Step by step drawing of a chicken and a rooster. How to draw a rooster with a pencil and paints in stages for beginners and children? How to draw a rooster's head with a pencil and paints? Depicting poultry

On the eve of the new year, many are interested in the question: how to draw a rooster in stages, is it not difficult to do it yourself? Still, because this bird is a symbol of the coming 2017, so its photograph or pictures must be in the house for all 365 days.

The rooster has a bright color, it is magnificent, unusual, always diverse. His image brings incredible joy with its beauty. Many overflows in feathers on a chic tail look so wonderful that you don’t even want to take your eyes off them.

His gait is proud, his posture is even, he speaks importantly, looking around.

All this can be accurately conveyed by depicting a rooster with a pencil in stages. It is enough to have a blank sheet of paper to try yourself as an artist and prepare a surprise for everyone for the New Year's series of holidays.

A beautiful drawing will be a nice gift for loved ones. And do not worry about the presence or absence of inclinations towards the fine arts.

Thanks to simple step-by-step instructions, rooster pictures will be easy for everyone. It remains only to choose which of the proposed schemes you like the most and perform it yourself.

green-tailed bully

Roosters are pretty bullies, they love to bully each other, they tend to constantly rush into battle. A beautiful tail and long spurs help them to always be among the leaders. It is such a fighter that we will try to portray.

To begin with, to draw a rooster with a pencil, you need to identify the main elements.

Singing alarm clock

The story goes that before the roosters were planted at the very top of the houses and kept there so that he woke up the owners with his singing in the morning.

Now no one torments the poor bird in this way, but the tradition of “getting up with the first roosters” has remained. Of course, people living in the city hardly know about it, but all the villagers know it firsthand.

Next, we suggest that you draw a rooster in stages such that the most noble nobles decorated their mansions in the old days.

Hero from fairy tales and cartoons

Petya is the favorite hero of all kids. Many fairy tales have been written about him, many exciting cartoons have been created. The characters are smart, sensible and always truthful. That is why the guys do not have a soul in him.

Together with your child, you can try to portray a fabulous handsome man. And the following scheme will help you figure out how to draw roosters from the magical world in an accessible and very simple way.

For children, these pictures will be more understandable if we draw an analogy with geometric shapes: the head is a circle, the beak is a triangle, the body is two arcs, the wing is an oval.

What they say about the cockerel in the world

You cannot even imagine that this little bird is held in high esteem by many peoples on earth. Many writers in their works claimed that the rooster casts out ghosts, frees from evil spirits. And it happened exactly when he first shouted his “ku-ka-re-ku” after the night.

Therefore, painted pictures stored in rooms in a conspicuous place will be an excellent protection against any evil spirits. Rather, take pencils and immediately create yourself a bright symbol of protection.

The more colorful the shades are, the happier the mood will be when looking at the picture with the cockerel.

Drawing a cockerel in stages for preschoolers

"Cockerel-golden scallop" Master class with step by step photos.

Drawing using paper tone.

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 8" Aistenok ", Michurinsk
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers of additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decorating a room, a gift, can serve as a work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: drawing in mixed media drawing technique.
1. Introduce the techniques of using paper tones in drawing.
2. Learn to draw a landscape of Russian nature, a rooster in gouache on a sheet of colored paper, using different drawing techniques: sketching with a simple pencil, printing, poke, drawing with a brush tip.
3. Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper, on a palette.
4. Cultivate the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in the drawing.

Dear colleagues, today I want to continue the topic of drawing on colored cardboard. Each shade of the color scheme evokes some associations. I decided to draw a cockerel, bright, beautiful. Immediately the question arose: on what color background to draw it? I decided that it should be yellow - the color of the sun, sunrise, sunset.

- Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
That you get up early
Eat loudly
Do you let the kids sleep?

