The Zoroastrian calendar by date of birth is accurate. Zoroastrian calendar of totems

It is human nature to structure your life. For this reason, people divided time into cycles, and each year received its own characteristic.

AT modern world the most popular is the Chinese calendar with its twelve totem animals. And few people know that there is another, more ancient system, which was the progenitor of almost all modern horoscopes. It appeared as a result of such a religion as Zoroastrianism, and is known as the Zoroastrian calendar or horoscope.

The Zoroastrian calendar consists of cycles of 32 years, where each year is patronized by one or another creature (animal or bird), which I call the totem of the year. The number of years of such a cycle was determined by the initial period of Saturn's revolution around the Sun, now it makes this revolution in 29.5 years. This last planet, visible to the naked eye, was called Kayvan in Zoroastrianism, which means "Lord of Time". Saturn in astrology signifies law and justice. She weighs the positive and negative aspects like on a scale. human soul bringing just retribution. So the choice of this planet in the Zoroastrian horoscope is not accidental, it determines the inner core of a person born in a particular year.

According to the Zoroastrian calendar, the day of the spring equinox kicks off the next year, that is, on March 21, with the first rays of the sun, you can celebrate New Year. If a person was born between January 1 and March 20, then his patron is the totem of the previous year.

The influence of a totem animal on a person's personality is enormous. The ancient Zoroastrians believed that in order to achieve success, a person must develop best qualities your totem. Only with such a development of the human soul on the physical plane will good luck accompany. And since the world is a constant confrontation between good and evil, there is also an antitoteme for each year. These are manifestations of negative traits patron of the year. And for a harmonious life, you need to fight them, eradicating all manifestations of the antitoteme in yourself.

Moreover, what for one year is a manifestation of the antitoteme, for a person born in another year, will be a positive manifestation of the personality that requires improvement. Very often, people born under the auspices of a particular totem have an outward resemblance to it. Sometimes the animals of this totem show an increased interest in their wards, becoming their patrons on the physical plane as well. But the options when a person’s totem animal is aggressive in the direction towards him mean susceptibility to the anti-toteme and a reason to think.

Each totem, in the presence of close contact with it, endows a person with certain abilities. But for their manifestation, it is necessary to become this totem for a while, to let it into your soul. And this is not possible for many. The Zoroastrians had a special practice for entering this state - khubilga, which consisted in a long observation of the life of their totem in its natural habitat, with the subsequent acquisition of the properties of this animal by copying its habits.

Below is a list of totems and the abilities they bestow on their charges.

Deer - 1938, 1970, 2002, ability: Creator

Mouflon - 1939.1971, 2003, ability: Ancestors

Mongoose - 1940, 1972, 2004, ability: Heavenly Fire

Wolf - 1941, 1973, 2005, ability: Strength

Stork - 1942, 1974, 2006, ability: Sky

Spider - 1943, 1975, 2007, ability: Great Void

Already - 1944, 1976, 2008, ability: Divine Waters

Beaver - 1945, 1977, 2009, ability: Heavenly Waters

Turtle - 1946, 1978, 2010, ability: Mystery of the Earth

Magpie - 1947, 1979, 2011, ability: Holy Word

Squirrel - 1948, 1980, 2012, ability: Faith

Raven - 1949, 1981, 2013, ability: Guardian of the Future

Rooster - 1950, 1982, 2014, ability: Evangelism

Cow - 1919, 1951, 1983, ability: Living Soul

Badger - 1920, 1952, 1984, ability: treasure keeper

Camel - 1921, 1953, 1985, ability: Justice

Hedgehog - 1922, 1954, 1986, ability: Grace

Doe - 1923, 1955, 1987, Ability: True

Elephant - 1924, 1956, 1988, ability: Supreme Righteousness

Horse - 1925, 1957, 1989, ability: Eye of God

Cheetah - 1926, 1958, 1990, Ability: Heavenly Host

Peacock - 1927, 1959, 1991, ability: Holy Spirit

Swan - 1928, 1960, 1992, ability: Highest Truth

Lynx - 1929, 1961, 1993, ability: Divine drink

Donkey - 1930, 1962, 1994, ability: Good World

White Bear - 1931, 1963, 1995, ability: Great Light

Eagle - 1932, 1964, 1996, ability: Immortality

Fox - 1933, 1965, 1997, ability: Wind

Dolphin - 1934, 1966, 1998, ability: Good Thought

Boar - 1935, 1967, 1999, ability: Victory

Owl - 1936, 1968, 2000, ability: Moon

Falcon - 1937, 1969, 2001, ability: Sun

Zoroastrian totem horoscope-calendar
With the help of this astrological horoscope-calendar, you can determine which animal totem corresponds to you by date of birth. The totem calendar is calculated from 1901 to 2028. Thanks to him, you will also learn what you need to pay attention to this or next year in order to achieve success and well-being.
Year Totem Qualities of the totem Qualities of the year
1997 Fox Savvy, socially active, cheerful, fast, persistent, prone to loneliness, lucky This year, straightforwardness and simplicity will not bring success. You have to be nimble, in some sense even a schemer, to succeed.
1998 Dolphin Virtuous, balanced, active, but only as a last resort, sympathetic If you want this year to be successful, you need to maintain balance and harmony in everything, it is dangerous to go to extremes, try to see positive and negative sides evenly in any situation, to really see what's going on.
1999 Boar Aggressive, active, straightforward, unbalanced, rude, persistent, impetuous The year will bring good luck if you are more tolerant, become calmer and show your virtues. Rudeness, excessive activity and straightforwardness will destroy you. Remember that the straight path is very often the longest path to success.
2000 Owl Thoughtful, rational, slow, quiet, modest, unobtrusive, prone to loneliness You need to think more and fuss less. The problem of this year is the problem of choice. Think about your life and honestly tell yourself if this is how you imagined your life or not. Now it is important to think first, and then act.
2001 Falcon Aggressive, fast, purposeful, self-confident, authoritarian, prone to loneliness You need to be more purposeful and active, and most importantly - stop fanatically bowing to authorities. Show your leadership qualities.
2002 Deer Sensitive, emotional, fickle, courageous, courageous, gravitating towards leadership You need to become a leader, and then this year will turn into the finish line of your success. But do not forget that for this you need to show courage and courage.
2003 Ram Persistent, sometimes overly stubborn, active, sexy, energetic, perky, cheerful Luck this year will smile at you only if you stop being stubborn. Look around, you haven't noticed for a long time open door, which is located a few centimeters from you. You need to take a step back to see more easy way to the implementation of their plans.
2004 Mongoose Courageous, brave, courageous, crafty, cheerful, savvy Be active, brave; where necessary, do not be embarrassed, show cunning, and then luck will be yours.
2005 Wolf Self-confident, authoritarian, very active, aggressive, purposeful, independent Stop relying on those around you. Show your leadership qualities and be the leader of the pack. Only he will succeed this year who becomes his own leader.
2006 Stork Gullible, trusting, kind, dreamy, sympathetic You are too mired in everyday life, you need to pay more attention to your spiritual side. Only by rising above the hustle and bustle, you can take off to your success.
2007 Spider Cunning, closed, rude, unprincipled, economic, patient, mercantile You need to stop acting straightforwardly, but you should carefully think over your plan of action, and then success will come faster. It is very important to organize time and space around you. You need to lure luck into your nets.
2008 Snake Wise, cunning, authoritarian, sexy, withdrawn, unhurried, persistent Become more flexible, you are too principled and therefore cannot succeed. This year will give you the opportunity to be more mobile and wiser.
2009 Beaver Hardworking, persistent, active, virtuous, sympathetic, straightforward, inventive The year will be successful for those who will work hard, who will earn their bread by the sweat of their brow. Now is not the time to dream and have fun, you need to work hard so that you can rest on your laurels for a long time.
2010 Turtle Slow, wise, tactful, tolerant, reticent, prone to melancholy Be slow, do not fuss, and then your cherished dream will come true, the main thing is to choose the right direction. That is what matters, not the speed.
2011 Magpie Fast, lively, dexterous, cunning, fearless, very active, fussy, talkative In order for the year to be successful, you need to less fuss, and make every effort and move in the most important direction of your life.
2012 Squirrel Active, restless, intelligent, agile, homely, economic, unstable, superficial Good luck this year will accompany you if you do not show passivity, but become more active, but do not fall into the extreme of fussiness.
2013 Raven Secretive, wise, unpredictable, prone to loneliness This year, you need to devote more time to your inner rather than outer needs. Luck will smile not on the most active, but on the wisest.
2014 Rooster Sexy, talented, original, sociable, socially active, but sometimes prone to be overly proud of yourself. It's time for you to remember that in life there is bright sides; it's time to rest, dedicate this year to it, pay more attention to joys (even small ones) than difficult problems. They are so difficult because you have ceased to enjoy life.
2015 Ox Straightforward, reliable, disinterested, kind, patient, responsible A year will pass it is good if you become persistent and follow the most direct path, showing perseverance and patience.
2016 Badger Brave, agile, active, quick-witted, organized, modest, benevolent The year will be successful if you show your best qualities, trying to solve all problems in peaceful ways, and not by aggressive methods.
2017 Camel Slow, reliable, hardworking, patient, thrifty, arrogant The year will bring good luck if you are patient and do not allow yourself to stop before difficulties, but will slowly move towards the intended goal.
2018 Hedgehog Fussy, withdrawn, economic, virtuous, hardworking, active In order for the year to be successful, you need to work more in those areas of your life where you used to prefer to be lazy.
2019 Doe Fast, active, agile, fussy, unreliable, sociable, sexy Stop procrastinating, boldly rush into battle with problems and then you will achieve your goal.
2020 Elephant Reliable, unhurried, self-confident, straightforward, strong, courageous, prone to over-reflection This year, only those who first take care of the basis of their actions, that is, those who create a good foundation for the building of their success, will be able to realize their plans.
2021 Horse Hardworking, patient, tolerant of other people's shortcomings, kind, sympathetic, sometimes too pliable Be patient, persistent, hardworking and cheerful, and then this year will be successful for you. And most importantly - do not forget to make sharp leaps forward, risk is sometimes a very important part of success.
2022 Cheetah Authoritarian, fast, active, aggressive, graceful, purposeful Your main qualities this year should be courage and determination. Do not give in to depression, and then success will become your middle name.
2023 Peacock Arrogant, sexy, dependent on public opinion, proud, passive Good luck will accompany only those who can cooperate, and not those who are too proud for this. In general, it must be said that this year is dangerous for those who are used to sticking out their ego in everything; you need to be humble and then you will achieve success faster.
2024 Swan Sexy, proud, mystical, superficial, virtuous A good year is possible only if you trust your intuition more than facts, if you show more personality, if you apply an unconventional approach to achieving success.
2025 Lynx Active, fast, original, courageous, independent, impatient, inclined to go to extremes This year it is important to be not just active, but to make original, non-standard decisions. You should be creative and use anything unusual. Only in this way can you succeed.
2026 Donkey Stubborn, persistent, slow, sociable your goal - then everything will work out for you.
2027 Bear Persistent, straightforward, courageous, courageous, brave, slow You should become more courageous, strong, brave and slowly move towards your goal, without being distracted by small parts and stop at nothing. Set a goal and boldly go to it.
2028 Eagle Proud, arrogant, self-confident, purposeful, prone to loneliness, active Success this year is possible only if you find the strength to look at your life, as they say, from a bird's eye view and find those areas where you would cease to show their leadership qualities, but obey the situation; be bolder and more self-confident, passivity is the shortest path to failure.

