The best airlines in Russia: list, description, reviews. Honest rating: the best Russian airlines are named

The twentieth century and technological progress allowed people to move from one point of the world to another in a matter of hours, while earlier this process took many months, and the journeys themselves threatened with a lot of dangers. Today everything is different. Thanks to airplanes, a person can cross the ocean in complete comfort and be thousands of kilometers from the point of departure.

Airlines play an important role in organizing flights. It is their activities that allow people to travel so easily. Today, there are many different airlines in the world, ranging from the smallest to large corporations, whose networks have entwined the whole world. It is the latter that will be discussed in this article. We will talk about which is the largest airline, as well as talk about nine more companies that deserve attention.

First place - Delta Airlines corporation (United States of America)

This company, also known as Delta, is headquartered in Atlanta. It is DeltaAirLines that is the largest member of the well-known alliance of airlines called SkyTeam.

Delta is the world's largest operator in three areas. Firstly, the carrier has the largest fleet. Secondly, the company is a leader in terms of air transportation. And third, Delta has a record number of possible routes to fly. With the help of carrier services, you can get to any of the continents, except for Antarctica. In 2009, the company began working with Australia. Planes also fly to Africa. It is the only carrier in the United States that operates flights to this continent across the Atlantic Ocean.

Delta Airlines' main port is in Atlanta. It leads in the absolute number of passengers passed through it. Other major ports that work with Delta Airlinesincorporation are: Northern Kentucky Airport, John F. Kennedy Airport (New York), Salt Lake City Airport.

The carrier originates from the distant 1924. Then the company was founded under the name Huff Daland Dusters. Its original activity was the spraying of chemicals over agricultural fields. The first flight, the purpose of which was the delivery of passengers, occurred in 1929. Since then, the company began to actively develop its activities in the civil aviation market.

Runner-up - American Airlines (United States of America)

The second largest airline in the world is American Airlines. In one year, the company transports more than one hundred thousand people. The main office of the airline is located in Texas. American Airlines has five main ports, the most important of which is Dallas International Airport. According to statistics, it accounts for more than eighty percent of all flights.

American Airlines was formed back in 1926. Then the first plane of the company delivered mail from one state to another. Soon, more than eight dozen small air carriers united under the wing of the company. Initially, the airline was called "American Airways" and only during the Second World War did it receive its current name.

In 1937, the company sent its millionth customer on its way. After the war, the company began to actively develop branches in the European market. In addition, the airline began to send aircraft to Japan.

Third place - Southwest Airlines (United States of America)

Southwest Airlines is the leader in the low-cost airline market. The airline leads the world in terms of the number of people transported. The airline is headquartered in Texas. To date, the operator's fleet consists entirely of Boeing-737 aircraft. Southwest Airlines operates several thousand flights daily.

Initially, the company worked only within the state, sending people between the regions of Texas. Today the company operates throughout the country. However, the carrier does not work with other countries. The fleet includes 684 ships. The number of routes operated by Southwest Airlines is 94.

In 2016, the carrier closed access to its website to visitors from the Russian Federation. The exact reason for this decision is unknown, many people believe that this action has a political motive.

Fourth place - Emirates Airlines (United Arab Emirates)

This company is a monopoly in the market of the United Arab Emirates. The carrier belongs to the state, it was created at the end of the twentieth century with the aim of developing tourism. The airline acquired the first two aircraft in 1985. Already in the nineties, the number of aircraft in the fleet began to grow rapidly. To date, the air carrier has more than two hundred ships. In addition, Emirates Airlines has ordered another two hundred aircraft from various manufacturers, which will enter service in the coming years.

The operator operates flights to all inhabited continents, including Africa, Australia, South and North America, Europe and Asia. In the spring of 2016, the airline's aircraft made a record flight, covering more than fourteen thousand kilometers in sixteen hours. The carrier carries out not only passenger, but also cargo air transportation.

Fifth place - United Airlines (United States of America)

This carrier was established in 1926. The company became famous for being the first to offer its passengers meals on board. In addition, it was on the liners of this carrier that the stewardesses familiar to us appeared. Today it is an expensive US airline, one of the largest on the planet.

