Literary and musical composition "wonder-earth" in the project "bread is the head of everything". Scenario Musical and literary composition "Bread is life

"Bread is a generous gift of nature, it is food that cannot be replaced by anything. It is suitable for any time of day, for people of any age and any temperament, it is so adapted for a person that we take it with all our heart almost immediately after our birth, and he never bores us until our very death hour"



1slide Bread is the head of everything.

(literary- musical composition)

(the song "Bread is the head of everything" sounds)

2slide (loaf) Vedas. one: If you think about food, the first thought will be about bread: about the appetizing aroma of freshly baked bread, about its crispy golden crust and lush crumb. The importance of bread was noticed back in the 18th century by the French agronomist Antoine Auguste Parmentier.

Vedas. 2: “Bread is a generous gift of nature, it is food that cannot be replaced by anything. It is suitable for any time of the day, for people of any age and any temperament, it is so adapted to a person that we take it with all our heart almost immediately after our birth, and it never bothers us until our very death hour.

3 slide (bread field) Vedas. one: A ripe ear easily gives away its wealth: just touched it with your fingers - and grains fell on the palm. How we need them! Needed to live. And the relations between grain and man that have developed over the years, hundreds, thousands of years are amazing. "He who could grow two ears where one grew, would deserve the gratitude of all mankind."

Vedas. 2: Grains of our days, shine

carved with gilding,

We say take care

Take care of your own bread.

We do not dream of a miracle

Live speech fields to us:

"Take care of the bread, you people,

Learn to save bread!

(N. Tikhonov “The grains of our days shine…”)

(the song "Russian Field" sounds. Yan Frenkel)

4 slide (bread field) Ved. one:A grain in the palm of your hand is a small particle of life. Millions of tons of harvest are made up of individual grains. From what depths of history have you come to us, our daily bread? How did he manage to become not only food, but our shrine, the personification of life on earth? What geniuses worked, trying to comprehend this great miracle - bread.


Here they say not bread, but bread.

And listen to what they say!

That's how the guys caress their girls

And the mothers of their children.

Here bread will not be dropped on the ground,

And how it is served to us!

Like the firstborn in the palms of men

Women in labor, being afraid, lay down.

Bread is the main sign of life,

Bread is their dignity and honor.

Misfortune - if there is no bread,

And happiness - if it is.

Their workshop is the earth.

Their roof is the sky.

They are doing stately work,

And what else is called bread,

They can't - just bread,

They don't just give him bread,

And so they call it bread.

5 slide (Sounds "Song of bread" performed by L. Zykina)

HIS MAJESTY IS BREAD! (the girl takes out a loaf of bread on a towel)

Vedas. 2: How unusually interesting - bread! How much is still mysterious here and how much more can be invented, discovered, invented, done. Talking about bread is as difficult as talking about life. Bread is our life...

Vedas. one: Let's start with the fact that man owes the birth of civilization to bread. At that moment, when a person baked the first cake from his first harvest, he ensured our existence with you, that is, provided further development humanity.

Ved.2: Approximately seventeen thousand years ago, several tribes settled in the Nile Valley and here they took up the gathering of wild cereals with might and main. It was they who invented the first sickles with stone cutters, the first stone grinders, on which flour was obtained. They were the first to bake bread... But this is not yet real bread, and the gatherer is not yet a farmer.

Ved.1: Man gradually learned to bake bread from wild cereals. To get real bread, you need to have cultivars of cereals, you need to learn how to till the soil and, finally, how to bake bread, and it took millennia to learn this. How this happened is hard to guess, but one thing is known: the first bread appeared 6-8 thousand years ago and since then it has been our main food.

Ved.2: Bread in Russia has long been the basis of life, it has always been treated with great respect. Disrespect for bread was equated with the most terrible insult that can be inflicted on a person. The people spoke of bread as a living being: bread-breadwinner, bread-father.

Vedas: 1: In many Russian villages in the old days, one could often hear how a baby, stretching out thin arms to his mother, squealed: “Mom, I want dad, give me dad!” When, for the first time, did the happiest and fairest idea come to call bread after the name of the father, the breadwinner of the family?! Isn't it because it was considered a great sin, sacrilege to throw even a stale crust on the floor, even a crumb of bread.

Vedas 2: Bread among Russian people has always been considered a sacred product, God's gift. It symbolized the relationship between people and God, between man and his ancestors. As soon as a child was born, he was given a piece of bread in his hands, which meant his fate. Bread embodied happiness and well-being at home.

Ved.1: The peasants believed that the bread obtained with such difficulty had magical properties. A loaf should always lie on the table, which makes the table a special place in the house. It symbolizes wealth, readiness to receive guests, and was also a talisman against hostile forces. Every meal begins and ends with bread.

Ved.2: There are many rituals associated with bread. It was customary to put bread in front of the icons, as if testifying to their loyalty to God. They took bread with them when they went to woo. Dear guests, new settlers, newlyweds were greeted with bread and salt, taking out a loaf of black bread with salt on a towel or tray.

6 slide (signs and beliefs) Lead 1:Many signs and beliefs were associated with bread. For example:

* Bread should always be on the table so that there is prosperity in the house.

* If a piece of bread fell out of your hands, it means that the guest is in a hurry to the house.

* Bread cannot be thrown away. If it is moldy, then it must be given to the birds.

* Bread cracked in the oven, cracked - soon one of the relatives will leave the house.

Ved.2: From past centuries, maybe from the past millennia, there is a custom to call bread as witnesses of something important. Bread is not just a witness, but also a guarantor. "By bread!" - says the Caucasian. A Turkmen will not touch bread-churek with a knife. Break it, so as not to hurt him, with his hands. Having dropped a piece, he immediately picks it up and touches it with his lips - as if asking for his forgiveness.

Vedas. one: According to an old Uzbek custom, a mother, escorting her son to battle, would break the cake in two. She kept one half for herself, gave the other to her son: “You are going to defend your home, where they are waiting for you!”

Ved.2: Among the Baltic peoples, in the house of every sailor, a loaf made in the form of a boat hung on the wall. According to its safety, they wondered about the fate of the sailor. While he was intact, no trouble threatened those who had gone to sea. When the sailor returned home, his first food was pieces of broken bread.

7 slide Lead 1: AT oral art of the Russian people, references to bread are common. This is not surprising, with long time ago it was eaten, the fate of people until the next harvest depended on how rich the harvest was.

Therefore, the following proverbs and sayings appeared among the people:

  • Without salt it is tasteless, but without bread it is insatiable.
  • On the road, bread is not a hindrance.
  • Bread and water are peasant food.
  • Khlebushko is a roll grandfather.
  • No matter how much you think, you can’t imagine better bread and salt.
  • The plowman's hand is black, but the bread is white.
  • You won't be full without bread and honey.
  • Better bread and water than a pie with trouble.
  • There is bread - there will be a song.
  • Bread is a gift of God, father, breadwinner.

Vedas. 2: This is how it happened in my land:

From year to year, from generation to generation - for centuries,

The bread that is on the table in every house,

He was warmed by human hands.

He is their warmth, he smells of their goodness

And the song that is sung by the lark

Under the blue sky in golden loaves

On a July afternoon in a sunny summer.

