Elena Vaenga: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Ten spicy facts about Elena Vaenga Elena Vaenga and her new husband

At the festival in Vitebsk, the singer moved to a hotel with a dear friend

The XXII International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar" in Vitebsk has died down. In hospitable Belarus Alexander SEROV and Maxim AVERIN, Angelica VARUM and Leonid AGUTIN, Vladimir PRESNYAKOV and Natalia PODOLSKAYA, Larisa DOLINA and Elena VAENGA enjoyed their “bazaar”. Unfortunately, there were some unpleasant surprises: literally on the first day of the festival, the legendary Edita PIEHA managed to break her leg.

Elena Vaenga missed the last “Slavianski Bazaar” due to the birth of her son Vanya. Now the little one is already 11 months old. Elena once admitted that the Vitebsk air acts on her in a magical way - here she breathes like nowhere else. And from now on, she intends to come to the Bazaar every year. The singer is ready to take a break only in one case - if she gives birth to another child!
In Vitebsk, Vaenga was extremely frank with journalists, which, to be honest, has rarely happened lately.

I thought I knew what love was, - Elena said, - but the love for my son was not next to the one that I used to know and feel. It's kind of a heartbreaking state of affairs. That's why I want a daughter so badly.
“Yes, I am quick-tempered, I am emotional, I am vengeful, I am angry,” the singer continued. - But only in response to anger, revenge! And only to those who swear by their mother, stuff themselves into friends, and, stepping back, do disgusting and meanness. But I'm quick-witted, and if I'm wrong, then I'll apologize. I apologized to everyone for the mistake in the word “mosque”, this is obscurantism that I could make such a mistake, I have no excuse.
And Elena proudly admitted that recently she has managed to lose ten kilograms and this is not the limit.

romantic walks

Vaenga's personal life has always been "with seven seals." It is only known that she broke up with her husband, producer Ivan Matvienko, about two years ago. However, Elena was not alone in Vitebsk. The townspeople have often seen the singer walking along the shady streets arm in arm with an imposing man. Elena was talking animatedly about something with her counterpart, and, judging by the burning eyes of the singer and the eloquent glances that the man gave Elena from time to time, these walks were by no means a recreational character. The couple combined business with pleasure - every day they looked into the Vitebsk Products store, from where they left with weighty packages.
It turned out that Elena's mysterious companion is producer Vlad Lavrinovich, the son of Emma Lavrinovich, director of the Oktyabrsky concert hall in St. Petersburg.

Vlad has long lived in two countries - he has a business in the USA. In particular, he organized concerts abroad by Philip Kirkorov, Irina Allegrova, Boris Moiseev.
Many noticed that at the festival Elena became much more feminine and softer. And perhaps the reason for this is Vlad. When the singer, having packed her suitcases, moved from her hotel to the hotel where Lavrynovych was staying, romantic walks and tender glances received their logical continuation ...
By the way, in Vitebsk, Vaenga almost found a new "relative". Near the concert hall "Amphitheater" some peasant was watching her all the time. He showed a photograph showing a little boy - supposedly Elena's father.

He also showed his passport. His last name really turned out to be Khrulev. (The real name of Vaenga is Khruleva.)
- Lenka is my niece! - the man said proudly to everyone. - In our family, she was always called that - “Volodka's daughter” (Elena's father's name is Vladimir). Now, if she responds to such an appeal, it means that she is definitely my nephew!
True, when the singer left the concert hall, and the “relative” rushed across to her with a cry: “Well, hello, niece, Volodya’s daughter!” Vaenga covered her face with her hands and hastily retreated from the annoying “uncle”.

