Lenrado DiCaprio and Kate Unilet. The double life of Leonardo DiCaprio: a new romance with a model and feelings for Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet about the failed romance with Leonardo DiCaprio, the injury on the set of the film "The Mountains Between Us" and another

Kate Winslet was a guest on the Lorraine morning show as part of the promotional campaign for her new film The Mountains Between Us, but during the interview, the actress had to recall old projects as well. The film Titanic was released in 1997, but fans are still wondering if Kate and her partner on the set, Leonardo DiCaprio, had an affair, because they looked so convincing on the screen. The actors have repeatedly emphasized that they are connected only by friendly relations, but the fans did not give up hope and waited for a sincere recognition. In the program, Kate spoke on this topic.

Leo and I worked incredibly hard for 7 months. We were both very young. Fortunately, we were never in love with each other and did not try to flirt! I understand that these words will upset everyone. But sorry, we've never really met. But it is thanks to this that we were able to become great friends, it is very valuable!

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic

Kate also revealed that the army of Titanic fans already includes not only her children, but also their friends. When they come to visit the actress, they often compliment her and remember their favorite moments.

I can believe that "Titanic" was released 20 years ago, because all this time I have not been allowed to forget about it. Now the most pleasant thing for me is that my children and their friends like the film. They tell me: "Oh-oh-oh, most of all I like the moment when you ...", and then they say some phrase of my heroine, but I don't remember it. I say, "Oh God, am I really saying that?" And they're like, "Yeah, and then Jack does this, and Rose does that..." I usually tell them, "You weren't even around when this movie was made. You make me feel really old!" It is interesting to realize that new generations also watch this film and they like it. I like to think it's something like Mary Poppins.

For her role in "Titanic" Kate Winslet was awarded an Oscar nomination in the category "Best Actress", but in the end the winner was Helen Hunt ("As Good As It Gets"). After that, Kate was nominated three more times, but she received the coveted statuette only in 2009 for her role in the film The Reader. In a new interview, the actress recalled the time when she only dreamed of an Oscar and rehearsed her acceptance speech in front of a mirror in the bathroom with a statuette of Emma Thompson while visiting her.

I remember the moment - then I was much younger, I came to visit Emma Thompson. I haven't had an Oscar yet, but she did. He was standing in the restroom, without hesitation I grabbed him, went to the mirror and began: "I would like to say" thank you "to mom and dad ..." And after many years I was able to do it for real and for a long time I could not do it believe. I held the figurine in my hands, looked at it and understood that what I had dreamed of had come true. Never stop believing in your dreams! Mine had the least chance of exercising.

Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson

Kate admits that now she herself allows her friends to "play" with the figurine and make a speech.

Of course, everyone who comes to my house wants to hold her. Everyone starts making funny speeches like "I want to thank my riding instructor and my sister for stealing my hairbrush...".

This week on the screens will be released a new work with the participation of Kate Winslet and Idris Elba - "The Mountains Between Us". According to the actress, the shooting of the picture was quite difficult and she still has to deal with unpleasant consequences.

During filming, I developed arthritis in my big toe, which really annoys me, since I'm quite an active person. My character Alex, in the script, got a lot of injuries in a helicopter crash, and her leg was the most damaged, so I had to limp throughout the filming. I put all my weight on my right leg and limped all day long, which led to my arthritis. Now I have to, for example, do yoga in sneakers. People look at me like I'm crazy, but what can you do. I try not to pay attention.

