Who is Santa Claus? Who was Santa Claus before, and why a meeting with him could end in death.

New Year is inextricably linked with the corresponding attributes: a fragrant Christmas tree, garlands and Christmas decorations, Snow Maiden, and, of course, her grandfather. Few people know how he appeared, and hardly anyone knows that at first he was a negative character. Once, instead of a warm elegant fur coat, he wore a cloak, bludgeoned naughty children with a staff, and was almost crippled, having three fingers on his hands. Intrigued? Then let's move on to history.

Fear of Morok

Russian Santa Claus is associated with good magic, fun and gifts that children find under the tree and in New Year's boots, such as this one.

However, everything is not so simple: the Eastern Slavs once considered him an evil winter spirit and called Morok, who is also referred to as the god of cold and winter. Scientists studying the life of the ancient Slavs are sure that the word "frost" appeared from the "haze".

Morok was considered the embodiment of evil and icy cold and was presented as a hunchbacked, sloppy old man, shod in bast shoes and dressed in a linen shirt. Where he passed, the earth, rivers and forests turned into an ice kingdom: he chained everything with frost. It was the ability to turn the living into the dead that made the appearance of the old man so sinister: the Slavs believed that the one who gets in his way would turn into a piece of ice. That's where the expressions "confuse the head" and "faint" came from.

Subsequently, fear gave way to curiosity, and people identified a number of signs, for example, that snowy and cold winters turn into fruitful summers and autumns. In order to get more harvests, they began to lure Morok on Maundy Thursday and Holy Week, putting kutya or pancakes on the porch. They say that the bait worked "with a bang": in the morning there was no food on the porch, and Christmas and Christmas days were bitterly frosty.

From Evil God to Good Wizard

The change in attitude towards the old man, who for several centuries was known as an evil spirit, was expressed in a change in the image. He "got rid" of rags and bast shoes, and dressed up in felt boots, a good fur coat and a warm hat.

The new staff was decorated with a bull's head, which personified happiness and fertility. Although his hands still appeared to be three-fingered, they now wore warm gloves.

But with appearance while it was problematic: the deity remained angry and shaggy, with the nickname Student or Treskunets.

Not Morok, but Moroz Ivanovich!

When the Baptism of Russia took place and paganism was uprooted in every possible way, Moroka was forgotten, but he was not replaced by anyone.

The first mention of appeared only in the 19th century, and then it was not our usual Russian Santa Claus, but Nikolai Ugodnik (Wonderworker). Saint Nicholas is the kindest old man, famous for his disinterestedness and readiness to help anyone who needs it. Under Alexander II, his image first became associated with the New Year and Christmas holidays, but then the residence of Father Frost in Russia was not yet mentioned. Nikolai visited houses and presented the children with gifts that they found under the Christmas tree or in a Christmas boot.

Only closer to the beginning of the 20th century, Santa Claus received his current status.

He was “dressed up” in a long-brimmed red (blue) painted fur coat trimmed with thick fur, a warm hat and felt boots. The staff was decorated with a tip - a star.

This is how Santa Claus appeared in Russia, who then, according to legend, lived in a huge ice palace and slept on snowy featherbeds. No one knew exactly where the elder's palace stood.

Vladimir Odoevsky nicknamed the magician Moroz Ivanovich, because it is not right to call an adult simply by his first name. Santa Claus became a favorite of children and adults, although his gifts still had to be earned: they were received only by those who behaved well in the past year. Only obedient and diligent children received sweets and gingerbread. Loafers and dirty people got an ice icicle, and evil wimps - a blow with a staff on the forehead!

When the revolution happened, they forgot about the good wizard and even began to persecute those who did not want to give up traditions. But a little later, in 1936, he reappeared at children's holidays - already accompanied by the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden.

Our updated Russian Santa Claus has turned into the ultimate good-natured man who turned his staff from a tool of punishment into a magical remote control for Christmas tree lights!

Gifts became more accessible: both a loafer and a slut could receive them, the main thing is that he recite a New Year's rhyme memorized or sing a song.

Closer to the 90s, a residence appeared in Russia - at first in Arkhangelsk, later - in Veliky Ustyug, where it is still located today. Many Russian children write letters to him, indicating the desired gifts, and everyone knows that the wish will certainly come true, because Santa Claus is the embodiment of a good miracle, which children's hearts await with bated breath!

All people love to receive gifts. Children believe that a kind wizard brings them while they sleep. Adults, wanting to please their loved ones, choose the most suitable souvenirs for them for the New Year and put them under the Christmas tree. It is so pleasant for everyone to join in the creation of a wonderful and joyful mood that reigns on this holiday that it is just right to believe in a fairy tale and its main sorcerer, whom every nation calls in its own way. It remains to understand where Santa Claus lives and where the New Year's magic comes from.

There are several versions of the appearance of Santa Claus in Russia. The ancient Slavs had a belief about the master of winter and cold weather. His name was Morozko and he was described as an angry old man with a long white beard. He ruled the earth from November to March, and everyone was afraid of his ability to send cold and blizzards.

The elder was strict but fair. He punished the lazy and evil people and bestowed gifts on the kind and sympathetic. Since then, parents have been persuading children to be obedient so that Santa Claus will fulfill their wishes and bring good gifts.

According to another version that arose after the advent of Christianity, the prototype of Santa Claus was Nicholas the Wonderworker, who lived in the 3rd century. Even in childhood the future saint constantly did good deeds and helped those around him as best he could.

Having become an archbishop in Lycia, he defended the unjustly persecuted, kidnapped children, repeatedly saved sailors during a storm, offering prayers to God and calming the sea. Many more magical deeds and extraordinary generosity to people are attributed to him.

Nicholas the Wonderworker lived to a ripe old age and wore a gray beard, which gives historians and researchers reason to consider him Santa Claus.

Children dream of seeing magic with their own eyes. "Where does Santa Claus live?" is the most frequently asked question to parents on New Year's Eve.

Someone answers that he lives in the lands covered with snow, where the multi-colored northern lights shimmer in the sky.

Others believe that the good sorcerer arrives on a reindeer team from Lapland.