Zodiac twelve signs. But each month consists of exactly thirty days. And there are 360 ​​such days in a year - as well as degrees in the zodiac circle. According to the Avestan texts, this was exactly the length of the year before the invasion of Angro Mainyu, which violated world harmony.

The remaining 5 or 6 days (angardah) are dedicated to fravashes and are considered days of mourning for the lost harmony and are not included in any month. it last days before the spring equinox, and according to the Avestan tradition, it is considered a misfortune to be born on one of the days of sorrow.

By the way, in the ancient Persian tradition, angardah lasted 5 days. The scientist-encyclopedist Biruni (973-1050) reported that they neglected a quarter of a day until these quarters accumulated days for a whole month - this happened once every 120 years - and then they added an extra month to the months of a given year, so that in the year turned out to be thirteen months ...

And this is connected with the existence of the thirteenth constellation of the Zodiac - Ophiuchus, which exists in the zodiac circle, but according to Avestan astrological ideas, has not yet manifested itself. Therefore, it is not taken into account and, as it were, is taken into account at the same time.

Every month of the solar calendar and every day of the month is influenced by one of the Saints - Amesha Spent. This determines their characteristics, and also prescribes to people what should and should not be done on a given day.

There are days for fun, days for work, for exercise, for love, for solitude and reflection. Guided by the instructions, a person can more harmoniously fit into the world, and its energy will not come into conflict with the energies of the luminaries and planets.

In addition to the solar calendar, there is a lunar calendar, in which every lunar day begins at moonrise. (Even in our everyday tear-off calendars, the time of moonrise is always indicated.)

At lunar day there are patrons and their own characteristics: for example, on one of the days it is better to go shopping, on the other - to cut your hair, on the third, a dog howl or a falling fork warns of danger ...

There may be twenty-nine or thirty days in a lunar month. Incomplete, twenty-nine days is considered unlucky, since things started during this period may not be completed.

In addition to these reckonings, in Zoroastrianism there is also a thirty-two-year totemic calendar, in which a certain animal is the patron of each year. It is believed that the totem principle brings good, bestows certain talents, and the anti-totem one, on the contrary, takes away grace, gives a person the worst features.

Totems are used in many religions; this image helps a person to better understand his place in the world, and in the "applied" form determines the character, allowing you to highlight psychological features by identification with the well-studied habits of the animal.

In addition, in the Avesta, a person, unlike an animal, receives karmic retribution for his actions. Therefore, it is easier for a person to go beyond the limits of a given karmic circle through a totem.

But we will not delve into the bottomless depths of astrological interpretations, but rather we will immediately give a list mutual relations: which year corresponds to which totem. Many are familiar with the Chinese and Japanese calendars, it has become a habit to celebrate the year of the Rabbit (or Cat), Dragon or Monkey ... And for comparison, let's give the Avestan calendar in the form in which it was collected and generalized for ease of understanding by modern scientists.

Golden Deer (1906, 1938, 1970, 2002) - a symbol of pride, strength, determination.

Mountain Sheep (Mouflon) (1907, 1939, 1971,2003) - a symbol of unity, a sense of duty and tradition.

Mongoose (1908, 1940, 1972, 2004) - a symbol of dexterity, creative activity, flexible thinking.

Wolf (1909, 1941, 1973, 2005) - a symbol of independence, courage, responsibility, endurance.

Stork (1910, 1942, 1974, 2006) - a symbol of peace, fatalism, conservatism.

Spider-cross (1911, 1943, 1975, 2007) - a symbol of the fight against evil spirits, the well-being of the house, healing.

Already (1912, 1944, 1976, 2008) - a symbol of karma and the wheel of incarnations, intuition, mysticism.

Beaver (1913, 1945, 1977, 2009) - a symbol of natural harmony, beauty and love.

Turtle (1914, 1946, 1978, 2010) - a symbol of wisdom, consistency, caution, secrecy.

Magpie (1915, 1947, 1979, 2011) - a symbol of connection with upper world, word spread.

Squirrel (1916, 1948, 1980, 2012) - a symbol of thought, knowledge of the family tree, a lively mind and a sense of duty.

Raven (1917, 1949, 1981, 2013) - a symbol of seriousness, severity, isolation, cleansing from filth.

Rooster (1918, 1950, 1982, 2014) - a symbol of victory over demons, the triumph of justice, reformism.

Tour (1919, 1951, 1983, 2015) - a symbol of peace, prosperity, self-sacrifice, selflessness.

Badger (1920, 1952, 1984, 2016) - a symbol of storing wealth, traditions, memories, strengthening the material world.

Camel (1921, 1953, 1985, 2017) - a symbol of skepticism, humor, ridicule, perseverance, independence.

Hedgehog (1922, 1954, 1986, 2018) - a symbol of grace, novelty, freedom.

Doe (1923, 1955, 1987, 2019) - a symbol of harmony, beauty, righteousness.

Elephant (1924, 1956, 1988, 2020) - a symbol of stability, solidity, firmness.

Horse (1925, 1957, 1989, 2021) - a symbol of justice, diligence, striving forward, broad-mindedness.

Cheetah (1926, 1958, 1990, 2022) - a symbol of the struggle for a just cause, militancy, independence, fearlessness.

Peacock (1927, 1959, 1991, 2023) - a symbol of overcoming illusions, games, disguises.

Swan (1928, 1960, 1992, 2024) - a symbol of the purification of faith, spirituality, hope.

Lynx (1929, 1961, 1993, 2025) - a symbol of enlightenment, insight, transformation, fun.

Donkey (1930, 1962, 1994, 2026) - a symbol of abundance, peace, patience, passive resistance.

The White Bear (1931, 1963, 1995, 2027) is a symbol of healing, magic, generosity, slow buildup, but quick action (the totem of the Aryan peoples).

Eagle (1932, 1964, 1996, 2028) - a symbol of royalty, power, aristocracy.

Fox (1933, 1965, 1997, 2029) - a symbol of cunning, dexterity, caution, balance.

Dolphin (1934, 1966, 1998, 2030) - a symbol of the knowledge of secrets, salvation, good thoughts.

Boar (1935, 1967, 1999, 2031) - a symbol of victory, power, struggle, activity.

Owl (1936, 1968, 2000, 2032) - a symbol of mystery, the fight against the forces of darkness, a nocturnal lifestyle.

Falcon (1937, 1969, 2001, 2033) - a symbol of creative insight, reincarnation, fidelity, courage.

It remains only to add that these years originate according to the Zoroastrian calendar - from the day of the spring equinox (March 21-22).

AT special days months (ninth, fifteenth and twenty-ninth).

According to Avestan ideas same-sex love recognized as the worst sin. The second most serious sin was considered indulgence in homosexuality, and only the third was murder.

The curse that falls on the heads of homosexuals extends to all his descendants, so homosexuals were forbidden to have children. By the way, the Avestan people even in ancient times already understood that a person's predisposition to same-sex love is laid in the mother's womb.

Zoroastrianism is often called the "religion of love", but it is worth considering that the huge energy that is released during lovemaking should not be used to serve evil. Love must be treated as a sacred rite. It is especially responsible to treat its consequences, the “fruits” of love. For reason is given to man so that he thinks before he does...

Abortion in the Avesta is the gravest sin, equal to murder. Moreover, it applies equally to the mother, and to the father, and to the doctor performing the abortion. After all, it is believed that already from the moment of conception a person has a soul, therefore, is alive.

Servility, slavery, sycophancy, as well as rudeness and humiliation of one's neighbor opposite to them, are also serious sins.

Fravashi, that is, the soul, of each person was created proud and free.

To cleanse the body and soul from filth, the Zoroastrians observe several fasts. In addition to the fasts in the Zoroastrian tradition, there are six major holidays. They are called Gahambaras, Great Feasts.

The first - May 9 - the day of Asha Vakhishta. Dedicated to truth and justice and is associated with the construction of houses and sowing.

The third - August 27 - the day of Shahrivar. Associated with harvesting and baking bread, which gives strength to overcome demons. It is with these breads that the Avestan commune.

Fifth - January 30 - the day of Spent Armaiti. This is the day of the inviolability of the heavenly law, the integrity of the world, punishment for sins and retribution for good deeds. On this day, they put up with enemies and ask for forgiveness.

There was Ahura Mazda and Angro Mainyu. The Void separated them. Ahura Mazda was above, above the Void, illuminated by an incomprehensible infinite light - the Light of wisdom, goodness, omniscience and goodness. Angro Mainyu was in the depths of Darkness, in the underworld, alone. He knew nothing about the existence of Ahura Mazda.

