Reading fairy tale bread voice. Gerbova Classes on the development of speech in the kindergarten preparatory group for school


Sleep, my dear baby!

In the forest, dense on the pebbles of a boy-with-a-finger,

Holding hands tightly and scaring the birds,

We'll leave here, we'll leave forever.

Red poppies will greet us warmly,

The wild rose in thorns will not scratch,

An evil fate will not croak a bird-thing,

And a shaggy witch will rush past on a mortar,

Mouse wings will whistle past A serpent with a fiery mouth,

A clubfoot will pass by for honey-raspberry ...

They are not like...

Not touched.

Sleep, my dear baby!

Your quick eyes will run far, far away ...

It's not frost - it's the sun that rides through the silken dawns,

Its golden, big wheels creak.

Look how many semi-precious stones play!

The hut on chicken legs opens the door for us.

On the heels of a dog.

A carved window in a red fire...

Desired lips opened.

The bright face of an angel is more beautiful.

Quiet fairy tales are blowing and warming...

Midnight creeps.

Dark darkness lay on the paths and roads.

Somewhere in the pipe and behind the stove

The wind is purring.

Wind... won't you leave me?

Baby... baby...

They told me that someone had come there, standing in the entryway. I left the room, and there, I looked, there were nuns.

Hello! - he says and looks at me intently, as if checking something.

Little nun, white.

Hello, what do you need?

So, I go around the houses, - he gives me a twig.

What is it, nuns, no leaves!

Leaves, - and smiles.

And I'm so happy I don't know what to do. A room, frames, and suddenly this branch with green, very, very tiny oily leaves.

Do you want, nuns, Turkish bagels, they bake here on the corner?

What do you want, baby?

Well, apples?

I would eat some honey.

Medka... Lord, nuns!... I saw you somewhere...

The monk smiles.

I firmly hold the green branch. The leaves are peeking out.

My branch, mine and leaves!


Who's there?

For color.

For what?

For forget-me-not

Forget-me-not came out, blue eyes sparkled. The Angel took the blue crumb, pressed it to the warm white wing and flew.


Who's there?

For color?

For what?

For chamomile!

Camomile came out, stretched out her white hands. Bes tickled the little yellow little belly of the turntable, picked it up on his furry paws and ran away.


Who's there?

For color.

For what?

Behind the violet

Violet came out and nodded her blue head. The angel touched the black-eyed girl and flew away.


Who's there?

For color.

For what?

For a carnation.

Carnation came out, white cheeks blushed. Bes her in an armful and ran away.

The bell rang again - an Angel flew in, asked for a color, took a flower. The mallet was beating again, - Bes ran in, asked for a color, took the flower.

So all the flowers were taken apart.

Sat Angel and Bes on a hillock in the sun. Bes with his flowers to the left, Angel with his flowers to the right.

An agreement not to laugh, whoever laughs will go to the Bes.

Angel looks serious.

What is wrong with you, forget-me-not? - begins to confess cheating.

Forget-me-not lowered her eyes, she bites her lips - she will laugh.

To the left of Bes, this is happening, if you are jelly jelly, and then you will laugh. Bes set fire to the flowers: he builds a muzzle, - the flowers build a muzzle, he makes a pug, - the flowers make a pug, he makes faces, - the flowers of the faces make faces, meow, cuckoo, yulat and so-and-so - that's how!

Forget-me-not opened her mouth and sighed.

Go, go to Bes! the flowers screamed.

Forget-me-not went to the left.

Quiet at the Angel. White wings gently stroke the flowers, blow softly on the feathers.

And to the left there is a hum, - Bes amuses himself. The angel looks seriously, confesses:

What is wrong with you, Violet?

Violet frowned, fastened, fastened, could not stand it and smiled

Go, go to Bes! the flowers screamed.

Violet went to the left.

So all the flowers that the Angel had could not help but burst out laughing.

And Bes had a lot of both white and blue - a whole meadow.

The sun was high in the sky, playing like a bunny in the meadow.

Then seven imps ran up from somewhere, and seven more imps, and seven more, and they raised such a fuss, they set off to ask such a horn-chirp, tumbled, jumped, squeaked, butted, danced, so much so that it’s impossible to say.

Flowers there, behind them - and! how fun - only little blue, white dresses flutter.

Circling, circling. The imps got completely mad, they climbed to crush the flowers and squeeze, and where, under the guise, they pinch, oh, how!

The crumpled flowers barely sway. They asked for a drink.

The angel rose from the hill, beckoned a dark cloud with a white wing. A dark cloud swam up, smiled. It started raining.

Flowers and drank to your heart's content.