Fell off the elevator

For Edita Piekha, the trip to Vitebsk began wonderfully - nothing foreshadowed trouble. Edita Stanislavovna arrived in high spirits: a star with her name was laid on the local Avenue of Stars. Alas, the singer appeared on the alley, visibly limping. As you know, at the beginning of the year in Germany, she underwent surgery on her knee joint. She was not entirely successful. Complications began, the pain in the leg did not stop. And shortly before arriving at the Slavianski Bazaar, Piekha was again forced to lie down on the operating table. In her native St. Petersburg, in the Pirogov clinic, doctors removed her nerve, which caused unbearable pain.
And this should have happened - just a few hours before the opening of the festival, at which the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko was supposed to present the pop legend with a special award “Through Art to Peace and Mutual Understanding”, the singer fell in the hotel at the elevator.

A sharp pain, an ambulance, an x-ray, painkillers injections ... The singer was put on a fixing bandage, and upon returning home, she was put in plaster. Vitebsk doctors urged the victim not to leave the hotel room, to take care of the broken leg as much as possible. So the main intrigue of the evening appeared: will Piekha be able to go out for his award? And Edita Stanislavovna managed to overcome the pain and went on stage!
“I was so excited about all the congratulations and honors, kind words addressed to me, that on the way to you I twisted my leg and came to you as a lame,” she turned to Lukashenka. - It's not every day that the president gives me a star and kisses me. Thank you, jakuyu!
Then Piekha sang her famous song "A wonderful neighbor settled in our house."
Then the concert went on as usual: Dima Bilan replaced Polina Gagarina, Alexander Serov - Nadezhda Babkina, Alexander Malinin - Roza Rymbaeva. But when Alena Lanskaya stepped on the stage, it was she who represented Belarus at the last Eurovision in Sweden, where she took 16th place, the audience was blown away. The outfit of the pop star was so defiant that even the lumberjacks and tillers blushed.
Other representatives of the pop genre came out to Vitebsk residents in defiant outfits. At her solo concert “Kiss for an Encore”, Kristina Orbakaite changed three outfits - one more revealing than the other, and Elena Vaenga also changed three dresses in the solo program “Lena” - and all with a breathtaking neckline.

Pillow for pregnant women

At the "Bazaar", the stars, according to tradition, not only gave concerts, but also enjoyed shopping. So, Tatyana Bulanova "ran" through the central department store.
- The younger Nikitka needs to pick up a school bag, he is going to a preparatory class this year, - my mother reasoned. - And the eldest, Sasha, - a skateboard.
Having made purchases for the guys, Tatyana lingered in the department where they sold pillows for pregnant women. They are made in the shape of the letter C and are designed to sleep on your side.
Bulanova fiddled with the special pillow in her hands for a long time, then put it back with a sigh.
Does Tanya dream of having another baby? Then from whom? Indeed, with her last husband, football player Vladislav Radimov, the singer finally broke up ...

Elena Vaenga(Elena Vaenga, real name Khruleva) is a Russian singer, composer, poetess and actress.

Until 1951, the singer's hometown - Severomorsk - was called Vaenga and was then a sparsely populated working village. The settlement was named after the Vaenga River. The name comes from the Sami "wayongg", which translates as "female deer", "vazhenka". Hence the pseudonym of the famous singer.

Elena Vaenga (Elena Vaenga): photo, video, biography, discography

Elena Vaenga(Elena Vaenga) has a strong voice and original timbre, surprises fans with an unusually emotional manner of performance. Its genre range is striking in breadth: old and modern romances, blues, folk and military-patriotic songs, ballads, pop songs and chanson.

Genre in which it works Elena Vaenga(Elena Vaenga), even she herself defines it with difficulty: “It is 50 percent folk-rock, there are old ballads, urban romances, chanson. But it is almost impossible to draw a line between them.”

Biography of Elena Vaenga / Elena Vaenga

Parents Elena Vaenga worked at the Nerpa shipyard, a secret shipyard that serviced nuclear submarines. Father's parents are native Petersburgers, blockade survivors. At Helena has a younger sister Tatiana, she is a diplomatic worker.

At the age of 9 or 12 (the singer does not remember exactly), Vaenga wrote her first song - “Doves”. At the same time, she became the winner in the All-Union Competition for Young Composers held on the Kola Peninsula. Until the age of 16, she lived in the village of Vyuzhny, then moved to St. Petersburg to get a higher education.