The carrier also has a sad reputation. It was United Airlines that first encountered terrorism in the air. In 1993, unknown people blew up the plane with a bomb hidden on board. In addition, it was the planes of this company that were hijacked by terrorists on September 9th.

Today, United Airlines employs more than fifty thousand people. The fleet includes more than four hundred aircraft. The main hubs with which the carrier works are: Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Sixth place - Lufthansa (European Union)

The air carrier established in Germany is by far the largest in the European Union. Today, under the wing of the company, carriers from Sweden, Austria and Germany are united. Lufthansa flies to 80 different countries. The number of routes exceeds two hundred. The company's fleet is 620 aircraft. Lufthansa's head office is located in Cologne.

The main hubs are located in Frankfurt and Munich.

Interestingly, until the end of the twentieth century, the airline belonged to the state. It was created in 1926. During World War II, all civilian flights were cut off. The company collaborated with the Nazis, so at the end of the war it was on the stop lists of all advanced countries. In 1951, a state-owned airline was created on the basis of Lufthansa, which received the name Aktiengesellschaft für Luftverkehrsbedarf. Its manager was the former director. A few years later, the usual name returned.

The company is actively working in Russia, sending passengers on ten routes.

Seventh place - Air France (European Union)

The largest carrier in France. The company employs more than seven tens of thousands of people. The main hub of Air France is the airport of Paris named after Charles de Gaulle. The air fleet has more than two hundred aircraft. The number of directions in which the carrier operates is 256.

AirFrance carries out not only regional flights, but also main ones. This organization was founded in 1933. Initially, the airline performed cargo flights, but then moved into the category of passenger aviation. AirFrance is a member of the large carrier alliance SkyTeam, which includes more than fifteen carriers, including Russia's Aeroflot.

The company's headquarters is located in Paris. The main end points of the routes are the big cities of Europe and the USA, such as New York, Berlin and London.

Eighth place - British Airways

British Airways is not only the largest carrier in the UK, but also one of the largest airlines in the world. Among other participants in this ranking, in addition to Emirates Airlines, British Airways is the youngest. It was established in 1974. However, it was based on an already existing state agency. The company is engaged in the transportation of people, cargo and mail.

For about a decade, British Airways was also owned by the state, until privatization began in 1981. At that time, many carriers were going through hard times, and British Airways itself was suffering losses. However, the new management managed not only to bring the company into profit, but also to gain credibility throughout the world. British Airways had a net income of £702 million in 2014.

9th - All Nippon Airways

The Japanese air carrier is famous not only for the volume of its traffic, but also for the authentic design of its aircraft, which are often painted with anime characters. The company was established in 1952. Initially, she was engaged in transportation between the islands of Japan using helicopters, but soon the first liners appeared in the company's fleet. In 1986, All Nippon Airways began working for the overseas market. Flights to the USA, Hong Kong, South Korea, Paris were created. Today, the All Nippon Airways fleet includes 188 aircraft. The number of routes is 71.

The corporate headquarters is located in a special area of ​​the city of Tokyo - Minato.

Tenth place - China Southern Airlines

China Southern Airlines is the largest civil aviation corporation in modern China. In 1996, the company began working on long-haul routes. In 1997, a non-stop flight to Los Angeles was made, which was the first of its kind for a Boeing 777 aircraft.

In 2003, the company absorbed its main competitor in the domestic market - China Northern Airlines, thanks to which it began to dominate the domestic market in China. The air fleet includes more than five hundred liners. Number of routes - 180.

that carry passengers all over the world. Each year, a list of the best airlines in the world is determined in different categories - “Best Business Class Service” or “Best Crew”. From more than 100 countries around the world, almost 19 million passengers were polled to identify the winners.

As for the largest airlines in the world, the world's largest consulting agencies compile such ratings, focusing on the company's passenger traffic, financial performance and the number of aircraft in its fleets. To do this, they analyze reports on the finance and production of airlines.

UK based consulting company skytrax made this ranking. The award was presented at the Farnborough Air Show on July 12.. This is the ranking for 2016.

First up is Emirates. Despite the fact that the company has a shorter history (it was founded only in 1985), but managed to gain popularity all over the world.

