Chekhov's story "The Lady with the Dog": analysis, theme, main characters. Analysis of Chekhov's work "Lady with a dog Lady with a dog indifference

The story "The Lady with the Dog" was created by Chekhov in 1898 under the impression of life in Yalta.
The theme set forth in the work is simple - a holiday romance and its consequences. But Chekhov's idea was not to depict a holiday romance. The purpose of the work lies much deeper. The author wants to show the reader how the hopelessness of the life situation, the fear of condemnation from the outside and the inability to take steps towards one's true love gave rise to a society that was deaf and blind to everything.
In the first part, the writer demonstrates the behavior of a man and a woman at a resort away from their family and their usual way of life. The protagonist Gurov Dmitry Dmitrievich is in the grip of a seductive thought about a fleeting connection, about an affair with an unknown charming woman. An unloved, bored wife and three children remained at home. But the soul, tired without love, literally requires affection and tenderness. The same looking for understanding and a lady with a dog. The main character never even loved her husband. The acquaintance of the unfree and unhappy in marriage was predetermined.

Gurov just wanted to unwind and have a good rest. But the meeting with Anna Sergeevna changed him. He sincerely fell in love with her, fell in love as for the first time in his life, having experienced aching youthful feelings in adulthood.

Chekhov brings readers to the main postulate - love can do anything. That is why his hero has changed, regained his sight. He is no longer a life-burner, but a person capable of compassion, being sincere, and faithful.

The storyline is drawn by the author with filigree literary art. Here, among the people walking on the waterfront of the resort, a new face appears - a lady with a dog. A few days later Gurov meets this lady. After a week of meetings, according to Anna Sergeevna, she fell.
It seems that the "Don Juan" has achieved what he wanted, and what should follow from this. A letter from Anna Sergeevna's husband with a plea to return home interrupts the pleasant pastime. Soon Gurov also went home, sincerely believing that he would never see her again. But the hero said goodbye not to his next "adventure", but to his entire past life, habits and thoughts, he said goodbye to himself as well. Therefore, further on, he appears as a completely new person.
And if at first the return home, to Moscow, is pleasant and comfortable for Dmitry Dmitrievich, then later his mind's eye again turns to Anna Sergeevna. Feelings cover Gurov swiftly and cleanse him of hypocrisy and indifference. Internal changes push him in search of his beloved woman.
The writer deliberately depicts the dullness and dullness of the city of S., where the heroine lives. It is like a prison for pure and bright relationships. Fate puts them before a difficult choice, but love does wonders. Not having the strength to overcome their true and strong feelings, Gurov and Anna Sergeevna decide to continue meeting. She comes to visit him in Moscow for dates at a hotel.

Contrary to the sanctimonious mood of society, the author clearly sympathizes with the main characters. And this location is visible in their portraits. Gurov is a respectable Muscovite, charming, resourceful, observant and very courteous in dealing with ladies. She has beautiful gray eyes and a delicate neck.

Chekhov completely abandoned the accepted standards and very categorically develops the plot of the story along a completely opposite path. After all, in stories about holiday romances, the characters should not be so desperately unhappy.
From now on, Gurov has two lives: an explicit one, but full of conditional truth and deceit, and the other - flowing in secret from others.

Chekhov does not ask questions about what awaits these people. He simply shows how love can transform a person. But only the main character is shown in spiritual development. The lady with the dog hardly changes, except that she understands that she is not a fallen woman. But her thoughts are now close and understandable to Gurov, because now he loves for real.

In A.P. Chekhov's story “The Lady with the Dog” a person is gradually unpacked, finding the true meaning of life. From a banal story - a holiday romance - begins a real, great and fragile love.

Gurov, the main character, outwardly prosperous: he also has a family; and work, and he is alive and well. But all this is not life - a miserable likeness, a faded reflection of true life in the crooked mirror of everyday life. Love returns a person to the world of spirituality.

