Synopsis of the GCD (educational area "Music") in the middle group "Merry Journey. Synopsis of GCD using ESM "Visiting Music

Summary of GCD for musical development children in senior group"Journey Through the Winter Forest"

Target: Develop children's creativity in all kinds musical activity to instill in children an interest in music.
- to consolidate the knowledge of children about winter, through listening to music, singing.
- enrich vocabulary, to teach children to express their feelings about the piece they listened to.
- exercise children in distinguishing rhythmic patterns.
- to develop in children a sense of rhythm and hearing.
-form singing voice.
- develop creative abilities: fantasy, imagination.
- develop memory, attention, thinking.
- educate love and interest in music.
- educate independence, activity, benevolent attitude towards each other.
- make children want to listen instrumental music.
Methods and techniques:
verbal: questions, verbal explanation.
Visual: slide show, portrait of the composer, slide show "Winter"
Practical: musical games, creative tasks.
Preliminary work:
- creating a presentation "Winter in the forest";
- talk about winter changes in nature;
- viewing illustrations with a winter landscape.
- learning songs, games, poems on a winter theme.
Equipment: interactive whiteboard, portrait of A. Vivaldi, small and large snowflakes, illustration of a violin, notes cut out of cardboard, musical instruments: bells, triangles for each child, sultans for each child.

Course progress.

Musical director: Hello guys. Guys, I am very glad to see you in the music hall. I see you today good mood and I want to invite you to winter forest, where there are many different musical mysteries. For the correct answers, you will receive magical notes.
Musical director: Guys, what time of year is it?
Children: Winter.
Musical director: That's right, winter has come, white snow has fallen, snowdrifts are all around. Guys, how can we get to the winter forest faster?
Children: Skiing, ice skating, driving, sledding.
Musical director: That's right, guys, you can get there in different ways, but today we will go on a "sledge". Guys, look at how to make a sled correctly (we show together with the teacher). The boys stretch their arms back, and the girls hold on to them. This is how sleds are made. We keep the back straight, the heads are raised
Musically - rhythmic exercise: "Sled"

Musical director. We change the direction of movement along the cotton, the girls will carry on. (perform exercise to music).
Musical director: So we got to the park. But you can enter the park only through these magical gates. Guys, what do you think we should do to get through.
Children: Sing a song, dance, recite a poem.

Musical director: There is a magic note here, now I will drop in and read the assignment. "Guys, sing your beautiful names and the magic gates will let you through.
Task for the children: “Sing your name” (the guys sing their names and go through the gate).
Musical director: Let's sit down on the chairs, take a rest from the road. All sat comfortably.
Musical director: Oh guys, here's another magical note. Let's see what is written here?
“Dear guys, we are glad to see you in the forest, but sitting on chairs, we invite you to listen to a piece of music, determine its character.
Musical director: Guys, let's listen to a piece of music foreign composer Antonio Vivaldi from the seasons of the year "Winter". Listen carefully, you can close your eyes to focus. And then tell me your impressions that you presented when you listened to this work.
Listening: "Winter" by A. Vivaldi
Purpose: - To develop the ability to determine the character, means of musical expression.
Musical director: Guys, what kind of winter did the composer want to portray in his work?
Children answer: - Cold, snowy, beautiful, fluffy ...

Musical director: At the beginning, we heard even, jerky chords - the composer must have portrayed sharp gusts of wind.
- Guys, what was the nature of the music?
Children: Excited, anxious, restless, formidable, blizzard.
Musical director: Guys, you correctly identified the character, but what do you think this piece was performed by one instrument or many?
Children: Many instruments, a symphony orchestra.

Musical director: - What orchestra instruments did you hear?
Children: Violins, flutes.
Musical director: Well done! what instrument was the soloist? (if they don’t guess, the riddle will tell)
Smooth bow movements
Thrill the strings
The motive sounds from afar
Sings about the lunar wind
How clear is the overflow of sounds
They have joy and smiles
Sounds dreamy tune
He is played by ……….
Children: violin.

Musical director: Guys, blow cold wind, the blizzard blew. Imagine how the wind howls?
Children - wow
Musical director: Guys, everyone got up, now let's remember together how to stand correctly while singing.

Once! Inhale! And sang
Sound flew like a bird
Arms, shoulders - everything is free
Sing nice and comfortable.
Chanting: "Zi-i-i - ma"
Muses. leader: Another note flew in with the wind, now let's see what's on it. Guys here are snowflakes. We are invited to play the musical game "Slap the Rhythm". Be careful, big snowflakes will be long sounds, and small ones .......
Musical didactic game"Clap the rhythm."
develop rhythmic awareness.
Musical director: And now a musical riddle. (An excerpt of the song sounds). What is the name of this song?
Children: "Snow song."
Music director: what is the nature of this song?
Children - Cheerful, joyful, perky.
Musical director: Now we will be artists and sing together, cheerfully this song.
Singing "Snow Song" music. Lvov - Companion.
Purpose: to work on the purity of intonation, articulation.
Musical director: The last note invites us to the dance floor. There are snowdrifts everywhere, so let's go to the site at a walk.

Music director sings. We walk through the snowdrifts
Through steep snowdrifts
Raise your leg up
Pave the way for others.

