New Year's business or how to make money for Santa Claus. Business idea: Father Frost's reception A story from the life of the Snow Maiden

Inviting actors to perform costumed congratulations has been in demand for several years among parents who want to congratulate their child on various occasions. The most common service of this kind these days is an invitation Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home, for a matinee in kindergarten, for junior school children. Actors are invited not only to children, but also to adults, for example, to corporate celebrations in offices and restaurants. Most actors charge at least 1000 rubles per hour performances, so creative individuals are looking forward to the holiday, trying to get a large number of orders and, naturally, profit from them.

How to organize everything correctly

To properly organize such an activity, you need to take care of all the points in advance. The main advantage of this is that almost anyone can start engaging in this activity without large financial investments. Beginning entrepreneurs are recommended to purchase or sew holiday costumes, as well as select the necessary props and sound equipment. It is not necessary to rent an expensive premises; it is enough to conduct all business from home if you have a telephone and the Internet.

How to make people know about you?

In order for you or your employees to be invited to this or that event, you need to take care of effective advertising. It is necessary to start disseminating information as early as possible before planned holidays and vacations, preferably a month or two. Advertising can be given both visual and audio. Suitable options for this would be radio, television or newspapers and magazines.

The most economical way to express yourself- This means printing information about the services provided and prices on bright leaflets and independently distributing them on the street, in schools, kindergartens and other public institutions. There is no cost at all for advertising on free classifieds sites on the Internet. Advertising must be short and memorable.

At an early stage, you can start doing this activity yourself, after which you can expand and create your own agency to provide holiday services. Most of the people who can be attracted to engage in such creative activities are students, theater club workers, and simply talented unemployed people. The entrepreneur only needs to organize them, provide them with orders and provide them with income in a timely manner. For large agencies, it is imperative to have working transport for the rapid movement of actors to the venues for celebrations and congratulations, as well as transportation of equipment, such as sound equipment and other equipment.

Scenarios for the holiday

As experience shows, the most difficult thing for beginners in this work is scenarios for holding a holiday. To solve this problem, you can use the scripts offered by special sites and forums, just modify them a little to suit yourself and accompany them with a variety of music. If you come up with your own original script for each event and different age groups, it will be even better.
No matter what envious people say, feel free to start this activity, there is always a great demand in the holiday services market, so even a beginner will quickly find a profitable job. Discounts and promotions, additional services for video and photography, small presents and gifts will help you stand out from the crowd of competitors, gather a client base and provide a good income.

Current ideas for making money

24.11.17 33 520 5

And earn 100,000 rubles in one day

Most people spend money during the New Year holidays, and we earn it.

Anastasia Makarova

Snow Maiden

My husband and I do not celebrate the New Year with our children: on December 31, we put on costumes and go to congratulate strangers. Before the morning of January 1, we manage to congratulate 15-20 families and earn 100,000 rubles. Here's what you need for this.

Start with a couple

Performances for the New Year are a duet of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. We are lucky: we act as a married couple, so our income does not go elsewhere. If you don't have a pair, you'll have to find one. Interview your friends, put out a call on social networks, look for a couple on Avito or another bulletin board.

Costumes and props

Costumes. Our first Santa Claus costume was a blue Chinese synthetic robe. We made the beard from a blonde wig, but there was no staff at all: we didn’t have enough money for it. Eight years ago this was enough, but now there are more competitors and no one pays for cheap China anymore.

Now we perform in custom-made suits. My Santa Claus flaunts himself in a brocade robe, and I flaunt in a long dress, a cap and a cape in the Byzantine style. The costumes cost us 15 thousand rubles. Some colleagues buy suits at the Gardener market or on the Internet. A decent suit with braids and furs costs 8-10 thousand rubles. Eyebrows and beard for grandpa included.