At the resort, two people meet, whose life is boring and ridiculous. Their first conversation is also about boredom. Their families can only be considered families in name: Anna Sergeevna got married out of curiosity, she despises her husband, calling her a lackey; Gurov does not love his wife, considers her ceremonial and close-minded, has been cheating on her for a long time. Love transforms them both: it opens up a different dimension for them, makes them live in full force, and not mechanically.

Gurov, having fallen in love, begins to realize the beauty of the surrounding world: when they were sitting on a bench, “a man came up - it must have been a watchman, looked at them and left. This detail seemed so mysterious and also beautiful.” And how the description of the Yalta landscape contrasts with the description of measured and monotonous life in Moscow!

For Gurov, “this little woman, unremarkable in any way, with a vulgar lorgnette in her hands” became the only goal of life, the dearest person. How unlike him, who considered women an "inferior race." And for a long time it didn’t fit in my head: “with a vulgar lorgnette in my hands,” and this is a huge real feeling. Chekhov deliberately reduces the image of the heroine somewhat; he does not idealize, does not make a goddess out of her - this is the most ordinary woman. Because love is not that abstract misty cloud that makes you sigh bitterly and uncontrollably. This is a real feeling for a real person. And it is this kind of love that arises independently, spontaneously, ennobles a person, becomes the goal of his life. At the end of the story, the future of the characters is unclear. Gurov and Anna Sergeevna hope that soon "a new, wonderful life will begin." But they also understand that "the end is still far, far away and that the most difficult and difficult is just beginning." That is, the most important thing is not what will happen next, but what is now - love. And it is better, loving, not to be sure of tomorrow than to know exactly what will happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week, in two.

Figurative analysis of A. Chekhov's work "The Lady with the Dog"

