Personal life of Olga Buzova new photos. Loud recognition at the “Battle of Psychics”

Great potential and versatility of talents allowed Olga Buzova to achieve considerable success in show business. Today she is at the peak of popularity, and has changed her career as a TV presenter of the show project “Dom-2” to solo life singers. Olga has millions of admirers and admirers, but her heart is this moment free. After bad marriage with Dmitry Tarasov, the girl completely immersed herself in creativity. However, it seems that the next marriage of the charming beauty is not far off.

Olga in childhood, her parents and family

A girl was born on a January day in 1986 in Leningrad, into a completely “unartistic” family. The girl’s parents loved their children very much, and in addition to Olga, they also raised their daughter Anyuta. The couple denied themselves many things in their desire to provide for the girls. Better conditions life - quality clothes, travel, visiting clubs. The friendly atmosphere is best illustrated by the photos of Olga Buzova and her family.

Olga with her parents and sister Anyuta

Olga's father worked as a civil servant, her mother as a dentist. Olga Buzova's family still lives in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, the mother does not work, and the head of the family is engaged in business.

Olya grew up as a smart child, she learned to write and read early, and at the age of 3 she already spoke English. Her mother enrolled her in school early, when the girl was only 5 years old. The seven-year-old first-graders initially offended the little girl, but then accepted her unconditionally. Throughout her school years, the girl was always the soul of the class.

Olga in childhood

She was imitated by many, because even then she skillfully experimented with fashionable looks. Olga spent her first fee (she earned money on her own at the age of fifteen) on fashionable jeans.

After successfully graduating from school, Olga enters St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Geoecology and Geography. True, she had to interrupt her studies at the university, because at that time she was “building love” at the television construction site “Dom-2”. However, Olga’s perseverance served her well here too; she successfully completed her studies at the university, starting lectures after a sabbatical leave. Olga got to the casting of the “Dom-2” project thanks to her sisters Anyuta, because she was the one who, having seen the announcement, hastened to tell her sister about it. After a successful selection, the girl shone in a television project, and millions started talking about the Buzov-Tretyakov couple.

Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov - relationships on the Dom-2 project

The couple of Olga and Roman was recognized by television viewers as the most beautiful and romantic of those times. Moreover, it went down in the history of the project and is immortalized in the Moscow Museum wax figures. Unfortunately, these three years of relationship were not crowned with success, the couple separated without ever officially getting married. Tretyakov put an end to this novel; having decided to leave the project, he called Olga with him, but the girl was in no hurry to leave the “television construction site.” After Roman, the girl tried to start relationships with the guys on the project, but they were all fleeting. But even here Olga did not lose heart; she changed her role as a participant in the project to a career as a TV presenter, replacing Ksenia Sobchak.

Olga with Roman Tretyakov

First official marriage - marriage to Tarasov

In 2011, fate favored Olga; she met her true love- football player Dmitry Tarasov. It is worth noting the fact that Olga took Tarasov away from the family. Before the affair with her, the football player was married and raised his daughter Anastasia. It took Olga only two months to “bewitch” the famous football player, and in 2012 the lovers officially registered their marriage.

The new husband showered Olga with luxurious gifts, sponsored her cool parties, took her to famous resorts, and she, in the rays of glory, wrote the book “The Price of Happiness,” in which she gave valuable advice how to build your love. At that time, every second person spoke about “Tarabuziki”, that’s what the couple called themselves, but alas, a strong marriage did not work out.

Olga with ex-husband Dmitry Tarasov

In her interview, Olga says that she dreamed of living with this man all her life, but as a result, the fairy tale turned into dust, leaving a bitter aftertaste.

In 2016, the “Tarabuziki” divorced, and the reason for the breakup was a banal betrayal. Dmitry was seen in a relationship with model Anastasia Kostenko, and they say that she is pregnant from him.

Friends and acquaintances of the couple say that the reason for the breakup could be children; the football player wanted to have a strong family with children, but Olga did not plan the birth, she was still building her career.

Personal life of Olga Buzova today - facts, rumors and speculation

After her divorce from Dmitry, the girl carefully looks at each man, no longer making hasty decisions. But there are a lot of rumors around her name. The girl is credited with an affair with the famous showman Dmitry Nagiyev, as well as with Sergei Svetlakov, although the girl has only friendly relations with them.

