What a sybarite is an idle person. Sybarite - what kind of person is this and what is sybarite? Hedonist and sybarite - what's the difference



Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "SYBARIT" is in other dictionaries:

    Greek sybarites, from Sybaris, idos, Sybaris. The person is idle and pampered. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. Michelson A.D., 1865. SIBARITE living in luxury, pampered and ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    sybarite- a, m. sybarite lat. sybarita gr. Sybarites 1. Inhabitant of the Ce/baris colony (in Ancient Italy), famous for its luxury and unbridled morals. In the bushes surrounding the temples, I find one wild rose: these are the wild roses of the Sybarites. AT.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (Greek sybarites) an idle person, spoiled by luxury (from the name of the ancient Greek colony Sybaris) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sybarite, a, husband. (book). A person prone to idleness, pampered by luxury. | female sybarite, i. | adj. sybarite, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Husband. female sybarite luxurious, sensual or pampered person who lives for sweet food, worldly pleasures and comforts. Sybarite, nicha, live a sybarite, lead a sybarite life; sybaritism, luxury, luxury, sensual delicacy… Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Sybarite- ■ Scold the Sybarites ... Lexicon of Common Truths

    - (by the name of the ancient Greek colony Sybaris, famous for wealth and luxury) an idle person spoiled by luxury. In a broad sense, a person living in luxury, pleasure and idleness; or a person who loves luxury and pleasure. ... ... Wikipedia

    sybarite- in 720 BC in the south of the Apennine Peninsula, where two rivers merge, Kraphis and Sybaris, the Greeks founded the city and named it after the latter. Sybaris was so well located that it soon became a wealthy trading center. Residents... ... Entertaining etymological dictionary

    sybarite- SIBARITE, a, m A person leading an idle lifestyle, spoiled by comfort and luxury, not wanting to work. // f sybarite, and, pl. current, date weaves. Hello, Oblomov, said the shining gentleman, coming up to him. Don't come, don't... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


  • Lose weight: a new nutrition program "Sybarite" - from intensive weight loss to stable weight, Elena Stoyanova. A new book by Elena Stoyanova from the Lose Weight series is dedicated to the health effects and practical application of the Sybarite nutrition program for comfortable weight loss.…

In our time, the word "SYBARITE" is rare. In colloquial speech, it is not popular - you can only stumble upon it in modern literature.

It was common among Russian classics, who often used it in their works. The word itself came to us from Ancient Greece.

Currently, a sybarite is a person who is spoiled, pampered and lives in luxury. However, this noun used to have a different meaning.

Sybarite under the microscope: the one that "stuck"

After all, a passion for vanity is a sign of a spirit that is not active, but restless in constant excitement, and the habit of considering every movement painful is a sign not of serenity, but of pampering and licentiousness.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca. Moral letters to Lucilius

History: The Sybarites THEN and NOW

This definition characterizes the negative qualities of a person and has an unfavorable color. It is often seen in the media.

In the modern sense, a sybarite is a person who:

  • lazy and does not want to do anything;
  • spends a lot of money on purchases;
  • spoiled;
  • selfish;
  • does not deny himself pleasure.
However, this definition is relevant only today. In fact, this word came to us from Ancient Greece...

History of sybaritism

In the south of modern Italy, the colony of Sybaris was founded in 720 BC. Very quickly, it became a huge and significant trading center, more than 15 cities were subordinate to it, and all the influential people of that time collaborated with it. The settlers of this colony were called Sybarites.

Sybarites received income from a variety of industries: they mined silver, sold wine, honey, grown cereals, and raised cattle. They traded with the coast of Asia Minor, the most expensive fabrics, perfumes, dyes, metals and much more were imported into the city.

Sybaris developed rapidly, the number of wealthy people grew every year. They indulged in various fun, each tried to outdo the other. To boast of their own wealth was the norm for them.

The Sybarites lived not only better than many, but also in a completely different way for that time. They lived separately from the poor, in the elite district of the city, when, as in other cities, the rich and the poor could get along on the same street.

The Sybarites even made up some crazy laws for themselves. For example, there was a ban on the establishment of roosters and the presence of artisans within the city, you see, in order not to wake the masters early in the morning. Because of the predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, they came up with street lighting, but not out of good and far-sighted motives, but only for their own comfort.

