "More simplicity, accuracy", "Climate vagaries", "On the history of our city", "About one neglected house"

"For a year and a half, I have been exaggerating in the local newspaper the idea of ​​the need to create an entertaining science corner for children in Pushkin parks, and in particular, interplanetary travel. I have achieved my goal. To begin with, by the summer season it is planned to build a life-size model of an interplanetary rocket ... After examining the rocket, visitors will be able to make an interplanetary journey - a movie booth will be installed behind the porthole..."

      From a letter to N. A. Rynin
      M. Sonkin "So it began"

"A modestly furnished study. A semi-mobile bunk. Pictures with fantastic images line the walls. A tube receiver hums measuredly. A desk telephone and books ... books ... books ...

They are littered with a table, a bookcase, a wardrobe, and the entire adjacent room - a library - up to the ceiling. A man lies on a bed high forehead shaggy black eyebrows, from under which look clear, penetrating eyes.

      S. Golovko "Master of Science Fiction"

"Jules Verne was and remains a brilliant unsurpassed popularizer of science. His merits in this regard are colossal ... It can be said with confidence that bourgeois literature will not create a second Jules Verne. Proof of this can be the work of G. Wells. In terms of literary talent, he is no less Jules Verne, but Wells lives and works in a different era, the era of the decay of capitalism. Wells has nowhere to get cheerful strong-willed people. "

      "Jules Verne"

"You are being modest in vain, Alexander Stepanovich. We all understand very well that you showed us devices for telegraphy without wires. This is the greatest invention! As you wish, but I cannot write down your text in the protocol. It is impossible to hide such an invention behind these silent lines".

      "The Birth of Radio"

“In the literary circle that I lead, most of the circle members are students. There are capable young men among them. But I was deeply upset and surprised when I first got acquainted with their illiterate manuscripts. Even the guys from the literary circle of the Palace of Pioneers write better, simpler, more literate .. In our universities, it is necessary to raise the issue of raising the culture of the language. literary circles. It would also be good to hold a series of lectures on literature, the history of the theater, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, at least in the most concise form.

      "For the cultural Russian language"

"February 27 marks 4 years since the death of the brilliant physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, who gave scientific work more than half a century ... The works of Academician Pavlov created a new era not only in physiology, but also in related scientific fields. It can be said that he illuminated the work of the body and the "soul" of man and animals in a completely new way.

      "Genius Scientist"
    1941 - "Ariel", "Pathfinders of the Universe", "In the World of Atoms", "Creators and Destroyers"

"The book made a great impression on me. good impression and deepened my understanding of Konstantin Eduardovich, although I know about him, perhaps, more than other biographers. I myself conceived the biography of Konstantin Eduardovich in precisely this way, but I lacked the material that you know very well. And so I sometimes had to resort to conjecture and intuition, and this is not always reliable material.

      From a letter to B. N. Vorobyov
      B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"

"-Listen, Ariel, listen carefully. Now you can do what no other person can do. You can fly. And in order to fly, you only need to wish it. You can rise, fly faster or slower, turn in any direction, descend as you wish. You just need to control yourself, as you control your body when you walk, get up, sit down, lie down. "


"Labor creates, war destroys... We have been forced into a destructive war. So what? We will 'destroy the destroyers.' Our valiant Red Army will prove to the perfidious enemy that the workers and peasants of whom it factories, but also to destroy the "factories of war. No matter how hard the trials we have to endure, the army of a great people will not lay down their arms until the enemy is driven back and destroyed."

      "Creators and Destroyers"

Belyaev still has the widest and most appreciative readership. Per last years his novels, stories, short stories were reprinted with a total circulation of over 5 million copies! Many of them have been translated into the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and published abroad - in many countries of the world, from England and Italy to Czechoslovakia and Korea. His work is of great interest to readers of different generations.

The name of Belyaev is well known to those who in the 20s and 30s were looking forward to the next issue of Around the World or World Pathfinder. It is also known to those who have only recently begun to read science fiction.

Belyaev's best things have withstood the most impartial test - the test of time.

      B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev"