Olga - photo 2017

The latest scandalous situation with Olga arose due to feuds with Viktor Drobysh, he publicly ridiculed her work on musical Olympus. But Olga does not give up, taking criticism hard, she nevertheless made her debut in November 2017 in Moscow with solo concert, where she performed such popular songs How:

  • “I’m getting used to it”;
  • "Not enough halves";
  • "Equilibrium";
  • "Wrong" and others

There is no doubt that the girl’s determination and charm will soon influence her destiny and she will meet the man of her dreams.

The biography and personal life of Olga Buzova is being actively discussed today. Over the past few years, the girl has gained incredible popularity. She is the leader in the number of subscribers in the Russian version social network Instagram. Today, 10 million people have subscribed to her page. And this number is increasing every day. Let's look at the most Interesting Facts from the biography herself popular girl Russia.

Olga Buzova was born in St. Petersburg, into a military family. Little Olya very quickly learned to walk and talk. She mastered reading and writing with ease. Mom, looking at how quickly her daughter was developing, decided to send her to school as early as possible. Olga became a first-grader at the age of five.

At first, it was difficult for the girl to be in a group where she was the youngest. But thanks to her sociability and perseverance, little Olya made friends with her classmates. The girl studied well. Although not all subjects were easy for her, she was able to become an excellent student. Olga Buzova grew up in an intelligent family, where they preferred to spend money not on luxurious outfits and jewelry, but on education.

Olga started working very early. At the age of 13 she went to Kid `s camp, and worked there as a counselor all summer. After 2 years, Olga passed the audition and got a job as a model in an agency. The star told reporters that she spent the first money she earned on fashionable things, in which she proudly walked around school.

Since childhood, Olga Buzova dreamed of becoming an actress, but after graduating from school she entered the Faculty of Geography rather than acting. Her parents made the choice for the girl because they considered the acting profession to be frivolous.

Reality show "Dom-2"

At the age of 19, Olga Buzova came to Moscow to become a participant in the new reality show “Dom-2”. To participate in the project, the girl took academic leave At the institute. And even the fact that the girl stayed in Moscow for a long time did not prevent her from graduating from college with honors.

While participating in the show “Dom-2”

The participants of “House-2” warmly accepted Olga Buzova into their team. Literally immediately she created a couple with Roman Tretyakov, who was on the project from the first days of its creation. The young man affectionately called Olya “Buzyonysh”. Soon other participants began to address her in the same way. The relationship between Olga and Roman lasted 3 years.

During this time, the guy got tired of life under the gun of television cameras and decided to leave the project. He settled in the capital and waited for his beloved girl to come live with him. But that did not happen. Olga really liked television life, so she did not plan to leave Dom-2. Long distance relationships soon became obsolete. The young people dispersed.

After breaking up with Roman Tretyakov, she had 2 short novels on the project - with Alexander Materazzo and Stas Karimov.

In 2008, the girl decided to leave the television project, but the producers were not ready to say goodbye to her. They invited Buzova to become another presenter.

Working on television

While still a participant in “House-2”, Olga, together with her partner Roman Tretyakov, began to host fun show"Romance with Buzova." The program soon closed, but the management of the Popsa radio station managed to notice the young people.

As a presenter in the program “Romance with Buzova”

They began to host a program with the same name, but now on the radio. In 2007, she became the TV presenter of two more programs: “Black Mark” and “Beware, stylists!” Next year she will become the host of the project for which she became famous.

Literary creativity

In 2006, Olga wrote her first book, “A Romance with Buzova,” in which she talked about her beautiful love with project partner Roman Tretyakov. The book received high praise from both readers and critics. A year later, the second part of the book was published, as well as a new, no less interesting work, “The Thing About the Hairpin.”

A girl presents a book “It’s all about the hairpin”

In 2016, Olga Buzova wrote a new work and called it “The Price of Happiness.” The book turned out to be very colorful - every page is saturated with perfume, and photographs of Olga are published on all the spreads. I want to look at the book more than read it. Be that as it may, the circulation of Buzova’s next creation quickly sold out.

Olga Buzova: personal life

Despite the popularity and a large number of fans of Olga Buzova’s personal life can hardly be called stormy. This is due to strict upbringing girls. After she broke up with Roman Tretyakov, she did not have a bright and long-term relationship.

In 2011, rumors appeared in the media that Olga Buzova began dating a football player. The girl did not refute them. The loving couple was increasingly seen together - they did not hide their relationship much. And this, despite the fact that Dmitry was married and had a small child growing up.

Olga began to be accused of “taking” Tarasov away from the family, but the footballer himself claimed that his marriage had long been “bursting at the seams.”

