Scenario for the "wise wizards" event. Birthday at the School of Magic and Wizardry Scenario for children's birthday school of magic

At the School of Magic and Wizardry.

Visiting Harry Potter.

Invitations. Make your party invitations on antique white or beige paper with the following words:

“We hereby have the honor to inform you that you have been enrolled at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to celebrate your birthday _____________________ on the day of ______ at ______ hours. It is located on the third of four parts of the path between Gates 9 and 10 (enter your address), where you will find an enchanted door that only Hogwarts students and their families can see. The outfit should be suitable for both indoor entertaining and outdoor activities. Best clothing option: work robe and wizard or witch hat, magic wand. We are expecting your response by owl or call on the Muggle phone to the school principal (enter your phone number) no later than _____ (date)"

Ideas for decorating a children's party.

1. Make a sorting hat. To do this, you can buy a roll of wallpaper of a suitable color and cut a cone out of it, which you then glue into the shape of a cap.

2. Inflate balloons and tie them to chairs, as well as to doorknobs at the entrance to the room.

3. Hang several toy owls in the room.

4. Cut out a lightning symbol from whatman paper, paint it with silver paint and attach it to the door that leads to the room where the holiday will take place.

5. Cut out pictures depicting various mythological creatures (unicorns, mermaids, centaurs, dragons, etc.), a stand with a class schedule (in two languages), a plan diagram of Hogwarts, the Hymn and the Hogwarts emblem.

6. In the room on the walls, hang the names of the faculties, photos of the deans and the director of the school, the “hat song”, the runic alphabet, images of the ghosts of each faculty. Attach inscriptions on the doors - the names of various special rooms and classes, for example: “potions class”, “great hall”, “rescue room”, “prefects’ bathroom”, “trophy room”, etc. Hang spiders next to the sign to the “forbidden forest”.

"Platform 9 3/4" (hang on the gate) and "Welcome to Hogwarts!" (above the entrance to the house).

7. Use soundtracks for films about Harry Potter as musical accompaniment.

Menu ideas.

When it's time to eat, your guests will likely be happy with any treat, including pizza. But if you want to surprise everyone with Harry Potter-themed snacks, here are some ideas:

1. Bake lightning bolt cookies;

2. Make chocolate frogs - melt chocolate and dip gummy frogs in it, which are now sold in all major shopping centers;

3. Serve a magic potion – Before the party, freeze cubes of cranberry or grapefruit juice, and during the party, invite guests to change the color of their clear drinks (Sprite or mineral water) using these cubes.

4. Remember that the Harry Potter book mentions quite everyday foods that can be served at your party - chocolate balls (chocolate-covered strawberries), sherbet balls, chocolate eclairs and licorice worms.

5. Order a delicious cake.

For meeting "students": caps, magic wands, thick markers and ordinary notebooks in bright covers.

Host: You are entering the School of Magic. Let's start our classes.

Lesson 1. Potions

Host: In order for your magical abilities to manifest, you need to eat a magic potion. But first you need to cook it. And for this you need to find a recipe. And the clue where to look is hidden in the crossword puzzle. Solving a crossword puzzle.


1. Letters-icons, like soldiers in a parade,
Lined up in a strict order.
Everyone stands in the designated place
And it's called building...

2. Runs among the stones,
You can't keep up with her.
He grabbed the tail, but - ah!
She ran away with the tail in her hands.

3. I’m ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler -
I have...

4. Five steps - ladder,
There is a song on the steps.
On five wires
A flock of birds is resting.

5. I carry a new house in my hand,
The door of the house is locked,
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.

6. The white pebble melted,
He left marks on the board.

7. Black, crooked, all mute from birth.
They stand in a row and instantly start talking.

8. Glue together a ship, a soldier,
Steam locomotive, car, sword.
And it will help you guys

9. She speaks silently,
But it’s understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter.

10. Kulik is not great, he tells a hundred guys:
Either sit down and study, then get up and go away.

11. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line.
Be able to write about them!
You can also draw.
What am I?..