Meanwhile, the imps hid in the bushes. Imps don't like rain because they don't drink.

The angel saw that the flowers had enough water, waved his white wing, said to the cloud:

It will be, cloud, swim for yourself.

A cloud floated. The sun appeared.

The angels came and made a rainbow.

And the flowers grabbed the handles and ran with burners from the hill

Burn, burn bright

To keep it from going out...

The imps came to their senses, crawled out from under the bush and headlong for the flowers, and not to catch up - far away. They twirled and twirled, showed the cones to the angels, and scattered across the field.

Birds flew quietly over the field, returning from a warm side.

The imps poked around in the ground, cooed - they counted the birds, and with them the horned Ignition Bes.

As soon as the forest is dressed in leaves and the warm sky curls with whitish tufts, Kostroma throws off his thorn-hedgehog coat, wipes his eyes and out of the barn on all four sides, wherever he looks, and goes to himself.

She goes through melted swamps, through plowed fields, and somewhere on a green lawn, and lies down; lies, rolls around, scratches his belly with his paw, - the belly of Kostroma is soft, shimmers.

Kostroma loves to celebrate, to eat pancakes and cranberry pudding with cream and foam. And so she doesn’t eat anyone, she just imagines: she will catch some kind of fly or insect with her yellowish mustache, suck honey wings with her tongue, and then let them out - let them go!

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on cognitive development

"How bread is grown"

Educator: Barankova Valentina Leonidovna

To give an idea that bread is the main food of a person. To form in children ideas about the interaction of people different professions in the process of growing crops, about the order labor processes farmers. Familiarize yourself with the variety of bakery products. To form the ability to read poetry clearly and expressively. vocabulary.

Strengthen the skills of children to sculpt from salt dough.

To develop the ability of children to emotionally perform songs and dances.

Bring up careful attitude to bread, respect for working people (grain growers, bakers).

vocabulary work: lush, fragrant, burnt, loaf, plow, black soil, grain growers, bakers, cornfield, bakery.

Equipment: bakery products, spikelets of wheat, salty dough, cookie cutters, blindfold scarf, CD player, CD with songs.

Previous work: reading K. Paustovsky “Warm bread”, A. Remizov “Bread voice”, Ukrainian folk tale “Spikelet”, memorizing proverbs about bread, conversation “Earth is a breadwinner”, looking at illustrations depicting agricultural machinery, memorizing poems, songs: “Golden grain" by Y. Chichkov, "My Russian Niva" by E. Antipina.

Guys, I suggest you solve the riddle and you will find out what we are going to talk about today.

Guess easily and quickly:

Soft, fluffy and fragrant,

He is black, he is white

And it gets burnt.

Bad dinner without him

There is no tastier one in the world.

(children solve the riddle - bread)

Yes, today we will talk about bread. And what words in the riddle helped you guess that this is bread?

(soft, fluffy, fragrant, black, white, burnt)

Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. Not a single feast is complete without bread. He always and everywhere enjoys honor and respect. A guest in Russia was always greeted with bread and salt. There were even proverbs about bread. Do you know proverbs about bread?

(children name proverbs about bread)

Lunch is bad if there is no bread.

Bread is the head of everything.

Rye bread is a native father.

Bread is our wealth.

A loaf of bread does not fall from the sky.

And in Russia they said: If there is bread, there will be a song.

(Children sing the song "Golden Seed" by Yu Chichkov.)

But the grains did not immediately become the bread that is on the table. People have worked long and hard on the earth.

(Child reads a poem)

He does not fall to us from the sky

Appears, not suddenly

To grow an ear of bread

Dozens of hands are needed.

Thousands of people work to grow and harvest. And now let's hear how bread comes to our table.

(children read poetry)

Beyond the forests, past the meadows

Thunder is heard in the field,

These are tractors plows

They plow light black soil.

Why are they plowing the land?

(so that it is soft, loose)

And what happens then?

To wide valleys

New cars out:

Look out the open window

Seeders sow grain.

Let's remember how wheat grains were sown before?

(they were sown by hand).

When they sowed, what did they say?

Niva is golden, kind honey.

Bring us bread

Stem to the sky.

Wheat seeds were sown. A lot of work has been invested in this grain, only the sun, wind, and water knows. So wheat is growing, earing in the field.

(girls dance a dance with spikelets).

So the spikelets poured, ripened. New concerns for grain growers. What should be done next?

(Grain must be removed, ground)

The growers sowed bread in the spring,

He matured and stood up as a golden wall.

And the country hears:

It's time for cleaning!

We need combine harvesters and tractors for grain.

