A very touching letter to a man. Letter to a beloved man

Give your loved one a letter in which tender words will turn into gentle lines with a kind and gentle meaning, with love and respect, with a rainbow of feelings and emotions...

Imagine that you have fallen in love (very much!) with a man who, unfortunately, lives a little far from you. You've loved him for a long time. But you no longer have the strength to hide your love for him. Describe what you feel in writing. You will feel better. It’s more pleasant for him. If you love, don’t pay attention to the kilometers that separate you! On the contrary, let him understand that kilometers are nonsense, the main thing is feelings!

Write to your loved one

Something that will melt his heart. Do you doubt that he needs you? You are afraid that he will not reciprocate. Do not be afraid. You write!

Do not spread any negativity on the lines. Try to avoid him, no matter how difficult it is for you. Imbue the entire letter with kindness, tenderness and good mood.

An example of a gentle and kind letter for a loved one

My beloved and affectionate angel! Night. I know that you are already sleeping. And I write because I want you to learn a lot. Even what you already know...

I love you sweetheart! You have no idea about these feelings. Maybe you can guess. You and I are very close friends. You are closer than a friend. I definitely told you about this. Sorry for repeating myself again.

We've never seen each other

We have never met in reality, but I am waiting for the day when you arrive. We just have to wait a little over a month. But I will wait for you, my happiness. We agreed that we would leave everything as it is. I will not insist on anything, I will not demand anything. What's important to me is that we see each other. You know how I'm looking forward to this...

We joke when we correspond on the topic of love. I try not to show my feelings. I’ll tell you what I love when we meet. I don’t know how you will answer. But the main thing is that I will open up to you. Now I'm afraid...

Kitten, you are the very... I'm so scared. That you will find another while we are at a distance. You once went to the VKontakte website. It was a summer night. But I know that at this time you are sleeping.

I had two versions:

  • First: “He is not alone. Some girl is crawling on his page.”
  • Second: “He went online to see if I was there or not. At the same time, admire my photographs”….

The second one came later. It’s always like this: first the bad comes to mind. Jealousy. How she infuriates me! I didn’t think that she would move into me either. But she has taken possession and does not let go. Will he let you go?

About the past

You know that I broke up with my boyfriend. And you applied for his place. Yesterday he called me. And I told you about this too, because I have no secrets from you. Our mutual friends say that he wants to return to me. And you found out about this. Sad, without a smiley face, you asked: “What are you doing?” I thought for a long time about how to answer so that you would understand everything correctly. And I answered like this: “Most of all I want to meet you. If I return to him, a lot can change.” You didn’t answer me for half an hour, which seemed like an eternity to me... Do you remember what you answered? You replied: “Hmm...”. I don’t know how to interpret it... That’s why I had to say that I was joking again. I polish all my words so as not to offend or offend you.

About future

My dear, you are very, very dear to me. If I lose you, my life will end. And I want to spend it with you! I want to erase all boundaries of friendship... All! Every single one! I want there to be only friendship and love between us.

I really dream of dialing your number, but yesterday you dropped your mobile phone. He does not work. This makes me sad. I don't know my home number. I asked him, but you didn't write. Apparently I was afraid that I would call you often? - Kidding!

I love you! I love you, my dear boy. Let's be together forever? It's so sad and bad without you. All my friends see how “gray” I am when I don’t talk to you on the Internet or on my mobile phone. Give me a rainbow, please. My rainbow is you and your feelings for me...

I dream of not letting you go... I want your touches, your caresses, your kisses... Do you know how I imagined our first meeting? You call me from the station, say that you have arrived and are waiting for me at the entrance. I run out of the vestibule doors, call the elevator... In the elevator - you. You come out of it, take me in your arms and kiss me sweetly.


I forgot that we are not dating, but friends. How I wish it were different. I love it when you call me angel... Soon I will put a new status on VKontakte: “I work as a personal angel for my closest friend. I'm not going to quit." I'm so tired of communicating virtually. My beloved sunshine, come soon. I don't claim much. I just want to see you. I promise that I will restrain all the impulses of passion that live within me for you. I promise I will kiss you on the cheek, just like we agreed. I will fulfill everything I promised you, my beloved sun.

Patience is running out

I’m ready to rush to you now, my happiness. If I can’t stand it, I’ll buy a train ticket and come to you. There are five hundred kilometers between us. These are huge little things. It's a pity that there is any distance between us at all. But we will overcome it, my beloved!