Musical director. How nice it is to watch falling snowflakes, as if they are performing their dance, whirling in the air. So I suggest that the girls turn into a snowflake for a while, and let each of you come up with and perform your own dance, take the sultans.
In the meantime, the girls are getting ready to dance, the boys should take musical instruments.
- What instruments are more suitable for the dance of snowflakes?
He sits under the hat
Do not disturb him - silent
Just gotta take it in hand
And rock a little
A call will be heard
Ding dong dong. /triangle/
We will accompany the girls with you.

“Dance of snowflakes” / the song “Lace” sounds / girls dance with sultans, boys play on triangles.
Musical director: Well done boys! You have completed the task. So our trip to the forest has come to an end?
- Guys, look, you got magical notes. In the next classes, you will be more active and also get notes. It's time for us to go back, let's say goodbye.
Musical farewell "Goodbye"

The lesson and entertainment was held on January 16, 2016 for students of the preschool department of the Pedagogical College

Game integrated activity with children 4-5 years old "Fun Journey"

Let me introduce you to the summary of the GCD " fun trip" in middle group with elements of logorhythmics and the use of didactic games. At the lesson in the form of a game, musical and sensory abilities are developed.

Synopsis of GCD in the middle group "Fun Journey"

Target: the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of musical and sensory abilities of children.


1. Developing:

Develop auditory attention, memory, visual-spatial orientation, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm;

Develop a sense of color, the ability to name and recognize primary colors;

Develop tactile sensations.

2. Educational:

Enrich children with musical impressions, develop their sensory-musical abilities: timbre, fret-altitude, dynamic, rhythmic hearing;

To consolidate the ability of children to change movements in accordance with the form of a piece of music.

3. Educational:

Cultivate friendly relations in the children's team.

Game material: house, toys Hare and Cockerel, a cube with various animals depicted on its faces, a cube depicting musical instruments, musical instruments (tambourine, pipe, drum, rattle, bell, metallophone), a basin of water, nesting dolls in different sundresses (patchwork dolls, worn on the hand), a plane tree, Aunt Matryosha's house.

GCD progress:

Children enter the hall to the recording of E. Grieg's play "Morning" (classical music for children "Music about nature")

Musical director:

Children, what do you say when you come to visit? (children answer)

I also say hello everywhere - at home and on the street,

Even "Hello" I say to a familiar chicken.

Let's say hello with me.

Pronounce the text along with the execution of movements:

Hello golden sun raised arms crossed, fingers spread out

Hello blue sky arms raised, palms up

Hello, free breeze, - arm swing at the top

Hello little oak hands on the right, one above, the other below, palms open up

We live in native land - spread your arms to the sides

I welcome you all! - wave your arms over your head

Musical director:

Guys, do you like to visit?

Children: Yes, we love!

Musical director:

Today we will go to visit Aunt Matryosha!

The path will not be close, well, it does not matter!

We have fun with music, it's always good!

Music will help us run, ride and walk together.

And we’ll collect a gift for aunt, we’ll take a downy shawl in a bag,

To warm her scarf on a winter evening!

(Takes a bag with a shawl, hangs it over his shoulder)

Well, are you ready to hit the road? Let's walk together in step

A cheerful march will help us and a cheerful ...

Children: Drum!

Sounds “March of wooden soldiers P.I. Tchaikovsky. The music director taps the rhythm of the music on the drum. Children walk in a circle. In the middle part of the march, they tap out the rhythm with their fingers, then imitate playing the trumpet.

Musical director:

The path broke off here, we will ride a little.

Everyone stand behind me, turn around one after another!

I am your new locomotive, nothing if there are no wheels!

We’ll go with stompers, a wagon behind the trailer.

To the music of “We are going, we are going, we are going” by M. Starokadomsky, children move with a stomping step behind the leader, imitating the movements of the wheels with their hands. On the chorus, they will perform movements: three claps on the right, three claps on the left, clench and unclench the fists - 4 times, show the “tail” with their hands from behind, show the “doggy” stand, show “wings” - 4 times, wave their palms in front of you - 4 times, tilt forward with a spread of arms to the sides - 2 times.

Musical director:

Here is the stop - the village of Sosnovka.

What? What a miracle Where did the house come from?

How many of you guys know who lives in that house?

(Children make their guesses)

Well, we will not guess, you can take and knock.

(knocks on the door, shows Bunny)

This house is on the edge, the house of Long-Eared Bunny.

A hare looks out the window: is anyone coming to visit?

Various animals are visiting the hare's hut!

Do you want to know who is in a hurry to visit the bunny?

Children: Yes!

Musical director:

I have a funny cube, it will help us find out who is in a hurry to visit the bunny.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle, under cheerful music“Oh you, canopy” pass the cube to each other with the words:

You run, funny cube, on the palms, on the hands.

Whoever has a funny cube will show us ...

The child who has a cube throws it on the floor in the center of the circle. The teacher asks who is depicted on the top face of the cube. The children answer. Then the children should depict the image and habits of the depicted animal.

Musical director:

The bunny was delighted that so many guests came to him, and danced in the clearing. Let's play with the bunny.

The game "Hares and the breeze", I. Bodrachenko, "Musical games in kindergarten for children 3-5 years old"

Musical director:

We played with the bunny, but it's time for us to go on the road again.

