How are Ilya Glinnikov and Katya. Ilya Glinnikov and Katya Nikulina: a beautiful but short romance

Not so long ago, we decided to remain friends, despite the fact that we have been together since the finale of the fifth season of the Bachelor show. We did not agree on the characters, and our lives went different ways, although we have great relationship. We decided to announce this publicly so that we would no longer be perceived solely as a couple and everyone would have their own life.

It seems that the heroes of the romantic show "The Bachelor" are not destined to build relationships in real life! It is reported that Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina broke up. Followers write about this on the couple's fan pages on social networks. They argue their assumptions by the fact that the actor and model have ceased to be published. Also, in the Instagram accounts of both, there were no joint photos for a long time.

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Last week, fans of the popular show "The Bachelor" in the Russian version were horrified. Their beloved couple, who intrigued by the news of the creation of a family, broke up. Ekaterina Nikulina gave an interview about parting with Ilya Glinnik, and now the actor also commented on the situation.

Nikulina warmly recalls the period of her life when she was with Ilya. According to the ex-bride of the actor, he conquered her with sincerity, as well as the fact that he is a romantic by nature and often gave Catherine very pleasant surprises.

The Bachelor program is famous not only for connecting hearts, finding a couple for famous, but also for single men. At the end of the first 4 seasons, all relationships quickly fell apart. Therefore, everyone was waiting for Katya and Ilya to part. But the couple acted differently.

The last mention of the couple in the media was associated with rumors of beatings in the relationship between Glinnikov and Nikulina. It was reported that Catherine allegedly raised her hand to her fiancé. But the lovers themselves denied this information.

“Only now we feel truly happy. And it is to peel the pomegranate together in the morning, to be late for work in the morning because you cannot leave your beloved human a. It’s about walking together to your favorite places without seeing anyone and not hearing around, ”Ilya said in an interview with Antenna.

Now Catherine decided to personally talk about parting with the artist. In an interview with, Nikulina explained why she publicly announced the break with Glinnikov - it was important for her that they and Ilya were no longer perceived as a couple.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina in the place what details. Exclusive information.

Despite the rumors that appeared in the press about a loud quarrel that occurred before parting, the star of the Interns series did not put forward a refutation or comment on this incident in any way. But attracted by the conflict between the sweet couple this year, journalists were not slow to note that Catherine stopped wearing wedding ring. Fans, upset by the news hovering in fashion magazines, drew attention to the fact that Ilya and Ekaterina stopped posting photos from joint walks on Instagram.

After the finale of the show, our parents, however, were skeptical at first about our relationship, but putting myself in their place, I understand everything perfectly - if my daughter went to the “reality show about love” and returned from there with a young man, I would too would doubt it. But for my parents always most important was to make me happy. At that time, it was.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina life after the project. News today 02/11/2018

After numerous rumors of quarrels and even bloody fights, last week appeared official information: Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina broke up, as the heroine of "The Bachelor" herself said in an interview.

Initially, Nikulina's chances were assessed as extremely low. She had unusual appearance and a fox look, but the audience felt that this was not enough. However, between filming, it was noticed that he and Ilya began to periodically spend time together, and at the end of the season, the young man handed Ekaterina a ring denoting the winner.

But in 2013, Ilya, apparently, decided to correct the mistake and nevertheless reproduced the feelings from the series in real life. An affair with Kupitman's niece from Interns turned into a passion with Aglaya Tarasova in life. For three years, the couple provided reporters with numerous things to discuss. The character of Aglaya simply did not allow her to lead a calm and measured life. Actors often quarreled and immediately reconciled. But in 2016, after the final break, the girl went to Serb Milos Bikovich. And in November of the same year, Ilya was persuaded to participate in the fifth season of the Bachelor show.

Back in June, Glinnikov and Nikulina said that they fell in love with each other for real. Speaking about his chosen one, the artist called her completely special person which changed his life. According to Ilya, he would like to arrange a wedding in Georgia. The actor also said that he would prefer a modest ceremony in the circle of relatives and friends to a magnificent wedding.

