Scenario of the literary and musical composition "Bread is the head of everything!". Literary and musical composition "Spikelet" within the framework of the project "Bread is the head of everything" with the participation of parents

The recording sounds theme music from the film "Russian Field". Ensemble appears on the stage folk dance. The choreographic picture "Spikes" is performed. Further, the author appears from a large book standing in the background of the stage, with spikelets of wheat and rye in his hands. On the title page book, a large and ruddy loaf of bread is drawn on a towel.

What a sight! -

another sage will cry. -

I buy according to taste

white, gray and rye!

Takes it off the shelf for me

Aunt Zina is a salesperson!

I carry it in my purse, -

say the little sage. -

Along the way, by the way

hot bread

very tasty.

As I make my way,

I can't pinch.

And then I don't eat it

I don't like him at all!

reader my scientist,

you read at least once

about ordinary baked bread

my stupid story.

The recording features a Russian folk melody. There is a dance performed by a choreographic group. The dancers have loaves of bread in their hands. Readers appear on the stage after the dance from the book.

1st reader.

After all, lunch is not lunch for us,

if there is no bread for the soup.

And not the taste of potatoes,

if there is not a crumb of bread.

2nd reader.

Even porridge with bread is better!

A goose without bread is nonsense!

Readers (together).

"Bread-breadwinner -

our food, valiant food, ”-

people have always said.

3rd reader.

At work

and on a hike

the people hold bread in high esteem.

Readers (together).

With bread Russian people -

hero from century to century.

The recording sounds Russian folk majestic music. Participants take the stage theater group depicting heroes. Plastic painting in progress. After that, three more readers come on stage.

4th reader.

And not without reason the soldier's bread

our brotherly warriors

fairly divided among themselves,

leaving for mortal combat.

5th reader.

And it happened in the environment

and this position:

covered in dust, in the blood of soldiers

even a crust of bread is glad.

6th reader.

Let her callous -

you won't find it more expensive!


'Cause when the guns fire

And when the enemies are around

That last edge

Only a friend shares with a friend.

The screen shows frames from a movie or a documentary about the war. Further in the recording, an instrumental composition of a majestic character sounds, on the screen there are shots about bread. Readers on the background of music continue the story about bread.

7th reader.

Bread fragrant, baked,

with a fragile gilded back

familiar and familiar to us

visits every home.

8th reader.

Not everywhere,

children eat their fill of bread.

9th reader.

Under foreign overseas skies

at ordinary people need.

And with friends our bread

we will always share.

10th reader.

If we want someone

meet with honor and honor,

meet generously, from the heart,

with great respect,

then we meet such guests

round lush loaf.

A boy and a girl come out with a big loaf and bow low to everyone to the ground.


He is on a painted platter,

with a white towel.

We bring salt with a loaf,

bowing, we ask you to taste.

Girl and boy (together).

Dear guest and friend,

take bread and salt from your hands!

My reader

my friend,

a man of few years

bread is not only food,

without which there is no life.

He is the measure of true friendship,

military exemplary service.

The people have words:

Girl and boy(friendly). "Bread is the head of all life!"

Bread is not only


He also, say for example,


And a gift.

Light - heavy

Bitter - sweet

The bread is different.

He has his habits

He has his own character.

The recording sounds folk music. The choreographic group performs the dance of mowers and reapers. Further, against the background of a minor instrumental music the readers continue the story of the bread.

1st reader.

Bitter bread is unknown to you -

forced labor.

He was familiar to our grandfathers

in those past years

sometimes when barefoot

walked night and day

on their own land - Russia -

people of poor villages.

2nd reader.

Went - looking for a place where

earn in the world of bread.

Bread of the blind fate of the poor

it was bitter and heavy...

3rd reader.

And from the fields to the kulak barn

he swam from the hands of the laborers.

From dawn to dawn

everyone worked as mowers.

4th reader.

And the fist, pulling on the cap

to disheveled eyebrows,

Estimated only half

all the work of mowers.

