Influence of the older generation on the younger arguments. "fathers and children"

Sofia Famusova, who grew up in an atmosphere of lies and deceit, carefully hides her feelings from her father, realizing that he will not allow the development of relations with Molchalin. He does everything against his father. Molchalin, on the contrary, is true to his moral (or immoral) creed, builds his life, as his father bequeathed: to please all people without exception. Griboyedov gives the reader the opportunity to reflect on the future of both heroes.

2. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

The upbringing of Petrusha Grinev remains outside the pages of the text, but the main thing that the young nobleman took out of communication with his father (a strict and demanding person) was the need to be true to his word, cherish honor, and observe the laws of morality. He does this in all life situations. Even when the father forbids marrying his beloved Masha Mironova, he accepts his will as a mandatory requirement.

3. N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

From childhood memories of Chichikov, the image of a gloomy, unkind, cruel father and his instructions on the need to save and save a penny, the only idol in the life of Pavel Ivanovich, emerges. Chichikov builds his life according to the precepts of his father and succeeds in many ways.

4. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

The relationship between mother and children in the Kabanov family is based on fear and hypocrisy. Barbara is used to lying and is trying to teach this to Katerina. But the brother's wife had other relations in the family, she does not accept the hypocrisy of her mother-in-law and fights with her with her own means. The finale of such upbringing is predictable: Varvara runs away from home, Katerina passes away voluntarily, Tikhon rebels against his mother.

5. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

The "children" in the novel - Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov - at the beginning of the story act as a united front against the "fathers" represented by Uncle Arkady - Pavel Petrovich. Nikolai Petrovich does not resist the bold and daring statements of his son and his friend. And act wisely and far-sightedly. Gradually, many discrepancies in the behavior of his friend are revealed to Arkady, and he returns to the bosom of the family. And Bazarov, who so easily criticizes the "romanticism" of the Kirsanovs, is absolutely reverent about his father's similar behavior, because he loves his parents and takes care of them.

6. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Several families are represented in the novel, in each relationship they are built on certain principles. In the Kuragin family, this is the principle of profit and profit. Both the father and his children agree to any relationship, as long as they are profitable, this is how marriages are made. The Drubetsky family is guided by the same principle: humiliation, servility is their tool in achieving their goal. Rostovs live as they breathe: they enjoy friends, holidays, hunting - everything that adorns our life. Father and mother in everything try to be honest with children and each other. Benefits are not important to them. Practically ruining her family and herself, Natasha demands to give up the carts for the wounded, the only way a true patriot and a merciful person can do. And the mother agrees with her daughter. The relationship between father and daughter Bolkonsky is similar. And although it seems that the father is too strict and intolerant towards his daughter, in fact, he understands too well the difficulties of his daughter's upcoming life. Therefore, Princess Mary herself refuses Anatole Kuragin, realizing how right her father is.

7. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Rodion Raskolnikov, explaining the reason for the murder of the old pawnbroker, says that he wanted to help his mother. In fact, he is very kind to his mother, trying to break out of the vicious circle of poverty. With trembling and excitement, he recalls his father, from whom he was left with a watch (mortgaged to an old pawnbroker). The mother does not fully believe in the crime of her beloved Rodi.

8. A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"

In the play, Anya's daughter, a seventeen-year-old girl, goes to fetch her prodigal mother, lost somewhere in Paris, in order to return her to the bosom of the family, to solve problems with the estate. Ranevskaya behaves naively and stupidly. Common sense is endowed only with Varya, the adopted daughter of the same Ranevskaya. When Lyubov Andreevna gives gold to a passing beggar, Varya cannot stand it and says that there is nothing in the house, and the lady scatters such money. Having lost everything, Ranevskaya leaves for Paris and takes away her aunt's money, and leaves her daughters to the mercy of fate. The girl Anya is going to the capital, and it is not clear how her life will turn out, where she will take money for life. Varya goes into housekeeping. Fathers and children change places here.

9. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"

In the Melekhov family, everything rests on the power of the father. And when Panteley Prokofievich finds out about Grigory's connection with Aksinya, he decides to marry his son to Natalya. Gregory obeys the will of his father. But, realizing that he does not love his wife, he drops everything and goes with Aksinya to work. He agrees to shame in the name of love. But time destroys everything in the world, and the house of the Melekhovs, the foundations of Cossack life, is crumbling. And soon no one obeys the laws of life, everyone lives as they want. Daria steps on her father-in-law with an obscene proposal, and Dunyashka puts her mother in a stalemate and literally forces her to bless her marriage to Mishka Koshev.

10. B. Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was a war”

The story focuses on two families of Iskra Polyakova and Vika Lyuberetskaya. Iskra's mother is a woman commissar, strong-willed, domineering, strict. But when the mother once again decides to flog her daughter with her soldier's belt, she answers in the spirit of her mother - just as strictly and irrevocably. And the mother understands that the girl has matured. Vika has a completely different relationship with her father - warm and trusting. When a girl faces a choice: to abandon her father or be expelled from the Komsomol, Vika decides to die. She cannot abandon her beloved father, no matter what suspicions lie on him.

A complete collection of arguments for passing the exam in Russian with convenient sorting on problems

The relationship of parents (fathers) and children - the arguments of the exam


  • Misunderstanding between generations arises due to the difference in worldviews
  • Parents' advice means a lot to children
  • A person's attitude towards his parents can be judged on his moral qualities.
  • Not taking care of your parents is betraying them
  • Parents are not always kind to their children.
  • Many are ready to sacrifice the most precious thing for the sake of their children being happy.
  • The right relationship between children and parents is built on love, care, support.
  • Sometimes a truly close person becomes not the one who gave birth, but the one who raised
  • Arguments

    I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". AT this work we see a real conflict of generations. The generation of “fathers” includes Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. The generation of “children” is Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov. Young people hold the same views: they say that they are nihilists - people who deny conventional values. The older generation does not understand them. The conflict comes to fierce disputes and a duel between Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Gradually, Arkady Kirsanov realizes that his values ​​​​do not coincide with the teachings of Bazarov, and returns to the family.

    N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Ostap and Andriy, the father not only wants to give a decent education, but also to make them real warriors defending their homeland. Taras Bulba cannot forgive Andriy for his betrayal (he goes over to the side of the enemy because of his love for the Pole). Despite the seemingly paternal love, he kills his son. Taras Bulba is proud of Ostap, the eldest son, who fights the enemy selflessly, with all his might.

    A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". The source of happiness for Famusov is money. He loves his daughter Sophia, wishes her all the best, so he accustoms the girl only to thoughts of financial well-being. Sofya Famusova is alien to such views, she diligently hides her feelings from her father, because she knows that she will not be supported. Things are completely different with Molchalin, whom his father taught to seek profit always and everywhere: he follows this principle in everything. Parents, wishing to ensure the happiness of their children, passed on their views on life to them. The problem is that these very views are wrong.

    A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Father, sending Pyotr Grinev to the service, said a very important and correct thing: “Take care of your shirt again, and honor from a young age.” The father's words became the most important for the young man moral guide. In the most difficult conditions threatening death, Pyotr Grinev retained his honor. It was really important for him not to betray his father and Motherland. This example is a clear confirmation that the instructions of parents help the child learn the most important moral values.

    A.S. Pushkin "The Stationmaster". Dunya committed an immoral act: she ran away from her parents' house with Minsky, who stopped at their station. Her father, Samson Vyrin, could not live without his daughter: he decided to go to St. Petersburg on foot to find Dunya. Once he was lucky to see a girl, but Minsky drove the old man away. After a while, the narrator learned that the caretaker had died, and Dunya, who had betrayed him, came to the grave with three bars and lay there for a long time.

    K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". Katerina Petrovna loved her daughter Nastya very much, who lives in Leningrad with a very bright, eventful life. Only the girl completely forgot about her old mother, she did not even try to find time to visit her. Even Katerina Petrova's letter that she has become very ill, Nastya does not take it seriously and does not consider the possibility of immediately going to her. Only the news that her mother is dying evokes feelings in the girl: Nastya understands that no one loved her as much as Katerina Petrovna. The girl goes to her mother, but no longer finds her alive, so she feels guilty before the person dearest to her.

    F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Rodion Raskolnikov sincerely loves his mother and sister. Speaking about the motives for the murder of the old pawnbroker, he says that he really wanted to help his mother. The hero tried to get out of eternal poverty, trouble. Pawning the watch, he remembers with trepidation his father, who owned the thing.

    L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". In the work, we see several families whose life is based on completely different moral principles. Prince Vasily Kuragin is an immoral man, ready to go to any meanness for the sake of money. His children are guided by exactly the same principles: Helen marries Pierre Bezukhov in order to receive part of a huge inheritance, Anatole tries to run away with Natasha Rostova. The Rostovs have a completely different atmosphere: they enjoy nature, hunting, and holidays. Both parents and children are kind, sympathetic people, incapable of meanness. Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky brings up his children in severity, but this severity is good for them. Andrei and Marya Bolkonsky are moral people, true patriots, like their father. We see that there is a close relationship between parents and children. The worldview of children depends on the worldview of parents.