Why "cockerel - golden comb"?
He has a golden scallop, sunny - so the people came up with.
The word "golden" can also be used in a figurative sense: not only "made of gold" or "golden color", but also "beautiful", "refined", "valuable", "good".
The expression "scarlet gold", denoting gold of the highest standard? But "scarlet" is nothing more than "red". So the comb of the cockerel was probably compared with just such gold.
Not an alarm clock and not a mother
Gets up early in the morning.
Petya the cockerel wakes up -
The loudest voice:
To meet the sun
Rise with the sun

Why does the rooster crow?
But the sonorous song of a rooster was once very important not only as a clock. True, it all started with a clock. Indeed, in ancient times, not every person could afford a watch, but then roosters were in every yard. Even the ancient Greeks believed that the crowing of a rooster begins the first hour of the day.
Roosters sing not just for beauty. With their singing, they predict the weather with great enthusiasm and accuracy. Roosters begin to sing immediately after sunset - the weather will change. When the rooster crows before 9 pm, it is a sign that the weather will change and it will rain soon. In winter, singing at this time indicates the onset of an imminent thaw.
So, with the help of crowing, the rooster warns the rivals in advance that this area is occupied and they should look for a free “place under the sun”. And only if all suitable places are populated, the battles will begin.

The bird walks around the yard
Wakes up the kids in the morning
At the top of the scallop,
Who is this? (cockerel)

I get up early
I sing with a clear voice.
I'm raking the grass
I collect grains.
I have a comb
Who am I children? ...... (cockerel)

Materials needed for work:
yellow cardboard;
gouache, two brushes: pony or squirrel No. 1 and No. 2;
double glass-non-spill for water,
simple pencil, palette.

Let's get to work.
Place the yellow card vertically

With a simple pencil, we outline the horizon line

Shade the sky near the horizon with red gouache (we blur the paint with water so that the transition is gradual)

With green gouache we draw irregularities on the surface of the soil (we dilute the gouache with water on the palette so that it is not thick)

On the horizon line, draw a forest in blue, purple

To draw grass using the printing technique, we will use a small piece of cardboard (2 cm wide) and green gouache poured into the gouache cap (can be diluted on the palette)

To draw grass, dip the end of the cardboard rectangle in green gouache and apply it to the sheet

Drawing a cockerel with a simple pencil
Draw a circle in the middle of the sheet

We draw a bend with a line according to the sample, forming the silhouette of a bird.

From the side of the cockerel's head, draw a beard (two ovals in the form of droplets) and an oval for the cheek

We erase the auxiliary line of the circle, draw the beak, outline the scallop

We complete the scallop with cloves, draw two ovals for the legs

Separate the neck part, draw the eye

Paws are thin, look slightly forward

We place the wing in the center of the body in the form of an oval, outline the feathers

We make the connection line of the neck and torso zigzag, draw long tail feathers

We color the cockerel with gouache
We paint the head and neck with yellow gouache

We paint the scallop, beard, upper part of the neck with red gouache, the near-eye and cheek with white gouache

The wing can be painted with lilac paint

We paint the long tail feathers with different colors, the body is green.

We paint the paws, cover the back with beautiful feathers, draw the feathers of the tail and wings with white gouache with the tip of the brush

We paint the cheek with orange gouache, draw feathers on the body, neck with strokes, draw the wing in more detail

We put our cockerel on the wattle fence

We draw a sunflower: the middle is a brown oval, yellow petals. We draw daisies by priming with white gouache

The stalk and leaves of a sunflower are green

Carefully modifying the head

Draw the tail feathers

We shade the feathers on the wing with black gouache

New 2017 is the year of the Red (Fiery) Rooster, and its figurine or image will become the most sought-after present. The needlewomen of the "Cross" have a good tradition: to prepare thoroughly for the New Year's holiday. And this year will be no exception. Many of us will make or are already making a rooster with our own hands, or even not one, but several at once! After all, it is necessary to please relatives and friends with the handmade symbol of the year, and yourself with the fascinating process of creating this very symbol using various hand-made techniques.

Creating a kind of GUIDE TO MASTER CLASSES from the Internet is also a tradition of our needlework site, which was born a year ago. For you, dear craftswomen, we have selected a lot of only the best master classes on the net. Admire, look closely, discuss and choose the most colorful rooster! And then sew/tie/draw/blind/weave it. So, in what technique can you work on the eve of the New Year holiday?

If you don't have time to work, don't worry. The article contains links to craftswomen who sell finished work.

Cockerels made of paper and on paper

Making cards with the kids

If you are not a professional card maker, then before you start creating postcards, be sure to read our article "Learning to make New Year's cards with your own hands using the Scrapbooking technique". In it you will find not only a lot of ideas, but also get acquainted with the basic rules for creating postcards.

