Viagra biography. What is the new composition of Viagra? who joined the new composition of the Viagra group


For more than a decade of existence, the group has changed its composition, but has not changed its idea. And it was to create something fundamentally new.

One can, of course, argue whether such new idea collect a female group of girls with a fantastically sexy appearance. In any case, the first appearance "VIA Gra" did not go unnoticed, the popularity grew every day, and now no one doubts the success of the idea. A group with such a plan was simply doomed to success: the male half of the audience cannot but admire the plasticity of perfect female bodies Well, the female half has someone to look up to.

Attempt number two or number five?

Dmitry Kostyuk, the producer of the group, wanted to assemble a women's group, the members of which must have a stunning sexual appearance to demonstrate outrageous performances and, as KVN people like to joke, when these conditions are met, no one will pay attention to vocal data. After the first casting, three girls were selected. We recorded the first song and even started filming the video. But the coordinated work of the team did not work out and the composition was disbanded. But the idea did not leave the producers.

After some time, “attempt number two” took place. This time the choice was on two vocalists. They became and. Alena at that time worked at the Biz-TV television company, where Dmitry Kostyuk noticed her and invited her to participate in the team. When he and the second producer of the group, Konstantin Meladze, received a photo shoot of Nadezhda, they invited her to a casting, which confirmed that the girl met all the requirements. Before "VIA Gra" By the way, Granovskaya had no vocal experience.

The group got the name, which, as it turned out, means not only an allusion with a known drug. Although many believe that this is not an allusion, but the meaning of the name, because the group's performance has no less effect on the male half of humanity than a well-known medical drug.

In fact, there are several versions explaining the name of the group. One of them: VIA is an abbreviation for “vocal-instrumental ensemble”, and “gra” is translated from Ukrainian as “game”. According to another version, the name is the initial letters of the names of the vocalists: "VI" - from "Vinnitskaya", and "Gra" - from "Granovskaya". Another version: “Gra” is the first letters of the words “Voice, Joy, Artistry”. latest version, most likely far-fetched. External image sexy vocalists is more associated with pills that improve sexual potency in men. Probably, everyone can decipher the name, as he likes best.

First steps and immediate success

Nadia and Alena (2000)

So, the group was formed, the name was invented. The debut of the first video for the song "Attempt No. 5" took place on the Biz-TV channel in 2000. This date is considered the beginning creative activity team. The clip made a certain sensation, the group was not only noticed, they started talking about it as a new bright phenomenon on the domestic pop scene. A successful song with a corresponding video clip became an excellent application and even in some way " calling card» team. So, with the song "Attempt No. 5", on the second attempt, the group hit the tops of various music charts. The song was liked not only by the listeners, but was also noticed music critics and producers. At the end of the year, only for this song, the group received several music awards: "Stopudov Hit", "Golden Gramophone", "Golden Firebird", and the video was awarded the "Golden Kettle".

The debut video was the starting point on the path to popularity. Moreover, this song is still popular, the group regularly performs it during concert performances, reminding the audience of how it all began. A successful debut was followed by months of hard work. Following "Attempt No. 5", the composition "Meet My Mom" ​​was released. The shooting of the video, however, was not completed. The plot of the video for the song “Hug Me” is in many ways similar to the plot of the unfinished video, the directors even used some fragments of the video for the song “Meet My Mom”.

Path to the heights

Tatiana, Alena, Anna (2002)

For a whole year the group worked hard on their repertoire, and by the end of 2000 seven songs had already been recorded. And in December, the debut first concert took place. The fame of the team grew every day. Increasingly - welcome guests at various television shows, they are bombarded with offers to participate in national concerts. Two more clips delight fans - “I will not return” and “Bomb”. Each new song, album, video, appearance in a TV program or on the pages of magazines (the group is photographed by Playboy, Maxim, 7 Days) - contribute to the growing popularity of the group, which successfully tours throughout the country. The same time was marked by another event - the group was invited to take part in the filming of the musical.