    A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". In the Kabanikh family, relationships are built on fear, cruelty, and hypocrisy. Her daughter Varvara has perfectly learned to lie, which she also wants to teach Katerina. Son Tikhon is forced to obey his mother unquestioningly in everything. All this leads to terrible consequences: Katerina decides to commit suicide, Varvara runs away from home, and Tikhon decides to “revolt” against Kabanikha.

    A. Aleksin “Division of property”. Verochka was raised by her grandmother Anisya: she literally put the child, who had suffered a severe birth injury, on her feet. The girl calls her grandmother her mother, which causes dissatisfaction with the real mother. The conflict gradually escalates and ends with a court in which property is divided. Most of all, Verochka is struck by the fact that her parents turned out to be such callous, ungrateful people. The girl is going through a difficult situation, she writes a note to her parents, where she defines herself as property that should go to her grandmother.

    The problem of relationships between generations arguments

    Sofia Famusova, who grew up in an atmosphere of lies and deceit, carefully hides her feelings from her father, realizing that he will not allow the development of relations with Molchalin. He does everything against his father. Molchalin, on the contrary, is true to his moral (or immoral) creed, builds his life, as his father bequeathed: to please all people without exception. Griboyedov gives the reader the opportunity to reflect on the future of both heroes.

    2. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

    The upbringing of Petrusha Grinev remains outside the pages of the text, but the main thing that the young nobleman took out of communication with his father (a strict and demanding person) was the need to be true to his word, cherish honor, and observe the laws of morality. He does this in all life situations. Even when the father forbids marrying his beloved Masha Mironova, he accepts his will as a mandatory requirement.

    3. N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

    From childhood memories of Chichikov, the image of a gloomy, unkind, cruel father and his instructions on the need to save and save a penny, the only idol in the life of Pavel Ivanovich, emerges. Chichikov builds his life according to the precepts of his father and succeeds in many ways.

    4. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

    The relationship between mother and children in the Kabanov family is based on fear and hypocrisy. Barbara is used to lying and is trying to teach this to Katerina. But the brother's wife had other relations in the family, she does not accept the hypocrisy of her mother-in-law and fights with her with her own means. The finale of such upbringing is predictable: Varvara runs away from home, Katerina passes away voluntarily, Tikhon rebels against his mother.

    5. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

    The "children" in the novel - Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov - at the beginning of the story act as a united front against the "fathers" represented by Uncle Arkady - Pavel Petrovich. Nikolai Petrovich does not resist the bold and daring statements of his son and his friend. And act wisely and far-sightedly. Gradually, many discrepancies in the behavior of his friend are revealed to Arkady, and he returns to the bosom of the family. And Bazarov, who so easily criticizes the "romanticism" of the Kirsanovs, is absolutely reverent about his father's similar behavior, because he loves his parents and takes care of them.

    6. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

    Several families are represented in the novel, in each relationship they are built on certain principles. In the Kuragin family, this is the principle of profit and profit. Both the father and his children agree to any relationship, as long as they are profitable, this is how marriages are made. The Drubetsky family is guided by the same principle: humiliation, servility is their tool in achieving their goal. Rostovs live as they breathe: they enjoy friends, holidays, hunting - everything that adorns our life. Father and mother in everything try to be honest with children and each other. Benefits are not important to them. Practically ruining her family and herself, Natasha demands to give up the carts for the wounded, the only way a true patriot and a merciful person can do. And the mother agrees with her daughter. The relationship between father and daughter Bolkonsky is similar. And although it seems that the father is too strict and intolerant towards his daughter, in fact, he understands too well the difficulties of his daughter's upcoming life. Therefore, Princess Mary herself refuses Anatole Kuragin, realizing how right her father is.

    7. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

    Rodion Raskolnikov, explaining the reason for the murder of the old pawnbroker, says that he wanted to help his mother. In fact, he is very kind to his mother, trying to break out of the vicious circle of poverty. With trembling and excitement, he recalls his father, from whom he was left with a watch (mortgaged to an old pawnbroker). The mother does not fully believe in the crime of her beloved Rodi.

    8. A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"

    In the play, Anya's daughter, a seventeen-year-old girl, goes to fetch her prodigal mother, lost somewhere in Paris, in order to return her to the bosom of the family, to solve problems with the estate. Ranevskaya behaves naively and stupidly. Common sense is endowed only with Varya, the adopted daughter of the same Ranevskaya. When Lyubov Andreevna gives gold to a passing beggar, Varya cannot stand it and says that there is nothing in the house, and the lady scatters such money. Having lost everything, Ranevskaya leaves for Paris and takes away her aunt's money, and leaves her daughters to the mercy of fate. The girl Anya is going to the capital, and it is not clear how her life will turn out, where she will take money for life. Varya goes into housekeeping. Fathers and children change places here.

    9. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"

    In the Melekhov family, everything rests on the power of the father. And when Panteley Prokofievich finds out about Grigory's connection with Aksinya, he decides to marry his son to Natalya. Gregory obeys the will of his father. But, realizing that he does not love his wife, he drops everything and goes with Aksinya to work. He agrees to shame in the name of love. But time destroys everything in the world, and the house of the Melekhovs, the foundations of Cossack life, is crumbling. And soon no one obeys the laws of life, everyone lives as they want. Daria steps on her father-in-law with an obscene proposal, and Dunyashka puts her mother in a stalemate and literally forces her to bless her marriage to Mishka Koshev.

    10. B. Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was a war”

    The story focuses on two families of Iskra Polyakova and Vika Lyuberetskaya. Iskra's mother is a woman commissar, strong-willed, domineering, strict. But when the mother once again decides to flog her daughter with her soldier's belt, she answers in the spirit of her mother - just as strictly and irrevocably. And the mother understands that the girl has matured. Vika has a completely different relationship with her father - warm and trusting. When a girl faces a choice: to abandon her father or be expelled from the Komsomol, Vika decides to die. She cannot abandon her beloved father, no matter what suspicions lie on him.

    Reading in the section:

  • Role problem human memory. Arguments for writing the exam
  • 1. A.T. Tvardovsky "By the Right of Memory" In his autobiographical poem, the author recalls the past, in which, during collectivization, he was repressed as.

    «> The problem of the role of human memory. Arguments for writing the exam
    The problem of the influence of nature on man. Arguments for writing the exam

    1. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Pyotr Grinev, saved from the gallows by the efforts of Savelich and the mercy of Pugachev, is at the request of the leader of the uprising c.

    Literary arguments for preparing schoolchildren to write an essay on the problem of the teacher's influence on the upbringing of the student.

    1. V.M. Shukshin "Far winter evenings» There are battles near Moscow, and in the Altai village, the main character of the story, Vanya Popov, dreams of getting three logs to heat the hut by the time he arrives.

    1. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Tatyana Larina - the main character of the novel in verse by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin grew up in an atmosphere of patriarchal antiquity. Her circle.

    1. M.A. Sholokhov "Alyoshkino heart" Alyoshka - the main character of the story swells from hunger: his family has not seen bread for the fifth month. Trying to steal from the rich.

    Previously posted in:

    • The problem of the loss of spiritual values. Arguments for writing the exam
    • 1. S. Kaledin "Humble Cemetery" The story takes us to the world of gravediggers working in the cemetery. The main character Lyoshka Sparrow is the best of the gravediggers, a virtuoso in his own way.

      Literary arguments for preparing schoolchildren to write an essay on the problem of the destructive influence of money on a person.

      «> The problem of the destructive influence of money. Arguments for writing the exam

      1. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" Where nature is alive, the human soul is alive. In the novel, in the ninth chapter, "Oblomov's Dream", the author depicts a corner blessed by God.

      New section materials:

    • The problem of overcoming life's difficulties during the war years. Arguments for writing the exam
    • 1. V.M. Shukshin "Distant Winter Evenings" There are battles near Moscow, and in the Altai village, the main character of the story, Vanya Popov, dreams of getting three logs.

      1. A.T. Tvardovsky "By the Right of Memory" In his autobiographical poem, the author recalls the past in which he was during collectivization.

      Literary arguments for preparing schoolchildren to write an essay on the problem of lack of spirituality modern society.

      Literary arguments for preparing schoolchildren to write an essay on the problem of the relationship between man and power.

      511. The conflict of generations as a social problem

      (351 words) The psychology of intergenerational relationships is often very complex and contradictory. Moreover, these relationships are usually conflicting due to misunderstanding and differences in views on the world of "fathers" and "children". This is the problem that worried writers different eras, therefore, in many works of Russian literature, we can see it. Due to its importance, it has long acquired the status of "public", that is, concerning all of us.

      So, in the novel by I.S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons”, the “fathers” are the Kirsanov brothers (we especially pay attention to Pavel Petrovich as the main antagonist to the protagonist), and the representatives of the “children” are the nihilist Evgeny Bazarov and his friend Arkady. "Fathers" - conservatives, they think "the old fashioned way." The writer shows that their system has already outlived its usefulness and needs to be changed. But in opposition to the “fathers”, he puts not someone, but a nihilist, whose position is also not fully consistent: “destroy everything” in order to “build” - the author does not take such a step. In general, Turgenev is somewhere between his heroes, sympathizing with both. The conflict in the novel is resolved simply: Bazarov achieves nothing with his disputes with Kirsanov, they do not understand each other. In the end, Eugene dies without having done anything, and the author seems to want to say: “The time for “children” has not yet come.”