However, the wise Ahura Mazda knew about the Spirit of Evil, as well as that he would remain in ignorance of the Forces of Good for another three thousand years, and during this time, out of ignorance, he would not do anything against God. And after three millennia, Angro Mainyu will see the radiance emanating from God, learn about its existence and attack.

Then they will come together in an irreconcilable battle between Good and Evil. This battle will last for thousands of years, and all creations will be involved in it, the whole world that has not yet been created: deities, stars, planets, animals, people...

Such knowledge was given to Ahura Mazda, and he began to prepare in advance for the coming confrontation.

At first, he did not create the material world, but only the spiritual essence of all future good creations: gods, sky, water, elements, animals, plants and people.

Three thousand years of Ahura Mazda's creations were in a spiritual state, and the limited Angro Mainyu knew nothing about them. But the time came, and the Spirit of Evil rose from the depths of Darkness, and saw God's Light over the Void, and realized that his death was in it. He decided to attack first and rushed up, but blinded by the radiance of Ahura Mazda, he was forced to retreat.

Then Ahura Mazda himself went down to him and offered peace. In exchange for recognition of his dominance, he promised Angro Mainyu immortality and attainment of the highest goodness in Truth. But Angro Mainyu rejected this proposal. He did not understand how strong Ahura Mazda was, and decided that he was afraid of him, which is why he offered peace. Then Ahura Mazda thought. Endowed with wisdom, he knew what the slow mind of Angro Mainyu did not know: in the coming battle, the victory of Good over Evil was not predetermined. If the battle began now, in eternity, then the Spirit of Evil could emerge victorious in it. The victory of Ahura Mazda was inevitable only if the world historical process was limited in time.

In endless time - Zervan akarana, eternal Bliss, God needed to create a finite time interval - Zervan dargahvadata - nine thousand years, during which the whole world history. Of these nine, three thousand years are allotted for the Era of Creation. At this time, the Void, separating the kingdom of Light and the underworld, will turn into what is now called air: the luminaries, stars, the Earth and the earthly world will appear there.

Then the Era of the Mixing of Good and Evil will come: two opposing principles will collide in the created world. Their battle will continue until Zarathustra is born. And with the birth of the prophet, the Era of Separation will come - the last three thousand years of world history. And at the end of time, the Good army will win, and the forces of Evil will be defeated.

Ahura Mazda offered Angro Mainyu to fight for exactly nine thousand years, and the ignorant Angro Mainyu accepted the challenge. He presumptuously thought that Evil was stronger and he would easily win. However, Ahura Mazda showed him a revelation, showing him what would happen after a set period of time. From these words, Angro Mainyu shrank all over, fell to his knees and plunged back into the Darkness. He remained there for another three thousand years.

So the war was declared, but not yet started. While the Spirit of Evil was in a confused state, Ahura Mazda prepared for battle and created the world.

He first created the seven Immortal Saints. In opposition to the Spirit of Evil, the first Holy Spirit arose - Spenta Mainyu, who absorbed the creative power and goodness of Ahura Mazda. Then came Boxy Mana - Good Thought, then - Asha Vahishta - Best Truth, then - Khshatra Vairya - Good Reign, or Desired Power, and after it - Spenta Armaiti - Holy Piety, Haurvatar - Integrity and Amertat - Immortality.

And at the same time, Angro Mainyu in his underworld created devas - evil demons, whom he wanted to oppose to the Good Deities - ahurs.

First he produced Aka Manu - Evil Thought, then Indra, Shara, Nahatya and finally Tarvi and Zairi - Hunger and Thirst. He created Mitaohta - the deva of Lies and the very lie - Druj. Falsehood is the root cause of all sin and the main enemy of Truth. And, finally, the last supreme deva appeared in the world - Aishma - Rampage, Fury, the embodiment of unbridledness, violence, murder.

But Ahura Mazda knew from the very beginning that Angro Mainyu would create a whole galaxy of servants of evil, and commanded that the righteousness of each Avestan would be determined by how he observed the sacred Triad, which Zarathustra would reveal to the world. The Avestan Triad is, first of all, a moral dogma: humata - khukhta - hvarshta - good thoughts - good speeches - good deeds. And then the Good God began to create the material world in the place of the former Void.

First, the Sky was created, bright and clear. At the top, it reached the Infinite Light - the abode of Ahura Mazda, and all subsequent creations were created inside the sky. The second creation of Ahura Mazda was water, the third - the Earth. Then, between the realm of Infinite Light and the Earth, God created the luminaries - the stars, the Moon (Maha) and the Sun (Hvarkhshaita).

The path of the sun was laid from east to west, so that all year round the day was equal to the night. The stars are located in the twelve main constellations: Lamb, Bull, Two Portraits, Crab, Lion, Ear, Libra, Scorpio, Centaur, Goat-leader, Fish, Aquarius.

So, the Universe was divided into three parts by the will of Ahura Mazda. Above was Ahura Mazda's House of Praise - paradise. Below - Duzhakhva - the underworld, the kingdom of Darkness and Evil. And in the middle, where there used to be the Void, heaven and earth arose - there soon Good and Evil were to come together in battle.

The fourth creation of God was plants, the fifth he created the Primordial Bull, and the sixth - the first man.

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The universe according to Avestan concepts
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In the beginning there was no Earth, no Sun, no planets, no stars in the Universe. There was only endless time - Zervan akarana. So says the Avestan tradition. The Good Spirit - Ahura Mazda and the Spirit of Evil - Angro Mainyu - the progenitor of lies, sins and vice...

“In the beginning was the Word…” the Bible says. “And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

And here is what the ancient Iranian myths say:

“What is the Word that you have not yet told me,” exclaimed Zarathustra, turning to Ahura Mazda, “which existed before heaven and before water, before earth and before cattle, before plants and before fire, and before a righteous man, and before devas and lordship, and above all the material world, even before all the good creations of Mazda; A word that contains a grain of truth and righteousness?

At first glance, both ancient books we are talking about the same thing. First of all, there was the Word... this assumption is incorrect, since the Avesta speaks of an invocation to the Lord, that is, of prayer, and not at all about the name of God.

The world was attacked by the Spirit of Evil, Angro Mainyu, bringing death with him. With his invasion, the Era of Creation ended, the Era of the Mixing of Good and Evil began. Before his death, Gaia Martan dropped a seed on the ground, from which a rhubarb bush grew with two stems connected to each other. Two souls lived in this common vegetable body. Soon their bodies separated and turned into humans. They were Mashya and Mashyoi, a man and a woman, the first married couple. Unfortunately, they often followed the lead of the insidious Angro Mainyu and, at his instigation, committed acts that were displeasing to God. They even ate their first child!

And therefore, after death, they fell into the Darkness, where they are waiting to this day for the end of the world and the last battle between Good and Evil, when the Last Judgment will be performed on the dead.

However, over time, a feeling of parental love awakened in the hearts of the spouses, and the next descendants of this first couple settled the earth, becoming the ancestors of different peoples.

Among the seven pairs of children who were born from Mashya and Mashyoi were a boy and a girl - Siyamak and Nashak. They grew up and also became husband and wife, giving birth, in turn, to Fravak and Fravakien.

And already their son Khaosyangh became the first earthly ruler, the first king. He led the dynasty of Paradata ("Placed in front"). According to legend, Khaosyangh was the first to establish laws for people, that is, he created a state.

Khaoshyangh taught his subjects arable farming and bakery, construction of stone dwellings, and much more. It was during his reign on earth that three great fires flared up by themselves - the sacred triple flame of Atar, from which the fires of the holy altars were subsequently lit. The ancient Aryans are often called fire worshipers, although they also deified other elements - water, earth ...

The son and heir of Khaoshyangh, the second king of the Paradata dynasty, Tahma-Urupi, was a priest. He was distinguished by righteousness and virtue. He approved in the state religious cult Creator, Ahura Mazda. True, until the birth of Zarathustra, the Aryans, along with the great Good Spirit, also revered other gods - their pantheon is extensive.

Tahma-Urupi also taught his subjects to graze cattle, knit clothes from sheep wool and weave carpets, and tamed domestic animals.

In addition, Tahma-Urupi was a brave warrior. He repelled the raids of violent nomads on peaceful settled settlements. He challenged the minions of Darkness - devas and drujvants (Druj - the spirit of Lies) - and broke their resistance. Exhausted, frightened enemies fled. And then Angro Mainyu himself went to battle with the brave king. But Tahma-Urupi defeated him too! Of course, it is not given to a mortal man to kill Angro Mainyu, but Tahma-Urupi made the Spirit of Evil turn into a black horse and saddled him. For thirty whole winters, the king rode this horse, not letting go of the bridle and not letting it rest!

Angro Mainyu, trying to appease the rider, gave him the secret of writing, teaching Tahma-Urupi to write in seven languages. The tsar conveyed this knowledge to people, but did not release the Spirit of Evil.

Only the talkativeness of the queen helped Angro Mainyu to free himself from the bridle and destroy Tahma-Urupi. The woman let slip that the only thing her husband is afraid of is heights. Then the black horse climbed on high mountain Alburz (similar to Elbrus?). And when the king felt dizzy, the demonic horse threw him out of the saddle.

The third ruler from the Paradata dynasty was brother Tahma-Urupi, brilliant Yima. In Iranian transcription, this is Jam, or Jamshid. Firdousi (340-1020 or 1030) displays it under this name in his monumental poem Shahnameh. The great Persian poet, who lived at the beginning of the II century AD. e. calls Yima's reign a "golden age". His reign lasted six hundred years, six months and sixteen days, and during all this time people knew neither sickness nor death, nor worries, nor suffering. Order was established in the Aryan lands, because Yima divided people into estates; each concentrated on the fulfillment of only certain duties assigned to him, and did his work not only for himself, but for the whole community. And since there was no shortage of anything and no one died, then it became crowded on Earth, and Yima expanded Aryan Veju - the fertile Aryan land - twice.

Even the merciless frosts that swept in from the north did not interfere with the prosperity of the people, because the king erected a shelter for people - Vara, behind the fence of which people could wait out the cold. Perhaps in this legend we are talking about a distant prehistoric era glaciation...