Children: On horseback!

Musical director:

That's right, on horseback, like brave riders!

The play "The Bold Rider" sounds. Children run in a straight gallop in a circle. In the middle part they stop, beat with a “hoof” on the spot.

Musical director:

We rode to a magical clearing! (turn on the recording of the babbling of a stream, put a basin of water)

And here a merry brook murmurs.

We will sit down on the bank, let the legs rest.

Here clear water, look all here!

Sprays fly to the sides, everyone is happy to splash!

Let's splash our hands in the water! (children splash in the water)

Musical director:

What vodka? (children name the properties of water (wet, warm, pouring, murmuring)

It remains for us to run a little along the path.

Sounds 1 part of "Italian Polka" S. Rachmaninov. Children perform light running on toes.

Musical director:

And here is the aunt's yard.

Finger game "House"

At the edge of the house stands - fold your palms above your head.

There is a lock on the door - close your palms.

Behind the door is a table - set right palm fist of the left hand.

There is a palisade around the house - spread your fingers in front of you.

Knock-knock-knock open the door - knock your fists on your palm.

Come in - I'm not angry - open your arms to the sides, inviting everyone to visit. (Aunt Matryosha comes out - a teacher in a Russian sundress)

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Socio-communicative development.

Develop free communication with adults and children in the field of music. Continue to teach children to draw the simplest conclusions, to express their thoughts. To improve the ability to speak on the content of music, sharing their impressions. Teach independent judgment. Develop attention, observation. Strengthen children's ability to work independently music games and dancing.

cognitive development.

Expand your horizons in the field of music. Develop imagination and creativity. Continue to acquaint with the work of composers D. Shostakovich, G. Sviridov, B. Kabalevsky. Continue to teach children to distinguish between the genre of a piece of music: march, song, dance. Recognize and name familiar works.

Speech development.

Develop speech as a means of communication and culture. Activate vocabulary on the topic, form the skills of active use by children of all parts of speech. Improve communication skills and the ability to answer questions. Enrich the active dictionary with the words: "gorlinka", "twilight". Practice diction, pronounce the words correctly: “frown”, “bang”, “tin”, “bottom”, “neck”, “dry”, “embroidered”. Work on diction and articulation.

Physical development.

To develop the motor experience of children, physical qualities - coordination of movements, large and fine motor skills; attention, the ability to navigate in space, to follow the rules of the game. Move in accordance with the nature of the music, perform movements with and without objects. To improve the performance of jumps, jumps on two legs with forward movement, waddling, step on the entire foot with forward and backward movement.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Contribute to the development of musical-sensory and creativity (song creativity). Cultivate a desire to engage in music and activities. Enrich musical impressions and motor experience. Develop emotional responsiveness, perception and understanding of works musical art, folklore.

Preliminary work:

  • Learning songs and dances;
  • Individual work with children.

Methods and techniques:

  • practical: game with wellness massage;
  • visual: viewing, showing;
  • verbal: story and questions music director, situational conversation.

Musical repertoire:

Hearing:"March" by D. Shostakovich, "Lullaby" by G. Sviridov,

"Waltz" by D. Kabalevsky

Song - chant with a wellness massage " Good morning» O. Arsenevskaya

Chanting:"Chiki, chikalochki" p. n. m., "Drum" by E. Tilicheeva, "Pipe" by E. Tilicheeva

Singing:“It will rain down the street” by V. Shainsky, “In the cinema” by E. Tilicheeva

The game:"Game with a tambourine" Ukrainian. n. m.

Exercises:“Bunnies are jumping”, “Bears are coming”, p. n. m., arr. T. Lomovoi

Round dance game "Raven" r. n. m., arr. E. Tilicheeva

Dance "Circular Polka" J. Ozolin

Metallophone playing:"Rain" by E. Tilicheeva

Material and equipment:

Laptop, projector, interactive whiteboard, phonograms of works;

video presentation, musical instruments: tambourine, piano.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing joint activities
Musical 1. Listening to musical plays "March" by D. Shostakovich, "Lullaby" by G. Sviridov,

"Waltz" by D. Kabalevsky.

Target: Improve the ability of children to emotionally respond to music, verbally express their attitude to it, the ability to maintain a conversation, answer questions; continue to teach children to distinguish between the genre of a piece of music: march, song, dance. Recognize and name familiar works.

2. Performance of songs:

Singing: “Chiki, chikalochki” r.n.m., “Drum” by E. Tilicheeva, “Pipe” by E. Tilicheeva

Target: Sing chants, purely intoning intervals, expressively, with a light sound, clearly, correctly, clearly pronouncing the words.

Singing: “It will rain down the street” by V. Shainsky, “To the cinema” by E. Tilicheeva

Target: To consolidate the ability to clearly pronounce words in songs, sing expressively, start and end singing in a timely manner, correctly convey the melody.

3. Rhythm and dancing:

Musical game "Game with a tambourine" in Ukrainian. n. m.;

Round dance game "Raven" r. n. m., arr. E. Tilicheeva;

Dance "Circular Polka" J. Ozolin

Target: Move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the varied nature of the music, musical images; independently start moving after the musical introduction. To improve the execution of the step on the entire foot with advancement forward and backward, the ability to expand and narrow the circle. Perform dance movements: jumps, putting the foot forward on the heel, clapping and stomping, circling on an easy run, step on the entire foot moving forward and backward.

