Wormwood - magical properties. Slavic amulets to protect your home from the evil eye and evil

The silushka of wormwood is special: anti-demonic, but now it is used extremely rarely. Among others, wormwood grass drives away evil spirits of water origin. The smell of this herb is able to expel almost any evil spirits from the house. There are other magical properties of wormwood - they will be discussed later.

Wormwood grass - a forgotten plant, traditional for Slavic magic

When to harvest wormwood herb: on the waning moon

Wormwood grows slowly and grows poorly from seeds, so when cutting this herb, try not to cut it to the very root. Cut off only the top - its buds have the greatest strength in this plant.

The properties of wormwood are able to restore our harmony with nature, and with a strong concentration of its smoke, susceptible people can begin to see beings of the subtle world - this is the second reason for such a rare use of wormwood. In fact, it is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts. Wormwood loses some of its strength in water infusion, and it is very bitter in taste, so it is more often used in the form of incense.

Folk names: pelyn, wormwood, wormwood, vermouth.

Using wormwood herb in divination

Many magical herbs are used in healing, in decoctions and infusions. Wormwood grass is better known in divination, decoctions are almost never prepared from it. How is the magical properties of wormwood used?

1. Wanderers, going on a long journey, took with them a sprig of wormwood, as it saved from the evil eye.

2. If wormwood is worn in shoes, then a person becomes tireless and fast on the go.

3. A bag of dry wormwood is worn on the belt to protect against spoilage.

4. Nowadays, in order to avoid car accidents, a bag of wormwood grass can be hung on the rearview mirror.

5. To drive out evil spirits, a bunch of wormwood should be hung in the house (in the bedroom, corridor).

6. A wreath of wormwood, which adorned the effigy of Kupala all night by the fire, so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass, is hung in the house above the door for protection.

7. Wormwood worn on oneself protects from lightning, damage, evil spirits.

8. Mermaids are madly afraid of her, and in the mermaid week, to protect against their machinations, wormwood was hung in houses, and bonfires were burned near the houses with the addition of wormwood grass. The smell of this plant is able to expel almost any evil spirits from the house.

9. Ritual wreaths of wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They told about the future fate. It was considered a very bad omen if such a wreath fell or was torn - this spoke of the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

10. Wormwood is used to fumigate a home or a sick household, since wormwood perfectly expels evil, including ailments and Lihomanok sisters, who were considered the cause of diseases in the old days.

11. Also, a decoction of wormwood is added to the water that is used to wash the floor to destroy harmful microbes in the room.

We, following the traditions of northern magic, use it in rituals for the development of magical abilities and spirituality, for health, freedom from addictions, for cleaning people and houses, protecting people and houses from misfortunes. Wormwood will give strength and protection during ceremonies, help to get bodily and spiritual strength, it will frighten and drive away any evil.

For divination, they use dried wormwood that has gained “fiery” strength, where can I buy it? For example, in the magic shop of the Northern Fairy Tale.
Now you can buy wormwood from us like this:

A modest and inconspicuous grass, sagebrush is often viewed as a weed that commonly grows in vacant lots, abandoned houses, and landfills. However, the healing properties of wormwood have been valued and used in many sacred practices throughout history from North America, Eurasia and Europe to China and Japan. Wormwood was revered throughout the northern hemisphere.

History and folklore

Wormwood is associated with the Moon and Artemis. This is evidenced even by another name for wormwood - artemisia (Artemisia vulgaris), which indicates a close relationship with Artemis - the Greek goddess of the moon, the patroness of young girls, children, helping women in childbirth.

Since ancient times, wormwood has been used in rituals associated with healing, restoring and maintaining health, cleansing space, as well as in divination.

In Scandinavian mythology, wormwood was associated with the god Thor¹ and the festival of the summer solstice. Thor wore a protective belt made of wormwood, which protected him from all dangers in his travels.

In pre-Christian times, it was customary to wear such a belt made of wormwood during the dance around the fire on the night of the solstice. At the end of the night, he was solemnly burned in the sacred flame of a fire, it was believed that in this way the wormwood protected from the forces of evil for another year.

In addition to protection, Thor used wormwood to restore and relieve leg fatigue after a long walk. There is evidence that walkers and journeymen have been using herbs for centuries. They tied wormwood around their feet to help them walk, or took a wormwood foot bath after a long day's work to relieve fatigue.