A.P. Chekhov is a writer of the psychological genre with a romantic bias. In his works, he shows organized people living the selfish life of a self-satisfied bourgeois. The visible side of their being hides a not rich spiritual world, as secular voluptuaries like to repeat, trying to please established stereotypes. This all pretense and artificial state is based on the deepest depletion of true spirituality. People who are accustomed to be aware of themselves as the masters of life have ceased to understand the meaning of existence. The main thing for them was empty talk about the same meaning of being, trips to the waters, where you can have fun with a holiday romance, suddenly realizing that you had never loved or never loved before. The concept of "love" has become synonymous with the word betrayal, having lost its original content. The so-called passions have become a desirable feature of resort adventures.
In the story "The Lady with the Dog" two main characters - Anna Sergeevna and Gurov meet on vacation on the sea coast. Both of these people are tired of the boring and boring life in the big city. The family and everything connected with responsibility and duty are no longer perceived as sacred and unshakable. European values ​​have become part of the flesh and blood of the Russian people, eager for the ideas of freedom, equality and fraternity. But, what is most paradoxical, having forgotten the essence of Orthodoxy, our compatriot is deeply convinced of his spiritual superiority over his Western brother. And the main character considers herself to be such, clarifying to Gurov that the German surname of her husband is only an origin, since he is Orthodox. But at the same time, Anna Sergeevna can call her husband a footman, she even hates a learned badge, like a footman's number that he wears in his buttonhole. Both whiskers and the little bald head became hateful to her. And that "love", sung by poets of a high style, with which a woman flared up for an accidental resort acquaintance, Gurov, became a real boring life for her.
For Dmitry Dmitrievich Gurov, all women were representatives of the "lower race". He was about forty, he had been married for a long time and had three children. But it all became a burden and a heavy share. He did not love his wife for a long time, often cheated on her, and generally considered her close-minded. Therefore, trips to the resort carried him with adventures with high impulses of passion and excitement of "spirituality".
And then two people meet, for whom the whole existence has turned into absurdity, distortion of reality and boredom. They are only unaware that reality exists apart from them. And all sensations are only a perverted representation of an unburdened consciousness. Their life has turned into an endless lie to which people doom themselves, not reality. The lack of desire to overcome difficulties, to endure the shortcomings of relatives and friends, not to mention strangers, have become absurdity and loneliness. Life for the sake of pleasure and obtaining all sorts of material benefits - the main meaning is nothing but an animal state. And if such a representative visits restaurants, theaters and understands modern trends, then this is a completely “spiritually” rich person. Such a dangerous fantasizing leads Gurov to a complete spiritual impasse. After arriving in Moscow, he cannot forget his resort passion. Everyone around is annoying and unnerving. The comrade's remark about the sturgeon during his next recollection of Anna Sergeevna simply infuriates Gurov. Such extreme restlessness and tragic experiences about one's unfortunate fate make one cherish one's own egoism, feel sorry for oneself. Native people became outcasts and outcasts because of passion and increased "spirituality".
How the author himself relates to such contradictions that have arisen in modern "enlightened" society, it is difficult to say. He describes the characters and way of thinking of that time, which lived at the turning point of the historical outlook. Perhaps infantile sincerity, the decline of family values, the hegemony of the proletariat and other revolutions caused the tragedy that soon broke out in our country.
If many educated people, and there are no others now, sincerely consider passionate feelings and desires to be real spiritual life, then what awaits those who are actually subject to animal instincts. Here is a real tragedy that haunts human society, and not imaginary worries about a holiday romance or some other nonsense. Reverie and imagination, leading a person to spiritual emptiness, inner blindness and deafness, will become real demons, disturbing an insensitive heart, preoccupied only with selfish intentions. Such a heart is incapable of participation in trouble, of sacrifice and mercy. Gurov and Anna Sergeevna closed in on each other, passion consumed them. This feeling is not wealth, as they are trying to present to the modern young generation, but a catastrophic fall that destroys everything on which human society is based.
Gurov himself, escorting his daughter to the gymnasium and talking to her, felt his duality. After all, in fact, he was going on a date with a young woman, and forced hypocrisy tore his soul. Neither he nor his lover, who also cheated on her husband, were truly happy. Both were tormented by the falsity of the situation, the need to hide from human eyes in a hotel room. The man, seeing his reflection in the mirror, was amazed at how old he was. Meanwhile, the woman's heart was torn from bored uncertainty, because Gurov's love did not spread further than pity for the gray hair that appeared on the temples. While she was crying quietly, he calmly ordered a glass of tea into the room, deciding to wait until the woman calmed down. But the solution was not found, because you will not be happy by deceit. All that was left was an empty dream of a new and beautiful life.
A.P. Chekhov left the ending of the story unfinished. The writer understood, like any person, the ambiguous position of his heroes, which Anna Sergeevna herself defined as an "outdated" concept for an educated person - sin.

A.P. Chekhov is a master of the humorous genre, however, there are serious works in his creative heritage, for example, “The Lady with the Dog”. The author interpreted the traditional love story, filling it with a philosophical sound. The images of the story are interesting from the point of view of psychology. Learn it in 10th grade. We offer an analysis of the work, which will help during the preparation for the lesson.

Brief analysis

Year of writing- 1898

History of creation- The idea of ​​the work appeared in 1897. During the year, A.P. Chekhov collected materials for the work, and wrote it in 1898 in Yalta. The story was first published a year after it was written.

Topic- Two central themes can be distinguished in the work - a holiday romance and the fear of condemnation from society.

Composition- Formally, the work consists of four parts, which corresponds to the semantic organization: each of the parts reveals a certain stage in the development of relations between Dmitry Dmitrievich and Anna Sergeevna. The plot elements are in the correct order.

Genre- Story.

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

The history of the creation of the work "The Lady with the Dog" originates in 1897. Then A.P. Chekhov planned his first edition. Initially, he thought of calling the story something else. Throughout the year, the writer took notes, collected materials in order to realize his plan. Finally, in 1898, Anton Pavlovich painted The Lady with the Dog. At the time of the creation of the story, he was in Yalta, where he met his love. These events, apparently, pushed him to the realization of a long-standing plan.