Strengthen the ability of children to act independently in musical games and dances.

4. Playing on the metallophone "Rain" by E. Tilicheeva.

Target: Continue to learn how to play simple melodies one at a time on the metallophone.

Motor 1. Motor exercise "Bunnies are jumping", "Bears are coming"

Target: To improve the performance of jumping on two legs with forward movement, waddling, step on the entire foot with forward and backward movement.

2. Physical education “Rain! Rain!"

Target: To develop motor activity, emotionality, expressiveness of movements.

Communicative 1.Counter "Do, re, mi ...". Target: Develop general speech skills, clear and correct pronunciation.
gaming 1. Speech game - chanting with a wellness massage "Good morning".

Target: develop attention, quick reaction to the change of movements and gestures, clear diction. 2. Musical game "Game with a tambourine"; 3. Round dance game "Raven" Target: Strengthen the ability of children to act independently in musical games and dances.

Perception fiction and folklore 1.Counter "Do, re, mi ...".

Target: Replenish literary luggage with counting rhymes,

Logic of educational activity

Activities of the music director Activities of pupils Expected results
1 . Meets children in the music room. Come in music hall jump, stand in a circle. The performance of the step-jump is improved.

Song - chant with wellness massage "Good morning" I'm very glad to see you. Such wonderful weather today! The sun is shining! I just want to wish everyone, everyone: “Good morning!” 1.Good morning!

Smile soon!

And all day today

It will be more fun.

2. We stroke the forehead,

Nose and cheeks.

We will be beautiful

Like flowers in a garden!

3. Let's rub our palms

Stronger, stronger!

Now let's clap

Bolder, bolder!

They perform the singing, accompanying the singing with the appropriate movements:

They spread their arms to the sides and bow slightly to each other.

They clap their hands.

Raise your hands up

perform movements in the text.

Perform tilts of the head to the right and left shoulder in turn.

Perform movements in the text.

They sit down in their seats.

Attention develops, quick reaction to the change of movements and gestures, clear diction.
3 .

Musical greeting. slide 1.

Let's imagine. That we are residents of a fabulous musical country " funny notes". Our country is a big, beautiful island where everyone loves music very much. The inhabitants of this island are notes, they love to sing very much. Early in the morning, when the sun rises, notes come out of their houses. When they meet on the street, they greet each other with a song. Like this (sings): "Hello!" Let me say hello to you. How the notes greet each other (sings): "Hello, guys!" And you also say hello to me.

The children sing the greeting one at a time and all together.

Singing "Chiki, chikalochki"

Having greeted each other, the notes tell about breaking news. One note has this news:

So Kolya rode on a stick, and took Sashenka with him, put her on a cart. Let's sing a song about it.

They sing a tune, purely intoning m3 down, expressively, with a light sound. The ability to sing a tune develops, purely intoning the intervals, expressively, with a light sound, clearly, correctly, clearly pronouncing the words.

Chanting "Drum"

The second note told another news:

They bought her a drum. And now we will sing a familiar song about the drum.

They sing the tune energetically, expressively, purely intoning the melody (ch4 up, m2 up and down). The ability to sing a tune develops, purely intoning the intervals, expressively, energetically, clearly, correctly, clearly pronouncing the words.

Chanting "Pipe"

And the third note had no news and she just decided to blow into the pipe.

Like this: Tu-ru-ru, tu-ru-ru! Let's help the note.

They sing the song clearly, correctly, clearly pronouncing the words, purely intoning the melody (ch4 up, b3 up and m3 down), helping to feel the movement of the melody with a gesture of the hand. The ability to sing the song clearly, correctly, clearly pronouncing the words, purely intoning the melody develops.

Listening to "March"

Our big, beautiful musical island is supported by three whales. I will now give you musical riddles, and if you guess them, you will find out the names of these whales. That's the name of the first whale.

That's right, the first whale is called Marsh. How did you determine that this is a march?

Yes, the music is clear, cheerful, you can march to it.

They recognize and call the march. They answer questions. The ability of children to distinguish between the genre of a musical work is being improved - a march; respond emotionally to music, speak out on the content of music, sharing your impressions;
8. Listening to "Lullaby" Listen to the second musical riddle. Slide 7. That's right, the second whale's name is Song. What song was played? Yes, it's a lullaby. How did you define it? (Answers of children). Yes, the music is gentle, gentle, quiet. Recognize and name the song. They answer questions. The ability of children to distinguish between the genre of a musical work is being improved - a song; respond emotionally to music by sharing your impressions;

anwser the questions; recognize and name familiar works.

9. Listening to Waltz Now it's the turn of the third whale.

That's right, the name of the third whale is Dance, Who can say what kind of dance sounded?

Yes, this is a waltz - a smooth dance that is danced around.

Recognize and name the dance. They answer questions. The ability of children to distinguish between the genre of a musical work is being improved - dance; respond emotionally to music by sharing your impressions;

anwser the questions; recognize and name familiar works.


