How to beat a saucepan as a birthday gift. Congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of comic gifts to the newlyweds

To give a gift, think about how to give it...

You can present the newlyweds with a beautifully packaged box, after making a speech about how a family dinner is unthinkable without good service. When handing over the box, make an awkward movement and show horror on your face when you hear the sound of broken dishes (the box contains old glasses, unnecessary plates, cups with broken handles, etc.). The box can be dropped several times, pretending that this happened by accident. After the comedy of the situation dawns on those present and everyone has had a lot of fun, give the young people a real gift.
As an option for giving a comic gift, you can pretend that you are giving a TV and drop the box several times in the same way (there should be a lot of broken glass, plastic or tin objects in it so that it all clinks and rattles loudly).
If you decide to give a certificate, you can hide it inside a chocolate egg, place the egg in a duck, hide the duck in a hare (you can use soft toys) and pack it inside a chest. You can use a casket or a regular box, decorated accordingly, as a chest .
Banknotes are placed inside balloons, some confetti is added and a bunch of balloons are presented to the young people, and then all the balloons are made to burst.
When presenting comic gifts to the newlyweds, they first make the following speech: “We would love to give you everything you can dream of, but the size of our salaries allows us to give only what will take the first step towards this dream. And they give:
hangers (for a future fur coat);
mouse pad (for a future computer);
life jacket (useful when the yacht appears);
antenna (there will be a TV someday);
self-adhesive number (for the door of a new apartment).

A portrait of the newlyweds in some interesting image, ordered in advance from a professional caricature artist (for example, the husband is an oligarch, and the wife is a stunning fashion model). If the artist manages to convey the portrait likeness, your gift will decorate the interior of their home for many years.
Presentation of all kinds of medals and certificates (for example, driver's license for driving a wheelchair), certificates for the right to use each other.
Watch “Who cares!” The dial of this watch has no numbers, only the inscription “Who cares!” After all, happy people do not keep track of time.
A necklace made from toilet paper rolls with instructions: “for purity in relationships.”
Glass jar with banknotes. The lid (to protect the donated amount) can be rolled up.
Set of hammers: for beating meat and carpentry. They are awarded with the words: “Every person is the architect of his own happiness.”

If the future mother-in-law is not deprived of a sense of humor and also has good vocal abilities, she can prepare an unusual musical gift - the romance of Tortilla Turtle. The image of the heroine of “The Golden Key” will be ideally complemented by a cap and an umbrella. For the number you will also need a backing track of the song to the music of A. Rybnikov for the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”.

Time flew by like a bird,
I didn't notice when
My son has become an adult and a man
How his spring came.
I remember little feet
Took your first step
How long ago was it,
Twenty years ago.
He grew up stately and broad-shouldered,
I recognize my father's gaze
I fell in love with him like that
Twenty years ago.
He also once brought
To my house with your wife,
She entered the threshold timidly
Our life is not easy.
Don't be afraid, dear ones,
If something is out of place,
We made mistakes ourselves
Twenty years ago.
This day is magnificent
Everyone is happy to congratulate you,
And I'm as happy as before
Twenty years ago...

Fairy-tale attributes will fit perfectly into a wedding scenario in a folk style:
Walking boots (so that the husband always has time for a hot lunch);
Rejuvenating apple (so that the wife always remains young and beautiful);
Magic carpet (to quickly get to work).
And also a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisible hat, living water... Russian folk tales are truly an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

Cool little things for family life

An interesting solution for wedding congratulations are small gifts with a comic symbolic meaning.
By the way, with the wish for the couple to “do not spill the water,” you can present waterproof glue “Moment” for gluing marital relationships.
Just add a couple of lines to the instructions for use and you can safely go to the address indicated in the wedding invitation. Instructions for use Particularly strong adhesive Moment is designed for reliable connection of two halves. The product is great for bonding marital relationships. Method of application: clean the bonded bonds with sandpaper and degrease with a solvent. Apply a thin layer of glue to both surfaces, leave for half an hour and press tightly against each other. The decisive factor is feelings, not the strength and duration of pressure. In the event of a frozen relationship, the glue restores stickiness in a warm, trusting environment.

