The dead man opened his eyes at the funeral. Signs and superstitions about the dead

When the signs seen in the mournful hour of seeing off a deceased relative after the funeral come true one after another, you involuntarily begin to believe in the existence of parallel worlds. What signs are sent to descendants by distant ancestors, and how to avoid the negative impact of funeral superstitions - do you want to stop walking in the dark and find out everything now?

Signs at the funeral

Where are the omniscient grandmothers who are ready to teach a person bewildered by grief that has fallen on his head how to properly bury the deceased, and what customs should be strictly observed?

Would you have guessed, for example, on your own, that from the day of the death of the owner of the house, within a year it is necessary to have a mother hen so that she hatches the chickens, supposedly this way the economy will not fall into decay?

Of course, this belief is not suitable for city dwellers, however, there are a number of generally accepted signs and superstitions at funerals that are passed down from generation to generation, which everyone who has ever attended a funeral ceremony remembers. Here they are:

  1. As a reminder of the deceased, handkerchiefs are handed out to all those present.
  2. Flowers for funerals are bought in pairs - so that the soul in the next world does not feel the need.
  3. It was a fine day for the funeral - the deceased was a good person during his lifetime.
  4. Unmarried girls are buried in their wedding dress as the brides of Christ. Another sign says that in a dress the deceased will find her groom in the kingdom of the dead faster. And in order for the couple to find happiness in the afterlife, living relatives distribute gifts to those who came to the funeral.
  5. You can’t cross the road in front of the funeral procession - you can get sick or the body will be covered with growths.
  6. While the dead man is in the walls of the house, it is better to remove the animals from there. A dog can howl to frighten the soul of the deceased and prevent it from going to the light, and a cat can call out a new trouble in the home - how exactly, inquire about.
  7. When dressing a person dear to his heart on his last journey, make sure that his favorite things are placed in the coffin: glasses, artificial limbs, watches, a wedding ring, a pectoral cross - all accessories should be buried with him.
  8. Make sure that none of the observers and escorts take the thing of the deceased to himself - otherwise he will appear to blood relatives in a dream, asking to return the stolen. In addition, witches often use objects belonging to the dead to or something similar, and the soul of the deceased may involuntarily be at the mercy of evil forces.
  9. Excess mourning attributes left after the funeral must be taken to the grave, distributed to the poor or thrown away - it is impossible to leave ritual accessories at home, so as not to tease death.
  10. Often at the burial ceremony you can see strangers, so to speak, regulars of the cemetery places. They believe the sign, according to which, to the one who spends forty dead, three deadly sins will be forgiven. And such sinners are not afraid of other beliefs that threaten mortal danger to those who become a bony target.

There is an old wise saying that one misfortune does not come. This time-tested postulate also concerns death, which loves to take kindred souls, especially when they are weakened due to a severe shock. What the herald of death can react with lightning speed, beliefs will prompt:

  1. The deceased does not fit in the coffin - which means that the box is intended for another household member.
  2. The last nail in the coffin was hammered in the house - soon someone else will have to be buried.
  3. Carrying the dead man out of the yard, they forgot to close the gate - they themselves invited death into the house, expect trouble.
  4. Blood relatives should not take up the removal of the body, otherwise the family will be affected by a series of deaths.
  5. He who walks in front of the tomb is doomed to an early death.
  6. Saying goodbye to one dead man in the cemetery, do not go over the graves, do not step on the towel spread next to the house, do not turn your head - you will attract the attention of other spirits and anger them, but they know how to take revenge!
  7. If the corpse’s eyes are poorly closed or one accidentally opens and looks at one of those present, it means that he has already found a victim for himself (a comrade in misfortune), and will soon take her with him.

Perhaps a good half of superstitions is only the fruit of a sick (or rich) imagination of the pagans, however, why check the predictions on yourself - it’s easier to just follow the ancient customs, including the ones below, and stay healthy.

After the burial of the body of the deceased, the farewell does not end: traditionally, everyone is invited to a memorial dinner. Nine days later, relatives again gather in the house of the deceased to remember him, and after forty days they bake ladders (baking in the form of a ladder), distribute alms, order a prayer service - thus celebrating the liberation and transfer of the soul to heaven. It is important during this period to observe the following signs related to the funeral:

  1. On the day of visiting the cemetery, it is impossible to pay a visit to someone's house - you can bring death to the owner. By the way, the custom of arranging a funeral dinner is in a certain way connected with this sign - after all, it is arranged not in the house, but somewhere aside. So death will not find the way back and will not be able to take anyone else.
  2. On the memorial table there must be a treat for the deceased - a glass of vodka covered with a slice of bread (according to another sign - a pancake and a glass of jelly).
  3. Pancakes are served as the first dish at the wake.
  4. It is forbidden to clink glasses at the memorial table so that trouble does not pass from neighbor to neighbor.
  5. For those who suddenly laugh or sing at the commemoration, a sign prophesies an imminent unbearable grief, such that you want to howl like a wolf.
  6. It is also not worth getting drunk at a memorial dinner, otherwise your children will grow up to be alcoholics.
  7. If you were asked to give a table or stools from your home for a funeral meal, find a reason to refuse - a sign promises illness and grief to the owner of the furniture.