After two months of relationship, Tarasov proposed to Olga, which she happily accepted. The wedding took place in the summer of 2012. Only relatives and friends of the couple were present at the celebration. Olga took her husband's last name, but kept hers maiden name as a pseudonym.

Olga devoted a lot of time to her husband; she wanted to create a strong and happy family, but their love story was destined to end. At the end of November 2016, information appeared on the Internet about the breakup of Tarasov and Buzova.

At first, fans noticed that the football player had deleted him from the social network joint photos graphics with Olga Buzova. A little later, Dmitry Tarasov was injured during the match, but in an interview he thanked not his wife, but his mother for his support. But before, Olga always supported him in everything, and he was grateful to her for that.

After these events ex-lovers began to officially comment on their breakup. And if Olga openly stated this, then Dmitry gave the journalists a cynical answer: “Why don’t you take an interest in Olya’s comments? She loves to comment on everything! So let her comment on our divorce.” From that time on, dramatic changes began in her biography and personal life: Olga Buzova replaced happy photos together with photographs demonstrating her active creative activity.

Olga Buzova had a very hard time with her divorce from Tarasov. Colleagues on the TV project said that Olya often cries and lashes out at others. It was these emotional experiences that became the impetus for a new turn in creative career. Olga Buzova decided to try herself as a singer and recorded the song “I’m getting used to it.”

Skeptics negatively assessed the singer’s vocal abilities and argued that things would not go beyond one song. However, they did not take into account the fact that Olga Buzova is very popular with people on Instagram. It was they who began to listen to her songs and come to concerts. Olga began to actively perform, go on tour, and record new songs.

Divorce also served as a reason for a change in appearance. A bright blonde decided to change her hair color and cut her hair. New image highly appreciated by fans and colleagues. In a word, Olga Buzova’s life after divorce is getting better.

As a presenter in the show "Dom-2"

And here’s how Oksana Tarasova, the former wife of the football player, commented on the divorce of Olga and Dmitry: “I don’t hold any grudges against Olga. We have not been at enmity and are not at enmity. However, the law of karma exists. As for her songs about “universal suffering,” but this is even funny. They will not destroy this concept. Overall she looks good and the clips are fun to watch. But... Her voice sounds like she has sinusitis. Sorry for being frank, but that’s how it is.”

Psychic predictions: all about Olga Buzova

The winner of the “Battle of Psychics 14” Julia Wang made several predictions regarding the biography, personal life and husband of Olga Buzova. She predicted the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov back in 2015. When Olga found out this information, she was very surprised. At that moment it seemed to her that their happiness was endless. This is how Olga Buzova commented on Wang’s words: “No one has predicted anything for me yet. I just don't believe in fate. I am sure that everything is in our hands. It depends only on us how our fate will turn out.

I got married once and I hope forever. At least I do everything to make it so." But as we know, Olga Buzova’s personal life has changed - a divorce appeared in her biography. But the children that Olga dreamed of, as well as joint photos with them, have not yet appeared in her biography.

Olga Buzova in the “Battle of Psychics”

And here’s what Mohsen Norouzi (winner of the 10th battle of psychics) predicted to Olga Buzova at the beginning of 2017: “After the divorce, Olga is not going through better times. However, difficulties will benefit her - she will become more mature and stronger. Conversations around divorce will quickly subside.

The reason for the separation of Dmitry and Olga is simple - the husband lost interest in his wife. He wanted deep, real feelings. But they weren’t there. He didn't want to play love for show.

Conflicts regarding the division of property ex-spouses will drag on a little. Very soon Tarasov will have a son. But he will be in a relationship with his mother for no more than 5 years. Olya will have several suitors. Olga Buzova’s personal life will be eventful - her biography will include 3 marriages and three children. She will appear on screens for another 4 years and then disappear.”

Details Created: 10/20/2017 21:16 Updated: 08/30/2018 21:10

Olga Buzova is a woman with versatile talents, but most of all she was remembered by television viewers as a participant and then TV presenter of the show “Dom-2”. Below you will learn more about her creative and personal life.

Olga is a woman with great potential who managed to achieve success in show business, revealing all her talents. Many people admire her and at the same time many hate her. She has millions of fans and the same number of envious people. Today she is at the peak of popularity and continues to strive for better.


According to sources, the talented girl was born on January 20, 1986 in historical city- Leningrad. According to the horoscope, Aquarius is a kind, soft, intelligent, optimistic woman and full of creative energy.