But not only the rich gentlemen lived well. Even the servants and slaves in Sybaris fared much better than many Athenians.

The appearance of the sybarites literally screamed about their prosperity. Women and men dressed in the most expensive fabrics, wore a lot of jewelry made of precious metals and various stones.

Many philosophers and writers called the inhabitants of Sibaris slaves of their stomach. The Sybarites even had a tradition of awarding the golden crown to those who hosted the best, most expensive and luxurious banquet of the year. The winner was determined by popular vote.

Chefs, who were inventing and inventing more and more new delights, received exclusive privileges that made their way to the upper strata of society. Dyers of fabrics got rid of paying some taxes.

Everything reached such an absurdity that some philosophers wrote: "in the country of fools, even horses danced to the sound of a flute." And this is also true.

There were rumors and legends about the freedom of morals of the Sybarites, because for the rest of the Greeks their liberties and habits were not just shocking, but indecent.

However, in this way the colony lived for only two hundred years. In 510 BC, Sybaris began a war with Crontus and was defeated. Two months after the victory, when the city was already destroyed, the Crotonians diverted a river to it and flooded it. All the wealth and luxury of the inhabitants of the colony was buried under water.

The colony was tried to revive several times. The last attempt was made about 70 years after Sybaris was flooded. It cannot be said that she was successful. The pan-Greek colony, which at first bore the name people associate with wealth and luxury, was quickly renamed.

The existence of the city ends in 204 BC. During the Punic Wars, Sybaris went over to the side of Hannibal and was fortified, but not for long. He was given to the soldiers to be torn to pieces, and the inhabitants of the city were relocated to Croton. A little later, another colony appeared on the site of the former colony, whose name remained in history for a long time and symbolized wealth - Copy. The word sybarite has become a household word.

Many wrote about Sybaris, including Herodotus. The legend of the sybarite people, who were punished for their way of life, went around the lips, they wrote about it in ancient literature in various genres. Archaeologists and historians confirm that the Sybarites lived much better, richer and more luxurious than other Greeks.

Sybaritism - what is it?

When a spoiled person begins to seek more and more refined and refined pleasures in food, entertainment or sexual life, this is called sybaritism. This is the lifestyle of a sybarite.

In the modern world, the desire for such a life is not just popular. Young people use all ways to achieve the goal. In other words, the meaning of the word "to sybaritize" is an idle life, i.e. sybarite lives:

  • in luxury;
  • in idleness;
  • at someone else's expense.
Many call sybaritism a personality trait. These people are not necessarily rich. To live like this is their need. They don't want anything else.

Don't confuse a sybarite with a hedonist

Some confuse the concepts of "sybarite" and "hedonist". And no wonder, because they call people who strive to get all the best, whether it concerns spiritual, aesthetic or even sexual pleasure.

It would seem that the concepts are really similar, but there is nothing wrong with hedonism. These people achieve their goals honestly, without violating the rules and boundaries of decency. Sybarites are ready to get their own at any cost, they are determined by selfishness, which is not inherent in hedonists.

These definitions imply only a single goal of man. But, if hedonists work to get all the best, do not go over their heads, reckon with others, then sybarites are lazy, do not think about the feelings and desires of others. They seem to be positive and negative characters. Many sometimes do not see the difference between them, but it is significant.

Many put the word "Epicurean" on a par with these definitions. However, this position is also wrong. The Epicurians, although they strive for pleasure, see it in the peace of mind, as well as in limiting their own needs, the dissatisfaction of which will lead to suffering. They refuse all other desires.

Sybarites, sybarites and their habits

Surprisingly, although sybaritism is considered a negative, even negative quality, it is vehemently promoted in the media. One has only to look at the covers of magazines, which often depict people in expensive cars, planes and at luxurious parties.

Usually these are those who got wealth by chance or by inheritance: majors, gigolos or kept women. Usually they just burn their lives, do not strive for their own earnings and do not burden themselves with worries.

Sybaritism forms certain qualities and habits in a person. They make insanely expensive, sometimes just stupid and useless purchases, the purpose of which is to attract public attention.