12. If you give her a job,
The pencil was in vain.

13. Straight line, come on,
Draw it yourself!
It's complicated science!
Will come in handy here...

14. If you sharpen it,
You can draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach...
What is this?..

15. There is a cheerful, bright house,
There are a lot of agile guys in it
They write and count there,
Draw and read.

16. I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am...
(pencil case)

Having solved the crossword puzzle “Look in the basket,” the children find the recipe.

DRUG (OLIVIER SALAD). Ingredients:

The ingredients need to be placed in various containers with tags and, shortly before the “action”, moved from the refrigerator to one of the kitchen cabinets.

Lesson 2. Protection from dark forces

Today children will be learning about Cornish Pixies. To make it clearer for children who they are, you need to hang a little information about the Cornish Pixies on the wall. And before starting the lesson, “short, about 40 minutes” (joke) tell the children about them.

Host: In order to be able to deal with them, you need to get to know them better. And to get to know them better, you need to be in their shoes. That's why I'm turning you all into Cornish Pixies! Casts the spell: "Mutenluten Malinpesti!"

Game: Cornish Pixies

All the children turned into Pixies. Pixie on the command "Moveman!" begin to run and make chaotic movements. After some time, the presenter casts the spell “Immobilus!”, and everyone should freeze in place. Then Snow gives the command “Smooth movements!”, then “Immobilus!” etc. Anyone who moves or laughs is eliminated from the game.

Command options: Smooth movements! Free movements! Let's move like a lion on the hunt! Like a sleepy fly! Like a fast train! Like a hurrying hedgehog! What a funny frog!

Lesson 3. Transfigurations. Item management.

Presenter: Today in the Transfiguration lesson they will learn to turn an ordinary piece of paper into a frog. Hands out diagrams to the children, and everyone makes a frog together.

The frog is ready, we press it with a magic wand or finger, say the spell: “Avada Kedavra”, and the frog makes a jump.

Lesson 4. Practical magic

Host: The simplest thing in the art of magic is levitation, i.e. lifting and holding an object in the air. And today they will learn this. But first you need to learn the spell: “Wingardium Leviosa”!

Game: Hold the balloon

Children are divided into 2 parts: 2 faculties stand on one side and 2 opposite. The presenter throws a balloon with his magic wand, while pronouncing the spell: “Wingardium Leviosa”!

The first team members must bring the balloon to the opposing teams without letting it fall, but you cannot throw the balloon with your hands. You can blow on it, you can throw it with your head, nose, or, in extreme cases, with your magic wand.

Members of opposing teams pick up the ball and carry it back in the same way. When all children have completed this task, the lesson ends.

Lesson 5. Clairvoyance.

It is very important for a wizard to have clairvoyance; he must be able to taste any food, recognize all substances in order to understand whether his food is poisoned.

The guys close their eyes, the leader puts a piece of something edible in their mouth. You need to guess what exactly is in your mouth.

Lesson 6. Making a mummy.

Make a Boggart mummy. Have all the guests make mummy (wrap each other with toilet paper). Who can do it faster? (You can also decorate with paints)

Game "In Search of the Philosopher's Stone". All participants work together, because one head is good, but two are better! (in this case, they will have to solve several clue riddles to find the Philosopher's Stone, which you can make from an ordinary stone, painted it, or from several small candies folded together in foil, which is shaped into an oval shape). Even before the party starts, choose 4, 5 or 6 good places in the house where you can hide these clue riddles, and in the last one the Philosopher's Stone itself will be hidden. On pieces of paper, write riddles (they can be encrypted) that would lead from one to the other and to the stone. For example, the first clue you give children to lead them to the next one may be written backwards, so that the children realize that they need to hold it up to the mirror to read it. An example of a riddle is: “It can be leather, textile, folding, colored, soft and comfortable.” The answer is a sofa, and the next clue-riddle is hidden there. For the last clue, come up with a riddle about Harry Potter, write numbers above the letters to create a kind of digital code, and give the answer in numbers.

Moaning Myrtle game. This is a fun and funny game - a version of blind man's buff. The birthday boy is blindfolded, spun around three times and allowed to join the rest of the children, who in turn must cry, moan, squeal and whine like Moaning Myrtle. In this case, children must choose a place for themselves and not move from it. When the birthday boy finally finds his Myrtle, he must feel the face and guess who it is. If he guessed right, they change places and the game continues.

