Rules for passing unequal intersections. Unregulated intersection: rules of passage. Intersection Type Definition

If you are guided by traffic rules, the passage of unregulated intersections (unequal, equivalent roads, T-shaped and circular intersections of streets) becomes much safer. Let's try to understand these rules.

Definitions of traffic rules: unregulated intersection and priority of roads

Before talking about the rules, it is worth clearing up some terms. You don't have to be a genius to understand what kind of crossroads and roads we are talking about, since everything can be seen even from the names themselves. Here, for example, on controlled intersection there are no means forcibly determining the order of passage (a working traffic light or a man in a cap). Drivers then have to decide for themselves whether to start moving first or let other vehicles pass, guided only by the rules and signs of priority, if, of course, there are any.

The next term to pay attention to is unequal roads. In this case, too, everything is simple, and we are talking about the intersection of a secondary direction and the main one, which has an advantage due to the priority signs located on it. In addition, the quality of the road surface is also very important, since of the two roads that do not have any signs of priority, a traffic controller and a traffic light, the one with the best material will be considered the main one. For example, one is paved, and the second is not, the first will be more important. When talking about equivalent roads, it is understood that it is impossible to determine the priority (there are no signs, the coverage is the same), and then the decoupling of actions takes place according to the rule of interference on the right.

Driving through unregulated intersections - save life and your car

The rules for driving through unregulated intersections do not represent anything supernatural, however, due to the fact that there are no traffic lights in the places mentioned, and everything depends only on the correct decision driver, occurs high probability get into an accident due to negligence. So be sure to follow both and the signs. At the same time, keep in mind that it is better to let even the most malicious violator pass, because not only your car, spent nerves, but also health, and even life in general, are at stake.

In order to correctly assess the situation, you need to provide yourself with maximum visibility, it is not so difficult to do this, you just need to approach the intersection. True, in some cases trees, bushes, advertising and other objects can serve as an obstacle, but they must be monitored road services. Then the car passes, based on priorities: first, drivers moving along main road, and then on secondary ones. Moreover, the latter diverge from each other, using the rule of interference on the right, i.e., those cars that do not have it go first. The situation is also solved at an unregulated intersection, where all roads are equivalent.

In addition, do not forget about such elementary, but at the same time mandatory things, on which our safety directly depends when traveling by car. Firstly, at a distance of at least fifty meters before the turn, we turn on the corresponding light signal in order to warn absolutely all participants about the maneuver. Secondly, we press as much as possible in the direction where we plan to turn. Thirdly, we do not move and allow pedestrians to calmly pass through the crossing without cluttering it with their vehicle.

Not always the intersection has 4 directions, the T-shaped type has only 3 roads. It is somewhat easier to drive through, you need to control fewer sides. If you leave a secondary road, then you give way to everyone who is on the main road - both on the right and on the left. If you turn from the main one to the secondary one, then you simply miss the stream that is moving towards you. But the roundabout can confuse a little the usual understanding of priority. Even when you are driving on a large wide road, but approaching a circle, you become secondary, unless otherwise indicated by signs, however, in the absence of traffic lights, this does not occur on the roads.

Having entered the circle, you become the main one, but if there are several lanes on it, change lanes very carefully, because due to the curvature of the trajectory of the movement, the side mirrors do not show all vehicles next to you, and don't forget about the law of interference from the right.

Rules for crossing an unregulated intersection - we take care of ourselves

The rules for crossing an unregulated intersection are also easy to remember. We cross the road only in strictly designated places, and we just go, and do not run across. This can mislead the driver, or you even risk not being seen on time. And if you are in a hurry, you can stumble, fall, then no one can even imagine what consequences are possible. If the zebra is not provided, then the roadway should be crossed in the narrowest place and strictly perpendicular to the movement, since this is the shortest path. And as you know, it’s better not to linger on the road, because despite the fact that the pedestrian is mostly right, nevertheless, do not enter into an unequal rivalry with the car.

There is a clause in the rules that you can cross along the sidewalk line, but it is sometimes quite difficult to do this, few motorists want to slow down because of a pedestrian who suddenly came out almost from behind the ear. Therefore, wait until a group of people, even a small one, has gathered, or walk to a less busy place where there is no longer a road intersection, and you don’t need to control as many as 4 directions. So, if you adhere to traffic rules, an unregulated intersection will not be some kind of super-difficult section of the road, however, you must be careful, and it does not matter whether you are a driver of a vehicle or an ordinary pedestrian.