After some time, the lovers denied the speculation that their quarrel ended in assault. “Dear society, enough already; the show is long over, and we don't belong in show business. There is no such goal. We ordinary people and we're all good. I send you an air kiss and kindness to everyone in the soul. Stop making this pun around us, ”the actor’s chosen one shared on social networks.

Recall that Ilya met his beloved during the filming of the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor". Usually after graduation The couple’s project diverges, but Katya and Ilya not only stayed together, but also announced their engagement.

Subscribers were very upset by the news of the couple's separation. Fans expressed the hope that Ekaterina and Ilya again will be together. After all, until recently, everyone was sure that the lovers were preparing for the wedding.

“We parted ... I thought so ... It’s a pity ... Beautiful fairy tale was ... I directly believed "

“There was such a couple. I hope you're joking"

“Love has passed, the tomatoes have withered”

“I thought you were getting married! Very upset. Make up!" fans wrote.

But disagreements with the leadership of the hip-hop group forced the young dancer to leave and re-found his own team. Glinnikov's team began to be invited to film clips and commercials. Ilya liked working on camera so much that in 2006 he decided that he simply had to become an actor. He was 22 at the time.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina interview. Top news.

On the set of the program, Glinnikov had to make a difficult choice among 26 contestants. One of them was Ekaterina Nikulina. The girl at that time was 21 years old and she was not afraid of 12 years of age difference. The young metropolitan beauty at that time worked as an art director in one of the Moscow cafes. In parallel, she studied economics at the University. Plekhanov and this moment already successfully graduated. You can also remember that Katya was a successful model and was fond of horse riding.

Recall that recently they talked about a quarrel with a beating from a couple, which also proves that not everything is going smoothly in the relationship of the winners of "The Bachelor". In favor of the fact that Glinnikov and Nikulina broke up, fans cite the fact that the actor and model have ceased to be published, and also no longer publish on Instagram shared photos. Moreover, Ekaterina Nikulina stopped wearing the engagement ring that Glinnikov gave her while on vacation in the Northern Mariana Islands.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina video. All information summary.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina 2018-02-11

In the finale of the 5th season of the show "The Bachelor", actor Ilya Glinnikov chose 22-year-old Ekaterina Nikulina.

The next, 5th season of the show "The Bachelor" has ended. Its winner was Ekaterina Nikulina, who won the sympathy of the main character - the actor. It was Nikulina who eventually called Glinnikov his bride.

Many viewers are surprised, others are outraged, others are shocked - they say, they chose the wrong one. Again: unexpectedly - Ilya seemed to make it clear that he likes Madina ...

In fact, there is not much difference - who Glinnikov chose - no. Even if he announced Lesya Ryabtseva as his bride, little would change: it's just a show. The same melodrama (or, as they are also called, a soap opera), which are broadcast daily on TV. Feelings are played out, emotions are played out - love, jealousy, resentment, likes and dislikes...

The very fact that in the finale of the 5th “Bachelor” an unexpected (as for the audience) denouement came out testifies precisely to the staged nature of the whole action. The viewer was kept in suspense - as in that lottery, the viewer had to last moment be in doubt - who will get the prize. And, most importantly, the denouement - as in the movies - was supposed to be unexpected. And so it happened. The show succeeded. But, of course, there is no talk of the upcoming wedding of the main characters. The 5th "Bachelor" ends like the previous four: nothing. There is a groom, there is a bride, but the wedding will not come again.

And then the 6th "Bachelor", with a new main character and new contenders...

So, in the final, two girls fought for the choice of Ilya - Madina Tamova and Ekaterina Nikulina.

Even before the finalists went to the platform of the tower strewn with rose petals, where Ilya Glinnikov was waiting for them, it was clear that main character the project has made its choice. And this choice, as noted above, was quite unexpected for the fans of the show.

It turns out that the one and only that Ilya met on the reality show was Katya Nikulina.