Everyone is awarded certificates of completion of the School of Magic.

Children really like films and books about Harry Potter. If the birthday boy is delighted with them, then he will definitely approve of this holiday scenario or it will become a real holiday for him. The script is designed for children aged 7-11 years.

The celebration will be held by adults (or teenagers, for example, the birthday boy’s sister and brother), who will play the most popular characters: Harry Potter And Hermione Granger.


You should prepare the props in advance: “magic wands” (sushi sticks or drinking straws), tall black hats, Harry and Hermione costumes (get ideas for outfits from the movies), a CD with soundtracks from the Harry Potter films, colorful ribbons, glue, two long-handled brooms, pencils, white and gray markers, a box of chocolates, darts, a dragon poster, glitter and silver star-shaped stickers.

Decorating a room in Hogwarts style.

The room can be decorated with printed stills from the film, found on the Internet, and posters with the inhabitants of the magical world. You should also hang inflatable balls of black, white, gold and silver colors around the room, with faces (ghosts) drawn on them.

One of the presenters gives each guest a hat and a wand, which he can make “magical”: decorate with sparkles, ribbons, star stickers, etc.

Birthday scenario at Hogwarts School of Magical Sciences

Guests are invited to enter the room where the celebration will be held, and are greeted there by Hermione Granger.

Hermione: “Good evening, gentlemen and ladies! I came to congratulate the young wizard (sorceress) on his birthday! Sit down, now I will read my congratulations! But first I need to find out who the birthday boy is! For this I have a magic book that knows the answers to all questions. So (takes out a book and reads), today (names the date) ... (name of the birthday boy or girl) was born! Happy Birthday and... (Harry Potter enters the room).”

Harry: "Hello friends! I was in a hurry, but I was still late! I had to save a unicorn that had escaped from the forest! Hello Hermione, what do you have there?

Hermione: “Harry, you're late as always and interrupting other people! By the way, I congratulate the birthday boy here! Today he turns a whole... years old! Let's all congratulate him together!”

Guests congratulate the birthday boy.

Harry Potter: “It’s boring here, kids! Let's all go to Hogwarts! Maybe they will take us all there to study magic and sorcery! To get there, you need to close your eyes and count to three while Hermione and I do a little magic.”

Everyone closes their eyes, and the presenters count loudly to three.

Harry Potter: “Open your eyes, friends, we are already at Hogwarts!”

"Find a sweet treasure"

Harry Potter: “Everyone knows that Hermione and I really love all sorts of adventures!”

Hermione: "No it is not true! We like to solve riddles and secrets, and only you love adventure! OK. Now I will tell you one secret: we have a coded note, an “invisible letter” and a “mirror letter,” a mirror, as well as sheets of paper with a secret code that will help solve the mystery of the note and the “mirror letter.”

Rules of the game

The key to the coded note will be “pictograms” that will be written on a sheet of paper with a “secret code” (each “pictogram” will mean a letter of the alphabet written next to it).

In order to unravel the mystery of the “invisible letter” you will need a gray felt-tip pen (the letter is written with a white felt-tip pen and you just need to paint it over with it).

Having deciphered the note and two letters, children will be able to find a “treasure” with candies (the box with candies must be covered with paper in advance and written “Betty Bops candies with any flavor”). Leaders can help children.

"Dragon Hunt"

The presenters hang a poster with a drawn dragon on the wall. Children are given darts for playing darts (you can make them yourself from available materials).

Hermione: “And now, guys, we must defeat the terrible dragon! He ate a lot of people and we must punish him. Throw darts at the poster!


For the game you will need props: 15-20 table tennis balls, one of them is painted gold. Each ball has a number written on it (the number of points the participant will receive by finding the ball).

Rules of the game

One ball can be worth 20, 30 and 40 points (the number is written on the ball), and a golden “snitch” can cost 240 points.

At the leader’s command, players begin to look for balls, and if someone finds the “snitch,” the game ends. The presenter counts the number of points collected by each participant and determines the winner.

"Chewing gum"

Hermione: “And now one of us can have a whole jar of Druble’s Exploding Gummies (takes out a clear jar of gummies)! To do this, you just need to guess how many of them are in the jar! How many chewing gums are in the jar?