The plowman will walk through the stubble in the morning

And to the son, pointing to the field,

He says quietly: “Bow to him,

Like a mother, like our common share!

You will grow up and after many years

Come back here again at dawn

And you say: “There is nothing more expensive,

Than warm bread, in this wide world!

Ved.1: Sometimes you can hear such words: “Man does not live by bread alone…”, but without bread he is dead! This is not just food, it is food ... “Bread, saturating the body, nourishes the soul ...”, Bread, the basis of life, therefore people who give life to bread are people of a special kind ... Those who decide for themselves that in modern times When the field is equipped with modern powerful machinery, bread is easily given to the hands. He is still mined in the sweat of his face, and the word "suffering" has not lost its original meaning. The price of bread is immeasurable!

8 slide (field with combines)

Vedas. 2: I don't know light bread.

How I plowed!

Didn't walk - ran

Behind the plow through the native field.

Not straightening the furrow - share,

He boiled to the chapygs with blood.

How I sowed!

Picking up steam

I carried a slide on a maple in a basket

Grains that are all rancid through and through

From the eyes of hungry children.

High wave of my hand

And the field immediately turned golden,

Like the sun was setting

Chicken yellow in rows.

And how sorry I was!

By the end of the day

The shirt was melting with sweat.

Checked my work at night,

Giving me a short sleep.

Dry and black

Having experienced both pain and fear, I raised my life.

Spilled by my hand

The vigor of the sun in the grain of the fields.

So you remember me?

I did not fall on the layer with my cheek.

I hold with a firm hand

Steering wheel of an iron horse.

The fields flooded

Over the horizon all over the district.

But did the plows become lighter,

And softer mother earth?

But did dawn become noon?

But does manna fall from heaven?

I do not know light bread -

He was not and is not!

Mikhailo Shevchenko.

(the song "Noise of bread" sounds)

10 slide (wheat field). Our guest:

Bochilo Evgeny Nikolaevich Cavalier of the Order of the Badge of Honor

Alekseev Nikolai Vasilievich Cavalier of the Order of Labor Glory

(students ask questions).

Vedas. On the territory of our s / council there was a large stake. farm "Truzhenik", where your grandparents worked. Per great achievements in labor, for high performance in the "battle" for bread, many of them were nominated for government awards. Here are the names of 15 order bearers.

11 slide. From one metal they pour

Combat medal, labor medal

Who wears the military order
For heroic deeds in battle
And who is for the feat of labor
In his native land.

(the names of the order bearers appear on the slide)

Vedas. one: There is nothing like bread in nature. There is only one word that is equivalent to the word "bread". That word is life. And no lump of gold will outweigh a crumb of bread. In bread is the soul of our native land, the fate of many people. Mom, bread, Motherland - these are some of the most sacred words for a person. Bread links past, present and future. It is everyday, everyday, irreplaceable. Bread is always next to a person, his faithful companion. Comrade reliable.

Vedas. 2: We are used to the fact that there is plenty of bread on our table, and in addition to all kinds of sweets. Therefore, its value is not noticed. But there were other days !

The first chords of the "Holy War" sound

During the war years, they had their own bread. Poor, measured out with a bread card. Bread is harsh, but even more necessary than in peacetime.

Slide 12 Vedas. one: In the Museum of the History of Leningrad, a dry piece of bread, the size of a little finger, is kept stale, darkened not from time, dark from its very birth. And you can’t call it a cracker, even though a piece has dried up. Such was the daily ration for the inhabitants of the city besieged by the Germans during the winter months of the blockade. And people had to live, work, they had to survive - in spite of the Nazis, in spite of the bombing and shelling.

Vedas. 2: About the heroism of Leningraders, about the horrors of the blockade, about 125 grams of bread "with fire and blood in half" they wrote and will continue to write, it shocked and will shock. 125 grams is the daily blockade rate per person, and no more food. There is little flour in this bread. Lots of impurities. Since the beginning of December 1941, bread has been baked from a mixture of: (food pulp, cotton cake, wallpaper dust, shaking out of bags, corn flour, rye flour.) There were other additives that reduced the nutritional value of the bread. But still, he was desired like nothing and never before. (show children 125 grams of bread)

Slide 13 Vedas. one: At the front, soldiers were given bread in the morning - immediately to the entire department. The soldier, who had a good knife, cut the loaves into equal slices and laid them out on a cape. At that time, the soldiers did not know what greed or prudence is. They sacrificed their lives to save their comrades. Bread was shared with such care, with such fairness, because it was not only food, but also news from the far rear about difficult life our relatives, about their anxious love for them, soldiers, about their patient expectation of our victory over the enemy.

Bread of War.

I remember bread. He was black and sticky -

The rye flour was coarsely ground.

But faces bloomed with smiles,

When the loaf was placed on the table.

Military bread. He is suitable for lean cabbage soup,

Crumbly, it was not bad and with kvass,

He elm in the teeth, stuck to the gums.

We separated it with our tongue.

He was sour, because he was with bran,

I can’t guarantee that I was without a quinoa.

And yet with palms greedy lips

I picked up the crumbs after eating.

I am invariably keen

And with a trembling heart I watched

For a formidable, cold-blooded bread cutter.

He was cutting bread!

He shared black bread!

I admired him, direct and honest.

He cut roughly, simply, without fanfare,

Burnt crust, as in charcoal,

Soiled - almost to the elbows.

His shirt was soaked with canvas.

He was great in the delight of labor.

He cut bread, not knowing fatigue,

Face not wiping sleeves.

Vedas. 2: "When full, remember hunger" - this is the precept-warning of our ancestors, which we must not forget. It is very important to be kind and attentive to bread. Each of us needs this, because next to bread a person becomes better. A lot is tested by the attitude to bread. Bread is a test that can determine the level of culture and civic position of one particular person and society as a whole. It is not by chance that they say: “The Russian does not joke with a sword or a roll!”

Ved.1: Bread must be preserved. We produce a lot! But we exhaust a lot - that's the trouble. How often do we insult bread. We can easily throw it away, and the children play with it at the table. Walking down the street, you see a piece of bread in the mud - pick it up! Don't be afraid to sound funny or old-fashioned. Raise it, put it higher so that the birds eat it, so that human labor and human life do not trample in the mud.

On the Nevsky, traffic stopped ...

Not at night, no - in broad daylight.

On the pavement, like a statue,

The figure of a woman is visible.

There, on the road, as in a dream,

The gray-haired woman stood

In her outstretched arms

The black humpback lay.

No, not a crust, but a piece,

Disfigured by heartlessness,

Crushed by many machines

And all forgotten indifference ...

And the woman was holding bread

This piece would then-

And I wouldn't lose my son.

This piece would then ...

This piece would then ...

Who defiled? Who forgot?

The blockades are terrible years ...

Who, throwing bread on the road,

Forgot how the neighbor died?

Children's hungry eyes

With frozen horror, in tears.

And who forgot Piskarevka?

There are no personal graves...

There is an eternal silent groan

It torments the memory of those times.

They didn't get that piece

Lying here at your feet.

A piece that did not give life ...