Width="2126" height="1228" class="" style="max-width: 1063.0px; height: auto">A decent Santa Claus costume can be bought for 8000 R width="2126" height="1214" class= "" style="max-width: 1063.0px; height: auto"> There are discounts: here is the Snow Maiden costume for 3000 R instead of 7000

Santa Claus' staff. The staff must be impressive and glow. We made ours ourselves: from a plumbing pipe, tinsel, a beautiful Christmas ball and a battery-powered garland. It cost us about 1000 RUR. The finished one costs the same, but does not look as impressive.

Gift bag. In the bag we carry props for competitions, prizes and gifts that our parents give us. Prizes in competitions are usually something small and inexpensive: candy, spinners, flashlights or puzzles. But parental gifts can be bulky, so the bag should be roomy. A good bag costs 500 RUR, sometimes it is sold along with a suit.

We spend 5,000 RUR per season on props for competitions and gifts - Fix-Price stores and the same Sadovod market help out.

Shoes. Santa Claus needs light felt boots and galoshes so as not to get them dirty. Felt boots with galoshes will cost 4000 RUR. It’s easier for the Snow Maiden with shoes - these can be white boots, felt boots, and shoes. But black tights and shoes will not work.

Width="450" ​​height="450" ​​class="outline-bordered" style="max-width: 450px; height: auto" data-bordered="true">Suitable felt boots for Santa Claus, 3800 RUR

Makeup. Santa Claus has white eyebrows and red nose and cheeks. False eyebrows, hair and beard completely cover the native hair. The Snow Maiden wears bright, but not provocative, makeup. Any stage makeup will suit a grandfather, and good cosmetics will suit his granddaughter. If it’s time to touch up your cheeks, but you don’t have makeup on hand, be smart. We once had to put on makeup with watercolors that we borrowed from a child.

Care and storage. During congratulations, suits get dirty. Makeup leaves stains on your beard, and the tails of your costumes collect dust. When we notice this, we wash it with the means at hand. Clients understand everything and never refuse help.

After the holidays, we take the suits to the dry cleaner, and then put them in covers and hang them in the closet until the next season. With careful use, the suits last 3-4 seasons.

Choose traditional costumes and props: people love it when Father Frost and Snow Maiden look “like something out of a fairy tale.” It is best if the grandfather is tall and large, and his assistant is young and thin. If everything is the other way around, you will have to try harder with the program.

Look for clients now

Parents begin preparing for the New Year in November, so you need to look for clients in advance. We do this through social networks, Avito or neighboring kindergartens.

In our experience, social networks work best on the Internet. Create groups on VKontakte and Facebook, as well as an account on Instagram. Upload photos of yourself in costume and launch a paid promotion among parents aged 20 to 40. Join moms groups in your area and share your suggestions. In some groups you will have to pay to advertise - this is normal. Ask your friends to share your posts. Post news to your feed all the time: the more lively it looks, the more attention it will attract.

Advertisements on Avito and similar boards worked well three years ago, but are now inferior to social networks. And yet a certain number of orders can be obtained from them.

For us, the most effective advertising is people's recommendations. My husband and I work in a puppet theater that performs in kindergartens, so most of the clients are the parents of our spectators. Since October, we have been leaving business cards for teachers and asking them to recommend us.

Advertising works in any place where there are a lot of children: at school, section, children's theater, entertainment center and even on playgrounds in courtyards. If you are allowed into the building, leave your advertisement on the notice board. If you have children, talk to the parents of their friends, classmates and sandbox mates. If not, ask friends with children to help.

Don't waste glue on ads and posters: we poured out more than one tube until we realized they didn't work. Print business cards instead: they're cheaper and last longer. Sometimes parents remember about the holiday at the last moment - it’s faster for them to call the number on the business card than to look for Santa Claus somewhere else.

The main thing should be clearly visible on the business card: that this is a congratulation to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and not “shows for every taste,” for example. Write the phone number so that you don't have to look for it. You can list several main advantages, for example, that you sing or congratulate in English. It’s good if your business card contains real photographs: many parents choose actors based on their appearance.

