Biography. Short life and bright career: causes of death of Yuri Barabash-Petlyura Funeral of singer Petlyura

Viktor Petliura is a popular Russian chanson performer, musician, poet, born in sunny Simferopol on 10/30/1975.


His parents loved music, but did not take it seriously. No one remembers where the guitar came from in the house, but the boy began to show interest in it from early childhood. However, the parents did not see bright creative abilities in their son, so he grew up as an ordinary yard tomboy.

Nevertheless, communicating with older children and plucking the strings after lessons, by the age of 11 Victor had learned to play this instrument quite well. Moreover, the guys with the guitar had no end to the girls, and Victor liked to be in the spotlight.

Gradually, a whole group was formed from such musical boys, in the repertoire of which there was very different genres of music - from folk to chanson.

In adolescence, of course, he fell in love for the first time, and then his creative talent began to fully unfold. Victor began to compose lyrical poems and set them to his own music. And so the first, in many respects still naive songs were born, which further increased his popularity.

The first feelings did not develop into a serious relationship, but they gave impetus to the development of a musical career. By this time, the boy had already entered a music school and understood that it was with music that he planned to link his fate in the future. This means you need to do it professionally.


Victor considers performances in a club at one of the Simferopol factories to be the beginning of his career. The guys were invited there by his leader, who accidentally heard them on the street. The boys were provided with premises and equipment for rehearsals, and they took part in all club events.

Gradually, the group's repertoire expanded, and the young team gained popularity in the city. After school, the whole group decided to continue their studies at a music school, and in the evenings they played in the best restaurants in the city, earning quite decent money at that time.

But this was not enough for Victor - he wanted to make music on a completely different level. He begins to raise funds for the release of his debut album and select songs for it. This long-awaited event took place in 1999. The album "Blue-eyed" includes his favorite compositions. A small edition was immediately sold out, but it did not bring super popularity to the author.

Inspired by success, a year later Victor releases a new album, "You Can't Be Returned". With such a repertoire, the group begins to actively tour and perform at music competitions and festivals. The listeners like the discs, but not Petliura himself. They recorded in a studio equipped to perform pop or rock and roll.

Then he decides to open his own studio and soon makes it a reality. Now ideal working conditions have been created for the team. By that time, he already has a permanent staff of real professionals, where everyone knows and loves his job. Petliura believes that people are the main secret of his success.

Currently, the artist's discography includes 13 full-length albums. He successfully tours throughout the CIS and non-CIS countries and is one of the most fashionable and sought-after chanson performers. His studio is also popular. Many well-known Russian performers have already worked on it.

Personal life

Already in his early youth, Victor was very popular among girls. And not just because of the guitar. He was very charming and at the same time had a strong masculine character, which allowed him to always achieve his goals. He often fell in love, but preferred a serious long-term relationship.

He was not yet 20 when he experienced a real tragedy - almost before his eyes in the restaurant where Victor worked, a stray bullet of gang warfare, which often happened in the 90s, claimed the life of his bride. The girl died just a few weeks before the planned wedding.

For many months, Victor plunged into a severe depression. And only the support of the team and responsibility to him made him return to creativity and normal life again. Although this tragedy left a deep scar on Victor's heart, after a while it thawed.

Now the artist is already in his second marriage. The first union broke up shortly after the birth of his son, and Victor prefers not to talk about the reasons for the break. His second wife, a former financier, completely took over the organization of tours and concerts of her husband and his team. She is his right hand and faithful companion.

With second wife

They have no common children, but Natalya's son from his first marriage quickly found a common language with Victor's own son from his first wife. The boys often spend time with their father, and he is happy that he does not have to be torn between them. That's just a busy schedule does not allow him to stay at home as often as he would like.

By the way, the musician is often confused with his former colleague - Yuri Barabash, who performed in the early 90s under the pseudonym "Petlyura". That musician died at a young age, crashing on one of the flights. And Viktor has a real surname, although sometimes he even has to show his passport in order to prove this to especially distrustful journalists.

Viktor Vladimirovich Petliura (October 30, 1975) is a Russian performer who specializes mainly in the chanson genre and the so-called "yard songs".