I am writing this letter, knowing that everything in it is sincere and beautiful. Everything is dedicated only to you, my extraordinary dream. Yes, by the way, about sleep... I remembered something... We spoke on a mobile phone. I wished you good night. And you hinted that you would dream about me. My dear, I really want to dream about you every night! I want to fall asleep next to you and wake up... I'm sorry that I want so much. But I have the right to tell you everything as it is.

You are the man of my dreams

Yes, we have not met in life, but I fell in love with you so much... I resisted my feeling, choosing not to believe in it. But love is very strong. She defeated me, burst out of my chest, flew into every line of this letter... Love you…. Forgive for this if you can... Just know, remember that you are the only one for me.

Without you, I am a drop of dew, a drop of rain on the glass, a grain of sand on the coast... Be with me, my angel! I can give you unearthly happiness. I just need one chance to implement such a plan.

My love is real

You will understand that I am not lying if we are together. I need you…. More than air. You are my life. Because I love you madly. Anyone who has fallen in love on the Internet will be able to understand me.

I'm waiting for you, my little bunny. You call me that too... And I’m so pleased, it makes me feel so good. I am your sunbeam who protects and loves you.

Continuation. . .

- Everything tender and pleasant - to your loved one

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Personal letters to your beloved guys contain a piece of the human soul. Having reached the addressee, they strive to get an echo in his consciousness.
To understand how this happens, we will learn how to write a letter to your beloved guy about love.

Farewell letter to a beloved man

I thought that I was not able to survive the breakup, but now I forbid myself to think about death.
We all have something to be angry at the world for, and only the will dictates other laws. My beloved, I say goodbye to you and mentally prepare myself to realize the fact of separation.

I cannot help but understand and sincerely wish to let you go. To hold by force means to force yourself to hate. If there is no more love, then let respect remain.

My memory will forever preserve the impressions of the days spent next to you. These days are made up of moments of happiness and joy. I hope that they will be memorable for you too.

Your kindness, your participation always illuminated my path.

You changed my life. And you continue to change, making me gradually stronger.


Let me be honest in this difficult moment of parting.

By hurting you, I cannot help but shower myself with reproaches, although for high feelings there is no such thing as guilt.

Leaving a trail of blood is the fate of the one who leaves first. But it is necessary to take this path, otherwise we both risk drowning in lies.

Love is not subject to human desires. It cannot be caused by an effort of will and cannot be replaced by other feelings. And pretense is a bad adviser, unable to provide effective help.

Time will flow and smooth out painful memories, leaving pleasant moments in memory. Forgive me and try to understand. By doing this, you will save us both.

Never cheat on your boyfriend if you have another one!


Example of a love letter to a guy

I love you. It's surprising that I'm the first to say these words. But I no longer have the strength to hide my feelings.

I hope that I am not considered a dreamer in your eyes, and that my attempt to open my soul will not turn against me. While you remain in the dark, I can console myself with sweet hope.

About passion or erotic letter

Where to start an erotic letter to your beloved man? I'm obsessed with you. Your hands, your eyes and your lips haunt me in a vibrant, cohesive way.

I'm afraid to wake up. There, in this twilight world of dreams, you are forever mine, and I am yours. A wonderful dream is my constant companion.

I will carry obsessive thoughts into infinity, burn myself to the ground. My love is limitless, it is all of me. And you are my inexhaustible source of inspiration.

Not all guys like to talk about too frank topics, so before you do this, find out your guy’s character!

Letter to a guy in the army

My dear! My dear! I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. You probably already left for service at this time. Well, separation is meant to strengthen our feelings.

I promise that I will try to be optimistic and occupy myself with useful things so that I have something to tell you about. And you hold on. Be a strong and brave defender of the Fatherland.

I'll write to you again tomorrow. Correspondence will help me alleviate severe loneliness. I love you and I'm waiting for you. I hope to receive an answer soon.

Example of a letter about love and longing for a guy

Yearning. I am soaked with it from the inside. This feeling is beyond my own understanding. The abstract pain of my soul has long grown into physical pain and is now stuck as a thorn in my heart.

How many times have I tried to deceive time, but all in vain. I'm counting down the days and hours until our next meeting. The world of fantasies and dreams became more real for me than the present. This feels like madness, and I am a patient who does not want to be treated.

