How to write an apology for the inconvenience. Sample apology on behalf of the company

You may have already wondered how to ask for forgiveness correctly if you have done something wrong. What words to start with, how to express regret about what happened? When trying to find words, we use expressions such as: “I’m sorry,” “I’m sorry,” “I’m sorry,” “I apologize,” “I beg your pardon.” If you turn to the explanatory dictionary, then all these words are synonyms, and most people are accustomed to using expressions familiar to them and do not attach any importance to their semantic differences.

But it turns out that there is a significant difference between them, which is what the article will be devoted to.

I apologize

Few people pay attention to how we ourselves or someone else tries to smooth out the conflict and what words we use to do this. For example, you caused someone inconvenience, accidentally stepped on a foot or caught someone on the shoulder. Observing etiquette, a well-mannered person will apologize for this by expressing sympathy, or by throwing out a formal “sorry.” In such situations, someone tries to defuse the situation by expressing their regret with an interesting variation of “sorry” or “sorry.”

When apologizing in this situation, people say that they had no malicious intent in offending the person, but they also apologize without considering themselves to be to blame for the current situation - what happened was just an unfortunate coincidence, and the apology is just compliance with etiquette.

But let's look at a situation where we have to ask for forgiveness for, as they say, “messing things up,” whether intentionally or accidentally. The person feels guilty and, when expressing their regret, uses the word “sorry”, which sounds quite sincere, thereby expressing that they admit guilt, apologize for the inconvenience or damage caused, and guarantee that this will not happen again.

The question arises as to what is correct - “sorry” or “excuse me” - in this case, and in what situations it is better to use one or another word.

From the point of view of philologists

To figure out how to correctly say “sorry” or “excuse me,” let’s turn to the basics of the Russian language and try to make a morphological analysis of words. To understand the meaning or origin of a word, it is necessary to “look at the root,” that is, to calculate the root of the word, which contains all the hidden meaning. Let’s also try to pay attention to the different forms of apologies:

  • Sorry is a request to “excuse someone from guilt,” that is, not to have any complaints against the person asking.
  • I apologize is a modern form of the word, formed from the Slavic “I apologize,” which means that we excuse ourselves.
  • I apologize - it sounds gallant, but the phrase is actually insidious. This is a graceful way of washing one's hands to express "my conscience is clear."

What is the difference between “sorry” and “forgive”? Let's sort it out. “Forgive” comes from “simply,” that is, a request not to complicate relations between people, the person asking admits his guilt and repents, therefore he offers to take a simpler approach to the situation and to him.

But “I apologize” is a secular phrase, and it is understood as an expression of regret, but said without the desire to accept one’s guilt.


So which is correct - “sorry” or “excuse me”? It turns out that the whole difference is in admitting or not admitting guilt? This is true in the meaning of the words. “I’m sorry” carries a more personal meaning, expressing one’s emotional experiences, while “I’m sorry” is a formality that is required of us by etiquette.

But what to do with the sensations from the words that we use, expressing sympathy, repentance, regret. Often telling our interlocutor “I’m not to blame,” the negative particle is lost and we still remain guilty for the one from whom we ask forgiveness. What to do?

In English there are several expressions for apologies: excuse me - “justify me”, forgive me - “forgive me” and I’m sorry - “I’m sorry”. When answering the question whether it’s correct: “I’m sorry” or “I’m sorry,” we can only give advice, rely on our emotions and feelings, and when trying to express our regret, use a simple but effective phrase: “I’m very sorry.”

The ability to admit guilt and apologize is one of the characteristics of a mature personality. But sometimes they are mistakenly perceived only as an important part of sociocultural norms, and from childhood we are taught to say: “Forgive me, I didn’t do it on purpose.”

Unfortunately, this skill does not always develop throughout life and often gets stuck at the very level we were taught. Therefore, the apologies of adults sometimes sound untenable, like baby talk.

Why is it so difficult for us to apologize?

It means admitting that you're wrong and that you're wrong, and it takes courage to show that you're not perfect. As children, they demanded an apology from us, forcing us to think about our behavior or threatening to deprive us of sweets or cartoons. As a result, sociocultural norms were not realized, but were imposed from the outside, and were accompanied by misunderstanding, infringement, and resentment.

Adults with power demand what the child does not want or cannot yet understand, and many of us, along with the skill, internalize this feeling of humiliation for a long time.