Any cockerel drawn by your child can be placed on a postcard. If it’s difficult for the kid to figure out how to draw a rooster with his own hands, then show him this step-by-step instruction:

And then, a matter of technology. Cut out the cockerel and make it the central part of the composition. For example, your postcard can be so simple, but cute. In your work, use New Year's paper and bright red ribbon, add snowflakes, twigs and other holiday paraphernalia. When you have a basic idea, the process of creating a postcard becomes much easier!

Photo from

If your child likes to color in black and white pictures, give him the opportunity. Print out the rooster postcard template on thick cardboard and let the kid get to work. Further, by cutting out the blank-ball, you can supplement the card with voluminous snowflakes, glue half-beads imitating New Year's balls, etc., etc. Unleash your imagination with your baby))


You will find 8 more coloring templates, as well as 2 step-by-step instructions for drawing more realistic roosters in the archive, which you can download quickly and for free!

Take note of the idea with a cockerel on a stick, as on a postcard by Elena Yurchenko. Her cockerels are cut out of felt, but you can cut them out of paper.

Colored paper roosters

Colored paper appliqué can also be placed on a greeting card. But such an application itself can act as a postcard. To draw and carefully cut out all the details, the children will need the help of their parents, but they can stick it themselves.

Olga-15 offers to make funny paper cockerels in her master class.

A Rooster blank is a rectangular sheet of flexible paper or thin cardboard folded in half lengthwise. Its size is 13.5 × 10 cm. We make 7-10 inclined cuts along the fold line (after about 1 cm). The angle of their inclination is 50-70 degrees, and the depth is ¾ of the height of the folded sheet.

Ekaterina Ivanova in her video tutorial shows how to make a red rooster using the Origami technique:

Roosters in quilling technique

A very interesting idea is to lay out only a luxurious rooster tail from quilling paper. It's not as confusing as laying out a whole cockerel, and it can turn out very effectively! Here is a rooster without a tail as a basis (how it looked in the original, see the photo below).

Print it on a color printer, and fantasize over the tail later. As an example - one such work (although the tail is modest here, but you will try, right?))

And if you are not afraid to make a whole rooster using the Quilling technique, then you can take this finished postcard as a basis:

Or this template:

A cheat sheet on the main elements of Quilling to help you:

Button appliqué

And here are absolutely stunning handsome roosters, lined with multi-colored buttons, half-beads, rhinestones and beads! As a basis, you can take the contours of cockerels from our archive (link just above).

Crochet Cockerels

Many needlewomen with a hook on “you” and will be happy to knit a cockerel from multi-colored threads. And "Cross" will help you decide on the model and offer several master classes on this type of needlework.

You can also buy cockerels knitted from Svetlana.

Roosters from felt

The fastest and most uncomplicated options for creating a symbol of 2017 are felt roosters. The material is easy to process, keeps the shape of the toy well, does not require seams. On the contrary, manual seams on the face of the product give it a special flavor and charm.

Photo from

Photo from the site

A figurine of a rooster neatly cut out of thick felt will be both a Christmas tree toy and a pendant.

Photo from the site

And if you decorate felt cockerels with embroidery, flowers and other decorative elements, then it will turn out incredibly beautiful!

Photo from the site

Roosters in Tilda style

Well, how can we do now in our life without the tilde-Rooster? The ToySew website has a master class on sewing this popular toy.

Master Vetic on her blog posted patterns of the Rooster and Hen Goroshkins based on the tilde pattern. An interesting couple will turn out if you make an effort and patience!

And for inspiration:

Cockerel Yurik from Orange Toys

A funny video clip about her tilde roosters was shot by Maria Fedorova (the link to the patterns is in the description of the video!):

Cockerel coffee toys

Aromatic or coffee toys compete with tildes in popularity. There are roosters in this technique.

The coffee cockerel can be like this:

Photo from the site

You can easily sew it yourself using one of the patterns above. “Cross” talked about all the intricacies of creating coffee toys in this master class.

If you think that you can’t cope with such work yourself, contact the master. Julia Charikova has made enough branded coffee scented toys and put them up for sale at this address.

Fur interior toys

Oksana Svyatkovskaya will show her vision of a rooster and show how to sew it correctly according to ready-made patterns. Her Rooster is made of faux fur, but who's to say that it doesn't happen or that it's not good?)

In the workshop Everything for creativity (dljatvorchestva) there are a lot of blanks for painting and decoupage. Choose and create!