At the beginning, she had only two leased planes - one and one. Today, she has already 253 aircraft that fly to all continents.

Stewardesses and stewards in front of an Emirates aircraft.

Second place is Qatar Airways, which in 2015 was at the first place. The National Company of the State of Qatar, headquartered in the country's capital, Doha.

It is founded in 1993 and quickly gained significant weight in world aviation. The company's fleet includes 192 aircraft including cargo ships.

Flight attendants for Qatar Airways.

In third place - Singapore Airlines. The company was founded in 1947 and was originally called Malayan Airways.

However, with the independence of Singapore, it was renamed Singapore Airlines. The company's fleet is not as large as the first two - only 108 aircraft.

Singapore Airlines aircraft.

cathay pacific located on fourth place. This is a Hong Kong company that has a rather interesting history.

Founded in 1946 American and Australian, it flew only in Asia, and then spread throughout the world. The word "Cathay" is a medieval name for China, and "Pacific" means that companies fly across the Pacific Ocean.

Cathay Pacific aircraft.

Fifth place deservedly occupied by a Japanese company - ANA All Nippon Airways. Such a long and complicated name is explained by the fact that it was formed by the merger of two airlines - Nippon Helicopter and ANA (Far Eastern Airlines).

Before 1986 all flights operated by the company were only domestic. After that, the company moved to the international level and now operates flights to more than than 22 countries.

ANA All Nippon Airways aircraft.

In sixth place another UAE company - Etihad Airways. it fastest growing airline in commercial aviation history.

educated in 2003, it already counts almost 120 destinations with a fleet of 117 aircraft. She won in as many as three categories, concerning the first class - the best seats, food and service.

First class on an Etihad Airways plane.

Turkish Airlines ranked only seventh. It is one of the oldest airlines in the world - founded in 1933. BUT the first flight to another country was carried out already in 1947, in .

During the period from 2012 to 2016 it is among the top ten airlines. Total served almost 220 destinations in more than 108 countries.

Turkish Airlines aircraft.

Eva Air is in eighth place. it airline of taiwan. It operates both passenger and cargo flights.

She has only 72 aircraft in the fleet, but they ship to many countries in Asia, North America, Europe and Australia. it largest Taiwanese company, after China Airlines, of course.

Eva Air aircraft.

Qantas Airways ranked ninth. This company is also called "Flying Kangaroo", as it is the national carrier of Australia. it the oldest airline in the entire English-speaking world.

It is also founded in 1920, that is, at the dawn of world aviation. Now the company 123 aircraft that fly in more than 85 destinations.

Qantas Airways aircraft.

In last place is Lufthansa. it largest airline in Europe with subsidiaries Swiss Airlines and Austrian Airlines.

She started her activity in 1926 and stopped it during the Second World War and until 1951, for collaboration with the Nazis. Now the company has in its fleet almost 283 aircraft.

Lufthansa aircraft.

Rating of the largest airlines in the world

Of course, not one, but several ratings have been compiled here, according to airline financial performance, passenger turnover, fleet size and cargo turnover.

Here, in all respects, the American company is in the lead - american airlines. It is also the largest airline in the United States. Founded in 1926, it has a long and successful history.

Of course, the September 11 attacks significantly damaged her reputation and almost brought her to bankruptcy. But then, like a phoenix from the ashes, it rose and now again leads among the world's airlines.

American Airlines aircraft cabin.

The second and third places are also occupied by US companies - United Airlines and Delta Air Lines. Both are also based back in the twenties of the last century. Their fleets reach up to 700 and 800 aircraft each.

Many years of experience and ability to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions allows them to remain among the leading airlines.

A Delta Air Lines aircraft.

But in general, the top ten included such major airlines as Air France, KLM, Emirates, Lufthansa, Air China, etc.

Aeroflot aircraft.

As for Russian airlines, then Aeroflot took only 17th place in the rating of companies in terms of the number of destinations. She transports in 122 dots.

Ryanair aircraft cabin.

Ryanair is the leader among low-cost airlines. It ranks 13th among airlines by number of destinations, 6th by number of aircraft and 5th by passenger traffic.

World Trends

If we take into account global trends, then, in general, Asian and Arab airlines are beginning to gain momentum and go ahead of their European and American counterparts, winning, if not in quantity, then in quality.