In the old days, returning from a funeral, it was customary to put hands on the stove three times so that death would become numb, petrified like an oven.

Now, unfortunately, stoves are not provided in city apartments, therefore, the best option for you would be washing with holy water. And you can also warm your hands on the fire of a church candle - so that your fingers and palms feel the heat.

Noticing one of the signs that promises a sad development of events, do not despair. As long as you are alive, you can fix everything and drive away the danger. Although, it is much better to prevent it.

In the living quarters where the unfortunate man died, it is no coincidence that all mirrors are hung with an opaque cloth for forty days.

It is known that a mirror is a portal to the other world, but at the same time it can serve as a trap for a restless soul. Until she has access to the Kingdom of Heaven, she is next to the body and visits her home, watching loved ones. Therefore, do not neglect the ritual if you want the spirit of a person dear to your heart to find peace.

When the coffin with the body of the deceased was taken out, be sure to wipe the floors in all rooms - wash the spirit of death from the house. And so that no one else suffers from the old woman with a scythe, you should pour a handful of zhit after the deceased - close the road.

If the superstitions associated with the funeral and the meeting of the mourning procession on the street are true, then the disease of the joints (in the common people - growths on the bones) will soon strike the one who crossed the road in front of the procession.

Not only a person's life, but also his transition to another world is accompanied by a number of customs and rituals, which are extremely important to observe at funerals and commemorations. The energy of death is very heavy, and disregard for signs and superstitions can lead to unpleasant consequences - a streak of failures, illness, loss of loved ones.


There are several rules when meeting with a funeral procession on the street:

  • This event portends happiness in the future. However, today will not bring any changes for the better.
  • The procession must not cross the road - if the deceased died of an illness, you can bring this illness on yourself.
  • It is also impossible to walk in front of the coffin - according to signs, you can get into the next world before the deceased.
  • It is undesirable to move towards the funeral procession, it is better to stop and wait. Men must take off their hats.
  • Overtaking a hearse is a bad omen, it promises big trouble or serious illness.
  • If a dead person is carried under the windows of your house, you should not look out the window, it is better to draw the curtains. It is also necessary to wake up the household - it is believed that the deceased can take the sleeping people with him. If at this time a small child is eating, water should be placed under his crib.

Before the funeral

Before committing the deceased to the earth, the following rules must be observed:

  • For the next 40 days after death, all mirrors and mirror surfaces in the house must be covered with an opaque cloth - otherwise they can become a trap for the soul of the deceased, and she will never be able to go to another world.
  • In the room with the deceased, windows and vents, as well as doors, should be closed.
  • There must be a living person in the house with the dead. This shows respect for the deceased, and also make sure that other people do not take his things - such negligence or malicious intent can result in negative consequences.
  • If there are animals in the house, especially dogs and cats, it is better to take them to another place during the funeral. It is believed that the howl of a dog can frighten the soul of the deceased, and a cat jumping into a coffin is a bad sign.
  • You can not sleep in the room where the deceased lies. If this does happen, the person is offered noodles for breakfast.
  • So that there is no harm from the deceased, a lighted lamp is placed in his room for the whole night, and spruce branches are placed on the floor and at the threshold. The needles should lie until the very funeral, and people leaving the house should step on it, thus throwing death off their feet. After burial, the branches are taken out and burned, avoiding falling under the smoke.

  • When buying something for a funeral, you can’t take change (change) - this way you can buy new tears.
  • While there is a body in the house, they do not clean it and do not take out the garbage. Sweep the rubbish at the dead - take everyone out of the house.
  • The coffin must be made to the measurements of the deceased, so that there is no free space in it. If the coffin is too big - to be in the house of another death.
  • It is better to wash and dress the deceased until he has cooled down, so that he appears clean before the Creator. This must be done by widows. Water after washing should be poured into a deserted place, preferably not under a tree.
  • If an unmarried girl dies, she is dressed in a wedding dress - she becomes the bride of God.
  • Putting red on the dead - to the death of a blood relative.
  • If the widow of the deceased wants to marry in the future, she should put the deceased husband in the coffin unbelted and unbuttoned.
  • Things that the deceased constantly wore during his lifetime (glasses, prosthesis, watches) must be put with him in the coffin. There you should also put a measure that was used to measure the body for making a coffin, a comb with which the deceased was combed, and a handkerchief so that he could wipe sweat from his forehead during the Last Judgment.
  • If you put a piece of bread with salt under the table with the deceased, this year no one in the family will die anymore.
  • One of the bad signs is if the eyes of the deceased are not tightly closed or suddenly open. It is believed that he is looking for someone to take with him, and this portends a new death.