Elena received a musical classical education, graduated from the St. Petersburg Musical College named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov in piano. He has a diploma of a teacher-accompanist. Also optionally studied vocals. Then Elena Vaenga(Elena Vaenga) entered the Theater Academy (LGITMIK) on the course of Gennady Rafailovich Trostyanetsky and studied there for about two months, and then received an invitation to record the first album in Moscow. The album was recorded, but in the end no one heard it.

Songs Elena Vaenga sang Tatiana Tishinskaya, Alexander Marshal, once famous bands "Ladybug", "Arrows" and others. Having failed in his first attempt to conquer the stage, a year later Vaenga returned to St. Petersburg.

In 2000, having learned that at the Baltic Institute of Economics, Politics and Law (BIEPiP) at the Department of Theater Arts, the course is gaining Petr Sergeevich Velyaminov, Elena Vaenga entered his workshop. The singer showed all her acting talent in a private performance "Free Couple", where she played in tandem with a classmate Andrey Rodimov(producer Katya Shimileva). After graduating from the institute, she received a diploma in Dramatic Art.

Concert activity of Elena Vaenga / Elena Vaenga

Elena Vaenga(Elena Vaenga) has been performing since the age of 19. She is a laureate of the St. Petersburg "Smash Hit of the Year 1998" (song "Gypsy"), "A Worthy Song - 2002", a participant in the concert-festivals "Spring of Romance". And at the ceremony "Golden Pen - 2002" Elena Vaenga presented as the discovery of the year.

For the first time with a solo concert in Moscow, the singer performed on November 15, 2008 at the Mir Concert Hall. Every birthday is at the end of January Elena celebrates with his fans, inviting them to his concert at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall (St. Petersburg). The end of 2009 was marked for the singer by the first big Russian tour. In the same year, she received her first prize - "Golden Gramophone Award"- for the song "Smoke". And in 2010 she repeated her success, again receiving the Golden Gramophone award already for the song Airport. Besides, Elena Vaenga(Elena Vaenga) for the first time became the laureate of the festival "Song of the Year", where she performed the song "Absinthe".

- I go on stage and already on the third or fourth song I feel the audience, I understand which songs are best to sing today.

On November 12, 2010, another significant event took place in the artist's career - Elena Vaenga(Elena Vaenga) gave her first solo concert in State Kremlin Palace.

Her producer and civil husband (from the age of 18) - Ivan Matvienko. The couple currently lives in St. Petersburg.

- I understand: what I do in music, people need, it makes them feel good.

Discography of Elena Vaenga / Elena Vaenga

  • Portrait (2003)
  • Flute 1 (2003)
  • Flute 2 (2004)
  • White Bird (2005)
  • Chopin (2006)
  • Absenta (2007)
  • Dunes (2007)
  • The Best (2007)
  • Keys (2008)
  • Princess (2010)

Svetlana Tkalich

Svetlana Tkalich wrote a review for Elena Vaenga

Opinion of an independent viewer: Elena Vaenga is original by her indifference to the standard of a pop star. It has (still remains, pulsating) genotype - a synthesis of personal song, folklore and "pop publicity". It's good when the variety module is formed independently. This is a phenomenon of natural creative attraction. How long she will hold out on this ledge of the controversial stage - no one knows. But I would like to listen to it. After her songs, there remains a melody and a call for dialogue. That's how I perceive it.

As for stage costumes, it is very difficult to find a real stylist with knowledge of heritage codes and an understanding of the balance of details and the image itself. You can fall under his influence and drape with tinsel "a la" and "erato". Let it be as it is - she also thinks about it. Don't disturb her. The artist's unique mono-theatre is born gradually, if it is not paid for.

After her songs, the melody and the call for dialogue remain in the memory.