In childhood

Her mother Irina and father Igor were military personnel when she was little. My parents were very strict and very demanding. She also has a two-year younger sister, Anna, who is currently Olya’s business partner.

The baby was a very smart child and went to school early. Although studying was not easy, the girl was very assertive and hardworking. At that time, she was already trying to stand out from the crowd, adding zest to her image and studying well. Therefore, she received a good education.

At first I studied at the gymnasium, where I studied English in depth. Then I entered St. Petersburg University, where she studied geoecology and geography. While participating in the show "House 2" she had to suspend her studies and take an academic degree, but after the project she successfully completed everything.

At the age of 18, she had little understanding of how she should live further and what to do. At that moment, her sister came to the rescue and signed her up for the casting of the Dom-2 project. Buzova had a choice: either become a famous model abroad (she was offered a good contract, because she had experience in the modeling business), or go on television and build her love. Without thinking for a long time, she chose the last option and left for Moscow.


According to sources, “House 2” made her a star and gave impetus to promoting her career on television. Undoubtedly, she was one of the best and brightest representatives of this reality show, as well as the only girl who soon became its TV presenter. But this is not the only project where she took part.

"House 2"

A television

On the TNT channel she participated in the filming of the following projects: “Romance with Buzova”, “Beware, stylists!”, “Robot Child”, “Taxi”, “Attack of the Clowns” and others. Also took part in the show "Let's Get Married" and "Dancing with the Stars".



She first appeared in films in the youth television series “Univer” (2008), where she played herself in a short episode. Subsequently, she acted in films exclusively in supporting roles: “Zaitsev+1” (2012), “Bartender” (2015), “Poor People” and “Take the Blow, Baby” (2016) and others.


The girl showed her talent as a writer. First, two books were published together with Tretyakov in 2006-2007 "Romance with Buzova. The story of the most beautiful love" and "Romance with Buzova. Love online". And then her own books of advice - "It's about the hairpin. Tips from a stylish blonde" (2007) and "The price of happiness" (2016).


The TV presenter did not plan to become a singer at all, because she wanted to build happy family relationships, to give all of herself to her husband and subsequently to her child, but fate made its own adjustments to her plans for the future. After the disappointment and betrayal of her husband, she began to realize herself and found a direction that she really liked - music.

Buzova recorded several singles: “Don’t Forget” (2011), “To the Sound of Kisses” (2016), “I’m Getting Used to” (2017), “Hit Parade” (2017) and made video clips for some songs.

"Hit parade"


According to media reports, together with her sister she opened a chain of stores Bijoux Room, where stylish jewelry for girls is presented. She also tried herself for some time as a designer: she released a clothing line, opened stores, but then closed them in 2014 (they turned out to be very unprofitable).

Olga with her sister Anna

Interesting Facts

Her height is approximately 176 centimeters, and her weight is about 52-53 kg. The girl has an open Instagram page and more than 10 million subscribers.In my youth I had bad habit- I smoked a lot, but now I quit and healthy image life.

At one time, Olya and her husband got tattoos on their wrists in honor of their marriage. But today, each of the former spouses is trying to get rid of this mark, which reminds them of life together.

After the divorce, the TV presenter decided to radically change not only her life, but also her hair color. And in an instant she changed her hairstyle - from a bright blonde she turned into a burning brunette.

At the girl's ideal figure, because she constantly monitors her diet and exercises. She also travels a lot and often, so she always takes a whole suitcase of swimsuits with her.

Personal life

It is unknown, of course, what kind of relationship she had with the guys before the Dom-2 project, but when she had already settled in the reality show, she built her relationship with the participant Roman Tretyakov.

For several years, the whole country watched this charming pair of lovers and predicted a great future for them together, but that was not the case. After three years of relationship, Roman decided to leave the project and this put an end to their love story. Buzova tried to have an affair with several other guys, but these were all fleeting relationships.

Olga with Roman Tretyakov

And only in 2011, as she then believed, she finally met her true love - football player Dmitry Tarasov. As you know, he is one year younger than her and has a daughter from his first marriage, Anastasia.

Their feelings were so strong and mutual that after two months of their acquaintance, Dmitry proposed marriage to the girl. The wedding took place at the beginning of summer in 2012 and took place in the circle of closest friends and relatives.

Photo with football player Dmitry Tarasov

In one of her interviews, the girl admitted that at the time when the proposal was made to her, she was in seventh heaven. She thought she did correct solution and wants to live with this person all his life until old age. But in an instant the fairy tale ended and only a bitter aftertaste remained. And every time she remembers this, she always wants to cry.