For the first time, A. Chekhov's work "Lady with a Dog" was published in 1899 in the journal "Russian Thought". Readers took the story with delight, because the work marked the return of A.P. Chekhov to creativity.


In the analyzed work, the motifs traditional for world literature were displayed. Nevertheless, the author managed to present them in a new way, interpreting the images in such a way that they make the reader think about the important problems of human life.

In the center of the piece two themes- holiday romance and fear of condemnation from society. The second theme is revealed in the context of the first one, it introduces a philosophical meaning into the story. The image system is unbranched. The main role is played by Dmitry Dmitrievich and Anna Sergeevna, the secondary characters are the wife and children of Dmitry Dmitrievich, the husband of Anna Sergeevna.

From first part the reader will learn that Dmitry Dmitrievich Gurov, a bank employee, came to Yalta to rest. He had already managed to get comfortable when he heard that a "lady with a dog" appeared in the city. The man decided to get to know her by all means. A. Chekhov immediately says that Dmitry Dmitrievich is married and has children. But they married him early, so his wife seemed older to him, and besides, he did not find her interesting. The man managed to get acquainted with the "new" lady. The woman turned out to be married and much younger than him. In Yalta, she escaped the boredom experienced next to her husband.

The second part talks about the development of relationships. Dmitry Dmitrievich courted the woman beautifully, met with her every day, and soon they were in her room. Anna Sergeevna von Diederitz at first regretted what she had done, because she was afraid that she would be considered a fallen woman. She calmed down only when she saw that she had not “lost face” in the eyes of her lover. The vacation was coming to an end and the young people parted.

The Moscow meetings are told in the fourth part. The heroes were doomed to hide with their love, because they understood that a cruel society would not understand and would not approve of their spiritual impulses.

In the context of the above topic, a issues stories: love, marriage ties, lies, family relationships. The problems of man and society, morality are especially highlighted, since they are displayed in all parts.

Idea story - to show how the fear of public condemnation can fetter human feelings, becomes an obstacle to happiness.

The basic idea: making any decision, a person should think about what is more important for him, the approval of others or happiness.


To understand how the theme of the work “Lady with a Dog” develops, its analysis should be supplemented with a description of the composition. Formally, the work consists of four parts, which corresponds to the semantic organization: each of the parts reveals a certain stage in the development of the relationship between Dmitry Dmitrievich and Anna Sergeevna.

The plot elements are in the correct order. They need to be singled out not in separate parts, but in the whole work. The exposition is a story that “a lady with a dog” came to Yalta, a description of Dmitry Dmitrievich. The plot is the introduction of the main characters. Development of events - meetings in Yalta, parting, Dmitry's suffering, meeting in S., dates in St. Petersburg. The climax is Anna's revelation during one of their Moscow dates. There is no denouement in the story of A. Chekhov, since it was clear to young people that the end was still far, far away and that the most difficult and difficult was just beginning.

main characters


The genre of the work is a story, as evidenced by such signs: a small volume, the main role is played by the storyline of Dmitry Dmitrievich and Anna Sergeevna, there are only two main characters. The direction of the story "The Lady with the Dog" is realism, as it describes true events.

Artwork test

Analysis Rating

Average rating: 4.1. Total ratings received: 103.

Gurov Dmitry Dmitrich - the main character of the story "The Lady with the Dog". A philologist by education, but works in a bank, once prepared to sing in a private opera, but gave up, has two houses in Moscow. He is under forty, he has a twelve-year-old daughter and two sons who are high school students. He married early, as a second-year student, he considers his wife to be close-minded, afraid of her, does not like to be at home, often cheats on her and speaks badly of women, although he prefers their society to that of men, in which he is bored.