Many believe that Santa Claus lives in Russia, in the city of Veliky Ustyug. Since 1999, this place has been officially considered his residence.

Going on an excursion to the wizard's house is an interesting adventure for both children and adults.

City of Veliky Ustyug - brief information

So where does Santa Claus live in Russia? Of course, in the north, or rather, in a small city located in Vologda region at the source of the Northern Dvina River.

The distance to it from Moscow is 920 km. The population is 31 thousand people.

The city was founded in the 12th century by princes from Rostov and Suzdal. The settlement was constantly subjected to raids and looting until it became part of the Ustyug principality in the 14th century. The city grew due to its advantageous position near the trade routes and finally strengthened its position by joining the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

Damage to its economy was caused by Peter I after the victory over the Swedes and the opening of shipping on the Baltic Sea. Merchants gradually left the city, which had lost its trade and transport significance. They were replaced by craftsmen who became famous throughout Russia for their skillful blackening of silver.

In the 18th century, a terrible fire broke out in Veliky Ustyug, after which at that time county town The Vologda province had to be rebuilt. Since Soviet times, it belongs to the Vologda region. Now its name is widely known due to the stay of Santa Claus and the opening of a modern amusement park.

The city's attractions

Most of the architectural monuments are located along the banks of the Sukhona River. On one side are ancient temples Dymkovskaya Sloboda, built and consecrated in the XIV century.

On the opposite bank is the Cathedral Yard, hallmark which is a set of churches erected next to each other. In Veliky Ustyug, despite the fire, many ancient monasteries, cathedrals and bell towers have been preserved. Icons and church utensils have been carefully hidden from looting in church premises for centuries, therefore, in this moment their interior decoration is of great historical value.

In the museum ancient Russian art interesting samples of ancient icon painting and sewing are presented, as well as tools, books and chronicles. There you can get acquainted with the development of architecture in the north-east of Russia.

AT former home merchant Usov opened the Museum of the History of Veliky Ustyug. It provides lectures on the significance of the city in the development of the northern lands. It also tells about the struggle of the population with the tribes that attacked the settlement of the XII century. Weapons and military ammunition of that time have been preserved, as they were stored in the basement of one of the monasteries. There are unusual artifacts found during excavations by archaeologists.

The Veliky Ustyug Patterns factory presents boxes, caskets and baskets made of birch bark and decorated with carvings and paintings. Many items are for sale. Tourists love key rings and cup holders to remind them of visiting the city.

In the homeland of Santa Claus, there must be an exhibition dedicated only to him. The Museum of New Year and Christmas Toys is famous for its decorations for the Christmas tree and the collection greeting cards pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia. From this museum begins the path to the magical residence.

The most popular attraction of the city is the House of Santa Claus. This is a large wooden tower surrounded by pines and firs. The architecture of the house is so unusual that it is easy to believe that it belongs to a fairy tale.

You can walk on it for hours, looking at outlandish little things and rooms where Santa Claus lives and works. There is also his throne, on which guests are allowed to sit. A visit to the real hero of legends ends with the extraction of a gift from a large chest in the Throne Room.

The residence of Ded Moroz has a real Russian village, where guests are treated to Russian cuisine, ride in a sleigh and on a train. Open for children playgrounds, attractions and shops with souvenirs and toys. Interesting trip can be made along the Trail of fairy tales. Houses built in a pine forest wise owl, Lesovichka and a magic well. Their inhabitants themselves meet guests and lead them through the forest.

The exact address for letters to Santa Claus

In Veliky Ustyug, in a separate wooden house, Father Frost's Post Office operates without interruption. It is here that children can send letters with a story about the desired gifts and ask the wizard to put them on holiday under the Christmas tree.

Address to which you should write: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Father Frost Post or to the website: pochta-dm.ru.

The building exhibits objects of local folk art, which you can buy and send to friends and family along with a postcard, which will be signed and stamped by the owner of the house.

In Western Europe and North America, children believe in Santa Claus. The legend about him is based on a miracle performed by St. Nicholas in Lycia. The daughters of one poor city dweller could not get married in any way, because they were dowryless. Upon learning of this, St. Nicholas threw purses with gold coins down the chimney. His gifts fell into the girls' shoes, which helped them find suitors.

That is why on Christmas Eve in Europe it is customary to put boots or hang stockings by the fireplace. Santa Claus flies on a sleigh pulled by reindeer and enters the house through the chimney. He has a retinue consisting of evil and good fairy-tale creatures. Depending on the behavior in the outgoing year, the child will receive a gift from Santa or the intrigues of Krampus.

The rest of the time, the wizard lives beyond the Arctic Circle, in Lapland. Only his faithful deer and gnomes know the way to the sorcerer's house, it is difficult for people to find the way to him.

In the Finnish part of the Arctic Circle, there is Mount Korvatunturi, which looks like a huge ear. The requests of children from all over the world fly through him to Santa, and he prepares gifts in advance for next Christmas. His residence, where he meets with guests during his free hours, is located in Kuhmo, not far from the famous mountain.

There you can ride a reindeer sleigh or climb into the grotto to see Santa's house or watch the gnomes at work. A lot of entertainment and souvenir shops attract tourists from all over the world.

In addition, you can also write a letter to the local magician and send it to his personal mail.


Despite the loss of illusions, adults, like children, need to know where Santa Claus lives in order to briefly return to childhood. This carefree time is remembered with joy, because then there was faith in a miracle, and on New Year's holidays it came true. It doesn't matter that the parents put the gifts under the Christmas tree. Finding them the next morning was such a blessing!

The idea of ​​meeting with Santa Claus gives the expectation of extraordinary events. Children will be full of impressions from a trip to his magical home, meetings with the heroes of fairy tales and walking along a snow-covered forest. The sorcerer looks just like a real one, so the hope for the fulfillment of cherished desires will remain for life.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge with positive and give inspiration. AT free time I study French medieval dances. I'm interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate a new hobby or just give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about the beautiful, then it will come true!

Santa Claus in Russia is, of course, a national treasure. And the main Father Frost- the main asset of the country. Therefore, people who in different years occupied the New Year's "ice throne" cannot but arouse interest.

