Lost personal life. Igor Rasteryaev: wife, personal life

Rasteryaev Igor Vyacheslavovich (b. 1980) - Russian film and theater actor; a multifaceted gifted performer and author of songs based on real stories from the life of the people. At concerts, he accompanies himself on the harmonica. Fame came to Igor after his video for the song "Combineers" blew up the Internet in 2010. Admirers of his work awarded Rasteryaev the title "Singer from the people."


Igor was born on August 10, 1980 in Leningrad. The family was creative, his parents were artists. Mom is a native of the Northern capital, she graduated from a technical university. On the maternal side, all relatives survived the blockade. She met Igor's dad when he came to Leningrad to enter the institute. My father was from the village of Rakovka, Mikhailovsky District, Volgograd Region. All paternal ancestors were Cossacks.

Igor's childhood passed in the historical center of Leningrad, among the palaces, which undoubtedly left its mark on him. But the boy always spent the summer on the Medveditsa River in his father's homeland in the village of Rakovka. Her favorite pastime was building a toy farm in the backyard. With a cousin, they built houses under reed roofs, put up small sheaves, and made wattle fences from cherry branches. And then they came up with the idea that in every hut someone should live - a milkmaid or a tractor driver.

In Rakovka, Igor met a Moscow boy, Alexei Lyakhov, who also visited his relatives in the village every summer. This masculine and strong friendship lasted for many years.

From the age of six, Igor sang first for his grandmothers, then for friends. I could sing for several hours a day. During his school years, he began to draw and write stories about people, about life in Rakovka.


Rasteryaev studied at Leningrad schools No. 189 and 558. By the end of the tenth grade, his mother advised his son to study further as a journalist. He would not have pulled technical universities, since he was not at all friendly with chemistry and physics, but he wrote essays well.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Igor almost became a student of the Faculty of Journalism, completed preparatory courses and even had recommendations from the selection committee. But there he would have to study English and other subjects that he did not like. And Rasteryaev dreamed of a highly spiritual future, so he took the documents and entered the theater institute. Although before that he had never been a real theatergoer, he did not actively go to premiere performances, he did not follow the theatrical life, and he knew almost no actors.

During his studies, he did not stand out in any way. In student productions, he was entrusted with secondary roles. He played the main role of the major of the veterinary service only in the graduation performance of the institute.

He studied for five years and during the year he went through the school of life in the troupe of the White Theater. They traveled to small towns and villages in the Leningrad and Moscow regions, staged children's performances in village clubs, abandoned cinemas and almost non-functioning palaces of culture. They dressed up in homemade costumes and played for children sitting in cold halls in hats and mittens.


And then he got into the theater "Buff". Here, at first, his roles were also small, he played mainly drunks, soldiers, lackeys.

But over time, more prominent characters appeared in his repertoire:

  • Eight brothers in the play "The Same Forest".
  • Gregoire in The Adventurer.
  • Butch in Prima Donnas.
  • The clerk in the production of "Casanova in Russia".
  • Corporal Zakhar Kosykh in the play "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha".
  • Konstantin in The Passion at the Fountain.
  • Bochar in The Magnificent Cuckold.
  • Tishka in Krechinsky's Wedding.
  • The waiter in the production of "The circus left, the clowns remained."
  • Emelyan Chernozemny in "Quadrature of the circle".

Igor worked in the theater for twelve years and left the troupe in November 2015.

And also starred in episodic roles in films:

  • "The Princess and the Pauper"
  • "Secrets of investigation-6".
  • "Version".
  • "Special Agent"
  • "22nd of June. Fatal Decisions.

Musical creativity

In his youth, Igor learned to play the guitar, then he bought it in a thrift store and began to master a used harmonica. He sang songs of different authors for friends and gradually began to compose himself. So his first cheerful composition "Combiners" appeared.

The main themes that Igor touches on in his work are the breadth of the Russian soul with all its shortcomings and virtues, God, war, native spaces and how difficult, but extremely important, to remain human in any situation.