Travel is always a foretaste of something new, unforgettable. And for everything to go great from start to finish, you should think through all the details. The most popular mode of transport for traveling abroad is by plane. Therefore, it is better to study the possibilities of certain airlines in advance. What are the most A list of them with a description will be presented in descending order.

Delta Airlines is the world leader in passenger transportation

By all criteria, Delta is the largest airline in the world. It has more than 1,300 aircraft in its arsenal. The airline has its own route network in 356 destinations and operates flights to 65 countries. At the beginning of its existence (founded on May 30, 1924), the company was called Huff Daland Dusters. Then her planes were used to spray pesticides over cotton fields in the southern United States. In 1928, the airline was renamed Delta Air Service. And already in 1929, the first passenger plane was sent from Dallas to Jackson.

Today, the largest airline in the world, Delta Airlines, is the undisputed leader in terms of the number of passenger traffic, as well as the number of passenger aircraft in operation, the main manufacturers of which are Boeing and Airbus. About 5,000 flights are carried out daily. The company has 75 thousand qualified employees.

American Airlines USA

Despite the financial difficulties that the company experienced in the recent past, it is still in the TOP of the largest airlines in the world. The company employs more than 100 thousand people. Every day, about 7,000 flights are made on route routes to 350 cities. The airline operates flights to 56 countries around the world. American Airlines and 5 other leaders in passenger transportation form the Oneworld alliance.

The carrier's fleet includes 125 Airbus-A319-100 aircraft, 55 Airbus-A320-200 aircraft, 178 Airbus-A321-200 aircraft, 15 Airbus-A330-200 aircraft, 9 Airbus-A330- 300", 266 Boeing-737s, 64 Boeing-757s, 46 Boeing-767s, 67 Boeing-777s, 45 MD-82s and 52 MD-83s.

Southwest Airlines USA

Southwest Airlines is the undisputed leader in terms of the number of passengers carried. This is the largest low-cost in the world. The company's fleet has an impressive number of Boeing 737 aircraft and operates more than 3,000 flights a day. Southwest Airlines planes mainly fly between Chicago, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Houston, Orlando and Phoenix. The main advantage is that the prices for the flight are relatively low, but the quality is at a high level. Cheap flights within the USA is the motto of Southwest Airlines.

Emirates Airlines is the UAE's monopoly of transportation

This is a state-owned company, the base of which is located on the territory of Abu Dhabi International Airport. The development of Emirates Airlines began with the lease of two airliners in 1985. For three years, the airline's profits began to increase rapidly, which made it possible to quickly develop the route network and equip the fleet with the most modern ships. Today, the company's route network includes 450 cities in 60 countries around the world.

The company's fleet consists of 230 Airbus-A330, A340, A380 and Boeing-777 aircraft.

United Airlines USA

It is the largest airline in the world by number of aircraft. It has 695 airliners at its disposal, which regularly carry out international passenger flights. The company has 569 aircraft for domestic flights. The airline's route network connects the countries of Western Europe, Africa and Australia. United Airlines has bases in Chicago, San Francisco, Guam, Tokyo, Denver, Los Angeles and Washington. The basis of the company's air fleet is Boeing-737 and 757. There are also Airbus-type airliners. The most popular are flights to major cities in China and Hawaii. Russia and Eastern Europe are not included in the list of served countries.

Lufthansa is Europe's largest airline

The European airline began its existence back in 1926. However, only in the 60s it began to gain momentum and became one of the largest among air carriers.

Today, the airline, together with a number of European carriers, forms the Lufthansa Group. The main hubs of the company are located in Germany. The Lufthansa Group has a fleet of 636 aircraft. For passengers, this is one of the most profitable airlines. Its partners can participate in generous bonus programs. The company also constantly holds promotions and ticket sales in various directions.

Air France

This is a whole holding that combines a number of French and Dutch airlines. In 2004, the national carriers of the Netherlands and France merged to form Air France. The company's hubs are located in Charles de Gaulle) and in Sripol). Air France currently operates 614 aircraft. The basis is the airliners of the concern "Boeing" and "Airbus".