      In the work of A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" we also see a clash of different generations. Here we have a conflict between the young Chatsky and the conservative Famusov. Alexander, having gained experience abroad, wants to see Russia progress as well. However, after returning to Moscow, he understands that “homes are new, and prejudices are old”: nothing changes in the Motherland, servility and bribery dominate in society. Famusov, as a representative of the "old" Moscow, is forced to try to impose his opinion on Chatsky, talks about Kuzma Petrovich and his other acquaintances, who achieved wealth in a dishonorable way. Fathers and children do not understand each other, they think too differently. As in Turgenev's novel, here the time for progressive youth has not yet come, and Chatsky retires into the unknown, realizing that he does not belong in Famusov's house.

      It must be said that in both works the conflict of generations is unresolvable. Each of them is associated with a certain stage in the development of society, and each has its own time. Conservatism is very firmly held in the minds of people, so new ideas are always forced to painfully wait in the wings, as both Bazarov and Chatsky had to wait.

      The problem of the relationship between "fathers" and "children"

      Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

      The problem of misunderstanding between different generations is revealed in classic"Fathers and Sons". The feeling of alienation towards his parents and elder Kirsanov does not leave Yevgeny Bazarov. He admits that he loves them, but upsets with his attitude.

      Childhood. Adolescence. Youth

      As Nikolenka Irtenev grows older, he gets to know the world and its imperfections. He sees the misunderstanding of the elders, but he himself sometimes offends them. This is shown in the chapters "Natalya Savishna", "Classes".


      Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

      Nastya lives in Leningrad, where she has many important things to do. When she receives a telegram about her mother's illness, "urgent" matters prevent her from going home immediately. Realizing the consequences of her delay, she arrives in the village, but it is too late: her mother has died.

      Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

      The story "Taras Bulba" by the Russian classic N.V. Gogol shows the relationship between Taras and his sons, as well as the mother's love for Andriy and Ostap.

      Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin

      The heroine of the story Olenka is a very talented girl, but her parents spoiled her. The girl's selfishness, reinforced by blind parental love, gave rise to a sense of her exclusivity in her. She refuses to understand the experiences and feelings of her family and friends, which causes her mother to become seriously ill.

      Taras Bulba

      Only when Ostap and Andriy pass the test of battle can their education be considered complete. So thought Ostap Bulba, who valued partnership more than anything in the world, even more than blood ties. However, when Andriy turned out to be a traitor, Ostap could not forgive and killed him with his own hands. The second son, Ostap, became an outlet for Taras, because he showed courage not only in battle, but also during the execution.

      Peter and Wendy commit a heinous crime: they kill their parents. However, this did not happen by chance. They have become so as a result of improper education, when they were over-indulged and indulged in every whim.

      Form start

      Fazil Abdulovich Iskander

      Georgy Andreevich, the hero of the story, understands that parental authority is won not by threats and orders, but by hard work and demonstrating to his son that his father is worthy of respect.

      Andrei Vladimirovich Amlinsky

      The influence of parents on children can be traced on the example of the relationship of three generations of the Kovalevsky family. In the novel The Boring Garden, both the son and the father strive for spiritual communion with each other. According to the author, parents should certainly understand and empathize with their children. Otherwise, it is impossible to avoid the alienation of children from the family, school and society as a whole. Distrust and misunderstanding give rise to drama in the relations of relatives.

      Even in the most difficult moments, his father's instructions helped Pyotr Grinev to remain faithful to his duty and an honest person.

      Chichikov's father taught him to "save a penny." As a result, he devoted his whole life to money, becoming an unscrupulous person.

      Poem Spring

      Mikhail Vasilievich Isakovsky

      M. Isakovsky in the poem "Spring" describes the spontaneity of children, their naive delight and the slow thoughts of old people about their lives.

      The story "The Stationmaster" reveals the problem of the relationship between parents and children. Samson Vyrin loves his daughter without memory and finds his happiness in her. While she is near, the house is clean, warm and comfortable. However, paintings depicting the biblical story prodigal son knowingly hinted at the imminent end of his father's prosperity. Samson is left alone and loses the meaning of his existence. When the prodigal daughter returns, it is already too late: her father is dead.

      In the work "Sparrow" by Turgenev, the bird heroically rushes into battle against the dog, trying to protect its offspring.

      Mad Evdokia

      Father and mother so spoiled Olenka, the heroine of the story, that she became a convinced egoist, confident in her own exclusivity. She does not want to empathize with her friends and family. Olya's callousness causes her mother to become seriously ill.

      According to Taras Bulba, only the knowledge of combat wisdom can complete the education of Andriy and Ostap. Only after that, he dreamed, would his sons be able to become his worthy heirs. But Andriy became a traitor, which forced Taras to kill him. Only Ostap retained his father's respect, showing courage in battle and in the face of death during execution. Taras valued fellowship above family ties.

      Ray Bradbury

      Peter and Wendy committed a monstrous inhuman crime: they killed their parents. The author believes that this act was the result of improper upbringing, due to which they became too spoiled.

      Georgy Andreevich sees that parental authority must be won, and not obtained through threats and orders. You need to be able to prove to your son that his father is worthy of respect.

      Boring Garden

      The author shows the influence of parents on their children on the example of three generations who grew up in the Kovalevsky family. The son finds answers to his father's tormenting questions. But the father also strives for spiritual communion with his son. According to the writer, adults must understand their children and empathize with them. Otherwise, it will lead to alienation in the family, school, and then in society. Misunderstanding and distrust entail drama and tension in relationships between people.

      Captain's daughter

      Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

      Thanks to the instructions of his father, Petr Grinev remains honest and true to duty even in the most stressful moments.

      Dead Souls

      As his father advised, Chichikov devoted his whole life to "saving a penny." This turned him into a shameless person.

      I.S. Turgenev in the novel touches upon the problem of nihilism in Russian society in the 60s. XIX century. Bazarov is the bearer of the new philosophical idea- nihilism. According to this theory, a radical change is needed social order and worldview. Eugene is trying to prove that art and emotions hinder progress and only interfere with the development of science. He is against spiritual and material values. The people around do not share the views of Bazarov, he runs into a wall of misunderstanding and unwillingness to change anything in life. Contradictions also arise in the main character himself: he realizes that he was mistaken in denial (he himself feels a feeling of love for Anna Odintsova, examines the picture).

      I.S. Turgenev addresses the topic of friendship and shows that friendship is impossible without common interests and mutual respect. Bazarov, except for Arkady Kirsanov, has no friends. However, Eugene does not value this friendship. He arrogantly and ironically chuckles at the statements of Arkady. Kirsanov, on the contrary, admires his friend. Bazarov - strong personality, and Arkady, dear friendly relations, obeys him in everything. Their relationship can hardly be called friendship: there is no mutual understanding between young people. I.S. Turgenev emphasizes the opposite of his heroes. Bazarov constantly works, conducts experiments, reads scientific literature. Arkady does not do anything serious, loves comfort and peace (“ tender soul, mess "? Bazarov talks about him). The contrast is noticeable in the manner of dressing and behavior.

      Fathers and Sons

      The writer continues to create images of the gallery of "superfluous people" (Chatsky, Onegin, Pechorin). Bazarov does not find mutual understanding in society and cannot fulfill himself in life. He focuses on himself and is indifferent to the problems and feelings of those around him. Being at odds with himself, Bazarov is trying to dispel spiritual emptiness with incidents and events that turn into a tragedy for everyone. Speaking of nihilism as an opportunity to prepare a platform for the creation of a new one, the hero does not have a clear idea of ​​what exactly will be built on the site cleared of old "prejudices". His ideas about the new world are debunked when the hero experiences a real feeling of love, when he realizes that his scientific experiments can't stop the epidemic. He feels like " an extra person". Bazarov dies not by chance: he has no idea how to continue to live.

      The relationship between fathers and children is considered from several points of view. The author does this on the example of three families: Rostovs, Kuragins and Bolkonskys. Each of the families has its own ideology and dogma of behavior.

      War and Peace

      The example of the Rostov family shows a warm attitude and love for children, moreover, there is no ideological confrontation between parents and children. The authority of the mother is so strong that the son Nikolai does not dare to go against her and marry Princess Marya Bolkonskaya, and not his beloved Sonya.

      The Kuragin family is an example of a self-serving and financially insatiable family, where all the upbringing of parents is based on learning the benefits and the right order in the world. The author, using the example of the children of the Kuragins, Anatole and Helen, shows readers what happens to people who live only with the desire for profit.

      Bolkonsky - a family where the father commands. He educates everyone in severity and morality. Marya Bolkonskaya grows up to be a pious and all-understanding girl who loves and reveres her father. Andrei Bolkonsky is a son who is exemplary in the understanding of the author. His father, who once did not see eye to eye with him, nevertheless found a way to his son's heart and led him to the Christian idea.

      Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

      The theme of fathers and children is also revealed on the example of the Bezukhov families, Nikolai Rostov and even son Andrei. The family of Natasha Rostova and Pierre Bezukhov is an example of moral love for children and respect for each other.