According to Glinnikov, if on the project he had to choose not from 25, but from a thousand girls, he would still choose her. At the same time, the actor ... no, in love (according to the script, so! ..) called his choice a jump into the unknown, but this is what attracts him. According to Ilya, he is drawn to Katya, she is a real witch, with whom he will burn, with whom he is interested.

“In every act of my chosen one, her values, character, nobility and dignity speak. She filled my heart completely, and I can no longer imagine life without her. Our feeling has just begun, but if we manage to get to the last station together, I will be the most happy man in the world!”, - said Ilya.

And his eyes were so loving. Actor! However, how many times did he have to pronounce such texts in television series.

The choice of Ilya was a shock for another finalist. At least that's how she acted.

Madina Tamova, according to her, was sure that he understood: Katya was not at all the person he needed, namely with her, Madina, he would get what he dreamed of - a family, a wise woman next to him, who would never will not betray and will always support. But Madina herself advised the Bachelor to make a decision with his heart, not his head.

“It may sound arrogant, but Katya is absolutely no competitor to me, absolutely no match. Showy sexuality is something that any woman can do. It's primitive and devalues ​​a lot when put on public display. You need to show your seductiveness alone with your man. Katya and I are completely different, and thank God ... ”, - said Madina Tamova before putting on White dress bride and go to last date with the Bachelor.

But, justifying his choice in favor of Nikulina, Glinnikov reminded Tamova of the words about choosing with the heart. Madina was offended to the core: leaving, she categorically refused to comment on what had happened. Ilya, however, could not restrain his emotions and shed a tear, however, what time for the project. This time, he explained his tears by the fact that it was difficult for him to part with a person, leaving behind pain and resentment.

“You are a princess from start to finish... You have no idea how many times I imagined what kind of family I would have next to you... You are the diamond of this project. But you told me to choose with my heart, and I managed to hear my heart: another person settled in my heart. I cannot deceive you. Forgive me...,” Glinnikov said.

To this seemingly sincere speech, Madina only replied: “Thank you for the experience. The lesson is over." And already sitting in the car and leaving the project, she could not hold back her tears: “Did Ilya lose something - the question is. And what he lost, I know. Me. That's it, I won't say anything more."

Curtain... Titles... The melodrama has come to an end...

Recall that three months ago, actor Ilya Glinnikov met 25 girls who passed the casting and got into the show. In the very first issue, the Interns star chose 15 beauties who went with him to Sri Lanka. By the end, as in previous seasons, the Bachelor had to leave only two participants on the project.

Studied at the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov.

Before joining the Bachelor project, she worked as an art director in a cafe. I wanted to become an actress and act in films. She entered theatrical universities, but unsuccessfully.

Engaged in equestrian sports. In food, he prefers Italian and French cuisine.

During the casting of the show "The Bachelor" she spoke about perfect man A: He must be kind and patient.

She came to a popular TV project because she wants to find a husband and “start a family as soon as possible in order to become a young mother.”

For the first time, Katya went on a date with Ilya Glinnikov in the third issue (March 25, 2017) along with three more girls: Anna Petrova, Olga Vetchinkina and Alexandra Prokhorenko. Nikulina was able to subdue the Bachelor by overcoming the fear of water and diving with him. As a result, she received a rose.

On the project, Katya developed complicated relationship with competitors. So, she was in conflict with Veronika Murashkina. The two blondes categorically refused to go to a truce, which the Bachelor clearly did not like: he decided to arrange a date, after which one of the participants had to go home. Veronica left the project, and Nikulina again received a rose.

At the next date, which Glinnikov now arranged for Sasha Prokhorenko, Ekaterina Nikulina and Chan Thi Ha-Mi, Katya again tried to capture the attention of the Bachelor. During the train journey, she did everything to be as close as possible to Ilya. Alexandra and Hamina did not hide that they were annoyed, since Katya allowed herself to openly flirt with Glinnikov and, as the girls put it, "hung herself" on the Bachelor.

In the 8th issue (April 29, 2017), Ilya Glinnikov arranged a fabulous rendezvous with Ekaterina Nikulina in snowy Moscow, and the date ended with a kiss between the Bachelor and the blonde.