The trio of Brezhnev, Granovskaya and Sedokov is often called the “golden line-up” by fans, because in this line-up the group was more productive than ever. A video was released for the song “Do not leave me, my love!”, followed by the second album, “Stop! Taken!" In the summer, the video "Kill my girlfriend" appears.

Having conquered the domestic stage, she is ready to show herself to the countries of Europe and Asia. The English-language clip “Stop! Stop! Stop!", as well as the English-language album of the band of the same name. The first release took place in Japan, where great success performed in the capital. And in the fall of the same year, the album "Biology" was released. Valery Meladze recorded together with "VIA Groy" compositions "Ocean and three rivers" and "There is no more attraction."

Diamond composition of "VIA Gra"

Svetlana, Hope, Vera (2004)

Quite unexpectedly, in May 2004, Anna Sedokova shocked not only fans, but also producers - she left the group because of her pregnancy. The producers are urgently looking for a replacement for Sedokova, this time the choice fell on Svetlana Loboda. Svetlana is sexy and attractive girl, the owner of an unusual jazz voice with a range of 2.5 octaves. But for some reason, the fans “did not accept” the replacement.

2004 was awarded the Muz-TV 2004 award. In the same year, the pan-European release of the album “Stop! Stop! Stop! The vocalists took part in the filming of another musical "Sorochinsky Fair". It should be noted that in this musical one of the group's hits, "Oh, the water spoke is clear," was born.

Hope, Albina, Vera

The group maintained its popularity and was active on stage and in the studio. But dissatisfaction with Svetlana grew, conflicts arose between the vocalists, as a result, it was decided to part with Loboda. Instead, they took Albina Dzhanabaeva, who had already worked for a long time with Valery Meladze as a backing vocalist. The fans called this line-up "diamond" after the release of the video for the song "Diamonds". The composition fell in love with everyone due to its lightness and jazz motive. The diamond line-up recorded a joint work with the TNMK rap team, popular in Ukraine, "There is nothing worse than being like everyone else."

In 2006, two vocalists at once, Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Granovskaya, announced their desire to leave the group. Brezhneva wanted to start a solo career, while Granovskaya decided to try something new. This statement caused confusion among the fans of the group and took the producers, Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk, by surprise.

Creative crisis or another change of composition

The departure of two soloists at once did not bode well. The producers had two options: close the project or try to find a replacement. Moreover, both options had their weak sides. What it means to close a well-promoted, extremely popular project is not worth explaining. But finding vocalists for the well-coordinated work of the team is also not an easy task. Fans almost resigned themselves to the collapse of the team. Although the rumors that the "farewell" with the group was only a successful PR move, warmed the hope that the girls would still please with new songs and tours. Only now, no one knew whether it would be a completely new composition or someone from the old one would remain.

In place of Granovskaya, Christina Kots-Gotlieb got into the group. With the new line-up, the group released a new lyric song"Deceive, but stay", in which many listeners saw a parallel with the ongoing events in the team. But new format did not last long, the relationship between the soloists did not work out right away, and instead of Christina, the producers invited Olga Koryagina.

It seemed that the appearance of a new soloist would allow her to continue working calmly, and all the problems were behind her. Everything looks as if the group did not plan to stop. continued to delight her fans with new releases and give concerts. In May 2006 a big solo concert in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the team.

Meseda and Albina (2007)

Despite the confusion in the composition, she recorded new songs: “L. M. L.", which became a hit in the summer of 2006, "Bomb", released in September, "Flower and Knife", released in November. Moreover, the songs were recorded in two languages ​​- Russian and English, which predetermined the release of the second English-language album, the name of which coincided with the title of the song "L. M.L. This song by that time was already a real hit and sounded in all music broadcasts, taking first place in music tops and chats. However, the second English-language album was not successful. According to the already established tradition, the group starred in New Year's musical"Channel One", with the Russian version of the song "It's raining man".