      The relationship between fathers and children in the story "Numbers" is shown on the example of little Zhenya and his entire family: mothers, grandmothers and uncles. The works are written on behalf of the latter, who recalls one episode from his life.

      The work is perceived differently by a child and an adult. This is because the story is riddled with emotions: bright children's and scrupulously methodical adults. The relationship is shown on the example of one situation: an inquisitive boy wants to explore the world, is drawn to the study of numbers, and his uncle does not have time to this moment deal with him

      The childish joy of a child in anticipation of a learning event develops into pampering, because children do not grasp the emotional boundary well. Misunderstanding on the part of adults is manifested in the fact that neither grandmother, nor mother, nor, especially, uncle understand his behavior and begin to scold him

      One of the ideas that adults are guided by - the lack of pampering in education, is manifested in the fact that the uncle, nevertheless, under the power of anger, grabs the boy and puts him out the door.

      The fact that not everything is lost, and the world of children and adults can be united into a single whole, is evidenced by the fact that the grandmother, as the wisest of the family members, nevertheless found an approach to the baby and convinced him that it was necessary to make peace with his uncle .

      Sergei Trofimovich Alekseev

      The degree of grief of the child can be understood by the phrase that he speaks in a temper and out of resentment. He screams that he doesn't love his uncle. Here you can see the degree of tragedy of the situation through the eyes of a child.

      It is no coincidence that the author writes the story on behalf of his uncle. This suggests that the relationship between children and adults is a dynamic system where participants can change their views and positions. The most important thing is to be guided by the feeling of love, and not by generally accepted dogmas.

      The boy Zhenya is an example of an inquisitive pure soul, which adults, due to their hardened life, are not able to understand. And by the fact that reconciliation still occurs between uncle and nephew, the author shows that adults can also be changed. They can be made to feel the unknown world of joy and forgotten pure emotions of childhood.

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      The problem of intergenerational relationships in Russian literature

      The problem of intergenerational relationships is considered one of the eternal questions morals. Time speeds up, people can't keep up with it. Social institutions, codes, norms preserve the traditions of the past. The trends today, not to mention the future, turn into a storm in the musty crypt of the past.

      In this article, we will try to highlight not only the relationship between generations, but also the study of this issue in the works of Russian writers.

      The essence and origins of the problem

      Today, in our rapidly rushing world in the context of total globalization, the problem of intergenerational relationships is becoming noticeably acute. It seems that children move away from their parents not one, but several steps at once.

      The peculiarity of the struggle between the new and the old is that the first does not always emerge victorious from it. Adults have more leverage, confidence in their unshakable rightness, the need to be an authority and leader for the child.

      In what follows, we will examine this problem from the point of view of scientific psychologists, as well as how it was seen by writers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The material will be of particular interest to students who are preparing for exams. Often one of the topics is the following: "Problems of relationships between generations." You can easily write an essay on this assignment after reading this article.

      Today, the emphasis has shifted from the experience of older generations to the achievements of peers. Practically all knowledge from parents the child receives already in the "outdated" form. Nowadays, the life of an innovation sometimes fluctuates within a few days or hours.

      In adolescence, boys and girls are forced to go through a kind of initiation stage. They need to learn to control emotions, become reasonable and wise. It's called "growing up". The difficulty is that with the acceleration of the pace of life, parents themselves often have not yet fully formed into a holistic mature personality. Or their image is suitable only for the heroes of the novel of the nineteenth century.

      The problem is that often parents cannot even tell their offspring what to do in this or that situation. After all, they never spent their youth in the conditions of the present. What was previously considered revolutionary, today young people refer to the Stone Age.

      Let's look at the issue of disagreements between parents and children. How do psychologists and writers see it?

      What psychologists say

      If the task concerns the problem of relationships between generations, the essay can begin with the opinion of experts on this topic.

      Now we will talk about some of the studies carried out by scientists to study the psychology of the adult generation. They believe that the main problem lies in the inability of the elders to understand their failure in matters of education.

      It turns out that complacency and confidence that the past life experience is the standard by which the "correctness" of the child should be measured, serves as the foundation for contention. It turns out that adults speak one language, and children speak a completely different one.

      Moreover, from the point of view of psychologists, the problem of relationships between generations often comes from the parents. The most common complaint from children is: "They don't want to hear me."

      Experiments were carried out to confirm this hypothesis. We present a description and results of one of them.

      The school asked tenth grade students to rate themselves on a five-point scale. It was necessary to measure internal qualities, such as kindness, sociability, initiative and others. The second task was to determine how these same qualities would be assessed by their parents. The older generation was asked to evaluate their children, and then predict their self-esteem.

      As a result, it turned out that children accurately imagine what their parents think of them, and fathers and mothers, in turn, know absolutely nothing about their offspring.
      The rest of the studies have proven, in addition to this point, a number of difficulties in the relationship between children and adults. So, it was revealed that the child is more frank with the mother than with the father. The second unpleasant moment is that many things that interest a teenager are not customary to discuss in our society.

      Themes of feelings, openness, sexual life put an insurmountable barrier between generations in the family. This turn of events leads to formal communication and routinization of relationships.

      Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons"

      According to many critics, the problem of intergenerational relationships is most fully covered in the novel "Fathers and Sons". In principle, here it is given the most attention, but you will soon see that there are other works that touch on this issue.

      Ivan Sergeevich in his novel shows not just the confrontation between father and son in a single family. The problem of intergenerational relationships is depicted here, since Kirsanov and Bazarov are not relatives.

      The first is young, nihilist, democrat and revolutionary. Pavel Petrovich is shown as a monarchist and an aristocrat to the marrow of his bones. The clash of their worldviews is the basis of the plot.

      We see that Evgeny Bazarov is inclined to deny everything, putting science above all other values. The image of the landscape of Switzerland, for example, is interesting to him only from a geological point of view. He is pragmatic, trying to prove the advantage of new views. However, at the end, Eugene dies with the thought that Russia did not accept him.

      Bazarov's antagonist is Kirsanov. He likes to talk about the "Russian idea", the simplicity of a peasant's life. But in fact, all his words turn out to be an illusion. He is inclined to only talk about it, but by his actions he shows the opposite.

      Like many other writers of the nineteenth century, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is on the side younger generation. He shows through the prism of the novel the agony of the old worldview and the birth in the throes of a new philosophy of society.

      Tolstoy, "War and Peace"

      Next, we will consider the problem of intergenerational relationships in the novel "War and Peace". Here Tolstoy, being a fine connoisseur of human souls and motives of behavior, shows three different families. They have different social status, values ​​and traditions. On the example of the Bolkonskys, Kuragins and Rostovs, we see almost the entire palette of Russian townspeople of the nineteenth century.

      However, the novel shows not only the relationship between different generations, but also the friction of various strata of society. Bolkonsky, for example, brings up children as part of the service to the Fatherland. He puts honor and benefit for other people above all else. Andrey and Maria grow up like that. However old prince often went too far in education, about which he laments on his deathbed.

      Kuragins are shown as the complete opposite of Bolkonsky. These are careerists who put above all else social status. Their example illustrates the cold attitude of parents towards children. The lack of sensuality and trust becomes natural for Helen and Anatole.

      In fact, with the help of the Kuragin family, Tolstoy shows empty people who are only interested in material values ​​and external brilliance.

      The Rostovs are the complete opposite. This is the ideal family. Parents fully support Nikolai and Natasha. Children can always turn to them for help when they need it. This clan is completely different from the aristocratic Bolkonskys and from the careerists Kuragins.

      Thus, in the first two works mentioned by us, the problem of intergenerational relationships is most fully disclosed. An essay (USE) would be best written based on these novels.

      Paustovsky, "Telegram"

      When discussing the problem of relationships between generations, arguments "from life" will be the best. The story of Konstantin Paustovsky will touch the most painful strings human soul. It highlights the situation when children forget their parents.

      This is the second extreme that a family can fall into. Often the cause is not so much the problem of education, but the harmful moments of social influence.

      Sometimes unprepared for aggression real world teenagers fall into the whirlpool of other people's goals. They live by the ideals of other people and lose themselves. If the parents failed to accustom the child from childhood to the fact that they will be accepted at home in any condition, then the young man will move away.

      Thus, we face a multifaceted problem of relationships between generations. Arguments in favor of proper education and other preventive measures can be given, but it is better to show the terrible consequences of a deepening abyss.

      We see such examples in the works of many writers. In Telegram, in particular, my daughter was late. When the girl came to her senses and came to visit her mother in the village, she found only a grave mound and a simple tombstone.

      Paustovsky shows that pride, hidden anger and other barriers that prevent warm relations between relatives always lead to the tragedy of the “offended”. Therefore, the best way to solve the problem of relationships between generations will be forgiveness and a sincere desire to understand the interlocutor.

      Gogol, "Taras Bulba"

      The problem of relations between generations in Russian literature is quite acute in Gogol's work. He addresses the unexpected and terrible side of the realization of this moment.

      The story illustrates the murder of the father of his child for the sake of his own sense of honor and pride. Taras Bulba could not forgive and survive Andrey's betrayal of ideals. He takes revenge on him for the fact that the young man did not grow up as he was brought up.