Answer me, my love. Say a word, this word will warm me for months. Thinking about you will not hurt so much if I believe that you, too, are directed towards me in your thoughts.

Written messages have form and power.

To set this force in motion, you need to keep a few things in mind:

  1. Be sincere, write a truthful letter to your boyfriend about your feelings.
  2. Think about the person you are writing to.
  3. When composing a letter, do not forget about politeness and goodwill.
  4. Don't be afraid to talk about something intimate, letters are meant for that.
  5. With the help of a letter, you create a kind of archive in your own memory and in the memory of the addressee.


Love Letter – This is one of the great ways to express your feelings and possibly avoid complications.

Tell him about the most secret things.

There are many different opportunities to express your feelings - to interest a guy via correspondence in contact and make an unexpected confession in ICQ, which you would not dare to do in a personal meeting.

But your letter is the most romantic type of recognition, which will surely leave a mark on his soul forever.

What can you write in a letter?

Have you decided to write something romantic to a man who doesn’t know about your feelings?

And perhaps your beloved guy is far away now.

Do you want to use a beautiful love message to tell him how much you miss him and how much you are waiting for him?

Or maybe there are problems in your relationship that you can’t talk about and a romantic message will be the solution?

Romantic letters are written to the army and with their help you can ask for forgiveness from your loved one or just tell about what you have never been able to say out loud and say to your face.

A letter to a loved one should begin with this

Probably the best choice to start a love letter is to tell your loved one why you decided to express your feelings in this way, in writing and not otherwise. You can already express the essence of your love message and the confession itself.

A love letter does not need to carry any obvious meaning.

And for your loved one it can simply become a memorable gift. Or proof of your love and your sincerity towards him.

He will re-read your letter many times and relive all the most wonderful moments of your relationship.

You can find many beautiful words about love on the Internet. Is it worth using such templates? On the one hand, it is better to write a romantic message yourself.

Reflect your sincere feelings in it. But no one forbids you to use ready-made love letters, so use them. From them you can take several beautiful lines that really express your attitude towards the young man.

What to write in a message to a man

Ideally, a letter to your beloved man about love should not contain vague arguments and tell in detail about your suffering. Still, we must not forget that boys and men are more rational than girls and women.

If you don’t talk about anything specific, but just write how bad you feel without him, he’s unlikely to like it and understand your feelings. If, with the help of a letter, you want to achieve a certain reaction and specific actions from your loved one, try not just to express your feelings, but try to make your message at least a little meaningful and intelligible.

Be honest about your feelings to make him cry.

If you are writing a letter to a loved one, be extremely frank in your confessions. How to write a letter to your beloved guy that will bring you to tears? - Don't be afraid to tell too much about your feelings - he will appreciate your sincerity. And remember: a confession cannot be written in a hurry.

It’s better to start by simply writing down everything you want to tell your loved one and rereading your romantic message the next day. This way you can evaluate your love message more objectively.

What should be an unforgettable and pleasant confession to a guy from a girl that will stir up a real storm of emotions in his soul? So that your romantic message evokes genuine feelings. In a letter, you can write about some memories that are valuable to both of you, as well as remember your common and most intimate moments.

For your lover, the joyful moments of your love story are no less important than for you, but young people rarely remember them and therefore need to be reminded. If you remind your lover about the best thing that happened between you. He definitely won’t remain indifferent.

Don't forget to format your letter well

Writing it is not everything. If you write it in clumsy, crooked handwriting - even if you want to - he will not understand your letters.

You must write correctly—without mistakes—and carefully. And if you perfume the piece of paper on which you wrote, this may even add advantages to you. Many girls go further - they leave a kiss - a lipstick mark. Here it is also important to guess the color of the lipstick.

You can put some paper flower in an envelope. And convey it unnoticed. And it’s better if he finds it by chance - It should be addressed to him. Otherwise he will think that this does not concern him.

Moreover, this can be done both in the traditional way using pen and paper, and with the help of modern gadgets and mobile devices. But it’s not so easy to find the right words and use them to attract your lover’s attention to your person. We will tell you how to write such letters correctly, the manner of writing and much more in this article.

When should you write letters to your loved one?

