Life-giving source icon. What is the meaning of the icon? In the 5th century in Constantinople, near the so-called "Golden Gate", there was a grove dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The icon of the "Life-Giving Spring" can be found in a number of Orthodox churches. What is her help to man? What prayers should be addressed to this icon? I want to tell you about all this in the article below.

The history of the appearance of the holy image goes back to the fifth century, when there was a grove near Constantinople, which, according to legend, was dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary. In this grove flowed a spring, known for its miracles, but over time it was hidden behind thickets of bushes and mud, and gradually completely disappeared.

In the year 450, a warrior named Leo Markell (who later became emperor) happened to meet a lost blind man in this grove, the warrior helped him find the path and planted him in the shade. And he went for water to quench the thirst of an exhausted traveler. Unexpectedly, Leo heard that the Mother of God herself was calling him, giving him the task of discovering an abandoned source and applying mud from it to the eyes of a blind man.

Markell did everything he was told and a miracle happened - the blind man began to see again. The Mother of God also told Leo that he would sit at the imperial throne, this also became true after seven years. When the promised came true, Leo Markell remembered the Mother of God and gave the order to ennoble the source, establish a circle of stones around it and build a church in honor of the Virgin Mary on it.

The sacred key of the emperor was given the name "Life-Giving Spring", because he began to manifest the miraculous grace of the Virgin. They also named a new icon, painted specifically for this temple.

In the 6th century, Emperor Justinian the Great also had to drink water from a healing spring, which cured him of a serious illness. To celebrate, he ordered the construction of another temple next to the one erected by Leo, and with him a monastery was organized.

In the 15th century, when the Byzantine Empire collapsed, a similar fate befell the temple - it was destroyed by Muslims. Then, in its place, a small church was rebuilt, which was also demolished in 1821, and the source itself was covered up. But the Orthodox removed the ruins, cleaned the source and again began to use its healing water. Subsequently, a new church was built on this site, at which a hospital with an almshouse was organized.

The image of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" was very revered by the ancient Russians. For example, in the Sarov desert, a church was built in honor of this image. On the advice of St. Seraphim of Sarov, all the Orthodox who were stricken with illnesses went to offer prayers at the miraculous image, and their ailments miraculously passed.

Until now, the icon of the "Life-Giving Spring" has not lost its popularity. In particular, on Friday in Bright Week, when the Liturgy ends in Christian churches, it is customary to perform a prayer service for this image. And the water consecrated at the Liturgy is used by believers to sprinkle their gardens and orchards.

What is depicted in this image

The shrine shows us the Mother of God sitting in the font, holding the baby Jesus in her arms. Initially, the source was not applied to a sacred object, but later the composition was supplemented with a Fiala (cup). And a little later, the icon is already depicted with a reservoir and a fountain.

Characteristics of the icon, how can it help?

Many people are interested in the characteristics of the icon "Life-Giving Spring" and in what it can help. It should be noted that the face of the Mother of God has a much deeper characteristic and meaning than the healing properties of holy water alone.

He personifies the Holy One herself, who in her bosom bore the Savior of all mankind and gave eternal life to all who believe in him and in his Father and keep faith in both in their souls.

You can come across the statement that God is our whole Life, and the source represents the feminine principle, embodies the image of the Mother of God. It is for this reason that the Russian icon-painting tradition bestows the name “Source” on this face. So, this is the personification of the beginning, from which life itself flows (the festive kontakion designates it as the Water Savior or the Source of God-grace).

The image contributes to the healing of the spirit and body of all people living on earth like a real caring mother, who is on guard of the whole human race. Next, we will consider in what specific problems this icon will help you.

When should prayers be offered to the "Life-Giving Spring"?

The Sacred Image, which received its name in honor of the healing waters, is traditionally asked for help in the presence of such problems:

  • when they want to eliminate bad habits, to eradicate pernicious passions;
  • to heal physical and mental pathologies;
  • the holy Mother of God will also render her help to all the righteous who sacredly believe in the Savior;
  • all those whose soul is overwhelmed with sorrow, who suffer from a lack of vital energy will be able to receive help from her;
  • thanks to sincere sincere prayer before the icon, it becomes possible to get rid of even the most serious ailments.

Miracles performed by this divine shrine

One Thessalian from childhood dreamed that when he grew up he would see with his own eyes the place from which holy water flows. And finally, the moment came when he and other Orthodox were able to begin their long pilgrimage journey.

But on the way, the young man became infected and when he realized that he would soon die, he asked other travelers with him not to bury him after death, but nevertheless they carried him to his destination and poured 3 jugs of healing water on him, and only then betrayed him. his body to the ground.

His request was fulfilled, but when the third jug of water was poured onto the body of the righteous man, a miracle happened and he came to life. After such an amazing resurrection, the young man decided to serve God and the Mother of God until his death, prayers to which helped him return to life again.

There are also other examples of the healing effects of spring water. But we must remember that a miracle occurs only on the condition of a fervent, sincere and sincere prayer to the Creator, and if a person leads a righteous lifestyle, he does not commit any sins. Only in this case, he can count on receiving the long-awaited relief and healing.

How the icon of the Life-Giving Spring is celebrated

They appointed a day on which the memory of the reconstruction of the church "Life-Giving Spring" in Constantinople, erected at the behest of Leo Markell and at the direction of the Mother of God, is honored.

This date was the Friday of the Bright Week, and from now on, every year in Christian churches on Holy Week, the consecration of water is honored, the Easter procession is performed.

In which churches can you find the icon of the Mother of God the Life-Giving Spring?

At this point in time, there are more than a hundred chapels and churches that have received their name in honor of the Mother of God. Let me take a look at some of them below:

  • Temple of the Image of the Mother of God (Cosmodamian) in Metkino, Moscow Region. Ancient chronicles tell that in the 17th century, not far from Moscow, there was a wooden temple of Damian and Cosmas, but in 1701 it was burned down. Fortunately, most of the images were saved, they were transferred to a small chapel located nearby.

The destroyed church in 1848 was replaced by a real God's temple, which is dedicated to the miraculous face of the Mother of God. This is also not accidental, since in 1829 the miraculous appearance of the Saint happened. And in 1840, Avdotya Evdokimova, the widow of a soldier, transferred a miraculous icon to the village of Metkino, which was given to her by the merchant Kiriyanova. Since that time, people from nearby areas have been coming to the temple to bow to the holy image.

  • Another icon dedicated to the Mother of God can be found in Tsaritsyno (Moscow).
  • In the city of Tver there is a Cathedral with a miraculous image of the Mother of God (in the Sorrowful Church).
  • The Church of the healing icon of the Holy Virgin Mary is also in the Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery (Zadonsk).
  • In addition, you will find a healing icon in the Church of the Mother of God (Arzamas city).

Now you know the full description of the "Life-Giving Source" image. Finally, I would like to note only that the most important condition for receiving divine help is sincere faith in this help.

Therefore, believe in miracles and finish reading the article by watching a fascinating thematic video:

Icon of the Life-Giving Source, what helps, the meaning of the icon of the Life-Giving Source, in what cases they pray to it, in which temples is the icon of the Life-Giving Source and its meaning

Icon of the Life-Giving Source, what helps

The image of the Life-Giving Key of the Mother of God takes its own foundation since the 5th century.

