Belly dancing for weight loss is the right way to a perfect figure. Dancing for weight loss

For many people, these words cause some bewilderment, since the dancers from the Arab countries are quite well-fed representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. But it is necessary to note the important fact that the diet of Arab dancers in no way looks ascetic. They never tried to limit themselves in nutrition, but always consumed traditional sweet dishes and rich pastries in fairly large quantities. Therefore, even numerous dance workouts did not relieve them of accumulated body fat, since female fullness is now, as before, in fashion in the countries of the Middle East.

Regularly doing oriental dance, You you can easily learn to dance beautifully, get rid of your numerous complexes and lose weight for the required number of kilograms. A good visual example is the beautiful slender, feminine dance fitness instructors. Regular belly dancing classes are suitable for those people who are not embarrassed by Arabic aesthetics and dance moves in and of themselves. If you like the sound of music, beautiful bright outfits, plastic soft movements and the atmosphere of a festive mood, try do oriental dance. If your hasty decision to take a belly dance class depends only on the desire to be “fashionable”, and the decision to shake your hips and stomach does not make you very happy, then you should look for another kind of fitness. Very often, this type of girls and women refuse to practice oriental dances, for whom hitting a punching bag or lifting a barbell is easier morally and physically. In the event that your goal is weight loss with a certain amount of emotional pleasure, then belly dancing classes are designed just for you.

According to some medical indications, in no case should people with any injuries of the hips, knees, ankles, with a history of frequent inflammatory diseases of the gynecological system in the acute stage, start practicing oriental dances.

Execution technique Arabic dance movements are able to develop an extraordinary flexibility and joint mobility, it helps to learn to perform slow plastic smooth movements.

Shaking your hips and stomach will help you get rid of cellulite, and the implementation of "circles" and "eights" will be able to tighten muscles legs, buttocks and waist.

A large number of disputes and discussions are caused by the technique of abdominal movements, some fitness experts are absolutely sure that shocks and wave-like movements of the anterior abdominal wall of the abdomen contribute to its “protrusion”, therefore desired effect flat nice belly the dancer will not be able to achieve. If you are afraid of getting this effect, then you should perform additional strength exercises, such as "stand in a plank position", "twisting", also attend Pilates classes and football lessons.

In order to properly learn belly dancing for weight loss and achieve a good effect in reducing overweight should be actively engaged for at least three hours a week.

Many instructors in oriental dances, having extensive experience in teaching, advise to pay occupation dancing for an hour and a half three times a week. It is quite acceptable to study in the fitness room, in addition, other exercises will be presented to your attention here that will add harmony to yours. But, it should be taken into account that such classes do not pay much attention to serious choreography and public speaking. Instructors will give you basic skills, but for beautiful staged dances you still have to enroll in oriental dance school.

The desired effect of getting rid of excess weight will not depend entirely on the place of your classes, but on the regularity and adherence to a properly balanced diet. It should be one hour before the start of classes, do not eat anything at all, and if there is a desire to lose weight much faster, then do not eat food two hours before class.

But, learning dance moves on an empty stomach is also quite inconvenient, so you should eat before class light meals and products such as:

For a quick getting the desired result weight loss, diet your it should be right balanced. There is no need to eat only fresh fruits, vegetables and fat-free kefir. But, at the same time, you should not lean on a large number of pastries and sweets. perfect for proper observance will become five meals a day, which will contain a set of consumed products equal to 600 kcal per that day when you are doing oriental belly dancing and 300 kcal when you are on schedule, day off from dancing day.

Combine a pleasant pastime with active physical activity, reduce weight and learn how to move beautifully and smoothly - the tasks that belly dance is designed to perform. This art endows a woman with magical charms, gives her self-confidence and raises self-esteem. Everyone who has ever watched the movements of a professional belly dancer was fascinated by the smoothness of her movements and how masterfully she controls her body.

Today, when marketers are trying to profit from any hobby, and any activity is proudly called "weight loss", using belly dancing to lose weight no longer seems like a weird idea.