Until the end of the 1990s, there was no official position of Santa Claus in our country. Unofficially, the main New Year's magician was considered the one who came to the country's main New Year tree - first in the Hall of Columns, and then in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Fragmentally, several dozen people were noted in this role, but our story is about those who played the most prominent role.

Mikhail Garkavy

Name today Mikhail Naumovich Garkavi only historians remember domestic stage, but at one time it thundered throughout the country. Harkavy started as a theater actor, but by 1928 he found himself in the genre of variety entertainer. Mikhail Naumovich worked at the best venues in the country, his jokes preceded the performances of Russian pop stars of the 1930s-1950s.

Santa Claus performed by Mikhail Naumovich Garkavi. Photo: TV channel Russia

Harkavy was a stout man, but very active, a brilliant improviser. During the war, Harkavy went to the army as part of front-line brigades.

In the biography of Mikhail Naumovich, the role of Santa Claus was clearly not the main one, but it was he who became the first Santa Claus on the first New Year tree in the Hall of Columns in the House of the Unions in 1937.

Harkavy worked brilliantly as always, delighting the children and convincing those in power of the success of the new undertaking.

In the life of the first "chief Santa Claus" there was one more interesting point. Harkavy did not act in films much, but in 1949 in the film " Battle of Stalingrad"played the role... Hermann Göring. Such a versatile specialist was Mikhail Naumovich - he could successfully play and New Year's Wizard, and one of the leaders of the Third Reich.

Sergei Preobrazhensky

O Sergei Ivanovich Preobrazhensky much less is known than about all his colleagues in the role of "the main Santa Claus." But it was thanks to him that Santa Claus became what he is now.

Preobrazhensky, a successful children's writer and playwright, together with Sergei Obraztsov stood at the origins of the children's puppet theater, which later became famous as the Obraztsov Puppet Theater.

Preobrazhensky was not just a playwright, but also a talented teacher. He knew how to work with children himself and taught this to others. It was Sergei Preobrazhensky, who assumed the position of Father Frost on the Christmas tree in the Hall of Columns of the House of the Unions, who formulated recommendations for the artists acting in this role.

It is hard to believe, but at the end of the 1930s, when New Year trees in the USSR had just appeared, the leading role of Santa Claus was not at all obvious. Moreover, this character did not even participate in the holidays everywhere.

Sergei Preobrazhensky formulated clearly: "Santa Claus is the main manager, the first entertainer and leader of all the fun." He confirmed these words with many years of work on the Christmas tree in the Hall of Columns.

The script for the theatrical New Year's performance, compiled by Sergei Ivanovich Preobrazhensky, has become canonical. It is on its basis that all New Year trees in our country will begin to be built in the coming decades.

It is not known for certain when Sergei Preobrazhensky resigned from Father Frost. Some claim that he worked in this role until the early 1960s. But relatives of Sergei Ivanovich say that in the mid-1950s he underwent a serious operation, after which he no longer performed.

Alexander Khvylya

In 1961, the Kremlin Palace of Congresses was opened in Moscow, in which congresses of the ruling Communist Party Soviet Union. In accordance with the slogan “All the best for children”, the main New Year tree of the country began to be held in the newly built Palace.

Actor Oleksandr Khvylya as Morozko in film of the same name, 1964. Photo: russianlook.com

The Kremlin New Year tree received the status of an important state event, and the candidate for the role of the “chief Santa Claus” of the country was selected extremely meticulously.

Everything was decided by the cinema. In 1964, the fairy tale film Frost was released on the screens of the country, where the role of the winter wizard was played by the actor Alexander Khvylya. On his account by that time were the heroic roles of Budyonny, secretaries of party committees, the image of the stern captain Gul from "Fifteen-year-old Captain" and many other works.

In the image of Morozko, Alexander Leopoldovich turned out to be so organic that they decided at the top: “ Best Grandfather You won’t find frost for a Christmas tree in the Kremlin!”

Khvylya did an excellent job with the role of Santa Claus, however, since a rather middle-aged man took over his post, sometimes incidents happened. For example, he could not master working with a radio microphone. Somehow, having finished his part of the speech in the Kremlin, Father Frost Khvylya went backstage and began to complain aloud about a number of problems. Voice dissatisfied with life Santa Claus hovered over the Kremlin Palace, and the technicians could not catch the artist in the tangled corridors. However, Grandfather Frost did not have time to say anything truly seditious.

Roman Filippov

If Alexander Khvylya was elevated to the throne of the “chief Santa Claus” by cinema, then his successor got himself a “kingdom” himself.

Roman Sergeevich Filippov- one of the best masters of the episode in Soviet cinema. Possessed tall and loud voice, Filippov was not suitable for the roles of the main characters, but he was remembered for the short time that the directors assigned him. Well, who does not remember Nicholas of St. Petersburg from "Gentlemen of Fortune", who almost lost his sight with the help of a "goat" Evgeny Leonov? And the visitor from the restaurant in the "Diamond Hand", cordially inviting Nikulin and Mironova to Kolyma?

Already being a long-term Kremlin Santa Claus, Roman Filippov tied himself even more strongly to the New Year holiday, playing Kamneedova in "Sorcerers".

New Year's holiday in the Hall of Columns, 1973. Photo: RIA Novosti / V. Shiyanovsky

First, Filippov was invited to the Christmas tree in the Kremlin as an understudy for Alexander Khvyli. There were a lot of understudies, but they all worked to Khvyli's phonogram ( most of performance was held under a previously made record). Filippov insisted that a soundtrack be recorded with his voice. Then the actor made sure that he and Khvylya worked in turn.

In general, when Khvylya retired, the question of who would become the most important among Santa Clauses was no longer raised.

Roman Filippov played the role of Santa Claus on the main Christmas tree of the country for almost two decades. He became so accustomed to her that he asked his colleagues to replace him at the theater in early January. He was adored by children and parents. And the latter has become a problem over time.

The fact is that dads who brought children to the Christmas tree began to meet Filippov with champagne (and not only champagne), wanting to have a drink with Santa Claus. As a rule, Filippov did not refuse.