Kate Winslet and Idris Elba in The Mountain Between Us

At the end of August, Leonardo's villa in Saint-Tropez seemed to have turned into a film set for the sequel to the movie Titanic. Only Leo and his partner Kate Winslet were wearing less clothes, there was a tropical heat, and the heated water in the pool did not threaten them with any trouble. 41-year-old Kate came to France to participate in a charity evening for the Leonardo Environmental Foundation. The 42-year-old gentleman gallantly invited her to share the roof, table and pool side with him. The half-naked couple sunbathed, fooled around, hugged to the delight of the paparazzi. However, two circumstances prevent us from believing that the “novel of the century” is unfolding before our eyes with a twenty-year delay: Kate is married, and Leo has just shown the public a new lover - 23-year-old German model Lorena Ray.

girl from the north

Lorena joined Leonardo's entourage in May, shortly after his separation from Nina Agdal. The actor has been dating the Danish model since May 2016 and seemed quite interested, but then relentless time intervened. Nina is 25 years old - the age at which Leo begins to regard his girlfriends as ancient old women, give them a seat in transport and transfer them across the road somewhere far away from him.

After ending the relationship, Leonardo usually announces an open casting. This spring, he gathered a fun gaggle of models on his yacht off the coast of Monaco. Lorena was among them, but the reporters didn't even bother to identify her. From the experience of watching Leo's addictions, the dark-haired girl is almost certainly an outsider, brought on board to set off the blondes.

However, in July, Lorena received an offer to join another sea voyage - this time near Saint-Tropez. And in August, Leo took her on a traditional New York bike ride. This has long become a ritual of initiation, because a girl who cannot ride a bicycle has nothing to do next to an actor, no matter how beautiful she may be in all other respects. True, Lauren made a mistake. Going for a walk, she dressed for Leonardo, but she should have dressed for a bicycle. But the girl somehow coped with the difficulties of pedaling in a little black dress. The next meeting already looked like a real date: first, the potential lovers went to a contemporary art exhibition, and then dined at a restaurant on Fifth Avenue.

“They were very gentle with each other,” eyewitnesses reported.

Of course, this caused a surge of interest in the life and work of the young German model. Lorena is from Diepholz in Lower Saxony. At home, she achieved success, worked with the labels s.Oliver, Thomas Sabo, Hugo Boss. She met with Oliver Huesing, a third league footballer. Deciding to try her luck in America, Lorena was forced to change her real name Rape, because in English this word means "rape". If Leonardo was really interested in her, we can assume that Lorena was lucky.

natural attraction

Kate Winslet, for her part, remains Leonardo's girlfriend longer than all of his models combined. “Leo has deep feelings for her from the first meeting on the set of Titanic,” the actor’s friends say. “Then he called her the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. This state of affairs persists to this day. Ask Leo which actress he enjoyed kissing the most on camera, and he'll answer, "Kate Winslet." With none of his passions did he have such an emotional and intellectual intimacy as with Kate.

Leo and Kate are constantly in touch. When she starred in the drama The Mountain Between Us, she sent a friend a photo of her face bitten by cold all the time and received dozens of frightened emoji in response. Meanwhile, her husband Ned Rocknroll worked as an errand boy, carrying warm blankets and a thermos of tea for his wife. Leonardo is ready to confirm that Kate has a special place in his life.

“There has always been a natural attraction between us,” he says. – We are getting older, wiser, but fundamentally we remain the same as 20 years ago. We are excited and amused by the same things. Kate does not allow me to be arrogant and "give" a great artist, even when I want to."

The picture about the disaster was released in 1997 and made the young duet megapopular // Photo: Frame from the film

Leonardo DiCaprio, despite his numerous novels, remains one of the most attractive and enviable suitors in Hollywood. Kate Winslet recently married for the third time. Since the time of their joint work in the Titanic, this couple has been repeatedly credited with a love affair. They deny these rumors, declaring that they are connected only by great friendship.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio - romance only on the screen

Introduced Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet "Titanic" - a film after which both actors woke up truly famous. In this picture, Leonardo and Kate played young people in love. A beautiful story, high relationships and a tragic ending made a huge number of viewers freeze near the screens. Many perceived them as a couple, between them, indeed, in the early days there was a connection, but only of a friendly nature. Those who were next to them on the set recall that Kate and Leo very quickly found a common language, constantly discussing something, making fun of each other, sharing emotions. They agreed on life so much that after filming they spent time together. Kate and Leonardo brought the filming of Titanic very close, because it was not easy for them - they spent a lot of time in the water, in the cold, in addition, the difficult nature of the director did not allow them to relax. For 7 months of filming, the heroes of "Titanic" became so close that they knew almost everything about each other.