Duet, trio, duet again

Meseda, Tatiana, Albina (2008)

But here, for a reason already familiar to the group - pregnancy, Olga Koryagina leaves the team. The producers allow her to leave the team without fulfilling her obligations, but also without the possibility of returning. And after Koryagina, Vera Brezhneva leaves the group. Another casting brought Meseda Bagaudinova to the group. The duet recorded the songs "Kisses" and "I'm not afraid." The video for the latter was filmed at a time when the producers decided to return the trio format to the team. In the new video for the song "I'm not afraid" fans "VIA Gra" saw the new soloist of the project - Tatyana Kotova.

The following year was more productive for the band than 2007. There were new songs and new successes. Already in the summer, at the Muz-TV Prize, it was named the “Best Pop Group of the Year”, and their video for the song “Kisses” won in the nomination “ Best video". In the fall, the team shot the video "American Wife" for the soundtrack to the film "Hipsters", released the third collection of songs - "Emancipation", participated in creative evening Konstantin Meladze, and, of course, in New Year's concerts.

"Old Love Doesn't Rust"

Tatyana, Nadezhda, Albina (2009)

Fans of the team are already accustomed to the fact that every year the group changes. 2009 was no exception, but the change in the composition surprised everyone - Nadezhda Granovskaya returned to the group. In this regard, Meseda Bagaudinova had to leave, there is no place for two brunettes in one team. Immediately the girls went on tour in Europe and North America with the My emancipation program, and many posters still featured Meseda Bagaudinova.

Presentation on Russian Radio new song called Antigeisha. At the end of the video filmed for this song, the soloists of the group played real anti-geisha: no chic outfits, no lush hairstyles - an image that was unexpected for the team. at the Russia Movie Awards 2009 ceremony, they presented the award for the best male role and received the award for the best soundtrack - “ American wife”, and in 2009 - the group received the Golden Gramophone statuette for the song Antigeisha.

In mid-March 2010, Tatyana Kotova left the group "for certain reasons." Her place was taken by Eva Bushmina (Yana Shvets). The premiere of the new trio was the song "Get out!". But already in 2011, it was announced that Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya was leaving the group, and Santa Dimopoulos would take her place.

The end of VIA Gra or the beginning of modern history?

Eva, Hope, Albina (2010)

Since September 2012, the group has again become a duet, which includes Albina Dzhanabaeva and Eva Bushmina. And again, rumors are swarming that now the group is really on the verge of disintegration. Konstantin Meladze officially confirmed that Santa left the team due to "professional unsuitability." He also stated that the band would soon record a new song and film new clip with a new soloist. Who it will be is not yet known.

Thus, over the eleven years of its existence, the composition of the group has changed more than ten times. And everything looks like this is not the last, and not even the penultimate composition "VIA Gra". But one thing is safe to say: the band is a phenomenon in many ways. They have achieved huge popularity, won many awards, and are still ready to conquer new heights, able to amaze and amaze with their songs. AT creative plans there are still a lot of ideas and ideas, but for now we can safely say that it continues to successfully win the hearts of viewers and even listeners.

Santa, Eva, Albina (2011)


The song "Do not leave me, my love!" became one of the most significant singles in the history of the group. She stayed in the charts for almost 7 months, becoming a mega-hit in 2003.

The clip "Emancipation" is the most expensive that Alan Badoev made in his entire directorial career. Newfangled erotic video cost "VIA Gre" almost 120,000 dollars - "women's emancipation" is expensive!

Abroad, the group cannot use its name due to the threat of a lawsuit from the manufacturer of the drug of the same name, therefore it acts under the name NU VIRGOS.

Eva and Albina (2012)

Almost all ex-soloists "VIA Gra" after leaving the group, they continued their career in show business. Vera Brezhneva can rightly be considered the most successful. The song "Love will save the world" brought the singer unprecedented fame, and on this moment its popularity is even higher than the popularity of the group itself. Vera is followed by Svetlana Loboda, a participant. Svetlana is already mega-popular in Ukraine and is now trying to break through to the top of Olympus in Russia. Alena Vinnitskaya is not far behind Vera and Svetlana, followed by Ana Sedokova.