For those who care about the environment, this carrier is the most suitable, since the tanks of the company's aircraft are half filled with biofuel. The Air France route network has 243 destinations and serves 103 countries.

british airways

British Airways is the UK's largest carrier based at Heathrow Airport in London. Currently, the company's air fleet consists of 400 aircraft. The annual turnover of passenger traffic is 62 million passengers per year. The route network includes more than 200 destinations.

The airline has its own developed bonus system, which is used by regular customers. Each flight entitles you to earn miles and points, which can then be exchanged for airline tickets.

This is not a complete list of the largest airlines. Each country has its own leaders in air travel. However, not all of them are international. In addition, this list may change every year, as some companies can develop, while others suffer some difficulties and lose their leading positions. Therefore, it is not so easy to say which is the largest airline in the world. The analysis affects many indicators, such as the number of aircraft, the annual volume of traffic, the availability of service centers, etc. However, for passengers, in addition to this information, the reliability of the company, as well as various bonus programs, is important. In any case, it is better to fly with proven airlines, even if the cost of their tickets will be an order of magnitude more expensive. Saving on your life is not worth it. It is better to buy tickets in advance, but from reliable carriers. Moreover, almost all of the above airlines regularly hold bonus programs and promotions.

What, first of all, does a passenger want to receive from an air carrier? It is comfort, reliability and safety. Also, he will not refuse an acceptable level of service and, of course, will not be against the punctuality of the company's employees: it is unlikely that any of us will like long flight delays.

Based on these airline customer requests, we have compiled a rating of the best Russian airlines, which is based on the expert opinion of several independent consulting agencies and the opinion of passengers who have already used the services of carriers.

TOP-10: The best airlines in Russia rating for 2017-2018

In order for the rating to be the most truthful and versatile, we used mixed statistics in the article. Firstly, this is a direct customer survey, and secondly, an expert assessment. Employees of some consulting agencies, under the guise of "mystery passengers", checked the level of service from personal experience: the cost of tickets, the quality of food on board the aircraft, the general level of service and the time of delays during departures (if any). The total score was summarized by us in the column "Overall rating" of our table.

Place Name Overall rating Positive customer references
🏆 10 ✈ Nordavia ⭐ 3.21 out of 5 👍 40 %
🏆 9 ✈ Red Wings Airlines ⭐ 3.40 out of 5 👍 37 %
🏆 8 ✈ Nordwind Airlines ⭐ 3.42 out of 5 👍 45 %
🏆 7 ✈ Utair ⭐ 3.48 out of 5 👍 44 %
🏆 6 ✈ Metrojet ⭐ 3.64 out of 5 👍 67 %
🏆 5 ✈ Aeroflot ⭐ 3.79 out of 5 👍 55 %
🏆 4 ✈ S7 Airlines ⭐ 3.84 out of 5 👍 58 %
🏆 3 ✈ Russia ⭐ 3.86 out of 5 👍 62 %
🏆 2 ✈ Yamal ⭐ 4.14 out of 5 👍 72 %
🏆 1 ✈ I-Fly ⭐ 3.97 out of 5 👍 75 %

10th place. "Nordavia"

Regional carrier based in Arkhangelsk. It specializes in transportation within the Russian Federation, but there are also foreign flights - to Norway. Due to weather specifics, the number of flights in winter is much less than in summer. The aircraft fleet is quite "old", domestic aircraft are used to serve close regional flights: AN-24

🛫 Where are the routes?

In 14 largest Russian regional centers, also in Troms (Norway).

Departure without delay: 2.63

Food quality: 3.16

Service level on board: 3.53

9th place. Red Wings Airlines

The company is one of the fifteen largest air carriers in Russia. It has been on the market for eighteen years, in 2009 it went through a rebranding, after which it is known under its current name. It is considered one of the main tourist charter carriers. Most of the aircraft fleet are domestic aircraft.

🛫 Where are the routes?

Foreign charter flights on the most popular tourist routes from Moscow, St. Petersburg and several other regional centers.

✅ Evaluation issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3, 08

Food quality: 3.2

Service level on board: 3.5

8th place. Nordwind Airlines

Another charter passenger carrier offering charter flights to Europe, to the Mediterranean countries, as well as to Asian countries. The aircraft fleet is based in Moscow and consists of 24 Airbus and Boeing aircraft. Actively upgrades and purchases new aircraft, some of them were purchased this year.