5th reader.

Amazing things

before, if I knew!

Not working, landowner

ate sweetly and slept softly.

6th reader.

Lived behind a stone wall

in the white house by the pond

and thought that it should

to live in the world without difficulty.

7th reader.

Previously the order was:

the bread of the rich is sweet,

but the poor man

the crust is stale and bitter.

8th reader.

The people walked in the fire of battles

for freedom

and for bread.

So the correct words are:

Readers(together). "Bread is the head of all life!"

9th reader.

Lush, soft, baked,

lightly toasted

bread with golden crust

came to you from afar.

10th reader.

And it's time, my friend, to take a look

on this difficult path.

A video about bread is shown on the screen. An instrumental melody plays. Readers at this time continue the story in verses about bread.

1st reader.

Get out into the field, out of the village.

Gray haze swirls...

Hears a sensitive neighborhood

the roar of engines all day long.

And the earth boils under the plow,

like a high wave of the sea.

Not nature itself

bring bread on a platter.

2nd reader.

How much care does it take

mother earth for a whole year!

To come together, as in the ocean,

in the bins of your country

golden stream from the Kuban,

most fertile land.

3rd reader.

But in the spacious steppe

hot summer bread is high.

And dressed in cast grain

tightly packed spikelet.

4th reader.

Red-haired, with a hard mustache,

all in scaly armor,

spikelet under the sky,

like a knight on a horse.

5th reader.

There is no end to the army

amazing beauty,

and bristle heroically

youthful mustache.

6th reader.

Dust in the eyes and ears

Rain falls in autumn.

But what a fun shower

Grain is flowing into the bins!


You see, friend

bread has a property

wonderful is -

test their heroism

strength, courage and honor!

In the recording, folk Cossack music of a daring, brave character sounds. A plot-dance composition is performed about how bread grows, how it is harvested. The author reappears at the forefront.

To the big store

where aunt Zina trades

and where this time

we started the story

good bread does not come soon

from the steppe expanses of the earth.

It's in fairy tales and in poetry

everything happens in a nutshell.

Grains are ground into flour.

Many sieves of flour will pass.

The baker will bake white, gray, rich, black bread for us. Buy yourself any - if only labor! And we don’t need another either at once or in reserve. We do not like free - it is not held in high esteem with us. At work, try your strength, find the way to your heart. But the roads of the grain grower, my reader, do not forget!

Remember the right words:

All heroes(together). "Bread is the head of all life!".

The record sounds a spacious Russian folk melody. All participants bow from the waist and disappear into the book. A wheat field is shown on the screen.

Additional material

V. Sokolov

Winter. Sideways from the alley

It turns out, ringing, a tram.

And then like a magnificent loaf.

Fresh and cold under the sky.

Round and soft clouds...

God bless him, with this white bread,

Enough black for now.

I remember bread.

It won't be anymore

Never such bread.

Even if it's dark wake up

Other black years

The heavy progress of the echelons ...

I remember the sweetest bread

As for the cancellation of all coupons

I received a day in advance.

"They're taking it, they're taking it!" The van dragged on.

The snow under the runners rang.

Ah, this bread... How it crumbled,

How to warm your hands in the cold!

Oh those years! Oh consolation

O forgotten honour,

What do I, as if it is necessary,

Like most people, they wanted to eat.

We did not choose our homeland,

But if we had a choice,

I would choose only these gave,

Others without thinking in reserve.

Blizzards roam, people go.

Trembling under fast bridges.

In the burns of the sky, as in noon,

The satellite calls from a height:

“Don't get tired. with my destiny

Compare, poet, your way,

Feeling the whole earth under me,

But just don't be artificial.

Winter. Sideways from the alley

It turns out, ringing, a tram.

There is snow on the pedestals. He is like a bun

And then like a magnificent loaf.

And I watch how, going out into the sky,

Exceeding the fabulous splint.

Child of parental bread,

This bun hovers.