The boys perform the exercise "Grain growers thresh grain."

Grain growers work from morning to night. Lines of trucks stretch from the harvesters. Grain is being transported to the elevator. This is where the grain is stored. And who will tell me what happens next with the grain?

(It is ground into flour at the mill, bread is baked from flour at the bakery).

Now I want to know what can be baked from flour?

(buns, pies, bread, bagels, cookies. . . .)

We will now go to the bakery.

(children go to the table on which bakery products lie)

Do you love to eat baked goods? Now we will check if you can recognize them by taste?

The game "Find out the taste" is held.

(children with eyes closed recognize the taste of bakery products)

Would you like to become a baker? I suggest you make bagels, cookies, loaves, bread loaf.

(children come to the tables where the dough and biscuit molds are prepared and, together with the teacher, sculpt from salt dough)

You see, guys, how much work you have to spend to get bread and bakery products. Thank you bakers for this.

Honor and honor to you grain growers

For your wonderful harvest,

For what you gave to the Motherland

Fragrant bread keravay.

(children sing the song “My Russian Niva”. E. Antipina.)

Children, so what is the tastiest thing in the world? How should bread be handled? What if you don't eat a piece of bread?

(must be given to animals, birds. You can’t throw bread on the ground).

With cucumbers and potatoes

You have to eat bread to the crumbs,

Because there are many forces

Spends the one who raised the bread.

People - bread

Children - peace

Let the friendly feast begin.

It's time to shout out to everyone

Bread - a friendly "Hurray"!

(Children are treated to bakery products

Target. Introduce children to A. Remizov's fairy tale "Bread Voice", find out if they agree with the ending of the work. To improve the ability of children to reproduce the sequence of words in a sentence.

Lesson progress

The teacher reads a story. Then he repeats her ending: “And it has gone from now on in Russia - bread voice heard for the longest time." The teacher asks the children to explain what kind of bread voice this is. Asks preschoolers if they have heard of people or organizations that help others.

The teacher talks about how Russians always rush to help those who are in trouble: they donate blood if someone has an accident; collect things for those affected by the flood; building houses for fire victims...

“And if a child with a “bread voice” grows up in the family, he will not forget to call his grandmother, congratulate his neighbors on the holiday, help his mother with the housework, feed the ducks on the pond,” the teacher concludes this part of the lesson.

The teacher reminds the children that they already know how to count the words in a sentence and call them in order.

“And today we will play,” the teacher says. - First, I will say a sentence, and you will count the number of words in it and name them. Then one of you will make a proposal. In this case, it is necessary to say the following phrase: "Valentina Viktorovna, count the words in my sentence and name them." Remember?"

The teacher offers for analysis a sentence from A. Fet’s poem “A dry leaf falls, the wind is angry at night” and finds out the name of this work.

Children name the number of words. Then the child pointed out by the teacher says the first word, and all the children say: “One!” etc.

After that, one of the children (optional) pronounces his sentence, and the teacher analyzes it.

For analysis, sentences should be selected without conjunctions and prepositions. And the children offer the teacher phrases in which there are different parts of speech. In this case, an adult must count all the words. For example, the teacher analyzes the sentence “The kitten hid under the closet” as follows: “There are four words in the sentence: kitten, hid, under (this is an independent word), closet.”

If there is time left, the game continues.

Lesson 7. In a forest clearing

Target. develop imagination and Creative skills children, activate speech.

Lesson progress

The teacher reminds the children that last year they already learned how to create a picture about the life of animals in a forest clearing.

“Today we will also draw up a picture“ In a forest clearing ”, says the teacher. - While one of you will work at the blackboard, you will create your own pictures on sheets of paper in order to later talk about your clearing, its inhabitants and their relationships. No need to carefully draw the details of the picture - you do not have time for this. If only you yourself knew who and what you drew.

The kids get to work. Then the child who worked at the blackboard talks about his painting. Children and the teacher, if necessary, ask clarifying questions.

The teacher calls the second child. While he is working, 1-2 children talk about their paintings.

If there is time left, the teacher can invite the children to play the game “I thought ... Guess what?”. For example: “It is located in a forest clearing,” the teacher explains. Children ask clarifying questions and, in the end, find an answer (for example, honey mushroom).

Lesson 8

Target. To acquaint children with folk and author's tales, to arouse the desire to come up with their own tales.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children if they remember what fables are. Reminds that fables are also called shifters. He listens to the children's answers, clarifies whether they like these works.

Then he reads fables:

Drove the village
Past the man
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.
Pulled out the cart
Whip horse
And let's kick
Her gate.