Slimming and belly dancing

The embodiment of a skilled dancer is a lady with lush hips and a small belly, whose movements during the dance more clearly demonstrate the skills of the owner. In this regard, belly dancing is simply not perceived as an activity that contributes to the acquisition of smooth lines and a toned figure. The truth is that most dancers don't really want to lose weight, because the curvaceous really convey the mood of this beautiful dance. Those who decide to use belly dance for weight loss should soberly assess the possibilities of this type of physical activity.

  • Belly dancing is an activity medium degree intensity, when performing it, you should not count on a large consumption of calories. Since weight loss is possible only when the number of calories consumed exceeds the number consumed, physical activity should be the more intense, the denser the diet a woman adheres to. In other words, choose belly dancing as a means of combating overweight It makes sense for those who eat not very high-calorie. If foods with a high energy value are included in the diet, it will not be possible to lose weight with the help of oriental dance;
  • To develop muscles, to give the muscles a beautiful relief, and the body - plasticity - this is quite within the power of belly dancing. A variety of hand rotations improve the plasticity of the hands, develop joints, and the study of the neck muscles relieves tension in this area and improves posture. Rocking, pushing, specific movements of the hips strengthen the gluteal, abductor and adductor muscles, improve blood circulation. Exercise "shaking hips", in addition, actively affects problem areas, reducing cellulite, improving blood circulation and improving skin turgor. The benefits of belly dancing for the waist and abs are perhaps the most pronounced: most of the movements in this dance are carried out due to the efforts of the abdominal muscles, which are effectively worked out;
  • In addition to the benefits of belly dancing for weight loss, this type of physical activity is effective in eliminating symptoms of gynecological diseases, getting rid of stiff neck muscles and correcting posture.

Reviews of belly dance for weight loss

There are very few reviews of belly dance for weight loss, and this is understandable: women are fully aware that a load of such intensity is not able to cope with heavy weight. However, as a means of improving self-esteem, giving a lot of positive impressions, helping to relax, enjoy your body and learn how to move beautifully, belly dancing is more than suitable.

Although the option of using belly dance to reduce weight seems far from the most promising, it is during classes that a woman learns to love her body, because belly dance is a cult of femininity, in which female curves are considered beautiful.

Belly dance for weight loss for beginners

Still, choosing a belly dance for weight loss, beginners should be careful, because in recent times in fitness clubs, the number of unscrupulous teachers and low-quality dances, which have nothing to do with belly dancing, has increased.

To begin with, self-study at home will be very useful, which will not only lay down the basic skills of belly dancing, but also make it clear how much you like this type of activity.

The choice of a video of belly dancing for weight loss for beginners must be carried out, focusing on the detail of the presentation of each step and each movement by the leader. In most videos, the teacher moves spectacularly, without bothering to explain in detail the stages of each movement. It is also important that the teacher be Russian-speaking, otherwise you can miss a lot important details, without knowing which belly dance will turn into a set of clumsy body movements.

Finally, do not forget that the main thing in belly dancing, as in any other undertaking, is a long practice under the guidance of an experienced and sensitive teacher who is able to inspire and gently guide the student.

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Since everything new and beautiful is very interesting and attracts people, belly dancing has become very popular in Russia for some time now, not only women, but also men. This type of dance came to us from the countries of the Middle East, which is why it is often called oriental.

main feature lies in the fact that it mainly involves the stomach, and the rest of the body only complements and decorates the movements, turning them into a real erotic dance.

In the East, since ancient times, belly dance was considered not a means for losing weight, but the main art of seduction, with the help of which women charmed and seduced their men, and more recently, our Russian beauties have been actively using oriental charms for the same purpose.

Thanks to the flamboyant and revealing outfits, belly dancing is now seen more as a mesmerizing show to make money on, or as part of a fitness routine.

What are the benefits of belly dancing for the body?

To begin with, it is worth noting that it is this dance that has the most positive effect on women's health.

  1. Firstly, thanks to classes, you can get rid of many gynecological diseases, which is due to the active flow of blood to the genitals.
  2. Secondly, strengthen and give elasticity to the muscles involved in childbirth.
  3. Thirdly, lose weight and turn your figure into a real masterpiece with slim waist, elastic booty and taut muscles on the arms and legs.

