Internet speed testing tools. Services for testing the real speed of the Internet, which is better

ISPs brag about maximum data transfer speeds, but what is the reality? The speed depends on many factors: the time and day of the week, the load on the communication channel, the technical condition of the servers, the condition of the communication lines, and even the weather. When buying a certain package of services, you want to be sure that the money is not paid in vain, and the Internet speed corresponds to the declared one.

We will check using special services on the network, because this is the most convenient, affordable and accurate way to determine the speed of the Internet. The speed is measured from the computer to the server where the service is running. Accordingly, the indicators from different services will be different.


  • incoming speed, i.e. the one with which we download from the Internet
  • outgoing - the speed of information transfer, i.e. when data is transmitted from our computer, such as when you send an email or file, or when a torrent is opened.

As a rule, these two indicators differ, for me - up to three times, depending on what you test. The outgoing speed is usually less because it is less frequently used.

The data transfer rate is measured in kilobits or megabits. In one byte - 8 bits plus a couple of service bits. This means that with a result of 80 Mbps, the real speed is 8 MB per second. Each speed test consumes about 10-30 megabytes of traffic!

Ookla SpeedTest

The best service for today, sharpened to test the bandwidth of the Internet connection. Accurately determines the maximum possible speed for your computer at the moment.

To start the test, press the big "START" button. The service will determine the optimal server and start transmitting data. During testing, the current speed is displayed. It usually grows as the process progresses.

Pay attention to what indicators are determined:

Very approximate good values ​​for wired internet:

  • "download" - incoming speed: 30-70 Mbps
  • "download" - outgoing speed: 10-30 Mbps
  • "PING" : 3-30ms

For mobile 3G/4G internet:

  • incoming: 5-10 Mbps
  • outgoing: 1-2 Mbps
  • PING: 15-50ms

PING is an important indicator, it is the time it takes to establish a connection. The closer the server, the lower the value and the better.

SpeedTest has servers all over the globe, so your location and closest server is determined first, then the test data is transmitted. The measured speed is the maximum possible for your computer at a given time. This is achieved due to the fact that the data exchange server is located in your city or region, and the closer the server is to the computer, the higher the speed. But you can choose any server!

Thus, it turns out that we will get a speed that is not achievable for most sites on the Internet, well, because their servers are further away. Thanks to this "chip" I got the highest results. The figures obtained can be compared with those declared by the provider, but the actual speed on the Internet is still less.

Speedtest has applications for smartphones:

After testing, a permanent link is provided to the results and to a picture that you can show off on social networks

By checking the speed several times in a row, you will notice that it is different each time. It depends on the load of the provider and the server. Therefore, I recommend that you test several times and calculate the average speed, it will be more correct.

After registration, the history of all checks and the ability to compare them become available, which is also important. You can run the test from time to time and then see the history for the year, moreover, in a graphical representation. It will immediately become clear where your provider is developing (or vice versa, it will turn out that it is time to change it).

SpeedTest app for Windows 10

Using the application, you can find out what the connection quality of your Internet connection is.

The quality of the connection is different from the speed. For example, a file may be downloading at breakneck speed and suddenly the download is interrupted, you have to start over. After the end of the test in the application, you need to click on the results:

To determine the quality of communication, indicators are used:

  • Ripple (jitter) - phase ripple, the smaller the better. Up to 5 ms.
  • Packet loss - how many percent of the data was lost and had to be sent again. Should be 0%

Internet meter from Yandex

Unlike Speedtest, the service from Yandex measures the speed of data transfer between your laptop and its servers, only its own. It turns out that here the speed should turn out to be lower than in the speedtest, but it is closer to reality for working in RuNet.

We press the "Measure" button and wait for a while while Yandex is testing. The time will depend on the speed itself, and if it is too low, or there are communication interruptions, then the test may freeze or end with an error.

Yandex tests as follows: it downloads and uploads the test file several times, and then calculates the average value. For better accuracy, strong dips are cut off. However, after each re-check, I got different results with an error of 10-20%, which in principle is quite normal, because. speed - the indicator is not constant and jumps all the time. It was during the day, and then I tested early in the morning and the result jumped by up to 50%.

Yandex Internetometer also shows the IP address and detailed technical information about the browser.


I have been using this wonderful service for a long time. The service will also show, give full information at this address, check any of your files for viruses, tell a lot of interesting things about any site on the Internet (IP, site engine, presence of viruses, distance to the site, its availability, etc.).