Actually, at that time, near Constantinople, a miraculous icon, with the assistance of a key, managed to cure a blind man. Such a miracle of nature could not remain undiscovered, and as a result of this, absolutely everyone became aware of it. According to the decree of the ruler Leo I, in honor of the created miracle, a cathedral was erected not far from the sacred key.

It is rather difficult to characterize even the approximate number of those people who managed to bring themselves back to life in the temple. Soon, lists began to be compiled from the appearance of the key standing near, which subsequently dispersed throughout the planet, granting the Orthodox people healing and the protection of the Lord.

On the shrine itself, the Most Holy Virgin is depicted sitting in the font with the little son of God in her palms.. From the very foundation of the Most Holy Icon, the key was not written on it, however, later Fiala (Vessel) was included in a single composition. And later on the shrine began to describe the lake and the source.

The meaning of the icon Life-giving source and how it helps

The sacred image of the Mother of God has a much greater, deepest meaning and importance. than its healing characteristics from the divine water in the source or the fonts and springs that were created and equipped with her in reverence.

Life-Giving Key- this is the embodiment of a blessed deliverer, who gives life to absolutely everyone who honestly believes in him.

After all, it is not in vain that numerous peoples declare that God is our existence, calling him the Life-Giver of Christ, and the key is the source of the Blessed Virgin. It is no coincidence that in Russian icon-painting customs, one of the names of the appearance sounds “Source”. This is the personification of the foundation of the source of existence, which in the solemn kontakion is read equally as the Water Savior or the Source of God-grace.

She has the ability to restore the health of the body and soul of earthly inhabitants, as well as the true, attentive Most Pure Mother of God, who took every human soul under her own care.

How can the image of the Life-Giving Source help?

In front of the Holy Icon, which was named after the healing waters, opened according to the order of the Mother of God, by Tsar Leo I Markell, they require support:

When freeing from negative habits, and also for the purpose of salvation from unwholesome inclinations;

For the healing of physiological and spiritual diseases;

The Mother of God assists in the preservation of an immaculate existence;

For those whose soul hurts, who are weighed down by sorrows and deprived of worldly strength, the Righteous will give help;

Sincere prayer, directed to the face, will undoubtedly help to overcome, including the most difficult ailments.

Miracles of the icon Life-Giving Spring?

In Thessaly, from a young age, one of the inhabitants dreamed of examining the area where the miraculous spring flows. And then the period came when he, with other people who believed in God, finally managed to start his own long pilgrimage.

However, on the way, the young man was overtaken by an illness and, realizing that he did not have long to exist, the inhabitant of Thessaly made his own request to the pilgrims traveling with him.

So that if the inevitable happens, they did not immediately begin to bury his body, but took it to the Immaculate Spring and poured 3 reservoirs of miraculous water on his body, and only later gave his body to the earth.

The pilgrims fulfilled with a prayer the request of the dying However, when the 3rd reservoir was poured into the wanderer's body, the young man was resurrected. As a result of the accomplished amazing deed, the Thessalian decided, until the end of his own days, to serve and be in asceticism with God and the Mother of God, according to the prayers of which the Child of the Most High, by the good will of his own mother, returned him to life.

There are a large number of other examples of healing with water from the springs, sacred in the Reverence of the Blessed Nevertheless, a miracle is performed only if a person zealously and wholeheartedly says a prayer and lives in an unchanging confession to the Almighty, in fact, in this case, he will acquire the desired weakening and healing.

Feast of Iconographic Composition

The time of the celebration in honor of the miraculous icon was determined in memory of the reconstruction of the Cathedral of the "Life-Giving Spring" in Constantinople, which was erected by King Leo I Markell according to the will of the Blessed One over the miraculous spring.

The period also fell out just on Friday of Bright Week, and now every year in Orthodox churches on Blessed Week, with the Easter movement of the cross, the rite of consecration of water is laid.

In which cathedrals is the image located?

For the present period, more than a hundred chapels and temples have been installed, which were named in honor of the Virgin. The following is information about some of them:

Church of the Image of the Immaculate (Kosmodamianskaya) in Metkino. In accordance with the chronicles, in the 17th century there was a wooden temple of Damian and Cosmas near the Capital, but in 1701 it was bedroomed, however, a large number of images were saved by dragging them to a small chapel located nearby. In the site of the destroyed cathedral in 1848, the current Lord's Cathedral was created, intended for the miraculous face of the Sinless, which was not unreasonable, since in 1829 a miracle of the appearance of the Most Holy One happened. And earlier in 1840, Avdotya Evdokimova, the widow of a soldier, gave to her homeland in the village of Metkino from the Capital a miraculous icon that was presented to her by a merchant Anna Kiriyanova. And since that time, from absolutely all corners, people began to go to the temple in order to bow before the face;

In Tsaritsyno (Capital), in addition, there is a temple of the shrine of the Virgin;

Cathedral of the miraculous display of the Mother of God (Sorrowful Church) in Tver;

The temple of the miraculous image, the Blessed, is located in the Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery in Zadonsk;

The icon can also be seen in the Church of Our Lady in Arzamas.

Icon of the Life-Giving Spring - what helps?

But still, what is the inimitable attractiveness of the icon, what exactly captures people in the image of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring”? In what way can it help and from what will it save?
Previously, the face brings a cure to absolutely all physically sick people and, in their own prayers, to those who rely on the assistance of the Almighty. Actually, from this arose his respect in ancient Byzantium.

By these healing actions and patronage, he earned favor and gratitude, finding himself among the expanses of the Russian Federation. In addition, it successfully heals the image and mental illnesses. However, the main thing is that it helps those who resort to it from unwholesome desires, which often overwhelm our souls. Actually, the "Life-Giving Spring" - the image of the Mother of God, rescues from their influence.

With what petitions do they ascend before her, what do they beg for from the Immaculate? About the gift of power to cope with absolutely everything immoral, which is accepted in us by human nature spoiled by the wild fall into sin. To repentance, there are many moments that exceed human abilities, in which we are weak without the support of the Supreme Lord and His Most Pure Mother.

You can ask this shrine for support in the event that ailments attack you.

When you have a passion for strong drinks or smoking.

If you are tormented by repentance for something, or grief has fit in your soul and there is no strength to get rid of it, in this case, the Mother of God and the image of the Life-Giving Key can help.

If you want to protect yourself from sins that attract you to yourself, then praying in front of the icon will undoubtedly help not to frustrate the Commandments of Christ.

If a lot of difficulties have fallen on you, and you cannot cope with them alone, then it is necessary to provide the help of the Blessed One.