Also normalizes metabolism, and this contributes to the improvement of the condition of hair, nails and skin. Unlike other dances, due to the smoothness of all movements, belly dance eliminates various injuries and sprains, so even pregnant women can practice it, of course, under the guidance of the attending physician. And, of course, it gives a woman confidence in herself and in her attractiveness, thereby improving her mood and increasing self-esteem.

Is belly dancing effective for weight loss?

Besides being a belly dance burns approximately 400 kcal per hour of exercise- it contributes to the fact that a woman begins to eat less food than usual. All this thanks to good mood, which is created in the dance, because when a person is happy, he does not need to look for antidepressants, which are often products, especially flour ones.

Eastern dance may well replace the usual fitness, which many people go to without much pleasure, perceiving it as the only measure for losing weight. In contrast, belly dance improves the figure and teaches to move beautifully, which allows the practitioner to feel like a real seductive woman.

If you want to do more than just reset overweight, and still pump up muscle mass, then you can combine classes with some strength exercises.

On this issue, it is best to consult with a trainer so that he recommends and makes up a complex just for you, based on individual physical training.

The only thing worth considering for weight loss is to combine classes with a balanced diet, and also not to start training on a full stomach.

Where to learn dancing?

Absolutely any girl can learn belly dancing, because everyone wants to be desirable and seductive for her man. There are several options to master oriental skills,

  1. Firstly, you can enroll in courses where you will study in a group,
  2. Secondly, you can master the course yourself by purchasing a special disk with a training program.

Thus, everyone chooses for himself the most acceptable option both at will and for money. Of course, doing at home is much more profitable than in the studio, however, who likes what.

Now in the markets or in shops there is always an oriental department where you can buy all the necessary attributes for classes: a suit with coins, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc. At home, you can not only master the basics of this so erotic dance, but also use your imagination by adding some elements, for example, a scarf, a candelabra, a saber, as oriental mistresses do.

If you want to definitely engage in a group, then on the Internet you will definitely find many dance schools that teach, including oriental ones. Usually you can sign up either for a one-time visit or, if you like, purchase a subscription for a month.

Contraindications for belly dancing

On the initial stage Belly dancing has no special contraindications - it is suitable for almost everyone for weight loss, however, as the intensity of the classes, several factors should be taken into account. For example, not recommended to do some movements for people with heart failure, problems of the musculoskeletal system, spinal disorders, diseases gastrointestinal tract, as well as individual characteristics, for example, contraindications for stretching and deflection.

It is important to take into account age features, thus, after 50 years it is best to limit yourself to light dance elements without strong shaking and hitting.

In general, with the right approach, oriental dances do no harm, but only one benefit, especially for the fair sex.

Basic movements (exercises) of belly dance

Rocking chair. It consists of moving the hips up and down. Stand up straight, bend your knees slightly, begin to raise your hips without turning your body.

Wave. In this exercise, only the hips are involved, and the upper part remains without movement. Describe a circle with your hips from top to bottom, while taking small steps forward.

Eight. You need to mentally imagine a figure eight at waist level and describe it with your hips. The figure eight in the belly dance can be deep - for slimming the sides, in this case the hips are retracted to the side as much as possible and rise up.

Circles. They can be performed with both hips and chest. In both cases, you need to describe a circle with the maximum possible deflections.

Strikes to the stomach, buttocks and thigh. Throw the stomach up due to the movement of the hips, after which it should lower in a relaxed position and return to its original position. When hitting the buttocks, it is necessary to sharply raise them and fix them for a moment. When hitting with the hip, you need to bring one hip up as much as possible and also fix this position.

Pendulum. Bring the right thigh to the side, and then up towards the armpit, lower it diagonally down and do the same with the left thigh.

Shaking. They can be completely different. Allocate shaking of the stomach, arms, hips, as well as vertical shaking and shaking on the go. In all cases, it is a vibrating movement. At first, it will not be possible to perform it for more than one or two minutes, because the pace is lost very quickly, and all the muscles get tired. However, over time, this exercise will not present any difficulty for you. By the way, some dances generally consist of one shaking and last for 10-15 minutes.

Belly dance for weight loss for beginners

To maximize the effectiveness of belly dancing, you must consider a few basic recommendations:

Do not forget that even the first lesson costs money, so if you want to not only sign up, but also attend it, take your wallet with you.