Even if it's dark wake up

Still unknown years.

I remember bread.

It won't be anymore

Never such bread.

The mistresses carry rolls, saiki.

But the song takes for the soul:

And I'm on that military ration

Again, I live a day ahead.

Organization of holidays and events in vocational education institutions

For people of our generation, brought up on the values ​​of the Soviet era, the word "bread" is not just a food product. Bread is something special, close to the word "holiness". Probably, with mother's milk, we absorbed the great respect for this word.

Unfortunately, today's boys and girls, today's teenagers do not experience these feelings. They are already far from the time when bread on the table came to us through the blood and sweat of those who raised it. They do not know the dashing war years, when every crumb of bread was worth its weight in gold, they are no longer familiar with those Leningraders who could tell what “siege bread” is. Therefore, I believe that we are adults, we teachers should take on the mission to tell the younger generation about true value of bread.

In our district, in the outback of the Novosibirsk region, a holiday of an agricultural worker is traditionally held in the fall, at which the heroes of the harvest are also honored, i.e. those people who, in spite of any adversity, fought for the harvest. And we, teachers of the school, time our holiday to this event, the purpose of which is to foster a thrifty attitude to bread, to foster respect for the hard work of grain growers, and to foster patriotism.

Scenario of literary and musical composition:

« harvest festival »


- upbringing careful attitude to bread;

To teach to see and respect the work of a grain grower;

Reveal the value of bread;

To expand students' understanding of the Great Patriotic War

war, about blockade bread;

Cultivate patriotism, thrift;

Expand the horizons of students.

Hall decoration: 1. Posters with proverbs about bread.

2. Stand "Poets about bread".

3. In the center of the scene is a sheaf of wheat.

4. A large poster with the image of a loaf and with the words "Bread is the head of everything"

5. Screen, multimedia equipment.

6. Exhibition of bakery products.

Members: As guests, veterans of labor, former graduates of the school, masters industrial training, students of professions: “Tractor driver-machinist of agricultural production”, “Cook, confectioner”, Maslyaninsky Russian folk choir.

On the stage, the choir sings the song: “With a pure heart we meet our dear guests ...”, at this time labor veterans, winners of the 2012 harvest, former graduates of the school enter. The hall greets the guests with applause.

The words appear on the screen: “The one who manages to grow two ears in the place where one grew, forever deserves the gratitude of mankind” (K. A. Timiryazev) or

“There are concepts in the world, the value of which is eternal. These concepts are air, earth, water, sun. Bread can also be attributed to such concepts, even the abundance of bread should not give rise to its waste.

Presenter 1: (in the hands of small wheat spikelets).

Spikelets grow from a small seed. One spikelet fits easily in the palm of your hand. In this spikelet is a fusion of the energy of the sun and man, the work of many people: metallurgists and machine builders, chemists and oil workers, scientists and machine operators. Hundreds of years ago, people learned how to bake bread. We meet with him every day. Neither a modest breakfast, nor an everyday lunch, nor festive table. He accompanies us from birth to old age - our good friend, whose name in all languages ​​is pronounced with love. Bread is an ancient and eternally young product of human labor. It happens that people sometimes forget that bread is the work of millions of people, the history of the people is reflected, and you, Dear friends, you are directly related to bread, you know its price. Today our story is about bread.

2 host: Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. The moment a man baked the first cake from his harvest, he ensured his existence. Approximately 17 thousand years ago, several tribes settled in the Nile Valley, they invented the first sickles, the first stone grinders, on which they received flour, they were the first to bake bread. A lot of time has passed, the work of a grain grower has become different, but it has not become easier.

1 presenter: An abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people living on our planet. K. A. Timiryazev said: “He who manages to grow two ears of corn in the place where one grew up, forever deserves the gratitude of mankind.” We sometimes forget about the true price of bread, about the fact that relatively inexpensive rolls, loaves, so familiar, accessible to everyone, absorbed the labor of not one, not two, not three, but the labor of many people.