Let's consider a specific case. Your loved one was forced to leave you and his home due to duty. You are too attached to him and are having a hard time with your separation, even if it is temporary. And in order to smooth out the endless hours of loneliness, you decide to write a letter to your spouse or friend.

Second case. You are madly in love with one person who does not pay attention to you. Previously, you did not dare to write to him and tell him about your feelings, but now his birthday has arrived. You chose a suitable envelope and postcard, wrote a couple of beautiful phrases and sent a letter to your beloved man.

Third case. You have been communicating with a married man for a long time. He swears his feelings, but does not plan to leave his family. You decided to present all your conclusions to him in writing and finally put an end to such a hopeless relationship.

Simply put, with the help of a letter you can convey to your loved one information that you cannot convey with words.

Do you need a reason to write a love letter?

In order to write love letters, it is absolutely not necessary to look for a reason. You can scribble a couple of nice words on paper or even in personal messages on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or any other social network at any time. If you wish, you can create similar messages for your loved one’s birthday or for Valentine’s Day. Spouses often write love letters to each other, for example, for the New Year or for the anniversary of their marriage.

In what form should you write letters to your loved one?

A letter to a loved one is not a job application that can be written using a standard template. It should be written in any form and reveal the essence of the message as much as possible.

Most often they write a letter to a loved one in prose. Messages written in verse are much less common. Basically, such letters can be created by gifted individuals who know how to express their feelings using rhyme. Sometimes letters to loved ones can have erotic overtones.

Who can write a message for a loved one?

Anyone can write a few pleasant lines to someone you like. A man, a woman, a teenager, and an elderly person can cope with this perfectly. In nature, there are no restrictions or specific requirements for future letter writers.

What are the main elements of a letter?

A love note, like any other letter, consists of the following parts:

  • introductions;
  • main part;
  • endings with possible conclusions.

The introductory part usually begins with a greeting and a brief background. The main part reveals the essence of the appeal and expresses the main idea. At the end, the outcome of the appeal is summed up and, ideally, conclusions are drawn. At the end, a romantic letter to your loved one is signed in a standard or non-standard way, for example, instead of a signature, you can decorate the paper with a kiss.

What should be the content of the letter?

The most important thing in any letter is its content. In this case, we are talking about the meaning that each author of a note is obliged to put into it. For example, this could be a declaration of love from a girl or woman to a male representative; a letter written for moral support of the subscriber, a letter of request, a plea for help, a note of accusation, etc.

It can also be a kind letter to a loved one or, conversely, a message filled with anger and notes of despair. In a word, the words in the note must fully reflect the mood of the author and convey the meaning that was originally intended by him.

How to write letters for loved ones?

The design of letters addressed to different people will differ depending on the effect you want to achieve. For example, for a love letter, a letter painted pink or reddish, covered with hearts and kisses, is suitable. In an envelope with such a message you can put a photo of the addressee, a beautiful postcard, a valentine in the shape of a heart, and also sprinkle a drop of your favorite perfume.

A tender letter to your loved one can be designed in the form of a collage, using photographs of you together, clippings from magazines and newspapers, and sparkles. In addition, the sheet itself can be designed in the form of two cooing doves, a flower bouquet, or hearts.

The anger sheet may contain dark colors, images of thunder and lightning, skulls, and the request letter may contain hands folded in prayer.

What makes writing a letter difficult?

The difficulty in creating such messages lies in the correct choice of words. At the same time, this should be done in such a way that your recipient immediately understands what is going on. And, of course, finding the right words is not always easy. That is why many authors try to find similar letters that were previously written.

Are there any sample letters to your loved one?

As such, there are no samples of such letters. However, there will always be people who managed to create real handwritten masterpieces dedicated to such a subtle and serene feeling as love. “I’m writing to you - what more?” - do you recognize it? This is the famous “Letter of Tatiana to Onegin”, created by the wonderful poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It is a shining example of beautiful and open love letters. And although this work was written a long time ago, today it has not lost its popularity.

Of course, you can find a ready-made text, make some modifications to it, change the name and correct other details, and then write your letter to your beloved guy about your feelings. However, do not forget that such a message will not express your real feelings. On the contrary, it will resemble some kind of remix of other people's experiences and your conclusions.

In addition, if the text of your modified letter is widely publicized, you may well be accused of copyright infringement and plagiarism. Therefore, it is best to make such messages yourself.

