How to draw snow in a winter landscape. Choosing the right color! Fine art class

The topic "what color is snow" is another kindergarten, to my mind. At least, I remember that I conducted such a lesson for the kids. And they confidently answered me that the color of snow is NOT white.

However, in the works of adults, I now and then come across extremely non-pictorial solutions using pure white and gray monochrome colors from a mixture of white and black.

So how to draw snow in a landscape? What color is snow if not white?

Let's leave aside the jokes about yellow snow and the sadness of ecologists about black snow, let's turn to elementary knowledge of physics and optics. And let's see how this problem, the selection of the color of snow for the picture, is solved by the artists.

But first, I'll give you a disclaimer -


If we talk about painting, that is. painting with opaque paints and materials: oil, gouache, acrylic, pastel, and if you mean exactly realistic painting(not decorative, where pure white is acceptable), then purely White color from the tube should be used with extreme caution.

In paints, the tonal range is much smaller than in nature. That's why taken for pure white or bright glare or, if we take the teachings of Krymov, illuminated bright sun white wall.

Snow in its structure is somewhat different from the wall (I will talk about this below), so you should not draw it with pure white. At the very least, such areas in the picture should be justified by something.

A. Savrasov "Village in winter", 1880-1890

And that's where let's say pure white, so it's in watercolor.

Rather, we are not talking about the use of white paint here, but about areas of uninked paper, which takes on the role of pure white.

In this case, watercolor acts as a graphic material, and in graphics it is quite acceptable.

Having made this reservation, let's return to painting.


Let's look at the pictures famous artists to understand what colors they used to write white snow.

For clarity, I measured the necessary sections in Photoshop and rendered them separately:

A. Savrasov "Winter road"

In this painting by Savrasov, we see that the snow is written different shades grey. They are almost achromatic, i.e. contain a minimum of pure spectral color, more white and black.

However pure color in the mixture of these shades is still necessarily present, without it, gray would seem foreign, dead.

So, in this picture, gray has impurities of pink, orange, ocher, purple. (I can't tell you what colors Savrasov mixed, technically you can use different variants, I'm talking about the presence of a hue).

How do you know what pure spectral color is used in a grayscale?

Warm shades in the color of snow, as in this painting by Savrasov, are found in "old" snow, i.e. compressed, dense.

If the snow is fresh, then even in the bright sun it will be rather bluish.

Paul Gauguin "Breton Village in the Snow"

Why blueish?

After all, we know that bright sunlight- warm, and shadows - cold. And white objects in the sun will have a warm tint.

However, snow is a slightly different matter. It is a set of crystals of frozen water. And the crystal, as we know, has facets that reflect light.

A. Kuindzhi "Winter"

So, a ray of light, falling on the edges of these crystals, is reflected many times. And the fresher the snow, the more loose and airy it is, the stronger the light wave is lost in the depths of this snow cover and returns reflected, having lost some of the color waves.

That is why fresh snow differs in color from more mature, packed snow, which will approach ordinary surfaces in its properties.

I. Levitan "March"

If we talk about the color of the shadows in the snow, then they will acquire an even more powerful cold sound.

On a bright sunny day, even a person with poorly developed color perception sees that the shadows have a blue tint.

B. Kustodiev "Skiers"

How incredible, waking up in the morning, to see snow-covered trees, bushes, earth outside the window. The first snow always gives people joy and a sense of a fairy tale. And what extraordinary feelings the first snow brings to children. Lesson on visual activity"First Snow" will help children to touch the process of magic and imagine how the first snow falls.

Theme: First snow

Program content: continue to teach children how to create a winter landscape using non-traditional techniques drawing (drawing with sticks). To consolidate the knowledge of children about the parts of the day. To teach children to independently perform a drawing in a certain sequence, to develop Creative skills, enrich the vocabulary of children with figurative expressions and words, consolidate the ability to draw with a brush. Develop aesthetic assessments, judgments. Cultivate love for nature, accuracy, independence.

Material for the lesson: paintings with a winter landscape, brushes, poke sticks, tinted paper blue color with a painted tree, white gouache for each child, a jar of water.

preliminary work: looking at illustrations with a winter landscape, observing on a walk, learning poems and songs about winter.

Lesson progress:

(Children stand in a semicircle)
Educator: Children, remember yesterday, was it snowing? (Not). Today? Yes, it snowed today. And when did it happen? (At night). Why didn't you see the snow fall? (Children were sleeping). What comes after the night? (Morning). What do we do in the morning? (Children remember what they can do in different parts of the day).

Educator: And tonight it snowed.
I will now read a poem about snow to you, and you try to remember what the snow covered.

I. Surikov
White snow fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.
And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.
Dark forest with a hat
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Firmly, imperceptibly.