Singing "Rain will fall down the street"

During the day, when the sun is at its zenith, our notes begin to sing their songs. Even when the weather is bad outside, the notes do not lose heart. They go out for a walk with umbrellas and sing a song about rain, for example, like this (plays the melody of a familiar song). Who knows what song this is? Correctly. Let's sing it.

They answer questions.

They sing expressively, clearly pronounce the words, start and finish singing in a timely manner, correctly convey the melody.

The ability to clearly pronounce the words in the song is consolidated: “frowns”, “bang”, “tin”, “bottom”, “neck”, “dry”, “embroidered”; diction is practiced. The ability of children to sing expressively, to start and end singing in a timely manner, and to convey the melody correctly is being improved.

Physical education "Rain! Rain!"

Rain! Rain! We need

Disperse home!

Thunder! Thunder like cannons.

Today is a holiday for frogs.

Hail! Hail! pours hail

Everyone is under the roof.

Only my brother in a puddle

She catches fish for dinner.

Perform a physical activity.

They walk in place.

Jump in place.

They clap their hands.

They walk in place.

Motor activity, emotionality, expressiveness of movements develop.

Playing the metallophone "Rain"

Notes like to walk in the rain. They even invite him to go stronger, saying: "Rain, rain, more." I suggest that we also call the rain, singing and losing this song on the metallophone.

If desired, a song is played on the metallophone. The ability to play non-metallophone simple melodies one at a time develops.

slide 9. Singing "To the Movies"

In the evening, notes like to go to the cinema. They run very fast, because they are afraid to be late, and they sing such a song (the intro plays), sing along to the notes. What is the nature of the music in this song? That's right, the music is disturbing, fast, excited. After all, the notes are afraid to be late for the beginning of the session.

But notes do not always go to the cinema. Sometimes they just go out large area and start different games, for example, they love playing with a tambourine. Do you want to play it? Then get in a circle.

They recognize the song by the introduction, sing expressively, conveying the character, clearly pronounce the words, start and finish singing in a timely manner, correctly convey the melody.

Answer questions about the nature of the song.

They stand in a circle.

The ability to clearly pronounce the words in songs, sing expressively, conveying the nature of the song, start and end singing in a timely manner, and correctly convey the melody is consolidated.

Counting "Do, re, mi ..."

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si -

We play, you drive!

Learn the counting rhyme and choose the leading rhyme. The literary stock is replenished with counting rhymes.
15. Game "Game with a tambourine" They play, moving in accordance with the nature of the music, perform movements with an object (tambourine), acting independently. The ability of children to move in accordance with the nature of the music, to perform movements with an object (tambourine), to act independently in the game is consolidated.

Exercise "Running Bunnies"

In their games, notes like to depict various animals and birds.

Here come the mischievous bunnies.

They imitate the movements of bunnies, moving by jumping on two legs. Motor experience of children accumulates, coordination of movements, attention, ability to navigate in space develop. The performance of jumps on two legs with advancement is improved. waddling, step on the whole foot with advancement back and forth.

Exercise "Bears are coming"

Here come the bears.

Imitate the movements of bears, moving in a waddle. Motor experience of children accumulates, coordination of movements, attention, ability to navigate in space develop. The performance of waddling is being improved.

Round dance game "Raven"

Here on the mountain, on a tall oak, a raven in red boots flew.

They play the game, moving according to the dance character of the music, and convey the content of the lyrics of the song. The ability of children to move in accordance with the dance character of the music is improved, to convey the content of the song text by movement; execution of a step on the entire foot with advancement back and forth, the ability to expand and narrow the circle.

Dance "Circular Polka"

Having played enough, the notes begin to dance.

They dance, performing dance movements: jumping, putting the foot forward on the heel, clapping and stomping. Whirling on an easy run, step on the whole foot with advancement back and forth. The ability of children to expand and narrow the circle is being improved; perform dance movements: jumping, putting the foot forward on the heel, clapping and stomping, circling on an easy run, step on the entire foot moving forward and backward.

When the night falls and the sky appears bright stars, notes say goodbye to each other until tomorrow and sing to each other parting words, like this: "Goodbye!" And you say goodbye to notes.

Sing: "Goodbye!" Songwriting develops.


So you and I learned about the magical island on which cheerful notes live.

What new did you learn?

What did you find interesting?

What did you like, what do you remember?

If you want. So we will visit there again and again.