Many world stars are also considered sybarites. They buy insanely expensive cars and gifts for their loved ones and underage children, throw parties worth several million dollars, and buy clothes and accessories for fabulous sums of money. But does it benefit anyone? Or, on the contrary, such pampered pets, having become accustomed to luxury, will only strive for it by any means, forgetting about humanity?

Video: Sybarite - is it good or bad?


So, we found out that a sybarite is a person who lives solely for his own pleasure. Sybaritism has not just become a household word. But this way of life does not lead to anything good.

The legend of the inhabitants of Sybaris is used as an instructive tale. After all, money, wealth and luxury turned the head of the Sybarites so much that they thoughtlessly declared a war, which they eventually lost, having lost everything.

And what do you think, dear readers, is sybaritism really a negative trait and should it be stopped? Or maybe after reading this article you saw a sybarite in yourself?

Σῠβᾰρίτης ), (by the name of the ancient Greek colony Sybaris, famous for wealth and luxury) - an idle person spoiled by luxury. In a broad sense, a person living in luxury, pleasure and idleness; or a person who loves luxury and pleasure.


In Russian, from the word "sybarite" the verbs "sybarite" and "sybarite" are formed.

Origins of the legend

Stories about the Sybarites as fabulously wealthy people who were punished for their hubris were widespread in ancient literature of various genres. Herodotus, Strabo, Theocritus, Elian, and others report on Sybaris. However, modern archaeological evidence does not support the view that the Sybarites lived richer and more luxuriously than other Greeks.

According to N. Braginskaya, the legend has several roots: a false etymology (the imaginary connection of the name Sibaris with other Greek. σοβαρός - magnificent), the image of the “country of fools”, known among many peoples, the Greeks' ideas about barbarians, to which the inhabitants of remote colonies adjoined, as intemperate people.

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  • Ilyinskaya L. S. Sibaris and sybarites. // Questions of history. - 1980. - No. 10. - S. 184-188.


see also

  • Ascetic - the opposite of sybarite

An excerpt characterizing Sybarite

Helen went out into the living room again with Natasha. Not staying for supper, the Rostovs left.
Returning home, Natasha did not sleep all night: she was tormented by the insoluble question of whom she loved, Anatole or Prince Andrei. She loved Prince Andrei—she remembered clearly how much she loved him. But she loved Anatole too, that was beyond doubt. “Otherwise, how could all this be?” she thought. “If after that I could, after saying goodbye to him, answer his smile with a smile, if I could allow it to happen, it means that I fell in love with him from the first minute. It means that he is kind, noble and beautiful, and it was impossible not to love him. What should I do when I love him and love another? she said to herself, finding no answers to these terrible questions.

The morning came with its worries and bustle. Everyone got up, moved, started talking, the milliners came again, again Marya Dmitrievna came out and called for tea. Natasha, with wide eyes, as if she wanted to catch every glance directed at her, looked around uneasily at everyone and tried to appear the same as she had always been.
After breakfast, Marya Dmitrievna (it was her best time), sitting down on her chair, called Natasha and the old count to her.
“Well, my friends, now I have thought the whole thing over and here is my advice to you,” she began. - Yesterday, as you know, I was with Prince Nikolai; Well, I talked to him... He wanted to scream. Don't shout down on me! I drank everything to him!
– Yes, what is he? asked the Count.
- What is he? madman ... does not want to hear; Well, what can I say, and so we exhausted the poor girl, ”said Marya Dmitrievna. - And my advice to you is to finish things and go home to Otradnoye ... and wait there ...
- Oh, no! Natasha screamed.
“No, go,” said Marya Dmitrievna. And wait there. - If the groom comes here now, he won’t do without a quarrel, but he’ll talk everything over with the old man one on one and then come to you.


In Russian, negatively colored [ source?] the verbs "to sybaritize" and "to sybaritize".

Origins of the legend

Stories about the Sybarites as fabulously wealthy people who were punished for their hubris were widespread in ancient literature of various genres. Herodotus, Strabo, Theocritus, Elian, and others report on Sybaris. However, modern archaeological evidence does not support the view that the Sybarites lived richer and more luxuriously than other Greeks.

According to N. Braginskaya, the legend has several roots: a false etymology (the imaginary connection of the name Sibaris with other Greek. σοβαρός - magnificent), the image of the “country of fools”, known among many peoples, the Greeks' ideas about barbarians, to which the inhabitants of remote colonies adjoined, as intemperate people.