No one will appreciate crazy creativity: in the New Year's fever there is no time for it. We tried adding jokes like “Grandpa on Call,” but they didn’t work.

Songs, competitions, dances with a tambourine

The first thing potential clients ask is what kind of program we have. Decide right away how long you will perform and what to show. We have three program options: 5, 15 and 30 minutes. It's about the same for other artists.

Five minutes- this is the cheapest program: they entered, congratulated, presented gifts and took photographs. It is not profitable to travel far for her sake. Therefore, we collect several five-minute tickets in one area. You can also take an order for five minutes if other clients nearby have booked a long performance.

15 and 30 minute programs- this is already a whole performance. We always come up with original programs for which I write original text. You can create a program from scripts on the Internet; they can be found on sites for mothers or on sites dedicated to holidays. The main thing is to compile them successfully, so that it is not banal, but not too original. For example, everyone has already become tired of the eyeliner “They’ve grown up, they’ve become big, but you recognize me,” but without “One-two-three, Christmas tree, burn!” not enough. The standard set includes several games and competitions, a round dance, a song, lighting a Christmas tree and gifts for reading poetry.

To beat your competitors, show off your talent. If you have a good voice, sing, if you know how to juggle, juggle. An original number will set you apart from other artists. For example, we have a program in English, and in another we dance with a tambourine. Sometimes we bring dolls from our performances for congratulations or ride horses on sticks to the song “Three White Horses.”

If your congratulations are remembered, then you will be invited next year.

Musical accompaniment

Finding music is a responsible matter. When I compose a program, I figure out what kind of music I need, and then I look for tracks on the Internet. I listen to several dozen New Year's songs and save suitable ones on my computer so that I can insert them into the program at any time.

The music should be clearly audible. We play a playlist from a flash drive through a compact but powerful speaker with a remote control. The Snow Maiden usually DJs. To be on the safe side, we take with us a spare battery for the speaker and another flash drive with a playlist.

A portable speaker costs 1000-4000 RUR.

Last year the remote control for our speaker didn't work well, so we sold it. This year we ordered a speaker from Aliexpress

Performance schedule and transportation

If you did everything correctly, then soon your first clients will start contacting you. Create a schedule of performances in advance so that you get a convenient schedule and you don’t have to rush from one end of the city to the other on New Year’s Eve.

Think about how you will move. The best option is your own car with Santa Claus at the wheel, because such a driver is welcomed and welcomed by everyone. You can hire a car, but the services of a driver for the whole day and all night will eat up to a third of your income - it’s like a second Snow Maiden.

Public transport is not an option. Carrying costumes, props and gifts is difficult, and clients do not always live near the bus stop - there are orders outside the city. If you move on your own, you won't have time to reach enough customers to cover all your expenses. And if you’re unlucky, you’ll also catch a cold, because it’s hot in the apartments and cold outside.

First season expenses

How much to charge for performances

Congratulations begin on December 20, at this time prices for artists are the lowest. As we approach the New Year, they increase and reach a peak from 22:00 on December 31 to 3:00 on New Year's Eve. After that they fall again, and then grow a little towards Christmas and the old New Year.

Specific amounts depend on the city. In big cities, congratulations to Santa Claus are more expensive, but in small cities there is less competition and advertising costs.

To find out approximate prices, call several competing actors and find out their rates. Find out what is included in their program so that you have something to compare yours with. If you call popular agencies, keep in mind that they have a different budget for advertising, and for congratulations they hire professional actors. With the same price tag you will only lose customers.

Asking for too little is also bad: you won’t recoup the costs and will arouse suspicion among meticulous parents.

How to accept money and pay taxes

New Year's performances are the sale of copyright products. To wish Happy New Year and take money for it, it is not necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but 13% of the income will have to be given to the state.

If you want to reduce tax, register an individual entrepreneur and pay only 6% under a simplified taxation scheme. To speak, an entrepreneur needs the correct activity code - OKVED. Code 90.01 is suitable - activities in the field of performing arts.