This is the beauty you can get:

If you do not want to make a souvenir in the form of a rooster, then you can decorate any wooden surface with the image of a rooster. There is just limitless scope for creativity! Here are just a few examples for inspiration:

Felted wool roosters

Other craftswomen make wool toys just like real ones! We love and are inspired! And if you really want to buy one of these beauties, then look for them at the Masters Fair (there is a link on each photo).

Elenia collected many different felted Roosters in one place and offered MK to create one of them. Turns out very cute!

Roosters embroidered with a cross, beads and ribbons

Perhaps you love embroidery more than other types of needlework. Then you can place the symbol of the year on a pillowcase, arrange it in the form of a panel, a picture in a frame or a brooch. The main thing is that the image of the Rooster warms your soul. And if you donate your work, find out the preferences of the recipient.

You will find more than 50 different patterns for embroidering roosters and cockerels in a special album

Pets are of particular interest to children, because geese, ducks and roosters can be seen in almost every village yard. The rooster, of course, stands out among other poultry in appearance, because its color is bright, special.

Often, children want to capture the image of the owner of the poultry yard on paper, to convey with a pencil the structural features of birds and its proud appearance.

Transferring to paper all the details of the structure of the body, head and limbs from nature will not be possible for young children. For this purpose, it is best to use a ready-made sketch and gradually create your own drawing of a rooster.

To draw a bird correctly, observing all the proportions of the body, you must first make blanks on paper with a pencil. The image of the main parts of the body with the help of geometric shapes will help to quickly orientate, further drawing of the details will not cause any particular difficulties for children.

Thanks to working together with adults, it will be possible to turn a fine art lesson into an exciting game.

First, voice the course of action to the child, tell how you can draw a rooster in stages, then get to work. More complex first sketches should be made by an adult, then, at the request of the baby, continue a more detailed drawing of all parts of the body: from the torso to the very limbs.

You can finish the drawing of a poultry using paints or colored pencils. Bright colors will help to "revive" the rooster on paper, make its image brighter, more realistic.

There are many options for how to draw a rooster in stages, the method of depicting a bird suggested below is detailed and illustrative. Drawing for children will not be as difficult under the guidance of adults, any inaccurate line or bend can be easily removed using an eraser.

Well, now it’s time to start a drawing lesson, everyone can draw a rooster with a pencil in stages, you just have to approach this process with imagination and desire.

Drawing process

  • First, it is worth conditionally dividing a sheet of paper into three identical areas. It is necessary to schematically draw the torso, tail, and also the neck. Note that the contours can be of any shape, the main task is to accurately transfer the dimensions of the rooster to paper, because it is on this that the proportions of the drawn bird depend.
  • We schematically depict the crest along with the "earrings", these body parts can be considered the "identification marks" of an important poultry.

To do this, you need to draw an oval that will serve as the head, just below you should draw the contours of the future "earrings". Next, you can begin to outline the contours of the paws with a pencil; for children, this task will not be too difficult.

  • According to the sketch shown, draw the general contours of the bird. Then you can start removing unnecessary lines and strokes on the image. At the same stage, you should start drawing the paws.

  • Now we gradually apply clear zigzag lines that will help to conditionally separate the tail from the body itself, draw the outline of the extreme long feathers.

We arbitrarily depict the wing, draw the details of the head and limbs (this is a task for children). Do not forget to mark the beak, slightly smooth the contour of the "earrings". We make sketches for a further image of the eye, draw the contours of the crest.

  • We proceed to the final stage of creating a sketch. By drawing curved lines with a pencil, select the tail feathers, draw a zigzag line in the neck area, and draw an eye. If desired, you can depict spurs on the paws, so the drawing of the rooster will look more believable.

  • Drawing with a simple pencil looks dull and dull, you need to color the rooster. To do this, you can take felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

If the image should be black and white, don't forget to make the shadows as shown in the image below. A simple landscape will look great in the background: a flowering meadow or a wooden fence.

This is how you can easily and quickly draw a rooster for children, a simple and at the same time original image of a poultry can be supplemented at your own discretion. Give the children the opportunity to dream up and add their touches to the drawing, because it brings great pleasure to the kids.

So, the first thing I did was a linear drawing of a rooster with an HB pencil:

Then I lightened all the lines with a nag and started drawing a rooster with colored pencils. I decided to start from the tail, so as not to overwrite by hand what has already been drawn. And first of all I used a black pencil to start from the darkest tone.