On television and in society, she was always highlighted as a cheerful and constantly smiling girl, but no one ever guessed what was going on in her soul.

After almost 6 years of marriage, in 2016 the couple announced their divorce. This event was a big blow for many fans, because they believed that everything was fine with the couple and children together were soon to be born. Rumor has it that the reason for the breakup was the football player’s affair with new passion Anastasia Kostenko and the girl seems to be pregnant.

Anastasia Kostenko photo

Separating from her husband was very difficult for Olga and for some time she entered a depressed state. But active work helped me get rid of heavy thoughts and seemed to give me new wings.

After the divorce, Olga takes a very careful look at every man who comes her way. After all, she has already been burned once and is now going to choose her chosen one very carefully. She is terribly annoyed by weak and uninitiative men, because she believes that a girl should feel strength and protection in a man.

She spoke about her intentions in a new video clip that she filmed abroad - “Hit Parade”. Now the girl is completely convinced that it is better to carefully hide her personal life from the public, then the family will be truly strong and happy.

In 2016, dirty gossip about her intimate relationships with Dmitry Nagiyev.

The prospect of remaining single for the rest of her life does not frighten Buzova at all; on the contrary, she believes that this will give her more possibilities builds your career and develops. So far, the woman is not quite mature for a new romance, so she is not looking for a new relationship.

Olga Buzova – former member the long-running project “Dom-2”, which many TV viewers remember. Viewers react to her differently. Some people find Olga annoying; others, on the contrary, like her. But this girl leaves no one indifferent. It is also worth noting that Buzova is a very versatile person. And few people know that this luxurious and slightly absurd blonde was able to prove herself not only as a TV presenter.

Among other things, Olga Buzova began a career as a fashion designer, actress, writes books, and is also a very impressive singer, radio DJ, and quite a successful businesswoman. At first glance, the extravagant Buzova is strict not only towards herself, but also towards her surroundings. But it only seems so.

Perhaps, among the Russian youth of the early 2000s there are no people who would not like to know what kind of gorgeous blonde height, weight, age. How old Olga Buzova is is also no longer a secret, especially if you know her date of birth.

It is known that this TV personality is already 32 years old, and she still impresses her fans. beautiful appearance and a luxurious body. And if you look at the photo of Olga Buzova in her youth and now, you won’t notice any special differences, because Olga is still young and beautiful. This woman’s height is relatively high – 176 centimeters. A beautiful figure It helps her to demonstrate a weight of 53 kilograms. And it is extremely rare that this mark rises higher.

Biography 👉 Olga Buzova

Olga was born on January 20, 1986. Her father is Igor Buzov and her mother is Irina Buzova. Then none of them could have imagined that this was the birth of a very gifted child and in the future very famous person, which will gain enormous popularity on television. But this really turned out to be the case. Little Olechka learned to read and write very early. And at the age of three the girl could already speak fluently English language. Two years later, Olya had a sister, Anya, who loved her older sister very much and imitated her in everything.

Irina didn’t know what to do next with her daughter’s talents, so she only accepted the right decision– when Olenka was only five years old, she sent the girl to school. At first, Olya’s older classmates bullied her a little, but soon they stopped, seeing that she was a very positive and sociable little girl who didn’t give a damn.

In the class, she was able not only to make friends with everyone, but also to become an excellent student. Little Olya loved clothes and travel, and her parents tried to make sure their daughter had enough of everything. IN school years Olya mastered playing the piano and played chess masterfully.

At the age of 13, Buzova earned her first money when she got a job as a camp counselor. And at the age of 15 she already got a job as a model. The girl spent the first fee she received for the shoot on fashionable jeans in a provocative red color.

As a child, Olga really wanted to become an actress, but her mother and father were against it. After graduating from school with a silver medal, Buzova entered the St. Petersburg Institute at the Faculty of Geography.

The biography of Olga Buzova began its new round, when the girl came across an advertisement for the recruitment of participants in the new show “Dom-2”. But Olga got there after it started. It is impossible not to notice that Olya acted quite responsibly, taking an academic leave from the institute, which she later graduated with excellent marks.

Buzova got involved with the project when she was 18. And she instantly captivated not only the participants, but also TV viewers with her charm and originality. The girl was even able to find a boyfriend, and their couple was recognized at that time as the most romantic on the project.

For about ten years now, Olga has been included in the Dom-2 team. She is the editor of the magazine of the same name.