Immediately from the first lines of his songs (both musical and poetic) it is felt that they were written by a gifted person. In one interview, to the question: “What does Igor Rasteryaev believe in?”, The singer replied: “I believe in God, in his absolute strength and in my absolute human weakness.” He explains the sudden popularity of songs by the intervention of a higher power. Someone took and lowered this gift on him, because one's own desires and attempts alone cannot write so many songs in such a short time. After all, before that he had never composed anything and did not even have a musical education.

He can't really explain how his songs appear. Music itself is born somewhere in the head, and already on the harmonica he picks up the melody. Then, turning over the keys, words begin to break through the rhythm, gradually they add up to lines. It is especially difficult for him to work on texts, sometimes nothing comes to mind for a whole month.

The first listeners of new songs are always parents and a sister. All clips are shot by his childhood friend Lekha Lyakhov. It was he who once posted the first song of Rasteryaev "Combiners" to the network. Lech suggested that someone might like it. But he did not expect that then he would have to become a videographer for many years.

The song did not immediately bring fame to its creator, in the first six months it gained only 300 views on the YouTube channel. But after a link to the video was posted on one of the websites of the popular blogger and writer Dmitry Puchkov at the end of the summer of 2010, there was a real explosion on the Internet. In four days, almost 300,000 users listened to the song. By the end of the year, the clip entered the top ten most popular videos in Russia.

Since that time, Igor began to record and upload new compositions to the network. So the country recognized his songs:

  • "Daisies".
  • "Bear".
  • "Cossack".
  • "Spring".
  • "Snowstorm in Rakovka".
  • "Russian road".
  • "Clay".
  • "Long range".
  • "Walking around the city".
  • "George Ribbon".
  • "Song of the Guardian Angels"
  • "Outside the window is winter and night."
  • "Ringer".
  • "The battle".

The first concert of Rasteryaev took place with the Moscow club "Contact" in September 2010. A couple of months later, the singer has already performed in his native St. Petersburg on the stage of the Griboedov club. Here he introduced his co-author - a friend of his father Vasily Mokhov, Igor wrote several songs on his poems.

In February 2011, the debut album "Russian Road" was released. In July of the same year, Rasteryaev performed at the Invasion rock festival, where he was awarded the Stepnoy Volk independent music award in the Something nomination.

Most of his work is occupied by the rural theme. The village of Rakovka hooked the singer in earnest. Perhaps because these are pleasant memories of childhood and summer holidays, when you didn’t have to go to school and work, but only to relax, have fun and fish. But, according to Igor, in order to write songs about the village, one must be a city dweller, and periodically come there and observe with a clear eye what has changed. After all, if you live in a village, there will be no time for songs. People there work very hard, and the natural spaces in the form of a river, steppes, hillocks are ordinary for them and do not make any special impressions.

About himself, Rasteryaev says that he has dual citizenship - urban and rural. He equally needs the rural heat of +45 degrees, and the dampness of St. Petersburg, he, like a battery, is charged both by the smell of wormwood and by rain. This is the success of his songs. Igor managed to catch the string of the Russian soul, which really wants not glamorous frills, but simple music coming from the heart.

Now the singer is successfully touring, he has already traveled almost all of Russia, he also performed in Poland, Belarus and Ukraine.

Hobbies, hobbies, life values

He doesn't like to watch movies. In principle, he treats him well, and if something interests him, he can look. But he does not follow the latest in the film industry. Igor does not have a TV at home, he watches it sometimes when he comes to visit his parents.

As for the holidays that came to Russia not so long ago from abroad (such as Halloween or St. Valentine's Day), Rasteryaev does not recognize them. For a singer, there are three holidays in life - New Year, Easter and May 9th. They evoke quivering sensations in his soul, Igor likes the external paraphernalia of these holidays:

  • New Year's tree.
  • Easter cakes with painted eggs and a night procession around the temple.
  • On May 9, these are military songs and films, behind which is the cultural heritage of the country.

He loves people who are cheerful, unpaired, easy-going, capable of courage and unexpected actions. Igor does not like touchy people.

Among the hobbies, the singer likes fishing the most.

He is not yet married and has no children.

In 2003, Igor gave up alcohol; in his youth, this addiction was present in his life. He remembers well how he woke up with a hangover on a chilly November morning. There was no one at home: mom and dad were at work, my grandmother went to social security, my sister was at school. He then promised the cat Musa that he would never touch a glass again.