Signs during and after the ceremony

  • Clogging the coffin lid in the house of the deceased - to another death in the family. Also, you can not leave the lid of the coffin at home, going to the funeral.
  • Men should carry the coffin out of the house. At the same time, they should not be blood relatives of the deceased, so that he does not pull them along - blood reaches for blood.
  • During the removal, they try not to touch the door jamb with the coffin. The body must be taken out with its feet forward - so that the soul knows where it is being sent, but does not remember the way back, and does not return.
  • After the deceased, rye is poured in order to close the road of death, and no one in the family will die anymore.
  • Towels are tied on the hands of those carrying the coffin, which these men then keep for themselves - as a thank you from the deceased.
  • If a person stumbled while taking out the coffin, this is a bad sign for him.
  • Together with the deceased, things belonging to living people should not lie - they acquire mystical power and can drag the owner along with them.
  • If cremation is to be done, icons are not placed in the coffin - they cannot be burned.

  • After the removal of the body, the floors in the house must be swept from the room where the deceased lay to the front door, after which the broom should be immediately thrown away. In the same direction, you should wash the floors and get rid of the rags.
  • The table or bench where the coffin stood must be turned upside down and left for a day - in order to avoid the appearance of another coffin with the dead. If it is not possible to turn the furniture over, you need to put an ax on it.
  • When a dead person is being carried, one should not turn back and look into the windows of one's own house, so as not to attract death into it.
  • Forgetting to close the gate in the courtyard after the removal of the coffin - to another death. If the doors of the house are closed until the procession returns from the burial, there will soon be a quarrel in the family.
  • If a coffin or a dead person has fallen, this is a very bad sign, foreshadowing another funeral within 3 months. To avoid this, family members need to bake pancakes, go to the cemetery to three graves with the same name as theirs, and read the prayer “Our Father” for each. Then distribute pancakes at the church along with alms. The ceremony must be performed in silence.
  • The gravediggers, digging a hole, stumbled upon an old grave with preserved bones - the deceased safely enters the afterlife and will lie quietly without disturbing the living.
  • Before lowering the coffin into the grave, a coin should be thrown there - so that the deceased buys a place for himself.
  • If the coffin does not fit in the pit and it has to be expanded, then the earth does not accept the sinner. The grave is too large - his relative will soon follow the deceased.
  • If the grave collapses, another death in the family should be expected. At the same time, a collapse from the south portends the departure of a man, from the north - a woman, from the east - the eldest in the house, from the west - a child.
  • The relatives of the deceased should throw a handful of earth on the lid of the coffin when it sinks into the grave - then the deceased will not appear and frighten the living. As soon as the first handful of earth falls on the coffin, the soul finally parted with the body.
  • You can put a glass of vodka on the grave - for the repose of the soul. It is also believed that the souls of people turn into birds - they need to be fed by crumbling or leaving a slice of bread.

  • If it turned out that extra accessories were bought for the funeral, they should be taken to the cemetery, and not left in the house.
  • Some souls are attached to things and may disturb living relatives. If it was not possible to put an item dear to the deceased in the coffin, it can be left in the cemetery. It is desirable to distribute the clothes of the deceased to the poor.
  • The bed on which the person died should be taken out of the house along with bed linen. It is advisable to burn them without falling under the smoke.
  • The image that stood in front of the deceased, after the funeral, must be taken to the river and floated on the water - this is the only way to get rid of the icon without negative consequences. If there is no river nearby, the image must be given to the church, it cannot be stored or thrown away.
  • If a mistake is made in the name or surname of the deceased on the death certificate - be another funeral in the family.
  • If death overtook the owner of the house, it is necessary to plant a hen in the coming year so that the household does not fall into decay.
  • A widow or widower should not wear a wedding ring, otherwise you can attract a serious illness.
  • If there is a funeral in one of the houses on the street, the wedding is not played that day.

Rules of behavior

At the funeral and after it is very important to behave correctly:

  • You can not swear, argue and make noise in the cemetery.
  • At the funeral, you should wear dark-colored clothes (preferably black). It is believed that this color does not attract the attention of death.
  • Pregnant women and small children should not be present in the funeral procession. The birth of a new life and death are diametrically opposed phenomena. In addition, the aura of children is not strong enough yet, and may not be able to cope with the negative impact of death.