2ip determines your provider, the optimal server and checks the speed between you and this server, just like SpeedTest.Net, but 2ip has fewer servers, so the PING will be higher. But there are statistics on the average speed in your city and your provider. With each repeated test, the speed changed slightly - within 10%.

Another service works on HTML5, without flash or Java, however, like the previous services.

OpenSpeedTest will help you measure throughput between Western servers. You will notice that the pings have become even higher.

Works stably, averages the received values, quite predictable and repeatable results.

The service is not of particular interest for testing high-speed Internet, but it may be of interest to those who use a modem or other not the fastest Internet. The results show average results for various network interfaces (modem, coax, ethernet, wifi) and yours for comparison.

Here is the measurement accuracy in percent. It is calculated based on whether the speed was stable during data transfer, or jumped a lot. The more stable, the higher the accuracy.

Separately, I note the testing method using . To do this, we take a torrent with a large number of seeds and look at the real data reception speed.

For everyone, before testing it is desirable:

  • Close all programs except the browser (especially those that can download something) and leave only one tab of the speed test service active
  • Wait until the end or stop all downloads in the browser!
  • Check if any program is using the network. To do this, open the "Task Manager" using the "Ctrl + Shift + Esc" buttons, go to the "Performance" tab and click on the network adapter. If there are several of them, then only one will be with the data:

See how much data was sent and transferred in the last minute. If no program uses the network, then there should be units-tens, a maximum of a hundred kbps. Otherwise, reboot and check again.

Summing up

Finally, I want to say that not a single service could determine the maximum possible indicators for my Internet connection. I say this because when downloading from torrents, my speed reaches 10 MB / s. It does this by downloading from multiple sources scattered around the world at the same time (which is how torrents work). And services work with only one server, albeit a powerful one. Therefore, I can recommend the uTorrent program as a tester, but it works on active distributions, where there are dozens of seeders.

Do not forget that low speed may be due to, or due to a weak Wi-Fi adapter. Please write your results in the comments and do not forget to post the article on social networks.

Video review:

Good day. Often, computer users experience discomfort when surfing and working on the World Wide Web. It is difficult to exchange data, download videos, gamers complain about slow pings and delays in games. Before making claims to your providers, you should make sure that the fault is not on our side, for this, in the article we will tell you how to check the Internet speed on a Windows 7,8,1 computer online using the most popular and popular services.

There are a huge number of online services for checking connection speed. Below we consider the time-tested most common Internet resources.

How to use Speedtest

The speedtest is perhaps the most famous among all, and we will begin today's review with it. Before starting the testing process, go to the website of your Internet provider, then to your personal account and see the declared speed. Often this item is displayed in the "Tariffs" column. When concluding a contract for the use of Internet services, it also indicates the speed. Many providers "sin" with a sudden change in tariffs and connection plans.

Please note that Internet service providers promise speeds "up to" a certain indicator. For example, the declared standard "up to 150 Mbps" per second can actually produce only 5-10 Mbps of real indicators. Small and young start-up firms often sin with this.

Another important point. Before launching various Internet tests, we must disable all file uploads. We turn off torrent trackers, tabs with running music or videos, programs that need access to the Internet such as STEAM (at this moment the game can easily be updated). Your best bet is to fire up your browser and open one tab.
Made? Let's get to the test.

In addition to checking your IP, the site provides services for checking for viruses, ensuring anonymity on the network, as well as checking the speed of the Internet online for free.

As you can see, 2ip gave us better results than on SpeedTest, because their servers are closer to us.

How to check the speed of the Internet Rostelecom

We open the page with the check Rostelecom. We are implementing these recommendations. The third point is very important. If the computer is connected directly by cable, great. When using a router, it is recommended to turn off Wi-Fi on connected devices: tablets, phones, laptops. We click on the blue button "Start testing" and wait for the table with the results.

Surprisingly, in this service, the ping turned out to be higher in comparison with the previous methods.
Not many people know that our Russian company Yandex also has an Internet connection tester, below we will briefly get acquainted with its capabilities and interface.

We test the Internet connection - Internetometer from Yandex

On the Internetometer page, in addition to the usual test, a lot of useful information is displayed: IPv4 address and IPv6 address, browser version, operating system, location region, and even Flash version. By clicking on the yellow “Measure” button, the verification process will start. As a result, the result will be displayed in the plate.