To quickly get rid of extra pounds One diet is not enough. A beautiful body can only be obtained as a result of active training. Many women find sports to be boring and monotonous. All this is individual. But dislike for sports is not a reason to refuse physical activity at all. Why not take up dancing? Movement to the music removes nervous tension and creates a great mood. And belly dancing for weight loss can be that magic key that will open the door not only to your dream, but also to a new lifestyle.

The most effective for weight loss are intense aerobic exercise. And losing weight from dancing seems like a completely unrealizable dream, especially from oriental dances, in which there are no jumps and complex acrobatic stunts. What could be easier than smoothly waving your arms and rhythmically rocking your hips?

But this simplicity is deceptive. Have you ever thought about why oriental dancers, with very seductive forms and not at all skinny build, have magnificent sexual outlines of the figure? Just thanks to its main occupation, which makes absolutely all muscle groups work. Let's take a look at the movements performed during the dance:

Such a full-fledged gymnastics is provided by a beautiful oriental dance to the whole body. By the way, in an hour of such classes, you can burn from 250 to 400 kcal - almost the same as with intensive fitness. But only if the movements are performed correctly.

Where and how to practice

master correct technique each movement in oriental dances alone is very difficult. You can try to download the video and try to repeat the movements at home. But in this case, the risk of disappointment is high. Without knowing some secrets, it is almost impossible to achieve true oriental grace. And if you see convulsively compressed buttocks in the mirror instead of smoothly swaying hips, you are unlikely to want to continue exercising.

Therefore, for beginners, it is still better to be like group training. Due to the high popularity of oriental dances, such classes can be found in almost any fitness club. But do not immediately sign up for the first group that comes across. The East is a delicate matter and almost every coach understands it in his own way. Everything is taken into account here - the character and temperament, age and complexion of the group members, personal qualities instructor. If you like the coach and want to take an example from him, this is the person you need.

It is worth listening to additional general recommendations:

Most importantly, remember that a coach is to teach and help, not to criticize and control. If he does not pay enough attention to beginners or makes comments in an incorrect form, feel free to change the group.

Features and contraindications

Although the load in the oriental dance is distributed fairly evenly and is moderate, it intensively works out the internal muscles, many of which are not involved in ordinary life. This has both its pros and cons. The advantage is that during classes, the work of almost all internal organs is activated. This is also the reason for the presence of a number of contraindications.

You can’t do oriental dances for people who have health problems:

  • serious violations of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases and injuries of the spine;
  • diseases and injuries of the joints;
  • peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
  • pregnancy, gynecological diseases;
  • serious respiratory diseases;
  • varicose veins and thrombosis of the lower extremities;
  • hypertension, heart disease.

With caution, it is necessary to train during menstruation, as well as if the body is weakened after injuries and illnesses.

Striving at any cost occupies the minds of many. Only now this “price” can be impressive: a sharp transition to a hard one can lead to problems with. But there are others more safe ways bring the figure to the ideal, and our review is dedicated to one of them. We will find out if dancing helps and what beginners need to remember.

Can you lose weight from dancing?

It really is. Psychologists even consider dancing best method weight loss. The fact is that such activities imply motor activity, in which excess calories are intensively burned. It's simple: more movement - more tangible and "reset".

At the same time, fat deposits are burned, and increases - the body becomes toned and more prominent.
Let's add here the normalization of metabolism and system operation. The bottom line is obvious: regular classes dances will not only be "expelled", but they will not be allowed to dial it again.

The emotional side is also important: this way not accompanied, which often manifest themselves with various. After training, you feel a surge of strength, apathy goes away. So disruptions are excluded, only.

The current rhythm of life is full of stress, and many have a need to “let off steam”. Dancing is also great for such needs: dancing, we kind of throw out all the hardships, without hurting our loved ones.
One more moment - many dances for weight loss can be safely practiced at home. All you need is free space, a mirror, appropriate and. Well free time: nothing should be distracting (some have to send household members for a walk so as not to interfere).

As you can see, the benefits are obvious, the arguments “for” are quite weighty, so it remains to choose a specific type that suits best.

