How to restore the aura and biofield on your own after life's difficulties. Aura Strengthening and Protection Techniques

Many years ago, our ancestors argued that a person has more than one material and visible body that can be felt. Each of us has a bioenergetic body that is still invisible to the ordinary eye, which is also called a biofield. Science, however, a few decades ago, denied the existence of such an intangible phenomenon. However, modern studies have shown that the biofield really exists and carries information about the characteristics of the health and lifestyle of the individual. According to experts, each person, if desired, can influence the state of the intangible body on their own.

A physically and mentally healthy person has a harmonious flow of energy, due to which the shape of his biofield resembles an egg. However, in certain cases, against the background of stressful situations, overwork, wrong way of life and various kinds of disturbances in the activity of the organism, “twists” and even “holes” can appear in the non-material body. Energy gradually leaks through such holes, which negatively affects the overall well-being. However, there are different methods to restore the integrity and harmony of the biofield. That is why we are talking about how to restore the human biofield on our own.


The strongest and most effective remedy for a wounded immaterial body is prayer. When listening or when reading prayers, various kinds of micro-discharge processes take place inside our body, releasing additional energy and connecting the energy of the biofield with the unique divine energy of the quantum type. Due to this, the expansion and compaction of the non-material body occurs, it is effectively cleansed and restored.

As the researchers found, regardless of a person's religion, all prayers can have an approximately equal effect on an individual. Accordingly, for the restoration of the biofield by prayers, religion plays absolutely no role.

To cleanse and effectively restore the intangible body, it is recommended to resort to prayers at least three times a day. At the same time, in order to achieve a noticeable positive effect, it is strongly recommended to read the main prayer of your religion seven times. The text repeated seven times will help to saturate and purify the intangible body as much as possible.

In the event that you are not a follower of any religion, and are sure that God is one, you are recommended to read the seven canonical prayers for various religions. To enhance the effect of this practice, it is recommended to light a candle.

It is worth ending such a ritual with a prayer of gratitude, since in the modern world a person rarely thanks the Universe for his existence.

Biofield harmonization

To restore a slightly damaged intangible body, one can also simply act on it, smoothing and leveling its structure. This method is great for applying to another person. He should lie on his back, and you should position yourself on the left side, facing him. Just smooth the aura with your right hand, as if drawing an ellipse from the side of the head to the feet, and then in the opposite direction. The arm should move at intervals of twenty to thirty centimeters from the body. Such movements should be repeated three times.

You may well feel a slight resistance while touching the aura. However, even if you have not encountered such a feeling, the effect of manipulation will not decrease.

The same method can be used when the person is positioned on their stomach.

A great way to normalize the state of the immaterial body and even cure it is to learn a few meditation techniques, and practice them at least several times a day.

Also, the use of essential oils has a positive and fairly stable effect. For the treatment of the biofield, it is best to turn your attention to the oils of frankincense and lavender, as well as bergamot, rose and orange.

On sale you can find unique special additives that cleanse and restore the intangible body. This effect is observed when using cordyceps extract, which can have a beneficial effect on the activity of the whole organism. Even Tibetan monks actively used this supplement, combining it with reading prayers and meditation.

To restore the aura, you can use the method of positive affirmations, which consists in reading and pronouncing certain “I settings”, for example, “I am strong”, “I am healthy”, “I am beautiful”.

Listening to classical music has an excellent effect in restoring and maintaining the biofield in a normal state. Choose those songs that you like at the moment. As practice shows, such minutes of exposure help to eliminate even serious violations of the integrity of the intangible body.

Among other things, to maintain and treat the biofield, you need to try to change your daily life a little - avoid stress, quarrels and scandals, give up bad habits and learn to love yourself. Minutes of unity with nature will benefit - leaving the city, etc.

There is another way to strengthen the human biofield - treatment using the exercise of Tibetan monks. It is the simplest. You need to stand up straight, spin around its axis clockwise as many times as you are old. Initially, you can reduce the number of turns to the minimum possible at which you will not fall from dizziness. Perform one or two approaches 3 hours before lunch and 3 after it.