At a regulated intersection, it is enough to follow the commands given by a traffic light or a traffic controller. Driving through an unregulated intersection is a more difficult task.

The rules for driving through an unregulated intersection in a compressed form can be summarized in the form of several points:

— the advantage of passing an unregulated intersection is determined by the status of the road (main or secondary);

- with an equal right to travel, a tram has an advantage, regardless of the direction of movement;

- drivers of trackless vehicles with equal right of way are guided by the "rule of interference on the right".

Isn't it quite clear? Consider the passage of unregulated intersections in more detail.

Intersection Type Definition

When approaching an intersection, determine whether it is regulated or not. How to do it? The presence of a traffic controller or a traffic light operating in the normal mode is evidence that the intersection is regulated. Pass it, implicitly following the traffic lights or the commands of the traffic controller.

If there is no traffic controller and traffic light, there is no light indication of the traffic light, or it gives a yellow flashing signal, such an intersection is unregulated. To pass it correctly, you need to determine what type of object is in front of you: an intersection of equivalent roads or unequal ones.

The presence of road signs in front of it will unmistakably indicate the intersection of unequal roads:

“Give way”, “No passing without stopping”, “Main road”, “End of main road”, “Motorway”, “End of motorway”, “Intersection with secondary road”, and “Joinment of secondary road”.

An intersection formed by the intersection of a dirt road and a paved road is also an intersection of unequal roads.

The fact that in front of you is a crossroads of equivalent roads will be unmistakably indicated by the sign "Intersection of equivalent roads" or the complete absence of any signs of priority.

Passage of intersections of equivalent roads

When approaching an intersection equipped with tram tracks, and seeing a tram, be sure to give way to it, since it has an undeniable advantage over trackless transport.

If you need to make a right turn, there is no need to use the "rule of obstacles on the right" - feel free to turn, passing cyclists moving in the same direction as you, and then pedestrians crossing the road on the right.

Passage of junctions of unequal roads

If the intersection you are approaching is an intersection of unequal roads, use the priority signs to determine which road you are on: the main or secondary road.

The tram has the right of way at such intersections only if it moves along the main road.

If he approached the intersection on a secondary road, he is obliged to let all vehicles moving along the main road, regardless of the trajectory of their movement.

When approaching the intersection on the main road, give way to the tram also moving along the main road. Next, pass with the rest of the cars that have approached the intersection along the main road, guided by the already described "rule of interference on the right."

Drivers of vehicles who are on the secondary road at this time patiently wait until the cars leave the main road.

If you approached the intersection on a secondary road, you will have to give way to all vehicles moving on the main road, let the tram (if any) pass from the secondary road, and only then pass the cars from the secondary road using the "rule of interference on the right" .

Traveling by car is a complex procedure that requires a number of specific knowledge. So, a person traveling on the road must know the traffic rules well.

However, sometimes there are situations during which standard knowledge may not be enough.

Therefore, vehicle owners often ask what does the definition of "equivalent road" mean?

Answering this question is not as easy as it seems. A person must not only know the definition, but also understand how to act if it is necessary to cross such a crossroads.

Lack of knowledge is fraught with traffic jams and accidents. To avoid this, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with up-to-date information on this topic.

Key Aspects

Equivalent intersections are divided into two types - regulated and unregulated. If the car owner needs to pass the first type of road intersection, he will simplify his task.

In this case, a person will receive instructions to understand how to act in this situation.

A traffic controller or a traffic light can control traffic at an equivalent intersection. It should be remembered that such sections of the road are not regulated by signs.

Otherwise, the intersection ceases to be equivalent, because priorities are set. There are a number of rules that must be observed at the intersection of equivalent roads.

The list includes the following statements:

Experts advise to periodically brush up on the rules traffic. This will allow the driver to know exactly what to do in the current situation.

In addition, if the owner of the vehicle follows the traffic rules, the likelihood of accidents is minimized.

What it is

An intersection is an intersection of roads at the same level. In urban conditions, this phenomenon happens quite often, but on the highway, the need to overcome the intersection of roads is less common.

Once near the intersection, the driver must determine its appearance. It depends on how this or that type of transport will behave when it is going to drive straight or make a U-turn.

Usually equivalent intersection is not regulated by any of the known methods.