There is a big difference between “I’m sorry” or “I ask for forgiveness” and “I’m sorry (forgive) me, please.”

In an attempt to avoid feelings of humiliation, adults do not always choose truly correct formulations. Surely you are familiar with the phrases: “Forgive me if I offended you,” or “Forgive me, but I think...” - sometimes we say them unconsciously, without realizing that these “ifs” and “ but” speak of insincerity. They hide the speaker’s uncertainty that he really repents and understands how he offended the other.

There is a big difference between “I’m sorry” or “I ask for forgiveness” and “I’m sorry (forgive) me, please.” In the first case, we appeal to ourselves, and this is more like a formal fulfillment of social conventions. In the second case, we turn to the person whose feelings have been hurt. This is much more difficult because it makes us vulnerable: the other person is free not to accept an apology.

Why do this

Why do we even ask for forgiveness? Try asking this question to yourself or someone you know, and you will probably hear in response something like: “Because I was wrong/mistaken,” or “It was the only right thing/ mature/responsible decision." This is the problem: such motives do not reflect what an apology should achieve.

It is believed that if you do this, it means that you have offended someone, upset someone, let them down, or upset someone’s emotional balance. Therefore, the main goal should be to try to restore it, repair the emotional damage and receive sincere forgiveness. For an apology to be effective, it must be focused on the other person's feelings and needs, not our own. Often we don't try to help others feel better, we strive to make ourselves feel better.

The Key to Effective Apologies

The most important of these components that we often forget is the expression of empathy. In order for another person to forgive us, he must see that we were able to realize and experience for ourselves everything that we made him go through. Doing this convincingly is more difficult than it might seem. Let's look at this with an example.



You've had a hard day at work and you return home in a terrible mood. It's late and you feel too groggy and irritable to go to a close friend's birthday party. In addition, it seems to you that in such a state it is better to stay away from people and there is no need to spoil the mood of others. You wake up the next morning with a crippling sense of guilt, which gets worse when you start to analyze the situation and realize that you didn’t even call your friend to let him know you weren’t coming.


What do you need to consider to make an apology effective? Before you continue reading, make your list of points that you would mention in a conversation with a friend.

Made up? Five Keys to an Effective Apology:

  1. Excuse me please.
  2. I'm really so sorry! I didn't come to your birthday yesterday.
  3. I had a terrible day, I was literally exhausted and just went home to sleep. But this in no way justifies the fact that I did not show up without even warning you about it.
  4. I can only imagine how upset and disappointed you were, how hurt you were and how angry you could be with me. I know how important this holiday was for you and how much effort you put into preparing it. You were probably waiting for my appearance and were worried. I hope you were able to enjoy the holiday, but I feel guilty that my selfish behavior may have affected your mood. I regret that as a friend I could not be there and share the holiday with you.
  5. I understand this may take some time, but I hope you can forgive me.

Although admitting your mistakes may not seem easy, it will not only help improve your relationship, but also ease your feelings of guilt. Remember that expressing empathy takes practice and is worth learning. In addition, if you remember that you don’t have to do this, as you were once forced to do as a child, but want to because you sincerely regret it and the relationship is important to you, it will be easier for you to choose the right words.

“Errare humanum est,” they said in ancient times. Translated into modern language and transformed into modern life, we can say that in our time, just like many centuries ago, it is human nature to make mistakes. We are not always right and often we make mistakes in our lives, after which we have to apologize. But does everyone know how to do it correctly? Do you feel uncomfortable saying words of apology and asking for forgiveness?


Where to start with an apology?

At the very beginning, you must first determine whether your apology is necessary. After all, there is no need to apologize for every sin. Analyze your misdeeds. Calmly assessing your mistakes is important for one simple reason: empathy. You need to evaluate all your actions from all sides and from all angles in order to understand how much and why your actions offended someone close to you.

Put yourself in that person's shoes

The only effective way to do this is to put yourself in that person's shoes and ask some important questions: How have my actions affected his or her life? Did my action affect this person’s self-esteem? Did it affect me? Is this irreparable or is there still an opportunity to fix everything? It is at this moment that you need to take the situation seriously. We've all made mistakes before, so try to evaluate everything correctly and empathize with the feelings of the other person.

How to speak correctly?