Harry Potter: “It seems to me that there are 200 of them!”

Children offer their answer options, and then the presenters pour the contents onto the table and count how many chewing gums are in the jar. The player who says the correct number gets everything (or the one who says the closest number), and can share with everyone else if desired.


Harry Potter: “There is one room in Hogwarts that I like more than others - the Hogwarts dining room!”

Hermione: “No one doubted, Harry, that you don’t like to study! Okay, let's all try some magical treats together! Everyone to the table!

Guests sit down at the table and try treats prepared according to special recipes and the magical technology of Hogwarts cooks.


Simple: participants are formed into pairs, and each pair is given a roll of toilet paper. The presenters time the time until one of the players (in each pair) wraps his partner in toilet paper, like a “mummy.” The pair that completes the task the fastest wins.
"Broom Racing"

You need to make models of houses from cardboard and paper (these will be “cities”). You will also need a long-handled broom to play.

“Cities” are placed around the room on the floor so that a zigzag line of “houses” is formed.

Harry Potter: “And now we will learn to fly on a broom! We made the city smaller so it wouldn't be so scary to fly. Now each of us, in turn, will fly over the “city” on a broom so as not to knock down a single building!”

Participants stand in a line, take a broom one by one and run with it to the leader standing “outside the city”.

"Portrait for Memory"

Hermione: “We don’t have any more tests, let’s congratulate the birthday boy and give him gifts! There is no better gift than one you made with your own hands! For example: you can give a drawing. But that's too easy... I got a good idea! Guests, please draw your portraits blindfolded!”

"Honoring the winner"

Harry Potter: “Hermione and I counted the number of points that each participant scored! Congratulations! Everyone wins! You have all been accepted to Hogwarts School of Wizardry!

Hermione: “Yes, dear friends! We look forward to seeing everyone at Hogwarts next year! Don't forget to take with you the hats and magic wands we provided, and take one balloon for yourself now! At night they will become ghosts who will tell you how to find the way to Hogwarts!


Hermione: “I completely forgot, because we still have a test! Try our cake and drink tea with us!”

The cake should be shaped like a castle, the top can be covered with dark chocolate, the towers can be depicted using waffle ice cream cones

What do you need to organize a children's party? Good mood and, of course, script. I was lucky and had a wonderful children's party script on the topic " Fairies and Wizards ". However, such luck is quite accessible to you too ;).

This script, as well as everything we needed for our holiday, was in a compact bright box. With permission from the company Holiday in a cube “I will share in detail the contents of the box so that those who wish can collect everything they need themselves or also buy a box to organize a holiday.

Scenario for the children's holiday "Fairies and Wizards"

Message from the magical world

On old paper (the easiest way to “age” the paper is by leaving it in strong tea overnight) a message is written from the director of the school of magic that today the doors of the magic school are opening to teach children the professions of fairies and wizards. Only the bravest people who are not afraid of magical tests can get into this school.

Test one - lesson on how to create a magic wand

The most important thing that every fairy and wizard needs is, of course, a magic wand. And children, under the guidance of a magician, can make it themselves.

And we need:

  • wire
  • colored beads, jingling bells
  • colorful ribbons
  • and... a jar of soap bubbles

Let's start the magic.

1. First of all, bend the wire in half and make a ring in the middle the size of a child’s eye :)

2. Now we begin to string beads onto the wire, endowing each with a magical property (understand the language of birds, turn into a cat, learn to dance, turn sand into candy, etc.)

3. When all the magical properties have been transferred to the magic wand, you need to tie a ribbon to the tip so that you can wave it effectively while making wishes.

4. Now we check the functionality of the magic wand by trying to release rainbow bubbles through it. Everything should work!

Test two - a lesson in taming magical animals

All wizards have their own magical pets. And young fairies also need to get to know their magical animals.

For these purposes, you need to select several pictures of mysterious animals and cut them into pieces so that you can add different animals.

Parts of the pictures need to be numbered and arbitrary syllables written on each one.

By collecting applications, fairies and wizards will choose their own magical animals.