In addition, for an intersection to be considered equivalent, all the roads that intersect must have the same surface.

Not all drivers know that the presence of an advantage depends on the material of which the road consists.

So, if the driver is going to drive from a dirt road to an asphalt road, he must give way to cars moving along it.

It is believed that asphalt has a greater advantage than the road from another material.

There are a number of other features, the presence of which may lead to the fact that the intersection will be recognized as unregulated. These include:

  1. The presence of a non-working traffic light.
  2. A yellow signal flashes at a traffic light without switching to others.
  3. The controller does not carry out the duties that were assigned to him.

In most cases, the lack of pointers leads to problems. Drivers do not understand how to behave in this situation, and act as they see fit.

However, the lack of a clear system leads to traffic jams and congestion.

To avoid their appearance, it is necessary to follow the rules that apply if the driver crosses equivalent and unequal roads.

The main functions of traffic rules

The rules of the road spell out a number of rules that must be observed when crossing the intersection of equivalent roads.

However, in practice, it is most difficult to determine that the intersection is such.

The function of traffic rules is to help the driver figure out how to distinguish the intersection of equivalent roads from other types of intersections, and understand how to act in a particular situation.

An intersection is considered equivalent if it has a sign "Intersection of equivalent roads".

He wears number 1.6. The presence of the sign means that each of the roads that intersect is not the main one. People moving on such routes in personal cars do not have any advantages.

Rules for driving at intersections of unregulated equivalent roads

If you need to drive through an unregulated intersection, you must exercise maximum caution.

It should be remembered that there is always a chance of colliding with a driver who does not know traffic rules well or is confident that he is driving on a road that gives advantages.

Once you are near a similar section of the route, you should remember that it is necessary to cross a dangerous place, guided by the following rule - if all drivers have an equal right to pass the intersection, you need to take into account the “interference on the right”.

However, there are some exceptions. The tram can cross the track section first, as it has an advantage over other road users.

The appropriate sign is not always placed in front of the intersection. Usually the designation is present, but you must be prepared for any situation.

The driver cannot always determine that in front of him is the intersection of equivalent roads. The situation can be aggravated by:

  • the presence of rain;
  • poor visibility on the road;
  • The road is covered with snow.

In this situation, experts advise to behave as if the driver is maneuvering while on a non-beneficial track.

It is believed that this option associated with the least danger to the life of the driver.

Right turn

There are several rules that must be observed in order to cross the intersection of equivalent roads without incident.

If the driver needs to turn right, it is required to carry out the action, guided by the following rules:

By adhering to these rules, a person will be able to make a turn without violating traffic rules and minimizing the likelihood of dangerous situations.

Left turn and U-turn

Sometimes a person needs to turn left and turn around. To perform an action in accordance with the rules, it is necessary to have a number of specific knowledge.

In particular, the driver must know who has the right of way and who needs to give way.

So, in accordance with the provisions, the driver is obliged to let pass all the cars that are moving on the right along the same trajectory as the motorist himself.

This also applies to cars that are driving towards you. The last statement is relevant in cases where the car owner wants to make a U-turn.

It is believed that this maneuver is one of the most dangerous. For this reason, during its commission, it is necessary to show maximum care.

Going straight

Not always, while crossing the intersection, the driver needs to turn. In some cases, there is a need to continue moving in a straight line.

The driver to be executed this action, must understand that he will have to cross the trajectory of other vehicles.

For this reason, during the implementation of the maneuver, it is necessary to exercise maximum care. It should be remembered that in some cases the road must be given way.

Have the advantage:

Pay attention to the presence of pedestrians. If they are present, the driver is obliged to let these road users pass.

Experts advise against speeding while crossing an intersection. This will help avoid accidents.

You need to be careful and careful. Haste during the maneuvers is unnecessary.

It should be remembered that, regardless of which direction the driver needs to drive, he should not go to the intersection if a traffic jam has formed there.

It is necessary to wait until other vehicles move off, and the traffic returns to normal. Neglecting the rule can lead to a worsening of the situation on the road.

Sometimes an unregulated intersection may have Roundabout Circulation. In this case, the same rule about interference on the right works.

We should not forget that rail transport has an advantage, regardless of which way it moves. Today, such vehicles are less and less common in cities.

Video: crossing intersections

For this reason, drivers begin to forget about the existing rules. However, the owner of the car must know what to do in any situation.