We usually say “sorry”, “I beg your pardon” and “I apologise”. The first two options are correct, and the third can only be used in colloquial situations. Why? Let's figure it out. Excuse, excuse - imply a focus on someone: excuse him, excuse her. And the reflexive form of the verb (-sya) denotes an action applied to oneself: wash, shave, get dressed. In this situation, it turns out that when I apologize, I am apologizing to myself. But is this what we want when we ask for forgiveness?

1. Apologize for your eyes

Before apologizing directly, the offended person needs to be slightly “warmed up”. To do this, send this person a letter, postcard, email, whatever, with an apology. After reading the message, he will certainly not forgive you, but he will be prepared and will appreciate your persistence.

2. Be sincere

Don't start apologizing if you don't actually feel guilty. The person will see your insincerity and the situation will only get worse.

3. Make eye contact

Let me look into your eyes, this will make it clear that you are sincere. Look straight into the eyes of the person you are asking for forgiveness - this is conducive.

4. Apologize privately.

It is better to ask for forgiveness in private. Take the person you want to apologize to aside. This will reduce tension and prevent anyone from distracting you at the most inopportune moment. If a public apology is necessary, you can make it later after apologizing in person.

5. Apologize face to face.

You must come to the person you want to apologize to. Don't ask him to come to you. Don't apologize by mail or over the phone. You must do this in person, face to face.

6. Watch your body language

Nonverbal communication is just as important as verbal communication. Be careful to watch your body while talking. Although, if you really regret what you did and feel guilty, your body will do everything right on its own.

7. Don't delay

The sooner you apologize, the better. Of course, if you are emotional, it is better to wait it out, let yourself cool down and only then apologize, but you shouldn’t delay it too much either. Firstly, you may burn out, and secondly, your apology may no longer be relevant.

8. A verbal apology is not enough.

It is not recommended to be clever in apologizing. But it’s also too easy to treat. Of course, sometimes a simple “sorry” is enough, but most often this is not the case. It is better to add a bouquet of roses to your words when meeting (if you need to apologize to a girl) or a small present (if you need to apologize to a man).

9. Admit your mistake

Don’t forget about the phrase “Sorry, I was wrong.” As a rule, admitting that you are wrong is very effective. Never deny the fact that you have something to apologize for.

10. Take a break if necessary.

If the person does not accept your apology, you should stop it. Just wait a couple of days and see how things go. It is possible that the person accepting the apology realizes that a “second chance” needs to be given.

11. Stop on time

An apology should not be long and drawn out. It is quite difficult to stop such a conversation in time, but remember that by continuing it, you are walking blindfolded on the edge of an abyss. Don't do this, you may only make the situation worse.

12. Don't make excuses

13. Don't promise the impossible

Of course, the important words “I'm so sorry” must be present in your speech. However, never make promises that this will never happen again. This kind of trap is both an easy way to solve a problem and a strategic miscalculation.

14. Offer a way out

Suggest a way to fix everything. This will show that you care about the relationship with the person. Please note that you should make a suggestion, and not ask “How can I fix everything?”

You must suggest ways to fix things and your suggestions must be relevant. If possible, try to show the person that you understand your guilt. The essence of this step is to minimize the damage caused and make every effort to correct the situation. If you have wronged a loved one, look for ways to strengthen your relationship and show him how much you care for him and how much you value his needs. If you have not lived up to someone's trust or said something that was not necessary, then you need to restore the friendship with actions that will prove to this person that you are worth trusting. Be careful not to make offers that even remotely resemble an attempt to buy trust. That is, sentences like “Let’s go to a restaurant tomorrow, I’ll treat you.” Also, try not to ask questions like, “How can I fix this?” or “What can I do to make amends?” This implies that you never realized your mistake.

15. Draw conclusions

This is the most important action. Looking back and remembering your previous mistakes is not a very pleasant experience, but necessary from a preventive point of view. In the future, you will still have to apologize for something (this is inevitable), but preferably not for the same mistakes. So remember what led to the mistakes and how you can avoid them in the future. If you didn't keep your promise because you were too busy, try to fix it.

A properly presented apology can save a relationship even in the most seemingly hopeless situation. Do you have anyone to apologize to? So what are you waiting for? Use these tips to gain forgiveness.