A couple of examples for writing love letters

Let's say you decide to write a beautiful letter to your loved one who is away. Start expressing your thoughts by saying that you really miss you. Write about how you spend a lot of time thinking about him. You come home from work, turn on the kettle, stand by the window and succumb to your memories.

Remind yourself of those moments when you felt good together. Tell us what associations you have when thinking about those times. For example, listening to one of the tunes on the radio, you remember how you danced to it, how you hid from the rain, how you saved a homeless wet puppy, etc.

If, for example, you decide to break up, you can write an effective written statement indicating the reason. In this case, it is also worth remembering the positive moments in your life. If you plan to write a note in the form of a request for something, it is also recommended to first make a short introduction, indicate the reason and the request itself.

For example, if you decide to write a touching message to your friend who is in the army, tell him how you really feel about him.

How to write a letter correctly?

If you decide to write a letter to your loved one in prose, first make an action plan. Write down in detail all the points that you plan to cover in your letter. Create a layout for your future letter, indicating the specific location for the text and possible images. Consider the manner of writing the note, the text of the message, and the length of the letter. Decide for yourself how long your letter will be, for example, whether you will create a 10-page poem or whether you can highlight the most important things and describe everything in three sentences.

In order to relax and tune in to the right wave, it makes sense to turn on romantic music and light scented sticks with a drop of lavender oil. And then, pick up a pen, mouse or keyboard and let your hand express all your experiences and feelings on paper or electronic media.

What should and should not be written to your loved one?

Let's say you decide to write a letter to your beloved man. What should and what should not be said at all in your message to your beloved? So, first of all, you should talk about your feelings, about your first date (if you had one), about pleasant romantic encounters, remember your vacation together, say positive and romantic things.

You cannot insult the subscriber in a letter or say obscene phrases or humiliate him. Also, you should not mention your partner’s mistakes, which can lead to a decrease in his self-esteem and the appearance of complexes. There is no need to say phrases such as “you must”, “I am obliged”, “I demand”. It is better to choose an easy and even humorous form of communication, which will make it possible to gain the favor of your loved one.

What to write in a romantic letter?

Do you want to write a letter to your beloved man? Are you planning to do it in a romantic style? Then we offer you one of these options:

"Hello Stranger! We have known you for three years and five months now, and for me you still remain a real mystery that I can’t solve. Everything about you is perfect: a pleasant voice with a slight hoarseness, strong and strong hands that so tenderly squeezed my palm during our last meeting. Your eyes are two blue lights, alluring and all-consuming. If you look into your eyes for a long time, you can drown in them and plunge into the abyss.

When we first met, I didn’t even suspect that in my 20s I could fall in love like that...”

As can be seen from the letter, the girl confesses her love to her chosen one, using beautiful phrases.

"Hello! For a long time I didn’t dare to write to you, but I can’t remain silent any longer. Your eyes, your figure, your walk - drive me crazy. From the very first time we met, you became the mistress of my heart. Your voice excites the imagination and fascinates. My attention belongs only to you. I think only about you and I’m ready to live the rest of my life only with you!”

In this example, a young man talks about his feelings and proposes marriage to his chosen one.

"Darling! It's been a couple of weeks now and I haven't heard from you! Do you remember our last meeting? Like schoolchildren, we walked through the park hand in hand, ate ice cream and kissed non-stop in a booth on the Ferris wheel. And then they danced for a long time in the rain and basked in each other’s hot embrace. Now you are silent. Answer me. Have you forgotten me? Don't you remember our last evening together? I really miss".

In this example, the girl confesses her love, but also reproaches her chosen one for his lack of attention. Note that she does this very correctly and beautifully.

"Darling! I love! I miss! I can not live without you! I’m already running to visit.” A very laconic message, which is not lacking in its own kind of charisma.

"Expensive! I feel so lonely in our cozy love nest today! Drop everything and come to me. The most wonderful romantic evening awaits you."

As you can see from the examples, writing a beautiful letter to your loved one is not very difficult. The main thing is to put the right meaning into it.

05.01.2011 |

The rhythm of human life and humanity is constantly accelerating. It’s paradoxical: the more technical means that save our time appear, the less time remains for communicating with each other.

Instead of a friendly meeting - a conversation on a mobile phone, instead of communicating in a company - an exchange of comments on forums on the Internet. A letter to loved one turned into short SMS messages. It would seem that the epistolary genre is a thing of the distant past.