  • During the ceremony, the deceased must be remembered only with kind words.
  • You can’t cry a lot at a funeral - the tears of relatives hold the soul of the deceased, she drowns in tears and cannot fly away.
  • The bouquets that are carried to the funeral should have a pair of flowers - this is a wish for the deceased to prosper in the afterlife.
  • You need to leave the cemetery without looking back, wiping your feet when leaving - so as not to take death with you. Also, nothing should be taken from the cemetery.
  • After the funeral, you can’t visit anyone without remembering the deceased, otherwise you can bring death with you.
  • After visiting the house with the deceased, a cemetery or meeting a funeral procession, you need to light a wax candle with matches and hold your fingers and palms as close to the flame as possible. Then the fire should be extinguished with your fingers without blowing out. This will help to avoid pulling illness and death onto yourself and your family. You can touch the stove - it symbolizes the element of Fire. It is also good to wash under running water - take a shower or swim in the river.


  • If the weather is clear on the day of the funeral, then the deceased was a kind and bright person.
  • Rain at the funeral, especially when the sky was clear before, is a good sign, which means that nature itself is crying about the departure of a wonderful person. The prayers of the relatives are heard, and the soul of the deceased will soon calm down.
  • If during a funeral in a cemetery thunder rumbles, there will be another death in the coming year.

Up to 40 days

For 40 days after death, the soul of the deceased is still on earth. In order for her to be easily transferred to another world, relatives must adhere to certain traditions:

  • After the burial, at the wake and in the house of the deceased, they put his photo, and next to him - a glass of water and a piece of bread. If the water from the glass evaporates, it should be added. The one who eats the food of the deceased will face illness and death. These products should not be given even to animals.
  • While the deceased is in the house, you need to put a bowl of water on the window or table to wash the soul, and also hang out a towel and leave it for 40 days - at this time the soul flies above the ground, is cleaned and wiped off.
  • Relatives should arrange a commemoration - see off the deceased with a meal. The first time a memorial feast is made immediately after the funeral - at this time the soul leaves the body. The second time they gather on the ninth day after death - at a time when the soul enjoyed the beauties of paradise, and hellish torments are shown to it. Then - on the fortieth day, when the soul finally leaves the world of the living to take its place in heaven or hell.

There are a number of rules for funeral meals:

  • If furniture is borrowed from other houses for the commemoration, death can be transferred there.
  • Before starting a meal, it is necessary to pray for the deceased - prayers help his soul to more easily endure the ordeals and enter the Kingdom of God.
  • The table does not have to be with an abundance of dishes, the main thing is to prepare ritual dishes - kutya, funeral pancakes, pies, compote or jelly.

  • First of all, pancakes are served at the wake. The first pancake and a cup of jelly are always given to the deceased.
  • During the funeral feast, you can’t clink glasses, so as not to transfer trouble from one house to another.
  • Who will sing, laugh and have fun at the wake, he will soon want to howl like a wolf from grief.
  • If a person consumes too many strong drinks, his children will become alcoholics.
  • The ninth day is called uninvited - a large number of people are not invited to the commemoration, but they gather in a close circle of relatives and friends of the deceased.
  • On the fortieth day, a set of instruments for the deceased should be placed on the memorial table - on this day, his soul finally leaves our world and says goodbye to his relatives.
  • On the fortieth day, ladders are baked from dough, symbolizing the ascension of the soul to heaven, alms are distributed, and a prayer service is ordered.
  • After the commemoration, food from the table (sweets, cookies, pies) is distributed to relatives and even strangers so that as many people as possible wish the soul of the deceased to find peace.

The funeral rite is one of the key moments of existence, important both for the souls of the deceased and for the relatives of the deceased. Signs at funerals have long been known, which allow you to know in advance about some future events.

The main folk signs at the funeral

Tradition strictly regulated the course of the funeral rite. The main signs at the funeral, which our ancestors believed in and followed:
Always looked at the weather. If the sun is shining, then the deceased was a good person. Rain at the funeral speaks of not the best qualities of the dead man.
Take care of pregnant women. Women in position should avoid any hassle associated with burial. They were not allowed to look at the deceased and attend the funeral and burial. If the pregnant woman nevertheless decided to come to the funeral, she had to leave the house before they began to take out the coffin. These superstitions are associated with the desire to preserve the fetus: it was believed that the deceased could take the soul of an unborn child.
They protected the children. They were treated with the same trepidation as pregnant women. The little ones were not allowed to attend the funeral and were watched closely until the completion of all the rites. Children could, while playing, drink water intended for the deceased, put something in his coffin, or take some thing of the deceased for themselves. Any of these actions can provoke a serious illness or death, therefore, the behavior of younger relatives was controlled very carefully.
They were in mourning. The traditional term is a year. At this time, close relatives of the deceased were not allowed to marry. A funeral before a wedding is one of the worst signs. Its authenticity was confirmed to some extent by the last Russian tsar: Nicholas II married Alexandra Feodorovna a week after his father's funeral. Everyone knows the sad and bloody history of this family.
They believed in the power of church holidays. One of the few good signs says: a person who died or was buried on the day of a religious holiday automatically goes to heaven.
Superstitions and omens at funerals are common today. In many ways, they are justified, as they are associated with long-term observations of people.