The place, time and stars coincided for two.
The eagle groom coincided with the beautiful bride.
And on this wonderful day you can’t count your friends, relatives
At the first birthday of a young family.
And so that your union is strong,
The golden one lived to see the wedding,
We brought you for a jerk
Half a bag of wise advice.
They say it should be a lot, it should be often, it should be thick,
There must be cabbage in the family!
And there is also a belief
What children find in her.
So that you have it,
Here are the seeds for you!
(the newlyweds are given a bag of cabbage seeds)
/Groom's name/! You are now a married man!
Your bachelorhood is over,
Your festivities ended until dawn.
Now carry out your fast with your family.
Think less about a glass of beer,
Now your main drink is tea!
(the groom is given a pack of tea)
And so that you don’t accidentally turn left,
We present a compass! Keep your course only towards your wife!
(the groom is given a compass)
/Bride's name/! Don't be a bitch wife.
Don't get on your husband's nerves
Don't shout for no reason.
Better knock on the tambourine!
(the bride is given a tambourine)
Well, of course, let's get to work,
If my dear is at fault,
You can soap your neck once,
So that it would be discouraging.
And yet, soap with love and lightly.
Here are two fragrant bars for you for these purposes.
(the bride is given two large bars of laundry soap)
A good sign for the family
So that the family hearth burns.
But in life anything can happen -
It burns and then goes out.
So that it doesn’t go out at all,
We give matches in reserve.
(the newlyweds are given a box of matches)
And this thing is necessary
To maintain intimacy.
So that your nights are hot,
And so to the very cinder!
(the newlyweds are given a large paraffin candle)
For your material benefits
We give you a banal envelope.
(the newlyweds are given a gift envelope with money)
May you live sweetly with each other,
We are giving away a chocolate bar.
(the newlyweds are given a chocolate bar)
And only today will be only
May it be bitter for both of you!!!
(the newlyweds are given a large onion)
The congratulation ends with exclamations of “Bitter!”

A gift for the bride - a parcel with a saw.

We give you a precious item,
Hello husband with this item!
The saw is not for firewood - for marital purposes,
They drank until the roosters crowed.
And in the morning he gets up - you drank again,
Then they started making money.
If he doesn't like your dinner,
Take a saw instead of a tasty seasoning.
The husband will eat, but only praise!
And you constantly try to saw!
And once you show your item -
The husband will affectionately say: “Dove, hello!”

A gift for the groom - a parcel with tight gloves.

We give you not chain mail, not a saber:
You are not in a military battle, but at a wedding.
They will be useful to you forever,
So that your wife can bow before you.
Wear them, never take them off!
Otherwise, dear, you will be in trouble!
And you'll dream about devils all night,
If you take off your mittens.
Make your wife cook delicious food
Yes, always adjust with a mitten.
Caress it more often with a prickly hand -
Happiness will flow to you like a river.
If you take your wife to buy manufactured goods,
Then put the mittens on the goods,
The mittens will serve you well,
If you store them you will approximately!

You can present vegetables and fruits as a gift with the following words:

We give you cabbage so that the house is not empty.
We give you cabbage so that your wife can feed her husband delicious food.
We give you carrots so that there is love in the house!
We give you carrots so that _______________ (name of the bride) there will be no other Vovka!
We give you carrots, advice and love!
They give carrots so that Vovka is born.
Here's a carrot to make the bride nimble.
Here's a big carrot for you, bride,
So that there is skill in work.
And here are beets, so that mother-in-law and father-in-law will respect them.
We give you onions so that you don’t experience severe torment.
We give you onions so that there will never be separation.
We give you onions so that there is no torment and separation.
We give the bride an onion so that her husband will love her.
We give a cucumber so that the groom becomes a father sooner.
We give you pickles so that twins are born.
We give you garlic. How many teeth are there to have so many daughters and sons?
Here's some sweet pepper for you so that your daughter Natka will be born.
But there is bitter pepper, so that Borka’s son will be born.
We give you celery so that your son Andrei will be born.
We give a tomato to avoid discord in your home.
We give you tomatoes so that there is no discord.
We give you a tomato so that you retain your youthful vigor.
We will give you another tomato - so that there are no quarrels in the house.
We give you two beets so that your relationship will be bright.
We give you a pear so that you can live in perfect harmony.
Here are some potatoes for you, so that Antoshka will be the first.
We give grapes so that your home will always be rich.
Here is a radish for the bride, so that neither Petka nor Fedka will know the other.
We give you radishes so that you don’t swear and fight.
I give you parsnips so that your marriage will be strong.
And here is a turnip for you, so that you love each other deeply.
And here’s a plum for you, so that you can be happy with him.
But here’s the rest of the apple for you, so that there will be prosperity in the house.
I give you dill from the beds so that there is order in the house.
But here’s a bunch of seeds for you, so that you don’t meet your husband like a cloud.
And here’s a cherry plum for you, so you don’t chop it rashly.
But I give you grapes so that your mother-in-law will always be happy.
And here’s a cherry for you so that your parents aren’t superfluous.
Here's some peas for you so you don't go deaf from your mother-in-law's scream.