Of course, you need to remember that only specialists can heal serious violations of the integrity and quality of the biofield. On his own, a person can cope only with minor problems in the state of the non-material body.

How to restore aura?

Our aura is a biofield that surrounds each person, energy centers that are mainly concentrated in the seven chakras. The color of the aura depends on which of the centers prevails. In a healthy person, the flow of energy occurs harmoniously, his aura resembles an egg in shape. But sometimes you can observe characteristic swirls or a breakdown in the aura. Through these holes there is a gradual leakage of energy, which inevitably affects the well-being. Fortunately, our biofield can be regenerated, just like the tissues of the physical body. And today we will talk about how to restore the aura.

Cleansing the aura with prayers

Prayer is one of the most powerful medicines for a wounded soul. At the moment of listening or reading prayers, micro-discharge processes take place in our body, which release additional energy, and also connect the energy of the biofield with quantum divine energy. Thus, our biofield expands and thickens, the aura is cleansed and restored. Interestingly, the prayers of different religions have approximately the same power of influence on each person, regardless of his religion.

To cleanse and restore the aura, resort to the method of prayer at least three times a day. It is best to read the main prayer of your religion seven times - it is the sevenfold repetition that saturates and purifies the aura as much as possible. If you are not committed to any of the religions, recognizing that God is one, then read the seven canonical prayers for different religions. A burning candle enhances the effect. End the ritual with a prayer of gratitude. After all, in a world of constant accusations, we often forget to thank the Universe for existing.

Other aura cleansing methods:

Whatever option you choose, do not forget that in order to maintain the health and integrity of the aura, it is very important to "work with the soul." Experience positive emotions, love yourself, practice gratitude - and you will be rewarded!

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Sus said: “To pray means to send luminous streams into space. If you do not receive help and protection from Heaven, it is only because you yourself did not send the light. The sky will not deal with what has gone out. Do you want it to shine on your calls? Light all your lamps."

At AURASUDIA, we conducted an experiment using the canonical prayers of different religions. The experiment involved believers and non-believers, people who pray and those who do not know prayers. In the process of research, prayers and mantras (Buddhist and Hindu prayers) were said and spoken to oneself.

prayers - calls for forgiveness and well-being;

Self-restoration of the aura

The human body is protected by an energy shell called the aura or biofield. This shell protects a person from the penetration of harmful bacteria and directed mental influence.

How to restore the aura after illness and stress? The density of the bio-envelope directly depends on the mental state of a person, his mental balance, nutrition and physical activity. Consider simple practices for self-correction of the biofield and strengthening the aura.

Reasons for the weakening of the aura

The human aura consists of several layers - esotericists have 7 subtle bodies. Human subtle bodies are connected with chakras - energy centers for receiving and processing cosmic energies. Chakras play an important role in the energy exchange of a person with the environment - they adapt the "alien" energy of the cosmos to the human body.

Seven chakras form 7 subtle bodies that make up the aura:

The imbalance in the work of the chakras leads to the deformation of the biofield. This immediately affects the well-being of a person - from mild malaise to serious diseases of organs and systems. Each chakra is responsible for the health of the organs that are in its sphere of influence.

Muladhara responsible for the removal of toxins from the body, immunity, longevity and regeneration of cellular systems. The key word of the chakra is the benefit, preservation and increase of what has been acquired. If a person has problems with material things, then the chakra is not functioning correctly. It is worth freeing yourself from excessive material dependence, as the failure of energy in this area will be corrected.

Swadhisthana responsible for sensual pleasures, as well as for the excretory system of the body. This chakra of emotions, enjoyment of beauty, sexual contacts and self-esteem. If in a person's life the relationship with the opposite sex is disturbed or there is an excessive passion for food and drinks, problems with the genitourinary and excretory system of the body will begin.