As a result, sometimes Santa Claus was late to go on stage, and his colleagues had to beat what was happening, which is not so easy, given that performance is on under a previously recorded soundtrack.

However, these pranks Roman Sergeevich was forgiven for his ability to work with children and devotion to the New Year holiday.

The last Christmas tree, as it happened, was held by Roman Filippov in January 1992, just a few days after the disappearance of the USSR. At his last performance, the presenter made a mistake: instead of the traditional phrase "Santa Claus does not say goodbye to you," he sounded "goodbye." This turned out to be a bad prophecy: just a month later, Roman Sergeevich was gone.

Dmitry Nazarov

When the official residence of Father Frost appeared in Veliky Ustyug in the 1990s, the position of the main Father Frost of the country also became official. A random person could not occupy such a high position. In addition, a major actor was required, not only in terms of talent, but also in terms of physical dimensions, with a powerful male voice and charm.

Actor Dmitry Nazarov as Father Frost. Photo: RIA Novosti / Yuri Cover

The choice fell on the actor Dmitry Nazarov, a theater star, also known for his numerous roles in television series.

Nazarov, a believer, asked for blessings from the Patriarch to play the role of Santa Claus, whom he considers a pagan character. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church considered such a role to be a good deed, and the first Santa Claus appeared in Russia, having an official blessing from the church's first hierarch.

Apparently, Santa Claus contributed to the development of Nazarov's career as a whole. Joining on high position New Year's magician, he began to appear more often on the screens and in a "civilian" guise as the host of popular cooking shows. And in 2011, Nazarov played in the movie the role of neither anyone, but Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Unlike his predecessors, Nazarov, as Santa Claus, had a hard time - journalists revealed him incognito and began to pester him with questions about his New Year's role. The actor, however, replied that in fact, of course, he was not Santa Claus, but his closest assistant. And Santa Claus himself, of course, exists.

Incognito from Veliky Ustyug

Who today plays the role of the main Santa Claus of Russia is not known for certain. When journalists begin to pester the wizard with questions about who he really is, he logically answers: “Like who? Santa Claus, of course!

Santa Claus during a visit to St. Petersburg, December 22, 2013. Photo: www.russianlook.com

According to information from sources close to reliable, Dmitry Nazarov resigned as the main Santa Claus. As his successor, the star of the TV series "Voronins" and the disaster film "Metro" are called Stanislav Duzhnikov. According to external data, Duzhnikov is quite suitable for this role. However, the actor himself claims that he does not act as Santa Claus, since even his own daughter exposes him.

Whether this is true or not, only Santa Claus himself and his entourage know. It's probably right. After all, the incognito acting New Year's wizard is part of his image. You can guess something, but you can't be sure. After all, this is part of the New Year's magic, which neither children nor adults want to refuse.

The Celtic Druids used to decorate the Christmas tree with human and animal entrails.

The other day in Russia celebrated the birthday of Santa Claus. And although the holiday was invented only in 2005 and is very conditional, there is a logic of its “appointment” on this very day: according to many years of observations , On November 18, on the 60th parallel, where the residence of Father Frost is located in Veliky Ustyug in the Vologda region, Russian winter sets in.

Having made a clarification to the “metric” of Santa Claus, we restored justice, because the foreign Santa Claus (aka St. Mykolaus, St. Nicholas, Sinter-Klaas) had a “birthday”, but ours did not. For those who do not know or have forgotten, Catholics celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 6 according to the Gregorian calendar (in our country this date falls on December 19 and is known as "Nikola the Winter").

In the biography of our Santa Claus, in general, there are many white spots. Moreover, he is not such a darling in fact. It's time to take a closer look at it and study it on the eve of the New Year. Private bussiness» .

Origin: son of the shepherd god Veles and the goddess of death Mara.

Name at birth: Treskun, Studenets, Zimnik, Karachun. The variant "Frost" is consonant with the Indo-European "death" - "pestilence", "mar".

Canonical appearance: a short old man with a long gray beard.

The forest wizard sent the lazy and rude Marfushka home on pigs

One of the ancestors The Great Elder of the North is a Celtic evil god who entered human dwellings with a large bag. Not to distribute gifts, but to take what was due to him, but for some reason was not sacrificed. Children fell into the risk group - they could drag a couple with them to pay arrears. After his visit, the inhabitants of the house were often found dead.

Character: evolved from harsh and vicious to just and generous. In the 19th century, the children were afraid that the absurd old man would punish them for pampering and at least leave them without gifts. Santa Claus punished adults not only for bad deeds, but also for a dull mood, on his orders, snowstorms and storms swept entire villages, drove unfortunate people onto thin ice. However, despite the complexity of nature, the old wizard was not a fiend. In one of the Russian folk tales, he accidentally destroyed the peasant’s food supplies and, when he went into the forest in the hope of getting something, he received him in an ice chamber, dressed him, put on shoes, presented a self-assembled tablecloth and sent him home on a magic sleigh.

Western Santa Claus climbs out of the chimney

Occupation: vagrancy. He walked through forest-fields, with a blow of his staff he froze streams and rivers. He could pound on the hut in his hearts, and then the age-old log cabins would crack.

Rehabilitation: writer Vladimir Odoevsky in the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich", which appeared in 1841, he was the first to present the winter wizard not as a punishing forest monster, but as a wise and fair wizard. He gave the needlewoman girl a handful of silver patches and a diamond, and instead of a silver ingot, he handed an icicle to Lenivitsa. Kind.

The gifts are normal, but the old man himself is brrr

Escort group: Snow Maiden. Where did the old man come from with a young companion, they interpret everything. One of the versions is this. In ancient times, in order to appease the lord of the cold, young girls were sacrificed to him. They were chosen by lot, taken to the forest, undressed and tied to a tree in the cold. The next morning they went to check whether the unfortunate woman had died. If life in the girl was still warm, she was warmed up, but this meant that the sacrifice was not accepted. And then another condemned woman was subjected to the same fate. We see plot analogies with this custom in the fairy tale “Morozko”, where the stern Grandfather mocked the stiff Nastenka: “Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red one? Producer Alexander Rowe presented us a light version: in original fairy tale the lazy and rude Marfushenka-darling, sent by her mother to Santa Claus for gifts, froze in the forest. Perhaps the custom of sacrificing innocent girls to Morozka was reflected in folklore in the face of the Snow Maiden who miraculously came to life. Moreover, the question of the parents of the "granddaughter" is still open.