The life motto of Igor Rasteryaev: “I live calmly and do not twitch. Friends do not lie, parents are alive, so everything is fine. The main thing is to live according to your conscience and try to do your job well.”

Igor Rasteryaev - author and performer of numerous songs to the harmonica,
the main "combiner" of Runet, a talented illustrator and artist
Petersburg theater Buff. After a long tour of Russia, dedicated to
for the release of the new album
"Horn" , Igor met with the leading observer of the cultural life of the capital, Karina Smoktiy, and, despite numerous lack of sleep, enthusiastically answered a number of questions.

- Igor, thank you for taking the time to meet me in Moscow. I know that your schedule is very tight, and each concert requires 100% dedication and emotional involvement from the artist, and yet you are here, ready to answer the most difficult questions. So, let's begin.

- Igor, more and more representatives of the fair sex appear among your fans.
It's definitely a nice trend, don't you think?

- It would be a good trend, but so far I do not notice such trends. Basically, brutal men, military personnel, churched Orthodox people and other representatives of heroic professions prevail. Moreover, Lekha Lyakhov and I scared the last girls away with the latest clips. This is what I say in his words. If earlier our YouTube channel was watched by 87% of men and 13% of women, then after dancing on a steppe hillock with bora (the clip "Horn") and a trip with truckers in the cab, their number dropped to 8%!

- Tell us, how did your creative success affect your personal life? Has it become easier to meet girls?

- Absolutely no effect. My social circle hasn't changed and my circle of interests hasn't changed either. Completely unrelated things.

- What qualities do you appreciate in girls?

- In girls, I appreciate universal human qualities. Ease of climbing and, especially, the ability not to endure brains.

- What categorically do not accept in girls?

- Yes, probably the same as in all people - stupidity and arrogance.

- And outwardly, do you have preferences: blondes, brunettes, or maybe redheads?

- Hair color doesn't matter to me.

- Slender or plump?

- Everything in moderation.

- Recently, tattoos have become very popular among young people. How do you feel about this trend?

- My dad has a tattoo on his arm, he got it as a child, when he studied at the boarding school. This is a small anchor. Dad dreamed of the sea all his childhood, but because of problems with his left ear, he ended up in tankers. After demobilization, he even wanted to go to art school in Odessa, because there was the sea, but changed his mind and went to St. Petersburg, which is not bad.
For as a result of meeting with my mother, I was born. My mom doesn't have tattoos.

- Should your chosen one be a worker in the agricultural sector? Or do you allow a glamorous beauty in your life?

- In general, the agricultural sector is currently experiencing a serious crisis. The number of young people on farms is very small. Judging by Rakovka, I don’t remember women there at all. But I never talked to glamorous people.

- Should a girl know how to cook? What's your favourite dish?

“Actually, you have to know how to cook. For example, my friend Lekha Lyakhov prepares a wonderful fish soup from catfish. I recently told him: “Lech, when you die and they are going to judge you in the next world, you tell them this: “Guys, one moment!” and boil their ears. They will eat it, everything will be cut off automatically for you, you will immediately go to heaven! And he thought and said: “No, my friend, the fish soup should be cooked here and treated to everyone, it will be too late there!”.

- Can you fall in love with a girl who does not share your love for harmonica songs?

- According to the statistics of our YouTube channel, as I said, a very small number of women like harmonica songs. Those who like are either the same age or older. Exceptions are extremely rare. Another target audience is children from one to 10 years old. I think they are primarily attracted by the sound of the accordion itself, and I understand them perfectly, because I also tremble at the sounds of my native Seagull, even though I am no longer 10 years old.

What is your ideal date?

- So that everything is from the heart. Moreover, it does not matter at all what kind of date it is, where it is and with whom it is. Take at least the nature of different places. Wherever I am, on whatever paths-roads of our vast land, if I get the opportunity to come to my native Medveditskaya steppe at least for a day, I always go there. For it is always from the heart and charges me with the openness of my horizons and the strength of the land of my ancestors.

- Do you like to give gifts?

- Yes, in principle, probably, like all people, I love.

- What about receiving?