2 leading: Day and night, and in the scorching heat, and in the rain - there is a battle for the harvest. True grain growers are constantly in anxiety for him. The harvest is gained by them, thousands of people are working to grow grain, collect and grind it, bake bread. (At this time, there is a video loop: “News from the fields. Harvest 2012.”, “News Novosibirsk”, “OTS. Vesti” or a fragment of a movie "Russian field".)

1 reader: The peasants have solemn faces,

The field is all lit up.

In the land behind the village village

Bread grain is laid.

It sleeps in the Kuban cradle

How the father bent over the grain

In a jacket altered from an overcoat,

Agronomist, pale with excitement.

Let the field grow

Will be full this fall

Our rye, our wheat

All granaries in the country. (L. Smelyakov)

musical number. The song "The earth answers with love" performed by the choir.

2 readers: (A girl, in the form of a cook, reads a verse with a slide show: “Types of bakery products”

Here it is - fragrant bread,

With a crunch, twisted crust,

Here it is - warm golden,

Like sun-drenched.

In it is health, our strength,

It has wonderful warmth.

In it is the land of native juice,

The sun is the light of spring in it!

How many hands raised him

Protected, protected.

And grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table.

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground. (L. Tatyanicheva)

1 presenter: When you pick up an odorous piece of bread heated by the heat of the oven, you often experience some kind of hidden, not fully realized feeling of gratitude for bread. It is cheap and accessible to everyone, and no one can replace it for us. According to the calculations of medical scientists, an adult usually eats about 500 grams per day, and with severe physical work- 800 grams of bread. half energy resources necessary for life, a person receives from bread. It contains a lot of mineral salts and vitamins.

2 leading: More than one generation of people has grown up who do not know what bread cards are, endless lines for bread, who do not know the feeling of hunger, who do not know the taste of bread mixed with chaff, grass roots, quinoa. But no one remains indifferent, listening to the stories of veterans of the Great Patriotic War about front bread.

During the war years, only the elderly, women and children remained in the villages. Their selfless work helped the soldiers to defeat the enemy.

3 reader: Bread is hard to come by

Bread is hard to come by

The one who is blind in soul

Maybe smile

Discouraged by the

How am I with prosperity in the house, -

I eat bread superstitiously

Crumbs brushed in the palm of your hand.

It lives in me

The memory of that war

Bitter times!

Skinny boy, where are you?

Only a handful of grain per day -

Three hundred grams of hope

Grandma baked for us.

Bread from a mean flour,

A life long gone

My heart is beating...

Bread saved us from death

He is still immortal

Everything real in us

Use this measure! (A. Dementiev)

1 leader: Bread was always held in high esteem in Russia -

Its open spaces are the main wealth,

Do you want to know its price? ask

Leningraders can answer you.

(When reading the text, a video chronicle of the war years is used. "Siege Leningrad")

During the Second World War, the inhabitants of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) suffered a terrible fate. They lived for 900 days under enemy blockade conditions. At this time, workers and engineering and technical workers received 250 grams of bread each, and the rest of the inhabitants received 150 grams each. It consisted of low-quality flour, and yet this bread helped the people of Leningrad not only survive, but also win. The history of the struggle and resistance of Leningraders is an example of human resilience. More than 640,000 Leningraders died of starvation during the blockade. There are thousands of graves at the Piskarevsky cemetery. Near one is always crowded, visitors stand and silently cry. On the grave among the flowers lies a slice of black bread, and next to it is a note: “Daughter, if I could give it then!”

4 reader: Traffic on the Nevsky Prospekt...

Not at night, no - in broad daylight,

On the pavement, like a statue, the figure of a woman is visible.

There, on the road, as in a dream, a gray-haired woman stood -

In her outstretched hands lay a black crust.

No, not a crust, but a piece, disfigured by soullessness,

Mashed by many cars and everything forgotten by indifference ...

“This piece would then ... this piece would then

Who defiled? Who forgot the blockade terrible years.