This can be done by sending a prayer with the following words:

Prayer First

“O Blessed Virgin, All-Merciful Lady Lady Theotokos! Thy life-giving source, healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world, sharpening, gave us; Also, thankfully, we earnestly pray to Thee, O Most Holy Tsarina, pray to Your Son and our God to give us forgiveness of sins and to every soul that grieves and is embittered, mercy and consolation, and deliverance from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, Madam, to this temple and this people protection (and observance of this holy abode), preservation of the city, deliverance and protection from misfortunes to our country, and a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be able to see You, our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of Your Son and God ours, to Him be glory and power with the Father and with the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer two

“O Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ! You are Mati and the patroness of all who resort to You, look with mercy on the prayers of Your sinful and humble children. You, who are called the Life-giving Source of grace-filled healings, heal the sicknesses of the afflicted and implore Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to send down and all those who flow to You, spiritual and bodily health, and, having forgiven us our voluntary and involuntary sins, grants us everything even to eternal and temporal life is needed. You are the joy of all those who mourn, hear us, the mournful; You are the quenching of sorrow, quench our sorrow; You are the exaction of the lost, do not let us perish in the abyss of our sins, but always deliver us from all sorrows and misfortunes and all kinds of good conditions. She, our Queen, favoring, our indestructible hope and invincible intercessor, do not turn Your face away from us for our many transgressions, but extend to us the hand of Your motherly mercy and work with us a sign of Your mercy for the good: show us Your help and prosper in every good deed . Turn us away from every sinful undertaking and evil thought, may we always glorify Your honorable name, magnifying God the Father and the Son of the Only Begotten Lord Jesus Christ and the Life-Giving Holy Spirit with all the saints forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

icon of the Virgin"LIFE-GIVING SOURCE"

Friday of Bright Week


Description of the icon of the Mother of God "LIFE-GIVING SOURCE":

In the 5th century, there was a grove near Constantinople, dedicated, according to legend, to the Most Holy Theotokos. In this grove there was a spring, long glorified by miracles, but gradually overgrown with bushes and mud. In 450, the warrior Leo Markell, the future emperor, met a lost blind man in this place, helped him get out onto the path and settle in the shade. In search of water for an exhausted traveler, he heard the voice of the Virgin, commanding to find an overgrown source and anoint the eyes of a blind man with mud. When Leo obeyed the command, the blind man immediately received his sight. The Mother of God also predicted to Leo that he would become emperor, and seven years later this prediction came true.

Having become emperor, Leo Markell remembered the appearance and prediction of the Mother of God and ordered to clean the source, surround it with a stone circle and erect a temple in honor of the Mother of God on it. The holy key was called by the emperor the “Life-Giving Spring”, since the miraculous grace of the Mother of God was manifested in it. The icon of the Mother of God, painted for the new church, was also named in the same way.

In the 6th century, Emperor Justinian the Great, after drinking water from a source, cured himself of a serious illness, built a new temple near the temple built by Emperor Leo, at which a crowded monastery was created. In the 15th century, after the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the Temple of the Life-Giving Spring was destroyed by Muslims. A small church built later was also destroyed in 1821, and the source was covered up. Christians again dismantled the ruins, cleared the source and still drew life-giving water from it. After the Orthodox received some relief in performing divine services over the Life-Giving Spring, a temple was rebuilt, in which a hospital and an almshouse were built.

The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Life-Giving Spring" was deeply revered in Russia. In the Sarov desert, a temple was erected in honor of this icon. Those sick pilgrims whom St. Seraphim of Sarov sent to pray before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God received healing from her.

On Friday of Bright Week, after the Liturgy in Orthodox churches, a water-blessed prayer service is usually performed before the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring". With the water consecrated at this prayer service, believers sprinkle their gardens and kitchen gardens, calling on the help of the Lord and His Most Pure Mother to give the harvest.


Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Life-Giving Spring" they pray for the preservation of a righteous life, for the healing of bodily and mental ailments, passions, for help in sorrow.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called the "Life-Giving Spring"

Oh, Blessed Virgin, All-merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, Thy Life-Giving Source, healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world sharpening, Thou hast given us, the same thankful being, we earnestly pray to Thee, the Most Holy Queen, pray for Your Son and our God to give us forgiveness of sins and mercy and consolation to every soul that is grieving and embittered, and deliverance from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, Madam, protection to this temple and these people (and observance of this holy monastery), preservation of the city, deliverance and protection to our country from misfortunes, let us live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be able to see You our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of Your Son and our God. To Him be glory and power with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called the "Life-Giving Spring"

Troparion, tone 4

Today, by the faith of faithfulness to the Divine and wholesome image of the Most Holy Theotokos, pouring out drops of her outpourings, and showing miracles to the faithful people, even we see and hear spiritually celebrate and kindly cry out: heal our ailments and passions, as if you healed the Karkin and numerous passions; we also pray to Thee, the Most Pure Virgin, pray to Christ our God, incarnated from You, that our souls be saved.

Troparion, tone 4

Let us draw, people, healing souls and bodies with prayer, For the River flows for everyone - the Most Pure Queen of the Mother of God, exuding wonderful water and washing our hearts blackness* , sinful scabs are cleansing, but the souls are sanctifying the faithful by Divine grace.

* Blackness- the property of black, meaning sinfulness.

Kontakion, tone 8

From the inexhaustible You, the Source of God-grace, give me, sharpen, the water of Your grace, ever-flowing more than words, as if the Word gave birth to more than meaning, pray, sprinkle me with grace, and I call Thee: rejoice, saving water.


We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, and honor Your holy image, heal our sickness and raise our souls to God.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos BEFORE HER ICON NAMED "LIFE-GIVING SOURCE"