If the intersection is T-shaped

From other types of T-junction differs only in the number of ways. It is necessary to cross it depending on which direction the driver is moving.

Do not forget about the presence of interference on the right. Experts advise slowing down when approaching a T-junction.

It should be remembered that crossing roads is a place of increased danger. This is where emergencies occur more often than other places.

Not all persons driving cars know how to behave in such a situation.

Acting as they see fit, they are able to create an emergency. In addition, events that could not be foreseen may occur.

For this reason, drivers should cross the place as carefully as possible. Being vigilant will minimize the chance of an accident.

Crossing the intersection of equivalent roads is a procedure that requires specific knowledge.

The main information that the driver should have is to remember that there is an obstacle on the right. In addition, you need to be careful.

It should be remembered that rail transport, pedestrians and cyclists have an advantage. You need to skip them.

In addition, you should not try to cross the intersection if there is a traffic jam. The driver runs the risk of aggravating the situation and getting stuck in a traffic jam for a long time.

By following the rules, the owner of the vehicle will be able to easily overcome dangerous areas.

Good afternoon, dear readers.

In the third article from the series "Rules for driving at intersections" I propose to continue the conversation about how to drive up to the intersection. Let me remind you that in the previous article "" I also analyzed the procedure for approaching the intersection and talked about which lane to take.

In this article, we will touch on a slightly different problem that is related to the definition of . This is no less important than the choice of lane for movement, because. different points apply for different intersections.

Determine the type of intersection

When approaching any intersection, you first need to take the correct position on the roadway, which I talked about in, and only then you need to determine the type of intersection.

So, after you have taken the appropriate position on the roadway, you need to carefully look at the intersection.

Adjustable intersection.

The first step at any intersection is to determine whether it is regulated. Therefore, when approaching an intersection, the first thing we look at is ... No, not a traffic light! First of all, we are looking for a traffic controller at the intersection. The traffic controller is the highest priority sign of a regulated intersection.

Adjuster makes absolutely any intersection regulated, even any intersection of field or forest roads.

Only after we could not find a traffic controller at the intersection, we need to look for a traffic light on it. There are usually no problems with this, because. traffic lights can be seen from afar.

If found traffic light, then you should not immediately rejoice that the intersection is now definitely regulated. First you need to understand the mode of operation of the traffic light. If the traffic light is in normal mode (red-yellow-green), then the intersection is adjustable and you can breathe easy.

If the traffic light works in a flashing yellow mode or it does not exist at all, then the intersection is unregulated and you will have to sweat more to more accurately determine its type.

Unregulated intersection.

In the event that it was possible to find out that the intersection in this moment unregulated, some details need to be clarified.

To do this, you need to find one of the signs listed below before the intersection.

2.1 "The main road". Road on which the right of way of passage of unregulated intersections is granted.

2.3.1 "Intersection with secondary road."

2.3.2 - 2.3.7 "Secondary road junction". Adjacency on the right - 2.3.2, 2.3.4, 2.3.6, on the left - 2.3.3, 2.3.5, 2.3.7.

If one of the signs 2.1, 2.3.1-2.3.7, 5.1 turned out to be in front of the intersection, then we can definitely say that we will enter the intersection along main road.

2.4 "Give way." The driver must give way to vehicles moving on the intersecting road, and if there is a plate 8.13 - on the main one.

2.5 "Movement without stopping is prohibited." It is forbidden to move without stopping in front of the stop line, and if there is none, in front of the edge of the crossed carriageway. The driver must give way to vehicles moving on the intersected, and if there is a plate 8.13 - on the main road.

Sign 2.5 may be installed in front of a railway crossing or a quarantine post. In these cases, the driver must stop in front of the stop line, and in its absence, in front of the sign.

Signs 2.4 and 2.5 installed in front of the intersection tell us that we are entering the intersection along secondary road.

1.6 "Crossing Equivalent Roads".

Sign 1.6 in front of the intersection means that we are entering at the crossroads of equivalent roads.

2.2 "End of Main Road"

Attention! Sign 2.2 does not mean that we are entering the intersection on a secondary road.

Although many drivers think so. If you are in this category, then write me your point of view in the comments. I would like to understand what this mass delusion is connected with.

Well, if there were no signs presented above in front of the intersection (or sign 2.2 turned out to be), then you will have to make a little more effort to determine the type of intersection.

Crossroads without signs

Such intersections are not very common, but they do occur nonetheless. And this situation is the most difficult.