Katya Nikulina's acquaintance with Glinnikov's relatives - Ilya's stage speech teacher Vera Solomonovna and his family - was not successful for the girl. So, Catherine found herself in an uncomfortable position in front of Vera Solomonovna. The girl admitted that she dreams of acting in films and becoming an actress, but at the request of the teacher to name her favorite directors, she could not remember a single name. And Ilya's aunt, after talking with Nikulina, came to the conclusion that the girl was playing and overplaying, because she just really wants to win the project. Ilya Glinnikov listened to the opinion of loved ones, but this did not affect his choice.

At the end of the project, which took place on June 3, 2017, Ilya Glinnikov presented the ring to Ekaterina Nikulina.

The fact that everyone on the network is talking about the wedding of Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina does not mean anything. The couple really stated that they wanted to tie their relationship officially, but would do it without the participation of forfeits.

It is noted that the newly-made couple could not even imagine such an activity of fans. Journalists are trying to find out details from life, and fans are looking for joint photos Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina and information about life.

The couple is happy, being together and enjoying every minute, but social networks and photos of their house do not appear online. It is known that Ilya and Katya went to church together on the Easter holiday, but they did not appear anywhere else. Also with photos that are published from dates, and not after the project.

Why did Glinnikov choose Katya?

AT latest release show "The Bachelor" Ilya Glinnikov made his choice in favor of Katya. The guy liked the two finalists, but his heart told him to choose Catherine. Later, the bachelor said that it was his heart that prompted him to choose. Madina Tamova was disappointed in the choice of Ilya and didn’t really say anything.

Only the next day, the girl thanked the guy, the audience and the project, and wished Katya and Ilya happiness, reports w. She acted as a smart and wise woman, which was also noticed on the project. Recall that Madina always behaved with dignity, and her family and friends were definitely not ashamed of her.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina dream of getting married in Georgia

In the final of the show "The Bachelor", 32-year-old Ilya Glinnikov presented the ring to 22-year-old Ekaterina Nikulina. After the completion of the project, the couple is still happy together. Moreover, lovers are already thinking about the wedding.

Ilya and Ekaterina gave joint interview magazine "Antenna" and said that immediately after the end of the project (filming ended in winter) they began to live together.

“After filming was over, we went to Katya's parents. I packed her things in a suitcase and told my mother that I would throw it away later, because my daughter would not come to you anymore! And so it happened, ”said Glinnikov.

Ilya admitted that he was preparing to make a marriage proposal to Catherine. The couple dreams of getting married in the homeland of the actor - in Georgia.

“Our dreams are similar in this. I also want a quiet wedding to take place first of all, and I don’t want a magnificent wedding, ”Nikulina shared.

Catherine said that now her career has faded into the background. The girl intends to first create a strong family, and then think about work.

“Work is the second thing, but first love, family and children. Of course, I want to get a profession. But while I sing, write songs and help Ilya, ”said the blonde.

Ilya and Katya are not going to flaunt their relationship yet, the lovers do not publish joint photos in in social networks and do not go out together.

The TNT channel confirmed that Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina are together, happy and continue to build relationships

After the airing of the final episode of "The Bachelor", season 5, a heated discussion began on social networks whether the main character of the project, Ilya Glinnikov, made the right choice. Many criticize the winner of the show, Ekaterina Nikulina, and some doubt that the couple remained together after the cameras were turned off.

The TNT channel officially confirmed that now Ilya and Katya continue to build relationships. Glinnikov and Nikulina, having found their love in the fifth season of the Bachelor show in front of millions of viewers, are together and happy.

Ekaterina Nikulina now, after the show, admits that everything became clear to her after the first meeting with Ilya:

“I always pay attention to inexplicable symbols, circumstances that make it clear that someone brought this person to me, we met for a reason…”

In turn, Ilya Glinnikov still does not hide his surprise, since, in his words, he saw a person next to him whom he did not expect to see at all:

“I have a feeling that I dreamed of her, I met a woman who is ready to give, not consume. My mind refused to believe in it - this simply cannot be! Here, maybe! I hope we manage to get to the last station. If this happens, then I will be the happiest person in the world!”