Answer questions and share your experience. Say goodbye, leave the room. Develops the ability to maintain a dialogue, answer questions. A background of positive emotional satisfaction from GCD has been created.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 30 Lipetsk Synopsis of the GCD “Journey to musical country Sounds" educational area « Artistic and aesthetic development” (middle group) Objectives: Educational  To draw children's attention to the rich and varied world of sounds.  Learn about musical instruments and how to play them.  Perform simple accompaniment in the form of ostinato rhythmic formulas.  Hear strong and weak beats, pauses, mark them with sounding gestures or musical instruments.  Use musical instruments to voice a fairy tale.  Strengthen the skills of quantitative counting up to five Developing Develop:  Development children's creativity when learning to play children's musical instruments Educational  Formation of skills of cooperation and co-creation in the children's team,  Continue to enrich children's musical impressions, evoke a vivid emotional response when playing music. Progress NOD: Children enter the music room. Musical guide: - Guys, there are many different sounds in the world, we always hear something: rustles, the rumble of a car, the creak of branches, the ringing of a telephone, the murmur of water, the singing of birds, the chirping of a grasshopper. These are noises. To get to know them, you just need to listen carefully to everything that is happening around. - Do you hear what those sounds are? (leaves rustle, wind howls, rain pours, birds roar). At what time of the year can we hear these sounds? (in autumn) Why do you think so? (statements of children about autumn signs) Music. hands.: - Each season has its own special sounds. Listen .... (birdsong, forest noise) Guys, what time of the year do you think we can hear the rustle of leaves and birds singing? (summer). Then the teacher offers to listen to the sounds of winter: the crunch of snow underfoot, the sounds of a blizzard, blizzards). Musical guide: - Guys, what kind of sound is this, do you hear? What does he look like? Who is it? The teacher rolls out a musical toy Kolobok Children: - this is Kolobok! It is not simple - musical! Do you hear? He wants to tell us something. A bun appears on the screen: “I am a cheerful Kolobok! I want to invite you guys to make autumn with me fabulous journey to a musical country where wonderful little wizards live - sounds. Musical hands - Guys, do you like to travel? (Yes) Then we accept Kolobok's invitation and set off on a journey, but who will show us the way? Qty. :- I will show you the way, and you follow me all the time! To get to this country, you need to say magic words: - We all believe in magic - a fairy tale will open the doors for us! Children repeat the words together with Kolobok. Muses. : -So we ended up in a musical country where sounds live. Hear what kind of sound meets us? (This is a car driving, a car is beeping) Musical instructor: - Yes, we heard the sound of a car approaching. Musical Kolobok invites everyone to ride in a car. Hold on tight to the steering wheel. Go. Game miniature "Cars" Children sing along and move around the hall with "stompers". We go, we go by car along the Lipetsk land, along the birch, pine, oak side. Musical hands - So the good, flat road has ended, and there are narrow paths ahead, we won’t drive further by car. What do we do? What to go next? (children's answers). - Guys, let's run along the path along autumn leaves, and with our palms we will show how the leaves rustle under our feet. They jump in a “lateral gallop” of Muz. Guys, look where we ran to? (in the forest). A picture of an autumn forest appears on the screen. What time of year is it in the forest? And what is he autumn forest? (children's answers) The autumn forest is very beautiful! He can sing, make noise, rustle, and he also loves to play! Let's play, repeat with me! Phonopedic exercise "Autumn" Autumn gilds the leaves, The wind rustles them: Shur-Shur- Shur, Shur-Shur-Shur. They rub their palms rhythmically with their palms. He carries them from the trees. Will play, quit again: U-U-U, U-U-U. Rhythmically cross their raised hands. It will lift it up, spin it And wrap it on the spot: U-U-U, U-U-U. They do circular motions index fingers. Then he will press him to the ground, stroke him, Suddenly he will plant him on a branch: So - So - So, So - So - So. Rhythmically clapping their hands in a circle Will collect a large pile, Run away and sit in a cloud. Rhythmically clench and unclench hands. How well we played with the sorceress Autumn, with golden leaves, but where is our musical Kolobok? Do you hear where these sounds are heard? (children's answers: frog croaking) The sounds "In the swamp" sound. Musical guide: - Guys, look, Gingerbread Man rolled into the swamp, he probably wants to introduce us to his friend - Frog Kwak. Muses. hands - Hello, Frog Kwak. - Guys, the Frog wants to tell us his story and play with you, let's sit on the stumps and listen. The teacher speaks on behalf of the frog Kwak. Frog: - Once I decided to take a walk. And suddenly a drop of rain fell on me (I hit the metallophone record 1 time). Muzruk. How many raindrops fell on the Frog? children's answers (1) Frog: - Then the cloud covered the sun, it became dark, and a few more drops dripped on me (I hit it several times). Muzruk. - Let's count how many raindrops fell on the Frog? (2) Music guide - Guys, think and tell me what instruments are suitable to play “rain music”. (triangle, bell, glockenspiel) - Guys, let's play with the Frog and count the drops. Children pick up tools and perform actions in the course of the story. Frog: - At the beginning, the droplets dripped rarely (rare blows) (1 drop. 2 drops, 3 drops), and then the rain broke up in earnest and the droplets poured one after another more and more often. The rain intensified (frequent strikes). I jumped into the lake and waited for the rain to stop. Soon the rain stopped and the sun came out again. Frog: - Did you like my story? children's answers Then I suggest you come up with and play your rain song? And I will listen to her. Instrumental improvisation. (1-3) Children choose a musical instrument: bells, a triangle, a tambourine and alternately perform their "rain music". Bring up. - Guys, run faster to me under an umbrella, it seems to be raining. Musical guide: - Let's sing a song about the rain and it will stop coming. "Song about the rain" Music. hands - guys, while we were playing, the rain dispersed all the clouds and the sun came out again. Oh, but where is Kolobok? the children are looking for. He was probably afraid of the rain and drove away, but where? Teremok appears on the screen. Musical and didactic game "Who lives in the little house?" Muz. Hand. - Our gingerbread man rolled and found himself in a magical clearing. What is in the meadow? (teremok) - Terem, terem, teremok, it is not low, not high. This tower is not simple - musical - that's what it is! But who lives in that teremochka? - Oh, look, the mouse is coming to us here, pee-pee-pee she sings! Can you tell me how the mouse sings its song? (thin, high). Let's sing her song together with the mouse, the children sing - And what instruments can you play along with the mouse when she sings? (children answer, tools appear on the screen) - On which floor will we put the mouse in our house? (at the highest) On the screen, the mouse runs up the stairs to the highest top floor. This is repeated with each character (hare, bear). - A bunny is jumping in the clearing. Well, bunny, guess now where do you run? Up, down or stand? Musical hands plays on the same sound of a xylophone and sings: “Bunny, bunny, calm down, Nas, coward, don’t be afraid!” (Children's answers: stand. The hare sings in one sound "I'm not afraid of anyone, I'll settle in a little house"). - And what musical instrument will we choose for the bunny? (spoons, tambourine) Musical hands. We will put the bunny in the house on which floor? (in the middle) Musical guide: A bear is coming to the tower. He wants to sing with everyone! He wants to live in a tower to be friends with animals! Can we help the clubfoot? (Yes) Musical guide: And how can a Bear walk? children's answers What tool can show this? Drum. Where are we going to put the Bear? (bottom) Children sing slowly, rudely, without a melody: “top!” Musical guide: The animals are sitting in the Musical Teremochka, They are looking at the children from the window. Gingerbread man Triangle there are spoons, tambourines, sticks, accordions. You need to take them all at once. Play together together. I'll be the conductor here, Who are you, answer in unison? (Orchestra) Musical leader: - A cheerful choir has gathered, Our Gingerbread Man is a conductor! Together they took the instruments and played in the orchestra! The teacher offers children to choose any musical instrument. Children play in the orchestra "Dancing" (improvisation) Musical hands: You all played merrily, We visited a good fairy tale It's time for us to return. On the road, kids! Thank you, Kolobok, for such an exciting journey! Guys, you see how many interesting things we learned during the trip, how many different sounds we heard, got acquainted with different musical instruments. What do you guys remember the most? Children's answers. The gingerbread man appears on the screen and says: - Substitute your palms, I will pour you the sun, I will give you a warm wind, And the dawn is blue. And most importantly - I give you music, you take it with you!