      On the other hand, he punishes the Poles for the death of their youngest son, Ostap.

      Thus, in this work we see the bitter truth of reality. Fathers rarely seek to understand their children. They just want to realize their concept of "ideal life" in them.

      That is why the problem of intergenerational relationships is an eternal problem. You will find the arguments of Russian writers in favor of the impossibility of solving it in our article. Next, we will look at different areas of this issue.

      But after reading most of the works and studies, the impression remains that along with age, the ideals of house building wake up in people at the gene level.

      Eldest Son - play and film

      We are now discussing the problem of intergenerational relationships (the USE often includes it in the list of tasks). Let's look at Vampilov's comedy "The Elder Son". It was written in the late sixties of the twentieth century.

      The significance of the work is that several generations are intertwined here. We see relationships between three: fathers, adults, and younger children.

      The essence of comedy lies in an innocent joke that has grown into a significant stage in the life of the whole family. Two friends (Busygin and Silva) stay up late in a strange city, they are late for transport. They are looking for lodging for the night.

      In the city they meet with the Sarafanov family. Silva tells their new acquaintance that Busygin is his son. The man takes the message at face value because he "had a sin of youth".

      The essence of the work lies in the fact that Busygin has to become a link between the father and the children, who do not put their parent in anything.

      We see already quite mature "younger" Vasenka, who, out of jealousy, burns down Natalya's house. Nina, the named sister of Busygin, wants to run away with her fiancé to the Far East, but her new brother keeps her.

      Obeying the impulse of feelings, the deceiver confesses everything. Everything in the story ends well. But the main focus is still set. The situation is created in a comic form for convenient perception and a comfortable introduction to the comedy "family friend".

      It is through the prism of a third-party view of the family that the problem of intergenerational relationships is revealed. Vampilov's writing is fundamentally different from similar works of the nineteenth and eighteenth centuries. It is here that we see the picture that exists in our time.

      House building traditions have actually become obsolete, but the softness and thoughtless love of many parents plays a cruel joke on them when the children grow up.

      Griboyedov and Fonvizin

      The problem of relationships between generations in "Woe from Wit" is revealed on the example of Famusov and Chatsky. Let's take a closer look at these symbolic images.

      The old generation is characterized by the worship of rank, wealth and position in society. It is afraid, does not understand and hates new trends. Famusov is stuck in the petty-bourgeois worldview of the last century. His only desire is to find a son-in-law for his daughter with ranks and stars on his chest.

      Chatsky is the exact opposite of Pavel Afanasyevich. He not only denounces the Domostroy foundations of the past in words, but also shows with his whole behavior the depravity of the old and the power of the new worldview.

      Molchalin is a peer of Chatsky, but contrasts with him in thoughts, goals and behavior. He is pragmatic, two-faced and hypocritical. Above all for him - a warm and money place. That is why the young man pleases Famusov in everything, is quiet and modest with Sophia.

      There is drama in Chatsky's personal life. The beloved girl calls him crazy and pushes him away, preferring "a serviceman with a rank." But, despite this, the result of the comedy is shown to readers openly. It is the "carbonari" and rebels who will replace the traditional ceremonial worship and mossiness of the old nobles.

      The Undergrowth also highlights the problem of intergenerational relationships. The essay is an amazing decoding of the proverb: "The apple does not fall far from the apple tree." Here we see a separate aspect of the relationship between parents and children. Education, which is designed not to help the child find himself in life and realize himself, but to reflect the mother's outdated picture of the world.

      So, in the comedy "Undergrowth" we see the result that Mrs. Prostakova received. She did her best to protect the child from the "hated" world and corrupted society. Teachers were hired to him only because Peter the Great “bequeathed” so. And the teachers at Mitrofanushka were not distinguished by scholarship.

      The comedy is written in the vein of classicism, so all the names in it speak. Teachers Tsifirkin, Kuteikin, Vralman. Son Mitrofan, which in Greek means "like a mother", and Prostakova herself.

      We see the disappointing results of blindly following dead dogmas without the slightest attempt to comprehend them.

      Starodum, Pravdin and some other characters oppose the old traditions. They reflect the desire of the new society to see a soul in a person, and not an empty gilded shell.

      As a result of the conflict, we get a completely merciless, greedy and stupid "undergrowth". “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married,” is the most accurate reflection of its essence.

      Coverage of the problem in the works of Pushkin

      One of the eternal moral issues It is a problem of intergenerational relations. Arguments from the life of modern society rarely fully correspond to literary images. The closest situation is mentioned in the Elder Son, which we talked about earlier.

      The writings of the classics of the nineteenth century are often useful to young people only in a global sense. General ethical and moral themes that are affected in them will be relevant for more than one century.

      The problems of relationships between generations in Pushkin's works are covered many times. Examples include the following: "The Captain's Daughter", "The Stationmaster", "Boris Godunov", " Miserly knight" and some others.

      Alexander Sergeevich, most likely, did not set himself the goal of reflecting this particular conflict, like Tolstoy and Turgenev. The clash of generations has been part of everyday life ever since primitive people. It's just that over time, the gap between parents and children is getting bigger. This is influenced by progress, changes in social values, globalization and many other factors.

      In particular, in the "Station Master" the situation is similar to the one that Paustovsky later covered (we talked about this above). Here, Samson's daughter Vyrin escapes from her father's house with a hussar. She falls into urban society, becomes a rich and respectable lady.

      When her father finds her, he does not recognize and does not want to accept the new image of his daughter. Samson returns to the station, where he becomes an inveterate drunkard and dies. Here the conflict is formed due to the different meanings that the characters put into the concept of "happiness".

      In The Captain's Daughter, we see a completely different picture. Here Peter Grinev tightly remembered the traditional teachings of his father. Following these rules helped him save face and honor in difficult situations.

      The old baron in The Miserly Knight loses his own son because he is committed to the old philistine ways. He does not want to change the ossified worldview, feudal views. In this essay, we see too big a gulf between father and son. The result is a final rupture of ties.

      Ostrovsky, "Thunderstorm"

      As you have already seen, if the problem of intergenerational relationships is to be touched upon in the essay, arguments (literary, life and others) will easily help to do this.

      At the end of our article, we will give one more example, which is the best fit for the task. Now we will talk about Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm".

      In this amazing work, the clash of the old Domostroevsky and the younger generations is very clearly shown. Of all actors only the main character, Katerina, decides to resist the ossified tyranny of the elders.

      There is a saying that Russia is a country of facades. It is in this play that this phrase is deciphered in frightening nakedness. Behind the apparent prosperity and piety of an ordinary Volga town, we discover the true evil hidden in the souls of people.

      The problem lies not only in the cruelty, stupidity and hypocrisy of the older generation. Kabanikha, Wild tyrannize youth only when society does not see them. By such actions, they are just trying to “set the true path” of their unlucky children. However, the difficulty is that all the knowledge and traditions inherent in house building have long turned from norms of behavior into an unnecessary burden.

      The reverse side of this issue is the lack of will, weakness and bestial humility of the younger ones, as well as the indifference of the rest of the townspeople to what is happening before their eyes.

      The problems of relationships between generations in the drama are shown in parallel with the impending storm. Just as nature seeks to free itself from what has been accumulated, sending life-giving rain on petrified soil, so Katerina's suicide makes the indifferent souls of people tremble.

      Thus, we have examined the relationship of generations on examples from life, the origins and manifestations of this problem. In addition, we got acquainted with the works of many Russian writers who accurately, sharply and frighteningly truthfully shed light on this issue.

      I wish you success, dear readers! Try to find the strength in yourself to be better, so as not to become boars, simpletons and other house builders.

      Problem types

      The relationship between fathers and children


      A. Vampilov "Elder son". The problem of difficult relationships between parents and children is reflected in the literature. A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, and I.S. Turgenev wrote about this. In A. Vampilov's play "Elder Son", the author shows the attitude of children towards their father.

      Both the son and the daughter frankly consider their father a loser, an eccentric, they are indifferent to his experiences and feelings. The father silently endures everything, finds excuses for all the ungrateful deeds of the children, asks them only one thing: not to leave him alone. The protagonist of the play sees how someone else's family is being destroyed before his eyes, and sincerely tries to help the kindest father man. His intervention helps to survive a difficult period in the relationship of children to a loved one.

      I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The problem of fathers and children is revealed in I.S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" in the relationship of the young nihilist Bazarov with the representative of the nobility Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, as well as Bazarov with his parents. Pavel Petrovich is always impeccable and elegant. This man leads a life typical representative aristocratic society - spends time in idleness and idleness. In contrast, Bazarov brings real benefits to people, deals with specific problems. These characters of the novel occupy exactly the opposite positions. life positions. In the frequent disputes between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, almost all the main questions were raised: about the ways further development countries, knowledge of science, understanding of art and attitude towards the people. At the same time, Pavel Petrovich actively defends the old foundations, while Bazarov, on the contrary, advocates their destruction. And to Kirsanov’s reproach that you, they say, are destroying everything, because you need to build, Bazarov replies that “first you need to clear the place.” We also see the conflict of generations in the relationship between Bazarov and his parents. The main character has very conflicting feelings towards them: on the one hand, he admits that he loves his parents, on the other, he despises " stupid life fathers". From Bazarov's parents, first of all, his convictions are removed. Being people looking to the future, writers, as a rule, stand on the side of the new generation. Turgenev, in his work "Fathers and Sons", does not openly speak on either side.