Who threw bread - he took life.

Who betrayed the bread?

Slide 14. Ved.2: Russian bread - black rye, white wheat, challah, vitushka, koloboks, pretzels, puff, kalachi and hundreds of other products, glorified our bakers all over the world. We have always known how to bake bread. Each baker had his own secrets of baking, his own production secrets. A great master, a connoisseur of his craft, does not bake bread, but truly creates.

Ved.1: Bread, he is not a magician, but he can do anything. This is a kind of energy, without which not a single screw in the factory will turn. Historically, France has been not only a trendsetter, but also a bread culture. In this country there is even a patron saint of bakers and bakers - Saint Honore. Holidays, festivals, competitions dedicated to the bread business are constantly held here.

Ved.2: Our country is far from the last in this list. What are the kalachi, cheesecakes, the famous black bread, rolls with raisins, etc. worth.On August 29, all Orthodox Christians have a holiday - the Savior Not Made by Hands, which was sometimes called the Savior of Bread.Bread is a sacred food, so every country strives to pay tribute to this great creation.

Hearing the good news

Seeing the glory of the country

Classroom hour- holiday

"Bread is the head of everything"

Target: to instill in students a caring attitude towards bread and the work of the tiller, to show what a difficult path bread makes before it gets on the table, what a great work of many people is behind it, to teach to appreciate the work of people from the earth.

Prepare: text invitation cards; write slogans, draw posters for room decoration; arrange an exhibition of reproductions - paintings on the theme "Glory to those who raised bread"; Make a selection of "Proverbs and sayings about bread and cultivators"; arrange an exhibition of bakery products; prepare "spikelets"

(emblems) to the participants of the holiday; invite guests to the holiday: representatives of workers Agriculture, teachers, parents, children from the sponsored kindergarten, ask them to prepare a story about memorable cases in their lives related to bread.

Decoration of stage and hall. On the stage is a table with a loaf and ears of corn. There are slogans and posters on the wall: “Glory to peace on Earth! Glory to the bread on the table!”, “Glory to those who raised bread, did not spare labor and effort”, “The bread of millions of workers is labor. Take care of bread, as they take care of life”, “I am the grandson of a grain grower, I am the son of a grain grower, and tomorrow I myself will be a grain grower.” In a conspicuous place at the entrance is a selection of proverbs and sayings about bread:

    Bread from the earth, strength from bread.

    Lunch is bad if there is no bread.

    Spike to spike - a whole sheaf.

    Whoever has bread, he has happiness.

    There is no need to be brave if you do not know how bread is born.

    Whoever loves work, people honor him.

    The earth is painted by the sun, and man - by work.

Next to proverbs is an exhibition of reproductions of paintings by artists on the topic, an exhibition of bakery products.

Children meet guests at the entrance to the hall, hand them the emblems of the holiday - spikelets. The class teacher introduces the guests. Then the history teacher talks about the history of bread, ancient and modern methods of its cultivation, research work in the field of agriculture using presentation, ICT. Next - literary - musical composition.

Two presenters in national costumes with a large loaf on an embroidered towel and sheaves of wheat, as well as readers, take the stage.

1 presenter: (reads a poem by the Chuvash poet V. Davydov - Anatri "Bread").

You know the truth:

Bread on the table - Protect.

Don't crush it!

He is sacred

If with bread -

You are already strong.

Bread is the source

Joy, kindness;

More expensive than gold

If in the field the ear is in full growth -

Get to the moon

Up to the stars.

feed on bread

All white light.

There is nothing better than bread!

2 leading hands a loaf to guests:

Glory to peace on earth!

Children: Glory!

Vedas: Glory to the bread on the table!

Children: Glory!

(In the hall, children raise spikelets of wheat - emblems).

1 reader:

The people have words:

The bread of life is the head.

2 reader:

"Bread is the head of everything" -

Words live forever.

Leaves wither, grass -

Bread is the head of everything.

In the far edge of the village

In the heart of the country - Moscow,

Everywhere we are with him light:

Bread is the head of everything.

The truth is in our house

Will always be alive

The world is bread for everything.

Bread is the head of everything.

3 reader:

He is famous for being the first on earth,

He is famous for being the first on the table.

The wind caresses him, the steppes caress him,

In front of the guests, he lies in a steam room,

Sitny, white, black and rye -

Cool life is involved in bread.

4 reader:

Everything has to do with bread.

Russian bread is involved in everything:

To the friendship of nations, to the movement of satellites,

To peace, to truth, to your happiness.

5 reader:

There is a popular proverb

"Bread is on the table, and the table blossomed."

Bread is not an easy way,

To get to your table.

And in every piece of bread

You will always feel

The warmth of the native sky,

The taste of good work..

6 reader (reads by heart the story of N. Senchenko “Holy Bread”) - see the book by Ukhyankin S.P., Pavlov I.V. “Lessons of Bread”. - Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash book publishing house, 1994.- p. 131.

7 reader:

In front of this field

Take off your hat, son.

See it breaks through

Bread stick.

How much is in this grain

Labor invested,

Knows only the sun, wind and water.

Before him on tiptoe

Tractor driver walked

In seeders and harrows

The tractor pulled up.

In front of him is tiny,

tiny grain,

The agronomist thought hard for a long time ...

8 reader:

A man will put a grain into the ground.

It will rain - the grain is irrigated.

Steep furrow and soft snow

The grain will be sheltered from everyone for the winter.

In the spring the sun will rise to its zenith

And the new spikelet will gild.

There are many ears in the harvest year,

And the Man will remove them from the field.

And the golden hands of the bakers

Ruddy bread will be kneaded quickly.

And the woman on the edge of the board

Ready bread cut into pieces.

To all who cherished the spikelet of bread,

Conscience will get a piece.

But you will not find a more generous

Than Furrow and Sun, Snow and Rain:

Your chunks of generous kindness

Give way to kids like you.

9 reader:

Every grain is washed

A drop of human sweat.

No, can't be forgotten

This is hard work.

(The song “Field, Russian field” sounds - music by Y. Frenkel, lyrics by I. Goff).

1 led:

Bread and a grain grower were valued always and everywhere.

(The hero comes out - a farmer in an old peasant suit. On his shoulder he has a model of a "maple bipod").

2 Vedas:

Hey, you, oratay-oratayushka!

Somehow they call you by name, How do they call you by patronymic?

Bogatyr - tiller 1:

I mow the rye, I store it in a stack,

I’ll put it in stacks, but I’ll drag it home,

I'll drag you home, I'll grind you at home,

I'll beat it, and I'll brew beer, I'll brew beer, but I'll make the men drink,

The men will call me:

Oh, you are young Mikulushka Selyaninovich!

(Another hero leaves on the "horse" ).

1 led:

You are such a burly good fellow,

Somehow the young man is called by your name,

Call the daring yes by his patronymic?

Bogatyr 2:

I am from the glorious city of Murom,

From that village and from Karacharov,

Ay, my name is Ilya Muromets,

According to the father - they call the son Ivanovich.

I don't need a princely court,

I don't hold on to peers

I'm an unpretentious man

There would be a piece of bread ...