"Main road" - a road marked with signs 2.1, 2.3.1 - 2.3.7 or 5.1, in relation to an intersected (adjacent), or a paved road (asphalt and cement concrete, stone materials, etc.) in relation to an unpaved , or any road in relation to exits from adjacent territories. The presence of a paved section on a secondary road immediately before the intersection does not make it equal in value to the crossed one.

We've come to the point where we need to define road surface type that intersect.

If the coverage is the same on both roads, then the intersection is equivalent.

If you clearly see that on one of the roads the surface is unpaved, and on the other - asphalt (cement-concrete), then the intersection is unequal.

In this case, the main road is the one that has a hard surface.

But what to do if you cannot determine the type of coverage, for example, it is dark outside, it's raining Or there is snow on the roads. Or maybe you just don’t understand anything in road terms and don’t know how to distinguish cement concrete from drywall.

In this case, you need to use clause 13.13 of the traffic rules:

13.13. If the driver cannot determine the presence of a road surface (darkness, mud, snow, etc.), and there are no priority signs, he must assume that he is on a secondary road.

If the sign was yesterday, but today it is not

But what if you were driving through an intersection yesterday (and used to drive through it every day) and saw the sign "Main Road", but today this sign was not in place.

This situation is not taken into account in the rules of the road. In this case, it is necessary to determine the type of intersection based on the fact that there has never been a sign on it, because Drivers are required to drive not by memory, but by signs.

Although there are some features here, which I will talk about below. To begin with, I just want to point out that road signs may disappear from the intersection for various reasons:

1. The road workers removed the signs, because the mode of traffic at the intersection has changed.

2. The truck demolished the sign with its body, because did not fit into the turn.

3. The pensioner removed the sign, because. he needs something to cover broken window in the country.

As you can see, the reasons can be varied, and only the first of them legally affects the change in the traffic mode at the intersection.

In the event that the sign was removed due to reason 2 or 3, the traffic mode at the intersection did not change, i.e. it is quite possible that at other entrances to the intersection the signs remained in their places. This can lead to hazardous situations.

Therefore, if you enter an intersection where there were signs yesterday, then be prepared for the fact that half of the drivers will drive according to yesterday's rules, and half - according to today's.

However, you need to go current rules, with only one caveat: "Those who ride according to yesterday's rules can be skipped."

So we've covered everything possible options determining the type of intersection, and you will never have problems with this. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. In the following articles, the rules for driving different types of intersections will be considered.

Last updated: January 27, 2012

A series of articles "Rules for crossings"

March 14, 2014 04:56 PM


March 14, 2014 05:12 pm


March 14, 2014 23:35

:!: This topic contains comments related to the article

Situation: unregulated intersection of a four-lane road and a two-lane road. Both are asphalt. There are no signs. Is there a main road among these two or are they both equivalent?

Are there no signs in all directions, or only from your exit? How did you determine that this is an intersection, and not an exit from the adjacent territory (as an example)?

It is better to place a diagram of this intersection or a link to a map.

August 6, 2014 13:38

Help SOS! This is the situation that happened to me. The road I've been driving for 30 years. There were signs 2.3.2 from my side (I was driving from the district center) and a sign 2.4 from the side of a secondary road (from another village). At first they were overgrown, and then they disappeared, but of course we drive according to the old rules. I made an accident, paid 1000 for a traffic violation (passing an equivalent intersection of equivalent roads - a hindrance on the right). It became insulting and painful, someone must answer for this, the region provided the deployment of road signs - there are signs. I went to court: the traffic police inspector says that they have no deployment. How can this be, because they are a supervisory body that gives instructions to road builders? The road workers blame the traffic cops. Well, in general, a whole jo .... Tell me, does the navigator warn about signs? My e-mail: [email protected]. Answer, please!

August 6, 2014 23:24

August 9, 2014 12:07 pm

August 11, 2014 14:35

Thanks for the answer. And another question. Yesterday I got a call on my cell: they introduced themselves as the insurance company where our car was registered. They asked if the car was in an accident, did we repair it or not, and is it possible to come and take a picture of it? To which I replied: the car was in an accident, I was found guilty, so I was not entitled to insurance, why take pictures ?. Answer: so be it. It is not clear: the accident was on May 23, why the call to my cell phone, because the insurance for my husband and our guilt has been proven to date (there was no talk of a court). What it is? Do I need to be allowed to take pictures of an emergency vehicle?