      A. Aleksin "Mad Evdokia". Olenka, the heroine of the story, is a talented girl, but an egoist, spoiled by her father and mother. Blind parental love gave rise to Olya's conviction of her exclusivity. The unwillingness to understand the feelings and experiences of close people, friends, eventually leads to a serious illness for the mother.

      N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Bulba believed that only then the education of Ostap and Andriy could be completed when they learned combat wisdom and became his worthy heirs. However, Andriy's betrayal made Taras a murderer, he could not forgive his son for betrayal. Only Ostap warmed his father's soul with his courage in battle, and then during the execution. For Taras, partnership turned out to be above all blood ties.

      A. Amlinsky "Non-boring garden". Using the example of three generations of the Kovalevsky family, one can trace the influence of parents on children. In the novel, not only the son seeks answers from his father to the questions that tormented him, but the father also feels the need for spiritual communication with his son. The writer is convinced that adults must "possess the gift of understanding, and hence empathy." If it does not exist, the alienation of children from the family, school and, as a result, from society is inevitable. From misunderstanding, distrust, the drama of relations between close people, parents and children is born.

      A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The Russian writer A. S. Griboedov did not bypass the problem of fathers and children in his comedy Woe from Wit. The work traces the relationship between Famusov and his daughter Sophia. Famusov, of course, loves his daughter and wishes her happiness. But he understands happiness in his own way: happiness for him is money. He teaches his daughter to think about profit and thereby commits a real crime, because Sophia can become like Molchalin, who has adopted only one principle from her father: to seek profit wherever possible. The fathers tried to teach their children about life, in their instructions they passed on to them what was most important and significant for them.


      1. In the novel by L.N. Tostoy's "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky convinces his friend Pierre Bezukhov that the battle is won by an army that wants to defeat the enemy at all costs, and does not have a better disposition. On the Borodino field, every Russian soldier fought desperately and selflessly, knowing that behind him was the ancient capital, the heart of Russia, Moscow.

      2. In the story of B.L. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." Five young girls who opposed German saboteurs died defending their homeland. Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Liza Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak could have survived, but they were sure that they had to fight to the end. Anti-aircraft gunners showed courage and endurance, showed themselves to be true patriots.


      1. an example of sacrificial love is Jane Eyre, the heroine novel of the same name Charlotte Bronte. Jen gladly became the eyes and hands of the person she loved most when he went blind.

      2. In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Marya Bolkonskaya patiently endures the severity of her father. She treats the old prince with love, despite his difficult character. The princess does not even think about the fact that her father is often unnecessarily demanding of her. Mary's love is sincere, pure, bright.


      1. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" for Pyotr Grinev, honor was the most important life principle. Even before the threat of the death penalty, Peter, who swore allegiance to the empress, refused to recognize the sovereign in Pugachev. The hero understood that this decision could cost him his life, but a sense of duty prevailed over fear. Aleksey Shvabrin, on the contrary, committed a betrayal and lost his own dignity when he went over to the camp of an impostor.

      2. The problem of preserving honor is raised in the story by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". The two sons of the protagonist are completely different. Ostap is an honest and courageous person. He never betrayed his comrades and died like a hero. Andriy is a romantic nature. For the love of a Polish woman, he betrays his homeland. His personal interests come first. Andriy dies at the hands of his father, who could not forgive the betrayal. Thus, one should always remain honest, first of all, with oneself.


      1. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova love each other. Peter defends the honor of his beloved in a duel with Shvabrin, who insulted the girl. In turn, Masha saves Grinev from exile when she "asks for mercy" from the Empress. Thus, at the heart of the relationship between Masha and Peter is mutual assistance.

      2. Selfless love is one of the themes of M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" A woman is able to accept the interests and aspirations of her lover as her own, helps him in everything. The master writes a novel - and this becomes the content of Margarita's life. She rewrites white-washed chapters, trying to keep the master calm and happy. In this, a woman sees her destiny.


      1. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" shows a long way to repentance of Rodion Raskolnikov. Confident in the validity of his theory of "permission of blood in conscience", the protagonist despises himself for his own weakness and is not aware of the gravity committed crime. However, faith in God and love for Sonya Marmeladova lead Raskolnikov to repentance.


      1. In the story of I.A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco", the American millionaire served the "golden calf". The main character believed that the meaning of life lies in the accumulation of wealth. When the Master died, it turned out that true happiness passed him by.

      2. In Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova sees the meaning of life in the family, love for family and friends. After the wedding with Pierre Bezukhov, the main character refuses secular life dedicates himself entirely to his family. Natasha Rostova found her destiny in this world and became truly happy.


      1. In "Letters about the good and the beautiful" D.S. Likhachev claims that a book educates a person better than any work. A well-known scientist admires the ability of a book to educate a person, to form her inner world. Academician D.S. Likhachev comes to the conclusion that it is books that teach to think, make a person intelligent.

      2. Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451 shows what happened to mankind after all books were completely destroyed. It may seem that in such a society there is no social problems. The answer lies in the fact that it is simply soulless, since there is no literature that can make people analyze, think, make decisions.


      1. In the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" Ilya Ilyich grew up in an atmosphere of constant care from parents and educators. As a child, the main character was an inquisitive and active child, but excessive care led to Oblomov's apathy and lack of will during adulthood.

      2. In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" in the Rostov family reigns the spirit of mutual understanding, fidelity, love. Thanks to this, Natasha, Nikolai and Petya became worthy people, inherited kindness, nobility. Thus, the conditions created by the Rostovs contributed to the harmonious development of their children.


      1. In the story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying ..." Smolensk doctor Janson is working tirelessly. The protagonist in any weather hurries to help the sick. Thanks to his responsiveness and professionalism, Dr. Janson managed to win the love and respect of all the inhabitants of the city.



      1. The fate of the main characters of the story by B.L. Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ...". Five young anti-aircraft gunners opposed the German saboteurs. The forces were not equal: all the girls died. Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Liza Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak could have survived, but they were sure that they had to fight to the end. The girls became an example of perseverance and courage.

      2. The story "Sotnikov" by V. Bykov tells about two partisans who were captured by the Germans during the Great Patriotic War. Further fate The soldier has developed in different ways. So Rybak betrayed his homeland and agreed to serve the Germans. Sotnikov refused to give up and chose death.


      1. In the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" Andriy, because of his love for a Pole, went over to the camp of the enemy, betrayed his brother, father, homeland. The young man, without hesitation, decided to go out with weapons against his yesterday's comrades. For Andrii, personal interests come first. A young man dies at the hands of his father, who could not forgive the betrayal and selfishness of his youngest son.

      2. It is unacceptable when love becomes an obsession, like the main character P. Zyuskind's "Perfumer. The Story of a Murderer". Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is incapable of high feelings. All that is of interest to him is smells, the creation of a fragrance that inspires people to love. Grenouille is an example of an egoist who commits the most serious crimes to carry out his meta.


      1. In the novel by V.A. Kaverin "Two Captains" Romashov repeatedly betrayed the people around him. At school, Romashka eavesdropped and informed the head of everything that was said about him. Later, Romashov went so far as to collect information proving Nikolai Antonovich's guilt in the death of Captain Tatarinov's expedition. All the actions of Chamomile are low, destroying not only his life but also the fate of other people.

      2. Even deeper consequences are entailed by the act of the hero of the story V.G. Rasputin "Live and Remember". Andrei Guskov deserts and becomes a traitor. This irreparable mistake not only dooms him to loneliness and expulsion from society, but also causes the suicide of his wife Nastya.


      1. In Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Helen Kuragina, despite her brilliant appearance and success in society, does not have a rich inner world. Her main priorities in life are money and fame. Thus, in the novel, this beauty is the embodiment of evil and spiritual decline.

      2. In Victor Hugo's Notre Dame Cathedral, Quasimodo is a hunchback who has overcome many difficulties throughout his life. The appearance of the protagonist is completely unsightly, but behind it lies a noble and beautiful soul, capable of sincere love.


      1. In the story of V.G. Rasputin "Live and Remember" Andrey Guskov deserts and becomes a traitor. At the beginning of the war, the main character fought honestly and courageously, went to reconnaissance, never hid behind the backs of his comrades. However, after a while, Guskov thought about why he should fight. At that moment, selfishness took over, and Andrei made an irreparable mistake, which doomed him to loneliness, expulsion from society and caused the suicide of his wife Nastya. Pangs of conscience tormented the hero, but he was no longer able to change anything.

      2. In V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov" partisan Rybak betrays his homeland and agrees to serve "great Germany". His comrade Sotnikov, on the other hand, is an example of resilience. Despite the unbearable pain he experiences during the torture, the partisan refuses to tell the truth to the police. The fisherman realizes the baseness of his act, wants to run away, but understands that there is no turning back.