But IP also has disadvantages. You need to pay pension and medical contributions - in 2017 this is 27,990 RUR. In addition, you will have to buy or rent a cash register and issue checks to all clients. Monthly rental of a cash register with an agreement with the OFD and registration with the Federal Tax Service will cost approximately 4,000 RUR.

My husband and I work as individual entrepreneurs, and the only thing that helps us is that we perform not only on New Year’s holidays, otherwise it would become unprofitable.

Don't give up if it doesn't work out right away

It takes time to learn how to perform well and build a reputation. You may not be able to make a ton of money in your first year. Don't give up - work hard on several performances and get positive feedback on your page on social networks. If you like your congratulations, you will be recommended to friends and invited to visit every New Year.

The essence of the business is to provide the service of individual costumed greetings for the upcoming New Year with the participation of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus at home is a business idea that has been bringing a good mood, a festive atmosphere and income to the organizers for several thousand years. No, of course, for example, in Ancient Rome there was no grandfather, and there was no frost, but there were traveling comedians and poets. They took orders, came to the poor man’s shack and the senator’s villa, gave gifts, sang songs and composed impromptu songs for local holidays - by the way, the New Year originated from there, and it was called Kaledy. Then the slaves could drink and have fun with their owners, and the children received surprises and gifts.

The essence of business

Unlike an agency for organizing holidays, this topic is purely highly specialized and seasonal, although no one will stop you from “jumping” to accompanying birthdays and anniversaries in the warmer months. Its advantages are simplicity in starting, absence of initial hard and large investments, flexibility in “switching”, today you supply Santa Claus, and tomorrow you supply dancers for a party. But what is the initial benefit of starting in winter?

A large amount of free time and holidays in winter, a huge demand for entertainment services, an unoccupied market and the fact that large companies cannot satisfy one hundred percent of the demand. Santa Claus at home - code name, he goes to a corporate party, to a kindergarten, and to a gathering of autoquest enthusiasts, there is enough work at this time and you need to carefully plan everything in order to get maximum profit.

The main problem here is advertising and planning. It is necessary to start as early as possible, long before the series of winter holidays, in order to form a favorable opinion about the brand and service. Again, it’s better to start with animation and children’s matinees, and then smoothly “flow” into the Christmas tree and firecrackers. It’s easy to find footage among freelancers or theater workers, but for an unusual script and intellectual property you’ll have to go out of your way. In general, this is one of the most tolerant and democratic types of business in terms of initial investments - audio equipment and a car for its transportation, that, in principle, is all the expense items.

An office is not necessary; all issues can be resolved by telephone or electronically. At first, you can limit yourself to just one sales manager; ideally, the business can be run entirely by the owner of the individual entrepreneur.
Advertising should be more visual; a radio campaign will not work here; ideally, these should be specialized advertising magazines, a website and flyers, with a discount system. And also appear at various events, hold children's matinees in orphanages and charity performances - rumors spread like ripples on the water, this is exactly what is needed in this segment.

Several general business principles Santa Claus on call

1 Never stop - change the program, add a fire show and life-size puppets to Santa Claus, use pyrotechnics and various new programs.

2 Separate gift sets and “service packages”, but the acting work itself should not be divided - the child may receive less chocolates and gifts, but no less attention.

3 Work with the whole family - give an unplanned gift from the company, light candles, give the hostess a flower. These gestures are not very expensive, but they are memorable and attract people for a long time.

4 A camera, a camera and the ability to handle technology will add clients and income to your team. Depending on the order, you can also hire assistants - students or puppet theater actors make excellent bunnies and snowflakes.

5 Try to structure and generalize your customer base - congratulate them on holidays, send musical cards and provide feedback.

6 Having a good Snow Maiden triples orders.

Slowly but surely the New Year celebrations are approaching. And again the main New Year's characters are relevant - Father Frost and his permanent granddaughter, Snegurochka. Many businessmen are looking forward to this holiday, trying to get the maximum possible profit in such a short time. How to competently organize a New Year's business to extract maximum profit?