- Not really. It affects the habit of celebrating your birthday all your life in field conditions on the river along with another birthday person. The guests were always rural boys who, at best, had their own presence and a bottle of moonshine as a gift. Those. I am not in the habit of giving gifts. But really, I probably don't need anything.

- Was there any memorable gift from the girl?

- I remember, at the age of 23, the sisters put a scarecrow in the form of me in the garden, made of a bayonet shovel and a rail tied to this shovel with aluminum wire. The scarecrow was dressed up in a padded jacket, the face was drawn from whatman paper with gouache. Instead of legs - waders. In the hands of whatman paper - a mysterious instrument called "balagigarmoshka" - a cross between a balalaika, a guitar and an accordion. By the way, this is interesting because, apparently, it was at this age that a gradual departure from the guitar towards the harmonica began to occur, which was recorded in this stuffed gift. Ah, I almost forgot! In the pocket of the padded jacket, a cassette recorder with my songs was playing, i.e. with those that I then sang at the store.

- Could you dedicate the song to your beloved as a gift?

- So far, there have been no such precedents, but I admit that even if such a thing happened once, it would hardly resemble an average song, as it is now. In terms of the fact that there would be much less patriotism and even, perhaps, profanity would be present.

- What is your ideal vacation with a girl? On the Cote d'Azur, in a fishing village, on a beach under a palm tree or an active holiday?

- Ideal - for me to be with Lekha Lyakhov. And no one dripped on our brains, and the girls would have been and would have rested somewhere nearby, but at a sufficient distance. Vacation is a time to recharge the subconscious, and not to surprise someone by proving your relationship and feelings.

- Would you like to create a family in the future, have offspring?

- Everything is possible in this world.

- And for the sake of the family could sacrifice creativity?

- I am sure that these things do not require any sacrifice from each other. And if there are precedents, then something is wrong.

- Do you remember your first love?

- I find it difficult to answer this question, because it takes a long time to define terms and events.

- Igor, the last question, which, undoubtedly, is of most interest to the beautiful admirers of your work: is your heart free now?

- At the moment, just like in everyone else, my heart, as well as my head, is completely occupied with thoughts about all sorts of rhyme lines ... And not only ... :)

- And, finally, wishes to all the girls!

- Dear girls, come February 21, 2015 to the club "16 tons". Preferably with their brutal men. Let's sing from the heart to the harmonica. Be kind!

Thanks Igor for interesting answers! And what is especially pleasant, Igor, like a real gentleman, did not come to the meeting empty-handed, but brought me his new CD and his unusual book of stories and sketches “Volgograd Faces”, for which a special THANK YOU to him!

Igor Vyacheslavovich

Born on 08/10/1980, Leningrad

Laureate of the All-Russian competition of variety artists-2006

Childhood, youth

Igor Rasteryaev was born on August 10, 1980 in Leningrad, in the artist's family. Igor's life can be divided into two large stages: urban and farm. Every summer, a little boy went to rest in his father's homeland - Rakovka farm, Mikhailovsky district, Volgograd region. In the endless steppes, at the intersection of the Don, Medveditsa and Khopra, the summer days of the future celebrity passed there. There he had many friends and all his future songs became about them and for them.

Igor Rasteryaev received his secondary education at schools No. 189 and No. 558 in the city of St. Petersburg. In 2003, the young man graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art, and after graduation he began working at the St. Petersburg State Music and Drama Theater "Buff", where he mostly got the role of alcoholics.

Film career

When the time of remakes, remixes and comics came in the world of cinema, when a stylistic template and a semantic vacuum reigned in films, Igor Rasteryaev went about his business. He composed lyrics, sang, masterfully played the harmonica - and by the tension of his creative will he kept a living space around him, where there was air that could be breathed.

In those few moments when Igor Rasteryaev was called to the cinema, he was offered secondary roles of operatives. So it was in the films: "The Adventurer" and "Casanova in Russia", "Passion at the Fountain", "Krechinsky's Wedding" and "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha".

Having received favorable responses from film critics for the small roles played, Igor Rasteryaev decided to seriously pursue a film career. In 2006, director Mikhail Wasserbaum invited the already famous bard to play the role of police lieutenant Stepanov in the detective film "Secrets of the Investigation-6", the scriptwriter of which was Elena Topilskaya. Rasteryaev's colleagues on the set were famous actors: Anna Kovalchuk, Sergey Baryshev and Vyacheslav Zakharov. The action of the detective took place in troubled Petersburg, where some businessmen, who until recently earned money with the help of a flail and a basin of concrete, were still inclined to apply their former professional skills in a new place of work.