Manipura is responsible for self-awareness, it is the center of the individual I, the volitional center. Manipura gives charisma, uniqueness and originality. It also coordinates the digestive system. If a person cannot tolerate someone or something, problems with the stomach and intestines begin, up to the formation of an ulcer. Forgiveness, tolerance for other individuals will help to establish the work of the chakra.

Anahata is responsible for love for the opposite sex, parents and the world in general. Anger, hatred and narcissism upset the work of the heart energy center. Heart attacks, strokes and problems with the hematopoietic system speak of problems in relationships with the world and people.

Vishuddha- the chakra of social relations and self-realization. The inability to find compromises, psychological complexes and dissatisfaction with society cause problems in the energy exchange of the chakra with the environment. Diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, problems with hearing and vision - they indicate that vishuddha is not working properly. Loss of vision - a person did not want to see something or someone. Hearing problems - reluctance to hear unpleasant things.

Ajna and Sahasrara belong to the higher chakras and are responsible for the connection of a person with the spiritual world. The denial of spirituality, the lack of connection with the cosmos lead a person to insanity and schizophrenia.

How to restore a person's aura? To do this, you need to balance the work of the chakras. This can be achieved with the help of psycho-training and affirmations, since the harmonious work of a person's energy centers directly depends on the mental state and mental (mental) attitudes.

Restoration of the aura must begin with an understanding of the reasons for the imbalance of the energy system. Analyze your life, find problems in communicating with people or wrong thinking. Confession in church, communion and prayers help well. If you are a believer, be sure to attend church.

Sincere forgiveness of yourself and other people helps to cleanse the aura and restore vitality. A visit to the liturgy cleanses the biofield well, but you need to stand right under the dome of the temple - this is an energetically strong place.

Good quality rest restores the aura. Sleep should be full, before going to bed you should definitely take a warm bath. If you know how to meditate, conduct meditation sessions with an aroma lamp or aroma sticks.

Incense and aromas have a good effect on the astral body of a person, calm and strengthen. Choose pleasant scents to boost your mood and pine scents to cleanse and soothe.

In the fight against the effects of stress, active rest, visiting the pool or general cleaning in the house helps a lot. The main thing is not to remember unpleasant moments, to disconnect from working through the past situation in your mind.

Remember that resentment and hatred leave breakdowns in the bio shell and contribute to the outflow of vitality. A bad peace is better than a good war - this rule should become one of the main ones in life if you want to stay healthy.

How to restore the aura: unity with nature

Esoteric science considers the human body as a union of the four elements and the spirit. How to restore the aura and biofield on your own with the help of the elements? To do this, you need to seek help from the forces of nature. Consider the practice of working with the elements.

earth cleansing

Earth can cleanse the body of negative energies and strengthen the aura. This requires direct contact of the body with the soil. In the summer, you can simply lie down on the ground with the thought of getting rid of black energy and diseases.

Only you need to go to bed in natural, not synthetic, clothes. Well helps burying in the sand, mud wraps or baths. In the cold season, you can simply touch the soil with your hand with the thought of purification and liberation from negativity. Only the hand should not be “taking”, but “giving”: for a right-hander - left, for a left-hander - right.

Cleansing with water

How to restore the aura with water? It should be a natural source - a lake, river, stream, sea. If it is not possible to swim in a natural water source, do the following.

Draw water from the tap and leave for a day under the open sky. Water will be saturated with the light of the stars, the sun and the moon, and will acquire natural properties. Then take a bath and add this water to it. Bathe with the thought of cleansing from any negativity and strengthening the body.

Cleansing by fire

How to restore aura with fire? Fire is a powerful absorber of negative energy. It is enough to spend a few hours by the fire, as well-being will change dramatically. Meditate on the flame, ask the elements to destroy everything bad and cleanse from filth.

If it is not possible to make a fire in nature, you can cleanse the aura with the help of candles. Place 12 candles around and lie among them on a warm bedding. Lie in a circle of candles until they burn out completely. At this time, you can mentally ask the fire to take away all the negativity.