The best types for weight loss

Almost all styles are suitable for recreational purposes - any trainer will confirm this. Although the same mentors suggest that you need to choose from individual species, because pair dancing is not quite suitable.
This is true: when working with a partner, you have to “switch” to interact with him, while restoring harmony comes down to the work of certain groups.

Stately ballroom dancing is more about smoothness of movement, while we need activity. Therefore, they are not suitable for combating weight “surpluses”.

Before you figure out which dances help you lose weight quickly, we recall that any of these techniques has both pros and cons, which you also need to remember. The main thing is not to harm yourself.

It's strip plastic. For classes you will need a pole and some physical fitness.
This style notable for:

  • Combines cardio, exercises on and at the same time also strength training. Many species cannot boast of such versatility.
  • Normalizes blood.
  • Almost all muscle groups are involved. The main load falls on the legs, back and.
  • Joints are toned and strengthened.
  • Just a few lessons correct, making the gait soaring.
  • Develops self-confidence. It's no secret that many women associate pole training with striptease. This is not so: the main emphasis is on muscle work and execution technique.

Important!When buying dance shoes, choose the right size. The material is often soft leather, which wears out instantly, and if you miscalculate, the shoe will simply fly off.

The first training is better to start with a mentor- pole dance is difficult for beginners, and the risk of injury is always present. Therefore, we need a person who will explain and show all the elements in practice. Yes, and with some health problems, it is better not to approach the pylon. This applies to diseases such as scoliosis, knees and joints. The initial stage of obesity with a BMI of 32 units is also considered a contraindication.

This dance was seen by many - a breathtaking sight. But everyone can master it. True, for this you will have to visit a special studio (“put” the equipment on your own is unlikely to work).
Such classes:

  • strengthen legs and hips;
  • align, because the back has to be kept straight;
  • "work" with muscles, leaving no room for body fat;
  • normalize breathing;
  • form a sense of rhythm, which has a great effect on;

Did you know?Solo Irish dances have their own set of rules. There are even two organizations (WIDA and CLRG) that monitor the regulations and hold pro championships.

  • having mastered the technique and gradually gaining speed in movements, you actively remove unnecessary calories.
In addition, it is a great option for creative people- even a solo dance can be turned into a whole performance.

The growing popularity of the "mixture" of elements classical ballet, ballroom dancing, tap, break and other styles.

Such a "mix" is distinguished by its energy: all movements are very dynamic and fast to the point of suddenness.
It is attractive because:

  • heavily loads almost all muscle groups, which is useful for losing weight;
  • assumes excellent rates of "reset": up to 1000 kcal / hour;
  • with gradual "retraction" does not require sports training;
  • it can be mastered at home by freeing more space and familiarized with the lessons, which are full on the Web.
The only thing is that you will have to take quite long breaks between sets (especially between the first sessions). Such a sharp surge in motor activity can come back to haunt you with temporary discomfort that comes from undeveloped muscles. Dress code - wide trousers and T-shirts, comfortable shoes without.

Belly dance

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when they start to choose what dances to do in order to lose weight. It (like other oriental dances) is valued for such effects:

  • strengthening muscles, hips, back and legs passes without traumatic stretch marks;
  • the skin also comes into tone;
  • metabolism improves, the work of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal, thereby guaranteeing rapid weight loss;
  • plasticity of movements is developed. In addition to aesthetics, there is also a medical side - this is a kind of prevention and treatment of many gynecological diseases.
  • due to moderate exercise, you can get rid of 450-500 kcal / hour.

For classes, you need your own “entourage” in the form of a special suit. Although you can get by with a belt that is worn under trousers or a long skirt.

Did you know?Choreographers distinguish about 50 varieties of oriental dances. Many of them are in pure” are performed collectively, vaguely resembling an Irish jig.

Arabic dances are very popular and many learn them right at home. But they also have their contraindications. So, it is better to refuse training for women suffering from, displacement of the vertebrae, and different kind inflammation.