Viktor Vladimirovich was born on October 30 in the Crimea, in southern Simferopol, in an ordinary average family. His father was an engineer at a hydroelectric power plant, and his mother worked as a kindergarten teacher. Victor was the only child in the family, so he was never deprived of parental love, affection and attention.

According to Victor himself, he does not even know who he was born as talented in the field of music. His parents, however, like other relatives, have never been associated with either the author's performance of songs or music in general. However, from childhood, the parents realized that their son was a future brilliant singer, so they began to actively develop and encourage this talent.

For the first time, Viktor Petlyura picked up a musical instrument when he was seven years old. His parents enrolled him in a music school for a guitar and piano class at the same time. But it soon became clear that it was problematic for a boy to learn to play two musical instruments at once, so he faced a choice of what to continue and what to quit.

At that time, the guitar was very popular among Viti's older comrades: young people sat in the courtyards in the evenings and played simple, but very memorable tunes. Seeing how much attention the performer with the guitar received and how beautiful it looked from the outside, the boy made his choice and continued his studies only in the guitar class.


At the age of eleven, Victor fully masters the guitar and decides to start writing his own compositions. Initially, his adviser and musical mentor is a school teacher who taught him to play the guitar. It is to him that Victor entrusts his first drafts, which he evaluates, criticizes and notes the shortcomings. After a couple of months, the teacher recommends that Vitya show his work to at least school friends in order to get a fresh assessment and comments from those for whom, in principle, the compositions were created. After listening to a few tunes, the schoolmates simply cannot find words to describe how talented their friend turned out to be.

Over the next two years, Viktor Petlyura tries to compose compositions. He writes in several genres at once, trying to find the most suitable for himself. Ultimately, he settled on half-yard compositions and chanson music, which became his professional passion in his further solo career.

At the age of thirteen, a young guy who at that time had already received little popularity among friends, decides to create his own team. He recruits a team of enthusiasts who begin to work together to create their own image and musical base. A couple of months after that, the guys are invited to one of the Simferopol clubs. At that time, the group already had several professionally recorded tracks, so they accepted the invitation and, immediately after the performance, signed a contract with the club for subsequent performances. So one single evening changes the career of Petliura and his friends.

Further education and career as a singer

In 1991, after graduating from music and secondary schools, Viktor Petlyura already seriously decides to devote himself to music, so he enters the Simferopol Musical College. Friends and at the same time colleagues in the musical group who are already studying there help him choose this particular institution of higher education. According to them, only the school will be able to give them the necessary theoretical base, which will help the team become more professional in the future.

With the beginning of studies at the school, new problems also appear. Since the already created musical group is now busy studying almost all day, the Simferopol club terminates the contract with them and prohibits rehearsals on its stage. Disagreements begin in the group: some participants propose to disperse and re-create the group after graduation, while others, led by the soloist himself, propose to reorganize the group, creating a completely new team. As a result, the decision rests with Petlyura, who really is recruiting a new team for himself, but also does not forget about the old participants devoted to the cause.

In 1999, their first debut album Blue-eyed was released, recorded at the Zodiac Records studio. The album itself receives the most positive reviews, and the soloist of the group, Viktor Petliura, is recognized as talented and suitable for performing songs in the chanson style. However, the members themselves are not optimistic: recording songs in a studio that mainly works with pop and rock artists is not only inconvenient, but also annoying. That is why Petliura, seeing that this format does not suit him at all, decides to open his own recording studio to create subsequent albums.

Two years later, a team of almost professional chanson performers is recording the second album, You Can't Return, already in their own recording studio. At the same time, there are minor changes in the composition. Petlyura decides to take on two backing vocalists for a better sound. They are charming Ekaterina Peretyatko and Irina Melitsova. Two talents come to arrangers at once - Rollan Mumdzhi and Konstantin Atamanov, while Ilya Tanch begins to compose lyrics together with Viktor Petliura himself. But, despite such an extensive musical group, most of the work on the creation and promotion of albums and compositions is still performed by the soloist himself.

To date, there are 10 albums by Viktor Petliura written in the genre of Russian classical chanson. This includes both the artist's famous discs: "Fate", "Light", "Son of the Prosecutor", as well as less popular ones, which were evaluated by audio listeners only six months after the release of the albums.