Organization: Kindergarten No. 29 "Berry"

Location: Republic of Bashkortostan, Beloretsk

Target: Enrich life experience children with vivid impressions, provide an opportunity to express themselves in various types musical activity.


Tutorials: Enrich children's experiences by introducing them to a variety of musical works and the means of expression used. Continue acquaintance with the work of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. To improve the speech of children, the ability to clearly express their thoughts, to enrich vocabulary. form cognitive interest children in the process of musical activity.

Developing: Prepare singing and articulation apparatus s to singing, working through different ways according to the phonopedic method of V.V. Emelyanov. To consolidate the ability to sing harmoniously, to start singing in time after the introduction, to change the strength of the voice, to master a variety of singing techniques. Improve the performance of figurative movements in accordance with the nature of the music. Develop dance creativity, showing originality, expressiveness and independence.

Educators: Build a culture of listening classical music. To improve the ability to objectively evaluate the actions of other children. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other, a sense of collectivism, initiative, independence.

Technical support:

  • A computer
  • Projector
  • Audio and video equipment

media library

  • multimedia presentation
  • Phonograms


  • Musical signs (forte, piano)
  • musical notes
  • Percussion musical instruments (cymbals, spoons, tone block, walnut tracks..)
  • snowball
  • Paper hats

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall, where they are met by the music director.

Muses. hands : Good afternoon guys. Guys, I'm very glad to see you all. But today I would like to get to know you better. To do this, I suggest that you come up with your own dance sketch called « Let's get acquainted" , those. you have to figure out how to present yourself, find expressive movements, it may be some kind of unusual posture, gesture ...

Etude: "Let's get to know each other"

Muses. hands: Who do you like more? Who could express themselves better? I enjoyed meeting you so much, you were all so different, unusual, which means you are talented! Do you all love making music? ( children answer)

And now I want to invite you to a musical exhibition of paintings, and be your guide. Do you agree to go with me? Do you know what an art exhibition is? (children's answers) Only it will be an unusual exhibition. We will not only see the paintings at this exhibition, but also hear them.

Guys, how can we get to the exhibition? Since this is a musical exhibition, then we must perform some musical task? A music track will help us get there, along which, when setting off, we must complete dance tasks. You are ready?

(Children perform movements in the text and thus pass through the music room).

Let's hold hands together

We all walk slowly

We put the foot from the toe.

Keep your back straight

Straight like a reed.

Toe step, jumps, side gallop.

Here we are on music exhibition. Slide (box, doll)

Guys, what is in the picture? Would you like to open this beautiful box and find out what is in it? Slide: Opening the box in it - gingerbread.)

I wonder why we see gingerbread with you? Guys, who liked gingerbread?

Little Petya. Composer, Pyotr I.Ch. while composing the music "New Doll" I remembered a doll that I often saw in my childhood. She decorated the room in which the girls lived. It was a clockwork doll with movable joints - her arms and legs moved and bent. And future composer ran to the girls to admire her. True, he visited the room not only for the sake of the doll. There were chests in which gingerbread was stored. It was they who interested little Petya in the first place.