But Yima could not resist - he became proud and thereby committed a sin. When Ahura Mazda offered him to become a prophet of the true faith, the king refused, considering that only earthly goods were enough for the happiness of mankind, the arbiter of which he, overcome by pride, imagined not God, but himself. And then the comfortable life ended, and Evil reigned in the world for a long time.

The throne was captured by the bloodthirsty three-headed snake Azhi Dahak, who was helped in this by the brother of the legitimate sovereign Spityur. The overthrown ruler wandered for a long time from city to city, from village to village, until he was tracked down and, on the orders of his half-brother, was put to a terrible death: he was sawn alive in half with a sharp saw.

The soul of Yima, who became proud and cruelly paid for it, went to hell, but during doomsday it is he who will be the first to be forgiven by God, since he brought a lot of good to people. And because of the refusal of this noble mission of Jamshid, that is, Yima, only his distant descendant Zarathustra will become the prophet of Ahura Mazda on earth ...

For almost a thousand years he ruled the land of Dahak, bringing innumerable disasters to the Aryan lands. Many peaceful settlements were devastated by nomads, under whose influence many began to worship evil devas. But the secret "voice of goodness" did not stop forever: the righteous still remained on earth.

One of them was Atvya, a descendant of Yima in the eighth generation. The pious Atvya was the second priest, squeezing the healing juice of the Haoma plant for the people. As a reward for this, the gods sent him a son - Traetaon.

Azhi Dahak saw prophetic dream that this baby was destined to defeat him, and he sent out servants in search of him. The villains managed to overtake and kill Atvya, but the wife of the deceased priest Freni hid with her child and gave her son to be raised by a shepherd.

When the saved Traetaon was fifteen years old (according to Aryan customs, this is the age of majority), the mother told the young man about the atrocities of the three-headed serpent, and he swore to avenge both his father and his fallen ancestor, Yima. And since the Good Spirit patronized him, he challenged Azhi Dahaka.

A wave of uprisings against unrighteous rule swept the country, and many rebels joined Traetaon. Traetaon was supported by his two older brothers, who had previously intended to betray and even kill him. He generously forgave them.

Traetaonu defeated the monster, but could not kill him, and chained him in the hot vent of the Damavend volcano, now extinct. It is believed that Azhi Dahaka is still imprisoned in the core of this mountain: he will break out again on the Day of Judgment and only then will he be finally defeated.

Three sons were born to Traetaona. The younger of them, pious and meek, was named Arya by his parents, probably in honor of the ancestral home of the Aryans - Aryan Vej.

Traetaona, during his lifetime, divided his possessions between his sons, but Arya reigned on the lands transferred to him for only twelve years. Then he fell victim to his envious brothers, Sayrima and Tura, who felt that he unfairly got the best lands. They killed both Arya and his two sons. Tur beheaded his brother and sent his head to his father.

The decrepit, blind Traetaona cursed his fratricidal sons. However, he managed to save and hide his granddaughter, the daughter of Arya, who was born after the death of her father, on the mythical mountain Manush. The girl, having matured, gave birth to a son, Manushchihr, named after the mountain on which his mother had escaped. With joy, the old man Traetaona received his sight! He himself taught his great-grandson all the royal wisdom, and then declared him his co-ruler.

After long bloody wars, both traitorous uncles were defeated by their nephew and beheaded by him in revenge for Arya.

Manushchihr had sons Frish, Naotara and Duras-rob. Durasrob had a son Airik, Airik - Niyazem, Niyazem - Vaedisht, Vaedisht - Spitam, whose name became the generic name of the prophet (like our surnames). Reading Avestan sources, one can often come across the combination "Spitam Zarathustra".

Further, the sequence of generations is as follows: Hardhar, Arejadharashn, Paetrasp, Chihshnush, Khaedchadasp, Urugdhasp, Padiragtaraspi, and finally, his son Porushaspa, who married a girl from a foreign tribe Dukdaub. Porushaspa became the fourth priest of Haoma.

The whole race revolves around us
The family tree must be done from the bottom up, like a Christmas tree, a symbol of the world tree. We are at the top, ancestors are at the bottom. We say that it is necessary to study the roots, and the roots must be at the bottom. Our descendants will go up from us, the tree grows up, towards the light. Each person potentially gives life to a new kind. It turns out that the whole race, past and future, revolves around us. Astrologically, it is appropriate to compare us with the Sun, the luminary around which the planets revolve. The first generation can be associated with the Sun.
Our horoscope, even if it does not work very well, will be the arbiter for us of what we have inherited from our ancestors. So in the beginning we need to know our horoscope. Only then can we add to it the genoscope, the influence of ancestors on our lives. For Ukrainians, Taurus, it will be clear to compare the horoscope with an ATM card that you insert into the right bank and withdraw what you need from the account of your ancestors. And someone's card is blocked, even if you enter the pincode correctly. And someone has a huge amount on this account, someone has little. To withdraw the amount of money, you need your individual code - a horoscope. Without it, you will not get access to the bank. Horoscope is your destiny individual picture, space passport. It includes a code and the amount is transferred from your account or blocked.
People who have a strong Sun are less connected to their ancestors. Any ancestors with strong sun are reflected in descendants for a very long time. Solariums can be the founders of the genus. But at the same time, they kind of burn their ancestors. Such a person embodies the karma of the family, his family has little effect on him.
Most of our ancestors are alive in us, somewhere their souls wander. They themselves have already died here, they are not there, but there is a relationship with them. They define the rules of our life, they left us a legacy of the events that we implement. We are simply obliged to complete the programs that have not been implemented by them. Connecting with them will help us get rid of many fears, such as the fear of death. People who contact their ancestors in dreams, visions, have an astral connection with them, with the Fravahar, the collective consciousness of all ancestors, even beyond the seventh generation. It is very interesting even just to study your ancestors ethnographically, who they were, where they lived, what they did. We will explain everything in cosmic language, it is more convenient.
The most irreparable loss for us is the ignorance of the ancestors of the 7th generation, they keep the fundamental principles of our being, worldview foundations, where we should go, how to develop, give us a connection with the Guardian Angel. The seventh generation stores fundamental information about man as God's creation.

Signatures connect us with the keepers of the family
Ancestors can pass on to us both good and bad. Signature signs are a seal from the clan, a seal from the guardians of the clan. They say that a person is simply obliged to do something for his family, he is labeled in his family, which means that he has a mission, for his entire family. He must do his good task and not do bad.
Signatures connect us with the keepers of the clan, the Fravashes. This means that you have a more serious mission than 7 generations, it goes back in time. Special meaning have configurations of the same moles. Flat moles, which lie in bulk on the body like stars forming configurations of constellations, speak of destiny, initiation, passing from generation to generation. This kind performs a certain mission, it is protected and guarded, and you, as a representative of this kind, if you reveal your abilities, then this will help you not only survive, but also connect to such a baggage of information that thanks to this you will become head and shoulders above others. If people with such configurations do not fulfill their destiny, then they live a boring, gray life and are extremely disappointed in their fate. Their kind suggests that they live not only to eat, drink, give birth to children. This is good, but they are intended for more, their family is very ancient, it has accumulated so much!
The part of the body where the configuration is located corresponds to the sign of the Zodiac and will indicate to you your destiny, which was passed on to you by ancestors who were clearly initiated, initiated. I have a mole sign on my right forearm that looks like the constellation Scorpio, a trident. This sign was on my mother's left hand, on my grandfather's right hand, and so on. thousand years ago. So I have to live with the problems of the family. Such a person also needs to study the genoscope, and not only the closest ancestors, but also distant ones, to dig his genetics as deeply as possible. Such people may show genetic lines from some distant ancestors, even for 7 generations. So, from my ancestors appeared from my ancestors: a clerk of the Zaporozhye army, my own paternal ancestor Ivan Yakovlevich Globa, who lived in the 17th century, and also my ancestor Tamerlane, the famous Timur, on the maternal side (surname Gantimurova). True, I, like him, did not engage in all sorts of obscenities. What a ghoul and ghoul he was! But the builder of the Aryan empire, was obsessed with the idea of ​​world domination, building an empire on laws that embody the divine law, this was his overvalued idea. Alas, he died at the age of 69, without completing his work. After his death, his entire state fell apart. I would very much not want to happen to me the same thing as my lame ancestor.
Any moles, spots, even not repeated in generations, are still problems of the clan, collective clan, Fravahara. Who has many moles, study the ancestors. Everything I say is a double-edged sword, there can be both good and bad. Moles are fatal, karmic knots that have not been untied for many generations. Too large moles, irregular configuration, warts, hairy moles - the seals of Ahriman, which indicate that a virus has settled in the family that does not want to be evicted. Convex moles signal the danger of the disease, may be a sign of a cancerous tumor. Cancer is a karmic hereditary disease that awakens the defilement of the family.

The connection of ancestors with the planets
The second generation (our parents) is associated with the Moon. The third generation is with Mercury. From grandparents - intellectual abilities, training, talents, contacts, connections with other people. How smart, prudent grandparents were, so will we be. If we become the founders of a kind, then we will not care about their influence. And if not, then the position of Mercury is very important to us. Intelligence, behavioral abilities from them. This information is more important than from mom and dad, it is passed down through the generation. As a rule, grandchildren inherit. There are many grandchildren, but only one will inherit the abilities of a grandfather (or grandmother), because everyone has different horoscopes. Even twins always have a first. Always one of them will turn on the horoscope earlier. This process is not influenced from outside. One of the twins will have genoscopic advantages. It is important which of them is closer to the parents. For example, dad is Sagittarius, mom is Pisces, twins are Aquarius. The advantage will be in the late, younger, he has more moles, since he is closer to his mother than the elder to his father.