For a long time, the famous Buzova collaborated with the TNT television channel, where she hosted the programs “Black Mark” and “Morning on TNT.” She was often invited to entertainment programs. Such, for example, as “Attack of the Clowns”, “Battle of Psychics” and “Dancing with the Stars”.

Among other things, Olga is also known for her talent as a writer who writes in an autobiographical style. Among her works, it is worth mentioning “The Story of the Most Beautiful Love,” “Love Online” and “The Price of Happiness.”

It is perhaps worth mentioning that Buzova nevertheless fulfilled her childhood dream - she appeared in the TV series “Bartender”, “Poor People” and “Univer”. In addition, she also became a dubbing actress.

Interestingly, Olga also did not hesitate to perform in the theater, playing in the plays “ Honeymoon" and "Chic wedding." The girl sings wonderfully and makes spectacular videos. She has a lot of fans all over the country.

To top it all off, Olga Buzova created her own clothing line and is the owner of the Bijoux jewelry brand and its branded stores.

Buzova’s life had its share of ups and downs. She was not always lucky in her personal life. For example, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov last news Today they claim that the couple broke up, but the girl decided not to suffer too much about this. She still has a long way to go.

Photos of Olga Buzova appeared in magazines at a time when Buzova was a young twenty-year-old girl. With her overly candid photographs, the girl demonstrated that she is not at all ashamed of her own nudity and easily flaunts it.

In erotic photographs, all the advantages of the presenter are visible to the naked eye. In particular, the male gaze can be pleased by the beautiful breasts of a blonde. The girl also likes to please her followers on Instagram spicy photos. When she was still married, she often posted topless selfies together, which were instantly appreciated by fans. Now Buzova often poses in the bathroom naked or in a swimsuit, flaunting her elegant figure.

Personal life 👉 Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova’s personal life itself is quite stormy and impresses with the abundance of beautifully romantic moments. Also in school times Olga was a bright personality, so it is quite possible to assume that she was dating one of her classmates.

Already in adulthood, Buzova was in a relationship with Stas Karimov, whom the girl met at the same “House-2”. Olga started dating Roman and for this reason Stas was jealous for a very long time. But they end up maintaining friendly relations now.

Olga’s very first and most impressive romance was the girl’s relationship with Roman Tretyakov. As with Stas, Buzova met him on the same reality show. Having lasted about three years, their relationship ended in nothing, since Roman left the project, but Olga was in no hurry to leave. As mentioned earlier, this couple was chosen as the most romantic and chic in the entire project. In the same case, as with Stas Buzova, we managed to maintain friendly relations with the former gentleman.

It is worth saying that the most unlikely relationship was Olga Buzova’s with Alessandro Materazzo, who left “House-2” about seven years ago. At first, the girl agreed to this relationship, but then she found out that this “Italian” is actually a rather deceitful person. The guy's name was Alexander Kuryshko, and at that time he already had a girlfriend outside the reality project. Alexander himself, by the way, greatly ruined the girl’s reputation by talking about her relationship with the producer of the project and saying a lot of nasty things about her.

Not long ago, Buzova found herself in a real erotic scandal. When the very frank correspondence between Olga Buzova and Dmitry Nagiyev became public knowledge. There were both photos and videos of a personal nature captured there. Among other things, Nagiyev invited Buzova on dates for intimate photo sessions. The correspondence went online after Olga’s phone was hacked. At the same time, the stars themselves refused to comment on this fact.

As for the couple Olga Buzova and Sergei Svetlakov, they were never in a relationship. At the same time, they good friendship. Perhaps one of the proofs of their real friendship can be the fact that during the filming of an episode of the program “ProjectorParisHilton,” Svetlakov unsuccessfully made fun of the girl when she sang along with a soundtrack, but Buzova was not offended. And even on the contrary, she posted the video on her social media pages, adding funny captions to it.

Family 👉 Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova’s family has nothing to do with the media world, but that doesn’t matter, because she is very caring. Olga's parents supported their daughter from her childhood. The fact that they denied themselves in many ways, giving everything possible to their beloved girl, is already worth a lot.

Buzova’s father was a civil servant, despite the fact that he had a technical education. Currently he is working entrepreneurial activity. A few years after Olya’s birth, her parents separated, but even despite this fact, Igor Buzov did not stop taking part in his daughter’s life. Even now, remembering Olga, he speaks of her with respect and pride, and tries to support her in everything.

Olga's mother works as a dentist, with extensive experience and high level qualifications.