It's like a bear is flying across the sky.
The bear is flying
Turns his head.
And he carries a cow,
Black-and-white, white-tailed.
And the cow is mooing
Yes, he twirls his tail!
Know the bear shouts:
- Let's go to the right
Come on to the left
And now straight ahead!

The old lady said:
- open buffet
And a poodle bone
Ladies for lunch.

Suitable for buffet
Looking at the shelf
A poodle on a platter
Sitting in the buffet...
S. Marshak, "Poodle"

One, two, three, four, five,
I start repeating:

Children select a word that is suitable in meaning, and the teacher calls a word that is completely out of place here.

Baked in the oven
And in the buttonhole

Next, the teacher invites the children to practice compiling fables. The teacher invites the children to answer the questions: who? what? which? what is he doing? where does he live? The teacher listens to the answers and writes down words that clearly do not correlate in meaning. For example: a strawberry hedgehog dances in a plate. Chocolate puppy watering the cloud. And so on.


Lesson 1. It's so light around today!

Target. Introduce children to poems about autumn, introducing them to poetic speech.

Lesson progress

"Coming last month autumn - November, - the teacher begins the lesson. - We admired you bright colors early autumn. At the beginning of autumn it was warm and comfortable. Sometimes even butterflies flew, delighted us. And the poems about early autumn are extraordinarily expressive.

The teacher reads an excerpt from I. Bunin's poem "Falling Leaves":

Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue,
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows ...

“Autumn comes into its own, nature and weather change,” the teacher continues the conversation and reads A. Pushkin’s poems “Autumn” and A. Pleshcheev “A Boring Picture”.

The teacher completes the lesson by reading A. Pushkin's poem "The sky was already breathing in autumn ...". After reading the work, the children are interested in what lines they remember.

“Today we had a day of poetry, and you and I bathed in the rays of the beautiful, sonorous, figurative Russian language. Is not it?" - the teacher sums up the lesson.

Lesson 2. Autumn motives

Target. To teach children to look at drawings in books, to explain why they liked this or that illustration.

Preliminary work. On the eve, the teacher draws the attention of children to a small exhibition of books on the theme of autumn. Asks to remember or bookmark favorite drawings.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children if they liked looking at the pictures in the books.

“I even see bookmarks in books,” the teacher notes. – I am glad that you, future schoolchildren, are responsible for fulfilling my requests and tasks. And to be able to consider drawings is a very necessary thing and not at all simple. So, whose bookmarks are in this book?

The teacher invites the child to his table, and he explains his choice. If there is more than one bookmark on this page, the second child comes to the table and completes the friend's answer.

The teacher listens to everyone. Notes the observation of children. In the course of the child's story, the teacher monitors his speech, suggests the right words, helps to build sentences correctly.

The teacher says that many of the drawings that the children liked, he also liked, such as the illustration from the book Autumn Poems.

“I also paid attention to the colors in this picture,” the teacher says, “ rose bush, which has become half golden, a lilac haze (blue) between the trees, a barely noticeable yellowish path near the harvested field, on which two cautious crows collect fallen grains.

Current page: 3 (total book has 10 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 7 pages]

Lesson 4. Russian folk tales

Target. Find out if the children know Russian folk tales.

Lesson progress

The teacher reminds the children that in the previous groups every year they were introduced to Russian folk tales: “There is so much wisdom in fairy tales! They teach to be strong, kind, generous, to help those who are in trouble, even if it's just some kind of little frog. Fairy tales teach, sparing no effort, to fight for a just cause and win. What Russian folk tales do you remember?

Children often name author's fairy tales. The teacher then explains that folk tales no author: “These fairy tales appeared a very, very long time ago, and they were not read, but told to children, often adding something new to them. And the same tale became either short or long.

But we are reading fairy tales in processing. Processors make old fairy tales understandable to modern children. And now I will definitely call you handlers. So, let's remember the names of Russian folk tales.

The teacher listens to the answers of the children and recalls the names of the program fairy tales that they did not remember. Then he says that he wants to check whether the children remember the content of fairy tales. The teacher reads the passages and asks the children to determine what fairy tales they are from.

- The people gathered, went to the river, threw down silk nets and pulled out ... (Alenushka.)(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, in the arr. A. N. Tolstoy.)

- And yet she knows how, everything goes well with her, and what she doesn’t know how to get used to, and when she’s used to it, she also gets along with business. father looks at youngest daughter and rejoices. (“Finist - the Clear Falcon”, in the arr. A. Platonov.)