Preliminary preparation

All organizational issues should be taken care of in advance. This is a seasonal business, so the New Year holiday period needs to be worked out as efficiently as possible, and every little detail needs to be thought out in advance.

First of all, you need a team. Usually people from creative professions go into the New Year business: actors, musicians, singers. Also, students and others who are not employed at their main job during this period can be considered as candidates for assistants to Santa Claus.

The second point, which will require from you not only a creative approach, but also financial investments, is the preparation of costumes. In addition to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, you can come up with a lot of interesting and original characters in their “retinue”. These are Snowflakes, Snowmen, fairy-tale Elves and a host of other heroes of traditional fairy tales.

Be sure to carefully consider your presentation program. An original plot and an interesting presentation will create good advertising for you. After all, rumors spread very quickly, people will recommend you - and this is already a success.

And, of course, advertising. It is better to distribute advertisements about yourself in advance. Today, advertising blocks in newspapers have a rather small effect. Social networks and thematic forums are a different matter. Advertising in social groups and on websites where mothers often visit is your main goal. It would also be a good idea to print leaflets and distribute them in children's institutions.

To “build up” your reputation, it won’t hurt to work at “Christmas trees” in some companies, kindergartens or schools in December. If your performance is liked, you will get the “word of mouth” effect. Orders will not keep you waiting!

Other organizational issues

Every business has its own nuances, and New Year’s too. Let's talk about the little things that can affect your business.

Schedule. You should consider your own employment if you have a main place of work. In this case, you will be able to work in the evenings and on weekends. At this time, orders are most often received from private customers at home.

If the New Year's business is your main job, then feel free to consider offers for corporate parties and children's matinees.

Also, in advance, at the preliminary meeting, discuss how the gifts will be formed. In addition to the main gifts, it is worth considering various little things - sweets, Christmas tree decorations or small keychains. Even if your main audience is children, do not ignore adults, especially when making a private house call. A small surprise for the apartment owners will leave a pleasant impression of you.

It is also worth taking care of such nuances as your own driver with a car and your own musician. Offer your clients an additional service in the form of professional photography or photo sessions. Few people will refuse to keep beautiful photographs or videos as souvenirs.

After the season closes

Whether your company will exist after the New Year is up to you. You can disband your team before the next holiday, although it is not a fact that you will gather later with the same composition. It will be especially a pity if a good team is selected.

You can consider an option to maintain your business in the off-season, such as changing your profile. Try organizing anniversaries and celebrations by developing other scenarios and creating new programs.

And don't forget about your clients. Remind them of yourself occasionally - congratulate them on the holidays, send them postcards, keep them in touch. Update your customer base regularly.

New Year's business can bring big earnings - with proper organization and a competent approach to its clients. Don't stop there. Compose new programs, introduce new “chips” into the scripts. Be one step ahead of your competitors!

Mezentseva Vasilisa

Let's talk a little about how you can make money on the eve of the New Year, which is already here.

New Year's fuss and traditions are valued all over the world. There are many different types of businesses that are seasonal, but the most magical and massive festivities attract many enterprising people to organize some kind of New Year's, unusual and outstanding business.

If we turn to the original source of the New Year's commotion, it will be clear that this holiday was initiated by entrepreneurs of that time (18th century) so that the New Year's fair would bring profit.

You can still make money from Santa Clauses by providing a traditional service - calling Santa Claus to a matinee, to an event, to your home.

Santa Claus is not expensive

Moms and dads of our country are looking for affordable prices for the service. All family forums begin to look for a New Year's wizard for their children in another month and a half. Discussions raise issues such as prices, scenarios, and people are looking for the best place to order Santa Claus.

Children's faith in a fairy tale remains as long as their parents support it, and Russian Santa Claus is the most awaited wizard who will bring the desired gift and turn life into fairy-tale magic.