But, in fact, letters, even electronic ones, continue to look for their addressees. If you want your letter to interest a man and encourage him to send a reply message, you need to know a few rules to follow when composing letters.

If you want to start a correspondence with a man on a dating site, then your first letter (and subsequent ones too) should show your interest in the man’s personality. On the other hand, try to give him an idea of ​​the main traits of your character, your interests and hobbies. But don’t reduce the letter to a simple listing of your strengths. The letter should be structured in such a way as to highlight your individuality. Don't put too much emotion into your first letter. After all, you are not writing letter to loved one, but a message to a virtual stranger.

The man became interested in you and wrote to you first. In any case, it is worth thanking the man for the letter. If you want to continue the correspondence, then give detailed answers to all the questions that interest him. Study his profile and try to determine your common ground and common interests. If there are none, then it’s not a sin to cheat a little. For example, if it turns out that a man is passionate about gardening, and you have never had the opportunity to delve into the garden (for lack of one), you can write that you are interested in growing indoor flowers.

True, if your acquaintance progresses to the stage of personal meetings, and you want to invite a man to your home, you will have to buy several pots of flowers (or borrow from a friend). But don't go too far. Don't write about being a mountain climber if the thought of heights makes you sick. If a man is inclined to talk about high feelings and romance in his letters, answer him in the same spirit. But at the same time, carefully (!) try to find out his attitude to the material aspects of life. After all, you won’t be satisfied with feelings and dreams alone.

Remember that most men are interested in women with a positive attitude towards life. Therefore, it is categorically not recommended to complain in letters about health and financial problems, misunderstanding of work colleagues (friends, relatives). You shouldn’t let your man know ahead of time that your favorite pastime is visiting fashion boutiques and beauty salons.

If you are interested in keeping your correspondence continuous, ask several questions in each letter. In this case, the man will always have a topic for the next letter. With intensive correspondence, you can talk about small everyday events. The main thing is that these stories are light and funny. By introducing a man to your current problems, you let him know that you need him as an interlocutor.

The writing must be, first of all, sincere. This can be an ordinary letter in prose or (of your own composition or borrowed from other poets), the main thing is that the message expresses your feelings and emotions.

It doesn't matter how you send yours letter to loved one– will it be an email or a slightly archaic paper envelope. The main thing is that the man finds out about your feelings. And perhaps another happy couple in love will appear in this world.

Letter to a loved one in the army

Hello, my dear, only and dear little man!

Several days have already passed since I have seen you, and my heart is breaking from separation from you. When we parted in the evening after our dates, I did not feel such acute pain from separation as I feel now, because I always knew that the night would pass and I would see you again, so close and dear with a gentle smile on your face. It even hurts me to remember your smile - I so want to hug you tightly and kiss you tenderly on your lips. I miss your smell, the depth of your voice, it seems that now the doorbell will ring and you will come in. I often dream about this at night. I understand that this is not yet possible, and we will have to suffer for a whole year apart, but please don’t listen to anyone who will claim that girls don’t expect guys from the army, I’m not that kind of girl, I’m different. I know for sure that no matter what difficulties await you and me, I will always be by your side, even if there are thousands of kilometers between us! Don't think that these are just beautiful words and I'm writing letter to a loved one in the army just to support him. This is wrong. For you, probably, not a single minute passes so that you can be free, but I am tormented by this freedom without you. I try to immerse myself in my studies, and I catch myself thinking that I don’t think about science at all, only you, you and again you are on my mind. My friends who console me when I start to cry from being separated from you don’t make me happy; on the contrary, they only add fuel to the fire.

I beg you very much, dear, you serve, just serve very well, suddenly they will give you a vacation, and we will be able to see you earlier. And for my part, I promise that if I get the opportunity to go to you, I will definitely, without hesitation, buy a train ticket, the main thing is to hope. I even wrote you a poem on the topic “Beautiful confession to your beloved”:

I hope to see you soon

And I pray to you as if I were my own:

Be sure that I can wait,

After all, I love you, my dear.

Maybe the poems were written a little naively, but from the bottom of my heart. My dear, I will try to cry less and think about studying as much as possible, but I will still be very waiting for you and be sad. I look at your photograph and try not to remember the past, but to think about the future, how good it will be for you and me when we meet, and that no separation will ever threaten us again. Please write to me as soon as you have time, this is very important for me, the letter will be like a piece of your warmth sent to me.