Updated: November 25, 2017 by: Elena

In 2018 line-up legendary band « VIA Gra' has been updated again. Konstantin Meladze invited Olga Meganskaya replace Misha Romanova, and soon, instead of Anastasia Kozhevnika, she began to sing in the group Ulyana Sinetskaya.

Generally for 18 years of existence 18 different soloists were involved in the group. Someone's stay was limited to months, and someone spent in a group long years. "VIA Gra" has undergone a lot and in 2012 even closed for a short time, but by some miracle the project is still alive.

Our editors invite you to remember the soloists who made the history of one of the most successful women's groups in the post-Soviet space.

Alena Vinnitskaya

One of the first soloists, who stood at the origins of the creation of the group, stayed in the team for three years. Before her career as a singer, Alena worked on television, and after leaving VIA Gra, she began her solo career. Vinnitskaya was replaced by Brezhnev, but fans claim that without Alena, the group has lost its charm.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

At first, the producer of the group abandoned the idea of ​​a trio and limited himself to a duet. Together with Vinnitskaya, the charming Nadezhda Granovskaya sang in VIA Gre. In 2006, after the departure of Granovskaya, the group almost closed.

Tatyana Naynik

Tatyana sang in VIA Gre, starting in 2002, replacing Nadezhda Granovskaya, who went on maternity leave. She counted on long-term cooperation, but two brunettes in the same group did not fit in the head of the producer. Now Nainik is married and has a daughter.

Anna Sedokova

Many remember the group exclusively by Sedokova. She was part of the golden trio, which also included Brezhnev and Granovskaya. Rumor has it that Anna did no less for the group than Konstantin Meladze. She left the team in 2004 due to pregnancy.

Posted by (@annasedokova) Sep 29, 2018 at 1:35 PDT

Vera Brezhneva

Vera got into the group quite by accident, performing one of the songs at the group's concert. Brezhnev stayed in the team for 4 years, and after her departure in 2007, the group was predicted to fail. In 2015, Vera secretly married Konstantin Meladze.

Svetlana Loboda

Svetlana joined the group in 2004 to replace Sedokova, but there was no full replacement. Loboda was criticized for excessively defiant behavior, so the singer stayed at VIA Gre for only 4 months.

Albina Dzhanabaeva

A kind of record holder Albina stayed in the group more than any other soloist - 8 years. Now she is known not only as successful singer, but also as a beloved Valery Meladze.

Christina Kots-Gotlieb

The participant and winner of beauty contests stayed in the group from January to April 2006. Christina "did not fit" into the team and after a short stay at VIA Gre, she continued her modeling career.

Olga Koryagina

The singer stayed in the team for two years. Ironically, Koryagina, who replaced Granovskaya, who again went on maternity leave, herself left the group due to pregnancy.

Meseda Bagaudinova

After the departure of Vera Brezhneva, Meseda sang for some time in a duet with Dzhanabaeva. It sounds like the plot of a soap opera, but in 2009 Granovskaya returned to the team for the third time, replacing a native of Grozny ...

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Tatyana Kotova

After Brezhneva left, the creators of the group played big, inviting them to " VIA Gru» the winner of the Miss Russia 2006 contest. Tatyana won the love of the public not only with her voice, but also with luxurious forms. Some clips were not censored at all.

Eva Bushmina

Eva Bushmina, or Yana Shvets, also known as stage name Layah, got into the group in 2010 and stayed at VIA Gre until the fateful closure of the group in 2012.

Santa Dimopoulos

In 2011, Nadezhda Granovskaya, who was pregnant for the third time, was replaced by world fitness champion Santa Dimopoulos. However, less than a year later, she left the group to promote solo career.

Misha Romanova, Erika Herceg and Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Misha, Anastasia and Erika joined the group after winning the show "I Want V VIA Gru" in 2013. Now Erica is singing in a new line-up, Misha left the group on maternity leave, and Anastasia had a five-year contract, and she went on a solo voyage.