It's no secret that the shooting of the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor" was completed long ago. Moreover, Ilya Glinnikov even got into the lenses of the paparazzi cameras along with his chosen one. The couple consecrated Easter cakes in the church on Easter. There they were ambushed by photojournalists.

True, the shots that were taken were very blurry, but Ekaterina Nikulina was guessed in Ilya's companion. The actor then came up with a rather strange excuse: they say, he consecrated Easter cakes with Ivan Okhlobystin's daughter Varvara. She was very surprised by this information.

As a result, Ilya Glinnikov nevertheless really chose Ekaterina Nikulina in the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor". Yesterday, everything secret finally became clear, and the couple no longer needs to hide the relationship. Madina Tamova, whom Ilya Glinnikov chose Ekaterina Nikulina in the final, could not hide her resentment towards the actor.

By the way, Lesya Ryabtseva, who left the project a step away from the final, does not hold a grudge against the Bachelor. Moreover, in an interview with Vokrug TV, she admitted that she managed to keep with Ilya Glinnikov friendly relations. The actor and journalist continue to communicate after the project.

Katya Nikulina spoke about sex with Ilya Glinnikov on the project

The winner of the project "The Bachelor" season 5, Ekaterina Nikulina, publicly said that she managed to win the show only because she seduced Glinnikov and had sex with him even before the final of the program.

The girl says that she had an opportunity when they were left alone, and she took advantage of it to bring herself closer to victory. At the same time, according to Nikulina, her rival Madina Tamova hoped to win the heart of bachelors with all sorts of different romantic "tricks".

But, she believes, the times of languid and dreamy young ladies are long gone, so you have to go ahead and take what you can - with your own body.

Katya Nikulina is pleased with herself and says that Ilya Glinnikov could not remain indifferent to her beauty and sex appeal, and therefore had sex with her.

Another finalist, Madina Tamova, is furious with Nikulina's confession. She believes that she used a dishonest and forbidden method in the fight for the heart of the protagonist. Some of the viewers of the project were also disappointed and insist that Nikulina's act is worthless.

Katya Nikulina - biography

The most intriguing and romantic project of the country has come to an end. Ekaterina Nikulina became the finalist of the show and ended up in the final of the program. But what is the life of a girl? And what is her personal life in a non-project?

Not much is known about Ekaterina Nikulina. The girl lives in Moscow. She studied at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Before she got on the project, Katya worked as an art director for the Cafe. It is also known that Katya is engaged in equestrian sports. Ekaterina Nikulina does not name bad habits, and she also said that her only flaw is that she thinks too much.

Katya loves French and Italian cuisine. But phobias and fears are not for her and she simply does not have them. Ekaterina is 21 years old and she came to the project to get married as soon as possible and become a young mother.

It is worth recalling that not so long ago a video appeared on the network in which Glinnikov went to church on Easter with a girl very similar to Nikulina, only after he stated that this was not Katya, but his friend. It is also known that the fans of the bachelor do not really like Catherine, and rallied against the girl, but what decision Ilya himself will make remains a mystery.

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Today, September 18, it became known about bloody fight famous Russian actor Ilya Glinnikov and his chosen one Ekaterina Nikulina.

It is noted that on Sunday, September 17, Ilya Glinnikov was hospitalized as a result of a conflict with his girlfriend, whom he met on the air of the famous talk show "The Bachelor".

As it became known, in recent times The couple had disagreements. The actor does not like the constant parties that his fiancee goes to, as well as late night comings home.

The latest such example was an incident that occurred on Sunday night. Ilya Glinnikov was waiting at home for his bride, who, it is worth noting, lives at the expense of the actor and does not even try to work. The girl came very late and was in drunk. The actor was also reportedly under the influence of alcohol. He pointed to the door to his chosen one. At that moment, a serious scandal began, which escalated into a fight with assault. The lovers threw various objects at each other, including expensive appliances, as well as kitchen utensils and bottles. As a result, the couple's apartment was destroyed.