I love, miss, kiss, your girl!

Letter to a loved one in separation

My dear, how I miss you!

Very little time has passed, but it seems like an eternity lies between our last meeting and today. I begin to count the months until the day when I can finally see you and hug you. Snuggle up to you and listen to your heart beat. Run my palm over your cheek, so pleasantly smooth that you want to tirelessly stroke your face. You know that I don’t like unshaven men, and that’s why you always give me the pleasure of touching your freshly shaved face. I hope you haven't forgotten about this? Although why am I asking, I know perfectly well that you remember everything that pleases me and brings me joy.

That is why you liked to give me pleasant moments, which gradually grew into hours, then into days. Do you remember how we broke away and went swimming in the middle of the night? But I don’t know how to swim! You didn't know it then. Fortunately, you managed not to drown me, and I enjoyed this bathing. When you don’t have to swim at all, but know that you won’t drown, when the feeling of support and support warms you so much that you don’t notice that autumn is coming. And kissing under the moon is probably nothing more pleasant than that!

How terrible it is that I can’t even afford such a small thing now! Although, is this a small thing? The voice of my beloved, who spoke to me so many times about love, so many times asked me to come quickly. And your voice on the phone when you told me to dress warmly because it was getting cold outside? Or a pleading voice asking you to stay at least another half hour?

I miss you, my dear, I miss you. And I can’t help it! I’m not boring, I’m just sad without you, without you and me together. I miss those minutes and hours together, as if there is not enough air to breathe and live.

The need to write a letter to your beloved man can be different: he is far away, or you had a fight and want to talk about your experiences, or other circumstances have arisen. Be sure to write, and if you don’t know how or what, we will tell you.

Letter to a loved one in separation

If your lover is far away and you are bored, the words themselves will spill out onto paper. All you have to do is pick up a pen and get started.

Here are some examples for inspiration:

  • You are far away now, but for me you are close: in my heart, soul and thoughts. I miss you terribly and can’t think about anything. But we have to live apart, and I try to be cheerful while waiting for you. I don’t always succeed in this; in the evenings, when I come home, I allow myself to be sad and give free rein to my emotions. I look forward to your return, the thought of this warms me every day.
  • Darling, I miss you. I greet the dawn with thoughts of you and remember how good it was for us together. Come back soon and I will never let you go again.
  • Forgive me, but I can’t help but feel sad when I’m away from you. Before, I didn’t value the time spent with you so much, but now I felt how hard it was to be alone. I remember every second next to you. I'm waiting and sad. Yes, there are a lot of things to do and worries, but the thoughts in my head are only about you, how are you, is everything okay? Let me know about you.
  • Every 5 minutes I look at my phone and wait for your call, because I can’t live without you for so long. Wherever I go, whatever I do, your face is always before my eyes, the dimples on your cheeks, you smile so charmingly and are so funny angry. Call me quickly and come back soon.

While at a distance, we need to support each other with warm words, constantly remind each other of love, so that we can be sure that everything is the same.

Touching confession to a guy

It is often difficult to say directly about feelings, but it is much easier to write:

  1. Darling, I’m writing to you because I don’t dare tell you in words. You became not just a person in my life, you became life itself. I feel inspired when I'm with you and empty when I'm alone. Love you.
  2. I don’t know why I’m writing this, I probably don’t have the courage to say it directly. But I understand that I can’t hide it any longer. Before, I couldn’t imagine that you would become more than a friend to me, but that’s exactly what happened.
  3. I’m afraid to utter loud words, I know that all this is unexpected, but there is no point in remaining silent any longer. Regardless of your decision, I tell you about my love. I dream of a response, but I’m in no hurry, because everything “like a snowball on my head.” True love does not require reciprocity and, if you do not consider it necessary to respond to it, I will be grateful for your honesty in this case. I love and hope.

Of course, it is difficult to advise in such a matter how and what to write. But having decided to confess, do not hesitate to say everything directly, frankly.