Robert Smirnov

Robert Smirnov wrote a review for Elena Vaenga

Let Elena remain the way she first appeared on the big stage, fell in love with our audience, fell in love with her appearance and her songs. She has her own personality and we accept her for who she is. Let those fading pop divas, whom we constantly see on the stage and whose repertoire is pretty fed up, deal with any external tinsel, exalted outfits.

Galina ***

Galina *** wrote a review for Elena Vaenga

Elena Vaenga is a talented beauty, unique and unlike anyone else: with such a sweet eccentric, unpredictable and extraordinary: both in songs, and in outfits, and in statements! She does not need any stylists, she may listen to them, but she will still do everything in her own way, in an Aquarian way! And he does it right!

Nadezhda Krivozubova

Nadezhda Krivozubova wrote a review for Elena Vaenga

Vaenga is dirty, we already have enough dirty in life, the stage is not for that! Yes, and she sings without a voice, as they say with her heart and soul. You need an excellent vakal and a great appearance, for example, Polina Gagarina. It is a pleasure to watch and listen, but to look at a little bitch and even without a voice, to empathize, so to speak, is for the treatment of nervous and psycho patients, a criterion for medical practice

Lyubov Timofeeva

Lyubov Timofeeva wrote a review for Elena Vaenga

I think that Vaenga should not complicate the essence with heavy and deliberately tasteless outfits, let her image still remain light, simple and understandable. First, creativity and work, then an outfit, not the most tasteless, but a fresh and individual image, a new Russian star (I need a fresh sip for a long time - thanks to her for opening a new line). It all suits her very well and she is understandable and predictable. Let this working image not affect life and become the only incarnation of a woman on earth. We are different and different outfits emphasizing the essence and beauty of a Russian woman, but the most important thing is who we are, what we carry and what is the essence of our creativity, work and life, how we see the future and what we will take into it, most likely not a dress, but peace and beauty , goodness and love, creativity and creativity, wonderful people and wonderful events. Everything will continue and everything will be unique and beautiful, everyone will carry their own charm and individuality. Vaenga appeared on the stage, I wish her long and creative years in this field and happiness in life.

Tatyana Lomakina

Elena Vaenga did not come, but as if suddenly appeared on the stage - original, bright, daring. And very talented. Supporters and opponents of chanson, blues, urban romance, folk-rock were equally discouraged by the originality of music and manner of performance. She refuted all the stamps at once. And immediately she became unique on stage - a sign of a real artist. They say character determines destiny. The biography and creative path of Vaenga is a vivid confirmation of this. Her appearance on stage, stunning success is not the result of heavenly indulgence, but a long and difficult path.

All photos 9

Elena Vaenga - biography

The singer was born in the capital. In the capital of the Northern Fleet - Severomorsk. This event took place on January 28, 1977. She was the first child, beloved, desired in the family. Parents worked in the then secret satellite town of Snezhnogorsk at an enterprise where they repaired submarines.

Despite the fact that mom and dad were typical techies by profession, they soon noticed the baby's musical abilities. As Elena herself says: “When I was a year old, I caught the rhythm of the vacuum cleaner.” And already at the age of three, she surprised her parents by easily repeating the song played by her father “Heating, drowning in the garden bath”.

The sonorous pseudonym Vaenga is also from there, from childhood. So the city of Severomorsk was called until 1951, after the name of the river flowing nearby. Something significant, comparable to the temperament of the actress and singer in the translation of this word from the Sami: "vaenga" - deer. By the way, Elena's mother chose such a harmonious consonance.

Artistic, musical, skiing - she graduated from all schools in Severomorsk. But for her potential, it was just an easy start, the first step. Natural scenery of becoming as a creative person. She played the piano, tried to compose poetry and music. I always knew that I would be an actress. Participated in all competitions. In the third grade, Elena became the leader in the Young Composers of the Kola Peninsula competition. At the same time, her first song "Doves" was written, which is still popular.