In the Sklifosovsky Research Institute, where the victims were brought by relatives of the arist, Ilya Glinnikov was diagnosed with a concussion. He also had a cut forehead, bruises appeared under his eyes, and an old knee injury aggravated. The actor ended up in traumatology.

His beloved refused hospitalization. But Catherine was also diagnosed with a head injury.

It is noteworthy that the official representative of the star of the famous series "Interns" denied the information about the bloody fight, noting that Ilya is currently in Georgia.

As previously noted, Ekaterina Nikulina published a new photo that alarmed her fans. In the picture, the girl looked very thin.

It is worth noting that the finale of the show "The Bachelor" surprised many viewers. Ilya Glinnikov chose the young model Ekaterina Nikulina, who was disliked by many of the project participants, as well as by the audience. Some even admitted that the couple played for the camera, but in reality there were no feelings between them.

Glinnikov and Nikulina after the Bachelor show: juicy details. After the first bachelor of the country made his choice in the final of the show, many fans and admirers were interested in the most intriguing question about what happened to the couple after the project and whether Ilya and Katya stayed together.

At the end of the show itself, Ilya had two unforgettable dates with Madina and Katya. Of course, many fans hoped that Ilya would still choose Madina, but the bachelor listened to the call of his heart and called Katya his chosen one. After that, an active hysteria began on the network, on the topic of choice and final.

But one way or another, no matter what, the couple builds relationships after the show. Katya and Ilya are together to this day. The couple lives in the same house and are happy together. Moreover, some say that Katya and Ilya are preparing to get married.

The girl recalls the first meeting with Ilya, then she was not yet familiar with his work, but she was imbued with love for him and saw in him native person. Ilya calls his beloved girl from the moon, and sees the meaning of life only in her love.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina gave the first joint interview about the wedding and plans for the future

Yesterday, viewers finally found out who the actor chose in the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor"

It's no secret that the shooting of the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor" was completed long ago. Moreover, Ilya Glinnikov even got into the lenses of the paparazzi along with his chosen one. The couple consecrated Easter cakes in the church on Easter. There they were ambushed by the paparazzi. True, the shots that the journalists managed to make were very blurry. But Ekaterina Nikulina was guessed in Ilya's companion. The actor then came up with a rather strange excuse, they say, he consecrated Easter cakes with Ivan Okhlobystin's daughter Varvara. She was very surprised by this information.

As a result, Ilya Glinnikov nevertheless really chose Ekaterina Nikulina in the fifth season of the show "The Bachelor". Yesterday, everything secret finally became clear, and the couple no longer needs to hide the relationship. Madina Tamova, whom Ilya Glinnikov chose Ekaterina Nikulina in the final, could not hide her resentment towards the actor. By the way, Lesya Ryabtseva, who left the project a step away from the final, does not hold a grudge against a bachelor. Moreover, in an interview with our website, she admitted that she managed to save with Ilya Glinnikov. The actor and journalist continue to communicate after the project.

Meanwhile, Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina have already managed to give a joint interview to Antenna magazine and talk about the secret life together after the show, wedding, plans for the future.

“We want to get away from everyone. Only now are we beginning to truly feel happiness. And it is for us to peel the pomegranate together in the morning, to be late for work because you can’t get rid of your loved one. Finally, to walk hand in hand through your favorite places without seeing or hearing anyone around, ”Glinnikov quotes from an interview with Ilya is completely satisfied with his choice and is already making big plans for the future with his beloved.

Recall that Glinnikov was initially skeptical about the Bachelor project. The actor refused the proposal of the producers three times, but in the end they managed to persuade him.

“When I once again spoke with my director on the phone about participating in the show, I forgot my wallet on the bench, in which there was an icon. With her, I went all the way in Moscow. I run out into the street - there is no wallet. I call my director back and say: “I lost my icon, and she has been here with me all my life since I was 16 years old. I think we're just missing something." That's how I agreed to participate in the show "The Bachelor" and, it seems, I found the most important thing in life ... ”, - Ilya Glinnikov said on the eve of the start of the fifth season of the project in an interview with our website. Even then, the actor said that he had found love.