Educator: What did the snow cover? (Children's answers)
Educator: Let's remember what snow is? (white, wet, fluffy, creaky, cold, sparkling)

Educator: And now let's all go to the chairs (Children sit on the chairs). Now each of you will try to be a magician and will draw the first snow. What is drawn on the sheets that lie in front of you? (Wood). This is the tree we will cover with snow. To do this, we need a brush, paint. What colour? (White) And a jar of water. Look, and there are poke sticks in front of you. Why do you think we need them? (Answers of children). With the help of these sticks we will draw snow that falls.

The teacher shows the sequence of work, the children draw snow on the branches of a tree, on the ground with a brush and falling snow with sticks.

If necessary, physical education is carried out.
We are not afraid of powder
Catching snow, clap your hands.
Hands to the sides, at the seams
Enough snow for us and you.

The teacher analyzes the drawings (the teacher puts all the drawings on the table and asks the children to come up, asks who liked whose work. With the help of the children, the teacher evaluates the work.

Educator: Children, our lesson is over. When your drawings are dry, we will put them on display.

Winter is a truly magical time of the year. White, crackling snow underfoot, patterns on the windows, warm hats with pom-poms, snowball fights, new year holidays- it's still far from full list all miracles winter time. And if you want to keep a little of this magic for yourself, then learning how to draw a winter landscape is what you need.

Landscape with mountains and a river

Twilight in the forest

simple drawing

Draw a rural winter landscape

Although winter can fill even large cities with the atmosphere of a fairy tale, it is rural views that acquire special charm and comfort at this time of the year. We will demonstrate all the beauty of the snow-covered village houses when we learn how to draw a winter landscape in stages.

First, with a pencil, outline the outlines of one Christmas tree and one house. The Christmas tree will be wide, spreading.

And then - two more houses and another Christmas tree. The houses will have triangular roofs characteristic of many villages.

Let's add more Christmas trees and a palisade. This fence, of course, is rather conditional - in the villages people know each other and do not build high fences.

Now, according to the sketch, we will draw the drawing with paints. The trees will be a juicy green, the houses will give off a warm shade of unpainted wood, and the snow will be a little blue. To make the picture look alive, we will seat three birds on the fence.

That's it, the drawing is finished.

Hills and snowfall - draw a winter landscape

Let's continue the theme of rural beauties. This time we will depict the very outskirts of the village - a forest will be visible in the background. And the snowfall will be in full swing. Don't worry, it's not difficult at all - this example is great for practicing and painting a winter landscape for beginners.

First, let's outline the largest forms - in our case, these are hills.

Then we will depict three spruces in the foreground, and in the background we will make a house, a snowman and the sharp tops of smaller trees. Do not forget about the path leading to the house.

Let's fine-tune all the contours. We will also “give” a snowman and a top hat and depict snowflakes falling from the sky.

Let's color the drawing. Our landscape will be at night, so we will make the sky dark, grayish (after all, it will be covered with clouds). And, of course, you can not do without a gorgeous full moon. The house will be made in warm colors: the walls will be yellow, the roof will be red, and the doors will be brown.

This concludes - we did a great job.

Magic winter night

Despite the fact that untouched snow even during the day, the smoke from the chimneys of rural houses and the pointed tops of the Christmas trees look fabulous, the true magic lies in winter nights. This is exactly what we will show when we figure out how to paint a winter landscape with gouache.

We will not immediately take up gouache - first you need to make a pencil sketch. Let's start with general outline hilly area, a house and three trees near it.

Then we will draw another smaller house, a path leading to it and add more trees, coniferous and deciduous. In the very foreground there will be a birch with thin branches lowered down.

After that, we will start working with paints. First of all, with dark tones, we will depict the sky and the forest in the background. You can also grab three spruces near the big house. Do not forget to make a month in the sky - it will still be very thin, young.

Now foreground. Let's make the snow a little bluish, the trees green, and the walls of the houses light brown.

Stayed small parts- light in the windows, smoke pouring from the chimneys, snow on the paws of the fir trees, the trunk and branches of a birch. And many stars in the night sky.

Now we can safely say - the drawing is over.

Winter landscape with mountains and river

Winter in the mountains is amazing. The forest, which has become harsh and dark, clean rivers, thick snow - all this looks so pristine, clean, untouched that you can admire this beauty for hours. But you also need to add a touch of comfort - a small, but solid and neat village house is perfect for this purpose. So we will learn how to draw a beautiful winter landscape.

First, let's deal with the first plan - there will be two trees with thin branches.

On the right side of the picture, we will depict a house of a peculiar shape and the tops of the Christmas trees in the background.