Finnish Yolupukki cooked naughty children in a cauldron

Next of kin: Finnish Joulupukki, who lives in Lapland, who, throwing an animal skin over his shoulders, rides around on his own affairs on a goat. In translation from the old Scandinavian dialect, Joulupukki means "Yule goat". Yule is a Celtic holiday celebrated on the day of the winter solstice. In ancient times, Joulupukki used to look into houses as an uninvited guest, and again it got to the naughty children: he cooked them alive in a huge cauldron. Christianity failed to completely supplant the ancient customs: sheepskin coats turned inside out and goat masks in which people went from house to house during carols are an echo of primeval times.

A couple of centuries ago, Santa Claus looked much more serious, and what is there - more nightmarish than the affectionate bearded man we know. It is not surprising that the children not only loved him, but were frankly afraid of him. Terrible photographs of the 19th and 20th centuries have survived to this day. At that harsh time, clausophobia was common - a pathological fear of Santa Claus. Looking at the ominous images, you understand the reasons for this fear:

Christmas tree and death

The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year echoes, oddly enough, the sad custom of decorating coffins with spruce branches and using them for funeral wreaths. The roots of this phenomenon go back to the time when the forest beauty was considered the abode of the forest spirit, which could only be achieved by bloody sacrifices performed on December 21 - the day of the winter solstice. The deity was depicted as a bearded old man with a staff, mace or scythe in his hands. To win his favor, the Celtic Druids practiced the ritual killing of people and animals whose intestines and internal organs were hung on spruce branches. Subsequently, the bloody gifts were replaced by fruits and pieces of bread.

Santa Claus has been with us for a very long time. This is a real-life spirit, alive, by the way, to this day.

Once upon a time, even before the advent of Christianity in Russia, our ancestors believed that the spirits of the dead guard their family, take care of the offspring of livestock and good weather. Therefore, in order to reward them for their care, every winter people gave them gifts. On the eve of the holiday, the village youth put on masks, turned out sheepskin coats and went from house to house, caroling. (However, different regions had their own peculiarities of caroling.) The hosts presented the carolers with food.

The meaning was precisely that the carolers were the spirits of their ancestors, who received a reward for their tireless care of the living. Among the carolers there was often one "man" dressed the worst of all. As a rule, he was forbidden to speak. It was the oldest and most formidable spirit, he was often called simply Grandfather. It is possible that this is the prototype of the modern Santa Claus. Only today, of course, he has become kinder and does not come for gifts, but brings them himself. With the adoption of Christianity, pagan rites were, of course, "abolished", and therefore exist to this day. The carolers depict not the spirits of ancestors, but heavenly messengers, which, you see, is practically the same thing. It is already difficult to say who to consider as Grandfather, but there is an "older" even now.

According to another version, the "great-great-grandfather" of the modern Russian Santa Claus was the hero of Russian folk tales Morozko or Frost the red nose, the master of weather, winter and frost. Initially, he was called Grandfather Treskun and was represented as a little old man with a long beard and a disposition as harsh as Russian frosts. From November to March, Grandfather Cracker was the sovereign master of the earth. Even the sun was afraid of him! He was married to a despising person - Zima. Grandfather Treskun or Father Frost was also identified with the first month of the year - the middle of winter - January. The first month of the year is cold and cold - the king of frosts, the root of winter, its sovereign. It is strict, icy, icy, it's time for snowstorms. People say about January like this: fireman and jelly, snowman and cracker, fierce and fierce.

In Russian fairy tales, Santa Claus is portrayed as an eccentric, strict, but fair spirit of winter. Remember, for example, the fairy tale "Morozko". Morozko froze the good hardworking girl, froze, and then gave him gifts, and he froze to death the evil and lazy one. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, some northern peoples and now they are coaxing old man Frost - on solemn nights they throw cakes, meat over the threshold of their dwellings, pour out wine so that the spirit does not get angry, does not interfere with hunting, does not destroy crops.

Santa Claus was represented as a gray-haired old man with a beard to the floor in a long thick fur coat, felt boots, a hat, mittens, and with a staff with which he froze people.

DED FROST (Morozko) - mighty Russian pagan god, a character of Russian legends, in Slavic legends - the personification of Russian winter frosts, a blacksmith who freezes water with ice, generously showering winter nature with sparkling snowy silver, giving the joy of a winter festival, and, if necessary, in a difficult time, protecting Russians from advancing enemies by freezing in the ice to the ground unprecedented winter cold, from which iron begins to break.

Under the influence of Christianity, which brutally and bloodily fought Slavic paganism (a battle with religious competitors for profits), the original image of the Snow Grandfather was distorted (like all other Slavic gods), and Morozko began to be represented as an evil and cruel pagan deity, the Great Elder of the North, the ruler icy cold and blizzards that froze people. This was also reflected in Nekrasov's poem "Frost - Red Nose", where Frost kills a poor young peasant widow in the forest, leaving her young children orphans.

As the influence of Christianity in Russia weakened late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, the image of Morozko began to soften. Santa Claus first appeared at Christmas in 1910, but did not become widespread.

AT Soviet time, after the rejection of the ideas of Christianity, was distributed new image Santa Claus: he appeared to children on New Year's Eve and gave gifts; this image was created by Soviet filmmakers in the 1930s.

In December 1935, Stalin's comrade-in-arms, member of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR Pavel Postyshev published an article in the Pravda newspaper, where he proposed organizing a New Year celebration for children. In Kharkov, a children's New Year's party. Some modern illiterate students of history accuse Stalin of inconsistency for not destroying Santa Claus, since Santa Claus, in their opinion, is a "children's god."

He comes to the holiday with his divine granddaughter - the Snow Maiden.

