Beautiful congratulations on your dating anniversary: ​​interesting ideas. What words can you use to congratulate a guy on his relationship anniversary? Congratulations on your 10th anniversary from the day you met

Loving is not as easy as it seems, and living next to another person is even more difficult. That is why I can safely say that every anniversary is the greatest feat. For 365 days, the couple searched for compromises, smoothed out rough edges, quarreled and made peace. Evaluating the statistics of divorces impartially, one comes to the understanding that people who continue to pull the burden of living together need to erect a monument during their lifetime.

Motivational story

For me personally, my grandparents have always been an example of a not ideal, but very worthy union. They walked hand in hand for just over 50 years. The grandmother has a complex character; for most of her work experience she held management positions at an industrial enterprise. You understand that a woman boss has an inner core and does not accept attacks on her authority.

The now deceased grandfather was calm, like a monolithic rock. If his wife was late at work, he prepared the food himself, taught homework to the children, and later to the grandchildren, and put the offspring to bed. And this is after a shift at the mine face! There were times when my grandmother lacked Moorish passion, and then there was a huge scandal. Grandfather had two places where he waited out the storm - a garage with a moped and a small bet on the outskirts of the city.

Seeing the gathering clouds from a distance, the grandfather loudly announced: “Ninochka, I’m repairing a moped” or “Darling, I’m going fishing.” For as long as I can remember, the ill-fated moped was constantly being repaired and traveled a maximum of 2 kilometers for the entire year, and then only with the purpose of testing freshly blown spark plugs, which, naturally, after the test did not meet the strict requirements of the old biker. By the way, there were no fish in the local reservoir.

Ninotchka’s flurry of emotions subsided after a couple of hours. During this time, she put things in order in the house, prepared a bunch of goodies, and planted flowers in a chaotic manner in the front garden (often on top of previously broken flower beds). Grandfather would come either covered in fuel oil or with crucian carp bought at the market, and an idyll would reign in the house again.

Yes, Nina and Lenya were different. She is a bit of a wild restless woman and a woman who goes headlong towards her goals. He is a classic example of an intellectual, a man with two higher degrees, who by chance happens to work in a mine. However, they knew how to get along. Over many years of marriage, they looked at each other without false embellishments and self-deception. While my grandmother was building a career, my grandfather was her support, a strong and reliable rear. Already at a more conscious age, I noticed with what admiration they talked about family life. At such moments, the understanding came that, despite the difference in temperaments, grandma and grandpa were happy.

So, if you have a marriage anniversary coming up or a date that marks the beginning of a relationship, then try to make it unforgettable. All this time, your significant other put up with your shortcomings, supported, cared for and loved. Look at yourself from the outside, you are not a gift either. Forget all the grievances and thank your partner for existing. I offer 20 ideas for the most romantic holiday.

1. Sing karaoke

It’s not without reason that the lion’s share of songs are written about love. She inspires talented people, but I’m petty, even ordinary people who have opened their hearts to this wonderful feeling also feel inspired. Everyone knows this sweet intoxication, when for the sake of the only thing you are ready to move mountains, compose a poem and sing a serenade. The latter can be taken as an idea for an anniversary celebration. Make a playlist together. Let it include romantic songs or hits with which pleasant memories are associated. Head to your nearest karaoke bar and express your love through music.

2. Do some cooking together

As practice shows, in a marriage, mainly one partner cooks, and the other shows the skill of a chef only in exceptional situations. The most budget-friendly option is to create a menu and start cooking together at home. It is a little more expensive to sign up for a master class for couples. In any case, this activity is incredibly uniting, you will get to know your loved one better and become much more united, like a real team from a television show.

3. Go to the pub

Now you will say that it is not romantic to go to bars on your anniversary. I have several weighty arguments in store that will convince you. Firstly, such a step will create the illusion of youth. Remember how, during your student days, an open-air cheburek bar was already considered an excellent place for a date? Here we have neither more nor less, but a full-fledged pub. Secondly, many decent drinking establishments brew delicious beer; it can never compare with bottled and canned beer. Thirdly, a good bar has a cozy atmosphere conducive to romance: a beautiful interior, muffled music, twilight.