2 Vedas:

An abundance of bread, as a guarantee of a prosperous life for the people, is the cherished dream of millions of people around the world. But do all of us know how hard it is to get bread. Does everyone imagine that, like a drop of water reflecting the sun, he absorbed the work of thousands of people. This is what we are going to talk about today at our party.

(The “primitive” people appear on the scene. They cultivate the land with a primitive hoe, and as a result, a meager grain harvest and a lot of painstaking work).

1 led:

A loaf of bread will not fall from the sky.

2 Vedas:

Bread is then given.

1 led:

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.

2 Vedas:

Everyone gets bread with peasant hands.

1 led:

Bread today on earth - tomorrow on the table.

2 Vedas:

If you want to know the price of bread, count the calluses on the hands of a grain grower.

1 led:

Where there is bread and warmth, there is good to live.

They are followed by Greek folk narrators - Aeds with citharas in their hands. They chant the myth of the fertility goddess Demeter.

Then children with spikelets appear on the stage - this is the “golden field of wheat”. To the beat of the music, they tilt the ears to the right, then to the left, and it seems that the wind is swaying over the field. Guests, children from kindergarten, perform the dance of spikelets).

(And now a harvester appears on the “field” - these are high school guys, holding an image of a car above them, twirling the harvester knives made of light rails, the knives are pasted over with foil. Then the guys take out a “bowl of plenty” filled with vegetables, fruits, decorated with ears of cereals .

Sounds "Hymn to bread" - lyrics. In Bokova, music. And Tumasheva.

A festively decorated column of children comes out, Harvest goes ahead. He is wearing a yellow suit, decorated with cornflowers, he is girded with woven spikelets of wheat. Behind the Harvest, a "sheaf" tied with a colored ribbon moves on an impromptu cart. From it come other colored ribbons, the ends of which are held by girls with wreaths of ears of corn on their heads. The choir closes the procession. Girls and boys in folk costumes. In their hands are models of agricultural implements: sickles, scythes, rakes. Also, from the other side of the stage, children dressed as cereals come out. Together with them, a biology teacher rises to the stage and presents a presentation on the diversity of crops, children perform with him.).


Let the wheat speak

The one that is earing in the field.

Look at the grain

That's how mature it is!

If all the wheat is harvested, What will be born in my country,

If all the grain at once

Pour one into the place

You can go to the starry worlds

To look from such a mountain.


The hardiest of all cereals is me, rye. Rye bread is the most delicious and healthy. Rye is not only bread, but also alcohol and starch. Rye is a good fodder plant. Rye straw is used to make greenhouse mats, rye straw is also used as raw material for the production of paper, building boards, and plastics.


I am cereal and margarine, I am flour and gelatin,

Rubber and acetone and triple cologne.

I am rubber and asbestos, film, mayonnaise,

I am viscose and starch, and any material!

I am a cereal and bread plant.

My flour mixed with wheat makes great bread! I am an indispensable animal feed, an excellent raw material for beer and coffee. Porridge from my cereal is nutritious and satisfying.


Millet is the main cereal crop. I am very helpful.

Tasty, for example, pancakes from my flour. Millet is a good food for poultry. Straw and chaff are of great fodder value.

I am the breadwinner of the East. 200 million hectares on five continents are occupied by rice. Rice feeds half of humanity. For many peoples, rice is one of the ancient cultures and the basis national dishes. Starch, alcohol, powder are obtained from rice. Straw is used to feed animals, to obtain paper and various manufactured products.

Children from the choir:

1 .Glory to those who worked hard

Above the nurse - the earth,

Who did not come into the world as a drone,

And the worker is a bee!

2 .We decided to know not without reason:

Grain growers are masters.

To break all the barns

From the received good


Yes, load it, load it!

3 .Yes load - the time has come.

Hey, our harvest, harvest, high harvest!

Let's thresh everything as it is necessary,

Not a grain will be wasted!

Because it's very friendly.

And we are a reliable people.

(Sounds "Harvest" I. Dunayevsky).

Children (sing in chorus):

How we collected in the fall

Unprecedented harvest.

And for the harvest festival

We baked a loaf.

Here is such a height

Here's the width.

(Girls in folk costumes take out a loaf of bread and treat all guests).

4 . Here it is, fragrant bread,

With a crisp twisted crust,

Here it is - warm golden, as if poured by the sun!

In every house, on every table

He complained, he came.

Health is our strength in it, Wonderful warmth is in it.

How many hands raised him

Preserved, protected.

After all, grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table.

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground.

Children (in chorus):

Hooray caravan!!!

1 led:

And now they will amuse you

Bread products.

(Bulka runs out with poppy seeds, sings and dances to a Russian folk tune).


I have girlfriends

sweet cheesecakes,

I have from a poppy

Freckles on the face.

(Vatrushki run out, sing and dance to the Chuvash folk melody).


We are funny cheesecakes -

With sweet curd cheesecakes,

Go around the whole world

And there is no tastier tea for us.

(Babliki and Kalachi come out akimbo, dance, reading a recitative to rap).

Bagels and Kalachi:

And we are just out of the oven -

Bagels and rolls…

(Backstage, someone can be heard singing in bass.)

2 Vedas:

Who sings bass there?

(A barrel of kvass comes out.)

BUT! A barrel of bread kvass!

There is no more expensive in the heat,

It's also made from bread.

(The barrel is spinning to waltz music).


Do yourself a favor -

Eat a cookie.


I am sweet cake

The dish is very tender

Girls love me

Toddlers and boys.


I am a cream cake

With chocolate back.

(“Bakery products” perform a collective dance - round dance).

1 led:

And now we repeat

So that you don't forget:

Glory to bread and hands,

What raised him!

2 Vedas:

Glory to bread and hands,

What raised him!

All (in chorus):

Glory! Glory! Glory!

The well-known field grower T. S. Maltsev said: “People have discovered electrical energy, they have discovered atomic energy. And they admire it, which, in general, is fair. But they began to forget about the main energy of mankind - bread.

Too sometimes we squander it! I didn’t finish my bun or pie and threw it away. Slightly stale loaf - in the trash. Pieces of bread can be seen everywhere: on the floor in the dining room, on the sidewalk, in the entrances of houses, on the street. Not only children, but also some adults treat bread disrespectfully.

Classroom teacher:

It hurts me when I happen to see

That half-eaten bread is thrown shamelessly.

Hey, you, trampling the crust with your foot,

You trample on our human dignity.

You insulted your mother, you offended

The land where he was born and grew up.

(The song “Dear land, there is no more expensive land” sounds)

What to do with the discarded slice? Can't we sort things out? First of all, start yourself - try to take as much bread as you can eat, if you don't get enough - you will take more. And if you are full, and the half-eaten bread remains, then use it

in a businesslike way - in business.

There is a lot of bread in our country now. And yet, let's take care of it, because the price of labor and care spent on its production is immeasurably high. Every time you take a piece of bread in your hands at the dinner table, be imbued with deep respect for the toilers of the fields. And wherever you meet them, bow low in respect.

(Introduction of the guest - a village worker. He will tell his work biography and stories about bread from his life).