Internetometer from Yandex - results

Many users often confuse speeds in Megabits and Megabytes, Yandex developers have foreseen this moment. As you can see, 18.22 Megabits equals 2.28 Megabytes per second. This is the speed at which files will be downloaded from the World Wide Web.

To convert Megabits to Megabytes yourself, it is enough to divide the result by 8.


Real Spartans have read to the end and tried the methods proposed above, we hope there will be no more questions about how to check the speed of the Internet on a Windows computer online 7,8,10. I wonder which of the methods our readers use? Write your answers in the comments on the site or our group in contact. If you have questions about online services, suggest topics that are interesting to your attention, which we will consider in future articles.
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Not every user is familiar with the speed of their Internet. It may depend on various indicators (from the technical condition of the servers to today's weather outside the window). How to check internet speed on windows 7 computer?

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The concept of “Internet speed on a computer” means both incoming speed, that is, the speed of downloading information from the World Wide Web, and outgoing speed, i.e. the speed of uploading information. Most often, these two indicators are not the same, and the second is always lower.

Before you start checking the speed of the Internet connection, it is advisable to perform several actions so that the test results fully reflect the speed indicators:

  • It is necessary to close all active programs (especially those that download information), except for the active tab with the loaded verification service page.
  • Be sure to wait for the file download process to complete on the computer (if any) or stop all downloads on the device before the speed test is completed.
  • Pause updates of any programs, including Windows, for the duration of testing the Internet speed.
  • Optional item. To prevent Windows Firewall from interfering with test results, you can turn it off while running an Internet speed test.

Note the fact that most often the indicator of the speed of the Internet connection during the test turns out to be slightly lower than declared by the Internet provider. This is a completely normal situation and it is due to a number of reasons:

  1. Problematic user equipment. Incorrectly configured or the use of an outdated model, an old network card - all this objectively affects the speed of the Internet.
  2. Problem software. We are talking about malicious software installed on the computer. And such “pests” include panels like Yandex Bar, search, etc. Sometimes, in order to prevent the Internet from “slowing down”, you just need to remove unnecessary software from your computer.
  3. Network overload. This is especially true for those providers that provide Internet access over a 3G network. Why is this bad? - you ask. And the fact that with an increase in the number of users connected to the provider line, the likelihood of a decrease in Internet speed increases.
  4. Traffic restriction - the provider may intentionally perform this action, for example, in relation to file-sharing networks. The reason for such actions is an overload on the provider network.
  5. Server problems. The speed of downloading files, watching movies online and uploading information on a social network is affected not only by the speed of the Internet connection, but also by the speed of the server from which information is “scooped”.

The main services for checking the speed of the Internet connection

There are several ways to determine the speed of the Internet, we will consider the most popular of them.

  • - one of the most commonly used services to check the incoming and outgoing speed of the Internet. You only need to enter the site and in the window that opens, click Begin test / Start test. After that, you just have to watch how the service performs the check.

Advice. Consider the fact that companies that provide Internet access according to the paid tariff indicate the speed of downloading information (donload speed).

  • Site A large number of services are presented here, in one way or another related to the Internet, including checking the speed of the Internet. All you need to do is find the "Tests" tab on the site and select the "Internet connection speed" section. Don't forget to specify the unit of measure. By default, this is Kbps, but Mbps will be more convenient for perception. This is the unit of measure used by ISPs. So, we press the "Test" button and wait for the result.
  • Yandex Internetometer. A useful service from Yandex, with which you can easily and easily determine the speed of the Internet on your computer. To do this, go to the following link. Almost in the center of the page we see the yellow button "Measure". Click on it and after a couple of seconds - a detailed analysis of the speed before your eyes. By the way, thanks to this service, you can also find out the ip-address of your computer.

  • Usage torrent- Another way to find out the speed of the Internet. Although this service is designed to download files from the network, it will most accurately and most importantly, in practice, show the maximum Internet speed possible at the moment. True, this will take a little more time than in the first two cases. So, in order to check, you need to find some file on the torrent track with more than 1000 distributors and a small number of downloaders (leechers). We put the found file on the download and wait. After about 30-60 seconds, the speed will reach the maximum possible limit. Keep in mind that the speed is displayed in Mbps in the torrent client, so you will get the Internet speed in Mbps by multiplying the calculated figure by 8.

We have introduced you to some of the most popular and effective ways to determine the speed of the Internet on a computer for free. All that remains for you is to try them and choose the most convenient for yourself.

How to find out the speed of the Internet: video

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