Not every pop group can boast such a long stay in show business. In fact, "VIA Gra" is a rather significant group, if not epochal. However, while the style and presentation remained virtually unchanged, the group sang 19 compositions, so it was both different and the same.

No one imagined what the new composition of VIAgra would be like when Konstantin Meladze's show began on the selection of new participants in the team. There were many worthy contestants, the Russian land is rich in beautiful and talented girls. And yet, three of them turned out to be the strongest - the amazing beauty of the voice, femininity and magnetic charm did their job. Recently, the new composition of VIAGRA was introduced to the people. It included three beautiful girls - Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erika Herceg.

"VIA Gra": was, is and will be

The famous producer and composer Konstantin Meladze has been the mentor of the VIA Gra group throughout the entire period of its existence, more than 13 years. During this time, the team changed several times. The changes that took place in the group concerned not only the fate of its members, but also reflected the technological, stylistic and sociological trends in show business. After all, VIA Gra has always been on the stage women's group No. 1. And it has become a "school of life" for many popular stars modernity. The graduates of this school are Vera Brezhneva, Svetlana Loboda, Albina Dzhanabaeva, Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya, Anna Sedokova and others famous singers, TV presenters and actresses.

The history of the show "I want to "VIA Gru""

This time, producer Konstantin Meladze instructed the people to choose a new composition of VIAGRA. Millions of viewers decided the fate of the group, created its history.

Fifteen thousand participants from four CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine) fought for the right to become one of the soloists of the popular band for several months. Two contrasting trios were selected for the final. The charming favorite of one of the jury members Igor Vernik - Maria Goncharuk, red-haired Julia Lauta and burning brunette Diana Ivanitskaya competed with amazing and extremely talented girls from Ukraine - Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erica Herceg. two completely different teams There was only one step left to take. But there was something that united them - this is the irrepressible energy of the participants, the undoubted talent of each of the girls, their amazing sexuality and femininity.

The winners have been determined!

Viewers through SMS voting decided the fate of the participants. It was hard to imagine who they would prefer. Upon completion of the voting and counting of votes, Igor Vernik opened the envelope with the names of the winners of the show. They were beautiful Ukrainians - Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erika Herceg. According to the producer of the group Konstantin Meladze, the girls are very promising, creative, diversified, so they will surely be able to absorb best traditions"VIA Gra" and increase the success of the team with a thirteen-year history of existence. He also noted that the updated VIAgra group will not be exactly the same as the audience is used to. The new composition will bring its own bright colors. In addition, it was decided to somewhat change the image of the team, taking into account the characteristics of its new members.

Life before and after

Compound new group"VIAgra" is defined, and now fans of the legendary musical group are increasingly interested in the biographies of its new members. Let's find out what the life of the girls was like before they came to the Konstantin Meladze show.

Brief biography of Kozhevnikova Anastasia

Nastya was born in the city of Yuzhnoukrainsk in Ukraine. Already at the age of six, she took up vocals and began to sing in the children's choir "Droplets". At the age of eight, Nastya went to a music school to learn how to play the piano. In parallel with studies in secondary and music schools the girl managed to do choreography and study acting skills in the theatre pop song called Galatea.

A childhood dream of becoming an artist on a big stage led Nastya through life. She did not miss a single opportunity and her talent. The girl took part in various music competitions, including "The First Swallows", "Running on the Waves", "Young Galicia" and others. But she did not achieve much success at that time. The only thing the jury paid attention to was the irrepressible energy of the young girl.

When Anastasia turned sixteen, she took part in her first casting on the Superstar show. But, unfortunately, the girl was again deprived of attention. Nastya did not give up and went to the casting of the X-factor show, where she also did not go beyond the first round. Desperate and leaving your dream of big stage, Anastasia became a student of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design. When she found out about the start of the casting of the show “I Want to VIA Gru”, she decided to try her luck at last time. And this time, luck smiled at her - she joined the new VIAGRA! The photos that you see in the article demonstrate the genuine joy of the girl! By the age of twenty, she managed to carry out her first big dream and this is a real win!