🛫 Where are the routes?

On tourist routes from Moscow: Europe, India, Thailand, countries of the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt.

✅ Evaluation issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3.46

Food quality: 2.97

Service level on board: 3.65

7th place. Utair

A company with partial foreign capital, specializing in aviation and helicopter transportation. The main ports of registry are located in Tyumen and Moscow. It carries out not only charter, but also regular flights: every day, the company's liners make about three hundred flights. Over the past two years, more than 17 million passengers have been transported on its aircraft.

🛫 Where are the routes?

Domestic regional flights, foreign flights on tourist routes to the countries of Europe, Africa, Asia.

✅ Evaluation issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3.32

Food quality: 3.18

Service level on board: 3.83

6th place. "Metrojet"

The main activity of the air carrier is charter flights on most tourist routes in Europe. Since 2012, it has been closely cooperating with a large German travel company, so the liners carry out part of the flights under the TUI brand.

🛫 Where are the routes?

EU countries (Spain, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Austria), also to Egypt and Turkey.

✅ Evaluation issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3.88

Food quality: 3.69

Service level on board: 4.07

5th place. Aeroflot

The largest air carrier in Russia. The air fleet reads almost 200 liners, which includes aircraft of both domestic and foreign production. It is regularly updated, the average age of aircraft is 4.3 years. Routes are laid to 51 countries of the world. The attitude of clients is quite negative, although, according to many consulting companies, the level of service is at an acceptable level.

🛫 Where are the routes?

Internal regional routes to all regional centers, all European countries, most Asian countries, some African and American countries.

✅ Evaluation issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Four stars is a very good indicator

Departure without delay: 3.72

Food quality: 3.83

Service level on board: 3.89

The SKYTRAX rating is an objective assessment of airline services from a private independent British company. The rating is five-point - from one to five stars. Among hundreds of global companies, at the moment, only a few have received 5 stars.

4th place. S7 Airlines

The former name of the company - Siberia, is engaged in regular and charter flights within Russia, and its liners also carry out regular international flights: routes are laid to 26 countries of the world. Over the past few years, more than 10 million passengers have been transported annually. The fleet consists of 70 aircraft, the average age of the liners is 10 years.

🛫 Where are the routes?

European countries, neighboring countries, Egypt, Turkey, Asian countries (China, Japan, South Korea)

✅ Evaluation issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3.89

Food quality: 3.64

Service level on board: 3.92

3rd place. "Russia"

A subsidiary of Aeroflot, based in St. Petersburg, from where most of the carrier's flights are carried out. It carries about 5 million passengers annually. Domestic flights are organized throughout the country, there are also regular flights to European countries. The fleet consists of 62 liners, the average age is 13 years.

🛫 Where are the routes?

European countries (France, Germany), domestic flights to most regional centers of the country.

✅ Evaluation issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 4.02

Food quality: 3.46

Service level on board: 4.01

2nd place. "Yamal"

West Siberian air carrier with a fairly large fleet of airliners, in the amount of 60 units. The main place of registration is Salekhard, the average age of the aircraft is 11 years. Operates on 42 routes, most of which are domestic. Also engaged in charter flights to Europe and the Mediterranean.

🛫 Where are the routes?

Regional centers of Russia, CIS countries, Europe, UAE, Bangkok.

✅ Evaluation issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3.88

Food quality: 4.02

Service level on board: 4.16

1 place. "I-Fly"

The best charter carrier today according to passengers and experts. The port of registry of the fleet is Moscow. The main field of activity is charter flights on foreign tourist routes. Collaborates with the travel company "TEZ-Tour".

🛫 Where are the routes?

Mediterranean countries, Spain, UAE, Asian countries (China, Thailand)

✅ Evaluation issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 4.19

Food quality: 3.81

Service level on board: 4.06

Which airline is the best to use?