Kondak 1
Chosen from all generations to the Lady Theotokos, who shows us grace-filled help, let us commendably describe Thy servants to the Theotokos. You, as if Presiding the Mother of God, pour out on us Your great and rich mercy, heal our ailments and quench our sorrows, but we call You thanksgiving: Rejoice, Lady, Life-giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Ikos 1
The archangel and the angel are perplexed by many, It is reasonable for you from God the Word, who established the earth on the waters, praise according to your property. But we, the Most Honorable Cherubim, and the Most Glorious Seraphim without comparison, in tenderness for Your good deeds that have been upon us, dare to call You: Rejoice, Lady, chosen by God the Father; Rejoice, blessed with the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, exalted one with the birth of the Son of God; Rejoice, blessed in women. Rejoice, Mother of God magnified; Rejoice, blessed from all generations. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 2
Seeing, Most Merciful Mother, blind from the thirst of the afflicted, Source of living water for drinking and healing for the sake of the governor, wandering in the desert, you showed: he thankfully cry out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
Understanding Your Divine voice, governor, pointing the source of water, and knowing it like the Font of Siloam, not only gives water to the thirsty, but also frees him from blindness, we are looking for Your mercy, we cry out to You: Rejoice, Mistress, painting the font of salvation; Rejoice, healer of spiritual and bodily blindness. Rejoice, weakened affirmation; Rejoice, lame walking. Rejoice, Mother of Light, who opens the eyes of the blind; Rejoice, thou who illumines those who sit in the darkness with the light of truth. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 3
The power of the Most High overshadows all who flow with faith and reverence to Your Life-Giving Source, Most Pure Lady Mistress. By the power of the Most High, fall us, the Mother of God, humbly falling to You and crying prayerfully: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Have the wealth of mercy inexpressible, to all the sick Mistress, Your helping hand, healing ailments, healing passions, we find in Your Life-giving Source: for this sake we cry out to You: Rejoice, Source of unceasing joy; Rejoice, Cup of unspeakable goodness. Rejoice, treasure of grace that is not scarce; Rejoice, you who always give mercy to those who ask. Rejoice, healing of various ailments. Rejoice, satisfaction of our sorrows; Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 4
The blind man is embarrassed by a storm of bewilderment, looking for water to quench his thirst. And behold, as of old, by the power of God, water flowed from the stone: so now in the waterless desert the source has appeared, there Moses, the source of water: here are you, O Bogomati, a servant of miracles, the same we pray: thirsty for our souls of piety, give water to drink, yes we call you: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Hearing the voivode Your wondrous voice, Mother of Mercy, pointing the source of water, about the hedgehog thirsty to drink and heal blindness pointing, and the event of words is sighted, cry out to the sister: Rejoice, Lady, comforting the sufferers; Rejoice, restorer of the sick. Rejoice, giving words to the dumb; Rejoice, healer of all the weak. Rejoice, help to those in need; Rejoice, consolation to the discouraged. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 5
Divine water from Your Life-Giving Source, pouring out currents of grace, scooping for the healing of mental and bodily ailments, Virgin Mother of God, with a grateful cry to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Seeing the people of the blind man, with the water of Your Life-giving Source, who has seen through, the Mother of God, rushing with songs like gifts to serve You: Rejoice, Lady, who opens the door of mercy to the faithful; Rejoice, thou who does not put to shame those who trust in Thee. Rejoice, consoling the distressed; Rejoice, freeing from adversity. Rejoice, strengthener of the weary; Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 6
The preaching of Thy miracle, Mother of God, be the governor, as if the blind man is wondrous with water from Thy Life-Giving Source, enlighten us, the dark apples of our souls, and thankfully preach Thy mercy calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
Ascension to us Thy Life-Giving Source, Most Merciful Mother, exuding the manifold grace of Thy Son and Our God, Christ the Life-giver. For this sake, we bring Ty singing: Rejoice, Mistress, our zealous Intercessor; Rejoice, guardian of the temples of God. Rejoice, most glorious Abbess of the holy monasteries; Rejoice, admonition to those who labor in monasticism. Rejoice, strengthening of monks in obedience; Rejoice, cover and protection of all the Khistians. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 7
Wanting the pious Lion of the Governor, Tsar Thee, the Mistress, appointed, thankful to bring Thee, arrange a temple at the place of Thy appearance, arrange a miracle, the Life-Giving Spring, naming it, that all Thy possessions may find here, crying out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
The new font of Siloam, more than the ancient ones, appear, Most Pure Lady, Thy temple, in Nemzha we worship the icon of the Life-Giving Source, for not one in the summer and only the first to enter the health of the body, but I will take out every ailment of the soul and body, heal. For this sake, we cry out to You: Rejoice, font, in which our sorrows are immersed; Rejoice, cup of joy, in which our sorrows dissolve. Rejoice, stone, thirsty for life; Rejoice, tree, sweetening the bitter waters of the sea of ​​life. Rejoice, life-giving water source is not depleted; Rejoice, bath, our sinful filth, washing our conscience. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 8
A strange and glorious miracle has appeared in the temple of Your Life-Giving Source, Mother of God, in which spiritual and bodily thirst is quenched, and diseases of obsession are healed. We are the grace of such a glorifying cry to Ty: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
All of you, with faith coming to Your Life-Giving Source, give, Merciful to the Lady Theotokos. For all of these, we thankfully cry out to You: Rejoice, Lady, Who incarnated the Incorporeal; Rejoice, consolation of suffering mothers. Rejoice, child of motherless protection; Rejoice, young mentor. Rejoice, upbringing of babies: Rejoice, Mistress, Life-giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 9
All angelic and human nature marvels at Your mercy, Blessed Virgin, as always and to everyone you are the Helper and Intercessor, who sing to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
Vetii multicasting cannot worthily sing of the Life-giving Source of Thy inexhaustible grace, below explain the power of Thy miracles for the healing of the sick and for every benefit of the soul and body of a person, we will sing praiseworthy to You: Rejoice, Temple of the Living God; Rejoice, home of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, Glory to the Angels; Rejoice, sovereignty of the universe. Rejoice, salvation of the world; Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 10
Save even all those who suffer, the source of life has shown the world, Most Holy Theotokos, in the waters of grace, but all in sorrows and sorrows accepting healing and consolation, we gratefully call you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
The wall and cover in troubles and needs of Your help to those who ask the creature, the Lady of the World, the Life-Giving Source showed you to everyone, may there be protection from all diseases, consolation in misfortunes and sorrows, crying You such: Rejoice, Mistress, pacification of the proud and obstinate people; Rejoice, suppression of evil and evil intentions. Rejoice, intercession of the offended; Rejoice, those who offend understanding. Rejoice, guilty punishment; Rejoice, excuse for the innocent. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 11
We bring the singing of all tenderness before Your Life-Giving Source, packs and packs, to You, Mother of God, in repentance calling from the depths of the soul: Mistress, accept the prayers of Your servant and deliver us from all sorrow and illness, need and sorrow, and cry out to God about You: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
Your Divine Source, Most Holy Theotokos, shines like a luminous candle in the world with rays of grace, enlightening minds and hearts with miracles manifested and instructing to call you: Rejoice, Mistress, enlightenment of minds; Rejoice, purification of our hearts. Rejoice, renewal of the spirit; Rejoice, soul sanctification. Rejoice, strengthening of health; Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 12
We have recourse to Your grace, the Life-Giving Source, Blessed Virgin, as if to an indestructible wall and intercession, look with mercy, Most Holy Theotokos, on our fierce bitterness and heal our souls and bodies of our sorrows and illnesses, let us call you: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing Thy miracles, we praise and glorify Thy Life-giving Source, Most Holy Virgin, from worthless drawing currents of many different graces, we magnify Thy praises with calico: Rejoice, God-chosen Maiden; Rejoice, Holy Bride. Rejoice, blessed in women; Rejoice, exalted above the heavens. Rejoice, you who are coming to the throne of the Lord; Rejoice, our Intercessor, always praying for the world. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Kondak 13
Oh, All-Singing Mother, Who gave Your life-giving Source to the world, pour out great and rich mercy from us, accept this prayer of thanksgiving, grant us the source of the present and future life: let us call you: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, and then ikos 1 and kontakion 1 are read)


Also read on our website:

Earthly life of the Virgin- Description of life, Christmas, Assumption of the Mother of God.

Apparitions of the Virgin- About miraculous apparitions of the Mother of God.

Icons of the Mother of God- Information about the types of icon painting, descriptions of most of the icons of the Mother of God.

Prayers to the Mother of God- Description of some superstitions.

__________________________________________________ - Orthodox online distance learning course. We recommend this course to all beginning Orthodox Christians. Online training takes place twice a year. enroll in the following courses today

Complete collection and description: prayer for the icon is a life-giving source for the spiritual life of a believer.

You are the source of truly living waters, Lady, you wash away the ailments of souls and bodies with a fierce touch, pouring out the Water of Christ's salvation.

Today, with faith in the Divine and wholesome image of the Most Holy Theotokos, pouring out drops of her outpourings, and showing miracles to the faithful people, even we see and hear, spiritually celebrate and graciously cry out to heal our ailments and passions, as if you healed both Karkin and the myriad passions. We also pray to Thee, Most Pure Virgin, pray to Christ our God, incarnated from You, to save our souls.