I suspect they need a photo to reduce their insurance losses. Apparently, the other side has written too much (from the point of view of the insurance company), and the insurance company wants to make sure that the written by the victims is not fake.

September 29, 2014 19:34

September 30, 2014 09:57

Here at the expense of the sign 2.2. According to GOST, sign 2.2 without a "Give way" sign means that you must follow the rule right hand. Nothing is said about this in the traffic rules. This sign only confuses at intersections, it is enough to install sign 1.6 "Intersection of equivalent roads".

No, not enough. Sign 2.1 is canceled only by sign 2.2. And according to the meaning, it turns out that without the sign 2.4 or 2.5, the sign 2.2 indicates the intersection of equivalent roads.

February 8, 2016 13:10


There was a minor accident: I drove off the main road to a secondary one (there was a sign to exit to a secondary one. I want to note that there is one secondary road on the sign and there are no more adjacent to the secondary one). Went down the hill, there was ice. On the right side, on a hill, there is a store, behind which there is another road, but it is lower than the store (i.e. the store is above the road). I can’t say its coverage, because. there is snow. I drive from top to bottom on the right side, I have to go straight. According to eyewitnesses, the secondary road near the store forks into three more roads: down - straight, to the right side behind the store and to the side of the left side). A car comes out from behind the store, crosses my side and stops right on the road when it sees me, in the left lane. I press the brakes and it carries me sideways down and I crash into a passenger car with my right side. On the one hand, it turns out an unregulated intersection and I have a hindrance from the right, it’s my fault. But I couldn’t see this passenger car, just like it me. But isn't this intersection from where the passenger car left the exit? And how to define it? The traffic police did not go to the scene, they told us to sort it out ourselves. Question about insurance. My car was damaged: the rear door was completely dented, the arch. That car has a crack in the bumper and worn paint. We need a perpetrator and a victim. In this situation, who is who?

Thank you. Best regards, Alexandra.

February 8, 2016 04:39 PM

Alexandra, send photos of the scene of a traffic accident, or a link to its panorama. By verbal description it is impossible to understand what the roads you indicated are.

April 22, 2016 02:04

Good afternoon.

In August 2013, I got into an accident at a crossroads. I still can't calm down. "Lucky" with the representative. Too bad I didn't read your advice about a lawyer at the time. By a court decision, I was found guilty, in full, paragraph 13.11.

I was moving straight, the 2nd car was making a left turn to my right. The impact hit my right rear door. At the intersection there was a single sign 2.4 for the direction of the opposite movement of vehicles 2. In addition, the road on the left (where sign 2.4 is installed) has an unpaved surface. To my right, directly in front of the intersection, there are garbage containers. I could not see that car before leaving the intersection, as well as the quality of the pavement on the road on the right. There were signs 2.1 on my road in front of other intersections, there was no sign 2.2. Plus, my road is 2-lane well-paved, the one on the right, from which the car 2 drove out - a narrow 1-lane passage with clumsy asphalt. The administrative protocol was drawn up for the 2nd driver, clause 13.9. But after an appeal by Adm. the case was closed due to the expiration of the term.

Under all these conditions, I was awarded to compensate for the full damage without depreciation (the car is very old, I don’t remember what year it was, but the amount is decent).

Can you please tell me whether an intersection with at least one priority sign can be considered an intersection of equivalent roads, one of the roads forming it has a dirt surface? Is there any official clarification on this? Thank you in advance.

April 26, 2016 19:25

Olga, Hello.

Please attach a diagram of the specified intersection. On it, indicate from which directions the cars were moving and where the road signs are installed. The description is hard to navigate.

May 27, 2016 22:49

Good afternoon, Maxim.

The schema is problematic. I was driving straight, the main road, but there was no 2.1 before this intersection (2.2 too), a / m 2 drove up to the intersection to my right, 2.4 was not there for him. The only sign of priority at the intersection is 2.4 for the direction opposite to the movement of the vehicle 2. They charged me with the PPR with all the consequences.

My question is more theoretical. Can an intersection be considered an equivalent road intersection if it has at least one priority sign?

June 3, 2016 12:34 pm

Olga, Hello.

Understood the essence of the problem. There is a priority sign at the intersection from only one direction. You and the other participant in the accident were driving with different directions, and there were no signs of priority from these directions.