What signs at the funeral speak of new deaths

Grieving relatives may be faced with the need to organize a funeral again: often another rushes to the next world after one dead person. They say about this such signs of imminent death:
Someone accidentally crossed the path of the funeral procession. This person is waiting for death for the same reason as the current dead man. As a "lightweight" version of a negative prediction, the development of a cancerous tumor is called.
Relatives forgot to put an ax under the coffin. A similar custom is associated with the desire to cut off death from the house, to scare it. If this is not done, then very soon she will again “visit” and take another person with her.
Relatives forgot to untie the ropes that bind the limbs of the deceased.
A dead man can drag the whole family to the next world.
The ordered coffin or dug grave was too wide for the deceased. This means that the dead person leaves room for the "new".
The eyes of the dead man open: he looks after himself a mate. The legs of the deceased remain warm until the very funeral. The sign portends a new death.
The coffin fell. The incident points to deaths in the family within three years.
The dead man fell out of the coffin. Someone else will die soon.
The coffin lid fell (or was forgotten at home in the confusion). One should expect a quick death of one of the relatives.
The grave has collapsed. If the earth crumbled from the south side, death will come for a man, from the north - for a woman, from the east - for an old man, from the west - for a child.
Someone tripped or fell during the funeral. To his imminent death. In a short period of time, two died in one house. Death loves a trinity and will soon take someone third. The funeral fell on New Year's Eve. December 31 is an unfavorable date for such an undertaking: next year, at least one person per month will be sent to the next world.
Buried on Sunday. The sign says that over the next week it will be necessary to carry out the funeral ritual three more times.
The funeral was postponed, no matter the reason. Within a month, another death will occur in the family or in close circle (and according to some sources, even two or three). According to legend, the dead man, delaying the funeral, is simply waiting for the next dead person.
Folk signs at funerals warn people against putting their photo or personal item "as a keepsake" in the coffin. Thus, a person runs the risk of going to the world of the dead much earlier than expected.
The same applies to dressing the deceased in his clothes. After saying goodbye to the deceased, it is advisable to touch his shoes and say: “Farewell! When the time comes, we will come to you, but you don’t follow us.” You need to leave the coffin without looking back. Signs at a funeral in magic: what ordinary people don’t know about
If the average person perceives farewell to the deceased as a sad event, then sorcerers rejoice at the opportunity to “get rich”. Many signs about funerals are based on fear of magicians and witches: relatives tried to do everything to prevent such people from stealing funeral paraphernalia.

Of particular value are:

a rope that tied the hands and feet of the deceased;
water and soap used to wash the deceased;
coins for the eyes;
measure from the coffin;
candle stub left over from the funeral service.
All this is used to induce the strongest damage. Therefore, it is recommended to pour water into a specially dug hole away from the house, and soap should also be thrown there. The comb and measure are usually placed in the coffin. The dead cannot be left alone in the house. This is partly due to the desire of witches and sorcerers to put a personal item, biomaterial or photograph of their victim in the coffin: in this way damage to death is done. For the same reason, strangers should not be allowed near the coffin in the cemetery, especially if it seems that they are plotting something.

Suspicious behavior indicative of magical work being done includes:

Please lie down on the bed of the deceased.
The desire to go behind the coffin backwards.
Tying knots on a cord or rag during the removal of the deceased.
Throwing fresh flowers at the feet of people walking behind the coffin.
Placement on the lips of the deceased needles crosswise.
Folk omens are closely connected with the idea of ​​magic.
Many modern people do not believe that a sorcerer can do harm by manipulating any object. But there are a lot of cases confirming the effectiveness of black spells. For example, a popular way to permanently get rid of an unwanted person is to put his photograph in the mouth of the deceased. It is necessary to carefully observe what is happening, not letting grief cover your eyes and hide someone's negative activity. Basically, bad omens are common at funerals. This is connected not only with the natural fear of death, but also with the fear of the dead: the one who was nearby recently has now become a representative of another world. Following traditions allows a person to survive parting with a loved one as comfortably as possible.