The main result everywhere and in everything is the result of labor. The result of the labor of a grain grower is grain, bread. Bread is the head of everything. Bread is always a joy. Big bread, rich harvest - doubly joy.

Against the background of quiet music, the words sound:

Boundless expanse turns golden,

Combine harvesters work there.

We say: "Bread".

Here the grain flows like a river,

To become flour.

We say: "Bread".

The dough is spinning in the kneader,

Baked on fire.

We say: "Bread".

Eat it, grow and remember:

There is no greater work in the world

To come to your table

Fresh bread.

Mini-project: compiling a memo, implementing a poster project on caring for bread. Group work, protection of their projects).


    Name the crops you know.

    When do they land?

    What is winter?

    List the old tools.

    List modern agricultural machines.

    What brands of tractors do you know?

    Who makes them?

    What brands of harvesters do you know?

    Who makes them?

    Name the profession of a person who works on a tractor.

    Name the profession of a person who works on a combine.

    When did the first combine appear in Russia and who invented it?

    What, according to legend, was the name of the ancient Chuvash hero - a farmer?

    Who is called a baker? Why?

    Who bakes baked goods?

    Name the fairy tales about bread products that you know?

    Which bakery product can be found on the farewell of winter - Shrovetide?

    Why is the pancake round?

    Why does baked bread form a crust?

    Name the antonym for the adjective in the phrase "fresh bread"

    Why does bread go stale?

    What can be cooked from stale crusts?

    What is loaf baked from?

    How is flour made?

    Where was it done before?

    What is the name of the grain store?

    Where was grain stored in the old days?

    Tell me how bread is baked.

    Name famous scientists, earth changers.

    Where can you get to know the outstanding achievements of agriculture?

    Name the ones you know folk proverbs and proverbs about bread and grain growers.

Participants for the correct answers are given drying, which are hung in bundles around the neck of the participants. The winner is the one who manages to score them the most. He is awarded an incentive prize - a sweet pie. cool hours starts with... on the students. Then he grabs head. 6: May I go out? U: ... to grandfather ... (A piece of of bread in 125) Song...

  • Classroom hour

    Weight. 7. I often feel dizzy head. 8. I currently smoke... weekdays, not in holidays. High food... STROKE COOL HOURS I. Goal Setting - Today cool hour we'll run... iodized salt and bread with seaweed. ... with everyone understandable...

  • Classroom hour

    Speech? The theme of our cool hours sounds like this: “... Fortune tellers laid out cereals, pieces of bread, scissors, coins, a mirror, ... “put a thermometer” - threw head into the snowdrift - When a guy ... which is peculiar everyone big holiday in the village. But...

  • Class hour "Forest drops" A walk through the spring forest Sounds "Vesnyanka"

    Classroom hour

    Cool hour"... . Most often - bread and salt. Bread symbolized life, and salt ... growth. But in everyone green kingdom there is no tree, ... poems, songs, but also holidays. In ancient Germany in ... the forest And in the pine clearing I nod head. (Bell) Ask the calf and...

  • musically literary composition to folklore
    prepared by: Nekrasova S.A.
    Russian lands are wide, immense,
    Every day is good and pretty,
    Ride for the seasoceans
    Better than Russia you won't find it!
    Everything is beautiful: both the earth and the sky,
    And fields, and forests, and meadows.
    Arable lands breathe, but the harvest is earing,
    And they make noise, ripening in the field of bread.
    To the sound of the introduction to the song, a procession of children goes: at the head
    his girl with a wreath carries a sheaf adorned with a long red
    perform a song.
    song "GOLDEN SEED"
    At the end, the children line up in a semicircle in front of
    The wind is blowing, the rain is pouring, it's cold outside
    And it’s warm in your hut - apparently they have been waiting for us for a long time ...
    Brings a sheaf of “beard” to the owners (cut ears of rye
    decorated with red ribbon)
    This is from us to you a sheaf - "Beard",
    Put it in the red corner
    You will always be with the harvest!
    children (in order)
    Each slice of bread smells like a warm sky.
    And the earth concealed all its strength in bread.
    From south to north more beautiful than gold - silver
    The beautiful rye is ripening, the wheat is pouring.

    Here the rains are fast, the dawns here are radiant.
    The bread of native arable lands is decorated with a rainbow.
    From spring to autumn, blond ears
    Beloved boundless land shines.
    Here the fields are free, the people are hospitable.
    We treat you with a good loaf!
    Bread is grown with love
    Eat for health!
    Brings the owners a loaf on an embroidered towel.
    Do you guys know where bread comes to our table from?
    -From the fields! FROM early spring until autumn, the growers grow bread. Work hard
    Xia tirelessly, so that in every house, on every table bread
    came... No wonder the people say: "Bread is the head of everything."
    children (in order)
    “If you want to eat kalachi, don’t sit on the stove.”
    "Rye bread - wheat grandfather."
    "Work feeds, but laziness spoils."
    "There will be bread, there will be a song."
    "What you sow is what you reap,
    What you reap is what you grind
    What you grind, then you dare,
    Whatever you dare, then eat!”
    ved. "The earth is painted by the sun, and man - by work."
    It was not easy for our ancestors to give bread, this is now
    machines came to the aid of people, but before that the tractor did not land
    plowed, the man had a plow and a helper horse, and not
    harvesters harvested grain from the fields, and cut spikelets with a sickle, and
    threshed sheaves with ears not machines, but threshed them with flails, yes
    "Twist the flail, twist, beat the sheaves, stab,
    Knock and rattle and take it to the barn!
    And then the grain was taken to the mill ...
    We have gathered here not in vain,
    Let's play in the "Mill" guys ?!
    r.n. game "Mill"

    (during the game, one part of the children sings, others stand with their backs
    holding the elbow, lift each other in turn
    depicting a mill; the stopped pair is out of the game)
    ved. Well, you looked at us, played, sang a song ...
    Thanks to whoever is the owner of this house!
    Thanks also to those who made us all happy!
    all (with bow)
    Goodbye! (leave each other)
    lyrics to "Glory to the bread on the table"
    Y. Chichkov
    1. The grain field is large, like the sea,
    Do not count the ears of corn on it.
    In friendly patrol, honorary patrol,
    We treasure every grain.
    refrain: Grain, grain, golden drop,
    A drop of gold in the sea of ​​harvest.
    2. We warm the grain with care
    In the warm and kind palms of the fields.
    The sun also has enough work
    To ring the bread more cheerfully.
    3. Bread grains are a fabulous treasure
    They will hide in the ground and rise together.
    The best award in the world
    This is a living reward for work.
    r.n. game "MILL"

    The windmill hung out the mustaches on the hummock.
    It stands on seven legs, everything looks into the wind.

    The miracle of the earth is bread!

    Class hour - holiday

    Target - upbringing careful attitude to bread.

    Holiday script

    To the sounds of the song "Russian Field" (owl I. Goff, music by Y. Frenkel), students, guests of the holiday and parents enter the class. A boy and a girl in Russian costumes come out. The girl is holding bread and salt in her hands.

    Glory to peace on earth!

    Glory to the bread on the table!

    If we want someone

    Meet with honor and honor,

    Meet generously, from the heart.

    With great respect,

    We meet such guests

    Round lush loaf.