You can give products with the following words:

I hand you a bag of grain - from now on you are husband and wife.
A glass of millet for the groom so that his wife will love him.
We give you a nut so that children's laughter can be heard in the house.
Here's some candy for you so that your daughter Svetka is born.
We give you bagels so that there are rubles in the house.
And here is drying, so that they don’t bite each other.
Here is a loaf of bread for the bride, so that she knows the law of women.
Here's an egg for the groom so that he doesn't go to the other guy's porch.
We give you a bottle of wine - don’t forget your mother and father.
I’m giving a barrel of wine to my son and daughter.
You can give cutlery as a gift:
We give you a teaspoon to make your life extraordinary!
We give you forks so that _______________ (name of the groom) doesn’t run to someone else’s sweetheart!
Here's a plate for you, bride, so that you can spin in the house like a squirrel,
And the groom - spoons so that his feet walk along the same path.
Here is a saucepan for porridge so that my daughter Dasha is born,
And a spoon to go with it, so that there is a son, Antoshka.
Here's a mug for the groom so he doesn't have to take his girlfriend home.
We give you a mug so that you can love each other.
I’m giving you a bowl so you don’t sit close to strangers!
I give you plates so that you don’t sit with other people’s girls!
A spoon - to bread the cabbage soup, a fork - to warm up the meat,
Knife - cutting and sawing.

The whole family wondered what to give you -

Nowadays it's hard to please with a gift,

And as a result we decided

Give several presents.

"Kama Sutra" or a book about sex

Let's start, perhaps, with a wise book

About pleasure and love.

So that the husband does not have affairs on the side,

Look at her more often, little wife.

rolling pin

This is a useful thing

It will certainly come in handy on the farm.

She can roll out the dough for pies,

And sometimes it’s good to give a good thrashing.

Naked doll

We are looking forward to

There's a new addition to your family.

Let this doll become glorious

A visual training layout for you.

A bottle of wine

When all the guests have had enough fun and get drunk

And after the banquet they will go home,

Take a sip of the intoxicating drink in private

And have a wonderful night of love.

Piggy bank

So that the family can live with dignity,

We need to save up money.

Please accept this pig as a gift

And feed her banknotes on time.

Card deck

How to pass a languid evening?

Of course, play cards,

To undress, spread out the dress -

We decided to throw you a deck of cards.


The most important thing is the weather in the house,

And the rest, as we know, is vanity.

Everything is already on your farm, except

This wonderful umbrella.

Well, that's all, the gifts have been handed over,

Let's go back to the table, perhaps.

But, in the end, let’s shout “bitterly”:

We want to see the kiss of love!

The newlyweds kiss, and those congratulating them begin to move to their places. Suddenly they stop, remembering the main gift. After all, even comic congratulations on a wedding are not complete without presenting a valuable present - a traditional envelope with money.

Oh yes! We forgot one moment!

We'll still have a present.

We give you this envelope

To replenish the family budget.

Another option for giving funny gifts

For the groom

You are now a married man!

Your bachelorhood is over,

Your festivities ended before dawn.

Now carry out your fast with your family.

Think less about a glass of beer,

Now your main drink is tea!

(the groom is given a pack of tea)

And so that you don't accidentally turn left,

We present a compass! Keep your course only towards your wife!

(the groom is given a compass)

For the bride

Don't be a bitch wife

Don't get on your husband's nerves

Don't shout for no reason.

Better knock on the tambourine!

(the bride is given a children's tambourine)

Well, of course, let's get to work

(If my dear is at fault)

You can soap your neck once,

So that it would be discouraging.