Brief biography of Erica Herceg

Erica was born in a village called Malaya Dobran, which is located near the border of Ukraine with Hungary, near Uzhgorod.

Mixed blood flows in the girl: her father is a Hungarian, her mother is the daughter of a Ukrainian and a Hungarian. Erica's parents got married when they were very young - dad was 22, mom - 18. When the girl was five years old, the family decided to have a second child. The birth was very difficult, which adversely affected the health of Erica's mother. Concerns about the well-being of the family and the upbringing of young children completely fell on the shoulders of Nikolai, the father of the family. Erica went to a Hungarian school, where she studied for only two hours a week. Ukrainian language. Every day, for this, she went 12 kilometers from home and crossed the border. When the rules for crossing the borders of countries became tougher, the girl had to change schools.

In high school, Erica studied at the Lyceum at the local church, sang in the church choir.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, the girl went to the city of Beregovo in order to become a student at the Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute named after Ferenc Rakozzi II. During her studies, Erica worked as a waitress at a local cafe.

2008 was a year of change for the girl. She lost as much as 30 kilograms in order to try her hand at modeling. She starred in commercials jewelry and underwear.

Work in a modeling agency in 2011 brought the girl to Kyiv. There, in 2012, she received her first major contract with a French lingerie company. In the same year, she was invited to appear in one of the autumn issues of Playboy magazine. And in 2013, she already gets into the new composition of VIAgra. At the age of 25, Erica achieves real success.

Short biography of Misha Romanova

The third soloist of the renewed group was born in the Ukrainian city of Kherson. At birth, the parents gave their daughter the name Natalia. Her own real name- Graveyard. Misha Romanova is stage name, which the girl came up with in memory of the two men she once loved. The girl studied at general education school and often suffered from peer bullying. It's hard to imagine, but as a child she stuttered badly. This began after Misha became an unwitting witness to a quarrel between her parents when she was five years old. The girl recalls how hard it was for her, because she could not even buy chewing gum for herself in the store, as the sellers did not understand her.

On the advice of doctors, the parents gave the girl to vocal lessons. Misha's surprise and delight knew no bounds when she realized that she did not stutter when she sang. Since then, even in the classroom, when she was called to answer, she did not tell the learned material, but “sang”.

In 2001, the girl became a member vocal studio DK "Neftyanik", soon took the place of a soloist, and later an assistant to the head of the studio.

The dream of becoming an artist gave her the strength to take part in all possible music competitions. She won prizes in "Little Stars", "Carousel of Melodies", "World of Talents". Misha Romanova was educated at the Kiev Variety and Circus School, where she entered in 2007. At the age of 23, her dream came true - she became a real artist, a soloist of the legendary group "Viagra".

New line-up - new song - new concert!

The group has already managed to record several new songs, shoot a video, and worked on tour. The first joint work of the girls is the composition “Truce”, for which a video work has already been filmed by a talented director. And on November 4, 2013, the updated VIAGRA gave its first concert at the State Theater in Moscow. The new line-up - Erika, Nastya and Misha - captivated the audience, the girls gained thousands of fans, showing their selfless work on stage. And it was only their first concert!

High hopes

Listeners are waiting for many more amazing works of the VIAGRA group. The new composition of the team, which was formed by the people themselves, will surely be able to justify even the wildest expectations!

On September 3, 2000, the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group VIA Gra was founded. In the entire history of the group, 13 girls were soloists of VIA Gra. The composition of the participants in the popular project Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk changed 16 times. We decided to make a selection of the soloists of this group most beloved by fans of the group.

1. The beginning group achieved its first commercial success in 2000, when it included two soloists: Ukrainian TV presenter Alena Vinnitskaya and a teacher primary school(by profession, but not by vocation) Nadezhda Granovskaya. Why the duet can be called one of the the best squads in the band's history? Yes, if only because from the premiere of the song of the first composition of VIA Gra - "Attempt No. 5" - the triumphant ascent of the team to musical Olympus Ukraine, and then Russia.