    He is on a painted platter,

    With a white towel.

    We bring salt with a loaf,

    Worshiping, we ask you to taste:

    Dear guest and friend,

    Take bread and salt from your hands!

    V. Bakaldin

    Bread and salt is handed over to the guests of the holiday.

    Leading. Today the guys invited you to visit them. And, as is customary with us, for guests - best places. (Guests are seated). And we have gathered today to talk about the miracle of the earth - bread. Guess who will start our conversation.

    Grew up in the field house

    The house is full of grain

    The arrows are gilded

    The shutters are boarded up.

    The house is shaking

    On a golden stalk.


    He stands in the sun

    And his mustache moves.

    You crush it in the palm of your hand -

    Filled with golden grain.


    Was a grain of gold -

    Became a green arrow.

    The summer sun shone

    And the arrow was gilded.


    He is golden

    In a hundred pockets

    One hundred guys.


    Leading. Well done, you got it right.

    Children dressed as spikelets enter.

    Lush, soft, baked,

    slightly browned,

    Bread with golden crust

    Came to you from afar.

    In every house, on every table

    He complained, he came

    In it is our health, strength,

    It has wonderful warmth.

    How many hands raised him

    Saved, saved!

    S. Pogorelovskiy

    We know that bread has a very long history. How did you come to people, bread?

    Spikelet 1st. It was a long time ago. According to scientists, more than 15 thousand years ago. primitive people did not yet know how to tame animals and grow plants. They constantly wandered through the glades and dense forests and collected edible herbs, roots and fruits, so as not to die of hunger. And that's when man first began to collect and grow cereals, which were the ancestors of our modern rye, wheat, barley and oats. (Shows the corresponding spikelets).

    Spikelet 2nd. In the Stone Age, people ate grains raw, and then learned to grind them between stones and mix them with water. Archaeologists have accurately established that the great-great-grandmother of our bread was liquid cereal porridge.

    Spikelet 3rd. Primitive people ate such porridge until they learned how to bake unleavened bread from thick porridge-dough. These dense pieces of grain mass did not look much like our bread, but it was with them that the era of bread baking began on earth.

    Spikelet 4th. And 4-5 thousand years ago, bread dough accidentally turned sour. The cake made from it turned out to be especially soft and tasty - real bread! Since then, the dough began to ferment.

    Leading. Thank you Kolos! Here, it turns out, how much time passed before people began to eat bread, similar to modern. We meet with bread every day. Without it, neither a modest breakfast, nor festive table. This is our good friend, whose name in all languages ​​people pronounce with special warmth and love.

    Hunger enters imperceptibly.

    Hunger. Aha, that's where Koloski is! You need to destroy them. As long as people have bread on the table, they are not afraid of me. How can I deal with this? I'll call Drought for help. Hey Drought Sister! Fly! ruin it! Wither! Yes, brothers of the Winds - dry winds call for help!

    Drought and dry winds run in.

    Drought. So your death, Spikelets, has come! Now we will turn this grain field into a desert, nothing will be able to grow here! Famine will rule the whole world.

    Leading. Guys, let's save Spikelets! They urgently need moisture. We need to bring here as much as possible more water from the lake.

    The game "Do not spill the water" is being played. There is a bowl of water on a chair in the middle of the hall. This lake. It is necessary to scoop water from a bowl with a spoon and quickly transfer it to a glass, which stands next to the Spikelets. The Dry Winds and Drought do the same, only they carry water from a bowl to another glass. Whoever has the most water in their glass is the winner.

    Spikelets. Thank you guys, you got us drunk, saved us from certain death.

    Drought and dry winds run away.

    Hunger. Thanks early! Hey, fierce frosts, hurry to my aid! Freeze Spikelets!

    Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose run in.

    Frosts. Let's measure your strength! If we pull the rope, we will freeze Spikelets!

    There is a game of tug of war. The guys are winning.

    Hunger and Frost quietly leave.

    Leading. Where do they go?

    Spikelet 1st. While people are working, growing bread, they are not afraid of hunger, so he ran away with his friends. Thank you guys, you saved us from the evil Frosts.

    Leading. People put in a lot of work before fragrant bread comes to our table. Golden ears are grown with love, protected from frost and drought.

    Children perform the song "Golden Grain" (words by P. Sinyavsky, music by Y. Chichkov):

    The grain field is as big as the sea, -

    Do not count the ears of corn on it.

    In friendly patrol, in honorary patrol

    We treasure every grain.

    grain, grain

    golden drop,

    A drop of gold

    In the sea of ​​harvest.

    We will warm the grain with care

    In the kind and warm palms of the fields.

    The sun also has enough work

    To ring the fields more cheerfully.

    Bread grains are a fabulous treasure

    They will hide in the ground and rise together.

    The best award in the world

    This is a living reward for work.

    Leading. Since ancient times, people have revered bread. Let's take an imaginary excursion into the past. I think that Spikelets will help us with this.

    Spikelet 5th. With joy! Let's go to Egypt first. Already 5-6 thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt they knew how to bake many types of bread from sour dough. It was baked in the form of fish, birds, fantastic animals and simply round and oblong.

    Spikelet 6th. The art of baking bread from fermented bread was taught to the Greeks and Romans by the Egyptians. AT Ancient Greece bread was considered an independent dish. Since those distant times, two dishes were usually served for lunch: meat fried on a spit, and white wheat bread. Each of these dishes was eaten separately, and bread played the most honorable role.

    Spikelet 1st. The bakers of ancient Greece, according to scientists, we should be grateful for the word "bread" itself. Do you know why? Greek craftsmen made special pots for bread - “klibanos”. From the name of these pots came Russian word"bread", Ukrainian "bread" and Estonian "leib".

    Spikelet 2nd. In the XI century in Russia they baked bread from sour dough. The secrets of starter cultures were kept in great secrecy and passed down from generation to generation. In addition to rye bread, they also baked bread made from wheat flour, saiki, Easter cakes, pies with various fillings.

    Spikelet 3rd. Since ancient times, bread has been treated in a special way. He was compared to gold, the sun and life itself. Not without reason, among many peoples of antiquity, bread, like gold and the sun, was designated by one symbol - a circle with a dot in the middle. Bread was cherished, the dearest guests were greeted with bread and salt.

    Spikelet 1st. The Museum of the History of St. Petersburg keeps a tiny piece of moldy bread, as thick as a little finger. Such was the daily ration for the inhabitants of Leningrad besieged by the Nazis.

    In the smoke of the Leningrad sky,

    But worse than mortal wounds

    Heavy bread.

    blockade bread

    One hundred twenty-five grams.

    R. Rozhdestvensky

    Children sing the first verse with the chorus of the song “Crust of Bread” (words by P. Sinyavsky, music by Yu. Chichkov):

    I can't even believe that ever

    On a field burned by the fire of batteries,

    Before the attack, the hero soldiers

    They shared the rest of the rye crackers.

    crust of bread,

    Bread crumb.

    What is it -

    A lot or a little?

    crust of bread,

    Bread crumb…

    Spikelet 4th. From childhood, a person was taught to appreciate and protect a piece of bread as the greatest wealth on earth. Here is how Vladimir Soloukhin talks about this in his poem:

    Spikelet 5th.