Both you and the second participant should have been guided by the fact that you are at an equivalent unregulated crossroads. As the second car was approaching from the right, you had to give way to it ().

Good luck on the roads!

June 25, 2017 21:00

Olga, Hello.

In this case, I do not see much point in challenging the existing results.

Now, if the second car was driving from a direction that has a priority sign, one could argue and "blame" the road builders.


here if Olga, who wrote a year ago, saw a recent one, I have no doubt that she would have every chance of winning the court and not paying anything!

And the presence on the left of the sign 2.4 and on the right "narrow 1-lane passage with clumsy asphalt" - just says that on this direction could only be sign 2.1, which is also outside locality according to GOST, it was not necessary to put it here. But on the right, the presence of 2.4 is just a must, there is a jamb of road builders.

But the court decision, if I understood it correctly, is strange: the other driver is to blame, who was driving on the right, who was unable to appeal the court decision; Accordingly, the "not guilty" Olga, for some reason, paid the damage to him!???

June 25, 2017 21:15

Both you and the second participant should have been guided by the fact that you are at an equivalent unregulated crossroads. Since the second car was approaching from the right, you had to give way to it (paragraph 13.11 of the SDA).

... you should poke your nose at vektorv.

June 25, 2017 21:27

GDW nik, if you use the quoted advice of Maxim, then the accident could have been avoided.

And for the court when the accident already happened, it is enough to define the main road and the arguments for its cancellation in the above branch, especially since the court made a decision, to put it mildly, contradictory (one is to blame, but the other pays).

2.1. "The main road".

Road, on which the right of way of passage is granted unregulated s crossroads ov.

And I already told you, if, when driving through fields-forests-villages-villages ..., you, having a 2.1 sign that has not been canceled behind you, slow down and give way at every intersection you meet without 2.1, but for God's sake!))) Again, goals will be!)

The asphalt road is not the main one in relation to the road with a stone surface. This is a crossroads of equivalent roads.

Good luck on the roads!

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The peculiarities of crossing certain sections of the road can sometimes make it difficult for even very experienced drivers to move, therefore, when driving, it is important to be extremely concentrated and careful, because some moments of movement require special attention and knowledge. In order to maximize the safety of all those on the roadway, there are a number of rules combined into chapters and paragraphs, one of which is the rules for driving unregulated intersections.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this matter. However, there are a number of nuances, neglecting which you are likely to become a victim of circumstances. The following rules will help you avoid incidents and misunderstandings on the road.

Do not forget about the presence of main and secondary roads.

Decide in advance on the direction of your movement. This will not only enable you to mark your path in advance, but will not confuse the “neighbors” along the road.

You should always clearly understand which of the road users and in what situation has the advantage on the road.

Based on the foregoing, your actions should be worked out as required by the situation on the way.

For example, if you need to turn left (right), take the lane that matches your intentions. Go straight - any of the lanes will do.

If your direction of travel intersects with the direction of a vehicle that has a flashing light on, then, regardless of your other advantages, it is you who must give way.

There is a tram in front of you - again, we wait and let you pass.

Those vehicles that are on the main road and (or) do not have obstacles on the right also have the advantage.

Of course, sometimes it is quite difficult to navigate while being directly in motion, especially in cases where the driver exceeds the speed limit and ignores the established rules. Therefore, it is better to follow all the same famous expression“You go quieter…” and be as careful as possible than to reproach yourself later for the mistakes you have made. So health is in order, and the rules for driving at unregulated intersections are not violated. Indeed, at a lower speed it is much easier to adequately assess the situation on the approaching section of the road. It's simple:

  • there are no obstacles - we move freely in the intended direction;
  • found a hindrance - we stop in front of the intersection.

Life is simplified if there are any signs at the intersection.

For example, the STOP sign will not prompt us to anything else but to stop. This will greatly facilitate the perception of the situation. To begin with, stop, and it’s easier to figure out what actions, depending on the presence of interference and your direction of movement, are worth taking.

The “Give way” sign will also be a good helper on the way. Firstly, you clearly know that you are on a secondary road, and secondly, given sign encourage you to slow down and look around. Everything is "clean" - go ahead.

If you need to cross an equivalent intersection, be guided by the following:

  • if you can't see a flashing beacon and a tram, let everyone on the right pass;
  • if it is necessary to turn left, then here you should skip all vehicles that are moving on the right and towards.


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