Signs at a funeral have existed for centuries. For example, if a spider falls on a seriously ill person during sleep, it is believed that he will die soon. They say that negligence in beliefs is fraught with a bad end, up to inflicting damage on the person who did not observe them. In fact, the traditions and signs about the funeral reflect the rules that are recommended to be followed exactly and impeccably.

Of course, there are also cases when a person is simply unfamiliar with signs, and therefore, out of simple ignorance, does not observe them. But if superstition is still familiar to you, perhaps you should not violate customs and traditions. After all, death carries a negative energy that does not forgive mistakes, because a lot of things cannot be done. There are a lot of funeral omens and superstitions. So what are they anyway? How to behave?

Superstition before burial

Nowadays, there are a huge variety of different ritual offices. For money, employees of such organizations do all organizational issues. But, as a rule, relatives take on most of the cases related to the burial of the deceased. In this case, there are many things to consider.

According to signs, during the funeral, one should not allow the deceased to be alone both in the house and in the room. Every second, minute, all these days, someone next to him should be present with him. This superstition has many reasons. Those items that are directly related to the deceased person have simply tremendous magical power. There are cases when such things were stolen by those who used these items at the time of performing any magical rituals.


The Church is of the opinion that the soul of the deceased needs prayer support, which means that it is important to read prayers and psalms near the coffin. The Orthodox should especially adhere to this.

Following the signs about the funeral, leaving the deceased alone is simply disrespectful. There is another point why you should not leave the dead alone. The dead can sometimes open their eyes, and the one on whom the dead look falls will soon leave this world himself.

Folk omens

A folk sign says that on the day of death it is important to close the mirrors with an impenetrable cloth so that the soul does not get lost and does not penetrate into the mirror world. Relatives are forbidden to open mirrors for 40 days, because until the soul finds rest, she often visits her favorite places.

It is very important to put the furniture where the coffin stood upside down immediately after taking the deceased to the burial ground. It is allowed to return to its original position only after a day. If you simply simply forget about this belief, you can provoke the appearance of the spirit.

It is worth remembering that, following the signs of the dead and funerals, it is forbidden to hide photographs in the coffin where living people are present. The water that was used when washing the deceased is poured into a deserted place, and the objects are hidden in a coffin.

If the dead limbs are warm until the very burial, there will be another death in the house. In order to avoid this, you need to appease the dead man with bread and salt.

You can’t sweep at the moment when the deceased is at home, because in this way you can send the whole family that lives in this room to the next world. As soon as the deceased is taken to the cemetery for burial, it is important to immediately sweep and do a general cleaning in the house, thereby expelling death. Items used for this cleaning should be discarded.

It must also be remembered that the dead man should definitely put a handkerchief in the coffin. At the moment of judgment, he will wipe the sweat with it. You also need to leave his personal belongings with the dead: glasses, cane. In general, what was vital to him.

Pets should not be allowed into the room in which the dead person is located, because they can easily disturb the peace of the spirit. It is considered a very bad omen if a cat jumps into the coffin. At the threshold of the house in which the dead lies, according to beliefs, spruce branches should be placed so that those who come to say goodbye do not carry death on their shoes. Sleeping in the same room with the dead is also impossible. This is a bad omen at a funeral. But if this still happened, it is worth eating noodles immediately after waking up.

Only widows are allowed to wash the dead. You can carry out the procedure as the body has completely cooled down. But after completion, it is allowed to perform a ceremony, after which the limbs of the deceased do not freeze: a fire is lit from the various remains of the coffin, over which the widows must warm their hands.

The deceased must be covered with a special blanket, which is called a "cover".

Do not invite death foolishly!

Eyewitnesses of the funeral ceremony are prohibited from watching the funeral process through the window. Violating the signs associated with the funeral, you can call for a bad end, up to another death. In fact, few people are familiar with this popular superstition. It is believed that after death the soul of the dead is near his body. She is very uncomfortable from staring through the window, because, angry, she can pick up a person.

The older generation believes that one has only to look at the dead person or at the funeral through the window, one can become mortally ill. Most of all, this belief concerns babies, because their energy protection is much weaker than that of adults, therefore an evil spirit can easily defeat a child.

If you look at the dead in this way by chance, you need to look away and cross yourself three times, after which you wish the deceased the Kingdom of Heaven and pray. Of course, many have a desire to watch the funeral process. To do this, you just need to get out of your house and from the street (!) Look.

If you bothered to meet the funeral cortege, it means that cardinal changes will take place in your life.

The deceased is carried to the cemetery

Bad omens at a funeral claim that a delayed funeral is a very bad sign. Everything should have its time!