Dear Sirs! They sincerely asked for forgiveness (I asked again) for the unfortunate misunderstanding that happened... (date) in the program “Good morning, Ukraine!” Due to an oversight by the operators, a commercial for your concern was not aired.

We completely justify our inattention and obligation to compensate you for your losses. We hope that you will continue to use our services in the future, and we will make every effort to avoid such unpleasant misunderstandings. Once again we ask for forgiveness. Best regards...

In our attempt to serve you better and retain you as one of our valued customers, we are going to. I hope you find these actions satisfactory and justified. This is the least we can do to correct the unintended inconvenience we have caused.

These precautions will ensure that such errors do not happen again in the future. This would not be possible without attracting attention to your business. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your feedback, which allows us to better serve you and other customers. We value your business and look forward to retaining you as a customer for many years to come.

Typical speed

Apologies for the delay in delivery of goods

1. We apologize for the delay in delivery of goods. This happened through our fault. Sorry for the trouble caused.

2. Your order dated... (date), due to the fault of the office manager, did not reach our transport department on time. We apologize for the delay in goods and assure you that we will pay special attention to your orders in the future.

Always share your feedback with us; this is how we continue to learn and improve. This situation is not common and these incidents are not typical for us. We appreciate that you understand that sometimes errors occur despite numerous checks and measures. We are very sorry that this happened to you, but rest assured that it will not happen again. This is the least we can do to compensate for the inconvenience caused. We hope this resolution meets your expectations and helps eliminate any misconceptions you might have about our products, services or customer service.

3. The employee responsible for fulfilling your order made a mistake. Sorry for the delay in delivery of goods.

4. Our production department did not schedule the shipment of the ordered goods correctly, which caused the delay. Please forgive us for the delay in completing your order.

5. Due to production difficulties, we were unable to ship the goods you ordered on time and sincerely apologize to you for the delay.

To make things even better, we have taken a number of measures to ensure that this error and similar errors do not happen again in the future. Thanks to you, we realized this, and we thank you for sharing your experience with us. We prefer to learn and improve in the best conditions, but sometimes this is not possible.

Once again we apologize for this error and we look forward to keeping you as part of our valued customer base for a very long time. We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and these mistakes are not in keeping with our philosophy. Of course, none of this is your fault and we take full responsibility for this error.

6. We would like to ask your forgiveness for the late execution of your order from... (date).

7. We carefully looked at all your orders and made sure that we made a mistake, for which we hope you will forgive us.

8. Once again we apologize for the unnecessary trouble. We hope that this misunderstanding will not negatively affect our future relations and that you will continue to use the services of our company in the future.

As a result, and as a sign of our recognition of this error, we will hope that this is enough to resolve the issue and eliminate any inconvenience. Also, as part of our continuous pursuit of excellence, we implement a number of checks and measures to ensure that mistakes like these do not happen again. You deserve the best and we will make sure you get it from us.

Thank you for raising this issue and giving us the opportunity to do even better. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time. Salary Comparison Compare your salary and find out your market value.

9. We assure you that in the future we will make every effort to avoid such unpleasant omissions.

Apologies for late payment of bills

1. Due to the negligence of the accounting department, your bills were not paid on time. Payment will be processed immediately. We apologize for the delay.

2. Your invoice dated... (date) was incorrectly recorded on 8 by our accounting department and therefore remains unpaid. Sorry for this annoying mistake, we will correct it immediately.

This comes as a shock to me considering the care we give to every customer and every transaction. This is not a common occurrence at all and this incident will not go away without careful investigation. This is definitely our mistake and we take full responsibility for it. Your feedback was essential to implementing this flow on our system, and we are taking all necessary precautions to resolve this and similar issues.

Expression of regret, grief

Thank you for sharing your feedback, which we deeply appreciate. We value your feedback and view it as an opportunity to learn and improve. This is the least we can do in light of this unfortunate event. We are committed to your satisfaction and we want to provide a pleasant experience for all of our customers.

3. Unfortunately, the bank did not fulfill our order to transfer money to you on time. We sincerely apologize (sorry) for the delay in payment.

4. We are very sorry that your latest invoice remained unpaid for a long time. We sincerely apologize for this inattention.

5. Due to personnel changes in our accounting department, payment was made significantly late. Please forgive us.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Write better English and improve your career. In such rare and unfortunate situations, we can only apologize and try to offer a suitable solution. To prevent such errors in the future, we intend to implement additional precautions and additional checks. Our ultimate goal is for all of our clients to have an exceptional experience. We will do our best to achieve this.