Personal life

It is not known for certain who Viktor Petliura met at the beginning of his singing career. Some fans still claim that at the very beginning, Petlyura met a girl named Alena, with whom he wanted not only to live together in the future, but also to create joint compositions. However, the girl was killed in front of her lover in an accident. Whether the story is true or in fact all this is fiction to make Petliura more mysterious - no one knows.

It is known that Victor was married twice. They were married to their first wife for two years, and then separated due to frequent quarrels. From this marriage, Petliura left a son, Eugene. The second time the performer married, already being famous and popular. At the moment, his wife is the financier and concert director of Petlyura Natalya, who was also already married.

Yuri Barabash is a famous performer of Russian chanson. For fans of his musical work, he is known as Petlyura. Yuri Barabash, whose biography is full of events, not only sang songs, but was also their author. But the rich life of this creative person ended very tragically.


Yuri was born in mid-April 1974. His entire family at that time lived in the Stavropol Territory. In addition to him, the daughter Lolita was already brought up in the family of Vladislav and Tamara Barabash.

Yuri's parents were constantly busy with their work. The father of the future singer is a naval officer, and my mother first worked at the local puppet theater, and then got a job at the Stavropol Philharmonic.


Yuri Barabash, whose biography is of interest to fans of his work, went to first grade in his hometown. But already in 1982, the whole family was forced to move to Stavropol. The reason for the move was the illness of the sister. Doctors found Lolita, who was two years older than Yuri, with a heart disease. They recommended moving to Stavropol.

Considering a detailed biography of Yuri Barabash, it is worth noting that after he entered a comprehensive school, teachers had many problems with him. On holidays in February 1984, almost immediately after the move, the boy's father died. Since then, he did not listen to anyone, and at school was considered a difficult teenager.

stage name

Yuri Barabash, whose biography is interesting to fans of his work, received his pseudonym Petliura at school. He caused a lot of trouble for teachers and grew up as a bully boy. It was for his hooligan behavior that the future singer received the nickname Yura-Petliura.

The beginning of musical activity

Yuri Barabash never studied music anywhere. He was self taught. So, he learned to play the guitar on his own. He made his first musical recordings at home. Once they were heard by Andrei Razin, who at that time was the producer of the famous and most popular group "Tender May". Razin invited Yuri to his music studio.

It is known that the voice of Yuri Vladislavovich was often confused with the soloist of "Tender May". Petlyura did not like the comparison with Yuri Shatunov. But still, since 1992, he became the soloist of the new group "Yura Orlov". Although his activity here lasted only a few months. Soon Petlyura (Yuri Barabash), whose biography is full of events, left the group.

Solo career

When Yuri leaves Razin, he decides to start his solo career. He quickly becomes known as a chanson performer. And soon he is already performing under his stage name - Petlyura.

In 1993, his first album, Let's Sing, Zhigan, was released, which immediately made the young performer and songwriter famous. His work of this period of life can be attributed to thieves' lyrics. By the way, this album is perfect for learning to play the guitar, as Petlyura used the simplest "pop" style. The following year, he releases another album, Benya Raider. It is known that all these first music albums were recorded in a home studio.

And two years later, a new period begins in the life and in the musical career of the young artist. Petliura (Yuri Vladislavovich Barabash) enters into a lucrative contract with Sevostyanov's firm. In the music company "Master Sound" many previous songs of the young, talented author and performer were re-recorded.

The musical albums "Fast train", "Youngster" and others were now recorded on high-quality and professional equipment. The album "Fast Train" is considered Petlyura's most famous musical work.

After the release of the musical album "Puppets" in 1995, his song "You alone stand by the maple" becomes very popular. Beautiful and melodic song can not but excite. This song describes a real story, which later happened to the composer himself. After his death, the girl came to him, not knowing about the death, and Yuri's mother said that her lover was no more. The young performer seemed to feel that this would happen, and wrote about it in his song.

His songs were recorded on cassettes, then on discs. Petlyura's musical creations, especially the song "Rain", were played at discos, and Yuri composed and sang everything. His musical creations were played even on Russian Radio.