It is considered a very bad omen if you see a funeral cortege on the street and deliberately cross the road in front of it. A person who violates this belief can become very seriously ill, even fatal. Also, the old people believe that a dead person who has crossed the road can go to the cemetery for the same reason as the dead man himself.

If the deceased is immersed in a grave dug very deeply, trouble should be expected. The signs associated with the funeral say that this is fraught with the death of a family member of the deceased. The same outcome can be if you forget the coffin lid in the house. We must try to prevent this.

You can not carry the coffin to the relatives of the deceased. Anyone should do this, but not relatives, because the deceased will take them to his world. Those who carry the coffin must tie a new towel around their wrists.

Funeral signs - superstitions, traditions, rituals

Funeral superstitions. TOP 5!

What Russians should not do at a funeral

Rules of conduct at a funeral

Probably, everyone knows such a funeral tradition: during the burial, everyone present must throw a small handful of earth on the coffin. What is it for? Everything is very simple. Observing this belief, the way to the dead person in this world is closed, and he will not be able to "walk" at night.

Close the lid of the coffin during the funeral procession only in the cemetery. It is very important to observe this sign so that the deceased does not take the soul of those who live in this house and nail the coffin. During the removal of the coffin from the premises, no one is allowed to look out the window, so as not to lure death back into the house.

You cannot turn back during the procession. It is forbidden to walk in front of the coffin: this is also a kind of inviting death.

If during the digging of the grave, remains or something else left from the old burial site come across, this portends the deceased a calm afterlife. Do not forget that before lowering the coffin into the grave, you need to throw some coins into it. This is done to buy a place in another world.

Weather at the time of burial

If it rains during the funeral, this is a very good omen. This weather phenomenon means that the soul of the deceased will quickly find its peace.

More positive signs during the funeral procession are not even worth looking for. On the contrary: there are a lot of different prohibitions associated with this ceremony, which should not be violated! For example, pregnant women should not follow a hearse. In general, the presence of pregnant women at the burial site is unsafe, because there is a high probability of a threat of pregnancy loss.

You need to go to the farewell ceremony in black clothes. It is believed that in dark shades you can hide from death.

Bad omens at a funeral. The coffin has fallen

This sign is considered the most terrible and dangerous. It is believed that if a coffin fell at a funeral, it is worth waiting for another death that will come to the house within 3 months. There is only one way to avoid terrible consequences.

If at the time of the funeral procession the coffin fell, the next day the relatives of the deceased must bake pancakes. It is important to do it all together, even a purely symbolic presence is allowed. Then the family visits the cemetery, looks for 3 graves with their name and reads the prayer "Our Father".

At the end of the process, baked pancakes are distributed near the church, not forgetting to give alms before this.

An important note: during the entire ceremony, absolute silence must be observed.

Beliefs after burial

Many mistakes are made at wakes. Lots of things to keep in mind in this case! Signs say that, remembering a loved one, you need to put his photo, and next to it - place a glass of liquid and a small piece of bread. If a living person takes this food, then he will go after the deceased. The food of a dead person should not be given to pets.

After returning from the funeral procession, you should immediately warm your hands with fire or simply wash them thoroughly in hot water. Thus, the living will protect themselves from imminent death. Some people warm their hands on a stove or a lit candle for this purpose.

You can't cry for the dead. Signs during the funeral say that the deceased can choke in tears. In life, all people have a place that he loves to visit. So after death it is necessary to leave water on it. According to custom, it should stand exactly 40 days.

About icons after burial

The image that was in front of the deceased before his burial must be washed off with clean water. To do this, they go to the reservoir and release it so that it can swim. It is strictly forbidden to throw away the icon, as well as to store it. Only water will help get rid of it without bad consequences. If this is not possible, you can take the icon to the church, and they will decide what to do with it.

Accessories that are not useful are placed in a coffin or simply left in the cemetery. If it didn’t work out on time, remember: it’s worth taking it at any time, the main thing is not to delay it too much. Of course, putting all his favorite things in the coffin with the deceased is simply unrealistic. They attract the soul of the dead, which, in turn, frightens the living. Therefore, observing funeral signs, it is worth distributing the dead man's favorite belongings to the poor. It is worth giving them the personal belongings of the deceased (mug, spoon, and so on).

The bed on which the person died should be thrown out of the house immediately. The same should be done with bed linen. Some people simply burn these items away from home.

Activities after the funeral are prohibited

Customs say that after the funeral procession, it is forbidden to visit living people. Thus, death can be brought into the house. Close people of the deceased need to observe annual mourning. At this time, you can not play a wedding: it is considered a very bad omen. For example, Tsar Nicholas II married just a few days after the death of his father. What happened next, or rather, the history of this family, everyone knows. It is also not recommended to celebrate a birthday after a funeral.