The hero meets Anna Sergeevna von Diederitz, who is resting here, in Yalta, who attracted his attention by the fact that she always walks alone, accompanied by a white Spitz. He quickly becomes close to her, counting on a fleeting and easy adventure. They spend some time together - have breakfast, walk, admire the sea, go out of town. Seeing off Anna Sergeevna, who is leaving Yalta, Dmitry Gurov believes that they will never see each other again, and then, already in Moscow, he thinks that a pleasant memory of her will soon be covered with fog. Chekhov emphasizes the hero's experience in amorous affairs and even some cynicism, so that his sudden love becomes all the more unexpected: a month passes, and Gurov's memory remains as clear as if he had parted with Anna Sergeevna only yesterday. He begins to be tormented by dissatisfaction with the “scarce, wingless” current life: unnecessary deeds, “frantic playing of cards, gluttony, drunkenness, constant talking all about one thing” ...

In the end, the hero cannot stand it and goes to the city of S., telling his wife that he was going to St. Petersburg to work for a young man. There he finds Anna Sergeevna's house, but for a long time he cannot figure out how to let her know about himself so as not to arouse anyone's suspicions. Their meeting will take place in the theater, where he unexpectedly approaches her. She confesses her love to him and asks to leave, promising to come to Moscow and fulfilling her promise. Since then, they have been living a double life - open and hidden, meeting secretly every two or three months, during the visits of Anna Sergeevna, and Gurov can no longer imagine life without her. "... Only now, when his head has turned gray, did he fall in love properly, truly - for the first time in his life." However, he does not know how to change the current situation, forcing them to hide, lie, and not see each other for a long time. Chekhov ends the story with an open ending: it seems to the characters that a solution will be found and everything will be fine, although they realize that "the most difficult and difficult is just beginning."

Von Dideritz Anna Sergeevna - the main character of the story "The Lady with the Dog" by Chekhov. Short, blonde. Gurov draws attention to her "timidity, angularity of inexperienced youth" in dealing with a stranger, a thin, weak neck and beautiful, gray eyes. She tells Gurov that she grew up in St. Petersburg, but married in the city of S., where she has been living for two years, that her husband serves either in the provincial government, or in the provincial zemstvo council.

A romance begins between her and her new acquaintance, however, after her “fall”, the heroine worries and repents, she fears that Gurov will be the first to stop respecting her, and tries to convince him that she loves an honest, clean life, and sin is disgusting to her, which causes some confusion and embarrassment of the lover. She speaks of her husband as a good, honest man, but that for all that he is a lackey. After the sudden appearance of Gurov in her city, in the theater, she tells him that all this time she thought only of him and that she is unhappy, and then promises him to come to Moscow.

Her meetings with Gurov in Moscow become regular, but such a double life depresses her more than Gurov. When they meet, the heroine cries “from the mournful consciousness that their life has turned out so sadly; they only see each other in secret, hiding from people like thieves!” She becomes more and more attached to Gurov, adores him, evoking in his soul not only true love, but also deep compassion. She, like her chosen one, hopes that they will somehow manage to get rid of "unbearable fetters" and that in the end "a new, wonderful life will begin ...".

Known to us as a talented satirist writer, during his life he created many amazing stories, novellas and various works, the relevance of which is obvious today. Sometimes it seems that Anton Pavlovich's goal was to highlight all aspects of human life - all its subtleties and all its moral facets. And it cannot be said that he did not cope with this task, because all his works are diverse and deep, and affect the most diverse aspects of life.


Despite the small volume, this story raises global issues of morality and touches on many sensitive topics. The protagonist of the story comes to an understanding of everything true in life and due to this he gains faith and looks at the world with completely different eyes.

From the very beginning, Chekhov shows us the student as a person completely disappointed in the world and in people. Throughout the story, we observe Ivan's rebirth, how he changes himself - fills his inner world with something bright and kind, and now faith leads him forward. The secondary characters of the story display the same problem. Lukeria and Vasilisa are also familiar with the hardships of life, but their dignity is that they never lost their faith.