4. Have a good laugh

A sense of humor is a powerful aphrodisiac that reflects the level of intelligence of the interlocutor. Both women and men note that cheerful partners are much sexier. Buy a couple of tickets to a stand-up comedian performance or a KVN game. The evening will pass easily and carefree, you will completely forget about everyday problems and sorrows. Having laughed a lot with your loved one, you can continue the celebration in bed. A high concentration of endorphin in the blood will provide an amazing orgasm.

5. Play director

The rules are incredibly simple. You stock up on wine, slice cheese and fruit, download a movie in a foreign language without translation or subtitles. It is advisable to choose the art-house genre or the results of the efforts of conceptual participants in international film festivals (so that the action on the screen is dynamic and psychedelic). The task is to predict events, characters’ actions and identify the main plot thread. You will not notice how you will get involved and begin to build logical chains and voice the most incredible guesses. These three or four hours (about how long films “not for everyone” last) will fly by like a minute.

6. Have a double date

There is nothing better than sharing your joy. If you know a couple, then arranging a double date would be a great idea. To set the style of the event and make it more interesting, divide according to gender. You and your girlfriend will go to your apartment to dress up and preen, and send your spouse with her things to a friend. At exactly the appointed time, the men will knock on the doors and pick up the ladies for a romantic rendezvous. The reaction of your significant other will shock you to the core. This psychological phenomenon is called the “magician effect.” It has been proven that when a person does not see the entire kitchen from the inside, he perceives the result with a greater emotional response. This applies to everything from cooking to assembling tractors. In this case, the husband will not observe the process of plucking eyebrows, applying makeup and ironing the formal dress. You will appear before him in all your glory and will blow him away.

7. Give a sensual massage

Make some flyers for private massage sessions. Not necessarily erotic, although one does not interfere with the other. You will act as a massage therapist, and your partner will transform into a client. Be sure to use special oils, this will reduce friction and make stroking more enjoyable. Apply a little product to warm palms and spread the lubricant over the entire surface of your back. For 5-10 minutes, simply move your hands over your body, relaxing stiff muscles. Then focus on specific areas: shoulders, cervical spine, shoulder blades, spine, lower back, buttocks...

8. Invite him to a surprise dinner

The key word is "unexpected". Invite your spouse on a “blind date.” Don't tell us where you are going until the last moment. It is advisable to choose a place that both of you have not been to. Have you dreamed of trying a specific cuisine? - Then book a table at an Indian or Thai restaurant. Don't give your partner any hints, just tell them the dress code. There is no need to be blindfolded, call a taxi and quietly tell the driver the address and let him take a roundabout route. Believe me, guys love riddles.

Every city has its own witch. People flock to her every day in search of advice, consolation, and some ask to bewitch a sweetheart or remove the crown of celibacy. Even if you both don't believe in magic, going to a fortune teller together will be an exciting experience. Imagine, she looks at your palms, rolls her eyes theatrically and whispers in a voice that is not her own: “Your life lines are intertwined. You have been together in past reincarnations and will be together in future ones. You will have wonderful children. You will build a big house." Even if this is just a show for gullible fools, a little magic in our overly rational world will not hurt.

10. Listen to sexy music

Jazz was created by the Devil himself. It is erotic, dynamic and at the same time viscous, like molasses. The sounds of saxophones and the plucking of double basses have a strong stimulating effect, the languid voice of the vocalist penetrates the soul. Butterflies begin to flutter in the stomach, blood rushes to the most intimate places. Close your eyes and dive into the dark depths of the Mariinsky Trench of jazz, there you will find the elixir of eternal love. Dim club lighting and a few glasses of wine will complete the voluptuous picture.