Signs after the funeral say:

  • the very first pancake with jelly at the commemoration should be given to the dead for a treat;
  • it is forbidden to clink glasses during the procession, because in this way the trouble moves;
  • there is only one candle on the table during the commemoration;
  • you can’t rejoice at the commemoration, sing songs - you invite trouble. You need to behave calmly.

In fact, the signs at the funeral of a loved one are not as terrible as they are painted. If you violated them unintentionally, you should apologize for your negligence and ask for help from God or from the deceased himself.

To believe in the signs associated with the funeral, or not - it's up to you. The main thing is to remember: each of us will go to meet God at the time that has already been assigned to us, but not before it.

Signs and rituals are present not only in a person's life, but also at the time of his burial. If they are not observed, this can lead to a number of serious consequences, ranging from illness to death, so it is important to know what to do after the funeral and during the ceremony.

What does it mean if a funeral procession met along the way?

There are several signs and rules that must be observed when meeting a procession on your way:

What to do before the funeral?

The most important belief that must be strictly observed is that the deceased cannot be left alone in the house or even just in the room. There are many explanations for this:

There are other signs that can portend bad events, and you need to pay attention to them. For example, if the legs of the deceased remain warm all the time, this may be a harbinger of the imminent death of another family member. To prevent this from happening, the dead man must be appeased - put a pinch of salt and bread in his coffin.

You can’t clean the house when there is a coffin with a dead person in it - this way you can attract another death. And vice versa - after sending to the cemetery, one person should remain in the housing, who will restore order there and “sweep” it.

While the coffin with the deceased is in the house, it is recommended to remove all animals. The barking of a dog can frighten the soul of the deceased, and a cat jumping into a coffin will attract misfortune.

When buying attributes for a funeral, it is not recommended to take change from the seller if they give it in change, because. coins symbolize tears. There is also a way to avoid other deaths for the coming year - just put a piece of bread sprinkled with salt under the table.

When laying a dead man in a coffin, one should tie his hands and feet with ropes, and untie them before lowering them into the grave. It is believed that thanks to the connected limbs, he will not be able to scare living people and move around the room.

After burial, the ropes should be burned. If you just throw them away and catch the eye of a black witch, she can use them to perform magical rituals, and obviously not good ones.

What not to do before a funeral

What else not to do at a funeral:

It is not recommended to postpone the date of the funeral, as well as to hold them before noon, go around the coffin from the side of the feet of the deceased, visit the graves of other deceased relatives on the day of burial, cry too much for the deceased. Within a day after the event, you should not go on a visit, and all 40 days his close relatives need to observe mourning for the deceased.

Signs at a funeral

There are several rules that must be observed before and during the funeral:

It is important to remember that it is highly undesirable for pregnant girls and children under 3 years old to attend the funeral. The fact is that their aura is too weak, and they will be vulnerable to the spirits of deceased people, which can cause misfortune and poor health.

When saying goodbye to the deceased, you should kiss him on the forehead, and not on the lips, and after the funeral, only your personal belongings are allowed to be taken away. Heading to the cemetery gate, you do not need to look back.

Weather on the day of the funeral - superstition

Particular attention should be paid to the weather on the day of the funeral. It characterizes not only the personal qualities of the deceased during his lifetime, but also what will happen to his soul after entering the afterlife:

A bad omen is the situation when one of the mourners fell at the funeral. For this person, the current year will be difficult and you need to pay attention to your health.

If the coffin fell, this does not bode well, but it is not worth scolding those who did not hold it or accidentally knocked it over. Instead, it is better to come home and thoroughly wash your hands from the hands to the very elbows, and after that or the next day go to church and light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

Raven in the cemetery: why?

Ravens are considered a symbol of evil and the underworld, so they usually live in every cemetery. Some people do not attach any importance to this, while others are still guided by some signs:

  • The crow sits on the roof of the church and croaks - reports the imminent appearance of the deceased. It is impossible to understand who exactly this applies to, so you should not pay special attention to the situation.
  • The raven sat on the tombstone - reports the sudden death of the priest of this parish.
  • The bird sat on the cross and clearly points with its tail to a specific house, which means that soon death will happen in this house.
  • The crow perched on the coffin. Perhaps the soul of another relative is present in the body of the bird, who thus came to say goodbye to the deceased.

Compliance with certain rules at the funeral allows you to adequately repose the body and soul of the deceased, and special signs on this day can tell you what events to expect and how to protect yourself from misfortune and troubles.

If everything is carried out in accordance with the established canons, this will allow the soul of the deceased to rest and more favorably survive the Day of Judgment, as well as provide protection from the evil spirits of the afterlife.

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The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website

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