- She took clean sieves, fine sieves, sifted wheat flour, kneaded white dough, baked a loaf - loose and soft, decorated the loaf with various intricate patterns: on the sides of the city with palaces, gardens and towers, flying birds above, roaring animals below. (“The Frog Princess”, arr. M. Bulatov.)

“You know that there are fairy tales, there are stories, there are poems,” the teacher continues the conversation. How to define a fairy tale? That's right, there are many miracles in fairy tales. Animals, fish, birds behave like people, talk like people. And in fairy tales there is a recurring magic number three: three royal (merchant) sons, three daughters-in-law, three tasks that must be completed ...

And what amazing, bright drawings for fairy tales are! See for yourself. I brought you some well-illustrated books. Make us happy with your observations."

Lesson 5. Such a story!

Target. Continue to teach children to make up stories from personal experience.

Preliminary work. The teacher tells the children amazing story: “Once the neighbors went on vacation and instructed us to take care of their cat. Those who knew us well, visited us and begged for treats. And now we began to feed him. During the day, the cat ran all over the site, drove the neighbor's cats and cats to his bowl, she stood on the street, did not allow them.

Once we saw how our cat was walking along the path from the gate, and next to him a small hedgehog minced. And the cat is clearly leading the hedgehog to his bowl. The hedgehog began to eat porridge with milk, and the cat sat down next to him and looked at him.

The hedgehog ate cat food and stomped back along the path. And the cat, with a sense of accomplishment, stretched out on the porch, looking at us. And we have the same thought spinning: “How did they understand each other”?

“This is my story,” the teacher continues the conversation. - And tomorrow you will tell the stories that you have witnessed. Consult with your parents about what and how best to tell in order to please my comrades and me. This is your homework."

Lesson progress

The teacher asks if the children have done their homework.

Then he listens to the story of the first child. Marks a successful beginning or, conversely, says that the story would win if it started like this (offers options).

The teacher listens to a few more stories, noting the stories that are distinguished by logic, figurative speech.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher promises to listen to the rest of the stories during the walk and in the evening. “And if the story is very interesting, you will certainly hear it,” says the teacher.

Lesson 6. Reading A. Remizov's fairy tale "Bread Voice". Didactic game"I - to you, you - to me"

Target. Introduce children to A. Remizov's fairy tale "Bread Voice", find out if they agree with the ending of the work. To improve the ability of children to reproduce the sequence of words in a sentence.

Lesson progress

The teacher reads a story. Then he repeats her ending: “And it has gone from now on in Russia - the bread voice of all is heard longer.” The teacher asks the children to explain what kind of bread voice this is. Asks preschoolers if they have heard of people or organizations that help others.

The teacher talks about how Russians always rush to help those who are in trouble: they donate blood if someone has an accident; collect things for those affected by the flood; building houses for fire victims...

“And if a child with a “bread voice” grows up in the family, he will not forget to call his grandmother, congratulate his neighbors on the holiday, help his mother with the housework, feed the ducks on the pond,” the teacher concludes this part of the lesson.

The teacher reminds the children that they already know how to count the words in a sentence and call them in order.

“And today we will play,” the teacher says. - First, I will say a sentence, and you will count the number of words in it and name them. Then one of you will make a proposal. In this case, it is necessary to say the following phrase: "Valentina Viktorovna, count the words in my sentence and name them." Remember?"

The teacher offers for analysis a sentence from A. Fet’s poem “A dry leaf falls, the wind is angry at night” and finds out the name of this work.

Children name the number of words. Then the child pointed out by the teacher says the first word, and all the children say: “One!” etc.

After that, one of the children (optional) pronounces his sentence, and the teacher analyzes it.

For analysis, sentences should be selected without conjunctions and prepositions. And the children offer the teacher phrases in which there are different parts of speech. In this case, an adult must count all the words. For example, the teacher analyzes the sentence “The kitten hid under the closet” as follows: “There are four words in the sentence: kitten, hid, under (this is an independent word), closet.”

If there is time left, the game continues.

Lesson 7. In a forest clearing

Target. Develop the imagination and creativity of children, activate speech.

Lesson progress

The teacher reminds the children that last year they already learned how to create a picture about the life of animals in a forest clearing.

“Today we will also draw up a picture“ In a forest clearing ”, says the teacher. - While one of you will work at the blackboard, you will create your own pictures on sheets of paper in order to later talk about your clearing, its inhabitants and their relationships. No need to carefully draw the details of the picture - you do not have time for this. If only you yourself knew who and what you drew.

The kids get to work. Then the child who worked at the blackboard talks about his painting. Children and the teacher, if necessary, ask clarifying questions.

The teacher calls the second child. While he is working, 1-2 children talk about their paintings.