As we moved from left to right, the drawing of the rooster's tail began to take on a more realistic shape. To convey the sheen of the feathers, I used several shades of blues and greens. I won’t list them, it’s easier to say that the whole drawing of the rooster took more than half of the box of pencils.

The general approach when drawing feathers was the same - at first the darkest areas were drawn, then a certain color was introduced (more precisely, several shades at once) and polished at the end. I used exactly the same approach in the drawing of yellow feathers:

As you can see, there were a lot of yellow feathers on the rooster. If you do not fall into excessive realism or hyperrealism, then it is enough to understand the general principle of how the feathers are arranged and what shadows and shades they give. And then it is already possible not to draw every smallest feather thoroughly, but to recreate a more general picture, where the character of these feathers will be conveyed, i.e. they may even be located in slightly different places or there may be fewer of them than in the original, but this does not lose their realism.

In general, there are quite a lot of complex elements in the drawing of a rooster, especially for beginners. These are numerous feathers, shadows, overflows, a rooster's comb with an interesting pimply texture. Therefore, do not rush to complete the entire drawing at once, in one sitting. When drawing the rooster's comb, I used several shades of red, as well as cool purple colors in the shadow areas. On top I walked a little with a white gel pen, imitating the pimply surface of the comb. I really didn’t want to dig into copying here, so I allowed myself to poke the pen from the heart in a chaotic manner. Turned out to be quite plausible in my opinion 🙂

In the end, I also worked with the paws of the rooster. Here I had to study a little other photo references in order to understand how the paws of a rooster are arranged, because. in the main photo, the paws were not shown as we would like. Be sure to add a small falling diffused shadow so that the rooster does not hang in the air. And here is the drawing of the rooster ready:

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to fully describe such a process in an article, because. the work lasted over 8 hours and used most of the techniques applicable to colored pencils. But, I hope that I have made at least some idea of ​​​​such drawings for you. As you can see, even children's pencils can achieve good results in realism.

Finally, I suggest watching the accelerated video of the process of creating a drawing of a rooster with colored pencils:

If you liked the video and the article, then be sure to share them with your friends, and, as usual, write comments) Good luck!

Hello! Today we have prepared for you a new simple drawing lesson that even a novice artist should be able to handle. The topic of the lesson is how to draw a rooster.

In general, this is not the first bird on our site, because quite recently we drew a chicken (by the way, it was also quite simple), but today we have a male chicken as a guest. Yes, it sounds very funny, but this is the definition of the word "rooster" given in Wikipedia.

The rooster is a fairly popular bird - for example, it is this feathered creature that is the symbol of France (football fans will surely recognize the logo with a Gallic rooster in the center). In Russian folklore, the rooster personifies light - remember, it was his cry that drove away all evil spirits, it even made you feel uncomfortable. Probably, in modern conditions, the cry of a rooster could even drive away. Let's start to get acquainted with the lesson and find out how to draw a rooster!

Step 1

Let's start drawing with such a photo of a rounded figure. It is difficult to compare it with anything to give guidelines for drawing. The only thing this figure looks like is an inverted chicken leg. Probably, the author of these lines has described too many bird drawing lessons lately.

Step 2

Let's draw a scallop at the very top of the resulting figure. A little lower, inside the figure, draw a large eye and an open beak - it looks a bit like the Nike logo. Pay attention to the lower half of the beak - you can see the inside there.

Step 3

Now let's draw a small figure in the form of a semicircle just below and to the left of the eye. Let's delimit the narrow part of the torso from the wide part with a jagged pattern, as in our sample.

Step 4

Let's draw a folded wing. It should diverge into four large tips on one side and smoothly round off on the other. The wing is located directly under the jagged pattern, its position is slightly inclined.

Step 5

In this step, we will work on the main pride of the rooster - the magnificent tail plumage. By the way, we have another drawing lesson dedicated to birds, in which we are talking about.

Step 6

Actually, in the penultimate stage, we will draw the paws - at first they narrow very smoothly, and then abruptly turn into ordinary thin straight lines.

Step 7

We erase the extra guide lines, paint over the eye with a soft simple pencil.

Drawing lesson the artists of the drawingforall website have prepared for you, all the best and don't forget to visit our VK page - we find some interesting news for you and repost it right there. See you soon!

Home " Bicycle selection » Draw a beautiful rooster step by step. How to draw a chicken and a rooster

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