Air cleaning

The air element is very capricious and capricious. Standing on the seven winds is dangerous to health. However, the smoke comes to the rescue. Smoke cleansing is an ancient practice for restoring the aura. Only smoke should not be any, but from cleansing herbs and plants. The smoke of juniper, wormwood, St. John's wort, sage or pine needles cleans and restores the aura well.

The herbs should be dry and the smoke intense. If there are no herbs, you can cleanse the aura with incense. Light the incense seeds and sit in prayer for at least thirty minutes. It is very good at this time to listen to the recording of bells or the sound of Tibetan bowls.

How to strengthen the aura and improve vitality? Feel like an integral part of nature, feel love for the world, maintain inner harmony. Remember that earthly life is only a part of eternity that lies ahead.

We should not attach too much importance to earthly troubles. Learn to perceive all events in a positive way. If you can’t find a positive, just let the events have the right to exist - any. Meditation and ordinary prayer calms the soul well.

If water changes its structure depending on what kind of music plays nearby, what words are spoken, then the aura no longer seems to be something fantastic. Yes, and one also believes in the soul, especially after dreams, which then come true.

The main thing is that the mood is good and healthy, and then the aura wakes up good.

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Jesus said: “Praying means sending luminous streams into space. If you do not receive help and protection from Heaven, it is only because you yourself did not send the light. The sky will not deal with what has gone out. Do you want it to shine on your calls? Light all your lamps."

How do our appeals-prayers “work”?

At AURASUDIA, we conducted an experiment using the canonical prayers of different religions. The experiment involved believers and non-believers, people who pray and those who do not know prayers. In the process of research, prayers and mantras (Buddhist and Hindu prayers) were said and spoken to oneself.

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During worship, through the pronunciation of a prayer, the ascent of energy flows upwards to the egregor occurs, its return from the egregor to those who pray. Egregors are energy "bags" of a certain shape. Their structure depends on the system of spiritual development. With the help of prayers (certain verbal formulas), representatives of different religions send energy flows from the earth to higher spheres, thereby nourishing the corresponding egregor.

The main representatives of religious egregors are the founders of religions: Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Mohammed. Thus, around the globe there is a constant energy network, in difficult times connecting the believer and providing him with spiritual and energy help. Therefore, people have used church methods of protection from the forces of evil since ancient times and are using them at the present time.

The most reliable and centuries-old way to protect a person from dark forces and people with a negative field (sorcerers, witches, sorcerers) is Holy Prayer.

Prayer - the basis of the life of every believer, for whom it is a private conversation with God. The famous Russian priest Alexander Men said that "Prayer is the flight of the heart to God." Prayer - this is a clot of energy, part of which rushes to the believer himself, and part to God or the saint to whom the prayer is addressing.

Prayer is a word, and a word is a conductor through which not only thoughts and images flow into the soul, but also the corresponding healing energy (i.e. high frequency vibrations). For centuries, great ascetics have brought as a gift to mankind the fruits of their spiritual creativity - prayer channels for communication with God.

Prayer is a test of our sincerity: will we be able to pronounce these simple words from the depths of our hearts. If we can, prayer will be heard.

“Glorification,” said Theophan the Recluse, “is the most perfect and disinterested form of prayer. Thanksgiving is sent by a person for the benefits received, it is born in a grateful and sensitive soul.

The canonical text of the prayer is a ready-made “trodden” path to God. These texts can be compared to a coded signal that is "received at the other end of the wire."

The effect of prayer is different in strength and depth. It is very important to know that prayer operates on different planes and levels. Each person's body has its own internal pharmacy containing a complete set of medicines for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. And they are more effective than any medicine ever created by pharmacists. According to a signal coming from the nervous system, the body of any of us is able to produce substances that relieve pain, produce antibiotics, and dissolve tumors.