In the same year, another film was released with the participation of Igor Rasteryaev. Studio "Panorama" and LLC "New Russian Series" released a crime film directed by Mikhail Vasserbaum "Personnel" with Anna Kovalchuk, Sergei Baryshev, Vyacheslav Zakharov and Alexander Novikov in the lead roles.

The film career of Igor Rasteryaev was gaining momentum and in 2009 the talented actor brilliantly played the role of Vodennikov in the detective series directed by Alexei Bogdanov "Version". The authors of the script were: Tatyana Gorkovaya and Vladimir Gromov. Actors were involved in the film: Alexander Lykov, Philip Chevychelo and Evgenia Beloborodova. The protagonist of the series became a pedantic, witty, caustic investigator of the prosecutor's office Alexander Zhelvis, who could not stand neither colleagues nor superiors.

The supporting role went to Igor Rasteryaev in the 2010 action movie "Special Purpose Agent" directed by Konstantin Statsky and screenwriter Yuri Epstein. This time, Rasteryaev starred surrounded by such movie stars as: Sergei Peregudov, Vladimir Matveev and Mikhail Tryasorukov. Ignat Barabanov, a national security agent, was entrusted with the most complex and risky cases, he often had to bear responsibility for affairs of a state, and sometimes international scale.

In the same year, Igor Rasteryaev appeared in a cameo role in the film "The Dog Lost".

Igor Rasteryaev, a performer of songs of his own and not only his own composition, in a few days of August 2010 became the favorite of thousands of users of the VKontakte social network and visitors to the YouTube site. Because of the seen amateur video dedicated to the Volgograd combine operators, Igor Rasteryaev began to be invited for live performances not only in St. Petersburg clubs, but also in other cities of the country. After a while this song was followed by a dozen others. The songs "Combiners" and "Daisies" have become the hallmark of Igor Rasteryaev.

November 11, 2010 in the St. Petersburg club "Griboedov" songs performed by Igor Rasteryaev were performed: "Russian Road", "Cossack Song", "Daisies", as well as songs written by his uncle Vasily Mokhov: "Rakovka", "About Glinishche Farm" , "Snowstorm in Rakovka", "Medveditsa", "Walking around the city". This concert was attended by friends of Igor Rasteryaev, who became the prototypes of the heroes of his songs. The talented singer performed a number of old songs, the recordings of which were posted on the Internet at different times, and new, previously unperformed works.

Personal life

Igor Rasteryaev loves Russia the way it is. In his songs, love, respect, compassion for a simple person - a combine operator, a shepherd, a loader, a ruined peasant, a village boy who could not get out of life's dead end - come through. According to Igor Rasteryaev, "man is created for love and joy, for work and entertainment, he needs family, friends, employees, fellow citizens, just different interesting people, beautiful nature, the whole planet Earth and much more that does not fit on it! "

Interesting Facts

Once Igor Rasteryaev said: "As for my theatrical work in performances. There I play mostly alcoholics. And in those few moments when they call me in the cinema, I get the roles of operatives."

In 2010, Igor Rasteryaev became the new star of the Russian-speaking Internet thanks to an amateur video. For three months, a video with Igor's song "Combineers" on YouTube gained almost a million views. The singer himself assured: "I was not looking for fame, I just sang for friends to the accordion."

September 23, 2010 in the Moscow club "Contact" was the first official concert of Igor Rasteryaev.

Alexey Generalov specially for the site site

Used materials:
"Rasteryaev Igor", article, site "Wikipedia".
"Review of the work of Igor Rasteryaev", article, P. Yu. Neshitov, "Bulletin of the Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, volume 11, issue 4, 2010".

If you remember, some time ago a whole group of bloggers collected questions for an interview with Igor Rasteryaev. Actually, the idea was simple - to arrange an interview with him via Skype. And you won't believe it worked!