The final choice depends on your preferences. For example, if your priority is safety, then try to choose companies using new airliners. These, conventionally, can be considered any aircraft under the age of 12 years (after this period they must undergo a mandatory overhaul). Also, do not forget that the smaller the company, the smaller its financial turnover, therefore, they spend less money on servicing aircraft. Additionally, before the final choice, do not be lazy and look at the statistics of accidents and incidents by airline: these data can be found on many public Internet resources.

Choosing an airline is an important and responsible matter, because it depends on how safe and comfortable the upcoming flight will be. This article will help you decide on the choice of an air carrier.

top 10

The national airline of Qatar has been confidently holding its positions for several years now. In addition to absolute leadership in the world, it is also the 1st place in the Middle East region - as well as the best first-class superior lounges, the best business class. The company serves 150 destinations all over the world.

This airline is recognized as the best in Asia. Travelers highly appreciated the first-class service, comfort, and safety.

The price level of this Japanese airline is at the level of European ones, and the service and flight are of higher quality. In reviews, punctuality and extremely rare flight delays are often noted among the advantages.

Every day he makes routes on 6 continents, to 62 countries, to 101 destinations. The air fleet is constantly updated. The largest fast growing air carrier in the UAE.

Hong Kong. In the ranking, despite reviews of flight delays. Perhaps thanks to the pilots who are professionals in their field - soft, confident, almost imperceptible landing, smooth flight - as well as attentive to passengers and smiling flight attendants.

The feature of the Taiwanese air carrier is a huge selection of thematic products that can be purchased directly on board.

The German company is not the first year in the list of the best. A flexible bonus accumulation system, punctuality, comfortable spacious cabins, courtesy of service are the main advantages of this air carrier.

UAE. The airline has set itself the goal of pleasantly surprising its passengers with oriental hospitality - and they are doing it well.

These Chinese airlines are distinguished by rapid growth, high rates of development and progress.

Award for the best onboard personnel.

If you choose among Russian companies, give preference to Aeroflot. Although our company is not included in the top ten, it occupies a good position in the official ranking.

Watch the video: 10 safest airlines in the world

China Airlines (Top 5)

Not the first year the company has been a leader in its homeland, and recently it has taken an honorable place in the world top. It is the largest air carrier operating charter and business flights, cargo transportation, operating on all lines and distances. Many employees have VO. Organization managers see the main goal in creating the most pleasant conditions for each passenger. The company is actively growing and developing, getting better every year.

  1. Air China

Rapidly growing state-owned company.

  1. China Southern Airlines

Leader in the number of shipments; largest airline group in China. Most flights within the country are carried out by aircraft of this particular company, linking large and small cities, provinces and business centers.

  1. China Eastern Airlines

Most of the routes are connected with Shanghai.

  1. China Northern Airlines

One of the oldest companies, has a lot of experience.

HA liners fly from China to Russia (to Moscow, St. Petersburg and Irkutsk).

What is the best airline to fly with?

Most popular destinations.

To Turkey

Unanimously recognized leaders are companies with regular flights and Turkish Airlines.

In addition to them, good reviews have:, Onur Air, Russia.

In 2017, the domestic airline Pobeda began flying to Antalya. When ordering a ticket a couple of months before the flight, the price is 1000 rubles.

Prices for scheduled flights are higher than for charter flights - but regular flights are more reliable and proven.

To Thailand

According to Runet users, the best conditions are Thai Airways.

Direct flights from Russia are operated by Thai Airways, Aeroflot,. The rest fly with transfers.

AirAsia- a fairly well-known budget regional carrier, this is a whole group of different airlines. It is popular, has good reviews - but there is one “but”: flights are often postponed and canceled, everything must be approved in advance.

Bangkok Air- for those who appreciate luxury and expect the highest level of comfort. Expectations are fully justified.

also make connecting flights to Bangkok.

For those who live near the state. border, it is more convenient to get to Thailand by Chinese, European or Kazakhstani airlines.

The best in Kazakhstan - Air Astana. Included in the top 100 companies in the world, quite a few rave reviews, one of the top in the CIS.

To Greece

Excellent company reviews Aegean Airlines. Especially suitable for those traveling with children. Helpful staff and spacious, clean interior. Simple and clear ordering tickets on the website, regular flights to Athens and Thessaloniki.