Fixing branches of wormwood over the doors was considered a powerful defense of the house from evil forces.

In France, wormwood was called "Avant-garde robe", as it was used to protect against moths in wardrobes. Before hops were used, wormwood was used to make herbal drinks such as ale².

Medicinal properties of wormwood

Wormwood has wonderful healing properties. Healers described the properties of wormwood as hot due to the presence of an internal fire in it.

Ancient healers used it if a person did not have enough internal fire: for kidney diseases, with poor digestion, with constant cold in the legs and hands, as a diaphoretic.

Wormwood is also an excellent digestive tonic that gently stimulates (and warms up) the digestive processes. However, it should be avoided in acute inflammatory diseases.

The greatest medicinal value of wormwood is in maintaining the health and healing of the female reproductive system. It can relieve menstrual pain, cramps and restore menstrual irregularities.

It should be noted that it should be avoided during pregnancy, except for the last stage. In the old days, wormwood was placed on the uterus after childbirth to relieve pain. She helped expel the placenta. However, it should not be used while breastfeeding as the milk may become bitter. Wormwood also helps women during menopause.

Attention!!! The use of wormwood infusion by pregnant women is extremely dangerous due to the content of thujone in wormwood. This can be fatal. Do not use this herb for acute inflammatory conditions. Avoid it if you are allergic to plants in the aster family.

Another ancient and documented use, though long forgotten, is in the treatment of epilepsy. Recent Chinese studies have uncovered some very interesting antimalarial properties of wormwood.

Attention! Wormwood is not a panacea, you should consult a specialist before using it.

In Anglo-Saxon Britain, priests used wormwood to heal people who fell victim to the "fairy shot." This term was used when people fell ill with an unknown disease. It was believed that such a disease was caused by subtle invisible forces - "invisible arrows of fairies."

In the ancient Bald's Leechbook (English manuscript containing various instructions for treatment), dated from the 9th century, it is recommended to use wormwood to get rid of the possession of evil spirits, the recipe recommends heating a stone in a fireplace and splashing an infusion of wormwood on it, and the patient should inhale this couple.

The magical properties of wormwood

Fumigation with wormwood incense is used to enhance intuition and clairvoyance, to increase the clarity of dreams, and is used to enhance trance and inner journeys (shamanic journeys). The smell of wormwood increases mental and intuitive abilities, relieves depression.

In some magical traditions, wormwood was used during fortune-telling - the place where fortune-telling was carried out was fumigated with incense and wormwood. Wormwood was also used to fulfill wishes in a ritual bath, splashing the infusion on hot stones.

Other uses for wormwood:

  • The Indians rubbed themselves with wormwood to protect themselves from ghosts.
  • They made necklaces from wormwood and wore them on themselves.
  • Wormwood was used for baths or in bathing rituals. The bitter smell of wormwood stimulates the creative centers of the brain and helps to get rid of depression.
  • Wormwood extract was added to homemade soap, it was believed that after that it begins to have a cleansing and antibacterial effect.
  • Wormwood was placed under the pillow to prevent astral attacks or to neutralize the psychic attacks of those who bring harm.
  • From the garden, sagebrush was grown to attract fairies.
  • Wormwood oil is added to the water for washing the floor - this will protect your home and property.
  • Also, wormwood was used as the basis for a “magic broom” - wormwood branches were woven into a broom, sweeping the floor with such a broom, people protected their home from negative energies.
  • To get vivid or prophetic dreams, a special pillow with dry wormwood has long been used.
  • Wormwood is good to use in conjunction with moonstone, which also enhances intuitive and psychic abilities.

Without pre-treatment, wormwood is used to treat wounds, ulcers, abscesses, fistulas, skin inflammations. To do this, compresses with crushed grass or tampons with wormwood juice are applied to the affected areas of the skin. Fresh wormwood juice is used both for medicinal purposes and to stimulate appetite. In oriental medicine, specially made wormwood sticks are used to cauterize active points (reflexogenic zones) on the skin. But more often, for medicinal purposes, preparations from wormwood (infusions, decoctions, tinctures, oils, ointments) are used, which are made from fresh or dried herbs.