And this is despite a huge pile of failures - first they froze the magazine of Kirill Kuzmin - which we made the lead on this project. Then the jamb went disruptions in time. Yes, and in the process itself, technology let us down - that is. you will not see the video of the interview itself - only the audio track has been preserved. Moreover, Igor himself did not, like all interviewees, answer in the "question-answer" mode - but answered freely, based on motives, on motives and associations.
But the trouble is the beginning. Be that as it may, this type of interview should be!

(for those who want to listen directly to the interview - I post raw videos ). And I myself will describe only what hooked me:

1. Topics are not that philosophical, but still philosophical

(the authors of this group of questions elenashishkina , zlex07 , aprelena , tinaword )

- What smart bloggers! About the meaning of life? Hm...
I am often told that it is completely incomprehensible to me - where is humor and where is irony. I will tell you more than that. Even in everyday life people do not understand where I am serious and where I am joking. This is just my way of communicating. It has been going on since childhood and I got it from my dad. It is he who has a truly playful manner of speaking. For a long time, until about ten years old, I thought that dad only joked and never spoke seriously. I loved talking with him and sincerely believed that this was what he was like - he had a holiday all the time, so he joked all the time.

Even when I say sincere things, either I say them without pathos, or without the necessary "note of penetration" in my voice, without any kind of playing with serious looks and other such decoys. People think - if you don't speak seriously, then you think "on the floor of your feet", not seriously. There's nothing I can do about it. This is apparently CHARISMA (laughs). And charisma is when you have not yet begun to lie, but they no longer believe you!

And the cemeteries in Russia are not very scary. Blue crosses, colorful wreaths. Not enough of this ... granite, even fewer fences. Cherry grows everywhere, blooms, crumbles. It's not all scary.

2. Issues related to professional activities

shegurov , aiegrosaks , laoshe , aprelena , vasily_sergeev , kypbe3bl , cgtr )

Songs, theater...? I'm more of a literary part!

I sing about what I experienced in this life ... I do not invent anything. This is the result of communication with real combine operators, with boys of the same age, with "black diggers" ... I believe that no special biographies are needed, no special shocks - you just need to see it, feel it. All around rock and roll. And rock and roll is cool!

I would not like to play Bumbarash - he has already been played. What role would I like to play in the theater? - in fact, those small roles that I now play, I'm quite satisfied. In general, I never had any complaints about the theater - that I wanted to play Hamlet or Othello. Apparently I am not initially a suitable person for the realization of other people's plans and ideas. It was always more interesting for me to engage in some kind of authorial activity - something that eventually manifested itself in songs ... and also in drawings - I published the first book in Germany here.

I used to be very afraid of the stage - I couldn’t eat or sleep ... but over the years this matter calmed down. Because it happens to everyone else.

As for the arrangement, I would like to say that as a one-time action (and not all the time), I would like to try to make one concert "accordion + balalaika". Recently I was culturally shocked by the concert of the balalaika player Arkhipovsky. This is a virtuoso of such an extra-class!
He plays the balalaika all the time. I am not a very musical person. And I don't know the notes;) and I play something by and large "at random". So, if there were two instruments and nothing more, then the drive could catch up with this one! It would be possible to insert and transitions from song to song. It would be great. I'm sure. Another thing is that I am not sure that a professional of such a level as Arkhipovsky needs this, and that he will agree to this. I can perfectly imagine how wonderful it will sound on a balalaika solo for "Combiners" or "Cossacks" ... And no one would say that this is a "group", it's just the sound of such instruments ... This is not a product for EUROVISION, uh...!

I never thought that the song "Combiners" would become popular - and therefore I could not even imagine that I would have to answer:
A) for advertising Rosselmash
B) for C2H5OH
D) for the fact that combiners get 5 and not 3 thousand
C) for Condolisa Rice
... literally every line began to be analyzed in this way, well, I don’t know how! In fact, this song has little meaning, but a lot of mood.