Another energetic style based on fast, hard rhythms. Let's make a reservation right away - it requires no less physical preparation than the "power" pole dance.
If there is one, then you can fully experience all the advantages of this dance:

  • sharp movements involve all the muscles;
  • high-quality cardio load strengthens the heart muscle and “accelerates” the blood, thereby normalizing its composition;
  • legs, hips and buttocks are strengthened, giving the forms a piquant roundness;
  • effective "burning", which is not less than 800 kcal / hour.
Be prepared for the fact that the first ones will become some kind of shock for an organism accustomed to regularity: in order to keep up with the rhythm, you will have to move very actively (literally up to).

If you have concerns about the cardiovascular system, choose a more relaxed style.

Ideal choice for people with good feeling rhythm. Technically, it is quite complex, but the choreographer will help "lay the foundation" by showing the basic movements.
At first, you only have to repeat all these pas and attacks after him, but then it will be more interesting:

  • the whole body is involved;

Important!Belly dance is mastered, starting with simple movements. Standing on tiptoe, the legs are brought together and slightly bent at the knees. Then they make smooth lunges up and down, forward - backward (trying to stay as even as possible).

  • legs and hips, shoulders and arms work in the same rhythm, which creates some difficulties for beginners. This is a kind of coordination training;
  • thick legs lose weight, and thinner ones become embossed. This applies to the whole organism - fat intensively leaves (650 kcal / hour is lost);
  • excellent posture is developed;
  • the muscles, coming into tone, are “pulled up”, while the movements become graceful.
From the "props" you will need stable high-heeled shoes, an elastic top and a long wide red skirt - the image is very important for flamenco.

There are many such directions - mamba, bachata, jive, rumba, cha-cha-cha and styles close to them. All of them are united by the fact that they are based on energetic movements that actively shed excess.
Besides, obvious advantages are:

  • excellent emotional background;
  • emphasis on movement, legs, hips and buttocks. If it is these zones that are of concern, then the “latina” is simply irreplaceable;

Did you know?By mixing the most characteristic movements all Latin American styles, three Colombian coaches have developed separate view known as zumba. It became massive not so long ago (in 2001).

  • all major muscle groups and ligaments are strengthened;
  • availability. Steps and lunges are easy to follow with a few video tutorials. There are no tricks, no special plastic skills are required. Such dances seem to be made for at home.
It remains to stock up on clothes and shoes. A tank top, short skirt, and shoes with a firm instep will suffice.

For the best effect, you should contact the sports club. There are many of them, and classes are typed in all of the listed styles.
Strictly speaking, dance fitness is the same dances, “diluted” with elements and some strength exercises that are necessary to keep fit. As a result, calories are burned more actively, and muscles become more elastic faster.

Having come to such a group, you will be under the supervision of a coach who will not only tell you how to perform certain elements, but also select the appropriate program based on your general health.

Do not be afraid to talk about your problems - this will give the specialist complete picture and reduce risks.

Important!Fitness centers offer development individual lessons. They are quite effective, but at the same time, they are not cheap - the work of an intelligent coach will cost a tidy sum.

You won’t need to spend much on clothes - just a comfortable T-shirt and “sports shoes”, complemented by light comfortable sneakers.

We have already said about clothes and shoes, so let's move on to those points that you need to know when preparing for classes:

  • They should be regular and not cause pain. The first few times it may appear, but if the pain does not go away in the future, stop and think about changing the style.
  • There is a dance for every problem area. Remember that it is impossible to remove the "surplus" strictly in one area - many zones are involved. But you can choose a style that hits the right place more.
  • Make a schedule. 3 sets per week will be effective if the workout lasts from 40 minutes to 1 hour. More frequent classes (5-6 times) can be carried out for 20-30 minutes.
  • Eating. We do not eat an hour before training and at least one and a half after it. Excluded fatty and rich in carbohydrates. It is replaced. Let us also mention such a factor as contraindications. In pursuit of beauty, it is worth soberly calculating the capabilities of the body. Dancing is not suitable for women who have problems with the heart, blood vessels, high blood pressure and breathing, as well as injuries.

    Before starting training, it is better to consult a doctor, especially if the disease occurs in a chronic form.

    Of course, you should not be active if the temperature has “driven” and the malaise has begun. This is indeed strictly prohibited in and the active phase of the menocycle.

    Now you know how different dances are useful and what they are. We hope this information will help you make the right choice. desired style. More positive emotions and bright colors!

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