      1. Yu.Ya. Yakovlev in the story "Awakened by Nightingales" writes about the difficult boy Selyuzhenka, whom those around him did not like. One night, the protagonist heard the trill of a nightingale. Beautiful sounds struck the child, aroused interest in creativity. Selyuzhenok enrolled in art school, and since then the attitude of adults towards him has changed. The author convinces the reader that nature awakens in the human soul best qualities helps to unleash creativity.

      2. Love to native land- the main motive of the painter A.G. Venetsianov. His brush belongs to a number of paintings dedicated to the life of ordinary peasants. "Reapers", "Zakharka", "Sleeping Shepherd" - these are my favorite canvases of the artist. The life of ordinary people, the beauty of Russia's nature prompted A.G. Venetsianov to create paintings that have attracted the attention of viewers for more than two centuries with their freshness and sincerity.


      1. In the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" the main character considers childhood the happiest time. Ilya Ilyich grew up in an atmosphere of constant care from his parents and educators. Excessive care caused Oblomov's apathy in adulthood. It seemed that love for Olga Ilyinskaya should have awakened Ilya Ilyich. However, his way of life remained unchanged, because the way of his native Oblomovka forever left a mark on the fate of the protagonist. Thus, childhood memories influenced life path Ilya Ilyich.

      2. In the poem "My Way" S.A. Yesenin admitted that childhood played an important role in his work. Once at the age of nine, inspired by the nature of his native village, the boy wrote his first work. Thus, childhood predetermined the life path of S.A. Yesenin.


      1. The main theme of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" - the fate of a man who failed to choose the right path in life. The writer emphasizes that apathy and inability to work turned Ilya Ilyich into idle man. The lack of willpower and any interests did not allow the main character to become happy and realize their potential.

      2. From M. Mirsky's book "Healing with a scalpel. Academician N.N. Burdenko" I learned that the outstanding doctor first studied at the seminary, but soon realized that he wanted to devote himself to medicine. Entering the university, N.N. Burdenko became interested in anatomy, which soon helped him become a famous surgeon.
      3. D.S. Likhachev in "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful" argues that "one must live life with dignity, so as not to be ashamed to remember." With these words, the academician emphasizes that fate is unpredictable, but it is important to remain a generous, honest and not indifferent person.


      1. In the story of G.N. Troepolsky "White Bim black ear"told tragic fate Scottish Setter. Beam the dog is desperately trying to find his owner, who is having a heart attack. Along the way, the dog encounters difficulties. Unfortunately, the owner finds the pet after the dog was killed. Bim can certainly be called a true friend, devoted to the owner until the end of his days.

      2. In Eric Knight's novel Lassie, the Carraclough family is forced to give up their collie to other people due to financial hardship. Lassie yearns for her former owners, and this feeling only intensifies when the new owner takes her away from her home. Collie escapes and overcomes many obstacles. Despite all the difficulties, the dog is reunited with the former owners.


      1. In the story of V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician" Pyotr Popelsky had to overcome many difficulties to find his place in life. Despite his blindness, Petrus became a pianist who, with his playing, helped people become purer in heart and kinder in soul.

      2. In the story of A.I. Kuprin "Taper" boy Yuri Agazarov is a self-taught musician. The writer emphasizes that the young pianist is surprisingly talented and hardworking. The boy's talent does not go unnoticed. His playing amazed the famous pianist Anton Rubinstein. So Yuri became known throughout Russia as one of the most talented composers.


      1. In Boris Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago, the protagonist is fond of poetry. Yuri Zhivago - witness of the revolution and civil war. These events are reflected in his poems. So life itself inspires the poet to create beautiful works.

      2. The theme of the writer's vocation is raised in Jack London's novel "Martin Eden". The protagonist is a sailor who has been doing hard physical labor for many years. Martin Eden visited different countries, saw the life of ordinary people. All this has become main theme his creativity. So life experience allowed a simple sailor to become a famous writer.


      1. In the story of A.I. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet" Vera Sheina experiences spiritual purification to the sounds of Beethoven's sonata. Listening classical music, the heroine calms down after the trials she has experienced. The magical sounds of the sonata helped Vera find inner balance, find the meaning of her future life.

      2. In the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" Ilya Ilyich falls in love with Olga Ilyinskaya when he listens to her singing. The sounds of the aria "Casta Diva" evoke feelings in his soul that he has never experienced. I.A. Goncharov emphasizes that for a long time Oblomov did not feel "such vivacity, such strength, which seemed to rise from the bottom of the soul, ready for a feat."


      1. In the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" describes the scene of Pyotr Grinev's farewell to his mother. Avdotya Vasilyevna was depressed when she learned that her son had to leave for a long time to work. Saying goodbye to Peter, the woman could not hold back her tears, because for her nothing could be harder than parting with her son. Avdotya Vasilievna's love is sincere and immense.

      1. In Lev Kassil's story "The Great Confrontation", Sima Krupitsyna listened to news reports from the front every morning on the radio. Once the girl heard the song "Holy War". Sima was so excited by the words of this anthem for the defense of the Fatherland that she decided to go to the front. So the work of art inspired the main character to a feat.


      1. In the novel by V.D. Dudintsev "White Clothes", Professor Ryadno is deeply convinced of the correctness of the biological doctrine approved by the party. For the sake of personal gain, the academician launches a struggle against genetic scientists. A number of vehemently defends pseudoscientific views and goes to the most dishonest deeds to achieve fame. The fanaticism of an academician leads to the death of talented scientists, the cessation of important research.

      2. G.N. Troepolsky in the story "Candidate of Sciences" opposes those who defend false views and ideas. The writer is convinced that such scientists hinder the development of science, and consequently, of society as a whole. In the story of G.N. Troepolsky emphasizes the need to combat pseudoscientists.


      1. In the story of A.S. Pushkin's "Station Master" Samson Vyrin was left alone after his daughter ran away with Captain Minsky. The old man did not lose hope of finding Dunya, but all attempts remained unsuccessful. From anguish and hopelessness, the caretaker died. Only a few years later Dunya came to her father's grave. The girl felt guilty for the caretaker's death, but repentance came too late.

      2. In the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram" Nastya left her mother and went to St. Petersburg to build a career. Katerina Petrovna foresaw her imminent death and more than once asked her daughter to visit her. However, Nastya remained indifferent to the fate of her mother and did not have time to come to her funeral. The girl repented only at the grave of Katerina Petrovna. So K.G. Paustovsky claims that you need to be attentive to your loved ones.


      1. V.G. Rasputin in the essay "Eternal Field" writes about his impressions of the trip to the site of the Battle of Kulikovo. The writer notes that more than six hundred years have passed and during this time much has changed. However, the memory of this battle still lives thanks to the obelisks erected in honor of the ancestors who defended Russia.

      2. In the story of B.L. Vasiliev “The dawns here are quiet…” five girls fell fighting for their homeland. Many years later, their comrade-in-arms Fedot Vaskov and Rita Osyanina's son Albert returned to the site of the death of anti-aircraft gunners to install a gravestone and perpetuate their feat.


      1. In the story of B.L. Vasiliev "My horses are flying..." Smolensk doctor Janson is an example of disinterestedness combined with high professionalism. The most talented doctor hurried to help the sick every day in any weather, without demanding anything in return. For these qualities, the doctor won the love and respect of all the inhabitants of the city.

      2. In the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri" tells the story of the life of two composers. Salieri writes music in order to become famous, and Mozart selflessly serves art. Because of envy, Salieri poisoned the genius. Despite the death of Mozart, his works live and excite the hearts of people.


      1. In A. Solzhenitsyn's story " Matrenin yard” depicts the life of the Russian village after the war, which led not only to economic decline, but also to the loss of morality. The villagers lost part of their economy, became callous and heartless. Thus, the war leads to irreparable consequences.

      2. In the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" shows the life path of a soldier Andrei Sokolov. His house was destroyed by the enemy, and his family died during the bombardment. So M.A. Sholokhov emphasizes that war deprives people of the most valuable thing they have.


      1. In the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" Yevgeny Bazarov is distinguished by his intelligence, diligence, determination, but at the same time, the student is often harsh and rude. Bazarov condemns people who succumb to feelings, but is convinced of the wrongness of his views when he falls in love with Odintsova. So I.S. Turgenev showed that people are inherently contradictory.

      2. In the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" Ilya Ilyich has both negative and positive traits character. On the one hand, the main character is apathetic and dependent. Oblomov is not interested in real life, it makes him bored and tired. On the other hand, Ilya Ilyich is distinguished by sincerity, sincerity, and the ability to understand the problems of another person. This is the ambiguity of Oblomov's character.


      1. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Porfiry Petrovich investigates the murder of an old pawnbroker. The investigator is a fine connoisseur of human psychology. He understands the motives for the crime of Rodion Raskolnikov and partly sympathizes with him. Porfiry Petrovich gives young man a chance to turn himself in. This will subsequently serve as a mitigating circumstance in the Raskolnikov case.

      2. A.P. Chekhov in the story "Chameleon" introduces us to the story of a dispute that broke out because of a dog bite. Police warden Ochumelov tries to decide if she deserves to be punished. Ochumelov's verdict depends only on whether the dog belongs to the general or not. The overseer does not seek justice. His main goal is to curry favor with the general.