And now you can take up pencils or paints. In the background we will make mountains - they will be completely covered with snow. The house will be made of wood, and the bridge will be made of bricks. You also need to draw transverse stripes on nearby trees - these are birches. Pay special attention to the windows - they should glow, because this is a sure sign that someone lives there.

That's it, we've finished the picture.

Twilight in the winter forest

Beyond the night most interesting time The days in the winter forest are twilight. The stunning shade of the sky and falling asleep nature merge into a marvelous ensemble. Using the example of such a miracle, we will learn how to paint a winter landscape with paints.

First, let's take care of the sky and the general tone of the snow. To do this, we will use watercolor or gouache to get beautiful stains. You need to wet the paper, and then apply paint with plenty of water and tilt the sheet. The paint will flow down, forming these beautiful patterns:

Then we will depict a tree in the foreground. try to make the branches thin enough. Moreover, the brush must be drawn from the base of the branch to its tip.

By the same principle, draw three small bushes.

Then - two Christmas trees. They should be drawn with thick, saturated strokes of a dark green hue.

We sprinkle trees and bushes with snow. And we will also decorate the front bush with juicy red berries.

Now the picture is complete.

Multi-colored house, bunny and snowflakes - fun winter

Winter is the time for fairy tales, which is why it is often depicted in cartoons. In this section, we will also begin to work in a cartoon manner - at the same time we will learn how to draw a winter landscape with a pencil.

First, we outline the house and the bunny looking out the window. All outlines will be very smooth, rounded, without sharp edges.

Then we will finish the Christmas trees (they will be just as smooth and rounded) and the snow falling from the sky.

And now let's color everything in the most bright colors. But the snow, of course, must be made blue. And the trees are green.

All, fun house ready.

Not big house hic with a snow-covered roof, fir-trees and bushes stand in snowdrifts - that's it for you winter drawing drawn with colored pencils. Of course, you can add other details - a snowman, a sled with children, falling snow, animals or birds from behind the Christmas trees, a branch of a snow-covered mountain ash or a coniferous tree in the foreground. This list can be listed endlessly, because everyone associates winter in different ways.

If you don’t know how to draw winter in stages with colored pencils, then this lesson is for you.

Necessary materials:

  • - colored pencils in green, blue, brown and black tones;
  • Blank sheet paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser.

Drawing steps:

  1. When depicting any landscape, at the first stage, a special role should be attributed to the horizon in the drawing. Finding the center of the future winter painting and draw three tubercles one after another.

  1. Now we will place three Christmas trees on the first hill on the left side, but on the right side in the foreground there will be only one conifer tree. Since this is a sketch, we depict the Christmas trees in the form of simple lines.

  1. In the background we will place a large house. Let's draw the lower part in the form of a cube, and the upper one - in the form of a three-dimensional triangle.

  1. Around the house and on the third hillock we will draw bushes and trees in the form of lines.

  1. Let's complete the drawing of winter with details. On each Christmas tree, draw snow and tree branches. We draw a window and a door on the front of the house. There will also be snow on its roof and other areas. Let's draw a small path on the first and second hillock, which leads to the entrance to the house. Trees and shrubs can also be detailed and snow can be placed on their branches.

  1. With green pencils of different tones, we begin to decorate the branches of the Christmas tree, which are visible under a thick layer of snow.

  1. With a light blue pencil, paint the snow on each branch of the Christmas tree, as well as on the roof of the house and its small parts. The hills of the landscape should be completely painted with this pencil.

  1. Darker tones of blue color we give depth and volume to the snow cover in all areas of the winter pattern.

  1. We move to the background. Brown and black pencil decorate the branches of shrubs and trees. There will also be snow on each branch. Therefore, we use blue pencils.

  1. Finally, we work on the house: the roof, walls, window and door. We use brown and black pencil.

Here is the completed winter drawing with colored pencils. You can put it in a frame under glass and admire the picture every day.

The article will tell you the features of the image winter scenery paints and pencils, present ideas and finished drawings.

Winter is a “magic” time that children and adults associate with fabulous time, gifts, holidays and fun. Drawing winter is not only easy, but also fun. Each time, depicting a new storyline(a snow-covered house in the forest, a squirrel on a Christmas tree or falling snowflakes), you immerse yourself in the world of your drawing and partially dissolve in it.

You can draw a winter landscape with anything: pencils, crayons, paints. The simplest tool is, of course, a pencil. Choose colored or simple pencils, as well as thick landscape or craft paper.

IMPORTANT: Drawing a winter landscape on colored kraft paper is much more pleasant and interesting, since this material already has a certain color shade, on which white color falls easily and in contrast.

Before drawing, plan in advance what exactly you will depict: a hut, a snow-covered city, a snow-covered forest or a playground. First, sketch out your landscape (mountains, houses, figures) and only then start detailing, depicting snowballs on each surface.