And yet, soap with love and slightly -

Here are two bars of soap for this purpose.

(the bride is given two bars of laundry or toilet soap)

A good sign for the family

So that the family hearth burns.

But in life anything can happen -

It burns and then goes out.

So that your hearth does not go out,

We give matches in reserve.

(the newlyweds are given a box of matches)

And this thing is necessary

To maintain intimacy.

So that your nights are hot,

And so - right up to the cinder!

(the newlyweds are given a candle)

For your material benefits

We give you a banal envelope.

(the newlyweds are given a gift envelope with money)

May you live sweetly with each other,

We are giving away a chocolate bar.

(the newlyweds are given a chocolate bar)

And only today will be only

May it be bitter for both of you!!!

(the newlyweds are given a large onion)

A wedding is one of the most significant events in everyone's life. There is nothing better than when two loving hearts are forever united in eternal marriage. Family and friends of lovers on this day, when presenting gifts, of course, cannot do without.

A small original and cool gift can be an addition to the main gift. For example, two hammers. The first is for chops for the bride and the second is for the groom. We recommend adding the following words to the gift:

Dear ones, (names of the bride and groom), it has been known since ancient times that “every person is the architect of his own happiness.” But from this day forward, you will never be alone again. You will always walk hand in hand, sharing joy with each other, enduring any difficulties. From now on, together you will forge the happiness of the wonderful family created today. To make your work easy and bring only pleasure, we give you the main tool of a blacksmith. (the bride and groom are given gavels tied with a ribbon). May love and happiness never leave your home!

Cheerful congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of gifts.

Preferably several congratulations. You need to prepare gifts in advance - a chest or a beautifully decorated box, a family home, a horseshoe, a money tree.

Keep your hearth, may you be warm,

Let the house be clean, comfortable,

We will give the housewife a gift,

They will save the family from troubles.

For you from a magical land,

We brought a horseshoe as a present.

She will give you good luck, luck,

There will be a lot of fun in the house with her.

We give you a chest,

He is a symbol of your prosperity,

Prosperity, family order.

May it always be full

And let the law of love reign in the house.

The man is the main person in the house.

His work is not easy

Both day and night tirelessly,

Family fill the chest.

Gold coins and painted dollars.

To make his task easier,

From the money we will give a tree as a gift in addition to everything.

Wedding congratulations in verse

I want to wish you prosperity

To the family born now.

May everything go smoothly for you,

And joy comes to the house every hour.

I wish you endless warmth,

Comfort and peace in the house.

Whatever the weather outside the window,

Let the sun be in the family sky!

May this day be the beginning

Have a wonderful and long journey!

And everything that was said in your honor today,

It will fulfill you and give you strength to go!

Congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of cool gifts

Gifts: chocolate, rolling pin, Kama Sutra, compass, envelope with money.

We were in such a hurry for the holiday,

But we didn’t forget the gifts!

For an established family

In maintaining love,

Bring your gifts!

— 2 —

Our first present for the groom.

Its idea is very simple.

But he does an important job,

Doesn't allow you to go astray.

The husband is like the captain in the family

And it’s important to keep the course straight,

That's why we give him a compass,

May he lead his family to happiness.

— 3 —

A rolling pin is always useful around the house,

In the kitchen the bride is a craftswoman with her.

And if the husband decides to go astray,

He will rage or where he sins.

Then his wife can quickly guide him,

Instruct on the true path with a rolling pin.

— 4 —

The most important thing since ancient times,

Keep the fire burning in your marriage.

This will only make the love stronger,

Family life is more fun and easier.

May your honeymoon go with a bang!

We have the Kama Sutra as a gift for you.

— 5 —

To make life seem sweet

And everything about it was smooth

We give you chocolate!

— 6 —

And our last present,

The president would appreciate it.

It's good for the budget

And crunches inside the envelope.

Touching congratulations to “New Story” on the presentation of the photo album.

Hundreds of happy eyes

Many kind and warm phrases,

Two lovers here and now,

A new story will begin about happiness.

Millions of discoveries await you ahead.

Hundreds of happy and bright events.

We would like to give you a photo album.

Let on every page of it,

Loyalty and love live -

Two beautiful birds.