And who forgot Piskarevka? There are no personal graves...

There, an eternal silent groan torments the memory of those times.

They did not get that piece lying here at your feet,

A piece that did not give life

Who threw bread - he took life! Who gave life?

(R. Rozhdestvensky)

2 host: People sometimes give their lives for bread, not only in war, but also in peacetime. Already after - war time, near the Mordovian village of Novo-Pshenovo, a wheat field caught fire: electrical wires sagged and touched the ground. At this time, two friends, natives of these places, Andrei Kuznetsov and Vladimir Shchankin, were passing by and saw a fire. It was necessary to shorten the 110 kW wire so that it does not touch the ground. Andrey began to bite the wire with wire cutters, and Volodya to put out the fire. Then Volodya took the wire cutters and began to bite through the wire. None of the guys thought if the insulation could withstand such a voltage? And suddenly Andrei saw how Volodya was thrown away, and he fell to the ground, and wire cutters were swinging on the wires ... Bread was saved at the cost of Vladimir's life. He was posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star.

1 leader: And at the present time, at the cost of enormous efforts, the workers of the villages of our region are growing crops. year 2012 became a real test for our grain growers, but despite the unfavorable weather they managed to grow good harvest. Farms such as Sibiryak LLC, head Aleksey Gennadyevich Sennikov, harvested 14.3 centners/ha of grain, and Sibirskaya Niva LLC, Sergey Aleksandrovich Lyakhov, the head, received 17.5 centners/ha. In general, the yield of grain and winter crops in the region was 14c/ha and 21c/ha, respectively.

Among the awarded machine operators there are also our graduates. In accordance with the Decree of the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region dated August 13, 2012 No. 375-p "On measures for the timely preparation and implementation of harvesting work in 2012" and the order of the Maslyaninsky District Administration, for a great personal contribution to the development of agricultural production and many years of work, they were awarded Certificate of Honor of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region:

Chernyaykin Alexander Nikolaevich, machine operator of CJSC APK "Maslyaninsky Len"; (graduate of 1984).

Reutov Andrey Nikolaevich, machine operator of Sibirskaya Niva LLC; (graduate of 1987)

Chauzov Oleg Viktorovich, machine operator of CJSC APK "Maslyaninsky Len"; (graduate of 2006).

For many years of conscientious work and high professionalism, they were awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry Agriculture Novosibirsk region:

Ilyasov Alexander Alexandrovich, combine operator of Sibirskaya Niva LLC;

(graduate of 1995)

Dudarev Vladimir Nikolaevich, combine operator of Sibirskaya Niva LLC;

(graduate of 1990)

Ognev Roman Sergeevich, combine operator, Sibirskaya Niva LLC;

(graduate of 2000)

I would like to talk about labor dynasties: these are, for example, the Gredin brothers - Valery and Slava - the future graduate of 2013, who worked at CJSC APK Maslyaninsky Len, the company's manager is N.P. Kuleshov, the director is A.S. Baev.

The floor is given to the director of CJSC APK "Maslyaninsky Len" Baev Alexey Sergeevich.

The floor is given to Valeriy Gredin, a graduate of our school, a machine operator of CJSC APK Maslyaninsky Len.

Music number. Song: Bread is the head of everything. Author V.F. Balachan.

For more than half a century of existence, our school has trained and graduated thousands of specialists, whom we are proud of. We are grateful to our masters who pass on their experience and skills to us: this

Vogel A.A., Shkuropat V.A., Kazantseva L.I.- general experience them pedagogical activity more than 25 years, Dubovskoy M.A., Kovyazin F.Kh. - their total teaching experience is more than 15 years.

2 host: We must have a holy attitude towards bread. One should never forget how much work people put into it, with what efforts such delicious rolls and gingerbreads get.

5 reader: Oh bread, oh my comrade, you are harsh!

For centuries people have poured sweat and blood -

And your name, turning into a cry,

It escaped from their parched lips...