“According to statistics, in the 20-year history of the show“ The Bachelor ”there have been only two weddings around the world, and one of these couples broke up. It seems to me that the point is that both girls and bachelors, when they are in a project, are in illusions. The heroes come to life after this show, and finds out that everyone needed something completely different. And that's okay. And I, it seems to me, managed to separate illusions and reality in the project. I have lived it all. It was very painful. I saw reality…” — summed up Ilya Glinnikov.

Madina Tamova was offended by Ilya Glinnikov after his choice in the final of the show "The Bachelor", season 5

The finale of the show "The Bachelor", season 5, on TNT was unexpected for the fans of the project. Most viewers were sure that Ilya Glinnikov would choose Madina Tamova, but the actor preferred Ekaterina Nikulina to her. Madina herself was shocked to hear from the Bachelor that, as Tamova had advised, when making a decision, he listened only to his heart. She could not hide her disappointment and resentment. Moreover, before finding out the decision of the Bachelor, Madina was sure that it was she who would receive the ring.

“It may sound arrogant, but Katya is absolutely no competitor to me, absolutely no match. Showy sexuality is something that any woman can do. It's primitive and devalues ​​a lot when put on public display. You need to show your seductiveness alone with your man. Katya and I are completely different, and thank God ... ”Madina Tamova said before putting on a white bridesmaid dress and going on a last date with the Bachelor.

However, once in front of Glinnikov on a platform strewn with rose petals, Madina was in for an unpleasant surprise. “You are a princess from start to finish… You have no idea how many times I imagined what kind of family I would have next to you… You are the diamond of this project. But you told me to choose with my heart, and I managed to hear my heart: another person settled in my heart. I cannot deceive you. Forgive me ... ”Glinnikov admitted to the girl. To this sincere speech, Madina only replied: “Thank you for the experience. The lesson is over." But already sitting in the car and leaving the project, she could not hold back her tears: “Has Ilya lost something is a question. And what he lost, I know. Me. That's it, I won't say anything more."

Recall that the Glinnikov family liked Tamov: the actor’s relatives almost immediately married Ilya and Madina. But Katya Nikulina raised questions: the actor's relatives doubted her sincerity. However, the opinion of the family did not influence the choice of the Bachelor. By the way, before the final, Madina said that with her Ilya would gain a family, attention, care, harmony, and if she chose Katya, then he would be disappointed in the near future. In turn, Nikulina also spoke about her rival: “Madina worthy woman in terms of family, life, conveys t. But Ilya will be bored with her. Ilya is not the man Madina needs, and she is not the woman he needs ... Ilya is inspired by me.

Recall that three months ago, actor Ilya Glinnikov met 25 girls who passed the casting and got into the show. In the very first issue, the Interns star chose 15 beauties who went with him to Sri Lanka. By the end, as in previous seasons, the Bachelor had to leave only two participants on the project.

By the way, Lesya Ryabtseva, who left the show a step away from the final, talking in an interview with Vokrug TV about her participation in the project, described Glinnikov as a gallant, modest and very talented man: “And sometimes even shy. It's hard not to fall in love with such a man.

Madina Tamova gave the first comment after the finale of the show Bachelor

Unfortunately, in the life of each of us, for sure, it happened that our illusions and charms did not coincide with reality. But I want to ask each of you not to put out the fire in your heart and goodness in your soul by any disappointments and insults. Whoever is happy is right, and if someone is happy without you, then this is simply not your person.

Thank the Universe, draw conclusions, become stronger, wiser, be sure to find the strength in yourself to get up and move on with a smile to each new day Thank you for having me, thank you for walking this path with me, thank you for the criticism, for the kind words- You make me better! I wish each of you to love and be loved, live in harmony and cultivate goodness in yourself! I appreciate you, hug and love you!

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