3. Questions about the country in which we live and patriotism

(Authors of this thread keinkeinkein , aleksandrovas , markii , rkdeik , aprelena )

I have nothing to do with politics, and I didn’t, except for the fact that I was a pioneer at the age of ten - but then it was for everyone
When there is a religious procession before Easter - we watch and listen, and then ... they start calling, then, of course, it's goosebumps! And how they rang the bell, how this discord went! It happens when they really ring - this too, this too! - Rock and roll is still the same.
Have you noticed in my songs a positive attitude towards alcohol - it's about COMBINERS, as I understand it? And then it seems like daisies, and I kind of don’t encourage it. And this discrepancy baffles people... Roughly speaking, this is the same question: "So who are you for? Who are you with? What platforms are you standing on?"

(In fact, this question of belonging to politics, as the most recurring, managed to dig deeper and from the other side - ).

There is no definite answer here. Someone said that "alcohol is a cheerful buffoon or Sharik". It's either "blue crosses" or a funny story about "hunting 50 grams before dinner." I myself have not been drinking for nine years. And the argument for me was FEAR. People underestimate this feeling. And you need to love him - he saves! I realized that it is better for me not to drink at all. But I do not call anyone, and, according to my convictions, I am a supporter of moderate drinking. I'm not going to lead the "party of teetotalers". For me, an example is my father, my relatives, who are always very……. Ah normal, adequate people.

On the other hand, when you see these blue crosses of your peers and know what is there and how, you perfectly understand that it would be good to ban it in general. It is clear that a terrible howl will immediately rise that they encroached on the main "shrine" of Russia, on the main almost "national idea", the economic component and the outlet-joy of the common people.
And it is not clear which side will outweigh. It seems to me that in fact, drunkenness is not inherent in Russia. These are myths. Drinking started not so long ago. When the village was strong, who allowed drinking there? When the collapse went, then the connivance went. I will not speak for the whole of Russia - only for our region - the region of the Don army. We had drunkenness as an exception. And today I personally know and see that there are no many farms left at all, that compared to the middle of the 19th century, their number of settlements has decreased twenty times. There were no such Cossacks, which they now like to show in films like "Taras Bulba" (everyone walks drunk). Checkers fight, saber attack require very great coordination of movements.

4.Personal questions

(questions in this thread were asked

Igor Rasteryaev, a St. Petersburg artist who sings simple and affectionate songs about combine operators, vodka and heroes to the same accordion, stirred up Runet at the end of the summer of 2010.

Born on August 10, 1980 in Leningrad.
In 2003 he graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art.
Laureate of the All-Russian competition of variety artists-2006
Actor of the St. Petersburg State Music and Drama Theater "Buff".

The first official concert of Igor Rasteryaev was held on September 23, 2010 in Moscow, at the Kontakt club. The concert was attended by the performer's friends, who became the prototypes of the heroes of his songs. Igor performed a number of old songs, the recordings of which were posted on the Internet at different times, and new songs that had not been performed before.

And less than a month after the first concert, on October 15, 2010, a concert took place in the Moscow Vermel club, which showed that not only his friends and relatives were ready to go to Igor Rasteryaev's concerts. The concert, which was organized a week before the date of the actual performance, brought together the first 130 real fans of Igor. The premiere of the song "Russian Road" also took place here.

On February 5, 2011, Igor's debut album "Russian Road" was presented at the "Milk" club (Moscow)

An actor, an artist, an intellectual simply by the fact of his profession, he, of course, builds a utopia, sings of the dashing and bitter village, which is almost gone - it’s clear that in reality this is more like the novel “The Yeltyshevs” than the song “Combineers ". But this is an uplifting deception, important, necessary. This is tragically life-affirming music: “when we retreat, it is we who go forward”; in the words of his colleague Peter Favorov, "songs of the people in retreat." In these songs there is something to wince from, but in a circle they are all for good and for life; and you can draw parallels with “Lube” or “Gas Sector” as much as you like, but they never managed to pronounce the cherished forbidden words with the letter “r” so that they sound cheerful and proud, from real big ones. Rasteryaev - like Vysotsky, like Shukshin (upfront, yes, but still) - is still working out. It is possible that these are empty hopes, but Rasteryaev, perhaps, outlines a third path for a new mass stage: while somehow settled urban culture generates music for those who are under 30 (social hip-hop), and for those who are over 45 (“life-like” post-chanson in the format of artists Vaenga and Mikhailov), he goes out into the field - and finds the same black earth under his feet, and in this earth - all the same daisies, all the same native bones, all the same ringing word .

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