From the inexhaustible Thee, Source of God-grace, give me, drenching the waters of Your grace, ever-flowing more than words. As if the Word gave birth to more than meaning, I pray You, irrigate me with grace, but I call You: rejoice, Water-saving.

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos! Above all, angel and archangel, and all creatures are most honest; helper of the offended, hopeless hope, poor intercessor, sad consolation, hungry nurse, naked robe, sick healing, sinful salvation, Christians of all position and offensive. O All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God, Lady, by Thy mercy save and have mercy on His Holiness Orthodox Patriarchs, Grace Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops and the entire priestly and monastic rank, and all Orthodox Christians, protect Your honest robe; and beseech, Madam, Christ our God, incarnated from You without seed, may He gird us with Your power from above on our invisible and visible enemies. O All-Merciful Lady, Lady Mother of God! Raise us up from the depths of sin and deliver us from famine, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from finding foreigners and internecine strife, and from vain death, and from the attack of the enemy, and from corrupting winds, and from deadly ulcers, and from all evil. Grant, Madam, peace and health to Your servant, all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten their minds and eyes of the heart, hedgehog to salvation; and vouchsafe us, Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God; as if His power is blessed and glorified, with His Father without beginning, and with the Most Holy, and Good, and His Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

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The ringing of a church bell first resounded over Russia in the 10th century. Since that moment, the bell ringing has been continuously connected with the spiritual life of every Orthodox Christian. The sound of the bell is not only the voice of the beginning of the Divine Service, not only the announcement of the great Orthodox holidays, but also a reminder of the heavenly world, a call to repentance, repentance and awareness of the true meaning of human existence.

Celebration of the icon "Life-Giving Spring" takes place on the Friday of Bright Week.

What are they praying for Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring": pray for the preservation of a righteous life; about the healing of severe bodily and mental ailments and passions; for help in grief.

Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring"

Prayer to the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring"

O Blessed Virgin, All-merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, Thy Life-Giving Source, healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world, have bestowed upon us; the same thankful being, we earnestly pray to Thee, the Most Holy Queen, pray to Your Son and our God to give us forgiveness of sins and to every soul that grieves and is embittered, mercy and comfort, and deliverance from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, Madam, protection to this temple and these people, preservation of the city, deliverance and protection to our country from misfortunes, let us live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be able to enter You our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of Your Son and our God. To him be glory and power with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the icon of the life-giving spring

Friday of Bright Week

Description of the icon of the Mother of God "LIFE-GIVING SOURCE":

In the 5th century, there was a grove near Constantinople, dedicated, according to legend, to the Most Holy Theotokos. In this grove there was a spring, long glorified by miracles, but gradually overgrown with bushes and mud. In 450, the warrior Leo Markell, the future emperor, met a lost blind man in this place, helped him get out onto the path and settle in the shade. In search of water for an exhausted traveler, he heard the voice of the Virgin, commanding to find an overgrown source and anoint the eyes of a blind man with mud. When Leo obeyed the command, the blind man immediately received his sight. The Mother of God also predicted to Leo that he would become emperor, and seven years later this prediction came true.

Having become emperor, Leo Markell remembered the appearance and prediction of the Mother of God and ordered to clean the source, surround it with a stone circle and erect a temple in honor of the Mother of God on it. The holy key was called by the emperor the “Life-Giving Spring”, since the miraculous grace of the Mother of God was manifested in it. The icon of the Mother of God, painted for the new church, was also named in the same way.

In the 6th century, Emperor Justinian the Great, after drinking water from a source, cured himself of a serious illness, built a new temple near the temple built by Emperor Leo, at which a crowded monastery was created. In the 15th century, after the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the Temple of the Life-Giving Spring was destroyed by Muslims. A small church built later was also destroyed in 1821, and the source was covered up. Christians again dismantled the ruins, cleared the source and still drew life-giving water from it. After the Orthodox received some relief in performing divine services over the Life-Giving Spring, a temple was rebuilt, in which a hospital and an almshouse were built.

The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Life-Giving Spring" was deeply revered in Russia. In the Sarov desert, a temple was erected in honor of this icon. Those sick pilgrims whom St. Seraphim of Sarov sent to pray before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God received healing from her.

On Friday of Bright Week, after the Liturgy in Orthodox churches, a water-blessed prayer service is usually performed before the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring". With the water consecrated at this prayer service, believers sprinkle their gardens and kitchen gardens, calling on the help of the Lord and His Most Pure Mother to give the harvest.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Life-Giving Spring" they pray for the preservation of a righteous life, for the healing of bodily and mental ailments, passions, for help in sorrow.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called the "Life-Giving Spring"

Oh, Blessed Virgin, All-merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, Thy Life-Giving Source, healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world sharpening, Thou hast given us, the same thankful being, we earnestly pray to Thee, the Most Holy Queen, pray for Your Son and our God to give us forgiveness of sins and mercy and consolation to every soul that is grieving and embittered, and deliverance from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, Madam, protection to this temple and these people (and observance of this holy monastery), preservation of the city, deliverance and protection to our country from misfortunes, let us live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be able to see You our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of Your Son and our God. To Him be glory and power with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called the "Life-Giving Spring"

Today, by the faith of faithfulness to the Divine and wholesome image of the Most Holy Theotokos, pouring out drops of her outpourings, and showing miracles to the faithful people, even we see and hear spiritually celebrate and kindly cry out: heal our ailments and passions, as if you healed the Karkin and numerous passions; we also pray to Thee, the Most Pure Virgin, pray to Christ our God, incarnated from You, that our souls be saved.

Let us draw, people, healing souls and bodies with prayer, For the River flows for everyone - the Most Pure Queen of the Mother of God, exuding wonderful water and washing our hearts blackness* , sinful scabs are cleansing, but the souls are sanctifying the faithful by Divine grace.

* Blackness- the property of black, meaning sinfulness.

From the inexhaustible You, the Source of God-grace, give me, sharpen, the water of Your grace, ever-flowing more than words, as if the Word gave birth to more than meaning, pray, sprinkle me with grace, and I call Thee: rejoice, saving water.

We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, and honor Your holy image, heal our sickness and raise our souls to God.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos BEFORE HER ICON NAMED “LIFE-GIVING SOURCE”

Chosen from all generations to the Lady Theotokos, who shows us grace-filled help, let us commendably describe Thy servants to the Theotokos. You, as if Presiding the Mother of God, pour out on us Your great and rich mercy, heal our ailments and quench our sorrows, but we call You thanksgiving: Rejoice, Lady, Life-giving Source pouring out the faithful.

The archangel and the angel are perplexed by many, It is reasonable for you from God the Word, who established the earth on the waters, praise according to your property. But we, the Most Honorable Cherubim, and the Most Glorious Seraphim without comparison, in tenderness for Your good deeds that have been upon us, dare to call You: Rejoice, Lady, chosen by God the Father; Rejoice, blessed with the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, exalted one with the birth of the Son of God; Rejoice, blessed in women. Rejoice, Mother of God magnified; Rejoice, blessed from all generations. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Seeing, Most Merciful Mother, blind from the thirst of the afflicted, Source of living water for drinking and healing for the sake of the governor, wandering in the desert, you showed: he thankfully cry out to You: Alleluia.