Prevent the transmission of bad information to descendants
Hereditary abilities will manifest in someone, someone will not. Many of us are latent carriers of the hereditary virus. This is not only a disease, but also misfortunes, unhappy love, crimes, perversions. If this was in the genus, then all descendants are infected with it. For example, the hemophilia gene is transmitted through a woman, but only boys get it. So the Romanov dynasty “flew”, because Tsarevich Alexei was ill with hemophilia, and his mother was not. And it came through Queen Victoria. Russian tsars intermarried with the noble families of Europe, and they were all infected with this disease. Many people died from it. We can also latently transmit a virus associated with evil from generation to generation. Our task is to prevent the transfer of this information to descendants. Do not rejoice if you are immune to bad genoscope readings. This may manifest itself in your future descendants. I assure you, life is eternal and then we will not be very happy when our distant great-grandchildren awaken this virus in themselves. You may not believe in it, but nothing will change from this. After death, our soul quantum remains. Whether a person wants it or not, after death he takes part in the life of his descendants, even if he goes somewhere. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Then you will feel very bad. It is important to prevent descendants from inheriting something bad from you. Let's say your great-grandfather drank, thank God you don't drink. But if you don’t block it, don’t protect your descendants, don’t pray for them, then it will definitely be passed on to them. It is necessary to develop an internal anti-policeman in oneself, to strengthen the immune system so as not to transmit latent viruses. What to do for this?
First of all, it is forbidden to give birth to children to people who carry these viruses. It is impossible to conceive children in the bustle, as well as from drinking, partying, just having fun. Then this virus can manifest itself. This should be approached as a ritual. Even this may not always help to block the virus forever, but only to born child. Therefore, it was impossible to just give birth to children.
In Hamlet, the genetic line is defined. Hamlet asked Ophelia this question when he left for the monastery. His mother killed her father - hereditary karma formed, this virus arose, which is why he did not want children. And Ophelia took it and drowned herself, further aggravating the karma, his sin. Instead of going to a monastery, being a novice, praying for this sin.

On the blessing of the ancestors
In Zoroastrianism, it was considered an ideal when the ancestors of the seventh generation, going to the grave, blessed their great-great-grandchildren, i.e. survived to the descendants of the 7th generation. Is this possible now? If you give birth at 15, then even then you need at least
15 x 7 = 105 years. We give birth at the age of 30, and my grandmother is already decrepit at that time. In the east, this can be, it is customary to give birth early. It was believed that if you did not live to see the first great-grandchild of the 7th generation, then you lived an inferior life. And we all get out of here. So we should wish each other a long life. If we give birth at the age of 30, then we must go to the next world at 210. Moreover, in the Zoroastrian texts it is written that a person cannot fully leave the next world if he does not wait for the birth of a descendant of the seventh generation, he will be tied to the Earth. There will be no care. That's why 7 knees. Until this offspring is born, we are kept here. We really don't live well here. Ideally, you should wait. Zoroastrians believed that a person should live as long as possible. The longer we live, the less dark forces live, of course, if we live kindly, according to divine laws. Then we do not give Ahriman, dark forces show up. It's great. His good life By keeping the commandments, we help the forces of light to win. You can’t feel sorry for the devil, you give him a finger, he will father his whole hand. Can you feel sorry for a demon-possessed person? Whether he is guilty or not, God will figure it out, but you can’t feel sorry for the demon in him, you can’t indulge him, no matter how plaintive he pretends to be. One must love a person, but not the evil in him. It's Zoroastrian.

Fourth generation and love of life
The fourth generation (these are 8 people) is the middle one, it is associated with Venus. And what is it? This is love, attachment to the material world, life, material wealth. Our ancestors had a good attitude towards material goods, those that were honestly earned. The material wealth of Khodorkovsky, the Abramovichs was treated badly, a thief should be in prison, this is not their wealth, but others. One's own wealth, earned, must be strengthened, multiplied, lived, rejoiced and let live by others. This is fine. Vain austerity is bad, but for health, so as not to overeat and not become a pig, from time to time it is normal. And that every day is bad. Zoroastrians welcomed asceticism only when it was needed - for a warrior to test, harden his fortitude.
The fourth generation is also associated with love. If they are alive, we see examples of love, true relationships between people, love for matter. The person who was born after the death of all his great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers, when none of them are already gone, is bad. Then he is unhappy in love! Almost all of us are. We do not have a normal relationship to matter, we eat, drink, grab, or, conversely, we do not need anything, everything is empty. They cut off this generation for us: “the thread that connects the times, how can I connect the scraps”. So Pasternak tried to translate Shakespeare. Venus is associated with beauty, aesthetics, code of conduct. People still need to live more. eternal life we will receive after the resurrection. Now we will not live forever, we will all die, but then we will be resurrected. As a Zoroastrian, I believe in this. Christians also believe this. Religions are united in this. Whoever has a strong Venus has a genoscope. What kind of ancestors of the fourth generation we had, whether they were beautiful, harmonious, how they treated material goods, how they earned - all this is very important for us. Their problems in this will be our problems.
Few people are born without the third generation (grandparents). Usually there is at least one of them. Therefore, we perform the functions of Mercury much better than on Venus. According to her, everything is already much worse for us. The further along the generations, the worse we perceive the planets. It turns out that Venus is a priori atrophied.

Fifth generation and the ability to win
The fifth generation (16 people) is Mars, passionarity, the ability to achieve, win, or lack of will, paralysis or wrong deformed orientation. If your great-great-grandfather killed someone (even in a war), you have Mars retrograde, plus a lot of moles, pay attention to this. You can be very smart, but very poor, not able to achieve your goal in life. Mars is the impulse to action. It simply creates conditions for choice. The right to choose is sacred, even the right to be stupid. The Lord God will judge us according to our works. The planets do not determine our destiny, but indicate how and what to do. Whether we do so or not is our right. If the ancestors of the fifth generation fought, then this will reflect badly on their descendants with retrograde Mars. By the way, this will happen to our grandchildren, it will affect them. Chaos, wandering, paralysis of will - the source of problems in the fifth generation.
By the way, in the Avesta, in the first chapter of "Videvdat" 16 tribes of the Aryans, who came out of the land of Khvanirat, 16 good lands are described. Each nation had its own purpose in the fight against Ahriman. Ahriman creates his own misfortune for each land, which must be fought. The fifth generation shows the way of the sacred struggle with Ahriman.

Sixth generation and connection with egregor
Each subsequent generation is more and more interesting, but less accessible to us. The sixth generation is associated with Jupiter. Here is a connection with an egregore, with great forces that unite people, power, traditions, commandments, teachings. 32 ancestors, each represented by a Zoroastrian calendar totem. Symbolically, they are associated with 32 teeth. Some have less. Teeth that fell out early are a sign of the destruction of the connection with this generation. Plus, if the teeth crack early, are lost, early caries. If by the age of 30 half of the teeth have been replaced, this is one of the signs of ancestral defilement. Jupiter shows the change of generations, priorities, laws. God forbid, someone from this tribe maliciously violated the laws, took an active position, was related to power, but at the same time was some kind of false teacher. Then his descendant after 6 generations will lose faith in humanity (like Ostap Ibragimovich. True, he gained this faith when he took a million from Koreiko). He will have problems in relations with society, everyone will take up arms against him, but he will not be able to figure it out.

Seventh generation and predestination
The seventh generation is the most interesting. This is Saturn. There are 64 people, a square of 8. The perfect number of ancestors. We had an ancestral book "Fravash Namag", which was stolen from us by the Chinese in the 2nd-3rd centuries. n. e., calling it the "Book of Changes". Under Emperor Shi Huang Di, who built the Chinese wall, he burned books. Mao Zedong then built it, following in his footsteps. China is under Saturn, Capricorn, and everything related to this he picked up from us, he did not pick up the 32-year calendar, taking another one, also connecting it with Saturn (two cycles - 60 years).
On the issues of the seventh generation can be seen real rock, predestination, fate, destiny, inner true duty, what a person should do. Man is placed over the six good creations, he must protect and protect them. The seventh generation puts some kind of program into our being, which can work regardless of our will.

Every ancestor gives us a chance
Each cell, hexagram of them is associated with one of the good creations: fire, sky, earth, water, plants, animals, man. Each of the lives of these 64 ancestors is very important to us and they need to be studied as 64 programs with which we can weave the carpet of our destiny. Each of these ancestors filled in the cell of his hexagram, threw us a lot. If the ancestor whose cell corresponds to fire was a firefighter, i.e. extinguished the fire, then this is good, after all, his life was connected with fire, he limited the fire, did not allow it to develop excessively. Or, for example, he was a blacksmith. Then that's it, he fulfilled his hexagram, his destiny associated with fire, he fulfilled. This means that for us he will not be an enemy, interaction with fire will be blessed for us by him.
Stationary Saturn is freedom for the ancestors, perhaps the management of the ancestors and working out genetic code. People with stationary planets have a very interesting feedback, their prayers fulfill the deeds of their ancestors.
Previously, the ancients had a rosary of 126 pebbles, which they sorted out to communicate with their ancestors. This is not necessary for us, but we need knowledge about our ancestors in order to understand what problems we have not yet worked out, in order to lighten our burden or get much more than we have.

Every person on Earth has ancestors, without whom he could not have been born. From time immemorial, people bowed to prominent relatives and prayed for the lost. And this is not accidental - our life is very closely intertwined with the life of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

In Zoroastrian culture, the family tree is called the Fravahara, and the ancestors are called Fravasham and. According to the ancient Avestan texts, the ancestors of mankind, who existed in spiritual world decided to descend to Earth in a physical body to help God in the fight against evil. They made their free choice and gave life to mankind as a sacred gift and as a burden. We are links of a single chain, which we have no right to interrupt, otherwise death will triumph over life, the forces of darkness will prevail. The task of mankind is to continue its race, enrich nature, use and develop all the best that it has inherited, because. the meaning of life is to return harmony to the world, the one that was before the invasion of evil. So says the holy book Bundahishn. And it does not contradict the modern ideas of humanism, but on the contrary gives them a temporary volume, filling them with specific postulates.