In addition, the glamorous blonde has a younger sister, Anna. As mentioned above, she was born a couple of years later than Olya. The little girl tried to imitate her older sister in everything. I started learning English, learning to dress stylishly. And in 2006, just like her beloved sister, Anna went to Dom-2, where she almost immediately had fans.

The girl’s popularity increased so much that Olga began to feel clearly superfluous at this “celebration of life.” That's why I asked my sister to leave. Today Anna lives in a civil marriage, and has not yet given her nephews to her sister. It is known that Anna runs a business selling exclusive jewelry together with her older sister. The girl is responsible for the paperwork part of the work.

Children 👉 Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova’s children have not yet appeared, for the reason that the girl was actively building a career. Being married to famous football player Dmitry Tarasov, she could not get pregnant for the same reason - Olga devoted all her time to opening a business, and Dmitry to his sports career. The couple was too rarely at home at the same time, which could hardly have contributed to conception.

At one time, one could often read rumors online that Buzova had problems with women, and even infertility! But the girl rejected them with enviable consistency. The couple confidently stated that they were absolutely healthy, but they simply did not have time to deal with the issue of childbearing.

An additional option for the fact that the couple still does not have children was the assumption that Tarasov already has a baby from his first marriage, and he is not yet ready to have another one.

Once on her Instagram, Buzova wrote that her husband and children were preventing her from taking proper care of herself. To which the blonde’s admirers ridiculed her, “reminding” that she divorced her husband and never gave birth to at least one child.

Ex-husband of 👉 Olga Buzova - Dmitry Tarasov

Olga Buzova's ex-husband - Dmitry Tarasov in Buzova's life in 2012. Then the couple decided to get married. The couple met in the company of mutual friends. Dmitry was then a midfielder for the Lokomotiv team, and Olga was still involved in the Dom-2 project. Tarasov, as mentioned above, at that time already had a wife and a small daughter, but this did not keep the man from getting a divorce.

Tarasov and Buzova got married on a ship with friends. They lived as a family for about five years, and parted just as unexpectedly as they met and got together. Fans consider the reason for the disagreement to be the notorious lack of children. Others believe that the reason lies in mutual betrayal of each other. Pra are no longer together.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Olga Buzova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Olga Buzova are freely accessible to admirers of the glamorous blonde. For example, over two million people are subscribed to her profile on Instagram. There they can admire Olga’s personal (and other) photographs and videos.

The presenter also has her own Twitter page, as well as a Facebook profile. As for the VK profile, Buzova has several unofficial ones and a confirmed page there. Next to the name on the last one there is a familiar blue tick. The star’s YouTube account also has plenty of videos, as well as fan videos about her. Olga is not happy with everyone, but nothing can be done about it.

Olga Buzova's parents are employees. Dad - Igor Dmitrievich, mother - Irina Aleksandrovna. Olga’s sister Anna was also raised in the family.

Education of Olga Buzova

Creative work of Olga Buzova, like Russian stars

In August 2008, Buzova made her debut as an actress in “Univer” on the TNT channel, she got the role of an online friend of Eduard Kuzmin.

A couple of months after this, Olga began solo activity, began to travel around Russia and neighboring countries. Her compositions were presented in the album entitled “Stars. Laws of love."

In 2009, within the framework of popularizing the volunteer movement, Olga was considered a participant and leader of the special propaganda team “Youth Train” under the auspices of Russian Ministry sports, youth policy and tourism in Russia.

According to the results of 2009, Buzova was in the top three best TV presenters states according to the publication KP.RU.

In the fall of 2010, the first theatrical debut also took place, Buzova was replaced by famous actress Maria Kozhevnikova in the theater's production of "Chic Wedding".

In October 2010, Olga was the host of three episodes of the Cosmopolitan program. Video version" on the TNT channel with Dmitry Olenin.

October 2012 - Olga received an offer from the Italian company Cream&Chocolate regarding the joint release of a clothing line under the Sweet&Sexy brand. The collection included evening wear, sports and casual items. The presentation of Sweet&Sexy took place within the boundaries of Estet Fashion Week. Guests who were present during the event noticed that the models representing Buzova’s clothing line were like clones of the newly minted designer. To make an impression, Olga spent a couple of months searching the Global Network for her clones. All the models were blondes with absolutely identical hairstyles.

In the near future, Olga will take part in a popular television project from Russian TV channel"", or rather to say in next issue TV show "Dancing with the Stars".