Leonardo DiCaprio loves Kate Winslet?

Leonardo DiCaprio repeatedly to Kate Winslet. It seems that he really does not prevaricate when he says that she is the best and most sincere person in the world. Kate reciprocates Leo and also does not skimp on confessions of sympathy.

Di Ciprio considers Winslet his best friend, he is sure that he can rely on her in any situation. In addition, the actor admires Kate's ability to start from scratch in. Actors often call up and meet, discuss completely different problems, cry into each other's vest if someone has problems in life.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio are not married, but once he took her down the aisle, however, as a friend of the bride. Kate was getting married for the third time and could not do without the support of her best friend.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio - 20 years together

In addition to constant communication, Kate and Leonardo draw attention to their personas by filming together. In 2008, the film "Roads of Change" was released, where famous friends also played the main roles. There were several explicit scenes in the film, after which rumors again spread that Leonardo DiCaprio was in love with Kate Winslet and she had feelings for him. But the girl denied them again, telling the fans that her ex-husband was behind the camera, and, in principle, there could be nothing between her and Di Capri - they have no romantic interest in each other. The actors recall that it was difficult for them to play explicit scenes in front of Kate's husband, but the professionalism of all three participants in this action helped to make a truly beautiful and powerful picture. As a token of gratitude for the joint work, Leonardo DiCaprio gave his partner a ring. Shortly after the release of the film, Kate Winslet divorced her husband, but this did not happen because of DiCaprio, but because family life did not work out and the girl met her new love.

Currently, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio are combining shooting in several films:

  • "Titanic";
  • "Road of Change".
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But not only. This union is a perfect example of friendship between actors, between a man and a woman.

When two old friends meet, a tête-à-tête conversation turns into a "leak of secret information" and the appearance of scandalous news! Now Kate Winslet is actively involved in the promotion of the film "The Mountains Between Us", where she played one of the main roles, so she became a frequent guest in American and British shows.

Shot from the film "Revolutionary Road"

The legendary film "Titanic" was released many years ago, but it still makes the hearts of Leonardo DiCaprio's fans tremble. After the premiere of the picture, everyone was sure that there was an affair between the two main characters, the refutation of this news was not taken seriously. Friendship - is such a relationship possible between a man and a woman? Fans did not believe in this, and every time they looked for evidence of an affair. Kate and Leonardo often relax together, communicate warmly in public, gently hugging each other, in interviews they present themselves as close friends and nothing else.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio

Kate Winslet again spoke about friendship with Leonardo DiCaprio, what juicy details of their relationship are not yet known to fans:

“The filming process lasted seven months, it was a very intense work, requiring from us not only a professional calculation, but also a complete mutual understanding. We were saved by friendship and understanding of the director's task. Of course, we were very young, but the movie novel did not grow into reality. It may seem strange to some, but Leonardo and I did not feel any passion or “desire” towards each other. Why is this hard to believe? For us, the theme of “love” has always been an occasion for jokes and teasing, nothing more.”

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic

From the interview it can be seen that Kate is insanely proud of her work in Titanic, she did not talk much about the new picture, but completely plunged into memories:

“For the second generation, they are watching Titanic, they empathize with the heroes, and this is amazing! I acted a lot, but my children and acquaintances more often recall and quote, almost verbatim, my words from the cinema. This is surprising for me, because I myself have already forgotten a lot of the plot and every time I wonder: “Oh, God, did I really say that?”. I have repeatedly heard that the film is loved and viewed again and again. Honestly, but I'm lost from compliments and from the realization that it was many years ago, when we were so young and dreamed of acting glory. I feel old when I think about it, because many fans were not even born then!

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