Soon, Elena became simply cramped within the province. Her inner potential demanded an outlet. Fortunately, she had the conditions for moving to the musical capitals of the country. Lena's father's parents are native Petersburgers. My maternal grandfather was in the military. The name of Rear Admiral Vasily Semenovich Zhuravel is included in the book of memory "Famous people of St. Petersburg."

In 1993, Vaenga moved to St. Petersburg with her relatives. She graduated from high school No. 395 (literary class). Entered the famous school. Rimsky-Korsakov for the piano class. It was a prestigious musical institution. In order not to lose face, a girl from the province had to work out for 8-10 hours a day! To broken fingertips, as Elena Vladimirovna herself recalls. But she herself calls the education received here “truly higher”.

All these years of hard, demanding work on oneself, vocals have been an outlet. Although at first the girl did not attach serious attention to singing. After college, quite spontaneously decided to enter the Theater Academy. For a girl who is almost not familiar with the theater (she has only been to performances a couple of times), this was a pure adventure. But she did, despite the huge competition. It was impossible not to notice her all-round talent.

It's only been a couple of months of school. And suddenly - an unexpected offer from a Moscow producer to record his own solo album. For Elena Vaenga, who at that time already performed her songs at small venues, participated in song contests, this seemed incredible luck. She left the academy and moved to Moscow.

What is the world of show business, we represent. The reviews are mostly unflattering. Elena had to see this for herself. “I ate my fill of waste” - this is how the actress briefly described that period. But at the same time, not a single bad word about the experience gained: “Experience is never bad”, “20% is golden”.

The album was not recorded. But Elena's talented songs, at the suggestion of an unscrupulous producer, were actively performed by various singers and groups. Her "Bride" was sung by Alexander Marshal, three wonderful songs - Tishinskaya, thanks to her work, "Ladybugs" and "Arrows" were designated. And Elena, devastated and disappointed, returned to St. Petersburg. Vaenga is like a Phoenix bird. From any situation, she knows how to extract experience that helps in creativity. Just like in life. “I am even grateful to the Moscow sharks of show business that helped me ... show my teeth” - Lena learned such a lesson from her first voyage to Moscow.

The ups and downs of life did not prevent Elena from participating in song contests. For example, in 1996, her song “Gypsy” was performed on “Hit of the Year”. But that wasn't enough for her. Such is the property of nature: to bring everything to perfection. In 2000, Vaenga entered the theater course of PS Velyaminov, a remarkable Soviet actor.

The piercing sincerity, natural behavior of the singer on stage is not only a creative gift, but the result of professionalism. That is why each of her songs is a mini-performance played by a brilliant actress. By the way, the theatrical role of Elena in the play "The Free Couple" was recognized as very successful.

Elena Vaenga - personal life

In 1995, fate crossed Elena with producer Ivan Matvienko. He was 19 years older. Perhaps everything would have turned out differently, but the parents gave the 18-year-old stubborn ultimatum: “No meetings! Be home at nine o'clock!" Wayward, resolute Lena, this was a challenge. Throwing everything, she moved to her beloved. She didn't even talk to her parents for three years.

Then everything got better. Because Ivan loved her to the point of selflessness. In the difficult nineties, he drove cars, took risks, earned money. And he invested everything in Lena, in her studies, competitions, trips. For 10 years, the formation of a talented successful singer continued. All these years he believed in her. When success came, it was happiness for both. But life is unpredictable. And feelings can get cold. After 15 years of marriage, Elena and Ivan broke up. Calm down, smart. For a long time, neither the general public nor the sensationalist yellow press even knew about it.

Only when she gave birth to a son, Ivan, in 2012, did everyone vigorously begin to express various guesses. Since it is not easy to hide an awl in a bag, it soon became clear that the father of the child is the drummer of the musical group of Elena Vaenga Roman Sadyrbaev. Shortly after Ivan's birth, Roman's mother moved in with her young parents to help nurse her grandson.

Elena Vladimirovna Vaenga (b. 1977) is a Russian pop singer and actress, composer and songwriter.