Each child should be asked to tell about his magical pet: where he lives, what he eats, what magical properties he has (passes through walls, turns rain into lemonade, ....) and what call he comes to.

Test three - a lesson in fortune telling

You need to prepare a fortune-telling card (we had one in the kit). To do this, take an A3 sheet of paper and stick and draw on it fortune-telling sectors that endow the students of the magic school with magical abilities.

Our fortune telling card included:

  • bubble - whoever gets there will be an Alchemist
  • dragon - gives power over magical animals
  • magic flower - gives a person the gift of controlling plants
  • cloud - allows you to control the weather
  • the sun - gives the opportunity to command in the summer
  • centaur - gives power over centaurs.

Now young wizards need to close their eyes and throw the flower with Velcro onto the fortune-telling card. To gain magical power, you need to complete a certain task:

  • imitate a boiling kettle
  • roar like a dragon
  • show how a flower grows and opens
  • depict rain, thunder and lightning
  • demonstrate the sun with rays
  • run like a herd of horses

Test four - lesson on creating a talisman

Our wonderful box contained magical ingredients: “Sleepy Lake Water”, “Tears of Bergamot” and “Magic Pollen”. I don’t know what was hidden under these mysterious names, but the result was a funny jelly-like substance, which you can see from the photos and videos in the article “Fairy’s Birthday.”

If you don’t get such rejuvenating elements, then take starch and colored water in equal proportions - 150-200 grams each, place them in bottles and label them more intricately.

And then give the children magic vials and jars for storing talismans. And to stimulate magic, let the young fairies-wizards sprinkle their talismans with magic dust (sparkles, multi-colored sand, ...)

Test five - a lesson in defensive magic

Children - preschoolers, and schoolchildren too, are often afraid of some kind of spider beetles or monsters, so they need to be taught special spells.


  • "Paukatus ubegatus" - drives away spiders
  • “Mosquito repellent spasakus” – drives away all mosquitoes
  • "Prizrakus uletakus" - will disperse ghosts
  • “A bite to get rid of a bad mood” will improve your mood.

You can check the effectiveness of the spell if you prepare a ghost in advance.

To do this, inflate a white ball, tie a string to it and throw a white cloth over the ball. You can draw the eyes and mouth of a ghost on the material.

When the children learn the spells, you need to quietly take out the ghosts and ask them to repeat the spell. Then release the ghost into “free flight” so that the children can play with it themselves and make sure that the spells turn the ghost into an ordinary ball :)

After a few minutes, the ghost needs to be quietly removed in order to continue further studies at the school of wizards.

Test six - control testing of young wizards and prom

Training at the school of wizards is coming to an end and it is necessary to test the abilities of young magicians - how well they have mastered magical knowledge. And for this purpose fabulous testing is used.

Our box contained the following questions:

  • What color was Malvina's hair? Golden or was she bald?
  • What did Cinderella's pumpkin turn into? In a cutlet or candy?
  • Who caught Ivan Tsarevich's arrow? Cheesecake or donut?
  • What is the name of the flying boy? Peter Spoon or Mister Ben?
  • Who slept for 100 years? Gnome or turtle?

After fairies and wizards answer all the tricky fairy tale questions, they need to be given wizard passports and color-changing mood rings (can be bought in special magic stores :)).

And after the presentation of passports and gifts, it’s time to have a snack and go to the ball.

Themed holidays are always more interesting and fun than standard parties. A white party or anniversary based on the Pirates of the Caribbean saga will turn a typical event into something original and unforgettable. An excellent option for celebrating a birthday would be “Magical Fantasy”. A comfortable blend of themes of witchcraft, fairy tales and fantastical creatures.

How to dress up?

A fairy-tale character (from Baba Yaga to Harry Potter)
wizard (fairy, sorcerer, witch and other spell casters, brethren)
representative of a fantasy land (gargoyle, skeleton, hobbit, elf, goblin and other not entirely real heroes)
cartoon character (Shrek, Puss in Boots, Snow White)

What to treat?