For centuries by its secret power

You unwillingly divided people ...

But he connected millions with his name!

And there was one for them!

Creator of peoples and human destinies,

May your name be holy, bread!

And let it sometimes bitter,

But next to the truth it sounds good!

Oh bread, I know everyone has it

Rye or wheat grain,

Which - happens for many years -

Stubbornly breaks into the light ...

And it is true, for the worthy the day will come,

When the worthy grain rises...

And we will connect all the ears

Oh, bread, in your high name!

(A. Rudenko)

1 leader:

Grains of our days, shine

carved with gilding,

We are talking (together presenters and readers)

Take care of your own bread.

The word for the awarding of students of GBOU NSO NSO PU No. 77 to the chief agronomist, labor veteran of Sibirskaya Niva LLC Batartsev S.V.

Music number. The song "Noise of bread." Authors: N. Grebennikov, N. Dobronravov

2 host: Honor and honor to you, grain growers!

For your wonderful harvest

For what you gave to the Motherland

Fragrant loaf of bread!

Music number. To the sound of the song "You bloom, our Russia" (Authors: N. Palkin, V. Levashov), a loaf is awarded to masters and students - participants in the 2012 harvest.

Target: introduce students to the traditions of Russian Orthodox culture contributing to their moral education.


  • expanding the horizons of students;
  • development of creative abilities;
  • developing students' interest in cultural heritage of their homeland.

Conduct form: musical- literary composition.


  • scripting;
  • learning poems, scenes and words of the presenters;
  • preparation of an exhibition of drawings and musical arrangement on CD.

Decor: a festively decorated stage on which skits are played, presenters and performers perform.


  • costumes for acting out scenes (our students embroidered aprons, headbands and kosovorotkas on their own).
  • A saucepan wrapped in whatman paper. Whatman was decorated to look like a wooden barrel.
  • Attributes of a Russian hut: grip, embroidered towels, pots, cast-iron pots.


  • computer, tape recorder;
  • musical accompaniment of the holiday on CD (phonograms).

The musical and literary composition includes vocal and instrumental works by the students of our school. If necessary concert numbers can be replaced musical recordings related topics.

Event progress

Leading: Russian lands are wide, immense
Every day is good and pretty,
Ride across the seas-oceans
Better than Russia you will not find
Everything is beautiful: both the earth and the sky,
And fields, and forests, and meadows.
Arable lands breathe, but the harvest is earing,
And they make noise, ripening in the field of bread.
To the music of “meeting guests”, a procession of children is taking place, carrying a sheaf-beard, decorated with a red ribbon
Girl: The wind is blowing, it's raining, it's cold outside
And it's warm in your hut - apparently they have been waiting for us for a long time.
This is from us to you a sheaf-beard
You will always be with the harvest.
Each slice of bread smells like a warm sky
And the earth concealed all its strength in bread.
Here the rains are fast, the dawns here are radiant
The bread of native arable lands is decorated with a rainbow.
From spring to autumn, blond ears
The beloved land shines unimaginable.
Here the fields are free, people are hospitable,
We treat you with a good loaf.
Loaf is taken out
Leading: It was not easy for our ancestors to get bread, they did not plow the land with a tractor, but harrowed it with a plow, and the assistant horse helped; it was not harvesters that harvested, but they cut ears with sickles, but they collected them in sheaves and carried them to the mill to thresh, and they said: (during reading, the guys reorganize into a round dance and sing a melody)
“twist the flail, twist, hit the sheaves, thresh, twist, twist and bring it into the ovi ...”
Leading: not just you and I gathered here, we will play "mill"
Mill game
The mill is on a hummock, hung out its tendrils, stands on seven winds and looks at the wind, knocks, rattles, as if a hundred horses are running, as if a hundred horses are running, only dust is flying around.
She flaps her wings as if she is not afraid, she cannot rise, she only gnaws at the grain.
And tears, and rubs, and wraps crumples, he doesn’t have enough, the other - sometimes he’s full.
The children organize the content of the song in an organized manner.
Leading: and now, dear guests, we have prepared for you a fairy tale about a naughty dough (change of scenery: a Russian hut, a grandfather and a woman are kneading the dough)
music sounds "loaf"
buffoon: the dough was white
Puffed and hissed,
snorted, boiled,
The dough sang a song.
Dough: I'll crawl out of the pan
I won't be a pie
I don't want to be a carpet
Or pampushka with cottage cheese.
Woman: stop, stop, don't run, I'll bake pies
Will you be a gingerbread with a raspberry,
You will be a kulebyaka and stuffing with poppy seeds.
Dough: I don't have enough space in the pan
In the oven I'm not interested 2 times
buffoon: on the threshold of a pig, pink back
The pig grunts, squeals, hurries to the white dough
Dough: don't touch me, wait a bit
I will be a gingerbread with a raspberry
I will be a kulebyaka and achinka with poppy seeds
Piggy: I don't need a poppy, I'll eat you anyway.
Dough: guard, save! take the pig away!
Woman: ah, the naughty pig! (kicks the pig off the stage)
Will you be a rug?
Dough: I will, I will!
Grandfather: Will you be a kulebyaka and stuffed with poppy seeds?
Dough: I will, I will!
I want to be a cake, tasty, fragrant
Treat all the guys with poppy seed buns!
All: he wants to become a pie, tasty, fragrant
We treat all the guys with poppy seed buns!
(girls-treaters on trays take out muffins and treat everyone)
Leading: now we sat, sang songs and ate
Finishing our holiday, we want to sing a song now
All participants in the action become a semicircle on the stage and take out folk noise instruments
They perform the song "ah, choo-choo, I'm milking peas ..."

