What is Buzova on channel 1. Buzova made an important statement after the humiliation on the first channel

On her official page on the social network Instagram, Olga Buzova published a photograph showing her sitting in the studio of the new program of the First Channel "Babi Riot". The TV presenter decided to turn to the public to dot the i's.


Olga admitted that she was incredibly pleased with her new appointment. "I'm glad to join the Channel One family and become a part of it! The Babi Revolt program is just the beginning, there will be a lot more interesting things soon!" Buzova promised.

The girl clarified the situation with TNT, for which she had previously worked. "They are my family, and I'm not going anywhere! My life has been connected for 13 years with the TNT channel. I love my job, I love Dom-2, I love my native channel," Olga said.

Buzova explained what work on the "first button" means to her. "The first is a new and very important step in my career as a TV presenter. At 12:15, our show "Babiy Revolt" will premiere on the First. We have been waiting for this day for a very long time ... I'm very nervous. I turn off the phone and start preparing. With God," the TV presenter concluded her statement.

Earlier, a video from the filming of the new show of the First Channel "Babi Riot" appeared on the Web, where the Buzova format of a conversation with other ladies in the frame seemed humiliating. During a heated discussion, other presenters did not listen to Olga, and she fell into hysterics.

When the presenters came to their senses and nevertheless decided to give the singer the floor, she refused to speak. As a result, Buzova announced in a broken voice that she was not interested, got up from the table and left the studio.

Olga Buzova has become the host of the Babi Riot show, which will premiere next week. Buzova's colleagues on the project will be Sofiko Shevarnadze, Yulia Baranovskaya, Tatyana Vasilyeva and Elena Abitaeva.

Some time ago, rumors appeared on the Web that Olga Buzova would host the Babi Riot program on Channel One. Representatives of the TV company refrained from officially confirming this information. Only at the end of November they released a statement to dot the i's. It is reported that the premiere of the program will take place on November 27 at 12:15, and new episodes will be released on weekdays.

According to the press service of Channel One, Olga Buzova's co-hosts will be Yulia Baranovskaya, Sofiko Shevardnadze, Tatyana Vasilyeva and Elena Abitaeva. They will discuss current news, political events and the biggest scandals in show business.

« The daily informational talk show "Baby Revolt" is a female look at everything that happens in the world. Five female presenters with different fates and different outlooks on life will gather at the same table to see the most interesting and relevant in the news stream. The Babi Revolt program will not only tell about what is happening in the world, but also explain why this is happening.", the press release says.

For the first time, the program with the participation of Olga Buzova, Yulia Baranovskaya, Sofiko Shevardnadze, Tatyana Vasilyeva and Elena Abitaeva became known in early September. It was reported that the shooting of the promo took place back in August. Internet users drew attention to the announcement of the recruitment of extras for a new television project.

Later, the first shots taken on the set of the program appeared on the Web. One of the invited experts of the show was the dentist Igor Lemberg. In his opinion, the program is the female answer to ProjectoruperisHilton.

« The four leading ladies frantically and with their usual passion discussed political and world news with the participation of invited experts, specialists and just twelve angry men. The pressure and energy of the leading ladies makes the format and style of the program unforgettable, and in some places furious", - said the expert.

Lemberg also revealed one of the topics covered during the filming of the pilot episodes. According to the dentist, the New Wave festival turned out to be in the center of attention of the presenters. Then the photographers managed to capture how Olga Buzova is sitting on the lap of the king of the Russian pop scene, Philip Kirkorov. " Especially the audience was worried about the question, did she feel the reaction. Stunning news! I wouldn't have seen it myself, I wouldn't have believed it. There will be something to tell the grandchildren. I will remember Philip's eyes for a long time...” Lemberg commented.

In November, the Babi Riot program started on Channel One. The hosts of the show were Sofiko Shevardnadze, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Yulia Baranovskaya, Elena Abitaeva and Olga Buzova. The star of "House-2" provoked a scandal even before the show went on the air. The Network got an excerpt from the pilot release of the program, in which Buzova threw a tantrum. Olga quarreled with her colleagues because she was not allowed to speak, and left the studio in tears.