You can draw snow in waves (imagine that there is a small cloud on each branch or roof), or pointwise. For this you should use white pencil, with which you will make many dot prints in the selected location.

IMPORTANT: In your work, always use a good quality eraser, which will help remove unnecessary lines and sketches, make the drawing neat and “clean”.

Video: "How to draw a WINTER LANDSCAPE with a pencil and a nag?"

How to draw a winter landscape and the beauty of Russian winter with a pencil, paints, gouache?

“The beauty of the Russian winter” is snow-covered fields and forests, warm, cozy huts with “snow caps” on the roofs, children playing with snowballs in the yard, kind forest animals and only happy faces. Drawings depicting the Russian winter should radiate warmth and only positive emotions.

Depicting the "Russian winter" remember everything that you associate with the "good old winter fairy tale»: sledges, grandmother's rolls, fluffy Christmas tree, Santa Claus, red-cheeked children, skates and much more. You should draw the entire sketch with a pencil and only then color it. bright colors not sparing flowers.

Russian winter, drawing ideas:

Russian winter: a simple template

Russian winter: drawing template

Russian winter and winter fun: drawing pattern

Russian winter, hut: template for drawing

Russian snowy winter: drawing pattern Hut in the forest, Russian winter: template for drawing

"Russian Winter", finished drawings:

Russian winter, children's fun: drawing

Russian winter in the village: drawing

Russian winter, Santa Claus: drawing

Russian winter, Christmas time: drawing

Russian winter, morning: drawing Russian winter, huts: drawing

How to draw the beginning of winter with a pencil?

The beginning of winter is not snowdrifts and snowmen, but roofs of houses and tree branches slightly covered with a white shroud. There is a special magic in the first days of the "fairy tale" and therefore you can try to capture it in pictures and drawings.

For drawing, you can choose any subject: nature, city, village. The main thing is to try to convey the cold of frosty air and mood. The sky deserves special attention. For its image, use heavy blue paint so that the ground looks contrasting, and the first snow stands out especially.

IMPORTANT: It will not be superfluous to also depict the wind and the first snowflakes descending to the ground. They can be large or small, detailed or just white dots.

The beginning of winter, how to draw:

The figure clearly shows the gold of recent autumn and the first snowfall.

You can depict "bare" trees and yellow fields, only covered with the first snow. The first snow is often associated with the joy of children.

You can depict the beginning of winter not necessarily by means of a landscape, but also as a view from a window.

The beginning of winter is often associated with bare trees, wet puddles and fallen leaves.

Simple children's drawing the first snow is very simple, but conveys all the energy real winter

You can depict a winter landscape, both rural and urban

First snow: gouache drawing

How to draw a winter forest with a pencil, gouache?

Winter forest in a special way it becomes charming and beautiful when the first snow comes. You can depict any trees, complement them with fir trees, bushes and clearings. The main thing is to cover all the branches and crowns in the forest with a white veil and snow “caps”.

Depending on what exactly you want to portray, you can complement the picture with snow-capped mountains, forest animals, a village with burning windows in the distance, a bright moon, stars or a month. If you draw with a pencil, choose dark paper, on which a white pencil can look more contrasting.

IMPORTANT: Drawing a winter landscape with gouache is much easier. To do this, apply paint layer by layer: first the background, then the forest, and only when everything is dry - white snow.

Drawing a winter forest with gouache:

Winter forest in gouache on white paper

Winter forest in gouache on blue paper

Winter forest in gouache, layered drawing

Winter forest pencil, winter

Winter forest with colored pencils: children's drawing

Winter forest, hut: paints, pencil

How to draw a winter village with a pencil, gouache?

Truly captivating are the images of a winter Russian village, powdered with snow, where light and comfort glow in every house. It is best to draw such images on dark paper or with a dark background so that the snow looks especially contrasting.

IMPORTANT: The drawing where you depict evening or early morning will turn out bright and spectacular. In the evening or at night it is good to draw the stars and the moon, in the morning - a bright red sunrise and sparkling snow.

Ideas for drawings:

Night, winter village: colors

Winter in the countryside: colors Winter morning in the countryside: colors

Early morning in the village in winter: colors

Winter in the countryside: a simple pencil

Country winter: pencil Winter, village: pencil

Ideas for drawings on the theme of winter for sketching

If you do not have special skills in drawing, templates for sketching will always help you. With the help of templates, you can depict any landscape and picture presented in your head. You can draw by observing every detail of the image, or by attaching the drawing to the glass (now everything is much easier in the era of computers and you can simply put a sheet of paper on the computer monitor to trace the outline with a pencil).

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