Parents and family

Elena's real name is Khruleva, she was born on January 27, 1977 in the military medical hospital of the small port town of Severomorsk, Murmansk Region. When Lena decided to connect her life with music and creativity, her mother chose the pseudonym Vaenga for her. That was the name of the city of Severomorsk until 1951 and the river that flows nearby.

Lena's mother was a chemist by education and profession, her father was an engineer. In the northern village of Vyuzhny, which is now called Snezhnogorsk, they worked at the Nerpa shipyard, the enterprise was classified and served nuclear submarines. Elena then dedicated the song to her native North and dad: “You have eyes of northern colors.”

Her mother's maiden name is Zhuravel. Grandfather Vasily Semyonovich served as rear admiral in the Northern Fleet, he is mentioned in the book Famous People of St. Petersburg and in some military encyclopedias. Grandmother Nadezhda Georgievna baptized Elena, the singer has had a wonderful relationship with her all her life. Grandmother came to all the St. Petersburg concerts of Vaenga, Nadezhda Georgievna even had her own place in the 17th row of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall.

My paternal grandparents were native Petersburgers who survived the siege. During the war, my grandfather served near Oranienbaum as an anti-aircraft gunner, and my grandmother remained in the besieged city as a doctor in a hospital.

Elena's dad is a very strict person, he was one of the last to come to terms with his daughter's decision to connect his life with the stage.

Lena also has a younger sister, Tanya, and a half-sister, Inna (daughter of her father from her first marriage).


On the coast of the Kola Peninsula in the small village of Vyuzhny, with five thousand inhabitants, the childhood of the future singer passed.

The girl was brought up in strictness. Every day at 6 in the morning, dad came into the room, raised Lena, and together they went for a run or ski training. The only exceptions were those days when a blizzard was expected in the village, and a storm warning was announced.

Her every day was literally scheduled by the minute: morning training with her father, school, classes in circles, doing homework.

Lena's musical talent began to manifest itself when she was still a very young girl. At the age of three, she began to dance to the sounds of a working vacuum cleaner, and even at preschool age she had a dream - to become an actress.

Once the father played some melody on the piano, and Lena repeated it exactly, then the parents realized that it would be nice to send their daughter to a music school.

Having started her studies at a comprehensive school, Elena was simultaneously engaged in skiing and music. And already at the age of 9 she composed her first song "Doves". With this composition, she won the All-Union Competition for Young Composers, which was held on the Kola Peninsula.

Student years

After school in 1994, Lena left for St. Petersburg, where her grandmother lived. There she became a student at the Rimsky-Korsakov Music College, the girl decided to continue her studies in the piano class. It was very difficult for Elena, her level of musical education clearly did not reach St. Petersburg. Therefore, she did not succeed in studying “excellently”, she had to do a lot and diligently in addition.

Her efforts were not in vain, a capable student was transferred from a paid form of education to a budget one. Lena graduated from a music school with a diploma of a teacher-accompanist and herself determined the level of her skill: “I am an average pianist, I am far from Richter, but I can be a good teacher”.

But Elena did not see herself as a pianist in the future. She wanted to be creatively realized as a composer, and if she was lucky, then a famous pop singer. Therefore, the girl decided to study further and became a student at the Leningrad Theater Academy on the course of G. Trostyanetsky.

Less than two months of study, as Elena had to leave for Moscow, an offer was received to record the first album of songs written by her. Stepan Razin became the producer, and the first video for the song "Long Corridors" was released under the pseudonym Nina.

The album was recorded but not released. The producer simply sold all her work to other pop artists. Disappointment choked the young talented girl to tears, she went back to St. Petersburg. Elena was offended by the whole show business, the only consolation was that she heard her compositions performed by famous Russian pop singers: Tatyana Tishinskaya and Alexander Marshal, the Strelki and Ladybug groups.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Lena became a student at the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law. The department of theatrical art was chosen, she got on a course with Pyotr Velyaminov, whom she considers her best teacher in life.