One of the first issues of the "Babi Riot" also turned into a scandal. The guest of the show was the judoka Dmitry Nosov. On the air, the presenters began to reproach him for insulting the host of Channel One, Yana Koshkina, calling her a transvestite the day before. After filming, Nosov wrote a post on Instagram, in which he smashed the program and Buzova, who harassed him without even understanding the situation.



“They tried to arrange a public flogging for me, that allegedly earlier I insulted the host of Channel 1 Yana Viktorovna Koshkina, they did not bother to figure out the situation to the end. Tried to act as judges! This begs the question, who are the judges? Olga Buzova? They started talking about plastic surgery, about who makes their breasts, nose and other parts of the body, and all this with pictures, while Olga Buzova demonstrated clearly by putting breast implants under her dress, jumping around the studio with them and going up to the guest put them into his hands. At some point, Olga Buzova forgot that she was on central television, it was clear that the gatherings around the fire for several years made themselves felt, ”said Dmitry (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Note. ed.).


In the next issue, Olga quarreled with TV presenter Arthur Archie, her old acquaintance. The reason for the conflict was Archie's post on Instagram. The TV presenter published a photo of Olga and wrote: “This is a fiasco, bro. "Dom-3" on the First. It's time to fall."

Buzova reacted emotionally: “We have known each other for many years, we went to dinner together, we were friends, we talked with you and were always glad to see each other. I'm really embarrassed! I don't understand why? What, I got up across your throat? Archie replied that he was entitled to his own opinion.

45-year-old actress Anastasia Kalmanovich intervened in the scandal. She published on Instagram a fragment of the show, which did not go on air, and spoke about the conflict between Buzova and Archie. Anastasia stated that she supported Arthur and became disillusioned with Channel One.

“Can I hype at the expense of Olga Buzova? I am completely on Archie's side and support him. Yes, I believe that an increase in the channel's rating by attracting viewers with such programs is not worthy of Channel One. The federal channel is primarily an information channel. And it is extremely sad that such programs are gaining popularity and are broadcast in the daytime. Actually, I'm angry. And no, I don't envy Olga's popularity. I am glad that she has found herself on stage and she is supported by her army of fans. But please, do not fool the society accustomed to think and express their opinions and their point of view aloud. #BuzovaDom3," Kalmanovich said.


As a result, even her colleague on the show, 70-year-old Tatyana Vasilyeva, became angry with Olga. When Evelina Bledans became a guest of one of the issues, the presenters touched on the topic of her divorce. The actress said that her ex-husband Alexander Semin was annoyed by her popularity. Vasilyeva said that she has a negative attitude towards people who put their lives on public display by posting photos of their every step on social networks.

Olga said that she would teach Tatyana how to take selfies correctly. The actress replied with annoyance, “I can’t see how you take pictures all the time!” Buzova said that the country wants to see her. “Who told you that the country wants to see you? Do anything to make the country want to see you, ”Vasilyeva answered rudely.

A series of scandals was followed by the sudden closure of the show. The program disappeared from the First Channel broadcast in the middle of the week. According to rumors, "Baby Riot" will no longer air. However, Olga in one of the interviews, talking about her plans for next year, mentioned shooting in the show on the First. Some viewers are sure that Olga was talking about a program that no longer exists. The first channel refuses to comment on the closure.

Olga Buzova


Changes on Channel One continue. After the closing of the program “So far, everyone is at home”, “Alone with everyone” and the departure of Andrei Malakhov, the Network exploded with new news.

Now one of the new programs on the country's main TV channel will be hosted by the star of the Dom-2 project, a popular singer. In her Instagram, the artist shared a photo where she poses on the steps of the Ostankino television center.

It is already known that Buzova's new project is a women's talk show, Yulia Baranovskaya, Sofiko Shevardnadze, Tatyana Vasilyeva and Elena Abitaeva will become its co-hosts. In the program, the star cast will discuss the difficult fate of the beautiful half of humanity.

The authors of the show did not lose by betting on the scandalous artist. She has over 10 million followers and probably even more haters. Already, a heated debate has begun in Buzova's microblog about the upcoming premiere of the TV show and Olga's comparison with the new passion of her ex-husband Dmitry Tarasov. Commentators sarcastically note that while Anastasia Kostenko once again goes to TV presenter courses and talks about her family, Olga is making a dizzying career.

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