If there is time left, the teacher can invite the children to play the game “I thought ... Guess what?”. For example: “It is located in a forest clearing,” the teacher explains. Children ask clarifying questions and, in the end, find an answer (for example, honey mushroom).

Lesson 8

Target. To acquaint children with folk and author's tales, to arouse the desire to come up with their own tales.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children if they remember what fables are. Reminds that fables are also called shifters. He listens to the children's answers, clarifies whether they like these works.

Then he reads fables:

* * *

Drove the village
Past the man
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.
Pulled out the cart
Whip horse
And let's kick
Her gate.
* * *

It's like a bear is flying across the sky.
The bear is flying
Turns his head.
And he carries a cow,
Black-and-white, white-tailed.
And the cow is mooing
Yes, he twirls his tail!
Know the bear shouts:
- Let's go to the right
Come on to the left
And now straight ahead!

The old lady said:
- open buffet
And a poodle bone
Ladies for lunch.

Suitable for buffet
Looking at the shelf
A poodle on a platter
Sitting in the buffet...
S. Marshak, "Poodle"

One, two, three, four, five,
I start repeating:

Children select a word that is suitable in meaning, and the teacher calls a word that is completely out of place here.

Baked in the oven
And in the buttonhole

Next, the teacher invites the children to practice compiling fables. The teacher invites the children to answer the questions: who? what? which? what is he doing? where does he live? The teacher listens to the answers and writes down words that clearly do not correlate in meaning. For example: a strawberry hedgehog dances in a plate. Chocolate puppy watering the cloud. And so on.

Lesson 1. It's so light around today!

Target. Introduce children to poems about autumn, introducing them to poetic speech.

Lesson progress

“The last month of autumn is coming - November,” the teacher begins the lesson. – You and I admired the bright colors of early autumn. At the beginning of autumn it was warm and comfortable. Sometimes even butterflies flew, delighted us. And the poems about early autumn are extraordinarily expressive.

The teacher reads an excerpt from I. Bunin's poem "Falling Leaves":

Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue,
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows ...

“Autumn comes into its own, nature and weather change,” the teacher continues the conversation and reads A. Pushkin’s poems “Autumn” and A. Pleshcheev “A Boring Picture”.

The teacher completes the lesson by reading A. Pushkin's poem "The sky was already breathing in autumn ...". After reading the work, the children are interested in what lines they remember.

“Today we had a day of poetry, and you and I bathed in the rays of the beautiful, sonorous, figurative Russian language. Is not it?" - the teacher sums up the lesson.

Lesson 2. Autumn motives

Target. To teach children to look at drawings in books, to explain why they liked this or that illustration.

Preliminary work. On the eve, the teacher draws the attention of children to a small exhibition of books on the theme of autumn. Asks to remember or bookmark favorite drawings.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children if they liked looking at the pictures in the books.

“I even see bookmarks in books,” the teacher notes. – I am glad that you, future schoolchildren, are responsible for fulfilling my requests and tasks. And to be able to consider drawings is a very necessary thing and not at all simple. So, whose bookmarks are in this book?

The teacher invites the child to his table, and he explains his choice. If there is more than one bookmark on this page, the second child comes to the table and completes the friend's answer.

The teacher listens to everyone. Notes the observation of children. In the course of the child's story, the teacher monitors his speech, suggests the right words, helps to build sentences correctly.

The teacher says that many of the drawings that the children liked, he also liked, such as the illustration from the book Autumn Poems.

“I also paid attention to the colors in this picture,” says the teacher, “a rose bush that has become half golden, a lilac haze (blue) between the trees, a barely noticeable yellowish path near a harvested field where two cautious crows collect fallen grains.”

Lesson 3. Sound culture of speech. Work on the offer

Target. Improve phonetic perception, the ability to determine the number and sequence of words in a sentence. Continue to work on the semantic side of the word.

Lesson progress

“Which of you has seen crystal things that sparkle in the light of lamps? The teacher starts the conversation. - It can be ... glasses, glasses, salad bowls, candy bowls, sconces, chandeliers. Can an autumn day be crystal clear?

Is in the autumn of the original
Short but wonderful time -

And radiant evenings.

These lines were written by the wonderful Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev. How amazingly accurate and beautiful words found in this quatrain. Did you hear? Autumn is the original - what kind of autumn is this? What word can replace the word wondrous

The teacher explains what radiant evenings are. Then he asks the children to count the number of words with sound R in the first two lines of the poem (repeats them) and name these words.