I'm very sorry that you are not satisfied with our service. It is very unusual to receive complaints from our customers with all the care and attention we give to everyone. An investigation will also be conducted to determine the root cause of the problem and implement the necessary precautions to ensure it does not happen again.

6. The move of our accounting department to a new office caused a delay in paying bills. We sincerely ask you to forgive us...

7. We apologize for the confusion in our accounting department and promise to be more attentive in the future.

8. We sincerely apologize for the unfortunate mistake that occurred due to the negligence of our employee.

9. Thank you for the reminder about the unpaid invoice dated... (date) that was incorrectly recorded. Please excuse me that the lack of clarity in the work of our employees made you worry once again (caused you unnecessary trouble).

We have a reputation for keeping our customers happy and we want to support them. Please accept my sincere apologies. This comes as a surprise to me because of the special attention we pay to each client. It is not typical for us to write letters of apology, so this situation is certainly unusual.

Please accept my apologies for this mistake. We will do everything possible to ensure that such incidents do not happen again. Thank you very much for your business. Your case will be dealt with strictly and promptly. Whatever the reasons, a satisfactory solution will be provided.

10. After your telephone call, we carefully reviewed the lists of unpaid invoices and were convinced that we had made a mistake, for which we hope you will forgive us. We completely justify our inattention, but we hope that you will continue to fulfill our orders.

11. Once again we apologize (sorry) for the delay in payment and assure that in the future we will do everything possible to avoid such annoying omissions.

We do not compromise our customer satisfaction under any circumstances and we will make sure you walk away from this experience with a big smiling face. We are always interested in listening to our customers and knowing their opinions. Business Apologetics Letter Example Prompt for Writing a Business Apologetics Letter Business Apologetics Letter Example. In the business world, losing a customer can be extremely costly. If you have made a mistake, a business apology letter is critical.

What should an apology letter be like?

Letters should generally be written from the client's point of view, always being right. Apology letters in businesses should be written in a way that encourages them to forgive the mistake. Take a look at the following tips, followed by a sample business apology letter.

Apologies for being late for a meeting, delay in response

1. We sincerely apologize for your lateness to the meeting yesterday.

2. I am very sorry (sincerely sorry) that such a long-awaited and important meeting for me did not take place.

3. I sincerely apologize (sorry) for making you waste your precious time.

Sample Business Apology Letter

Tips for writing a business apology letter. Share the steps that will be taken to ensure that the same mistake is not made in the future. Offer the client something to compensate for this mistake and to accommodate what he or she experienced. Close the letter with respect and mention that you would like to continue working with them.

  • Pretend you are the client and imagine what he or she was going through.
  • This will ensure the correct tone is set in the letter.
  • Do not make excuses.
  • Take full responsibility for the mistake.
The addressee's address is the recipient's address.

4. I was convinced that our meeting was supposed to take place... (date). Once again I apologize for the inconvenience caused and ask, if possible, to schedule a second meeting at a time convenient for you.

5. I would be sincerely grateful if you agree to a second meeting. I apologize for causing you trouble.

6. I feel very bad for being late for the meeting.

We value our customers and ask that you please feel free to continue to provide feedback about our services. If you have any further questions or would like to discuss this matter, please contact me at my personal number. We look forward to serving you as a valued customer.

Thank you for your invaluable support. By maintaining this business apology letter format when writing your letter, you will ensure that you do not lose your customers. Always remember that they should be treated as assets. On the home page . We also offer various commonly used business forms, free templates and sample letters in our news category. We constantly work with clients and develop business communications.

7. I apologize (sorry) for the delay in responding to your invitation to take part in the International Conference dedicated to the problem...

8. I’m very sorry that I couldn’t respond to your invitation and thank you on time, but the fact is that...

9. We sincerely apologize for the delay in response, which happened due to...

You can ask for forgiveness beautifully using the right words. The article offers poetry and prose for heartfelt apologies.

Things will go wrong, mistakes will be made, and customers will be upset. When this happens, the right thing to do is own up to the mistake and apologize to anyone affected. In fact, a genuine apology is more effective in restoring services than compensation alone. However, if the business said it was a pity on top of the loan, satisfaction increased to 74%. Voicing complaints is the most effective, cheapest way to get around a bad customer experience. Because it's so effective, knowing how to apologize properly is a key skill for customer service professionals.