"Lady with a dog"

This story is striking in that its main motive - love, is revealed from an unexpected side. Chekhov, being a master of depicting boring and gray everyday life, allows two extraordinary heroes to meet in one of his stories - "The Lady with the Dog". What is so special about these two heroes that makes their meeting significant? ..

Both Gurov and Anna Sergeevna are tormented by everyday life, the uncertainty of their choices - they both do not love and do not accept their spouses, and because of this, life seems incredibly boring to them. But resort love changes their outlook and their lives are filled with colors and new sensations. And it turns out that the holiday romance changes the lives of the characters once and for all.

Gurov, returning to Moscow, discovers that his life is not only ugly, but that he can no longer put up with it. And suddenly he realizes that the symbol of his happiness is Anna Sergeevna, whom he thought he would forget by this time. The main thing that the writer wanted to show is that freedom and a happy life in dreams are presented in a completely different way, and when real life comes, a person cannot cope with her routine and life. The end of the story can be called open, as a new life for the two main characters is just beginning.

"The Cherry Orchard"

When they talk about Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard", they always mention that this work is a contrasting one - the serious is intertwined with the funny, and the impression of this work cannot be called unambiguous. Chekhov wanted to reflect in the play the social changes of the era and show how the nobility gradually transformed and lost their positions ... And he managed to do this to the fullest.

With his characteristic style, Chekhov showed the measured and quiet life of the main characters, and all the key and conflicting events took place not in front of the reader, but behind the scenes. And the socio-historical turning point in the life of all of Russia, and in the society of nobles, is revealed from the most unexpected side - rather everyday and faded.

Lesson 89

Lesson Objectives:

1. Show the meaning of the story "The Bride" and "The Lady with the Dog" in Chekhov's work; to give an idea of ​​the artistic features of the work: to expand the concept of moral categories.

2. Learning to analyze the work.

3. Education aesthetic taste, respect for the most beautiful and amazing feeling of love.

During the classes.

1. Preparing students for the perception of the story:
teacher's word .
Everyone knows the statement of F.M. Dostoevsky

that Pushkin took a certain secret with him to the grave, and now we are unraveling this secret without him. These same words - about the mystery, about the mystery of creativity - I'm sure can be attributed to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

His originality puzzled even his contemporaries, and until now he remains one of the most "unsolved" writers. Indeed, behind the seeming simplicity of Chekhov's works, there is something that defies a clear critical formulation. "Enemy of vulgarity?" "The Twilight Singer?" "Poet of the End?" He was close and understandable to L. Tolstoy, and M. Gorky, and D. Merezhkovsky ... For A. Bely, Chekhov was a writer who discovered a new art - “realism of symbolism or symbolism of realism”.

Student's report about A.P. Chekhov's story "The Bride".

The story "The Bride" - Chekhov's last completed story - had a special fate in literary criticism. Many saw in him "a turning point in the writer's work towards a more vigorous, optimistic perception of reality." In the opinion of Soviet criticism, the meaning of the story "The Bride" is absolutely transparent. Nadya Shumina, a future revolutionary, awakens to a new, conscious life under the influence of the revolutionary-democrat Sasha and accomplishes a feat - she leaves her "native corner" that has become disgusting to her just on the eve of the wedding. Parallels were often drawn: Nadia - Sasha and Anya - Petya from The Cherry Orchard. “The writer could not agree on censorship conditions that Nadia and Anya were going into a revolutionary struggle,” wrote V. Yermilov. For him, it is clear that in Nadia Shumilova Chekhov showed "a wonderful image of a Russian girl who has embarked on an honest path of revolutionary struggle in order to turn life around, to turn the Motherland into a flowering garden."