The most widespread infusions. To prepare them, they usually take a tablespoon of fresh herbs or half a spoonful of dry herbs in a glass of boiling water, insist for at least half an hour in a tightly closed vessel. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day

30 minutes before meals for the treatment of women's diseases, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, as a diuretic, expectorant and tonic. Infusions of wormwood with thyme are used to treat alcoholism.

To prepare decoctions, wormwood and water are taken in the same ratio as for infusions, but brought to a boil over low heat or in a water bath and simmered for 15-20 minutes. Tinctures that are made with alcohol, vodka or dry wine are usually used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, remove stones from the kidneys and bladder. In addition, it is believed that they contribute to the removal of toxins and excess fat from the body. I met information about the use of wormwood (often not bitter, but ordinary) for the treatment of cancer, but I can’t judge the effectiveness.

But the effectiveness of the treatment of respiratory diseases with wormwood oil has been tested in practice. For many years I have been using it for inhalation for colds, and in a mixture with olive oil I drip into the nose with a runny nose. I also use it to treat cuts, scratches, abrasions. By the way, oil can also be taken orally, but for this it is advisable to use 1-2 drops on a piece of sugar, bread, cookies.

Wormwood is traditionally used in cooking and for household purposes. Wormwood powder is used as a fragrant seasoning for fish and vegetable dishes. A small amount of wormwood is added to herbal teas to give them a bitter taste. Previously, wormwood oil was widely used in the alcoholic beverage industry for the production of absinthe and flavoring of vermouth. However, the systematic use of even small doses of absinthe “for appetite” eventually led to “wormwood epilepsy” and serious damage to the nervous system. Therefore, the production of absinthe was drastically reduced, and now it is not often possible to find it on sale.

In the villages, wormwood has always been widely used for economic purposes. Dyes for fabric were obtained from it, and garden plants were sprayed with infusions or decoctions from pests, and they were used for veterinary purposes.

In reference books, you can find various descriptions of formulations of drugs with wormwood and methods for treating many diseases with them. When using wormwood as a medicine, one should not forget that it can not only cure diseases, but also cause significant harm if used in excessive quantities and without consulting a doctor.

How wormwood helps drive evil spirits out of the house

Wormwood has the ability to restore our harmony with nature.

And with a strong concentration of its smokes, susceptible people can even begin to see beings of the subtle world.

Is it because now this wonderful and powerful plant is practically no one uses in their work?

Wormwood today is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts.

Since ancient times, sorcerers, sorcerers, shamans have used wormwood in various ceremonies and rituals, making potions, amulets and amulets.

* wormwood drives away evil spirits

* protects people from the evil eye, damage, misfortunes

Wormwood has long been revered as a plant-amulet. They say, for example, that a mermaid, when meeting a person, will certainly ask him: “Wormwood or parsley?”

If a person answers: “Parsley”, then the mermaid with the words: “You are my darling” will drag him away with her.

If he says: "wormwood", then the mermaid will run away from him with a cry: "Come on, you, perish!".

Evil spirits are afraid of the bitter smell of wormwood.

Wormwood is one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs that affect the energy of the whole organism.

An absolutely safe method of using it is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or corridor).

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water spirits that it leaves the house where the wormwood is simply present.

Ritual wreaths of wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They told about the future fate.

The sacred wreath (the one that adorned the effigy of Kupala all night by the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. It was considered a very bad omen if such a wreath fell or was torn - this spoke of the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase on the waning moon.

There was even a special day when it was possible to collect wormwood for these purposes. We did it at the end of August...

The wormwood collected at that time was considered the most healing. But for medicinal purposes, it could be harvested throughout the summer.

For home protection

* a bath in which wormwood is added will cleanse from all evil

* burning wormwood will drive away evil forces, protect the house from evil spirits.

* wormwood burning or thrown into the boiler will protect the house from storms and lightning

* protect children in the house

For health and healing

* to gain strength during a long walk or run, put wormwood leaves in shoes

* a pillow stuffed with wormwood will cause prophetic dreams to the person sleeping on it

* Chernobyl (or wormwood) is useful to carry with you: in this case, you will not be poisoned by poison, do not be attacked by wild animals, do not get sunstroke

* wormwood is worn to protect against back pain and other diseases

*from madness

However, it is worth remembering that this plant is far from harmless.