Understanding Your Divine voice, governor, pointing the source of water, and knowing it like the Font of Siloam, not only gives water to the thirsty, but also frees him from blindness, we are looking for Your mercy, we cry out to You: Rejoice, Mistress, painting the font of salvation; Rejoice, healer of spiritual and bodily blindness. Rejoice, weakened affirmation; Rejoice, lame walking. Rejoice, Mother of Light, who opens the eyes of the blind; Rejoice, thou who illumines those who sit in the darkness with the light of truth. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

The power of the Most High overshadows all who flow with faith and reverence to Your Life-Giving Source, Most Pure Lady Mistress. By the power of the Most High, fall us, the Mother of God, humbly falling to You and crying prayerfully: Alleluia.

Have the wealth of mercy inexpressible, to all the sick Mistress, Your helping hand, healing ailments, healing passions, we find in Your Life-giving Source: for this sake we cry out to You: Rejoice, Source of unceasing joy; Rejoice, Cup of unspeakable goodness. Rejoice, treasure of grace that is not scarce; Rejoice, you who always give mercy to those who ask. Rejoice, healing of various ailments. Rejoice, satisfaction of our sorrows; Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

The blind man is embarrassed by a storm of bewilderment, looking for water to quench his thirst. And behold, as of old, by the power of God, water flowed from the stone: so now in the waterless desert the source has appeared, there Moses, the source of water: here are you, O Bogomati, a servant of miracles, the same we pray: thirsty for our souls of piety, give water to drink, yes we call you: Alleluia.

Hearing the voivode Your wondrous voice, Mother of Mercy, pointing the source of water, about the hedgehog thirsty to drink and heal blindness pointing, and the event of words is sighted, cry out to the sister: Rejoice, Lady, comforting the sufferers; Rejoice, restorer of the sick. Rejoice, giving words to the dumb; Rejoice, healer of all the weak. Rejoice, help to those in need; Rejoice, consolation to the discouraged. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Divine water from Your Life-Giving Source, pouring out currents of grace, scooping for the healing of mental and bodily ailments, Virgin Mother of God, with a grateful cry to You: Alleluia.

Seeing the people of the blind man, with the water of Your Life-giving Source, who has seen through, the Mother of God, rushing with songs like gifts to serve You: Rejoice, Lady, who opens the door of mercy to the faithful; Rejoice, thou who does not put to shame those who trust in Thee. Rejoice, consoling the distressed; Rejoice, freeing from adversity. Rejoice, strengthener of the weary; Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

The preaching of Thy miracle, Mother of God, be the governor, as if the blind man is wondrous with water from Thy Life-Giving Source, enlighten us, the dark apples of our souls, and thankfully preach Thy mercy calling: Alleluia.

Ascension to us Thy Life-Giving Source, Most Merciful Mother, exuding the manifold grace of Thy Son and Our God, Christ the Life-giver. For this sake, we bring Ty singing: Rejoice, Mistress, our zealous Intercessor; Rejoice, guardian of the temples of God. Rejoice, most glorious Abbess of the holy monasteries; Rejoice, admonition to those who labor in monasticism. Rejoice, strengthening of monks in obedience; Rejoice, cover and protection of all the Khistians. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Wanting the pious Lion of the Governor, Tsar Thee, the Mistress, appointed, thankful to bring Thee, arrange a temple at the place of Thy appearance, arrange a miracle, the Life-Giving Spring, naming it, that all Thy possessions may find here, crying out to Thee: Alleluia.

The new font of Siloam, more than the ancient ones, appear, Most Pure Lady, Thy temple, in Nemzha we worship the icon of the Life-Giving Source, for not one in the summer and only the first to enter the health of the body, but I will take out every ailment of the soul and body, heal. For this sake, we cry out to You: Rejoice, font, in which our sorrows are immersed; Rejoice, cup of joy, in which our sorrows dissolve. Rejoice, stone, thirsty for life; Rejoice, tree, sweetening the bitter waters of the sea of ​​life. Rejoice, life-giving water source is not depleted; Rejoice, bath, our sinful filth, washing our conscience. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

A strange and glorious miracle has appeared in the temple of Your Life-Giving Source, Mother of God, in which spiritual and bodily thirst is quenched, and diseases of obsession are healed. We are the grace of such a glorifying cry to Ty: Alleluia.

All of you, with faith coming to Your Life-Giving Source, give, Merciful to the Lady Theotokos. For all of these, we thankfully cry out to You: Rejoice, Lady, Who incarnated the Incorporeal; Rejoice, consolation of suffering mothers. Rejoice, child of motherless protection; Rejoice, young mentor. Rejoice, upbringing of babies: Rejoice, Mistress, Life-giving Source pouring out the faithful.

All angelic and human nature marvels at Your mercy, Blessed Virgin, as always and to everyone you are the Helper and Intercessor, who sing to You: Alleluia.

Vetii multicasting cannot worthily sing of the Life-giving Source of Thy inexhaustible grace, below explain the power of Thy miracles for the healing of the sick and for every benefit of the soul and body of a person, we will sing praiseworthy to You: Rejoice, Temple of the Living God; Rejoice, home of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, Glory to the Angels; Rejoice, sovereignty of the universe. Rejoice, salvation of the world; Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Save even all those who suffer, the source of life has shown the world, Most Holy Theotokos, in the waters of grace, but all in sorrows and sorrows accepting healing and consolation, we gratefully call you: Alleluia.

The wall and cover in troubles and needs of Your help to those who ask the creature, the Lady of the World, the Life-Giving Source showed you to everyone, may there be protection from all diseases, consolation in misfortunes and sorrows, crying You such: Rejoice, Mistress, pacification of the proud and obstinate people; Rejoice, suppression of evil and evil intentions. Rejoice, intercession of the offended; Rejoice, those who offend understanding. Rejoice, guilty punishment; Rejoice, excuse for the innocent. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

We bring the singing of all tenderness before Your Life-Giving Source, packs and packs, to You, Mother of God, in repentance calling from the depths of the soul: Mistress, accept the prayers of Your servant and deliver us from all sorrow and illness, need and sorrow, and cry out to God about You: Alleluia.

Your Divine Source, Most Holy Theotokos, shines like a luminous candle in the world with rays of grace, enlightening minds and hearts with miracles manifested and instructing to call you: Rejoice, Mistress, enlightenment of minds; Rejoice, purification of our hearts. Rejoice, renewal of the spirit; Rejoice, soul sanctification. Rejoice, strengthening of health; Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

We have recourse to Your grace, the Life-Giving Source, Blessed Virgin, as if to an indestructible wall and intercession, look with mercy, Most Holy Theotokos, on our fierce bitterness and heal our souls and bodies of our sorrows and illnesses, let us call you: Alleluia.

Singing Thy miracles, we praise and glorify Thy Life-giving Source, Most Holy Virgin, from worthless drawing currents of many different graces, we magnify Thy praises with calico: Rejoice, God-chosen Maiden; Rejoice, Holy Bride. Rejoice, blessed in women; Rejoice, exalted above the heavens. Rejoice, you who are coming to the throne of the Lord; Rejoice, our Intercessor, always praying for the world. Rejoice, Lady, Life-Giving Source pouring out the faithful.