Let us consider the Fravahar structure. Each of us should have 126 ancestors in 7 generations. Each generation has a specific goal towards us. Upwards:

The 1st generation is ourselves. It is a link between the past and the future.
The 2nd generation is our father and mother. They lay the problem of choice, our social adaptation. This is where the stereotypes of communication with a partner are laid down. It is the parents who create the conditions for the manifestation (or non-manifestation) of hereditary diseases.
3rd generation - two grandmothers, two grandfathers. They pass on to us their abilities and talents, as well as hereditary diseases.
The 4th generation is already 8 people: 4 great-grandfathers and 4 great-grandmothers. This generation either gives a person protection, immunity, a sense of the right choice, or does not give this protection.
5th generation - 16 ancestors. These are our judges. Through them, the Cosmic Law is manifested, according to which we receive either reward or retribution.
6th generation - 32 ancestors. Correspond to 32 teeth. These are the ancestors, carriers of the evil, God's grace.
7th generation - 64 ancestors. It is believed that heredity is preserved until the 7th generation. Therefore, in order to choose a life partner, it is extremely important to know your Fravahar and Fravahar of your chosen one (chosen one), because. with consanguineous marriages, the number of ancestors is reduced, and they cannot provide sufficient protection to the offspring. From the point of view of genetics, this generation corresponds to protein-forming amino acids.

As long as the descendants live, so do the ancestors. It is the ancestors that either awaken our horoscope or turn it off. Therefore, synastry, i.e. the interaction of horoscopes, with all the ancestors in turn, leaves an imprint on our fate. That is why it is very important to know not only the names of your grandparents, etc., but the time and place of their birth. This is exactly what distinguishes one person from another, born at the same time and in the same place - this is his Fravahar! His ancestors.

Ancestors are recorded in every cell of our body, at the DNA level. This becomes obvious as soon as we remember a little biology at the level high school.

It is the ancestors that could give a person absolute invulnerability at the level of the physical body, if they were positive. But there are no such heroes now.

Our ancestors, distinguished by their good deeds, have a special influence on our fate. There is such a thing as the evil of the clan - in other words, the protection of the clan, its luminosity. The Khvarna of the clan manifests itself through the Khvarna of the month (this information can be found in the Zoroastrian calendar). The totemic animal of your birth communicates with the light source of your family tree. The ancestor who accumulated this evil is especially important. You need to know at least his name, because. remembering him in prayers, we will sooner be heard by God.
It's sad to talk about illegitimate children. The Zoroastrians call them bastards (cf. Ukrainian - baistrya, bastard). Such children deprive the Fravahar of sickness and, consequently, the protection of their descendants. But no matter what happens, the child must learn the truth about his birth before the age of 16, because. otherwise his life will be fatal and hopeless. Just getting your own life hvarna can restore the generic "luminosity" and get rid of the heavy karma of the clan (it can manifest itself both in severe hereditary diseases and in recurring tragic destinies etc.).

That. the realization of your destiny depends on the Fravashes, just as the fate of your descendants depends on yours. Descendants can forgive your sins, correct your mistakes. Here is another reason why you should raise your children well.

Let's talk a little about the birth and upbringing of children. First of all, we have the children we deserve, and no amount of trickery will change that. Of course, there are favorable and not auspicious days and the hours of conception, but they rather determine particular questions, the nuances of fate. Therefore, the parents' complaints about their children, their cruelty and ingratitude, do not make sense: you yourself brought such a child to life and raised it. And that is your duty to live with him. The same applies to children: they are born in that family, in that country and at the time that they are supposed to. However, children have a certain freedom of choice: they can choose their mother.

A child is not a "blank slate", not a soft plasticine from which parents can fashion whatever they want. A person comes to Earth with his personal karma and with the karma of the family, which is now called heredity.

To systematize knowledge about your Fravahara, it is not enough to know all your 126 ancestors. According to your horoscope, you can determine which family line, paternal or maternal, dominates your destiny. If the rhythms of the Moon have a strong influence in your life (you are the so-called lunar), then it may be that one of the lines of the parents is practically turned off. But it is the lunaria that are good carriers of heredity. Up to the fact that the events of their lives are clichéd by their parents. Here, however, it must be remembered that the external resemblance to one of the parents does not always show the predominance of the hereditary material that it provides.

That. we found out that the Moon is the ruler of the relationship between us and our parents. As for our grandparents, their influence is determined by Mercury. And if in your horoscope this planet is "struck" by bad astro-indicators, then certain difficulties arise in these relationships both on the event and psychosomatic plane. The only advice: communicate more with your grandchildren, because. it is you, as grandparents, who turn on their intellectual abilities and ability to communicate.
In our relationships with partners, invisibly, the ancestors of the 3rd generation, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, take part. Up to the geographical direction in which we need to look for our half. Venus is in charge of this process. Its position in our horoscope will give comprehensive information about our predisposition to harmony.

Mars "manages" the 4th knee, which gives us willpower, assertiveness, endurance, survival. 16 Good Lands, mentioned in the Avesta, and 16 mortal sins are associated with it. It is this tribe of ancestors with their sins that can give you strong extreme circumstances in life, destroy your Mars. Advice: do not take away strength from your descendants, but build protection for them with your lifestyle.
Jupiter makes contact with the 5th knee. The condition of your teeth shows the relationship with them. Through them your material well-being, power is realized.

Here we come to the farthest tribe of Fravahar, which is involved in the formation of our destiny - to the 7th. They are the core of our destiny. Through them comes the knowledge of good and evil. For their, figuratively speaking, original sin, we are paying. You can analyze the relationship with them according to Saturn in our horoscope.

Those wishing to meditate on the topic of the 7th generation can contact Chinese Book Changes, which describes 64 hexagrams - exactly as many as the ancestors in this generation...

How can this sad story be summed up (unhappy, because which of us can boast of knowing his own family tree)? Maybe it is worth living in such a way, "so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful" either for us or for our descendants?

Water your family tree with good Waters (the element of Water is our subconscious, our emotions), warm it with your warmth (the element of Fire is creativity, bestowal, children), take care of the soil on which it grows (this is our Earth) and give it more fresh Breathing (the movement of juices in the tree, the connection of traditions, the continuity of generations is associated with the element of Air). Then this mighty Tree of Life will grow up to Heaven, and harmony will triumph in the World!

The importance of this day can hardly be overestimated, and our distant ancestors understood this well. They gave us a 32-year calendar as a gift. It is unique in that every year it has its own ruler in the form of a sacred animal - a totem. The totem gives its wards patronage and support, as well as certain qualities of character.

The year that begins March 20, 2017 is ruled by the Camel. This totem animal is slow and important. The camel is ascetic, content with little. His problem is that in our pragmatic age he is used for the hardest work. But the honor to go through the biblical eye of the needle went to him, probably for the ability to work hard. And, alas, many do not like Camel because he can express his opinion in a very tough manner.

Zoroastrian horoscope for 2017

Well, now it's time to find out what the Camel has prepared for each of us. We are looking for your year of birth and get a forecast for 2017.

Camel (1953, 1983)

This is your year! After a hard journey, you have reached a fertile oasis, and this is by no means a mirage. Whether you follow fate or fate follows your lead is up to you.

Hedgehog (1954, 1986)

The year will not be easy. Routine tasks take up a lot of time and energy. Success is possible only if you do not fuss over trifles.

Doe (1955, 1987)

Dreamy Lani will seek their ideal. And the realities will force you to do ordinary things. And only the most persistent will be rewarded.

Elephant (1956, 1989)

Any trials of the year will be like a pellet to the Elephant. Be above those who envy you and weave intrigues.

Horse (1957, 1989)

The year will be very active and productive, but in a frenzied race for fame, do not forget about rest. Will give a year and excellent chances for replenishment in your "herd".

Cheetah (1968, 1990)

Your goal this year is to lay the foundation for the future material well-being. The problem can be the denial of any, even constructive criticism.

Peacock (1959, 1991)

Handsome vain Peacocks will have to restrain their love of luxury. Learn to soberly assess reality, be more economical.

Swan (1960, 1992)

This year, the independent Lebed will be deaf to the attempts of society to impose mercantile aspirations on him. And you will achieve harmony only in pairs.

Lynx (1961, 1993)

For unpredictable and active Lynxes, happy times are coming. Do not limit yourself in desires. You will achieve everything you want, even if it means using blackmail and manipulation.

Donkey (1930, 1962, 1994)

The industrious Donkey will prudently and professionally do his job quite disinterestedly. In the meantime, fate will prepare his career growth!

White Bear (1931, 1983, 1995)

The qualities of a leader will allow you to reach career heights. This is where you will test your strength. In your personal life, show romanticism and breadth of soul.

Eagle (1932, 1964, 1996)

The aristocracy and sophistication inherent in you will help you adequately keep yourself in high society. And skill in communication will help strengthen relationships.

Fox (1933, 1965, 1997)

Your habit of "pulling chestnuts out of the fire with the wrong hands" needs to be corrected, otherwise you will have to deal with law enforcement. And variability in character can bring problems in personal life.

Dolphin (1934, 1966, 1998)

The coming year will bring clarity and understanding of your purpose in life. Your love of travel is realized in a unique trip to an exotic country.

Boar (1935, 1967, 1999)

This year, the assertive Boars will know what they want. And without hesitation, they will sweep away everything that stands in their way. However, your weak point is love, and those you love will twist ropes out of you.

Owl (1936, 1968, 2000)

The habit of the wise Owls to rely only on their own strength will give them the opportunity to live and work according to the principle: "One warrior in the field." But since you are ready to take responsibility only for yourself, it will be difficult for you in teamwork.

Falcon (1937, 1969, 2001)

This year you will be judged by flight. The old dream of "performing on stage" is being realized, even if there is only one spectator - a person who loves you.

Deer (1938, 1970, 2002)

Deer perfectionists will strive for excellence and expect their finest hour. It is worth remembering that those who go ahead of others make the world a better place.

Baran (1939.1971, 2003)

The ability to intuitively feel the danger will allow you to avoid many troubles. You may need to look to the past to analyze your actions and decisions.

Mongoose (1940, 1972, 2004)

Charming and dexterous Mongooses will get away with it from any situation. The ability to change your point of view with lightning speed and an inimitable sense of humor will serve you well.

Wolf (1941, 1973, 2005)

Sharp and assertive Wolves, with their unwillingness to compromise, will cause fire on themselves. But your firmness in upholding your beliefs will eventually bring great results.