P.I. Tchaikovsky is a great Russian composer.

AT free time P.I. loved to mess around with his little nephews. Sister P.I. Alexandra Ilyinichna had seven children, and Tchaikovsky tirelessly invented holidays for them with bonfires, fireworks and, of course, dancing, where he himself accompanied on the piano.

The smallest nephew in the hours allotted for classes hardly mastered the wisdom of playing the piano. Sitting on the veranda for tea, Pyotr Ilyich heard the unlucky "pianist" tormenting scales and etudes in the next room. He felt sorry for the baby, and he decided to write a cycle of lungs piano pieces, diverse in character, with an eye to the difficulties of the beginner, plays are light, memorable, with interesting names. Here there are pictures of nature and the names of children's games. Fairy tale characters and dance tunes.

"children's album"are 24 easy pieces for piano. On title page first edition: "Dedicated to Volodya Davydov. Children's album. Collection of light plays for children."

Slide - "Walking soldiers, doll"

P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote plays not only for girls, but also for boys. The plays that talk about these games are called "The Game of Horses"

Boys love to play with soldiers. Here is a toy army minting a step in a funny march. What does the word "march" mean? ( answer

children) Yes, the word march means procession. It is more convenient for people to walk to the music. The rhythm of the music is very good conductor. The sounds themselves can command movement. There are marches for all occasions. Music - a march - is not only an accompaniment to your steps, but also a portrait of those walking.

How is this piece different from the music of the wooden soldiers? What is it called?

"New doll". The melody in it seems to sparkle with happiness, conveying joy and delight.

Hearing: March of the Wooden Soldiers, New Doll

Slide - "Winter picture"

What do you see there? How the kids have fun, enjoy the winter, fluffy snow.

But winter snow it is spiky and sharp. A cold wind will howl, a blizzard will buzz. The music of a blizzard must be portrayed differently than the dance of snowflakes - the game must be decisive, assertive, fast:

Me - tel gu - dit, in labor - be shu - mit.

It’s very scary to be alone, but the blizzard is all woo, yes woo!

Slide - "Sparrows"

Oh, look, a sparrow has flown in, which also rejoices in the winter day, singing its song:

Chick-chirp, chirp-chirp, I jumped on the snowball! (sparrow)

Let's sing his song.

And now let's warm up our articulatory apparatus and play with the tongue, I see that your lips are frozen.

They showed their tongue, and bit a little.

And now they were played, our lips were licked.

We rolled the balloons, we inflated our balloon,

OH! Here is my ball burst!

Smile soon, we all have fun!

Exercises on the phonopedic method of voice development by V. Emelyanov

Guys, guess what this song is? Correctly. This is a winter song.

We will perform it, carefully observing these musical signs. What are they called and what do they mean. ( forte and piano.)

The teacher shows musical signs and the children perform the song either quietly or loudly.

Sounds like "Winter Song" by V. Vitlina

Slide "Christmas tree"

In this picture we see a Christmas tree. Do we know the song about the Christmas tree?

Let's fix the words with you. What do we say to the Christmas tree? Hello…

What are we doing at the tree? We lead a round dance. With the help of leading questions, children reinforce the lyrics of the song.

And these will help us sing this song musical notes(note-fish, note-children)

The song sounds: Hello, hello, Christmas tree. A. Mikhailenko

Slide "Sparkling tree".

Our Christmas tree liked the way we sang the song. The song sounded cheerful, joyful, loud.

Slide - "Treble clef, hedgehog playing the drum."

look, treble clef drawn here, what would that mean?

Have you ever met musical hedgehogs? For example, those who play the drums? But the Moldovan poet Georgy Vier, imagine, had to!

Let's hear how he described it:

A hedgehog walks with a drum: boom-boom-boom!

The hedgehog plays all day: boom-boom-boom!

With a drum on my back, boom-boom-boom!

The hedgehog wandered into the garden by accident, boom-boom-boom!

He loved apples very much, boom-boom-boom!

He forgot the drum in the garden, boom-boom-boom!

Music guide: Funny poem, isn't it? Now we will arrange interesting game. Tell me, what words were repeated all the time in the verses, through the line? How many beats of the drum represent these words? And now we will get our toy drum with you, take the sticks in our hands. On repeating words, you will perform the drumming accurately, rhythmically.

And now we will take percussion musical instruments and depict a musical hedgehog on them.

Orchestra percussion instruments: "Musical hedgehog"

Muz.ruk.-l: What is it, what happened?

Suddenly the weather changed

A cheerful breeze blew

And suddenly it started snowing.

Get everyone in a circle

The snow will dance.

A game is being played - a dance: « Magic snowball»

Music guide: What kind of smarties are you, how many dance moves do you know that you can portray any character.

Our tour has come to an end and it's time for us to return to the kindergarten. You turned out to be attentive listeners, wonderful performers and just good amazing guys. What do you remember and like the most? Why did you like it? You surprised me so much today that I prepared paper hats for you, on which is written “I am Well Done!”

Used Books:

  • E.I. Yudina "my first textbook on music and creativity",
  • "Music Director's Handbook" No. 3 2015
  • "Voice development" V.V.Emelyanov
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