The modern collective image of Santa Claus is based on the hagiography of St. Nicholas, as well as descriptions of the ancient Slavic deities Pozvizd (God of the wind), Zimnik and Karachun.

Unfortunately, all the ancient myths and legends of the Slavs were destroyed after forced Christianization, therefore we know practically nothing about the ancient Slavic beliefs and traditions (see "Problems of studying paganism in Russia").

The peculiar nature of the interpretation in Christianity of pagan deities (religious competitors of Christianity, albeit beloved by the people, whom the clergy certainly represented as extremely evil and cruel) determined the behavior of Santa Claus inspired by the clergy - after the introduction of Christianity in Russia, he began to collect sacrifices - to steal naughty children and take them to bag. Such a church interpretation made it possible to inspire rejection of pagan gods from childhood.

However, over time, after the introduction of restrictions on the irreconcilable ideology of Christianity and the spread of later post-Christian humanistic traditions, especially after the final ban on Christians burning people at the stake (in the first quarter XIX century), Santa Claus, in the view of the Russians, became kinder and began to give gifts to children himself.

This image was finally formalized in the USSR: the ancient Slavic God Santa Claus became a symbol of the most beloved national holiday - the New Year, which replaced the holiday of the Nativity of Christ (allegedly the birthday of the god of a foreign people from the Sinai Desert), hitherto, with the full support of the authorities, imposed by the church on the people tsarist Russia for almost a whole millennium.

The professional holiday of Santa Clauses is celebrated every last Sunday of August.

Recently, the birthday of the Russian Santa Claus was announced November 18th- According to the data of long-term meteorological observations, a stable snow cover falls on most of Russia on this day. But this is nothing more than the current Russian commercial amateur performance based on the Christian tradition of the Nativity of Christ. Of course, the great Slavic Gods do not and cannot have "birthdays", because they are eternal and arose in the minds and beliefs of people back in times early paleolithic at the very beginning of the postglacial period, and possibly even earlier.

About the ancient beliefs of the Slavs, about their four great solar holidays, incl. about the great two-week pagan New Year's Yule-Solstice, which marked the beginning of our modern New Year's holiday(which is simply a truncated Yule, from which now only the last and most magical 12th Yule Night remains - our New Year's Eve), about the forced Christianization of the Slavs by the Varangian invaders-enslavers, about the destruction Slavic mythology(because now the Slavs do not have their own mythology) see on page Shrovetide and in the accompanying articles on page Pantheon of Slavic Gods, given after the "Dictionary of Slavic Gods".

Santa Claus and the Russian Orthodox Church

Russian attitude Orthodox Church to Santa Claus is ambiguous, on the one hand, as a pagan deity and a wizard (God of a different religion, which means a religious competitor who contradicts Christian teachings), and on the other hand, as an invincible Russian cultural tradition, with which to fight is only to disgrace and reveal oneself his weakness.

It is difficult to say unequivocally where the Russian Santa Claus lives, since there are a lot of legends. Some say that Santa Claus comes from the North Pole, others say - from Lapland. Only one thing is clear, Santa Claus lives somewhere in the Far North, where it is winter all year round. Although in the fairy tale of VF Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" Frost's red nose in the spring moves to the well, where "it is cold even in summer."

Veliky Ustyug is the current "business homeland of Father Frost"

On the initiative of the former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, since 1999, the tourist business project "Veliky Ustyug - Father Frost's birthplace" has been operating in the Vologda Oblast. Tourist trains from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vologda go to Veliky Ustyug, specialized bus trips have been developed.

During the first three years (from 1999 to 2002) the number of tourists visiting Veliky Ustyug grew from 2,000 to 32,000. According to the Governor of the Vologda Oblast Vyacheslav Pozgalev, since the beginning of the project, more than a million letters have been sent to Santa Claus from children from various countries, and the turnover in the city increased 15 times and unemployment decreased.

Origin of Santa Claus

Imagine that local gnomes are considered the ancestors of Santa Claus in some countries. In others, medieval itinerant jugglers who sang Christmas carols, or itinerant sellers of children's toys. There is an opinion that among the relatives of Santa Claus is the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, he is Studenets, Frost. The image of Santa Claus has evolved over the centuries, and each nation has contributed something of its own to its history. But among the ancestors of the elder, it turns out, he was quite a real man. In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Mira. According to legend, he was a very kind person. So, once he saved the three daughters of a distressed family by throwing bundles of gold into the window of their house. After the death of Nicholas, he was declared a saint. In the 11th century, the church where he was buried was robbed by Italian pirates. They stole the remains of the saint and took them to their homeland. The parishioners of the church of St. Nicholas were outraged. broke out international scandal. This story made so much noise that Nicholas became the object of reverence and worship of Christians from around the world.

In the Middle Ages, the custom was firmly established on Nicholas Day, December 19, to give gifts to children, because the saint himself did this. After the introduction of the new calendar, the saint began to come to the children at Christmas, and then on the New Year. Everywhere kind old man they call it differently, in England and America - Santa Claus, and in our country - Santa Claus.

Who is he - our old friend and good wizard Russian Santa Claus? Our Frost is a character of Slavic folklore. For many generations, the Eastern Slavs created and kept a kind of "oral chronicle": prose legends, epic tales, ritual songs, legends and tales about the past of the native land.

At Eastern Slavs presented fabulous image Frost - a hero, a blacksmith who binds water with "iron frosts". The Frosts themselves were often identified with violent winter winds. Several folk tales are known, where the North Wind (or Frost) helps lost travelers, showing the way.

Our Santa Claus is a special image. It is reflected in ancient Slavic legends (Karachun, Pozvizd, Zimnik), Russian folk tales, folklore, Russian literature (play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden", poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Frost, Red Nose", poem by V.Ya. Bryusov "To the King of the North Pole", Karelian- Finnish epic"Kalevala").

Pozvizd - Slavic god of storms and bad weather. As soon as he shook his head, a large hail fell on the ground. Instead of a cloak, the winds dragged behind him, snow flakes fell from the hems of his clothes. Pozvizd rushed swiftly through the heavens, accompanied by a retinue of storms and hurricanes.