Life situations often happen when you have to ask for forgiveness for inconveniences, insults or mistakes made. It is important not only to realize that the time has come to apologize, but also to choose the right, heartfelt words.

You can ask for forgiveness in any way:

  • During a personal meeting, looking into the eyes
  • During a telephone conversation
  • Personal SMS message
  • In a letter written by hand
  • Ask a loved one to convey your words

IMPORTANT: The words with which you can ask for forgiveness can be spontaneous, in prose, in your own words, or in prepared verse.

The best apologies are all the same in format. At the end of this post, we've included an annotated sample apology letter that you can use to write your own! The first step in apologizing for good customer service is knowing what you're apologizing for. Everyone who comes to an apology wants, first of all, to understand.

“Sorry you're upset” is not a good example of understanding the problem. Put yourself in the client's shoes and determine how the problem affected them. Have they lost confidence in your product? Being specific about the issue will let your client know that you understand what the consequences are.


Please forgive me for what I did could put you in an awkward position. I didn't want to offend you or cause you problems. I hope you won’t be angry, because you really mean a lot to me and I value our relationship.

Please forgive me for the problems caused and inconvenience. I hope I can fix any problem that arises due to my mistakes. I respect you deeply and appreciate your trust. If you have any complaints against me, please feel free to provide them to me.

The real problem may not always appear on the surface. For example, they say that the reporting system is broken. Your client may be writing in thoughts about not receiving their weekly reports. But the real reason for their anger is not the actual missing report - it's because they had to go into their weekly meeting with colleagues empty-handed. Their boss depends on them just as they depend on you, and you have broken the chain of trust. Because your product breaks, your client suffers professionally.

Thinking about the context of your client's anger will help you write a more sincere and complete apology. You may not include all of your reasoning in a follow-up email, but understanding the real reason your customer is upset is the first part of a customer service apology.

Sorry for the inconvenience! I didn't mean to disturb you and cause you so much trouble! Feel free to contact me for help and don’t hesitate to bother me at any time. I apologize for the anxiety and trouble.

In verse:

I'm sorry, I ask you sincerely.
My words were harsh
I'll be forever grateful
When will you accept forgiveness?

Now that you understand how your actions impacted the client, it's time to say that all important word: Sorry. You really have to say it, don't just mean it. Make your pathetic personal. “We're sorry for the inconvenience” is one of the most overused phrases in customer service.

Just say “Sorry” and follow him with an apology.

  • I apologize that there was a delay in our reaction.
  • I'm sorry my dog ​​ate your tulips.
  • I apologize for the incorrect calculation of the monthly cost.
Some clients really want to understand what went wrong in the first place. This helps alleviate problems that may happen again.

Sorry for all the inconveniences,
I didn't mean to offend.
Contact me with a problem,
I'll save you the trouble.

I ask for forgiveness with my heart,
I feel sorry, offended and sad.
I won't hurt you anymore
After all, I feel very bad and ashamed.

Anyone can offend - it's true
But not many people ask for forgiveness.
What matters to me is what will happen to us tomorrow,
And therefore “forgive me,” dear ones.

To live is to cherish friends,
With your strong relationships,
So that we can continue to live in peace,
I ask for your heartfelt forgiveness.

How to apologize or ask for forgiveness beautifully?

What words should I use to apologize for the delay?

Anyone can stay late: for a date, for an important meeting, for work, for a family event, for meeting an important person. In order not to spoil your impression of yourself, you need to apologize in time with sincere, beautiful words and ask for forgiveness.

In your own words:

I apologize for allowing myself to be late for an important meeting. I didn't do it on purpose and I'm really sorry that it happened. I promise to correct myself and not make such mistakes in the future.

I'm sorry for causing you inconvenience with my being late. I really tried my best to be on time, but it didn't work out.

I will be very grateful and grateful if you forgive me for your unexpected lateness. I will try to improve my impression of myself with other, more noble actions.

In verse:

I was delayed. What a mistake!
Sorry, I honestly didn't mean to!
I promise there won't be more
Any problems with me!

I'm very late
I won't make it in time!
Sorry for the oversight,
I didn't mean to offend you!