A special place in the work of Yuri Barabash is occupied by unofficial folklore. At that time, Petliura's repertoire included not only "street songs", but also "urban romance". For example, these were such songs as "Alyoshka" or "Kurochka". Petliura's song "White Dress", "Knitted Jacket" and others were widely known. These songs had everything: people, walls, water, birds, torment and joy. Wherever Petliura's songs sounded! They could be heard everywhere. They sounded in courtyards and restaurants, in apartments and in the zone, in porches and on television.

Yuri Barabash's song "How much I wandered ..." became known after the audience first heard it in the film "Boys" directed by D. Asanova. The author of this song was Vitaly Chernitsky, and he performed it in the film Petliura. By the way, this song, as well as the musical composition "Knitted Jacket", where the authors are Dorizo ​​and Dolukhanyan, were so popular that they were considered folk. These songs were sung by the whole country at that time.

The pleasant voice of the young performer, in which notes of sadness and melancholy were traced, really liked the audience. His songs were so popular that there were many rumors around him. A strange and unexpected death only added to such conversations. And fans of his work could not understand why he no longer sings, why there are no more of his new music albums. There were even suspicions that he was in prison either before the rise of his career or after his disappearance.

In the midst of his creative career, when he was young, full of strength and ideas, Petlyura died. It happened, of course, unexpectedly. So, at the end of September 1996, on one of the Russian channels in the program “Road Patrol”, it was reported that on the night of September 28, a traffic accident had occurred on Sevastopol Avenue.

The personality of Yuri Barabash, biography, cause of death is interesting to his fans. He was driving a car that was driving through the streets of the capital. Yuri Vladislavovich received his driving license just a few days ago. The car he was driving didn't even belong to him. There were other passengers in the car who were simply injured in this accident.

When they filmed the story about the accident on the avenue, even at that time no one even knew who died. But the audience and fans of his work recognized the idol. The young performer and songwriter is buried in Moscow at the Khovansky cemetery.

Viktor Vladimirovich Petliura is a chanson performer, songwriter, and musician. Since 2015, he has been performing under the pseudonym Viktor Dorin.


The future singer was born on October 30, 1975 in the city of Simferopol (Crimea). His mother was a kindergarten teacher and his father was a hydroelectric engineer. Victor is the only child in the family.

From an early age, parents began to notice their son's interest in music. There were no professional musicians in Victor's family or those who attended a music school. According to the future singer, he did not understand from whom he inherited his musical talent. By the age of eleven, he taught himself how to play the guitar. At this time, he began to write his first songs and perform them with guitar accompaniment.

At the age of 13, Victor, having teamed up with his friends, decided to create a musical group. They played in different genres: chanson, folk song. Their work was often compared with the then popular chanson performer Sergei Nagovitsyn. A year later, the new team was invited to a concert in the factory club of Simferopol as a musical group.

After a spectacular performance, the guys were offered to work in the club and were provided with a large rehearsal room for free. This allowed Petlyura to gain experience in working with the public, to train in songwriting. It was at this time, according to Victor, that he decided to connect his future life with music.

In 1990, Victor graduated from a music school with a guitar class, and in 1991 he graduated from a general education school, after which he entered a music college.

Musical career

After enrolling in a music college, Victor decided to create a new group. It included some members of the previous team. Concentrating on creativity, his group took part in many music competitions.

In 1999, Petlyura recorded his first disc, Blue-eyed. The musician prepared for its release for a long time, he selected only his most favorite songs. The album was released in a small edition and was soon sold out completely.

Viktor Petlyura - "Son of the Prosecutor"

A year later, the album "You Can't Return" was released. It was recorded in a studio designed for pop and rock and roll artists. Dissatisfied with the sound quality, the musician thought about opening his own studio, in which he eventually recorded the next 11 albums. His most popular songs are "Son of the Prosecutor", "Fate", "Dembel", "Light", "Doves". His compositions can be heard in the rotation of the radio "Police Wave", "Road".

Personal life of Viktor Petlyura

Victor was married twice. In his first marriage with Natalia, his son Eugene was born. In his second marriage with his concert director Natalya Kopylova, he is raising his stepson Nikita. Victor and his second wife Natalia have no joint children.