Oh, All-Singing Mother, Who gave Your life-giving Source to the world, pour out great and rich mercy from us, accept this prayer of thanksgiving, grant us the source of the present and future life: let us call you: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, and then ikos 1 and kontakion 1 are read)

Also read on our website:

Icons of the Mother of God- Information about the types of icon painting, descriptions of most of the icons of the Mother of God.

Lives of the Saints– Section dedicated to the Lives of Orthodox Saints.

Beginning Christian– Information for those who have recently come to the Orthodox Church. Instructions in the spiritual life, basic information about the temple, etc.

Literature- Collection of some Orthodox literature.

Orthodoxy and the occult- View of Orthodoxy on divination, extrasensory perception, the evil eye, damage, yoga and similar "spiritual" practices.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

The icon of the Life-Giving Source helps in what

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The icon of the Life-Giving Source of the Mother of God dates back to the 5th century. It was then that near Constantinople, a miraculous image with the help of a source was able to heal the blind. This miracle could not go unnoticed, and after this diva became known to everyone, by decree of Emperor Leo I, in honor of the miracle, a temple was built near the divine source.

It is very difficult to name even an approximate number of those people who were able to heal themselves in this temple. And soon, from the image of the source standing near, they began to write lists, which then dispersed throughout the world, granting Orthodox people healing and God's grace.

On the shrine itself, the Mother of God is depicted sitting in the font with little Jesus in her arms. From such a type as Nicopeia Kiriotissa (Lady the Victor) comes the iconography of this face of the Virgin. From the very beginning, the source was not painted on the shrine, but later the Fiala (chalice) was included in the overall composition. And later on the shrine began to depict a reservoir and a fountain.

The meaning of the icon and how it helps

The holy face of the Mother of God has a much deeper meaning and significance than just its healing properties from the holy water in the original source or later fonts and springs that were consecrated in her honor.

The Life-Giving Source of the Most Holy Theotokos is the personification of the Holy One who bears in her bosom the universal Savior, who bestows life on all who sincerely believe in him and in his Father, who is always in his soul.

After all, it is not for nothing that many say that the Lord is our Life, calling him the Life-giving Christ, and the source of the beginning is She, the Mother of God, it is not for nothing that in the Russian icon-painting tradition one of the names of the face sounds like “Source”. That is, this is the embodiment of the beginning of the source of life, which in the festive kontakion is read as the Water Savior or the Source of God-grace.

She can heal the bodies and souls of earthly inhabitants, like a real caring mother who has taken the entire human race under her care.

What does the icon of the Life-Giving Source help with?

Before the Sacred Icon, which was named after the healing waters opened at the behest of the Mother of God by Emperor Leo I Markell, they ask for help:

  • When getting rid of bad habits, as well as for salvation from harmful passions;
  • To cure physical and mental ailments;
  • The Mother of God helps in preserving a sinless life;
  • Those who are burdened by the burden of sorrow and deprived of their vitality, the Holy One will support;
  • A sincere prayer addressed to the image will help overcome even the most serious ailments.

What a miracle did the divine shrine

In Thessaly, from a young age, one of the inhabitants dreamed of seeing the place where the Miraculous Spring flows. And now the time has come when he, along with other Orthodox, was finally able to begin his long pilgrimage.

However, on the way, the young man was overtaken by illness and, realizing that he did not have long to live, the resident of Thessaly expressed his request to the pilgrims traveling with him that, if the inevitable happened, they did not immediately bury his body, but took it to the Holy Spring and poured out on it. body three vessels of miraculous water, and only after that they gave his body to the earth.

Orthodox people fulfilled the request of the dying man with a prayer, however, when the third vessel was spilled on the body of the pilgrim, the young man came to life. After the miracle performed, the Thessalian decided to spend until the end of his days in the service and asceticism of the Lord and the Mother of God, through the prayers of which the Son of God, by the will of his mother, restored his life.

There are a huge number of other examples of healing with water from springs consecrated in honor of the Saint, but the miracle happens only when a person fervently and wholeheartedly says a prayer and lives in constant faith in God, it is then that he will receive long-awaited relief and healing.

Celebration of the Icon of the Life-Giving Spring

The feast day in honor of the miraculous image of the Mother of God was established in memory of the reconstruction of the temple of the "Life-Giving Spring" in Constantinople, which was erected by Emperor Leo I Markell by the will of the Mother of God over the miraculous source.

This day fell just on Friday of Bright Week, and now every year in Orthodox churches on Holy Week, with the Easter procession, they conduct the rite of blessing the water.

In which churches is the icon of the Mother of God the Life-Giving Spring

To date, more than a hundred chapels and temples are known that were named after the Virgin. Below are details of some of them:

  • Church of the Image of the Mother of God (Kosmodamianskaya) in Metkino, Moscow Region. According to the chronicles, in the 17th century there was a wooden church of Damian and Cosmas near Moscow, but in 1701 it was burned down, but many icons were saved by moving them to a small chapel located nearby. On the site of the destroyed church in 1848, the present temple of God was built, dedicated to the miraculous image of the Mother of God, which was not accidental, because in 1829 an amazing appearance of the face of the Saint took place. And already in 1840, Avdotya Evdokimova, the widow of a soldier, transferred to her homeland in the village of Metkino from Moscow a miraculous image that was presented to her by a merchant Anna Kiriyanova. And since then, from all the surroundings, people began to come to church for the sake of worshiping the face;
  • In Tsaritsyno (Moscow) there is also a church dedicated to the Mother of God;
  • Cathedral of the miraculous image of the Mother of God (Sorrowful Church) in Tver;
  • The temple of the miraculous image of the Holy One is located in the Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery in Zadonsk;
  • The miraculous image can also be seen in the Church of Our Lady in Arzamas.

What do they pray to the icon of the Life-Giving Spring

In a prayer service to the Divine image, they ask for the cure of physical ailments, the bringing of vitality and the deliverance of spiritual weakness (especially for people of retirement age).

Prayer to the Life-Giving Source

« O Blessed Virgin, All-merciful Lady Lady Mother of God! Thy life-giving source, healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world, sharpening, gave us; Also, thank you being, we earnestly pray to Thee, Most Holy Queen, pray to Your Son and our God to give us remission of sins and to every soul that grieves and is embittered, mercy and consolation, and deliverance from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, Madam, protection to this temple and this people (and observance of this holy monastery), preservation of the city, deliverance and protection to our country from misfortunes, let us live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be able to see You, our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of the Son Yours and our God, to Him be glory and power with the Father and with the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

“O Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ! You are Mati and the patroness of all who resort to You, look with mercy on the prayers of Your sinful and humble children. You, who are called the Life-giving Source of grace-filled healings, heal the sicknesses of the afflicted and implore Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to send down and all those who flow to You, spiritual and bodily health, and, having forgiven us our voluntary and involuntary sins, grants us everything even to eternal and temporal life is needed. You are the joy of all those who mourn, hear us, the mournful; You are the quenching of sorrow, quench our sorrow; You are the exaction of the lost, do not let us perish in the abyss of our sins, but always deliver us from all sorrows and misfortunes and all evil circumstances. She, our Queen, favoring, our indestructible hope and invincible intercessor, do not turn Your face away from us for our many transgressions, but stretch out to us the hand of Your motherly mercy and create with us a sign of Your mercy for the good: show us Your help and prosper in every deed good. Turn us away from every sinful undertaking and evil thought, may we always glorify Your honorable name, magnifying God the Father and the Son of the Only Begotten Lord Jesus Christ and the Life-giving Holy Spirit with all the saints forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

It will be interesting for you to watch the video story about the miraculous icon "Life-Giving Spring".