Sorry, I'm out today
I couldn't come at the right time.
But from now on I'll be on time
Come to meet you.

For the delay I ask
Strong forgiveness from you,
I promise I can
Don't doubt yourself!

Sorry, I'm late, my fault.
I didn't want to, but that's how it happened!
You know, I am always ready to help,
Whatever happens and whatever happens!

How to ask for forgiveness in beautiful words?

What words should I use to apologize for the delay in response?

Often the delay may not be physical, for example, you did not respond to an important message, postcard or letter on time due to your busyness or inattention. In such cases, it is best to ask for an apology in beautiful words.

In prose:

I ask your forgiveness from the bottom of my heart for being on time I couldn't answer your important message. This happened not due to reluctance, but due to lack of time, as well as attentiveness.

I sincerely apologize for your late response! I did not have free time and the opportunity to fully write you a message to your letter!

Sorry that I only now have time and the opportunity to reply to your message! I thank you for your patience and understanding!

In verse:

This is an inconvenience, sorry.
I couldn't answer you in time.
For punctuality you will forgive me,
I will give you a promise to “be more attentive”!

It's my fault that timing is hard
Reply me to your message.
“I will change” - I promise reverently,
Well, now I ask your forgiveness!

There are situations in life
Because of which there is no time at all.
Now I have motivation
Reply to messages on time!

With beautiful words you can ask for forgiveness for any mistake.

How to ask for forgiveness for a mistake in your own words, in poetry, prose, SMS?

Absolutely all people make mistakes. They can be big or small. But, in any case, you should apologize and ask for forgiveness for a wrong and ugly act. You can do this during a live or telephone conversation, send an “apology” card by mail, or simply write an SMS.

My mistake is my minus,
I ask for your forgiveness.
I'll change, I'll move
And I will become better - I will show you!

Let this SMS with an apology
It will improve your mood in an instant, like magic.
I demand forgiveness from my heart and soul,
Nothing is more important to me.

The important thing is that you forgive me
For any inconvenience and grievances.
I want you to let go of the anger from your heart
And they found the strength to apologize.

I want our friendship to be
Wasn't lost in the moment.
Forgive me - I really need this!
Consider it a compliment!

You can ask for an apology in a message or SMS

How to ask for forgiveness in a letter for inconvenience, delay and error: text

Writing a letter of apology is a good habit of a well-mannered and educated person who has a number of values ​​and moral principles. The letter should begin not only with a greeting, but also with a description of how much you regret the mistake made or the inconvenience caused.

After apologizing, don't forget to remind them how much the person means to you and how much you value your relationship and friendship. The letter should be written in beautiful literary text, calligraphic handwriting (if done by hand).

In contact with

It was very rude of me to do this to you, I want to apologize to you for the inconvenience caused and I dare to hope that, like a real man, you will forgive me for this momentary weakness.

I know that everything that happened was very unpleasant for you, and I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. I would really like you to be understanding and forgive me.

I want to apologize to you for the inconvenience caused. I hope you will believe that what happened was a pure accident and allow me to somehow make amends.

Let me offer you my deepest apologies for the inconvenience caused. I am fully aware of my guilt and I assure you that this will not happen again in the future.

Apologies for the inconvenience

Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience I caused you. This was not my best action, I will try to resolve all the unpleasant consequences as soon as possible.

I'm very sorry about what happened. I admit, it was stupid and thoughtless on my part. I hope you accept my apology and believe in its sincerity.

I am sorry that my action led to such unpleasant consequences, but know that I had no malicious intent. Sorry for everything.

We apologize for the inconvenience

On behalf of all of us, we apologize for the inconvenience caused by this unfortunate incident. We hope for your correct understanding of the current circumstances.

I hasten to apologize to you for the inconvenience that you had to experience through my fault. I hope that this will not affect our future relationship with you.

We were wrong, we understand this and admit it with full responsibility. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience and offer our assistance in eliminating the consequences.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused

If I can somehow improve the situation, I will gladly do it. Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused and give me a chance to prove to you my repentance for the mistake I made.

I understand that I treated you badly and did not think about the inconvenience I would create with my actions. Of course, my apologies won't help settle everything, but I have to ask for your forgiveness.

Sometimes I get so hot-tempered and do completely reckless things. Please accept my apologies. I really really want to return your kind attitude.

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