  • Ilyinskaya L. S. Sibaris and sybarites. // Questions of history. - 1980. - No. 10. - S. 184-188.


see also

  • Ascetic - the opposite of sybarite

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Sybarite" is in other dictionaries:

    Greek sybarites, from Sybaris, idos, Sybaris. The person is idle and pampered. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. Michelson A.D., 1865. SIBARITE living in luxury, pampered and ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    sybarite- a, m. sybarite lat. sybarita gr. Sybarites 1. Inhabitant of the Ce/baris colony (in Ancient Italy), famous for its luxury and unbridled morals. In the bushes surrounding the temples, I find one wild rose: these are the wild roses of the Sybarites. AT.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Sybarite, sybarite, male. (Greek sybarites, lit. inhabitant of the city of Sybaris, an ancient Greek colony in southern Italy) (bookish contempt.). A pampered person who lives in luxury and indulges in idleness and pleasure, an idler. “The good one lives in carelessness ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - (Greek sybarites) an idle person, spoiled by luxury (from the name of the ancient Greek colony Sybaris) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sybarite, a, husband. (book). A person prone to idleness, pampered by luxury. | female sybarite, i. | adj. sybarite, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Husband. female sybarite luxurious, sensual or pampered person who lives for sweet food, worldly pleasures and comforts. Sybarite, nicha, live a sybarite, lead a sybarite life; sybaritism, luxury, luxury, sensual delicacy… Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Sybarite- ■ Scold the Sybarites ... Lexicon of Common Truths

    sybarite- in 720 BC in the south of the Apennine Peninsula, where two rivers merge, Kraphis and Sybaris, the Greeks founded the city and named it after the latter. Sybaris was so well located that it soon became a wealthy trading center. Residents... ... Entertaining etymological dictionary

    sybarite- SIBARITE, a, m A person leading an idle lifestyle, spoiled by comfort and luxury, not wanting to work. // f sybarite, and, pl. current, date weaves. Hello, Oblomov, said the shining gentleman, coming up to him. Don't come, don't... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


  • Lose weight: a new nutrition program "Sybarite" - from intensive weight loss to stable weight, Elena Stoyanova. A new book by Elena Stoyanova from the Lose Weight series is dedicated to the health effects and practical application of the Sybarite nutrition program for comfortable weight loss.…

Surely many have heard such a word more than once - sybarite, but not everyone knows its origin and meaning. Currently, a sybarite is called a pampered pampered person who lives in luxury, pleasure and idleness. This word has a negative connotation, and although not common in everyday life, it is quite often used in the media and literary circles. So where did this definition come from?

In the original meaning of this word, “sybarites” (Greek sybarites) are the inhabitants of the ancient Greek colony of Sybaris, founded by proto-Greek tribes around 720 BC. e. in Lucania (Southern Italy). Thanks to wide trade relations, Sybaris took the position of a powerful trading center. During its heyday, more than 20 cities were subordinate to Sybaris and he could field up to 300,000 warriors against external enemies.

Rich, luxuriously spoiled sybarites, indulging in idle fun, did not suspect that the word "sybarite" would someday become a household word. But all good things can't last forever...

In 510 BC. e. during the reign of the tyrant Telius, the Sybarites began a war with Croton, but were defeated and their city was destroyed to the ground. The luxury and audacity of the Sybarites led to the fact that in 70 days the Crotonians deprived them of all their happiness. Having captured the city, they diverted a river to it and flooded it. Sybaris drowned in luxury, drowned in the literal sense of the word. In the middle of the 5th century (443), after several attempts to revive the city, the all-Greek colony of Sybaris was created under the rule of Athens, which was soon renamed Furii.

In 284 BC. e. the city was occupied by the Roman garrison, but during the Punic wars went over to the side of Hannibal. Hannibal initially decided to strengthen Sybaris by transferring the inhabitants of the city of Atell here, but then in 204 BC. e. gave to his army for plunder and resettled 3,500 of its inhabitants in Croton. And in 194, on the site of the former Sibaris, a small Roman colony of Copia (Abundance) was founded, whose name vainly appealed to the memory of fabulous wealth.

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