Stork (1942, 1974, 2006)

Not formulaic thinking will allow you to achieve success. The desire to build or strengthen your own nest will be realized.

Spider (1943, 1975, 2007)

Agile and tenacious Spiders will skillfully "weave a web", manipulating others. No hurry, at the end of the year you will be among the most successful.

Beaver (1945, 1977, 2008)

Crafty Beavers year promises good prospects. You do not like to waste time on empty experiences and will find a way out of any situation.

Turtle (1946, 1976, 2010)

You want changes in your personal life. And as you know, "a tortoise in love can swim across the sea." But if you decide for a long time, then there is a danger that when the suitcase is packed, the "steamboat" will already sail away.

Magpie (1947, 1979, 2011)

What active and lively Magpies bring "on the tail", then they will have "in their beak". But at the end of the year, you will be satisfied with yourself and the results achieved.

Squirrel (1948, 1980, 2012)

The year is going to be busy, but diligence, coupled with the reserves made earlier, will help to overcome everything. A lot of effort will require the arrangement of a home "hollow" and caring for the family.

Raven (1949, 1981, 2013)

In the coming year, fortune will not always smile at you, and yet good days will be more than unsuccessful. Ravens do not tolerate falsehood and lies in relationships, therefore, they will begin to show distrust towards loved ones.

Already (1944, 1976, 2008)

Your fighting qualities will be useful to you, because you will often have to act quickly and surely. Those who do not give up halfway through their endeavors will be rewarded beyond all expectations.

Rooster (1950, 1982, 2014)

You calmly and obediently “graze” on the collective lawn, completing the assigned tasks. High professionalism will provide you with the growth of material well-being.

Bull (1951, 1983, 2015)

In the coming year, there is a risk of being a bull on a string. To avoid problems, you should stick to the beaten track, do not indulge in adventures.

Badger (1952, 1984, 2016)

Materialistic badgers want to quickly achieve complete material well-being, not knowing that they are only at the beginning of a long and thorny path. But the road will be mastered by the walking one!

The most ancient horoscope of all existing is Zoroastrian. It is built on the basis of beliefs about totem animals.

According to the Zoroastrian horoscope, each person at birth comes to his guardian animal. The "spirit of the animal" remains with a person until the end of his days, endowing the developing personality with animal qualities: dexterity, strength, the ability to bypass obstacles, and so on.

The Zoroastrian year does not begin on January 1, but on March 21. There are much more signs than in the usual Chinese horoscope: 32 instead of 12. Each new year patronizes his totem, demanding respect and certain qualities of character in order to achieve success. You can find out which totem protects you by the year of your birth.

Deer: 1906, 1938, 1970, 2002, 2034 This Sign symbolizes constant movement and the will to win. Deer are light, swift and responsive. The deer will never refuse to help his neighbor, and he can easily turn enemies into his friends.

Ram: 1907, 1939, 1971, 2003, 2035, 2067. The color of this Sign is purple. People who are patronized by the Baran often have esoteric abilities. They feel the world around them very subtly and are kind to their family and relatives.

Mongoose: 1908, 1940, 1972, 2004, 2036, 2068. The mongoose endows those born in its year with innate grace, quick physical and emotional reactions and implacability towards enemies. Mongoose Man is not capable of betrayal, lies and treason.

Wolf: 1909, 1941, 1973, 2005, 2037, 2069 The wolf is one of the most powerful patron totems. People of this Sign most often prefer independence, but at the same time they are extremely respectful of blood ties.

Stork: 1910, 1942, 1974, 2006, 2038, 2070. Stork people honor the traditions of their clan and see strength in unity. Most often, such people marry late, because they are looking for a soul mate for life.

Spider: 1911, 1943, 1975, 2007, 2039, 2071 Spiders are some kind of “gray cardinals”, smart strategists who foresee everything a few moves ahead. The spider will never get involved in open conflicts. Such a person decides everything with the help of diplomacy.

Snake: 1912, 1944, 1976, 2008, 2040, 2072. Snakes are wise, they can see hidden meaning simple things and with amazing accuracy recognize the slightest lie. Snake Women are often referred to as "fatal".

Beaver: 1913, 1945, 1977, 2009, 2041, 2073. Those born in the year of the Beaver are born peacemakers. Such people create the world around them, tend to manual labor and are not afraid of hard work.

Turtle: 1914, 1946, 1978, 2010, 2042, 2074 The turtle is able to endow those born in its year with insight and the ability to slowly achieve their goals, inexplicably overtaking their rivals. Such people live in harmony with themselves and are guided by the popular sign "The slower you go - the longer you will be."

Magpie: 1915 1947 1979 2011 2043. Magpie people are born politicians and orators. A sharp mind allows them to find solutions in the most difficult situation and lightness of character - not to get hung up on trifles.

Squirrel: 1916, 1948, 1980, 2012, 2044, 2076. People born in the year of Squirrel get an indefatigable craving for new adventures, exploration and communication. Squirrels are economic, they always know how to provide themselves with a decent life and most often marry early.

Raven: 1917, 1949, 1981, 2013, 2045, 2077. Crow people from childhood can feel their connection with otherworldly forces. Raven gives them a bright fate and an abundance of change. To find their happiness, such people must accept their difference from others.

Rooster: 1918, 1950, 1982, 2014, 2046. According to the Zoroastrian horoscope, those born in the year of the Rooster have a rich life and many new experiences. Such people are self-confident, most often they know exactly what they want, and they always achieve their goals.

Bull: 1919, 1951, 1983, 2015, 2047. Bull People are distinguished by an impressive physique and have the most powerful tribal protection. The bull will never take revenge, trick or manipulate others.

Badger: 1920, 1952, 1984, 2016, 2048. Badger people are distinguished by their kindness of disposition and commitment to tribal traditions. Those born in the year of the Badger most often do not have problems with money all their lives and willingly help their loved ones.

Camel: 1921, 1953, 1985, 2017, 2049. Those born in the year of the Camel can often seem arrogant and arrogant at first glance. However, under external impregnability, Camel people often hide their vulnerability and emotionality.

Hedgehog: 1922, 1954, 1986, 2018, 2050. Hedgehogs are outwardly fussy people who are able to do many things at the same time. Overflowing energy helps them reach great heights in their chosen career, and innate honesty helps them find true and devoted friends.

Doe: 1923, 1955, 1987, 2019, 2051. People born in the year of Lani have a thin graceful figure, are easy-going and very vulnerable. Resentment has an extremely strong effect on people-Lane, but through the acceptance of their emotions, they gradually become stronger.

Elephant: 1924, 1956, 1988, 2020, 2052. The Zoroastrian totem Elephant is primarily associated with longevity. Most people born in the year of the Elephant are endowed with good health and live to a ripe old age.

Horse: 1925, 1957, 1989, 2021, 2053. The key quality of any person born in the year of the Horse is honesty and devotion to one's life purpose. Once having found its way, the Horse will follow it to the end, overcoming any obstacles.

Cheetah: 1926, 1958, 1990, 2022, 2054 Cheetahs are distinguished by an aggressive approach to solving any life problem. Every person born in the year of the Cheetah is a fighter who stands up for his principles and beliefs to the end. Over time, the intransigent stance of the Cheetah can soften if he meets a loved one who balances his difficult nature.

Peacock: 1927, 1959, 1991, 2023, 2055. People born in the year of the Peacock are considered to be the most bright personalities. Peacocks are attracted to the stage, they like to be in sight and in the center of events. However, under the guise of a carefree "life-burner" hides a sensitive soul and strong empathy.

Swan: 1928, 1960, 1992, 2024, 2056. The swan is a symbol of spiritual growth, self-development and inner purity. Those born in the year of this Sign receive a desire for high ideals and an indestructible inner core that supports such a person at any, even the most difficult moment.

Lynx: 1929, 1961, 1993, 2025, 2057. People born in the year of the Lynx stand out among others for their unpredictability. Lynxes live with emotions, their actions often seem inexplicable: for example, the Lynx can easily give up status and material gain for no particular reason.

Donkey: 1930, 1962, 1994, 2026, 2058 The Donkey totem is characterized by perseverance, turning into stubbornness, incredible diligence and the ability to achieve one's goals in any way. People who are patronized by the Donkey are sure to achieve a high position with the help of their labor.

Polar bear: 1931, 1963, 1995, 2027, 2059. The main character trait of the Polar Bears is disinterestedness and generosity. Those who are patronized by this Zoroastrian totem are always ready to help those in need.

Eagle: 1932, 1964, 1996, 2028, 2060 Eagles are characterized by large-scale thinking and bright pronounced individuality. From the moment the Eagle realizes its capabilities, it becomes calmly self-confident. Such a person is doomed to success and public recognition.

Fox: 1901, 1933, 1965, 1997, 2029. People born under the auspices of the Fox totem will have a bright and eventful life. Foxes are smart, endowed with many talents, but often until a certain time they are not aware of their uniqueness and keep to themselves. Love usually helps to reveal all the facets of the character of the Fox.

Dolphin: 1902, 1934, 1966, 1998, 2030 From birth, Dolphin people are endowed with an indefatigable thirst for adventure and a craving for travel. They rarely stay in one place for a long time: among the Dolphins there are a lot of travelers who are driven by a frantic desire to uncover all the secrets of the world around them.

Vepr: 1903, 1935, 1967, 1999, 2031. People born in the year of the Boar early age divide others into “us” and “them”. To "their" Vepri are extremely patient, attentive and caring. "Alien" is better not to anger the Boar and not fall under the hot hand.

Owl: 1904, 1936, 1968, 2000, 2032 Owl people from an early age are conductors of subtle energy into the physical world. Among the Owls there are many esotericists, philosophers and bioenergetics.

Falcon: 1905, 1937, 1969, 2001, 2033. People born in the year of the Falcon are distinguished by inner strength and confidence in the justice of the world. At the same time, it can be quite difficult for Falcons to realize the direction of their path and achieve success.

Animal patrons according to the Zodiac Sign will help you better reveal your inner potential and find the right path in life.