But Elena was not going to say goodbye to music. Along with studying at the institute, she took part in concerts and competitions:

  • "Hit of the Year" (in St. Petersburg);
  • "Worthy song";
  • "Spring of Romance";
  • "Nevsky Breeze";
  • "Free song over the free Neva".

Lena graduated from the Baltic Institute with a red diploma, played at the final exam and still continues to appear on stage in the non-repertory production of The Free Couple.

But the music still dragged her more than the theater. Elena was greatly supported by her civil husband and producer Ivan Matvienko. Much later, she will say that her parents and Ivan Ivanovich made her. He persuaded her to professionally return to music, and thanks to Ivan Matvienko, in 2003 Vaenga's first album, Portrait, was released.

But the real love of the audience and popularity came to her after the disc "White Bird", which was released in 2005. The compositions instantly became hits, they were played on the radio, and journalists unanimously declared that a new phenomenon appeared on the Russian stage under the name of Vaenga Elena.

What is the phenomenon? She did not have influential parents, familiar composers and producers who would push Lena on the Russian stage. And the songs were noticeably different from what constantly sounded from TV screens and on the radio.

In the fall of 2009, Elena was awarded the first Golden Gramophone in her life for the musical composition “Smoke”. A year later, she repeated this success with the song "Airport" and in the same year for the first time became a participant in the final festival "Song of the Year" with the composition "Absinthe".

In November 2010, the first solo concert of the singer took place in the State Kremlin Palace. It was held under the symbolic name "White Bird".

The following 2011, Lena participated in the Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin ceremony, and also won a resounding victory in the Musical Ring program over Leonid Agutin.

A turbulent period of concerts, posters and tours began in her life. Elena traveled all over Russia, to Israel, America and Germany.

The singer's repertoire is very diverse, includes:

  • compositions of own composition;
  • folk songs and ballads;
  • modern and ancient romances;
  • songs on poems by Yesenin and Gumilyov.

Sincere and honest, she never sings to the soundtrack, shares joys and problems with the audience, considers them her best psychotherapists.

Elena Vaenga decided for herself this: if a person goes on stage to show himself and his outfits, this is not an artist. It is necessary to hold each concert as if it were the first and last time, to put all your soul into it, to go out to the audience, as if to confession. Perhaps this is the success of the talented singer, who is infinitely loved by the audience.

Personal life

The first love happened to Elena at the age of 17. She had just arrived in St. Petersburg to her grandmother and was preparing to enter a music school. The feelings were so strong that, despite the excuses of her parents, she packed her suitcase and went to her beloved man.

Her chosen one was Ivan Ivanovich Matvienko, a gypsy by nationality. In addition to being 20 years older than Lena, the man was also married and had a daughter two years older than Elena.

But all this did not constitute any obstacles for the lovers, they really experienced a happy period. Even when it was a rolling ball in a rented apartment, and I had to walk to the institute due to the complete lack of money.

Parents were offended by Lena and did not talk to her for almost three years. This silence of loved ones and loved ones coincided with the most difficult and practically penniless period in her life. But the songs were written in such a period as mushrooms grow after rain. Elena even deduced such a pattern: the worse her life situation is, the better music and poetry turn out.

To enable his beloved woman to make music, record albums and purchase stage outfits, Ivan started an automobile business, which consisted of driving cars from Germany. He became her first producer, with his work and perseverance he brought Lena to the top of the domestic show business, and she is infinitely grateful to him for this.

Despite the almost perfect relationship, in 2011 the couple broke up. It happened quietly and peacefully, without scandals, screams and reproaches, the former common-law spouses continue to communicate well and friendly, live in neighboring apartments.

In 2012, Lena gave birth to a son, Ivan. On the topic of who the father of the boy is, she does not like to communicate with journalists and often starts litigation with those who are trying to conjecture or assume the paternity of little Vanyusha.

To a greater extent, the boy is with his grandparents, since the mother-singer is constantly on tour, but, of course, as soon as Elena has free time, she tries to spend it with her son.

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