In the legends of the ancient Slavs, there was another character - Zimnik. He, like Frost, was presented as an old man of small stature, with white hair and a long gray beard, with an uncovered head, in warm white clothes and with an iron mace in his hands. Where he passes - there expect a cruel cold.

Among the Slavic deities, Karachun stood out for his ferocity - evil spirit shortening life. The ancient Slavs considered him underground god who commanded frost.

But over time, Frost changed. Severe, in the company of the Sun and Wind, walking around the earth and freezing to death the peasants who met on the way (in the Belarusian fairy tale "Frost, Sun and Wind), he gradually turns from a formidable into a fair and kind grandfather.

The Santa Claus costume did not appear immediately either. At first he was depicted in a raincoat. By the beginning of the 19th century, the Dutch depicted him as a slender pipe smoker, skillfully cleaning the chimneys through which he threw gifts to children. At the end of the same century, he was dressed in a red fur coat trimmed with fur. In 1860 American artist Thomas Knight adorned Santa Claus with a beard, and soon the Englishman Tenniel created the image of a good-natured fat man. With such Santa Claus, we are all well acquainted.

And yet, let's try to determine the main features of the appearance of the Russian Santa Claus, corresponding to both historical and modern ideas about this fairy-tale wizard. According to one of the researchers of the image of Santa Claus - a candidate historical sciences, art critic and ethnologist Svetlana Vasilievna Zharnikova - the traditional appearance of Santa Claus, according to ancient mythology and symbolism of color, suggests:

Beard and hair- thick, gray (silver). These details of appearance, in addition to their "physiological" meaning (the old man - gray-haired), also carry a huge symbolic character denoting power, happiness, prosperity and wealth. Surprisingly, it is the hair that is the only detail of the appearance that has not undergone any significant changes over the millennia.

Shirt and trousers- white, linen, decorated with white geometric ornament(symbol of purity). This detail is almost lost in the modern idea of ​​a costume. The performers of the role of Santa Claus and dressers prefer to cover the neck of the performer with a white scarf (which is acceptable). As a rule, they do not pay attention to trousers or they are sewn in red to match the color of the fur coat (a terrible mistake!)

Fur coat- long (ankle-length or shin-length), always red, embroidered with silver (eight-pointed stars, geese, crosses and other traditional ornament), trimmed with swan down. Some modern theatrical costumes, alas, they sin with experiments in the field colors and replacement of materials. Surely many have seen a gray-haired wizard in a blue or green fur coat. If so, know that this is not Santa Claus, but one of his many " younger brothers". If the fur coat is short (the shin is open) or has pronounced buttons, then you have a suit of Santa Claus, Per Noel or one of the foreign brothers of Santa Claus. But replacing swan fluff with white fur is not desirable, but still admissible.

Hat- red, embroidered with silver and pearls. Trimming (hall) with swan down (white fur) with a triangular cutout made on the front part (stylized horns). The shape of the cap is semi-oval (the round shape of the cap is traditional for Russian tsars, it is enough to recall the headdress of Ivan the Terrible). In addition to the imposing attitude to color described above, theatrical costume designers of our time tried to diversify the decoration and shape of Santa Claus's headdress. The following "inaccuracies" are characteristic: replacing pearls with glass diamonds and gems (permissible), the absence of a cutout behind the rim (not desirable, but very common), a hat of the correct semicircular shape (this is Vladimir Monomakh) or a cap (Santa Claus), a pompom (he same).

Three-fingered gloves or mittens- white, embroidered with silver - a symbol of purity and holiness of everything that he gives from his hands. Three-fingered - a symbol of belonging to the highest divine principle since the Neolithic. It is not known what symbolic meaning modern red mittens carry.

Belt- white with a red ornament (a symbol of the connection between ancestors and descendants). Nowadays, it has been preserved as an element of the costume, having completely lost its symbolic meaning and the corresponding color scheme. It's a pity …

Shoes- silver or red, silver-embroidered boots with a raised toe. The heel is beveled, small or completely absent. On a frosty day, Santa Claus puts on white felt boots embroidered with silver. White color and silver are symbols of the moon, holiness, north, water and purity. It is by shoes that you can distinguish the real Santa Claus from the "fake". A more or less professional performer of the role of Santa Claus will never go out to the public in boots or black boots! As a last resort, he will try to find red dancing boots or ordinary black felt boots (which is certainly not desirable).

Staff- crystal or silver "under the crystal". The handle is twisted, also in a silver-white color scheme. The staff is completed by a lunnitsa (a stylized image of the month) or a bull's head (a symbol of power, fertility and happiness). It is difficult to find a staff that matches these descriptions these days. The fantasy of decorators and props almost completely changed its shape.

And some more features of Santa Claus

The external features of Santa Claus and his invariable attributes are as follows:

1. Santa Claus wears a very warm hat with fur trim. Attention: no bombs and brushes!

2. Santa's nose is usually red. (No bad analogies! It's just VERY cold in the far north!) But a blue nose is also allowed due to Grandfather's snow and ice origin.

3. Santa Claus has a beard to the floor. White and fluffy like snow.

4. Santa Claus wears a long thick fur coat. Initially, quite a long time ago, the color of the fur coat was blue, cold, but under the influence of the red coats of the "European brothers" it changed to red. Although both options are currently allowed.

5. Santa Claus hides his hands in huge mittens. (see also point 7)

6. Santa Claus does not wear belts, but ties his fur coat with a sash (belt). Last but not least, fasten with buttons.

7. Santa Claus prefers only felt boots. And it is not surprising, because at - 50? C (usual northern air temperature) in boots, even the Snow Master's feet will freeze.

8. Santa Claus always carries a staff with him. Firstly, to make it easier to wade through the snowdrifts. And secondly, according to legend, Santa Claus, while still being "wild Frost", with this very staff "froze" the people.

9. A bag of gifts - a later attribute of the Master of Winter. Many children believe that he is bottomless. In any case, Santa Claus never lets anyone near the bag, but he himself takes out gifts from it. He does this without looking, but he always guesses who is waiting for what gift.