Holiday agencies honestly admit that New Year's requests significantly exceed the capabilities of the animators available on staff.

That is, people want to receive the service and are willing to pay for it. Only with a caveat - not just any money. Only a certain category of people can contact professional agencies; the rest, upon hearing an amount that exceeds their expectations, refuse the application. High prices in holiday organizations are due to the necessity of life; taxes need to be paid from something, so they cannot provide services at reduced prices.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

This is where opportunities open up for non-professionals, since this market is unprofitable for medium and large companies. The niche of services available to the population to call Santa Claus will allow enterprising people with good business inclinations to earn money.

"Small format" and costs

Despite the fact that you do not have a large entertainment company, you need to register as an entrepreneur; an individual entrepreneur is enough. There are several options for the development of such a company:

  • Closing after New Year's holidays;
  • Submit a declaration with zero income until the next New Year;
  • Expand by providing services for organizing holiday events not on New Year's themes.

If you are committed to seasonal part-time work, it is better to close your individual entrepreneur after the end of the holiday festivities. The costs of opening/closing an individual entrepreneur are the amount of the established state duty for the corresponding procedures: 800 and 160 rubles at the moment. It is not necessary to order a seal, nor is it necessary to open a separate current account.

The costs won't stop there. To run a New Year's business, you need the appropriate attributes - costumes for Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter. The average cost of ready-made suits is approximately 5-10 thousand rubles. It is believed that you need to have about 5 pairs of animators (an excellent solution is to hire students, since they are active, energetic and resilient) for the profit to be more or less noticeable.

You can deal with organizational issues yourself - advertise, hire performers and come to conclude contracts. Mobility during busy times will work to your advantage, since consumers do not like to go to the office, even if it is located within walking distance. When you arrive to fill out documents at a customer’s home, draw up directions – this will be useful for the actors who will be working on the application.

Advertising and other expenses should also be taken into account. If enough people know about you, your advertising costs will pay off many times over. So, you will spend about 70 thousand rubles on everything to start a small temporary holiday agency.

Margins and tariffs

This year, prices for the services of fairy-tale characters have already been made public, and you can get a closer look at them. The price list for Father Frost's visit changes depending on the date to which the fairy-tale guest and his granddaughter are invited. 15 minutes of festive performance will cost:

  1. 2600 rub. – when ordering animators before December 15;
  2. 3100 rub. – for the presence of Santa Claus at the holiday after December 25;
  3. 9000 rub. - on New Year's Eve immediately after the chimes strike.

Prices vary everywhere, and only approximate tariffs are given. Regional specifics and saturation of the services market can significantly adjust these amounts.

If we calculate all the initial data, it turns out that for a month of work, if there are 5 pairs of actors, the profit of the New Year's holiday agency will not be less than 200,000 rubles. But this amount appeared after the tariffs were reduced by 40% from those indicated above and taking into account transport costs, payment of work to employees (up to 7 thousand rubles per day for each couple) with the animators being fully loaded - up to 14 addresses per day.

Good to know

New Year's businessmen who have already spent these holidays in a working environment shared their experience.

  • It is not necessary to buy suits or have them sewn; renting is the best solution to save money. The deposit can be quite high (some companies require up to 100% of their value as a deposit). You need to understand that you should not count on a refund of the entire amount, since “production costs” in the form of minor damage to clothing are quite likely. And still, these costs are lower than buying sets of New Year's costumes.
  • For the role of Santa Claus, choose men with a booming, sonorous voice. The realism of the hero will support your reputation and will leave children and their parents happy.
  • If potential employees have a craving for alcohol, they will regularly drop out of the work process. Bad habits should be prohibited. During the holidays, you won’t have to sit still; you will have to supervise your employees between trips to conclude new contracts.
  • Remember, a serious approach to the entertainment industry, even if it is seasonal, can bring serious profits. Don’t miss all the nuances, and next year you will receive even more orders, which means net profit.
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