There are also regular flights to Crete, Rhodes and Thessaloniki. Aeroflot- but only during the season - the rest of the time there are direct flights to Athens.

Astra- the most economical option, but much less comfortable. The planes are crowded, which is very inconvenient for passengers with small children, as well as tall and overweight people. Positive ratings are also at.

Most charter flights are operated by Greek Airlines, many of which have few aircraft in the state, and in the event of a breakdown of one aircraft, the flight can be canceled. This happens not infrequently, and this must be borne in mind.

To Malaysia

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get to Malaysia from Russia directly. You will have to resort to the services of European, Asian and Middle Eastern airlines. These are the Qatari, Arab, Kazakh, Singaporean airlines indicated above.

In addition to the already well-known airlines, we can name:

  • Australian company Jetstar;
  • silk air, known in the SEA region;
  • Batavia Air, specializing in flights within the region;
  • Filipino Gebu Pacific Air and Zest Air;
  • Malaysian airlines firefly and Malindo Air.

Flights to Malaysia are made by many companies from the “black list”, whose planes have crashed more than once. In addition to the worst ones already listed, these are Orient Thai and One-Tho-Go.

Turkish Airlines (Top 5)

  1. Pegasus

It is very popular all over the world. Developing at a fast pace. A definite plus - favorable prices. Differs in punctuality. Routes to 97 destinations. Young aircraft fleet

  1. Turkish Airlines

The largest air carrier in the world and in Europe (3rd place), very well known and loved in Russia for a long time. It flies to 200 destinations on 6 continents, has a huge fleet. There are practically no obsolete aircraft models. This is a permanent member of the top ratings, which has passed the test of time.

  1. Onur Air

A young, but already proven airline from the positive side. It operates regular and charter flights. The company employs highly qualified employees who provide security and service at a decent level. In addition, ticket prices are significantly lower than other companies operating at the same level.

  1. SunExpress

A good budget option, flying on the most popular tourist routes.

  1. Atlas Global

Pretty big carrier. It operates flights across Russia, Europe and the CIS.

Best European Airline

Recognized as the best European airline, according to travelers.

Our domestic company was awarded in 4 nominations - for the best business class, premium economy class, first place in Russia and Europe. Passengers from different countries give a lot of laudatory reviews about Aeroflot. In China, the company was recognized as the most beloved foreign company, 4 stars were awarded to the company by the British agency Skytrax, five stars were given to Aeroflot by the APEX passenger association from the USA.

Aeroflot confidently takes the 1st position in such categories as ticket price, check-in, comfort and service.

Worst Airlines (Top 5)

They were evaluated according to the criteria of flight comfort, cabin cleanliness, staff competence.

  1. Turkmen Airlines
  1. Sudan Airways

Works only in Africa and the Middle East region. Received the lowest scores on all counts, except for the comfort of the chairs. Therefore, in 2nd place.

  1. Ukraine International Airlines

Despite good reviews on thematic forums, it takes 3rd place due to low scores in other evaluation categories.

  1. Uzbekistan Airways

Repeated fatal accidents and poorly organized registration process.

  1. Air Koryo

The only North Korean airline. Travelers do not like the musical accompaniment in the form of marches and the quality of the food.

Worst airlines for safety

Here is a list of those whose planes are in poor condition, often get into accidents, pilots and personnel were suspected of using drugs and alcohol, who do not comply with international safety requirements, or if aircraft hijackings and other criminal acts were committed.

  1. Nepal Airlines

A huge number of disasters with a tragic end. Not professional pilots and outdated equipment.

  1. Lion Air

Also a lot of collisions. The pilots and crew used drugs. It has a preference for accepting payments - in cash, 2 days before departure stops accepting plastic cards.

  1. Batrik Air

Subsidiary of Lion Air. Flights over the EU are prohibited. There are known cases of technical problems during flights.

  1. Citilink

Another Indonesian company. It carries out mainly internal routes, a ban has been imposed on visiting the space above Europe.

  1. KalStar Avlation

The liners of these airlines have not passed quality and safety control.

The choice of airlines in the world is quite diverse, and everyone will be able to choose the right option for their taste and budget - and most importantly, choose the best one from those offered by various air transportation agencies in Runet.

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