Telman gymnasium


"Bread is life"

Papayani Yana Ivanovna

Deputy Director

Telman gymnasium

on educational work

Pavlyuk Oksana Mikhailovna

Teacher musical art

Highest qualification category

Telmanovo 2015

Musical and literary composition

"Bread is life"

slide number 1

Target: formbe respectfulrelationetobread, earth.Summarize the knowledge of children that bread is a valuable food product, the production of which requires a lot of work.


1. To introduce and broaden the students' horizons about bread.

2 . Continue familiarity with folk traditions.

3 . Cultivate patriotism, thrift, respect for work.

Stage decoration: interactive whiteboard, musical equipment, posters and drawings, an exhibition of loaves, exhibition of books about bread.

“You will live without gold, but without bread - No".

slide number 2

Event progress.

(A song sounds, Tumashev's music, Bokov's words " Bread" )

Vedas .1. Here it is fragrant bread,

Here it is warm and golden.

In every house, on every table,

he complained, he came.

It is our health, strength, wonderful warmth in it.

How many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him.

In it - the earth's native juice,

The sun's light is cheerful in it ...

Gobble up both cheeks, grow up as a hero!

slide number 3

Vedas. At all times, in all ages, among all peoples on earth, it was the greatest holiness when bread lay on the table. It was hard for people to get it, but it was the most expensive thing in the world, because it gave life. It is not for nothing that the people have proverbs: “We do not carry bread, but our bread!” or "It's not hard to carry bread, but it's hard to live without it."

Vedas. "Bread is nature's most generous gift, food that cannot be replaced by anything else." This is how the famous French agronomist and pharmacist of the 18th century Antoine-Auguste Parmentier spoke about bread. And, indeed, life is changing, and bread is the father, the bread-breadwinner remains the greatest value.

Vedas. 15 thousand years ago BC primitive people began to collect and grow cereals. For a long time, people ate raw grains, then they learned to grind them between stones, getting cereals and cooking it. So the first bread appeared, similar to liquid porridge.

Bread, which is similar to the one we eat, was baked 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt.

Vedas . For the sake of the appearance of bread on our table, agronomists, combine operators, flour millers, tractor drivers, mechanics, bakers, and drivers are working. A lot of human labor is invested in every piece of bread. Guys, let's save bread!

