When is academic leave taken? Academic leave: reasons, terms, documents

Comments on How to go to the academy if there is no convincing reason for this disabled

If you do not want to say goodbye to student life, perhaps there is nothing left but to go to the academy. Also, a convincing reason to apply for academic leave for health reasons is a prolonged illness, a pregnancy with a pathology in the course or an upcoming birth.

If you are not doing well with class attendance and the faces of teachers are no longer always recognizable, there is a high probability that you will not pass the session. Moreover, the option that you simply will not be allowed to the session is very large. In this situation, if you do not want to say goodbye to student life, perhaps there is nothing left but to go to the academy.

It would not be true to say that this is easy to do without good reason (poor class attendance is not a convincing argument for granting academic leave to a student).

Reasons for applying for academic leave:

  • The most common way to get an academic leave is a leave for medical reasons (as a rule, a student applying for an academician for medical reasons finds understanding from the management of the university, and they meet him halfway). What is included in this concept? Medical indications imply a certain state of your health. In case of violations of body functions caused by a serious illness, exacerbation of a chronic illness or injury and, as a result, a decrease in the student's ability to work, a medical case occurs when academic leave is required. Also, a convincing reason to apply for academic leave for health reasons is a prolonged illness, a pregnancy with a pathology in the course or an upcoming birth.

Another good reason why a student may go to the academy is family circumstances. Family circumstances are:

  • caring for a sick person (this may be a close relative or a person under your legal guardianship), if constant supervision is necessary for medical reasons. As confirmation, a certificate from a doctor is submitted;
  • difficult financial situation, in connection with which, the student does not have the opportunity to continue his studies. In this case, you will need a certificate from the place of work of the student's parents about wages. It will also be necessary to submit a certificate from the welfare authorities stating that the family is registered with them as low-income;
  • caring for a child under the age of three. This reason can be used not only by the mother-student, but also by the father of the child, if there is documentary evidence that these duties lie on him.

If you have at least one of the above reasons, you can safely write an application for an academic leave. But if there are no such reasons, and a deferment from study is necessary, the academician for health reasons will be the most preferable way to get it. Even the doctors themselves claim that there are no absolutely healthy people, so you need to contact the medical center and get the necessary medical certificates.

What medical documents are required to apply for academic leave for health reasons?

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Elena / 11/17/2009, 04:46

Anna / 03.12.2015, 12:52

I entered the institute in absentia on a paid basis, remotely. But now I understand that I can’t cope with the workload, like I have a small child. I have already paid for the autumn semester, if I pick up the documents, they will return the money to me or not. Or is it better to take academic leave.

Olga / 05/14/2010, 07:13
/ 24.11.2010, 00:27

Sergey‚ juris / 02.10.2012, 22:07

If you give the rector a blowjob, that will be the best reason

Vitaly / 05/16/2011, 14:21

Anton / 06/02/2013, 13:24

It's been 2 years, I wonder if they took you into the army or not? And what about your military department? I'm in a similar situation, so I'm curious.

/ 09.06.2011, 15:46

Oops / 07/01/2011, 09:01

you can recover, but only again for the second year, if those whom you looked after were disabled of the 2nd and so on groups (and there are certificates for this) and they must be members of your family. the reason would be that you were their guardian and therefore could not pass the session.

Shonchalai / 08/07/2014, 20:28

Hello. I have a similar situation with you. And I would like to know if you were allowed to do as you intended? Recover in September on that group, that is.

Vera / 28.11.2011, 16:37
hope / 24.02.2012, 14:04
Alena / 26.02.2012, 00:30
Alena / 03/28/2012, 17:40
Alice / 04/16/2012, 18:27
Olga / 17.05.2012, 12:10
Olesya / 07/16/2012, 13:26

Irina / 09/07/2012, 16:55

Olesya, tell me, did you find the answer to your question?

nastya / 11/18/2012, 13:54
anna / 13.07.2014, 14:37


If there are medical indications for academic holidays you need to provide the conclusion of the medical commission on the need to be suspended from training with the application. You can get it on the basis of an extract from your medical. The medical certificate of form 095-y indicates the presence of a disease, the 027-y certificate will provide information on its severity, as well as recommendations for suspension from physical activity and training. This is the set of documents that will give you an academic leave.

After submitting all the necessary documents to the dean's office of the educational institution, they will be transferred to the rector, on the basis of whose decision the secretariat will issue an order to appoint you. It will spell out the start and end dates, as well as the reasons for the forced holidays.

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If you took an academic leave for medical reasons, to exit it you need to write an application and attach the conclusion of the clinical expert commission that you can be admitted to the educational process.

Useful advice

Academic leave can be taken by both full-time and part-time students. Students on medical leave are entitled to a monthly benefit payment of 50% of the minimum wage.


  • academic leave in absentia

Each student, regardless of the form of education (full-time or part-time, paid or free), in the event of a valid reason that temporarily interferes with studying at a university, has the right to receive an academic a. The essence of academic leave lies in the fact that the student is exempted from attending classes, passing the session for a long time. The period of academic leave can be from six months to a year (in some cases, this period can be extended up to six years).


First of all, in order to take an academic, you need to decide on the reason why the educational institution should provide the student with this type. Academic leave is divided into two types. The first type is health leave. The second type is leave for exceptional cases: family leave, leave for and, leave to care for a child up to three years, leave due to natural disasters.