    I remember that minute

    From a mischievous childhood.

    Suddenly it became boring in the mouth

    From Arzhanov's bread.

    And I threw a piece to the ground

    Stealthily from grandfather.

    Spikelet 6th.

    And I stepped on a piece

    Barefoot dirty heel.

    And trampled. And all as it was

    I buried my nose in the dust...

    BUT earlier grandfather didn't beat me

    And they didn't hit at all.

    Leading. Yes, bread should be treated with great respect. We will now tell you a fairy tale about a girl who stepped on bread.

    The staging is based on the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "The Girl Who Stepped on Bread"

    Student. There lived a girl named Inge. She was pretty, but very cruel. While still quite small, she tore off the wings of flies and beetles, because she was amused by the fact that they became completely helpless and miserable.

    Student. One day Inge's mother baked a big bread and asked Inge to take it to her grandmother. Inge put on her best dress, smart shoes and hit the road.

    Student. The road went through a swamp. Inge felt sorry for getting her smart shoes dirty. Without thinking twice, she threw the bread into the mud and stepped on it to cross the swamp.

    Student. But as soon as she stepped on the bread, the bread, together with her, quickly began to sink into the swamp. Only black bubbles went through the water.

    Student. And Inge found herself in the stinking dwelling of the old woman Bolotnitsa, who decided that Inge would make an excellent idol for her hallway.

    Student. And Inge became an idol. Her arms and legs were petrified, fat, nasty spiders entwined them with their webs, and flies with torn off wings crawled across her face.

    Disciple. The shepherds saw what happened in the swamp, and very soon wandering troubadours spread the story of the girl who stepped on the bread throughout the country.

    Student. One day, Inge felt a hot tear fall on her head. It was Inge's mother who was crying, saying that arrogance had ruined her daughter.

    Student. "What's the use of my mother now whining about me," thought Inge, and her soul became more and more rough and hardened.

    Student. But one day this story was heard by a little girl. “Poor Inge! How I wish she would ask for forgiveness and be allowed to return to earth!” the girl cried.

    Student. These words reached Inge's heart. For the first time she looked back at her short life and burst into tears of remorse. And at the same moment a ray of light penetrated into the dwelling of the Bolotnitsa, and Inge, like a small bird, flew out into the wild. And on that day there was no happier person than Inge's mother.

    Leading. Did you understand the tale?

    Children (example answers of children). Of course understood. This tale is about the fact that there is nothing in the world more expensive than bread. Bread must be protected and treated with respect.

    Leading. Yes. Bread among all peoples is an eternal symbol of life, a symbol of well-being. What proverbs about bread do you know?

    Children name proverbs known to them. We offer some of them: “Kalach will become boring, but bread will never be”, “As long as there is bread and water, everything does not matter”, “Dinner does not fit, as there is no bread in the house”, “There is not a piece of bread, and longing in the tower” , “It’s cold without a stove, hungry without bread”, “Without salt, without bread - a thin conversation.”

    Student. Well done, you know a lot of proverbs about bread, people have composed many proverbs about bread. Why do you think?

    The children make their guesses. Here are examples of children's responses. (People value bread very much, which is why there are so many sayings about it. One cannot live without bread, it always saved from hunger in the most difficult years).

    Teacher. Indeed, bread is the greatest sacred thing for every nation. We have different traditions and customs, but we equally love our native land, our families, we cannot imagine life without a fragrant slice of bread, although we call it differently. Wonderful French writer and the pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote: “Bread has become for us a symbol of the greatness of labor, because it is obtained by sweat. Bread has become for us an indispensable companion of compassion, because it is distributed in times of distress. The taste of divided bread is incomparable.”

    Loaf of earth and sky

    On your table

    Nothing is stronger than bread

    No on earth.

    In every little piece

    grain fields,

    And on each spike

    The earth is holding.

    In a small grain of wheat

    Summer and winter

    The power of the sun is stored

    And native land.

    And grows under the bright sky,

    Built and tall.

    Like an immortal Motherland,

    Bread spikelet.


    Grains of our days, glow

    Carved with gilding.

    We say take care

    Take care of your own bread!

    Take care of every ear

    Our joyful fields.

    Loud of his homeland!

    "We do not dream of a miracle, -

    Live speech fields to us, -

    Take care of bread, you are people

    Learn to save bread!

    N. Tikhonov

    Children perform the song “Grow, spikelet” (words by P. Sinyavsky, music by Y. Chichkov):

    Rye spikelet green

    Looking over the field

    Funny and surprised

    Like a first grader in school.

    Green sprout.

    cheerful sprout,

    You just came out of the grain.

    Grow, spikelet!

    Grow, spikelet!

    Grow, spikelet, until the sun!

    Will teach him to grow

    Any spring rain

    And every spring ray

    Color like an artist.

    He, along with the twins, will grow up so quickly.

    That soon even with us

    Measured by height.

    This is what happened in my land.

    From year to year, from generation to generation - for centuries

    The bread that is on the table in every house,

    He was warmed by human hands.

    He is their warmth, he smells of their goodness

    And the song that is sung by the lark

    Under the blue sky in golden loaves

    On a July afternoon in a sunny summer.

    The plowman will walk through the stubble in the morning

    And to the son, pointing to the field,

    He says quietly: “Bow to him,

    Like mothers. As our common share!

    You will grow up and after many years

    Come back here again at dawn

    And you say: “There is nothing more expensive.

    How warm bread in this wide world!

    N. Anikeeva

    Leading. Thank you guys, thank you, golden Spikelets! You have told us so many interesting things. Together with you, we saw how bread came to our table, how much time and work it took for this. We will try very hard to save bread, to help those who do not have a piece of bread on the table every day. There are words in the world that cannot lose their value. These words are bread, peace, friendship. Let's always remember this!

    Hope Betz

    Literary and musical composition "Spike" for children of the preparatory group for school in the project "Bread is the head of everything" with the participation of parents.

    Targets and goals: summarize research activities children in the project, to clarify the knowledge of children about bread - from spikelet to loaf. Involve children in folk art, folklore.

    Characters:Presenter - educator Bets N.V.

    Aunt Proverb - Pochernyaeva T.V. (Nikita's mother)

    Aunt Saying - Kiseleva A. S. (Andryusha's mother)

    Aunt Zagadushka - Bryukhanova L. S. (Seryozha's mother)

    Aunt Fiction - Penyasova Yu. V. (Tanya's mother)

    Kolobok - Olya Bubnova.

    Children reading poetry are fiction.

    The host in folk costume enters the hall.

    Presenter: Hello guys! Hello dear guests! What entertainment awaits us today, but bread brought us all together here. kind word Today we will talk about bread.

    The presenter picks up a loaf on a towel.

    Vedas. : From time immemorial in Russia, dear guests were greeted with bread and salt. Bread and salt for you! (bows to the guests, children on the right, children on the left).

    A Russian folk melody sounds, characters in Russian folk sundresses with a handkerchief appear in the hall. They, holding hands, lead a round dance.

    Vedas. : Hello guests! Bread - salt to you!