10. Santa Claus moves on foot, through the air or on a sleigh pulled by a troika. He also likes to cross his native expanses by skiing. No cases of deer use have been reported.

11. The most important difference between the Russian Santa Claus is his constant companion, the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden. It is understandable: alone and in the far north, you can die of longing! And with the granddaughter it is more fun. P.S. And Santa Claus never wears glasses and never smokes a pipe!

Snow Maiden, granddaughter of Santa Claus

Later, Grandfather Frost had a granddaughter Snegurka or Snegurochka, the heroine of many Russian fairy tales, a snow girl. Yes, and Santa Claus himself has changed: he began to bring gifts to children on New Year's Eve and fulfill their innermost desires.

As you can see, the origin of the Russian Santa Claus is fundamentally different from the European Santa Claus. If Santa Claus was a real historical figure who was elevated to the rank of saints for good deeds, then the Russian Santa Claus is rather a pagan spirit, a character popular beliefs and fairy tales. Although modern look Santa Claus was already formed under the influence of the European New Year's character, most of the characteristic Russian features remained. To this day, Russian Grandfather Frost walks in a long fur coat, felt boots and with a staff. He prefers to move on foot, by air, or on a sleigh drawn by a frisky troika. His constant companion is the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus plays the game "I'll Freeze" with children and hides gifts under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve.

The Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Father Frost, accompanies her Grandfather everywhere. The image of the Snow Maiden is a symbol of frozen waters. This is a girl dressed only in white clothes (or colors resembling frozen water). The headdress of Grandfather Frost's granddaughter is an eight-pointed crown embroidered with silver and pearls.

From the story of Santa Claus

Making Santa Claus a Mandatory Character New Year's ritual attributed to the Soviet authorities and dated to the end of the 1930s, when after several years of the ban, the Christmas tree was allowed again.

The rapid process of developing this image as an indispensable participant in the children's Christmas tree holiday became possible in prewar years only when relying on the literary tradition and everyday practice, which in its main features had developed long before October.

This image is already recognizable: “good Moroz Ivanovich” - a “gray-haired-gray-haired” old man who, as he “shakes his head, frost falls from his hair”; he lives in an ice house, and sleeps on a featherbed made of fluffy snow.

On the one hand, according to Nekrasov's poem "Frost, Red Nose" (1863), he is portrayed as a harmful atmospheric spirit, which is credited with the ability to have a detrimental effect on a person.

On the other hand (mainly in poetry for children), its positive counterpart is born, main function which is the formation of "healthy" weather and the creation of winter "magic".

Nekrasov’s “Frost, Red Nose” also begins to “work” to create this image, from which only the fragment “It’s not the wind that rages over the forest ...” is taken for children’s use, where main character, torn out of the context of the poem, acts as a "voivode", an unlimited ruler winter forest and the magician who puts away his "kingdom" in "diamonds, pearls, silver."

Simultaneously and independently of literary image Frost in the urban environment, a mythological character arises and develops, "managing" the Christmas tree and, like the Christmas tree itself, originally borrowed from the West. In the course of the reorientation of the Christmas tree "on domestic soil" and the creation of pseudo-folklore Christmas tree mythology, the design of Santa Claus took place. This character was formed in the process of searching for answers to children's questions: where does the Christmas tree come from in the house, who brings it, who gives gifts?

The name unification process stretches over several decades: old Ruprecht (1861) - isolated cases indicating German tradition; St. Nikolai or Grandfather Nikolai (1870) - the option is discarded early, since among the Russians, as already noted, Nikola never acted as a donor; Santa Claus (1914) - only when depicting Western Christmas trees; just an old man living in the woods in winter (1894); kind Morozko (1886); Moroz Yolkich (1890s).

In the struggle for the name, Santa Claus turned out to be the winner. There is no analogue to this name in any Western Christmas tree character. In East Slavic mythology, Frost is a respected creature, but also dangerous: in order not to arouse his anger, he had to be handled with care; asking not to destroy the harvest, he was cajoled; they scared the kids. But along with this, he also acted as the Grandfather (deceased parent, ancestor) coming on Christmas Eve.

On Christmas tree holidays, Santa Claus does not appear immediately, but in the middle or even towards the end of the celebration. According to popular notions, any guest is always welcome and should be an object of veneration as a representative of a foreign world. So Santa Claus becomes welcome on the Christmas tree, and he should be invited, which is quite consistent with the ritual of inviting mythological characters - ancestors or the same folklore Frost. Santa Claus, in essence, becomes the ancestor-giver. Therefore, they call him not an old man or an old man, but a grandfather or grandfather. By the beginning of the 20th century, the image of Santa Claus had finally taken shape: he functions as a toy on the Christmas tree, the main figure standing under the Christmas tree, an advertising doll in the windows, a character in children's literature, a masquerade mask, a giver of the Christmas tree and gifts.

At this time, the opinion about the “originality”, the antiquity of this image is affirmed: “Grandfather Frost ... suddenly appears in the hall and, just like a hundred or two hundred years ago, and maybe a thousand years ago, together with the children, dances around Christmas trees, singing an old song in chorus, after which gifts begin to pour out of his bag for children. When an anti-religious campaign began in the USSR in the mid-1920s, not only the Christmas tree, but also Santa Claus turned into "religious trash" and began to be regarded as "a product of the anti-people activities of the capitalists."

The anti-Christmas campaign was attended by poets who were in the service of the Soviet government, such as Demyan Bedny, who wrote:

Under "Christmas" at lunchtime

Old-fashioned Christmas grandfather

With such a long, long beard

Poured fabulous "Santa Claus"

With a Christmas tree under his arm, he carried a sleigh,

Sledge with a five-year-old child.

There is nothing Soviet here!

Together with the rehabilitation of the Christmas tree at the end of 1935, the denunciations of Santa Claus also ceased, after some doubts, he was completely restored in his rights. Organizers of children's trees got the opportunity to take the initiative, compilers of books - recommendations on the arrangement of Christmas trees wrote scripts, which eventually led to the development of a standard ritual of a public children's tree.

If earlier children received various gifts that differed both in quality and material value, now Santa Claus brought the same packages for all children, which he took out of his bag in a row.

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