Can you name the first two sounds in the word wondrous. Di- part of a word. There are other words that start with di-. Which? (Dima, Dina, Dinara, director, sofa ...) Let's look in the dictionary and look up words that start with di-. So: diet, diadem, savage, curiosity, porcupine, dynamo, disk, conductor. Are all the words familiar to you? And diadem, porcupine, conductor? Determine which part of the word the sound is heard R in the word conductor

Next, the teacher invites the children to play the game “I am for you, you are for me” and recalls its rules: “First, I will say a sentence, and you will count the number of words in it and name them. Then one of you will say your sentence, and I will count the number of words. So, how many words are there in the sentence “Cowberries are ripening, the days have become colder.”

Children count the words (4-5 answers), and then name the words in the order they appear in the sentence.

“Now let’s play differently,” the teacher says. - Dima, you have a word keeps up, Sasha has a word cowberry, at Ira - become, at Masha days, at Katya - colder. Come to my table and decide who will stand with whom, and then say the proposal.

If confusion occurs, the game is repeated with other participants. (The reception was offered by G. Belyakova.)

Concluding the lesson, the teacher reads to the children a poem by F. Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn ...” or by K. Balmont “Autumn”.

* * *

Is in the autumn of the original
Short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
On a resting field…
F. Tyutchev

Cowberry ripens
The days got colder
And from the bird's cry
My heart got sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In multi-colored attire.

The sun laughs less
There is no incense in the flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And cry awake.
K. Balmont

Lesson 4. Retelling the story of V. Sukhomlinsky "Apple and Dawn"

Target. Improve the ability to retell and plan the retelling.

Lesson progress

“Today I will read you a story written by a teacher, school director Vasily Sukhomlinsky,” the teacher begins the lesson. “The story is called ‘The Apple and the Dawn’.”


Little Misha often came to the garden to his grandfather Korney. Grandfather treated grandson delicious apples, pears, honey.

But Misha could not take his eyes off the huge, white, tender apple that shone at the very top of one apple tree.

- Grandpa, dear, let me climb in and pick that apple over there.

- No, - grandfather answered, - the apple will go to the one who comes to the garden at dawn and works for an hour: pour water for the bees, cut dry branches.

How many times Misha was going to come to the garden at dawn, but he could not overcome laziness.

Finally, after all, he gathered his strength, opened his eyes when it was still dark, threw away the pillow and ran to grandfather in the garden. He poured water for the bees, cut dry twigs.

ascended morning Star. Misha came up to the apple tree with the cherished apple, and he was breathless. Huge apple at the very top it was no longer white, but pink, like the sky at dawn.

- Well, now the apple is yours. Climb and pluck, - said grandfather.

- No, grandfather ... Better tomorrow.

- Why?

“I want to see the sunrise again.

“If we can draw up a story plan, then we will succeed in retelling without significant omissions and unnecessary repetitions,” the teacher continues the conversation. Do you remember where the story begins? What is the shortest name for this part of the story?

The teacher listens to the children's answers and says that everything they told happened in the garden of grandfather Korney: “I think that the first point of the plan should be called:“ In the garden of grandfather Korney. And then the action of the story took place no longer in the garden, but where? And how did the action develop? This part of the story can be called...? "Misha stopped being lazy", "Misha defeated laziness" ...

Did the boy get the coveted apple? How did Vasily Sukhomlinsky describe this apple? And when did this apple become not white, but pink? (When the morning star rose.)

We have a plan. Now I will read the story again so that you will remember it better.

Then the teacher calls the child, and together they retell the story. The teacher ends his part with the words: “Grandfather, dear, let me climb in and pick that big apple over there.” The child then retells.

The teacher calls another child to retell, and he invites a peer.

The apple in the story was... (huge, white, tender). What kind of apples did you meet? - the teacher is interested, completing the lesson.

Lesson 5. Lexical games and exercises

Target. Activate the speech of children, improve the phonemic perception of speech.

Lesson progress

“I have already told you many times that you should carefully listen to the words that I pronounce,” the teacher begins the conversation. - It is necessary to indistinctly pronounce only one sound in a word - and you get nonsense. Let's check?

Rooks hurry, doctors fly. Which letter changed the word rooks? (Letter V.)

There were barrels, behind the barrels of the daughter.

The teacher pronounces the following pairs of words: house - catfish, beetle - onion, poppy - varnish.

Next, the teacher invites the children to listen to the story and dream up: “In one fairy-tale town, the names of animals were written on all the houses: Squirrel, Hedgehog, Raccoon ... Once a new one was built in the city beautiful house, which soon appeared the inscription: "Cat".

The mice ran to school. They saw a sign and read: "Cat". Can you imagine their behavior, convey their conversations? (For example: "What a horror! Now we have to go to school by a different road. The house is very rich. This cat must have a servant," etc.)