Further, if this is a leave for health reasons, it is necessary to issue special medical documents. The first document is a certificate of form 095/U. This certificate is issued for up to 10 days to a disabled student due to the presence of an illness. The second document is a certificate of form 027 / U. This certificate serves as confirmation of the presence of the disease according to the certificate form 095 / U, and also contains information on the severity, duration of this disease and recommendations for exemption from any physical activity and attendance at an educational institution. And the third final and main document for registration is the conclusion of the clinical expert commission on the student's health status. This type of document contains all the results of examinations, the results of the tests performed, information about the course of the disease and the advisability of issuing an academic leave.

This set of documents will be a good reason for the rector of the educational institution to allow the issuance of academic leave for health reasons.

In the second case, consider maternity leave. In order to take maternity leave, it is necessary to take a request from the educational institution for passing a medical expert commission. But in order to receive it, you must have no debt for the previous

Getting a higher education is an important stage in the process of socialization and learning of a person, so if a student has a question - how to take an academic leave - this means that there are serious obstacles to continuing education. Any form: full-time, part-time, evening, free attendance - requires the student to appear at the educational institution at least once per session. And without good reason, skipping lectures and seminars is more expensive for yourself. But if circumstances have developed in such a way that it is not physically possible to appear at a university or college, there is only one solution - to go on academic leave. The maximum period for which the leadership of the "alma mater" is obliged to release his ward is two years. But for such an indulgence there must be really good reasons.

Academ: general concepts

An academic deferment from the educational process refers to a vacation granted during which a student at a college or university simply forgets about his obligations regarding his studies. The Academy will continue strictly until the period indicated by the applicant himself. Therefore, before taking an academic leave, you need to calculate how long the suspension from study is required. In some cases, you can get by with a year, somewhere you will have to legally shirk two years. During the entire academic period, you can visit the academy as many times as you need. This is how the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of our country, number 455, formulates this rule. Taking academic leave, which is natural, is not recommended right during the session: it is likely that the leadership will not be up to this particular problem. It is better to take with a grip on the whole two or three semesters.

What conditions does the already received academician:

  • the student is completely exempted from attending lectures, seminars and rating controls, from passing tests and exams, as well as from passing educational practice, if required by the institute;
  • a student studying on a contract basis is not required to pay tuition fees for nursing at the academy. If one semester was paid, and the deferment had to be issued unexpectedly, then the money must be returned or issued as future contributions;
  • the student also does not have the right to live in a hostel that is due to him;
  • Before you take an academic leave, you need to check with your educational institution about the possibility of receiving any payments. Of course, the student will no longer have scholarships. But if academic leave is issued for health reasons, then you can write an application for monthly compensation;

Important! If the student has specified in his application the exact terms for which he should be granted a deferral, then before the end of the specified period, he has no right to start educational activities. But if necessary, he can submit another application, and if the rector's office agrees, then the academic leave at the university can be completed earlier.

Who can apply for an academy

The procedure for granting academic leave should be well known to students. Postponement is granted only in connection with really important changes in life. There are two broad categories of reasons due to which the administration may allow a student to skip the educational process. This is an academic leave for family reasons or for medical reasons. The first group includes reasons such as:

  • unexpected change of residence;
  • forced relocation due to job change;
  • leaving for service in the ranks of the Armed Forces;
  • a sharp deterioration in the financial situation, in which it is impossible to pay for studies;
  • other serious problems with the family.

Read also The procedure for dismissal of employees on maternity leave during the liquidation of the organization

The second group of reasons include the following:

  • the need for a serious medical procedure, a sharp deterioration in health;
  • the need for long-term sanatorium or rehabilitation treatment;
  • development of cancer;
  • the need to care for a sick relative;
  • pregnancy;
  • newborn care.

In what other cases a study deferment may be granted, the administration decides. If a university or college is rather compact or located in a sparsely populated area, its management may decide to give leave for other, less significant reasons. It will not work to take academic at all without any reason.

Many students in their first years are thinking about whether it is possible to take an academic leave if this time you are poorly prepared for the session or did not have time to write a diploma. In most cases, this idea burns out, because the leadership of the university or college does not need to stand on ceremony with an irresponsible student.

Academy registration rules

Before you take an academic leave, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Without evidence, you are unlikely to leave for such a long time on your urgent business. How to get an academic leave and what you need to present:

  • a statement from the student indicating the terms of the delay;
  • a certificate from a medical institution about health problems;
  • a certificate from the antenatal clinic, if there is a fact of pregnancy;
  • a document from the military registration and enlistment office on the need for military service;
  • papers confirming financial instability in the family: a certificate of bank debt, if any, papers from employment centers upon registration; if you take into account the wealth of the whole family, then you will need certificates from the social security authority and papers on income from work;
  • for those who plan to take academic leave in connection with a change of job - to present a document confirming the need to preserve this workplace for a particular student.

If you need academic leave at the correspondence department, you will need to submit all the same documents. But in this case, as well as in the situation with evening training, it is worth pulling up all the debts. Representatives of the administration or other responsible persons have the full right to refuse to grant a deferment if the academic discipline has been violated.

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