As you already know, tomorrow, or rather today, my husband and I will celebrate our 10th anniversary. Actually, we have never celebrated this day, but the number, one might say, obliges us. On days like these, many return to where it happened. And we don’t need to do this because we live there. We met at my house. Then a friend rented a room from me. Before the beginning of 2007, a colleague introduced her to her brother, and they began dating. At that time, their cousin was staying with his colleague and brother. One day the three of us went for a walk - a friend with her boyfriend and his cousin - and then came to us. I was at work at the time, but soon “unexpectedly” came home. That's how we met. You probably already realized that this cousin became my husband. (By the way, that couple is also doing well; they are raising two children.)

We met during a difficult period for me. On February 12, I had a birthday, which we celebrated on the 18th. And on February 19, my mother fell ill. She lived in Moscow, but in a different area. First they took her to the hospital and I went to see her there, then she was at home, also there. She didn’t want to come to me right away. And later I persuaded her only with the help of a relative. That's why we didn't meet often. We used to meet each other at the metro when I was returning from my mother’s, and he was going to work. But nevertheless, the relationship began to take shape. On May 5, I took my mother to my place, and on May 8 she fell into a coma. And (sorry for the details) a man who wasn’t even my husband helped change her diapers, because I physically couldn’t lift her in that state. I will not describe everything that happened then, this is not about that. Despite all efforts, my mother passed away on July 26 (the anniversary of her wedding to her father). After that, we first went to my village, where I once went to rest with relatives and friends, who were also no longer there. And then we went to see him and I met his mother, sister and other relatives. When we returned, the final “family exchange” took place - my friend went to live with her boyfriend, and my boyfriend moved in with me. So we started living together.

And now 10 years have passed. My husband is at work now and will be back in the morning. I glued a few hearts in the places he usually goes around.

And I hung up the poster.

Of course, there are photos of not only the first days of acquaintance. But everything that was there was before Irinka.

This is our first photo and it’s my birthday.

Tomorrow I plan to go to Victory Park in icy Moscow with my family. And conduct a small test quest to find treasures and gifts, for which the poster will come in handy.

To be continued...

How many years have we been together, my dear?
And I want to repeat, as before,
That I love you alone, dear,
That without you it’s even hard for me to breathe.

Thank you for everything, my gentle light!
It's like you were given to me from heaven,
You are my quiet, boundless peace,
My world is made of dreams, smiles and miracles.

From the first kisses, from the first sights
We knew what was destined
To be always close in happiness and misfortune,
And you and I will go through life.

If only a woman with a man
Loyal to each other, just like us,
With every hour, with every anniversary
They do not know cold and winter.

Let spring weave wreaths for us,
Let the nightingales sing hymns to us
About hearts that melt in hot bliss,
About hope, happiness and love!

One day we met, and the whole world changed, became shining and joyful. Thanks to you, life has made sense. The years fly by, but I will always clearly remember the day we became a couple. May warm feelings live in your heart, and may our love burn brighter and brighter!

My soul burns with fire for you,
Oh, my main hobby is
My love, today we are together
Celebrating the anniversary of our relationship.

Let the pheromone fly in the air,
There will be no end or edge to the feeling,
Since the crafty Cupid wounded us,
So may we never lose paradise!

Our feelings have a memorable date:
That first look and tender kiss
We once connected our hearts
Under the gentle rain of love streams.

Today is the anniversary of the relationship
We celebrate with you at this hour
I wish us the most wonderful achievements,
And so that love unites us stronger.

Happy birthday to love and our wonderful relationship, loving you with all my heart. I wish you to always be my happiest soulmate, bask in my care and tenderness, enjoy our sincere, amazing feelings, believe, love, hope and dream together!

Do you remember? Exactly one year ago
The feelings covered you and me,
And the look sparkled with happiness,
And the world was filled with dreams!

I'm drowning in your arms,
I enjoy your affection
In a wonderful sweet captivity
It's like I'm being born again

I love you with all my body and soul
Your smile, laughter, movements
And on this holiday ours is with you
I wish the fairy tale continues!