The mythology of the Zoroastrians influenced astrology and formed the basis for the creation of various horoscopes, including the Zoroastrian one itself, associated with a thirty-two-year cycle. Since each year is assigned a patron - an animal or a bird - this horoscope is also called totemic.

The peculiarity of the Zoroastrian horoscope is that it gives the totem almost unlimited power over a person, the determining factor for success is that a person should try to be like his totem, and not try to change it weak sides or correct behavior.

In addition, the Zoroastrian horoscope suggests some external resemblance between a person and his totem, which is also a favorable factor for further destiny.

Every year gives birth to people both good and bad; in the Zoroastrian horoscope we see, respectively, the totem, endowing positive qualities, and antitotems, endowing with negative qualities. Of course, in one person the features of a totem and an anti-totem can appear; the birth of a person with a neutral character is also possible.

The Zoroastrian calendar is one of the oldest in the world. The beginning of the year in it is associated with the spring equinox, which, when determining your sign, should be remembered by people born in January, February and March.

1st year of the cycle (1906, 1938, 1970).

The totem of the year is a deer with golden horns, a symbol of ascent, pride, grace, higher power.

2nd year of the cycle (1907, 1939, 1971).

Totem - a mountain sheep, a moufflon, a symbol of connection with ancestors, great external activity with inner peace, uniting people (into a herd, into a team).

3rd year of the cycle (1908, 1940, 1972).

The totem is a mongoose, a symbol of dexterity, surprise, the fight against all kinds of evil spirits.

4th year of the cycle (1909, 1941, 1973).

The totem is a wolf, a symbol of independence, courage, responsibility, endurance.

5th year of the cycle (1910, 1942, 1974).

Totem - a stork, a symbol of peace, the conquest of spaces, observance established order, asceticism, willingness to help.

6th year of the cycle (1911, 1943, 1975).

Totem - spider-cross (the one that weaves a web and catches flies), a symbol of the fight against evil spirits, exorcism, healing, a symbol of the well-being of the house.

7th year of the cycle (1912, 1944, 1976).

Totem - already (the only snake in this calendar), a symbol of the wheel of incarnations, karmic rewards, a stream that carries people, hidden currents.

8th year of the cycle (1913, 1945, 1977).

Totem - beaver, a symbol of natural harmony, beauty and love, the inviolability of laws.

9th year of the cycle (1914, 1946, 1978).

Totem - a turtle, a symbol of wisdom, consistency, modeling situations, caution.

10th year of the cycle (1915, 1947, 1979).

The totem is a magpie, a symbol of connection with the higher world, as well as prayer, gaining protection, verbal magic, spreading the word.

11th year of the cycle (1916, 1948, 1980).

Totem - a squirrel, a symbol of thought, knowledge of the family tree, testing beliefs, revealing the truth, searching for faith.

12th year of the cycle (1917, 1949, 1981).

The totem is a raven, a mediator between heaven and earth, a symbol of seriousness, severity, isolation, loneliness, cleansing from filth, inflexibility.

13th year of the cycle (1918, 1950, 1982).

Totem - a rooster, a fighter with the forces of darkness, a symbol of victory over demons, manifestations of hidden evil spirits, exposure of evil, the triumph of justice.

14th year of the cycle (1919, 1951, 1983).

Totem - tour, bull, symbol of peace, prosperity, big hidden power, duty, dedication, self-sacrifice, but also vulnerability.

15th year of the cycle (1920, 1952, 1984).

The totem is a badger, a symbol of storing wealth, traditions, memories, thrift, gradualness, strengthening the material world.

16th year of the cycle (1921, 1953, 1985).

Totem - a camel, a symbol of skepticism, austerity, humor and ridicule, perseverance.

17th year of the cycle (1922, 1954, 1986).

The totem is a hedgehog, a symbol of grace, unpredictability, freedom, novelty, upheavals.

18th year of the cycle (1923, 1955, 1987).

The totem is a deer, a symbol of the birth principle, harmony, beauty, restoration of righteousness.

19th year of the cycle (1924, 1956, 1988).

The totem is an elephant, a symbol of stability, strength, seriousness, solidity, balance.

20th year of the cycle (1925, 1957, 1989).

Totem - a horse, a symbol of justice, contract, diligence, striving forward, leadership.

21st year of the cycle (1926, 1958, 1990).

Totem - a cheetah, a symbol of the struggle for a just cause, militancy, unpredictability, fearlessness.

22nd year of the cycle (1927, 1959, 1991).

Totem - a peacock, a symbol of overcoming illusions, knowledge of the true essence of things, but also games, disguises.

23rd year of the cycle (1928, 1960, 1992).

Totem - a swan, a symbol of purification, faith, mutual assistance, spirituality, hope.

24th year of the cycle (1929, 1961, 1993).

Totem - lynx, a symbol of enlightenment, insight, transformation, fun, surprise.

25th year of the cycle (1930, 1962, 1994).

The totem is a donkey, a symbol of abundance, peace, patience, passive resistance, the search for the true path.

26th year of the cycle (1931, 1963, 1995).

Totem - a polar bear, the totem of the Aryan peoples, a symbol of the mission of the Aryans, healing, magic, unexpected upheavals, unpredictability, generosity, slow buildup and quick, abrupt actions.

27th year of the cycle (1932, 1964, 1996).

Totem - an eagle, a symbol of royalty, power, statehood.

28th year of the cycle (1933, 1965, 1997).

The totem is a fox, a symbol of cunning, lot, harmonious changes, restoration of balance.

29th year of the cycle (1934, 1966, 1998).

The totem is a dolphin, a symbol of knowledge of secrets, help, salvation, travel, good thoughts, guidance.

30th year of the cycle (1935, 1967, 1999).

Totem - a boar, a boar, a symbol of victory, the achievement of power, intense struggle, the awakening of huge forces, activity.

31st year of the cycle (1936, 1968, 2000).

Totem - an owl or an owl, a symbol of mystery, the hidden essence of all things, the destruction of invisible evil spirits, the struggle against the forces of darkness. People of this year are characterized by courage, devotion, tendency to coups, attachment to home, purposefulness, alternating periods of inactivity and great activity, excitement, orientation to the past, brightness. The features of the antitheme are collapse, lack of assembly, cowardice. The year is associated with fractures, reforms, splits, the struggle for justice, breakthroughs into the unknown, in the worst case, with the outbreak of wars, with the active destruction of people, with the rejection of the past.

And once again, we note that the character traits of the totem and anti-totem are not manifested in all people born in a given year, but only in those marked respectively by light or dark forces. The same can be said about the similarity of the external appearance of a person to the image of a totem or anti-totem. Here much depends on the choice of the person himself. In the same way, the manifestation of the event characteristics of the year depends on the choice of the society and its rulers. Each year favors undertakings related to its characteristics and discourages opposing aspirations or lays down a program of punishment for people who make wrong choices.

Zoroastrianism is considered the most ancient religion of revelations (prophecies) that originated in Persia. The founder of Zoroastrianism is the mysterious prophet Asho Zarathushtra, about whom little is known. Where did he come from, where did he live? There are no answers. However, it is known that Asho Zarathushtra preached not to make efforts for personal salvation, like most religions, but taught how to help the creative Good to win over the corrupting Evil.

The teacher suggested observing a number of moral rules and named three main virtues: good thoughts (humata), good words (khukhta) and good deeds (khvartsha). Along with the name of the religious movement after the name of its founder, there are other names - Mazdaism, Avestism and fire-worshipping religions. The last name took root due to the fact that the followers of the teaching worshiped the Light and tried in every way to disperse the Darkness, including using Fire.

Interestingly, outside passive observers were automatically considered to be on the side of Evil, since. did nothing to destroy the Darkness on Earth and in the Underworld. Well, as in many religions, Zoroastrianism promised heavenly bliss to active fighters for ideals in the transcendental world of light and goodness after physical death. Nowadays followers ancient religion there are not many left, they mainly live in India and Iran.

The essence of the ancient horoscope of the Zoroastrians

The Zoroastrian horoscope originated already in early periods development of Zoroastrianism, and later formed the basis of many popular astrological systems. All calculations are based on the use of a cycle of 32 years, for each of which a totem animal or bird is chosen. Therefore, the Zoroastrian horoscope is also called totemic.

In addition to the totem, each year corresponds to an antitoteme animal. This position is similar to the simultaneous existence of light and dark angels, each of which sits on its shoulder and dictates good or vile deeds. The totem is determined by the year of birth, while its image is symbolic, and the features are characteristic of people born in this year. If a person is obedient in everything to his totem, then he becomes more enlightened and pure, and the character traits totem. How closer man to his totem, the more reliable his protection from the forces of universal Evil.

Indulging in the weaknesses and vices suggested by the antitoteme, a person rolls down an inclined plane and degrades. He even outwardly resembles an antitotheme animal, so it is difficult for him to hide his vicious essence from observant people. It is interesting that each person is doomed to be similar to his totem, well, or to take the path of degradation and become like his anti-totem. He was given no other.

Attempts to somehow tame a totem or anti-totem are not even considered and are considered impossible by definition. It is good, however, that even those born with traits of the antitoteme are given the opportunity to overcome bad influence and earn totem traits. To do this, you need to monitor the purity of thoughts, do good deeds and utter charitable speeches. Priests who work specifically for the benefit of people also help.

The beginning of the year according to the Zoroastrian horoscope is March 21. On this day, the Sun enters under the influence of Aries - the first sign of the Zodiac. This date is also used in other astrological systems, but it is believed that it was the founders of the Zoroastrian horoscope who discovered it.

Of great importance for the Zoroastrians is Fire, for the worship of which majestic temples were erected, surrounded by a halo of holiness. Surprisingly, the prayer room had to remain practically empty with bare walls. This was done so that the worshipers would not be distracted from the contemplation of the fire. Fire was seen as the living embodiment of God, and its pure flame was considered Eternal Light. Any sources of artificial light were not allowed, as they encroached on the glory of God's own creation. All followers of Zoroastrianism were required to maintain the purity of their thoughts, speeches and deeds, and the priests constantly performed the highest rites of purification.

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