Viktor Petliura now

In 2015, Petlyura went on a long tour of the Krasnodar Territory with the program "Still Will Come True". Having completed his southern tour, Viktor Petlyura began to use the pseudonym Viktor Dorin. All because of confusion with the musician Yuri Barabash, who performed under the Petlyura brand. Plus, a new stage has begun in Victor's creative life, so - into a new life from scratch!

Victor Dorin - I will choose you (LYRICS VIDEO)

On February 13, 2018, the single "I'll Choose You" was released. After his release, Victor went on tour with solo concerts.

The songs of Viktor Petlyura are equally loved and sung with pleasure by both adult and young audiences. They have everything: sincere love and respect for a woman, understanding of fortitude and courage, fun and a unique gypsy flavor.

In 1999, Petlyura recorded his debut disc called Blue-eyed at the Zodiac Records company. A year later, the second album "You Can't Return" is released. It is quite difficult to perform chanson in a studio where rock and pop musicians mainly work. Therefore, Petliura decides to create his own recording studio.

During this period, the main backbone of the team is selected, with which the performer works today. In addition to Victor himself, Ilya Tanch writes the lyrics of the songs he sings. Arranged by Konstantin Atamanov and Rollan Mumji. There are also two backing vocalists in the team - Irina Melintsova and Ekaterina Peretyatko. But most of the work is done by Petliura himself.

Viktor Petlyura - "The White Bride"

Viktor Petliura works very fruitfully. Almost every year new CDs are released. And in 2001, the artist released two albums at once - "North" and "Brother". The track list of the first included Dembel, Cranes, Irkutsk Trakt. The second included the compositions "White Birch", "Sentence", "White Bride". In 2002 - again 2 new records: at the beginning of the year an album called "Destiny" appeared, and at the end - a collection "Son of the Prosecutor".

Petlyura's discography includes many albums. After 2002, the disks "Grey", "Svidanka" and "Guy in a cap" were released. Later, the collections "Black Raven" and "Sentence" appeared. In the "Coast" sounded "New Year's Snow" and "Viper Girl". For the clip "Doves", the song of the same name was recorded as a duet with. Of the latest compositions that the singer presented, fans single out “Evening”, “Two Poles” and “I will become the wind”.

Viktor Petlyura and Anya Vorobey - "Doves"

Victor also performs some songs from the repertoire of Yuri Barabash, a native of "", who performed under the creative pseudonym Petlyura. The artists are not relatives, they are united only by their origins (both were born in the south of Russia) and devotion to chanson. In addition, Victor, by his own admission, Petlyura according to his passport.

The singer's work was rewarded with recognition in professional circles. At home, on a shelf at Victor, there is an award from the Songs of Cinema festival, held as part of Kinotavr, SMG AWARDS in the nomination "Chanson of the Year", "Real Award" of the MUSIC BOX channel in the nomination "Best Chanson".

Personal life

The personal life of Viktor Petliura is shrouded in mystery and legends. His fans tell a sad story, experienced by Victor in his youth. Allegedly, the singer had a beloved girl Alena. Young people were not only going to get married, but also planned to work together. Shortly before the wedding, Alena tragically died from a stray bullet during a gang fight in front of Viktor. At that moment, the couple was sitting at a table in a cafe. The tragic death of her beloved plunged Petlyura into depression for a long time, from which creativity helped to get out.

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Viktor Petlyura and his wife Natalya

Whether this is a true story or a fairy tale created to envelop the name of the performer with a kind of romantic halo is not known for certain. Now Viktor Petliura is happy in his second marriage. The current wife, like the first, is called Natalia. The first wife gave the musician a son, Eugene. The guy is studying to be a chef. The second has a son, Nikita. Parents see the young man as a diplomat, but for now he composes in the style of R&B. Both boys got along well, because they are the same age. Victor and Natalia have no joint children.

Petliura's chosen one is a financier by education and works as her husband's concert director. She speaks excellent French, as she received another diploma at the Institute of Foreign Languages.

Viktor Petliura now

The album "The most beloved woman in the world" became a turning point in the work of Petliura. The musician decided to change his stage name and continue to be called Viktor Dorin at the suggestion of producer Sergei Gorodnyansky. This step was forced by the fact that on the Internet, next to the photo of Barabash, there is often an article about Viktor, all sorts of fables are composed up to the point that the men are brothers.

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