Congratulations on the wedding with the delivery of bed linen

There are so many people you can go to bed with, and so few people you want to wake up with. (names of the bride and groom), you are happy people - you have found your soul mates, those with whom you want to watch sunrises, spend days and nights. So that comfort reigns in your new home, so that you only have wonderful dreams, and every morning is good, we give you the main attribute of a happy home. (giving a gift).

Original wedding congratulations with gifts

Dear newlyweds, for your marriage to be strong, your happiness to last, and your love to be endless, you need only 6 things. The first and most important thing you already have is yourself. The second is a cozy, warm house. The third, but one of the most important, is children who will be an extension of you and your love. I will be happy to tell you the other three things today. The fourth is starting capital, because it’s not easy to start a family budget from scratch. The fifth, oddly enough, is a coffee machine and a pair of slippers. Why only one pair? So that you take turns getting up in the morning to cook breakfast for each other and brew delicious coffee. After all, without mutual care in a family, there is nowhere. The sixth is a tricycle, which for me is the main symbol of marriage. After all, in order for him to go, everything needs to be done harmoniously, together. So it is in family life. Be happy, dears!

Comic congratulations for the wedding in verse

Newlyweds can be given 3 original gifts: a heroic helmet and sword, a broom, a piggy bank, and a fan. You can play with gifts using the following words.

We will give the groom a sword and a heroic helmet,

So that he would protect his family from all sorts of problems.

We present the bride with an ancient amulet,

He will drive away grievances and quarrels from home forever.

So that there is a lot of happiness in the house,

Add money little by little to your piggy bank.

To live richly start from the doorstep,

With a piggy bank, we will give you a lot of money.

And finally, we will give you a fan,

On his honeymoon he will be -

Temperature regulator.

Passion will not let you burn,

So that we can warm each other for many years!

Congratulations in royal style

A wedding gift can be presented by playing with the congratulations in an original way. On beautiful pillows you can bring out two fake crowns for the newlyweds, you can also prepare a scepter and orb for the groom, and a royal robe for the bride. One of the guests dressed as a messenger can unroll the scroll and read out a congratulatory text, at the end of which a ball can be announced in honor of the new royal couple.

An example of congratulations.

- Dear ladies and gentlemen, today you have witnessed the greatest event, on this amazing day two loving hearts united forever. We gave them all these attributes for a reason. A family is a real state, in which peace and order are maintained by two people - a kind, caring, beautiful queen, a wise, fair and strong king. Princes and princesses will appear in the kingdom, but the main ones will always be only these two people, who today opened a new page in the history of their still small, but already so happy and prosperous country. Let us wish them to carry their love through the centuries, becoming happier every day! In honor of this celebration a ball is announced!

You are a top class hostess
You cook perfectly.
At your festive table
We will certainly be convinced of this.

Our gift is for
So that you cook delicious things,
We give you a saucepan
We are waiting for an invitation to pancakes.

There are a lot of utensils in the kitchen,
But maybe one pan is not enough.
So that you don't get upset all the time,
I decided to give you a gift.

I bought you a new saucepan,
And I immediately brought it to your house.
I hope you enjoy my congratulations,
Then you’ll feed us our signature borscht.

This gift for the hostess is simply super,
Therefore, I will solemnly hand it over to you.
Cook the most beautiful dishes in this saucepan,
The taste of them will definitely make me lick my fingers.

I hope that culinary talents
They will only grow in you over the years.
Therefore, I wish you to be happy,
And quickly reach the pinnacle of mastery.

You are the best housewife in the kitchen,
You will make the most delicious kulebyak.
I'll give you a saucepan,
I'll paint a rose on it.

Will you cook borscht in it,
And you won't reproach me,
That there are very few dishes,
Which has always bothered me.

Please accept my congratulations
And try the pan at least a little.

There is always only one housewife in the kitchen,
There is not a single window in the kitchen that is dirty.
You will wash everything, you will wash the dishes,
Well, you’ll prepare dinner for the family.

The side dishes are there, your favorite roast,
And you will cook pork meat.
So that everyone in the house is clean,
I'll give you some pots.

And if the water is turned off,
You turn on the pots on the stove.
Heat the water again for everyone,
You're not at all lazy.

For now, put the pots in the kitchen in the corner,
And read our honest, good congratulations.