A. Turkov no longer claims that Nadia is leaving for the revolution, however, he notes that the story "The Bride" resembles numerous works of democratic writers of the 60-70s about the breakup of a young man and a girl with their environment for the sake of life inspired by high ideals .. (Turkov A. Chekhov and his time, - M., 1987. - S. 517). Indeed, Anton Pavlovich himself in a letter to O.L. Knipper remarked: "Now I am writing a story in the old manner, in the manner of the seventies."

2. Conversation with students:

    • what makes the heroine of the story Nadia Shumina run away from her home almost on the eve of the wedding ?

(Example answer:

From a small exposition at the beginning of the story, we learned that Nadia Shumina is 23 years old, that from the age of 16 she "passionately dreamed of marriage." But now, when the day of her wedding with Andrey Andreevich, the “clever, kind” man whom she liked, had already been appointed, everything suddenly changed all at once: “there was no joy, she slept badly at night, the fun was gone.” As if continuing a well-known theme, Chekhov shows that Nadia suddenly felt herself closed in a case in which she was stuffy and dreary. A young girl rushes into space: “I wanted to think that not here, but somewhere under the sky, above the trees, far outside the city, in the fields and forests, now its own spring life has unfolded, mysterious, beautiful, rich and holy, inaccessible to the understanding of the weak, sinful person.)

    • How a writer creates the impression of a “case” with the help of details »?

(Sounds, smells of fried turkey, oil paint; the clatter of knives in the kitchen, Sasha's cough).

Students write conclusions in notebooks.

    • What family friend Alexander Timofeevich is trying to explain to Nadia ? (students read examples from the text).

3 . Student report about Andrei Andreevich, Nadya's fiancé . (An exemplary answer.

At first glance, a typical Chekhov intellectual: graduated from the Faculty of Philology (like Gurov from the story "The Lady with the Dog"), "looks like an artist" (like Alekhine from the "little trilogy"), plays the violin (like Andrey Prozorov from "Three Sisters" ). But the reader sees Andrey Andreevich's uselessness. “I don’t do anything and I can’t do anything,” he admits. Nadya's fiancé belongs to the type of people about whom Lopakhin says: "And how many, brother, are there people in Russia who exist for no one knows why." Andrei Andreevich is incapable of working, does not want to serve (“Why is it that I am so disgusted even by the thought that someday I will put a cockade on my forehead and go to serve?”), He is sometimes even too lazy to talk: “He loved the violin, perhaps because during the game it was possible to remain silent.

However, Andrey Andreevich's speech characteristics are very expressive. “Oh, how happy I am! I'm mad with delight!" - he says to Nadia, and it seems to her that she read something like that in a novel - "old, tattered, long abandoned."

“O mother Russia,” Andrey Andreevich says with pathos, “how many more idle and useless people you carry on yourself! How many of you are like me, long-suffering! For a taciturn hero, such a tirade is stronger than a “respected closet”!)

    Conversation with students :

How Nadya's grandmother and mother took her sudden departure ?

(Grandma lay motionless for three days. Nina Ivanovna had aged a lot in a year.)

    Written responses :

    What does Nadia put into the words: “You are very unhappy, mother”?

    How does Nadia's attitude towards people around her change?

Individual task . Is Nadia capable of true love?

- Selective reading of written responses .

4 . Closing conversation with students :

    What exactly pushes Nadya to run away from home (“the desire to turn life around” or specific egoism)?

    What human vices does A.P. Chekhov in his story "The Bride"? (In Chekhov, his heroes bring suffering to their loved ones unconsciously: either due to their spiritual limitations, or due to the universal properties of the world in which they live. Similarly, Nadya, not wanting it at all, dooms her relatives to grief, longing and loneliness , not interested in what is going on in their souls, not feeling any moral responsibility to them.Now, at the end of the story, it no longer seems to her that she "jays someone's life". She is young, healthy, free and has means, in order to "directly and boldly look into the eyes of one's fate, to recognize oneself as right.")