It will be great to cook something incompatible, unusual in appearance, but very tasty.
Treat options:
drinks served in magical vessels (you can make them yourself from small bottles, decorating them in the style of the evening)
snacks decorated in the form of witches' utensils for making a potion (finger-shaped sausages, eggs decorated with olive spiders and tomato ladybugs)
unusual canapés (strawberries with cherry tomatoes and cheese, pickled cucumber with prunes and olives)
desserts with a secret (fortune cookies, baked apples with an orange inside)

How to entertain?

Entertainment should match the theme of the party.
Entertainment options:
1. Invite guests to go through a magical quest, with interesting and unusual tasks, puzzles and riddles.
2. Invite illusionists, let them stage a fabulous performance with elements of magic.
3. Call professionals who make bubble beauty out of soap solution. A soap bubble show will add a fabulous touch to the holiday.
4. Invite an artist who creates paintings in the sand. Sand painting is a great entertainment for guests.
5. Arrange a film shoot in a fantasy style. Using your own script or repeating the most striking scenes from existing films about magic.

It all started with invitations. I ordered them as usual.
The invitations looked like magic scrolls

Expanded view

Invitation text:
"Dear Vlada!
We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited to the school of witchcraft and witchcraft to celebrate Artyom's birthday. You can find the magic door that will lead you to the holiday at the address: street, entrance, floor, apartment. Classes start on November 12 at 15:45."

The main character, namely Tyoma, knew nothing about the holiday, so his surprise knew no bounds when he returned to the house full of guests and decorated with balloons with his photographs (the idea with photographs was taken from the wedding Lisa).

This time I didn’t cook anything fancy. Guests were treated to canapés, pizza and sweets. I don’t know about the adults, but the children were happy with this menu :-).

All the adults invited to the celebration acted as teachers at our school. Everyone received a program with their role. Actually the program itself and the script of the holiday:

" Holiday program (adults only)
1) Gathering of guests at 15:45. Children wear party hats. Natalia's song is playing
Queen "Fairytale Country".
2) Light snack. Everyone congratulates the birthday boy.
3) School begins. Children are divided into two classes: Wizards and Sorcerers. Each class has its own class teacher.
Wizard Class: Tema, Zhenya, Maxim. The wizards' class teacher is Uncle Sasha.
Sorcerer class: Vlad, Vlada, Sophia. The class teacher of the sorcerers is Uncle Dima.

The class teacher monitors the children's progress and also helps them during assignments and master classes.
4) Master class on potions. Tom's grandmother conducts for Wizards, and Yura for Wizards. You need to brew tea by mixing different varieties from different containers. Don't be scared by the names of the ingredients :-). During cooking, you should definitely cast spells (you can use a hint, or you can come up with them yourself): dragon power, winx believix, cribley-crabbly-boom. Be sure to tell us what the magical power of this potion is (it tones, gives strength, invigorates, etc.). After the potion is ready, you must give each child a try, then ask about the sensations and find out whether the magical power has arrived.
5) Master class on practical magic. Children will learn how to make magic wands in practice. The teacher for Wizards is Grandfather Vasya, for Wizards is Uncle Seryozha. We make beautiful sticks from ordinary pencils using colored paper, glue, and paints. We definitely say: dragon power (this spell must be said especially loudly), winx believix, cribly-crably-boom (you can use other spells). After the wands are ready, the children take turns touching the bubbles with a magic wand, the teacher drips the potion, and multi-colored foam hisses, bubbles and pours out of the bubbles! (pour soda, liquid soap and gouache into the bubbles in advance, and add vinegar at the last moment).
6) Making mummies. Children quickly wrap their homeroom teachers in toilet paper. The master class is conducted by Lena.
7) Clairvoyance. The master class for Wizards is conducted by Anyuta, and for Wizards by Aunt Ira. Three animals should be depicted (as in the game of crocodile). Children guess. Animals should be very simple: hare, cat, dog, crocodile, cow, bear.

  1. Item management. The master class is conducted by class teachers, helping their teams. Children are divided into two teams and begin to throw balls into the territory of the other team; the team that has fewer balls after the “Stop” command wins. Game time - 1 minute.
9) Protection from dark forces. Conducted by Lena. She hasn't come up with this master class yet :-).
10) Ceremonial presentation of diplomas.
11) Cake with candles. Sweet table.
12) If anyone has any strength left, then I will hold more competitions for adults :-)."
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