Participation of Olga Buzova in the television project “House 2”

The girl appeared on the television project “Dom-2” for the first time in 2004. She was a participant in the project for four years. According to the results of a vote by viewers, she was recognized as the best participant in the entire television history of the project.

Five years ago wax figures were the most famous participants TV productions by Roman Tretyakov and Olga Buzova appeared in the Moscow Wax Museum.

2006 - together with Roman Tretyakov, she wrote her first book, “A Romance with Buzova. The story of the most beautiful love." This creation, according to the publication “Book”, became the Best Project of the Year and was awarded the title best project in the category “Star Revelations”.
- 2007 - while living on the TV set of love, Olga wrote and published her first personal book“Romance with Buzova” ISBN: 978-5-94719-207-0
- 2007 - another book from Buzova, “It’s about the hairpin. Tips for a stylish blonde" ISBN 978-5-17-046203-2, 978-5-271-17801-6
- 2007, together with Roman Tretyakov, she wrote and published the book “A Romance with Buzova. Love online" ISBN 978-5-94719-272-8, 978-985-16-3059-8

Personal life of Olga Buzova

From the very beginning of her participation in the television project Dom-2, Olga was able to win the hearts of three guys. Evgeny Abuzyarov was the first to court her, giving her flowers and declaring his love. But they remained friends.

Then Alexander Nelidov fought for the blonde’s heart, who, together with Olga, attended a photo shoot where the couple kissed for the first time. But Alexander at that time was paired with another participant in the project, Sol, so things didn’t work out for Olga again.

After this, it was Stas Karimov’s turn. Their relationship developed gradually, the couple even managed to live a little in a separate house, but their passion did not last long. Although they parted as very close friends, Stas still loved Olga for a long time, to whom he seemed too simple.

Buzova’s next chosen one was Roma Tretyakov. Roma had just broken up with Elena Berkova, who was kicked out of House-2 for filming porn films. But this relationship also did not lead to marriage.

He couldn’t resist the charms of the seductive Olga and offered to marry her, but she refused him.

After participating in the project, your social life Olga continued, but regarding her personal life she began to spread to the minimum. And yet, journalists managed to find out that at the end of 2010 Olga Buzova began to build a common nest with a certain Russian businessman named Andrey Sorokin. But already in February 2011, information leaked to the press that a rich boyfriend had kicked the girl out of his luxurious four-room apartment. As it turned out, he simply did not like his beloved’s behavior and her lifestyle. Olga herself did not really want to comment on the situation and talk about this relationship.

But literally a month later they began to write about Buzova’s new novel. This time she decided to break it and chose Lokomotiv football player Dmitry Tarasov as the object of her adoration. It is worth noting that this novel brought a lot of trouble to Dmitry. He even had to pay a fine to the club in the amount of 30 thousand. And, nevertheless, this relationship reached its peak, Tarasov divorced his wife Oksana.

This year, football player Dmitry Tarasov married Olga Buzova.

Dmitry has a daughter, Angelina, from his first marriage.

Friends of Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova’s closest friends during her time on the television set were Lena and Masha Petrovskaya.

Now she maintains warm relations with Stepan Menshchikov, Gauguin, Evgenia Feofilaktova-Guseva, Anton Gusev, Ksenia Borodina, Daria Pynzar, Elena Bushina, Rustam Solntsev.

Income and fees of Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova receives 40 thousand euros for her work as a co-host of the television project Dom-2. Her other earnings are not announced in the press.

Cars of Olga Buzova

As a participant in a television project, Buzova bought herself a yellow Mini Cooper. Olga Buzova takes fifth place in the "Stock Leader" magazine. But over time, her fees grew significantly, so she could afford to switch to a more presentable Q5 in a pearl-blue hue, the cost of which varies from $100,000 (from 3 million rubles The girl sold her old car, from now on she only drives a car, and is very pleased with the purchase.The average cost of a new car model, like Buzova’s, reaches 3 million rubles.

Olga Buzova

Despite the fact that Olga has been living in the capital of the Russian Federation for many years, she does not have her own apartment. At the moment, she and her husband rent an apartment and are saving for their own home. Olga admits that she dreams of buying a large apartment at 160-200 square meters and a house in Miami.

Countries where Olga Buzova was

Olga Buzova traveled to Venice (Italy) with Roman Tretyakov. Olga Buzova spent her honey weekend with her husband in. But already in December they are planning to go on vacation and spend it in the Maldives. Before this, Olga Buzova was in and other countries.

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