Today is a very important date for us.
Do you remember, we once became a couple,
We decided to be with you. So here it is:
Another year has passed since that moment.

You and I quarreled, we made peace,
But our hearts still beat together
And they fight to this day, the blood is agitated,
I know that love keeps us together!

So may you and I continue to be inseparable
We live day after day, not sad, not boring,
Let there be no compelling reasons for quarrels,
And we will celebrate a hundred such anniversaries!

10 years after we met, you wonder... What was it like before? Long-awaited meetings, calls, SMS... Your heart aches when you remember this, you get goosebumps... Then living together, looking for housing, arranging a home, looking for a job, waiting for a miracle - a new family member, the birth of a baby... And then his deification begins. There is a fuss around the baby: proper routine, sleep, nutrition, colic, first teeth, planting, breastfeeding, first steps, weaning, potty training, first words... In a word, life goes on... And before you know it, Your child will grow up quickly, and maybe more than one. Children are a miracle, a miracle from great love, especially when they are long-awaited... But a loving couple, spouses, those who wanted eternal love, do they get it in gray everyday life? Is there still that young love when your heart sank and beat strongly at the sight of your loved one? How to preserve it, HER, LOVE? Usually, love, as many believe, just passes...

It's a shame, isn't it? And how sweet it all started... And you swore to each other that you would love until old age and die on the same day... A classic of true love! So what should we do? Who to contact? How can you help yourself preserve this love, your love? I want to scream and cry... This is called a relationship crisis, a crisis of being together every day... Believe me, this happens... And we need to do something about it...

First of all, raise your head higher. Then get yourself in order, change into your favorite clothes, take your old favorite photos and plunge into memories... Feel your emotions... Write only positive things about your loved one... Agree to call each other less... Fill out questionnaires about each other in order to get to know your soulmate better... Start surprising each other.. You'll see, the love remains!!! it just took on a different shape!!! and she still lives in your hearts... But love requires effort from you, a little fire, work on yourself and relationships every day... If you are reading this article, you are already a potential lover who wants to find a recipe for happiness... Happiness wakes up next to you, has breakfast, has dinner with you, looks at you, falls asleep in your bed... Starting today, look at each other with different eyes. Don't miss your love, after 10 whole years...

Happy anniversaries

congratulations to your loved one on your relationship anniversary

Well, it's been a year now
You tolerate me, my beloved, next to me,
Brings joy along the rivers,
When you caress with your gaze.
Darling, happy anniversary to me
I want to congratulate you on our
We are both loved and friends -
What could be better and more beautiful?

This day is just another
A milestone on our journey;
I am with you, and I know for sure:
I can't find anything better!
Every day is unique
Every moment is like a century...
Always be with me, my love,
My dear man!

I'll hide the saw away
And I'll buy you a beer for dinner.
And the fake word "marriage"
I’ll replace it with a gentle word: “darling”
Let the years fly by like an arrow,
Let bad weather tear the sky apart
For many years I breathe only you
And I know that there is happiness in the world!

A year with you is like a moment,
Bright and happy.
You are the best and dearest,
You are kind and beautiful!
I want to meet you all my life
At our doorstep...
Happy anniversary dear
May there be many of them!

You and I have been together for so many years,
My support and shoulder,
My protector, my hope,
I kiss you warmly!
I wish you to be a knight
In making the right decisions,
My love, I congratulate you
Happy relationship anniversary!

The whole year is like one day
You and I were together.
You opened a new world for me
Peace of love, earthly love!

I have to close my eyes,
I see your face again!
I will always love
My beloved, dear!

Today, honey, I want
Just one thing to tell you:
Until I met you,
She was unhappy on earth.
I was sad and sad.
But, a year ago, in spring/winter
I met you and I know:
You have now become my destiny.

This year, the very first and happiest,
It flew by in an instant, like a star in the sky.
I am grateful to you, dear and beloved,
That he was always with me.
And I also say “thank you” to you
For love, kindness and care.
I want to meet the dawn with you,
Mo is a desirable and fabulous someone.

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