It was in this composition that the Russian listener recognized the group with an extravagant name. The first song of VIA Gra became an absolute hit in 2000 and sounded from every iron. For this composition, the young team received the first serious musical awards in the Golden Gramophone, One Stop Hit, and Golden Firebird awards. The first video was filmed for the song. Then there was the song and video "Hug Me", the first appearance on stage in front of an audience of thousands, tours, interviews and photo sessions, filming in the New Year's musical "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". And in September 2001, the group released debut album"Attempt No. 5", which sold 700 thousand copies in the CIS countries and acquired the status of the "Golden Disc", and also gave us the right to call this composition of the group "golden".

2. One of the best compositions of the group can be called the first trio of VIA Gra: Alena Vinnitskaya, Anna Sedakova and Tatyana Naynik. Such a set did not last long - from April to September 2002. Tatyana Nainik, a sexy model from St. Petersburg, replaced Nadezhda Granovskaya, who had gone on maternity leave, in the duet, and Anna Sedakova, by the way, also a former model from the cultural capital of Russia, came to the group in order to implement the production plan to create a trio.

With the advent of this composition, the group has its own chip. It lies in the fact that musical group there must certainly be “white”, “black” and “red-haired” soloists. Already for this first trio can be called a landmark for the group. During their joint work, these three girls shot a video for the song “Stop! Stop! Stop! ”, after which VIA Groy was labeled the sexiest female team domestic show business. In May 2002, the group received the Ovation Award. Then there was the first song of the group, recorded in a rock style - “Good morning, dad!”. But in the video for this composition you can see not three, but four soloists - unexpectedly from maternity leave returned Nadezhda Granovskaya. Her arrival marked the creation of a new composition of VIA Gra. By the way, after Tatyana Nainik left for the Maybe team, Maxim magazine called it “golden”, just the composition of Sedokov - Vinnitskaya - Nainik.

3. The undoubted leader of our rating is the truly “golden line-up” of VIA Gra: Anna Sedakova, Nadezhda Granovskaya-Meikher and Vera Brezhneva. The trio is formed in January 2003, when the young and promising Vera Brezhneva comes to replace Alena Vinnitskaya, and breaks up in May 2004, when Anna Sedakova leaves the group due to pregnancy. Thus, in this composition, the group lasted one year and four months.

"Golden" this composition was nicknamed by the fans of the team and journalists for its efficiency and creative upsurge of the group during this period, as well as the beauty and sexuality of the unsurpassed trio. So, in January, one of the most popular compositions of all time is released. VIA history"Do not leave me, darling", as well as the video of the same name. After this work, each new song of VIA Gra became a hit. Music album group "Stop! Removed! ”, Which was released in April 2003, received the status of a" gold "collection. And already in the summer, the fans of the band were able to see a new video - a parody clip for the song "Kill my girlfriend." Then there was the first duet work with Valery Meladze. In the summer of 2003, the girls, together with the singer, recorded a song and shot a video for the song "Ocean and Three Rivers". The team managed to do all this work without interrupting the constant tours and numerous performances in different cities Russia. In the same year, the English-language album of the group called “Stop! Stop! Stop!" and another album in Russian - "Biology".

4. The composition, in which Albina Dzhanabaeva first appeared as the leading soloist of VIA Gra, can also be called one of the best. Former backing vocalist Valeria Meladze, as well as the mother of his son, joined the group instead of Svetlana Loboda, who had begun her solo career. Albina became a "redhead" from VIA Gra in September 2004 and stayed in the group, in fact, until the project was closed in October 2012. In total, she was in the group for over 8 years. Well, in collaboration with Granovskaya and Brezhneva, Dzhanabaeva headed VIA Gro from 2004 to 2006, until the “white” Vera left the team due to her solo career.