Reading prayers is associated with the subconscious of a person, which controls the physiological processes in the body. Impulses from the word come from the cerebral cortex of the brain and rebuild the vital activity of the internal organs. When special words are repeated, the impulses become stronger. As a result, the nervous system normalizes the functions of organs. For this, special prayers are used - for healing. There are prayers that bring about profound changes. They defeat our internal enemies (demons) and negative emotions, which are the root causes of disease. Meaningful repetition of prayers leads to the fact that the holy words penetrate into our subconscious and rebuild it. Through frequent repetition, prayers become our inner content, changing our emotions and the quality of energies. There is an adjustment of the spiritual plan of the praying person. The vital energy enters through the top of the head or, as the bioenergetics say, the chakra called sahasrara.

The life-giving energy, addressed to the Almighty with a request to help find the right path or remove a heavy burden, sets the soul in resonance with the cosmos. In the church, this is enhanced by the special vibrations of church hymns. In any church, you can buy a special prayer book for every need, where there is a Rule for Holy Communion, morning and evening prayers, as well as recommendations on which Saint in which need to pray.

  • about healing - to the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon,
  • about patronage in marriage, as well as the healing of mental and bodily ailments - to Saints Cosmas and Damian,
  • from sorcery and witchcraft - to the Holy Great Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Augustine,
  • about protection from enemies - to St. Theodore Stratilat,
  • about the successful resolution of the burden - to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, about getting rid of eye diseases - to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir,
  • about finding the stolen, from theft and from offenders - to the Holy Martyr John the Warrior,
  • in everyday needs, sorrows and troubles - to Blessed Xenia of Petersburg,
  • about those who left home, about drug addicts, about healing from cancer - to the Most Holy Theotokos (the icon "The Tsaritsa").

There are also special prayers for the reconciliation of the warring, for healing from diseases of the hands, feet, head, liver, internal organs, from insomnia, for help in trade, for the protection of children, from demonic possession, etc.

Special conjurational prayers are read from the breviary "for the exorcism of evil spirits being created." Such prayers are read by trained people (exorcists, priests, healers who have the blessing of a priest). Those who have dedicated themselves to the fight against the "dark forces" need, first of all, humility, repentance and faith in God.

Suicide was considered and is considered the most serious unforgivable sin. An astral entity that has settled near a person or has penetrated directly into his body always tries to destroy not only the soul of a person, but also the physical body (damage to hanging). Such damage is usually done to the whole genus. If there was a suicide in the family, and especially a hanged man (Judas hanged himself on an aspen), then this is considered a curse aimed at the extinction of the family. What should the relatives of a suicide do? In the church, praying for his soul is forbidden by the church charter, but at home you can pray this prayer:

Seek, O Lord, the lost soul of my father (mother, brother, husband, etc.) and, perhaps, have mercy, Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not make this prayer a sin for me, but Thy Holy will be done.

If there is a situation that you are going to have an operation, then before it you need to pray for all the doctors. The cross is woven into the hair and tied to the hand or one of the fingers of the right hand. During the operation, one of the relatives needs to light a candle in the temple (or at home).

In addition to prayers, there is also a Psalter. There are 150 psalms in total. The list of psalms will indicate which of them is read for which need. For example:

  • From evil spirits - Nos. 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 57, 65, 90, 96;
  • Protective - the same as from evil spirits + Nos. 34, 133;
  • From women's infirmities - Nos. 102, 25;
  • From bleeding - Nos. 145, 25;
  • For children - Nos. 22, 76, 109, 114;
  • For the prosperity of trade - Nos. 2, 57, 60, 64, 81;
  • Agriculture - Nos. 1, 26, 30, 50, 52, 62, 66, 71, 83.124, 147, 148;
  • Death and the Dead - Nos. 33, 150;
  • From disasters - Nos. 17, 21, 30, 50, 62, 68, 85, 89;
  • On bodily health - Nos. 5, 12, 28, 36, 37, 44, 56, 58.63, 79, 86, 88, 95, 102, 108, 122, 125, 128, 145, 146;
  • On mental health - Nos. 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 24, 27, 41, 55.56;
  • About peace in the family and with friends - Nos. 10, 19, 22, 35, 41, 43,45,54,65,76,86,94, 109, 116, 126,127, 139;
  • Spiritual Questions - Nos. 3, 24, 25, 29, 49, 50, 57, 72, 91.98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 108, 115, 119, 130, 134, 136, 149;
  • Travel - Nos. 28, 29, 31, 92, 135, 150