B. Lyapunov "Alexander Belyaev" - M. "Soviet Writer", 1967, p. -86, 10.

A. Britikov "Russian Soviet science fiction novel" - L. "Nauka", 1970, p. 376.

A. Belyaev "Let's Create Soviet Science Fiction". - "Children's Literature", 1938, No. 15, p. 1-8.

A. Belyaev "Walking on a seaplane" - "Bonfire", 1971, No. 8, p. 43-45.

O. Orlov "Alexander Belyaev" - Collected. op. in 8 vols. T. 8- M. "Young Guard", 1964, p. 497-516.

A. Belyaev "About my works" - Children's literature, 1939, No. 5, p. 23-25.

A. Belyaev "The Man Who Doesn't Sleep" - Collected. op. in 8 volumes. T. 8-M. "Youth Guard", 1964, p. 165.

A. Belyaev "Amphibian Man" - Yaroslavl: Book. publishing house, 1962, p. 146.

A. Belyaev "Riding the wind" - M. "Around the world" 1929, No. 23, p. 359.

A. Belyaev "Citizen of the Ethereal Island" - "Seeker" 1962, No. 5.

A. Belyaev "The Fires of Socialism, or Mr. Wells in the Mist" - M. "Around the World", 1933, No. 13, p. 10-13.

A. Belyaev "Let's create Soviet science fiction" - Literary Leningrad, 1934, August 14.

B. Lyapunov "They dreamed of conquering space" - "Seeker", 1962, No. 5.

A. Belyaev "In memory of the great scientist-inventor" - Young Proletarian, 1935, No. 23, p. 43-44.

A. Belyaev "Mikhailo Lomonosov" - Young Proletarian 1936, No. 21, p.15-17. o"

A. Belyaev "Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev" - Young Proletarian, 1936, No. 3, p. 24.

A. Belyaev "Argonauts of the Universe" - Children's Literature 1939, No. 5, p. 51-55.

A. Belyaev "Cinderella. About science fiction in our literature" - Literary newspaper, 1938, May 15.

M. Sonkin "So it began" - Star, 1960, No. 9, p. 121-122.

A. Belyaev "Ariel" - In the book. "Lord of the World" - Chisinau: "Shtinnitsa", 1982, p. 414.


1. "Once a world-famous artist," the article said, "who made a career not so much with his dubious talent as with his exceptional ugliness, he never differed in morality ... Suspicious "scientists" using methods of treatment not permitted by law turned a small freak into a big one. Corrupted to the marrow of his bones, he defies morality by mocking our good American morals."

2. "He expanded the circle of clients, customers, updated the range of goods, invented new varieties and types of products. Advertising brochures with the application of "product samples" were sent to theater and film actors, playwrights, writers, journalists, lawyers, entertainers, circus clowns, doctors, jailers, teachers, professors, hairdressers, even pastors of churches of various denominations.

3. "This is an interesting story. Sebastiano Saprozo was captured by the Bororo Indians in the forests of central Brazil. The militant Bororos decided to kill Sebastiano and took him to the place of execution. Saprozo managed to escape from the hands of the Indians. He began to jump over the heads of the savages, roll over with his whole body in the air and perform such extraordinary pirouettes and somersaults that he brought his enslavers into a frenzy of delight.

4. “Isn’t the human body made up of molecules and atoms? The difficulties were not in this. The first of them was to bring the movement of molecules of different velocities to the same denominator, otherwise the human body would simply be torn apart. I had to connect the two areas physics and electrophysiology. To increase the electrical potential, I introduced artificial radioelements into the body, which supplied it with radiant energy. "

5. "Photoelectric cell! This is a new powerful weapon of man. A current born or amplified by light can set in motion a mechanism. Light can open and close doors, stop trains, cars, set cars in motion. The light of a star located at a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers from the Earth can turn on electric lighting, perform any task.Our photocells are still weak as independent sources, but the time will soon come when we will learn how to extract "industrial value" electricity directly from the Sun.

6. "We will create a powerful" sun "over the North Pole and melt the age-old ice ... We will turn the icy Greenland into blooming garden with eternal summer. And, finally, we will reach the South Pole with its inexhaustible natural resources. We will free the whole continent from ice, which will accommodate and feed millions of people. We will turn our earth into the best of the planets."

7. "I thought about jumping over chasms and rivers of cars and even trains, which would be given a certain acceleration by rearranging the track profile. Bridges would not need to be made. The principle of roller coasters. Why not arrange such a jump across the English Channel?"

8. “Imagine a small box - like a matchbox. And this box contains a supply of electricity sufficient to move a car at top speed for several days. A “power station” of several hundred is hidden in your vest pocket. Horse power. With this energy you can be illuminated, heated for a week, you can rotate millstones with it, set machine tools and tractors in motion.

9. "Now my business is set up in such a way that I could have the cold of world space even at the equator. I needed to get into such a secluded corner where no one would interfere with me until I set up production. Now I am not afraid of people, but I am terrible to them. Woe to those who walk with the wind!

10. "... On the fifth day, he came as if nothing had happened, whistling a song. Without looking at me, he began to continue working. For two or three days I watched him, not taking part in it. But the work could not I was not interested in. And when he, while making experiments, made several mistakes that could ruin the results of our efforts, I could not resist and made a sign to him. I explained the mistakes to him and since then I have continued to direct the work.

He outsmarted me."

11. "From seven to nine in the morning, the doctor received sick Indians, operated on from nine to eleven, and then went to his villa and locked himself in the laboratory. There, in glass jars filled with some solutions, various organs throbbed. Severed arms and legs continued to live."

12. "Vag's face was concentrated, both eyes were fixed on one point, which happened to him only in cases of exceptional tension, attention.

Finally, Vag covered the brain with a skull cap, fastened it with metal brackets, then covered it with pieces of skin and sewed the skin together.

13. "- I would prefer complete blackout than such translucence. Instead of looking to see if my liver is in place, you would look at the stomach!

Yes? Let's see. Completely normal. No hint of ulcers.

And no hint of food."

14. "- How do we learn what can be eaten and what cannot even be smelled?

And how primitive people Can you tell the difference between edible and poisonous plants? Experience. Only experience.

Bad perspective! If you want to pick a bow, it will twist you; you sniff the meat to see if it's fresh, and you'll die from the smell alone."

15. "-Look, you have always been a model officer. Tell me what happened and why you put yourself in solitary confinement.

A criminal, that's why I'm sitting, And what my crime is, I can't say. You can judge!

But how can we judge you if we do not know your crime?

What do I care? I'll be in pre-trial detention until you find out. But I have a complaint about the prison regime.

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