    She gives the loaf to Aunt Proverb, she gives it to Aunt Proverb, then to Aunt Riddle, and Riddle gives it to Aunt Fable, bowing to each other. Aunt Fable puts the loaf on the table.

    T. Proverb: Hello kids! Hello dears! We came to you, we brought a box of proverbs and sayings! And you listen to us and shake your mustache!

    T. Saying: Eh, you talk, talk, but don't talk! What is the mustache of the kids?

    T. Proverb: And you do not cling to my words! You can't sew a fur coat out of words alone!

    T. Saying: And again you are wrong! A kind word to say - that rain in a drought! A kind word is better than a soft pie!

    Vedas. : Oh dear guests! Wait, don't fight! You would better get to know the guys, tell about yourself.

    T. Proverb: It is true! Well, it's not bad to tell about yourself! The proverb is, my children, the wisdom of the people! For centuries, the Russian people composed and accumulated proverbs, because they had their own opinion on everything. The proverb does not pass by! You, my children, memorize proverbs and apply where necessary! The proverb is an assistant to all matters! Red speech proverb!

    T. Saying: Sayings - they are shorter than proverbs, but in wisdom they will never yield to proverbs! The saying does not teach anyone, but it loves to laugh at stupidity, and to joke as it should! You can't take a word out of a proverb! Each Yegorka has his own sayings.

    Vedas. : Today, guests, we are talking about bread, because "Bread is the head of everything." Do you want to hear proverbs and sayings about bread from children?

    T. Saying: We want. Do they know?

    Children take turns saying proverbs and sayings about bread:

    "Rye bread - kalach grandfather"

    "Bread is the head of everything",

    "Bread is a father, and water is a mother",

    “Lunch is bad if there is no bread”,

    "If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove"

    “There is no bread - and a crust in honor”,

    "Sweat on the back, but bread on the table"

    “Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf, but get up early and start your own.”

    Vedas. : Yes, here it is, the wisdom of the people! It is indeed so. Good proverbs!

    T. Fiction: Nice to meet you guys! I am Aunt Fable, different in all faces! Now I’ll pretend to be funny with a rhyme, then a fairy tale, then I’ll tell such a story that just hold on to your tummies from laughter! That's how funny I am! In fiction, everything is possible, the whole world turns upside down! Are there any of my friends among you, children? Fiction storytellers?

    Vedas. : How not to be? Yes, there is.

    Elya and Tanya tell a fable "A bear is sitting on a deck", Cyril - "I looked into the stove."

    T. Zagadushka: Now let me introduce myself. I am also the wisdom of the people, quick-witted, witty - Aunt Zagadushka. And I love smart, smart, quick-witted and reasonable children. Only in this way are my riddles on the shoulder!

    Vedas. : And here in front of you, almost all of them! If they don't guess - no problem! Let's learn! Live and learn!

    T. Zagadushka: Yes, I’m glad, radekhonka, to guess my riddles for you! Listen!

    1) Lumpy, puffy, and thick, and humpbacked, sour and insipid, and all people are nice. (Bread);

    2) Bela Belyana walked around the field, came home - lay down in the barrel. (Flour);

    3) What is poured into the pan and bent four times? (Pancakes);

    4) Throw out - we will not get poorer, we will collect - we will get rich. (Sowing);

    5) A house has grown in the field, the house is full of grain,

    The walls are gilded, the shutters are boarded up,

    The house is shaking on a golden pillar. (Ear)

    Vedas. : We ask you, guests, to join us at the table. Listen to songs and poems, but rejoice for our children. Where the song flows, life is easier there.

    Children sing the song "Golden Grain".

    Reading verses: "Glory to peace on Earth!" Andrey Kozhevnikov and Andrey Kiselev

    “Here lies a loaf ...” Nikita Borovikov and Danil Leontiev

    "In every grain of wheat..." Vika Proskuryakova

    Under cheerful music a gingerbread man appears with a basket in his hands, moves in leaps in a circle.

    Kolobok: I'm a cheerful Kolobok, but don't eat me, my friend.

    Today I am not simple - I am magical, I am alive.

    I came out of wheat flour excellent,

    I am related to bread, everyone loves me.

    Vedas. : And why do they love you, Kolobok?

    Kolobok: Firstly, I am fabulous, and secondly, I am cheerful, smart, and I also like to guess riddles. Here listen!

    From the sky the golden sun pours golden rays

    In the field, a friendly wall of golden barbels.

    They move their whiskers and rustle softly.

    Days turn into nights, and they stand, stand.

    And when the golden mustaches leave the field

    In our stove, golden rolls are golden. (Spikes)

    Children: Ears!

    Gingerbread man takes out spikelets from the basket, distributes them to the girls.

    Girls perform "Dance with spikelets".

    Vedas. : Thank you, Kolobok, for the riddle, for the dance. And to you from me as a gift ... a cheerful autumn rain (shakes sultans over Kolobok).

    Kolobok(waving hand): No, I'm not friends with the rain, I'll run away from it (runs away).

    Vedas. : Well, I wanted to please, but it turned out that I scared. Are you guys afraid of the rain too?

    Children: Not!

    Vedas. : Since you are not afraid, then you know how to jump through puddles?

    The game "Whose team jumps through puddles faster" is held.

    Two teams of children of 4 - 5 people. Drawn puddles are laid out on the floor, 5 in two rows, at the end of the row is an umbrella. Children, on command, alternately jump through the puddles, run around the umbrella, stand behind. The team that lines up first wins.

    Vedas. : And now I propose a game in folk style, "Plowmen and reapers". Here you need to know the words, and be nimble!

    Musical game "Plowmen and reapers".

    Vedas. : After the games, we will listen to poems, what helpers we have and how expressively they talk about it. Red speech listening!

    Children read poetry “We bake wheat…” M. Antipov and Anton Kashin;

    “Mom kneaded the dough” by E. Blaginina - Olya Bubnova;

    “I helped my mother” Anya Bogdanova;

    All children in chorus read the poem “Rye bread, loaf and rolls” by P. Kachanov

    Vedas. : The music sounds again, which means that we have a guest again. Today we have a magical holiday.

    Kolobok enters. He has a plate of pie in his hands.

    Kolobok: From flour, wheat flour, I baked an excellent cake!

    I invite you all to visit for a cake with hot tea.

    Vedas. : Thank you, Kolobok, you pleased us, my friend,

    And with such joy, we will now sing with you.

    Children sing the song "Song of the Grain Growers".

    Vedas. : Our holiday is over, and we are also closing the project “Bread is the head of everything”. We have learned to cherish, respect and love bread, and our common research work is framed in a wonderful album under the name of the project “Bread is the head of everything”.

    The presenter presents gratitude to the families - active participants in the project.

    Children and adults are invited to a tea party with apple pies and marmalade.

    When compiling the script for the literary and musical composition "Spikelet" were used:

    1. "The best scripts for morning performances for kindergarten" by Yu. Antonova, 2007 edition. ;

    2. Magazine "Senior educator" number 09.2011. ;

    3. "Spikelet" (songs, games, dances and poems for children). Compiled by G. Krylov and G. Naumenko, 1981 edition.

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