The aura or biofield is our protective field shell, a natural protection against subtle-material influences, therefore, when it is disturbed, a person gets sick and has a bunch of problems, from health to psychological ones.

Violation of the integrity of this field shell, most often, occurs with the aggressive external influence of others. In such cases, they often talk about the evil eye. But this is also possible with psychological problems. Both affect health, vitality, and luck.

A breakdown in the aura is not necessarily created by some evil witches who look a lot like Baba Yaga from a fairy tale or a character in a horror movie ... Any person with strong energy, for example, your relative, a neighbor's grandmother at the entrance or a work colleague, is quite capable of providing it.

Attack on the biofield- a strong release of negatively charged emotional energy. The boss “got out” at work, the husband / wife yelled, or they quarreled in transport (substitute the right one). All this can lead to a breakdown of the biofield.

The most dangerous attack of its kind- this is when your aura takes on a strong flow of negativity from a mentally abnormal, crazy person, for example, who escaped from a dormice. There may not even be screams and insults, just hatred in the eyes and the release of a portion of energy.

A glance can kill. I am not kidding. Even in works of art and historians, such facts have been repeatedly described.

Signs of breakdown of the aura or biofield

Loss of strength, general malaise, sometimes a slight chill, unwillingness to live, unreasonable fear, and sometimes panic attacks. If you have the whole package at once, and especially - there is precisely an unreasonable fear, then most likely this is not a banal acute respiratory disease, but a breakdown of the aura or, in a popular way, the evil eye. It is being treated. :)

Most often, you don’t need to run around looking for grandmothers-healers and traditional healers certified in the most “can’t” manner. Most of them are just honestly cheating fellow citizens, taking advantage of their complete illiteracy in this area.

Most often, in a relatively healthy person, it goes away on its own, in a couple of days. The aura is restored if you or others do not aggravate the situation. If nothing has passed in a week, and chronic bad luck and unwillingness to live are added, then perhaps this is not the evil eye, but damage.

In this post I will describe how to restore the aura if your aura is broken and / or you have any reason to believe that it needs to be urgently patched up.

Pumping energy, which some healers offer, in the presence of a hole in the aura, is not very effective. It makes no sense to fill a leaky bucket, the energy will still go away. Therefore, first you need to close the holes ... The solution is below ...

Aura restoration in practice

1. Stand up, bend your legs slightly, calm your breathing. Give yourself the installation that now you will restore your field and health. Smile.

2. Turn off thoughts, the estimating factor interferes.

3. Stretch your relaxed arms forward, to the sides, up, try to feel the elastic border of the cocoon shell. Most likely, the border will be able to feel the first time. Imagine it as a package of light. It has a spindle shape, like a cocoon of butterflies.

4. Try to spin the cocoon around its axis without moving the body. Just imagine it. At first it will go tight and it will seem that nothing is happening. Don't think about it. Just do it. Thoughts and mind are the enemies of this practice. Pay no attention to them. Inhale - half a turn of the cocoon, exhale - the second half turn. Make 10 turns counterclockwise and 10 clockwise.

5. Walk around the room, try not to think about anything. Repeat the previous paragraph, but now imagine that the cocoon has holes ... and the shell itself has become sticky and viscous, like honey, it sticks to itself ... When turning around the body, the holes swim and are smeared with this adhesive shell and tighten the holes ... Make 10 turns counterclockwise and 10 clockwise. After mastering this practice, the previous paragraph is not needed.