Let this pan help
Cook, steam and boil.
And don’t let it take up too much space,
And time to wash it.

In short, let in housekeeping and cooking
This gift will come in handy and let
He will add culinary dexterity,
To make cooking fun.

Today I’ll bring you a much needed gift,
And he is not just necessary, but welcoming.
Since you are such a clean person,
I'll give you a saucepan today.

You can cook all kinds of dishes in it,
And we will all be tasters, of course.
We will all appreciate what kind of mistress is in the house,
And we conclude that he is not a lazy person.

You will prepare a very tasty dish,
You work skillfully in the kitchen.
You will put a piece of food on a plate for me,
In the meantime, I will give you my congratulations.

What's it like in the kitchen without a saucepan?
This is just a queen!
It is suitable for cooking
For stewing, heating.

I'm giving away a wonderful gadget
To make your family happy,
Put it on the burner quickly
You are your nurse.

She will help you in the kitchen,
You can also stew vegetables in it.
I give you a saucepan
And I'll treat you to some soup.
You cook meat borscht in it,
First, pour some water.
And the borscht will turn out to be a good one,
And not at all like the others.
I'll send you a kitchen greeting,
And it will be useful to you every day.

Kitchen utensils are always in great demand as they are items of daily use. Every self-respecting housewife in her home will always have a set of excellent saucepans, which are essential assistants when preparing various dishes.

From this it follows that such a kitchen item is a necessary thing in the kitchen and is always an appropriate gift.

When to give and how

You can give such a simple thing for any occasion; it will always be necessary and needed in the household. Namely:

  • . It happens that we simply miss the opportunity to change kitchen utensils due to our forgetfulness, and pots are no exception. Therefore, a completely new set will be an excellent replacement for the old one and will delight your favorite cook.
  • Birthday. This set not only serves as a decoration for every kitchen, but also performs a practical function. A ceramic-metal set of kitchen utensils with a special thermal lid that will retain heat for a long time will be an excellent choice for our gift.
  • Wedding. Every young couple has a moment when they start living together and move into a completely new apartment. Undoubtedly, such a thing as a saucepan will definitely find its use in home life. At the same time, such a gift can be supplemented with another piece of utensils. For example, from this list:


    Whether your gift will be funny or serious depends on how you present it. A great way to present our set is to compose your own unique poem.

    It's not difficult at all and takes little time to really make the impression of a person who knows how to give gifts. A cool example for congratulations could be like this:

    Cook and cook the hostess,
    Make full use of this vat,
    And quietly say in secret
    Cook the pot yourself.
    Of course, other words of congratulations are possible:
    Brew only happiness more often,
    Add a pinch of devoted love,
    Let all bad weather pass by
    Bring home comfort.

    Pay enough attention to this issue, because it is really important to beautifully congratulate a person on his birthday or other holiday, using only the warmest and most tender words.

    How to apply

    Of course, even such a thing can and should be packaged beautifully. wrap your gift and secure tightly around the edges. Decorate it with ribbons or a homemade bow, the diagram of which can be found on the Internet.

    Another good idea for presenting your surprise is a beautiful bouquet of flowers that can be placed at the bottom of the saucepan. A bouquet of red roses will look very nice, complementing our excellent set.

    These containers can also be used for small gifts. You can buy them, fill them with helium and place them one at a time under the lids of the pots, tying colored ribbons to them.

    You can also put a set of aprons and aprons on the bottom, which will definitely find a worthy place in the kitchen.

    For hikers

    For true lovers of outdoor activities who cannot imagine their life without gatherings near a fire in the middle of the wild, a portable metal pot is perfect.

    This is a necessary thing on hikes, on which almost all food is cooked, and a brand new pot will always come in handy for an experienced lover of survival in extreme conditions.
    Give with all your heart, wishing the most beautiful things for your loved ones and they will definitely come true. And always remember - any gift can be cool and original, even if it’s an ordinary saucepan!

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Loving is not as easy as it seems, and living next to another person is even more difficult. That's why I can safely say that every anniversary...
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Morning, afternoon, evening and night... Yesterday, today, tomorrow and always I love you! Good morning, honey! May you have a successful day today...
You may have already wondered how to ask for forgiveness correctly if you have done something wrong. What words to start with, how to express regret...