Short notes of confession to your loved one

Such notes can be thrown to a neighbor, classmate, colleague when you don’t want to talk for a long time, but just convey the main meaning:

  • I don’t know how to speak beautifully - know that there is a girl nearby who is not indifferent to you;
  • I have a few words that are bursting out of me - I love you;
  • I look forward to meeting you like a miracle. I myself did not expect that I would fall in love so seriously;
  • Tell me, has this happened to you? You see a person and realize that this is your person? This happened to me the other day when I saw you;
  • I can’t believe it myself, but it so happens that without you I feel sad and lonely. When you are near, happiness overwhelms me;
  • I’m so looking forward to meeting you, and I’m surprised myself - have I really fallen in love? Apparently this is so, it’s not without reason that I’m drawn to you like a magnet.

You need to write just such messages, men don’t like unnecessary words, everything is accessible and understandable.

Letter to a man in verse

It is very touching to receive poems written by the girl you love. Write to them to congratulate them on the holiday, while you are apart, or just like that:

The text should have a beautiful beginning, preferably addressed by name, using affectionate expressions. You shouldn't use them in every sentence. Otherwise, they will be taken for granted and will not achieve their goal. A gentle and sweet message must be composed with meaning, clearly expressing thoughts and feelings. Frequent use of the pronoun “I” should be avoided. Otherwise, the guy will form the opinion that his partner is self-centered. A touching, romantic letter should not contain dull texts. For example, phrases such as:

  • “Life without you is unbearable for me.”
  • “I will die without you.”
  • “There is no point in life without you.”

No man will like these expressions, since they do not express love, but dependence. You should not make texts that are too long; they are very tiring to read even when you are apart. Women's sincerity and warmth conveyed through a message or letter on paper will bring the most severe gentleman to tears. Sometimes even a couple of heartfelt words or phrases are enough to make him cry. It is advisable to write the letter in such a style that when he reads it to the end, he understands that he loves the girl.

3 Messages for all occasions

A variety of life situations may arise when a woman wants to express her feelings in writing:

Surprise If a girl wants to surprise her lover, she can inform about it in a letter. It is advisable to decorate the sensual message beautifully, sprinkle it with perfume or eau de toilette that the girl uses. You can leave a kiss mark with lipstick “It so happens that all people need a couple. And not only for procreation, but also for long winter evenings under one blanket, for sunny summer days at sea with a bottle of wine and one cigarette for two. I want to share a peach, ice cream, an umbrella and life with you. We are going on vacation with you! »
On distance When a loved one is at a distance, a woman can support him and write about her feelings. A man will be pleased to receive news from a loved one "Hello, darling! How are you doing? I really miss you. Now I really want to be next to you, hug you, kiss you, talk about something. Every day I think about you. Even though you are so far from me, I always feel your care. Come back quickly, I really miss you..."
New Year For the New Year, you can write an interesting, humorous and at the same time romantic note, and then put it under the tree. The game form and beautiful text design will please any man “Hello, my beloved Santa - (Name)! I'm so glad that I have my own Santa all year round, who fulfills all my wishes and whims. I wish you great happiness in the New Year and I want to say that I love you very much! May our entire next year be like this fabulous holiday! »
Start of a relationship When a relationship is just beginning, it is advisable not to be shy about revealing your feelings, but it is better to do it gradually “Hello, my dear, I’ve been wanting to confess to you for a long time - my heart beats stronger when I see you. I feel so good with you when we spend time together. I am so grateful to fate that it brought us together..."
Parting If a woman wants to break up in writing, then the farewell message should be short and sincere “Hello, (Name). I am grateful to you for the good moments in life that we experienced together. May everything go well for you and you will meet a worthy couple. Don't be offended by me and don't harbor anger in your heart. We’re just so different that we can’t be together.”
If your loved one is in the army If a guy went to serve in the army, it is extremely important for him to know that a girl is waiting for him home. It is advisable to mention this in the letter “Hello, my dear! I miss you so much and can't wait for you to come home. Every minute I think about us. I really want to hug and kiss you. You hang in there, I will believe that our meeting will happen soon. I'm waiting to hear from you"
If your loved one is in prison When a man is in prison, the news he receives from his beloved girl especially supports and warms his soul. In a message to him, you should use gentle and warm words, but not write anything unnecessary, because letters can be read by colony staff "Hello beloved! How are you doing? I'm fine, don't worry. Everything is fine at work too. I'm waiting for you and miss you very much. Mentally I'm nearby. I believe that everything will be fine, and you too. Do not lose hope. Let's wait together. I will definitely come as soon as possible. Kiss"
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