6. Now you don't have any holes, everything is overgrown and sealed. You have a whole and elastic aura, which has the correct shape and is able to repel any attacks ... Fix this picture in your mind ...

7. Immediately engage in work that requires maximum attention. This will cause the mind to switch from "sticking the spokes in the wheels" to the process of aura recovery to the new task. The result will automatically fix the subconscious.

After some time of practice, the restoration of the aura will take only a few minutes. The main keys of this practice are visualization, turning off thoughts and intention.

A person's energy can be in different states, but any of them affects health and mood. By restoring your biofield, you can return good luck and good mood.

It is not always possible for a person to remain strong 24 hours a day. At times we are overwhelmed by weakness, doubts. This is absolutely normal, but not all people can quickly restore peace of mind. Meanwhile, this is very important, because most of the causes of problems in life are energy. Increasing your energy, you increase the chances of success in all areas of life.

What is a biofield and aura

Every living organism on Earth has its own biofield. We may experience feelings of anxiety around a certain person. This is due to the fact that this person is an energy vampire. Next to other people it is easier for us, because their biofield is creative. With someone it is not very comfortable due to the fact that his energy rejects other biofields. Because of this, a person seems closed, difficult to communicate.

Aura is called the same thing, but with a more esoteric bias. The concept of "aura" is common among people who are deeply engaged in the study of human energy. The aura is attributed various properties. For example, for each of us - for someone it is darker, and for someone it is lighter. Unlike the biofield, it is something unique and personal. Even stones have a biofield, but only people have an aura.

The aura and the biofield serve to build a connection with the planets, with other people, with talismans, with our homes. The strength of the biofield and the health of our aura depend on what we think, say, and feel. They are influenced by our physical condition, as well as the people with whom we interact.

How to restore the biofield and aura

First you need to understand that your biofield has weakened. Here are the main signs:

  • Bad mood;
  • failures in all spheres of life;
  • apathy, depression;
  • bad feeling.

Based on the reasons, we can already talk about ways to improve energy health, restore the aura. The first and best way to strengthen your biofield is get rid of negative thoughts. This can be done through affirmations, spiritual practices, meditations. Many people notice an improvement in their condition after meditation, prayers. This is not accidental, because it is natural for a person to receive healing from himself. This is where the strength of your self-confidence plays an important role. Repeat to yourself that you are happy and can achieve more in life, then this will actually happen.

Second way - physical training. Your body is connected with the biofield, so physical health determines spiritual health and vice versa. Be outdoors more often and walk a day for at least half an hour. If you have time, it is better to do stretching or simple physical exercises at home. Keep your body in good shape so that your spirit is strong.

The third way is meeting positive people. Stop surrounding yourself with people you don't like. If you have big problems with communication at work or in some company of people, try to correct the situation. As long as your environment does not match your mood and goals, you will remain at risk and your biofield will not become stronger.

Fourth way - go to your goals. By doing nothing, you allow negativity to stagnate within you. Each person should have at least a local goal to force himself to get out of bed every morning. If this is not the case, the energy of a person is depleted.

Start working on yourself in all aspects. This should strengthen your aura and help you become more successful. A positive attitude will always be the best way to start moving towards happiness. Positive people themselves will be attracted to you - you just need to get rid of the destructive influence of those who interfere with you.

Each of us can make life mistakes, but do not let them guide you. If you stumble, this is not a reason to give the negative a green light. Let each of your mistakes in life become an invaluable experience, and not a heavy burden that drags you down. Living by this principle, you can strengthen your biofield and become an independent and strong person. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

05.07.2018 07:40

The human aura is an important and necessary concept for extrasensory perception. Knowing the color of the aura, you can find out the strength ...


As part of such tests, the radius of the biofield and possible flaws are revealed. Based on the results of the scan, you may want to restore the broken. Here are a few tips to help you do this.

You can always take the path of least resistance and reach out to people with mystical powers. You can find them by "word of mouth" or in specialized centers in which magicians and other superhumans "work". Depending on the problem, you will undergo purification and restoration ceremonies. You may even have to take a course.