      1. In the story of V.P. Astafieva "Tsar-fish" Ignatich has been poaching for many years. Once a fisherman caught a giant sturgeon on a hook. Ignatich understood that he alone could not cope with the fish, but greed did not allow him to call his brother and the mechanic for help. Soon the fisherman himself was overboard, entangled in his nets and hooks. Ignatich understood that he could die. V.P. Astafiev writes: "The king of the rivers and the king of all nature are in the same trap." So the author emphasizes inseparable bond man and nature.

      2. In the story of A.I. Kuprin "Olesya" the main character lives in harmony with nature. The girl feels herself an integral part of the world around her, knows how to see its beauty. A.I. Kuprin emphasizes that love for nature helped Olesya keep her soul unspoiled, sincere and beautiful.


      1. In the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" music plays an important role. Ilya Ilyich falls in love with Olga Ilyinskaya when he listens to her singing. The sounds of the aria "Casta Diva" awaken feelings in his heart that he has never experienced. I.A. Goncharov emphasizes that for a long time Oblomov did not feel "such vivacity, such strength, which, it seemed, all rose from the bottom of the soul, ready for a feat." Thus, music can awaken sincere and strong feelings in a person.

      2. In the novel by M.A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don» songs accompany the Cossacks throughout their lives. They sing in military campaigns, in the field, at weddings. The Cossacks put their whole soul into singing. The songs reveal their prowess, love for the Don, the steppes.


      1. The novel Fahrenheit 451 by R. Bradbury depicts a society that relies on popular culture. In this world, people who can think critically are outlawed, and books that make you think about life are destroyed. Literature was supplanted by television, which became the main entertainment for people. They are unspiritual, their thoughts are subject to standards. R. Bradbury convinces readers that the destruction of books inevitably leads to the degradation of society.

      2. In the book “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful”, D.S. Likhachev thinks about the question: why is television replacing literature. The academician believes that this happens because the TV distracts from worries, makes you slowly watch some program. D.S. Likhachev sees this as a threat to humans, because TV “dictates how to watch and what to watch”, makes people weak-willed. According to the philologist, only a book can make a person spiritually rich and educated.


      1. The story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor" depicts the life of the Russian village after the war. People not only became poorer, but also became callous, unspiritual. Only Matryona retained a sense of pity for others and always came to the aid of those in need. tragic death the main character is the beginning of the death of the moral foundations of the Russian village.

      2. In the story of V.G. Rasputin's "Farewell to Matera" depicts the fate of the inhabitants of the island, which should be flooded. It is hard for old people to say goodbye to their native land, where they have spent their entire lives, where their ancestors are buried. The end of the story is tragic. Along with the village, its customs and traditions disappear, which have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries and have shaped the unique character of the inhabitants of Matera.


      1. A.S. Pushkin in the poem "The Poet and the Crowd" calls that part Russian society who did not understand the purpose and meaning of creativity. According to the crowd, the poems are in the public interest. However, A.S. Pushkin believes that a poet will cease to be a creator if he submits to the will of the crowd. Thus, the main goal of the poet is not popular recognition, but the desire to make the world more beautiful.

      2. V.V. Mayakovsky in the poem "Out loud" sees the poet's mission in serving the people. Poetry is an ideological weapon capable of inspiring people to great achievements. Thus, V.V. Mayakovsky believes that personal creative freedom for a common great purpose.


      1. In the story of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons" class teacher Lidia Mikhailovna - a symbol of human responsiveness. The teacher helped a rural boy who studied far from home and lived from hand to mouth. Lidia Mikhailovna had to go against the generally accepted rules in order to help out the student. In addition to studying with the boy, the teacher taught him not only French lessons, but also lessons of kindness and compassion.

      2. In the fairy tale-parable of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince", the old Fox became a teacher for the main character, telling about love, friendship, responsibility, loyalty. He revealed to the prince main secret of the universe: "the main thing you cannot see with your eyes - only the heart is vigilant." So Fox taught the boy an important life lesson.


      1. In the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" Andrei Sokolov lost his family during the war, but this did not make the main character heartless. The main character gave all the remaining love to the homeless boy Vanyushka, replacing his father. So M.A. Sholokhov convinces the reader that, despite life difficulties, one must not lose the ability to sympathize with the orphans.

      2. The story of G. Belykh and L. Panteleev "Republic of ShKID" depicts the life of students of the school of social and labor education for homeless children and juvenile delinquents. It should be noted that not all students were able to become decent people, but the majority managed to find themselves and went on the right path. The authors of the story argue that the state should treat orphans with attention, create special institutions for them in order to eradicate crime.


      1. In the story of B.L. Vasiliev “The dawns here are quiet…” five young anti-aircraft gunners died fighting for their Motherland. The main characters were not afraid to oppose the German saboteurs. B.L. Vasiliev masterfully portrays the contrast between femininity and the brutality of war. The writer convinces the reader that women, along with men, are capable of military feats and heroic deeds.

      2. In the story of V.A. Zakrutkina "The Mother of Man" shows the fate of a woman during the war. main character Maria lost her entire family: her husband and child. Despite the fact that the woman was left completely alone, her heart did not harden. Maria left seven Leningrad orphans, replaced their mother. The story of V.A. Zakrutkina became a hymn to a Russian woman who experienced many hardships and troubles during the war, but retained kindness, sympathy, and a desire to help other people.


      1. A. Knyshev in the article “O great and mighty new Russian language!” ironically writes about lovers of borrowing. According to A. Knyshev, the speech of politicians and journalists often becomes ridiculous when it is overloaded foreign words. The TV presenter is sure that the excessive use of borrowings clogs the Russian language.

      2. V. Astafiev in the story "Lyudochka" connects changes in the language with a drop in the level of human culture. The speech of Artyomka-soap, Strekach and their friends is littered with criminal jargon, which reflects the troubles of society, its degradation.


      1. V.V. Mayakovsky in the poem “Who to be? raises the problem of choosing a profession. Lyrical hero thinks about how to find the right way of life and occupation. V.V. Mayakovsky comes to the conclusion that all professions are good and equally necessary for people.

      2. In E. Grishkovets's story "Darwin", the protagonist, after graduating from school, chooses a business that he wants to do all his life. He realizes the "uselessness of what is happening" and refuses to study at the Institute of Culture when he watches a play played by students. A young man lives with a firm conviction that the profession should be useful, bring pleasure.

      A block of arguments that will come in handy for USE essays, which reflect:

      Family relationship problem

      The problem of misunderstanding in the family

      The problem of neglecting family ties

      The problem of conflict between relatives

      The problem of the importance of the family

      Possible theses:

      Family ties are the strongest, a family for a person supreme value and he is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his relatives

      Often people neglect family for their own interests.

      V. I. Amlinsky novel "The Return of the Brother"

      In the novel The Return of the Brother, Amlinsky demonstrates unconditional love boy to an older brother whom he had never seen before. It was difficult for Ivan, who had served twelve years in a colony, to get used to a new life. The guy did not live up to the expectations of little Serezha, who was looking forward to the return of his brother, hoping that they would become friends. But the boy did not turn away from Vanya and helped him get on the right path in life.

      N. V. Gogol story "Taras Bulba"

      Confirmation that the family for a person can fade into the background can be found on the pages of Gogol's famous story "Taras Bulba". So, Andriy, the youngest son of Taras, fell in love with a Pole, a girl from the enemy side. The hero could not watch how, together with the Poles, the beauty who won his heart was suffering from hunger. But helping her meant betraying her own. Love turned out to be more important than family ties, Andriy renounced his father and older brother and went over to the side of the enemy.

      For Taras Bulba, the hero of Gogol's story of the same name, camaraderie and devotion to the motherland were more important than family. The old Cossack despised all traitors equally, even if he turned out to be such close person. When Andriy, in love with a Pole, went over to the side of the enemy, Taras could not come to terms with this. When meeting with his son, the angry father killed his own son for betrayal, and his hand did not flinch at this difficult moment.

      F. M. Dostoevsky novel "Crime and Punishment"

      The problem of family relationships can also be traced in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. Dunyasha Raskolnikova loved her brother very much and was ready to sacrifice herself for his well-being. First, the girl got a job in the Svidrigailovs' house in order to send money to Rodion, where she had to endure the harassment of the landowner. And then she decided to marry the unloved but rich Luzhin, in the hope that he would help pay for her brother's education.

      Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" describes self-sacrifice for the sake of the family. Sonya Marmeladova lived with her father, stepmother and stepbrothers and sisters. The family was in dire need, the children were starving, and the father was drunk. In order to somehow help her relatives, the believing Sonya violated the commandment “do not commit adultery”, deciding to sleep with men for money, which was a very difficult step for her. This girl's act is a prime example willingness to sacrifice oneself and give up one's own principles for the sake of the family.

      B. L. Vasiliev novel “Do not shoot white swans”

      In Vasiliev's novel "Don't Shoot the White Swans" there is a disregard for family ties. When Buryanov was removed from the post of forester for abuse of authority and his cousin Yegor Polushkin was appointed in his place, the envious man lured his relative into a trap and beat him along with his accomplices, after which the main character died in the hospital.

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