5. Teacher's word . In parting, the writer left us a riddle, which we are also trying to solve. In the final lines of the story we read: "She went upstairs to pack, and the next day she said goodbye to her friends and, alive, cheerful, left the city - as she thought, forever." What does this "as expected" mean? Is it Nadya's decision not to return to her hometown or the author's assessment of what is happening? True to his principles, Chekhov gives the reader the opportunity to think and guess for himself how the fate of his heroine will turn out.

6. Conversation on the text of the story "The Lady with the Dog"

Where do the events in the story take place?

What do we know about the main characters before they met?

Both characters are family people. What is missing in their family relationships?

What are their family relationships based on?

For what purpose, besides rest, did the heroes come to Yalta?

2) Working with text:

What "bitter experience" did Gurov have?

What impression did Gurov make on women?

How did he react to them?

Reading an excerpt. Ch.1 "And then one day, in the evening" to "She laughed"

For what purpose did Gurov decide to meet the "lady in the beret"?

What impression did Anna Sergeevna make on Gurov?

(“There is something pathetic about her after all”)

Read how Anna Sergeevna differed from Gurov's previous women!

Why is the heroine unwilling and unable to justify her behavior?

(The idea is that a holiday romance should cause joy, but both heroes do not experience anything like that.

Gurov - confused (and he is experienced in dealing with women!)

Anna Sergeyevna -in desperation "I love an honest, clean life.")

How did Gurov react to Anna Sergeevna's revelation?

(eating watermelon! - invulnerable indifference to the suffering of another - symbolizes an indifferent lover, accustomed to easy victories)

Tell us about the relationship between the characters before they went home.

(pay attention to the rich inner world of Gurov, in which his ability to

Read the episode that tells about the state of the hero after returning home (ch. 3 - at the beginning).

Try to answer the questions Gurov puts to himself.

(what happened? Already talking to himself about his love, wants to open up to someone)

Dialogue with an official about "sturgeon with a smell" -


His whole gut rejects the existing way of his life - he wants more. The hero is reborn. He realized that he was leading a double life: hiding not only his "romance", but also "a real human life."

Read the episode from the words "He came to C ..." to "He thought ...".

Tell us about the meeting of heroes in the theater.

Describe Gurov's behavior in the hotel when Anna Sergeevna is crying.

(I ordered tea! - a symbol of home, everyday life, peace)

Teacher's word.

Chekhov is a subtle psychologist, a master of briefly and concisely speaking about many things, about important things. He used such techniques as subtext, artistic detail, symbol.

Artistic detail - expressive detail in the work, which has a significant content and ideological and emotional load.

Symbol - sign, allusion.

In the story "The Lady with the Dog" one can trace the emergence of a genuine, inner closeness of two personalities, which the author emphasized with artistic details symbolizing important, essential, characteristic. Hoping for a thoughtful reader.Remember the episodes: watermelon in Yalta and tea in Moscow! From indifference to an atmosphere of domestic intimacy, when Gurov already loves, understands, supports.

Prove with quotes from the text that the characters truly love each other.

6. Generalization of the material:

Consider why Chekhov called the story "The Lady with the Dog."

(the main event of the story is the change that occurs under the influence of love. The lady with the dog is a symbol of the spiritual change that occurred with Gurov. Internal rebirth, the rebirth of a person under the influence of love for a woman)

What title would you give this story?

What do you think Chekhov wanted to say by describing this story to us?

Teacher's word.

This story has no plot ending. This is called an open ending. What did Chekhov want to emphasize by this?

Thus, we can sum up:

It is important for Chekhov to say not where the characters want to go, but what they are running from.

The fate of the heroes makes us think about why people are unhappy, what needs to be done to bring joy, sincerity, love into life.

For Chekhov, the main thing is that there is a gradual “uncovering” of a person, the acquisition of the true meaning of life, the desire of people to get away from those rules that make them unhappy. According to Chekhov, one can respect people for their ability to love!

7. Homework to choose from:

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