Restoring the biofield on your own is also real. The main installation is systematic. It has been scientifically proven that watching and broadcasting with elements of cruelty provokes a release of energy in people, which reduces not only the size of the biofield, but also its intensity. Therefore, the more positive emotions around you, the healthier biofield. The continuation of such restrictions will lead to compaction of the biofield structure and restoration of the diameter.

Start relaxing and be sure to say everything to yourself. Relaxation start from the tips of the toes and end with eyelids, saying: tension and stiffness leave the legs, they become light and weightless. You must feel what you are saying. Only after that proceed to work with other parts of the body.

Normalize your breathing so that it is measured, do not think about anything. Fifty breaths in the right state will be enough.

It is also necessary to come out of the state of meditation gradually, awakening every part of your body. And in order for positive energy to be distributed in you correctly, perform acupressure of the main zones (on the bridge of the nose between the eyes, on each side of the nostrils, on and on the chin), pull yourself by the ears, up and down.


  • Aura Restoration Technique

The presence of diseases and ailments with a high probability indicates damage to the aura. Drug therapy does not eliminate the cause of the disease, so it is advisable to try to restore the integrity of the aura using special exercises.

Before you begin to restore the aura, you need to understand what led to its damage. There are two main reasons: wrong thinking and unhealthy eating. Thought is material - if a person thinks negatively, if he constantly feels discontent, irritation, anger, it is impossible to maintain health for many years.

The same negative impact on health malnutrition. Therefore, work on the restoration of the aura should begin with the normalization of nutrition and thinking.

How to normalize thinking and nutrition

Peace must reign in the mind of man. Analyze what thoughts are bothering you and get rid of them. Learn to live in the moment, do not think about past troubles and possible problems in the future. The time will come, and you will solve certain tasks, but now, when they are not at the moment, do not spoil your life by constantly thinking about them.

Do not judge, do not condemn people. Leave them to yourself. Learn to accept the situation as it is. No matter who said or did what, watch yourself. Only your actions, your reaction to the events that matter, matter. Whatever emotions you feel about other people's actions, it doesn't change anything at all. Therefore, learn to remain calm, move away from negativity in any of its manifestations. As soon as you find spiritual harmony, the aura will be restored, many diseases will go away by themselves.

Equally important is proper nutrition. Avoid fast food, products from hypermarkets. Eat more organic vegetables, fruits and fish, reduce the amount of meat in the diet. Try to avoid any pastries, sweets as much as possible. Avoid colored carbonated drinks completely. Drink more pure water and green tea. Normalization of nutrition has a very beneficial effect on the restoration of the aura.

Meditative Energy Exercises

Remember that the exercises described below are effective only if thinking and nutrition are normalized. Without this, all improvements will be only temporary.

One of the best exercises for normalizing the aura is to activate the chakras. Their poor work negatively affects both the health of a person and his abilities.

It is convenient to work on the activation of the chakras before going to bed, when you have already gone to bed. Relax, then concentrate on the first chakra, Muladhara. Information about the exact location of the chakras and their color can be found on the net. Visualize the chakra as a glowing, ball-sized ball of red energy. When you feel warmth in the place of localization of the chakra, proceed to the next - svadhisthana. Its color is orange. Next, sequentially activate manipura and all other chakras.

Having pumped all the chakras, mentally try to see your aura. Visualize it as dazzlingly white, radiant, enveloping you in a dense cocoon. This radiance eliminates any damage, burns all negative energies.

Chinese taijiquan gymnastics perfectly contributes to the restoration of the aura. Its smooth movements are suitable even for the oldest people, but some rules must be observed when practicing it. The most important thing is to enter a special meditative state. Feel your every movement, stay in the current moment. Movements should be harmonious, while performing them you should feel joy, satisfaction - only in this case they will be beneficial.

Remember that it can take months or even years for the aura to recover. Therefore, it is important to be patient and not quit after one or two weeks of practice.

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