The warrior Leo, who later became emperor (455-473), met a blind man in a grove dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos, who asked for water. Leo could not find a water source for a long time, when suddenly he heard the voice of the Most Holy Theotokos, who pointed him to the source and ordered to put mud from those waters on the blind man's eyes. After that, the blind man regained his sight, and the warrior, becoming emperor, wondering and rejoicing at the miraculous healing, ordered to clean the source and erected a temple in its place. The temple was named - evidence of the miraculous power of the source.

After the fall of Constantinople, the temple was destroyed and rebuilt only in 1834-1835.

In memory of this miracle, on the day of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Life-Giving Spring, a small consecration of water is performed - it occurs several times during the year, a great consecration of water is performed only on the feast of Baptism (Theophany)

Iconographically, the image of the Mother of God, the Life-Giving Source, goes back to the Byzantine image of the Mistress of the Victorious type, which in turn goes back to the image of the Sign type. Initially, the icon of the Life-Giving Spring was transmitted in lists without an image of the source, later a bowl (phiale) was included in the composition, and later also a reservoir and a fountain.

On Bright Week, the service is filled with joyful Easter hymns, fasting is canceled on Wednesday and Friday, the entire Liturgy is served with the Royal Doors open, and after each liturgy a procession is performed.

On the same day, at the Liturgy, the Gospel about the expulsion of the merchants from the temple is read.

Appearance of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring"

In the 5th century in Constantinople, near the so-called Golden Gates, there was a grove dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos. There was a spring in the grove, glorified by miracles for a long time. Gradually, this place was overgrown with shrubs, and the water was covered with mud.

Icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring”

Once the warrior Leo Markell, the future emperor, met in this place a blind man, a helpless traveler who had lost his way. The lion helped him out onto the path and settled in the shade to rest, while he himself went in search of water to refresh the blind man. Suddenly he heard a voice: “Lion! Don't look far for water, it's close here." Surprised by the mysterious voice, he began to look for water, but did not find it. When he stopped in sadness and thoughtfulness, the same voice was heard for the second time: “King Lion! Go under the canopy of this grove, draw the water that you find there, and give it to the thirsty one, put the mud that you find in the source on his eyes. Then you will know who I am that sanctifies this place. I will help you soon erect a temple here in My name, and all who come here in faith and call on My name will receive the fulfillment of their prayers and complete healing from ailments. When Leo fulfilled everything commanded, the blind man immediately regained his sight and went to Constantinople without a guide, glorifying the Mother of God. This miracle took place under the emperor Marcian (391-457).

Emperor Marcian was replaced by Leo Markell (457-473). He remembered the appearance and prediction of the Mother of God, ordered to clean the source and enclose it in a stone circle, over which a temple was built in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos. Emperor Leo called this spring the “Life-Giving Spring”, since the miraculous grace of the Mother of God manifested itself in it.

Emperor Justinian the Great (527-565) was a man deeply committed to the Orthodox faith. He suffered from water sickness for a long time. One day at midnight, he heard a voice saying, "You cannot regain your health unless you drink from My well." The king did not know what source the voice was talking about, and fell into despondency. Then the Mother of God appeared to him already in the afternoon and said: “Get up, king, go to My spring, drink water from it and you will be healthy as before.” The patient fulfilled the will of the Lady and soon recovered. The grateful emperor erected a new splendid temple near the temple built by Leo, at which a crowded monastery was subsequently created.

In the XV century, the famous temple of the "Life-Giving Spring" was destroyed by Muslims. A Turkish guard was assigned to the ruins of the temple, who did not allow anyone to approach this place. Gradually, the severity of the ban softened, and the Christians built a small church there. But it was also destroyed in 1821, and the source was filled up. The Christians again cleared the ruins, opened the source and still drew water from it. Subsequently, in one window, among the wreckage, a sheet half-rotten from time and dampness was found with a record of ten miracles from the Life-Giving Spring, which took place from 1824 to 1829. Under Sultan Mahmud, the Orthodox received some freedom in worship. They used it to erect a temple for the third time over the Life-Giving Spring. In 1835, with great solemnity, Patriarch Konstantin, concelebrated by 20 bishops and with a large number of pilgrims, consecrated the temple; a hospital and an almshouse were set up at the temple.

A Thessalian from his youth had a strong desire to visit the Life-Giving Spring. Finally, he managed to set off, but on the way he fell seriously ill. Feeling the approach of death, the Thessalian took a word from his companions so that they would not betray him to burial, but would take the body to the Life-Giving Spring, where they poured three vessels with life-giving water on it, and only after that they buried it. His wish was fulfilled, and life returned to the Thessalian at the Life-Giving Spring. He accepted monasticism and spent the last days of his life in piety.

The appearance of the Mother of God to Leo Marcellus took place on April 4, 450. On this day, and also annually on Friday of Bright Week, the Orthodox Church celebrates the renewal of the Constantinople church in honor of the Life-Giving Spring. According to the charter, on this day, the rite of consecration of water is performed with an Easter procession.

The Most Holy Theotokos with the Divine Infant is depicted on the icon above a large stone bowl standing in a pond. Near a reservoir filled with life-giving water, those suffering from bodily ailments, passions and mental infirmities are depicted. They all drink this life-giving water and receive various healings.

Troparion to the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring"

Let us draw, people, healing souls and bodies with prayer, the River flows for everyone - the Most Pure Queen of the Mother of God, exuding wonderful water for us and washing away the hearts of blackness, cleansing sinful scabs, but sanctifying the souls of the faithful with Divine grace.

Prayer before the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring"

O Blessed Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ! You are Mati and the patroness of all who resort to You, look with mercy on the prayers of Your sinful and humble children. You, who are called the Life-giving Source of grace-filled healings, heal the sicknesses of the afflicted and implore Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to send down and all those who flow to You, spiritual and bodily health, and, having forgiven us our voluntary and involuntary sins, grants us everything even to eternal and temporal life is needed. You are the joy of all those who mourn, hear us, the mournful; You are the quenching of sorrow, quench our sorrow; You are the exaction of the lost, do not let us perish in the abyss of our sins, but always deliver us from all sorrows and misfortunes and all evil circumstances. She, our Queen, favoring, our indestructible hope and invincible intercessor, do not turn Your face away from us for our many sins, but stretch out to us the hand of Your motherly mercy and create with us a sign of Your mercy for the good: show us Your help and prosper in every deed good. Turn us away from every sinful undertaking and evil thought, may we always glorify Your honorable name, magnifying God the Father and the Son of the Only Begotten Lord Jesus Christ and the Life-giving Holy Spirit with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.

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