Walked on business kitty. Can you describe her? And what did the kitty meow when she saw the inscription "Cat"?

The dog followed. What breed do you think she was? Seeing the sign "Cat", the dog got angry ...

And the little girl who walked in the neighborhood could not read. But then she saw the cat come out of the house and sit on the step of the porch. The girl immediately appeared next to him and spoke to him. What do you think about what?

One, two, three, four, five,
I start repeating:
Baked in the oven
And in the buttonhole
Crawling on the grass
Milk flows into
And at the construction site

The teacher repeats the poem, and the children finish the words bud, baton, can, concrete, python.

Lesson 6. Reading the fairy tale by K. Paustovsky " warm bread»

Target. Introduce children to literary tale K. Paustovsky "Warm bread".

Preliminary work. On the eve, read to the children the work of K. Paustovsky "Cat-thief".

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children if they remember the name of the author of the story "Cat-thief".

When the children name the author, he continues: “Readers (Who are they?) Call Paustovsky a singer of Russian nature. Indeed it is. The writer describes the corners of nature so vividly and memorable, natural phenomena that these descriptions remain in memory for a long time. And he knows how to laugh. After all, you laughed when I read about the tricks (deeds) of a red cat. And Konstantin Paustovsky also knows how to set the reader in a very serious way. See for yourself by listening to his new work, which is called "Warm Bread". This is a very wise story. If you understand its meaning, learn what rudeness and cruelty leads to, you will become kinder.

The teacher reads a story. Then he finds out from the children: “What did this fairy tale teach you?”

Summary of classes in kindergarten for older preschoolers. Topic: Reading the fairy tale by K. Paustovsky "Warm bread"

Development task: Develop speech, thinking, memory of children.
Learning task: To introduce children to the literary tale of K. Paustovsky. To make it clear that a wise fairy tale helps to assimilate a highly moral value in human behavior and once again see what rude and cruel behavior leads to.
educational task: Cultivate the ability to listen to each other, do not interrupt.
Health saving task: Formation of the correct behavior in the team
Material: Portrait of K. Paustovsky, illustrations.

Lesson progress

Music sounds. "Good Road"
Teacher: I am very glad to see you. Listening to a song. Did you like the song? What mood did this song evoke in you? I want today's lesson to be held in good mood created by this music.

Main part
teacher: Guys guess the riddle
Grew up first in the wild in the field.
In the summer it bloomed and spiked,
And when they threshed
He suddenly turned into grain.
From grain to flour and dough,
Took a seat in the store.

Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, fluffy and fragrant.
He is black, he is white
And it gets burnt.
One of the gifts grown by man is bread. Today I would like to introduce you to wise fairy tale which was written by K. Paustovsky “Warm Bread”, and what is her wisdom we will try to figure out together ...

In this tale, you will hear the word: cavalrymen - a branch of the army in which a riding horse was used for combat operations or movement.
The bit is an iron attached to the straps that is inserted into the horse's mouth.
Cap - men's headdress
Reading the fairy tale by K. Paustovsky "Warm bread"
Questions about the content of the fairy tale.
- Where does the story take place? (in Berezhki)
- Who left the horse in the village? (cavalrymen)
- Who took the wounded horse? (miller Pankrat)
- What was Filka's nickname? (well you)
- What did Filka do with a piece of bread after he hit the horse? (thrown into the snow)
- What happened in nature after that? (blizzard, severe frost)
- What unusual happened in this village 100 years ago? (freezing)
- Why did the frost come to the village? (A soldier walked through the village and asked for bread. Evil person threw moldy bread to the soldier on the ground.)
- What, according to the grandmother, caused such a frost? (from anger)
- Where did Grandma Filka send in search of advice? (to Pankrat)
- What did Filka come up with? (to break the ice on the river)
- Who witnessed the conversation? (magpie)
- What role did the magpie play in saving people? (calls the warm wind)
- How did the reconciliation of Filka and the horse happen? What did Filka bring to the wounded horse? (a loaf of fresh bread)
- What did the horse do after eating the bread? (put his head on Filke's shoulder)
Why was the magpie angry? (no one listened to her)
- What does the fairy tale "Warm Bread" teach us (to become kinder, one cannot be rude and cruel)
This work tells us about how good deeds help to melt a “chilled heart” and defeat “human malice”.

Final part
Verbal (conversation)
The teacher shows a drawing of a heart, one half of which is blue, the other is red. What was Filka's heart like at the beginning of the tale and then? What does a fairy tale teach, what should a person be like?
Coloring hearts

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