Uncontrolled intake of large doses of drugs with wormwood can cause significant harm to the body, cause convulsions, vomiting, fainting, and lead to nervous system disorders.

Wormwood has always been considered a very powerful magical weapon against evil spirits and dark forces. This plant with a peculiar aroma was used in rituals and conspiracies, as well as to protect the house from damage and the evil eye. How can wormwood help in our time and how to use it?

Wormwood for home cleansing

Wormwood can be used to cleanse the house of negative energy. Purification is carried out with the aim of expelling negative energy accumulated over time from the premises. If you feel uncomfortable in your home, there are constant quarrels in the family, you don’t get enough sleep and often feel irritated, tired and apathetic, then it’s time to rid your home of negativity.

  • Take a dry branch of wormwood, set it on fire and fumigate the whole house with it. The smell of burnt wormwood will not leave a trace of all the accumulated negative emotions.
  • If you want the magical properties of wormwood to last as long as possible, put a bunch of wormwood in your home. It will retain freshness for a long time, and even when it dries, it will still exude positive energy.
  • If you want to protect your home from evil people, the evil eye and damage, then hang a broom of wormwood over the front door. With such a talisman, your home will not be afraid of either your enemies or the negativity brought from the street.

Wormwood for recuperation and health

Wormwood can also be used to restore vitality and health.

  • A bath with wormwood relieves fatigue and returns lost strength, cleanses from the negativity accumulated during the day.
  • If you stuff a pillow with dry wormwood and sleep on it, you can normalize sleep, get rid of nightmares and even start seeing prophetic dreams.

Wormwood to attract good luck

  • If you put a leaf of wormwood in your shoes, then you can attract good luck in all matters. Such a talisman will protect from ill-wishers, give strength and energy.
  • If you put wormwood in a wallet, then no thief will get into it.
  • Wormwood grass is also used to attract money. To do this, you need to fumigate any bill with a dry branch of this plant on the full moon and put it in your wallet.

Using the magical properties of wormwood, you can save yourself from troubles, failures and poor health. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Wormwood is a herbaceous perennial plant. It reaches a height of 1 m, has a strong peculiar smell, develops into several flowering and leafy stems.

The rhizome is short, with a branched root. The stems and leaves have a silvery-grayish color due to the abundance of silky hairs. The flowers of the plant are small, yellow, collected in spherical baskets. Wormwood blooms in July - August, the taste is bitter.

This herb is often used in magic. It has the ability to restore the harmony of man with nature. Usually, it is used when fumigating rooms or any things and performing rituals, religious actions, consecrating magical instruments, as well as for making amulets, potions, amulets. There is an opinion that a strong concentration of smoke during the burning of wormwood allows especially susceptible people to perceive the beings of the subtle world. In this regard, it should be used only by those who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts. This amazing plant is able to drive away evil spirits, protect against damage, various troubles and increase fertility. For writing various spells, it is recommended to use large sheets, for this, you can buy a4 paper.

The magical properties of wormwood

The main purpose of wormwood is to protect. The evil spirit is afraid of the bitter wormwood smell. Although it is used mainly in the form of incense, it is quite safe to hang a small bunch of it at the entrance at home.

Wormwood is also used in divination. Ritual wreaths were made from it on the night of the feast of Ivan Kupala and they guessed about their future fate. You can see prophetic dreams if you sleep on a pillow stuffed with wormwood. For predictions, they drink tincture of wormwood with honey.

Wormwood collected for the Assumption at the end of August was considered the most healing. Although wormwood collected in the summer is suitable for medicinal purposes.

For home protection

  • wormwood added to the bath cleanses of any negativity;
  • burning wormwood drives away evil forces, protects the house from spirits and elves. For this purpose, in China, it is hung over the door;
  • protects children in the house;

For good health

To avoid fatigue during a long walk, wormwood leaves are put in shoes. This herb is carried with them when they want to protect themselves from poisoning, animal attacks, back pain, insanity, male impotence.


Wormwood can cause allergies. Exceeding the dose of drugs based on it can cause vomiting, convulsions, fainting, and nervous system disorder. Such medicines should not be given to pregnant women and children.

The magical properties of wormwood are recognized and used by many peoples. It is used as a universal protective magic tool.

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