( Student performance elementary school )

Slide number 4.5

1 student

Only the snow came down in April

How the fields turned green.

Boundless golden expanse,

Combine harvesters work there.

Slide number 6,7

2 student

Here the grain flows like a river,

To become flour.

The dough is spinning in the kneader,

Baked on fire.

Slide number 8,9

3 student

Eat it, grow and remember:

There is no greater work in the world

To come to your table

Fresh bread.

slide number 10

Vedas: The combination of bread and salt played the role of an exceptionally capacious symbol: bread expresses the wish for wealth and prosperity, and salt protects against hostile forces and influences. The Russians at the beginning and at the end of dinner were advised to eat a piece of bread with salt for happiness. Treating a guest with bread and salt established a relationship of affection and trust between him and the host; refusing them was regarded as an insulting gesture.

slide number 11

Scene "Meeting guests with a loaf"

(girl and boy come out with bread and salt)


If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Meet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

Lush round loaf.

He is on a painted saucer,

With a white towel.

Young woman:

We bring salt with a loaf,

Worshiping, we ask you to taste:

our guest and friend,

Take bread and salt from your hands!

Lush, soft, baked,

slightly browned,

Bread with golden crust

Came to you from afar.

Vedas. You know that in our gymnasium there was a competition for the best poem about a loaf. Now our participants will recite poems own composition. I invite 6-A grade students Blum Anastasia and Irina Gross to the stage.

slide number 12

Look at the caravan!

And invite everyone to the table.

Our golden loaf

Like the sun in the sky.

We will be glad to you

You are the sweetest in the world.

We cooked it together as a class

And today we treat all our guests

And came to your taste

Our golden loaf.

Vedas. And now a student of the 6th grade Anna Podolyak will tell us her poem.

slide number 13

Here is a fragrant bread,

With a delicious golden crust,

He is warm and fluffy.

As if filled with sunshine

In it health, life and strength

How many hands raised him

Collected and baked!

A lot of work has been put into this grain

So let them sway

Fields everywhere, always

And may there be no war anywhere and never!

Vedas. I am pleased to invite a student of the 7th grade, Tereshchenko Vikalina, to the stage.

slide number 14

Russian bread is the concern of grain growers

Their honest and honorable work.

Work day and night

To help the bread grow.

Bread is the fruit of hard work

Let the children always remember this!

How many times the steppe ship passed through the field,

And never missed a single spike

The combine operator took the helm,

And cleaned up the field.

His caring hands baked with great love,

So that we do not see hunger pangs,

And the loaf came

And the field, and the heat of the oven,

Now hurry to serve.

Vedas. Guys, I know that you love Russian folk game- round dance.

slide number 15

"Karavai - loaf". I invite everyone to the circle!

On a summer day at the loaf

Round dances, ringing and laughter,

He chooses his own friends

Selects, but not all.

"Caravan, caravan,

Whom do you love - choose!

(Children move in a circle. The game continues 2-3 times).

slide number 16

Children get up in a round dance and sing a song to the motive "A song about summer"

music E. Krylatova (from the m / f "Santa Claus and Summer"):

Here it is, a crust of bread,

Appetizing crunch, delicate taste.

And fried and fragrant,

There is nothing nicer.

La la la la la la,.

There is nothing nicer.

The shop smells delicious

The baker bakes bread for us for dinner,

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

And on all other days.

La la la la la la,

And on all other days.

For soup, goulash and semolina

Our crust is given at the table,

For tea, rolls, bagels, cheesecakes

And, of course, drying.

La la la la la la,

Bagels, cheesecakes, dryers.

slide number 17


With this, our holiday came to an end. We now know a lot about bread and how hard it is to get, and how it should be protected.

We will remember the people who grow wheat, make flour from grains, make bread, buns, confectionery from flour, and bow low to them.

Children in chorus:

Glory to peace on earth! Glory to the bread on the table!

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