During this period, the piggy bank of the group's clips is replenished with a video for the song "The World I Didn't Know Before You", which was released in November. Already in March, another duet work appears for public viewing - with the TNMK group, popular in Ukraine. The clip is called “There is nothing worse”, where one of the popular television projects. The group began to actively go on tour, and in August began work on a video for the song "Diamonds". It was because of this song that the composition of Albina - Nadya - Vera was called by the fans diamond, and therefore - one of the best. In addition, in an exclusive solo interview with Dzhanabaeva for the magazine "HELLO!" in 2008, the editors called the composition of Granovskaya - Brezhnev - Dzhanabaev "golden".

5. Closes our ranking of the best compositions of pop VIA groups Graduate duet of Albina Dzhanabaev and Mesed Bagaudinov. The producers decided to return to the original format of the team when, instead of Nadezhda Granovskaya, who left for the second time, two soloists did not stay in place of the “black” from VIA Gra - Christina Kots-Gotlieb and Olga Koryagina. Also, the most popular soloist, Vera Brezhneva, left the band forever.

In the most difficult period for the group, this composition of VIA Gra becomes the most singing. Never before in the history of VIA Gra have soloists been so prepared in vocally. Because of this, we can also mark this duet as one of the best in the history of the group. It was formed in July 2007 and lasted until March 2008. During this period, a rather provocative song and video called "Kisses" appeared in the VIA Gra archive. The composition and video for it shocked the audience a little. However, it was because of its frankness and sexuality that the song became popular. She was recognized as a hit in 2007.

VIA Gra- Ukrainian Russian-language musical women's team. One of the most popular bands 2000s. Total girls recorded 5 studio albums and more than 30 singles, won many music awards, including the Golden Disc, Golden Gramophone, Muz-TV Prize and many others. Music producer- Konstantin Meladze, general producer- Dmitry Kostyuk.

The idea to make a girlish pop trio came to Dmitry Kostyuk in the late 90s. Together with Konstantin Meladze, he selected three girls - Yulia Miroshnichenko and Marina Kaschin, who became the first composition of VIA Gra. However, the first attempt was not successful. Soon after the start of work, the producers, for a number of reasons, decided to close the project.

A little later they returned to work, leaving Alena Vinnitskaya in the group. During the casting, Nadezhda Granovskaya was chosen to be her partner. The duo recorded a number of songs and filmed debut clip for the song "". It was at that time that the name "VIA Gra" appeared. There are several versions of the origin of the name. According to one of them, this is the "Vocal-instrumental ensemble game", according to the other - IN AND Nnitskaya BUT Lena and GRA novskaya (Hope).

The debut video clip was presented to the public on September 3, 2000. The video was liked by the viewers and soon became the hallmark of the team. The song soon began to collect popular music awards one by one - the Golden Gramophone, the Stopud hit, the Golden Firebird, the Golden Kettle. By the end of that year, the first concert VIA The game was attended by about four thousand spectators. Soon, the musical baggage was replenished with three more clips - "", "" and "" and they started talking about the performers not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. The girls took part in the filming of the New Year's film "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka".

In 2002, Nadezhda Granovskaya, due to pregnancy, was forced to temporarily leave the team, and in her place, line by line, during the casting was found new soloist- Tatyana Naynik. However, the producers decided to expand the line-up to three participants and invited another girl - Anna Sedakova. Released in May of the same year new video clip"Stop! Stop! Stop!" The success of the song showed that the decision about the trio was justified and the listeners liked the band even more in such a composition.

On September 12, 2002, Nadezhda returns to the group, so the line-up suddenly began to consist of four members. The situation within the team gradually heated up and soon Tatyana Naynik was forced to leave the group. Subsequently, she spoke more than once in negative tones about the producers and internal arrangement VIA Gra.

Another change in the composition took place in January 2003, when Alena Vinnitskaya left and took up solo career. Another casting was announced at the entrance of which she got into the team. Anna, Vera and Hope became "golden" composition of VIA Gra, which distinguished itself by fruitful work and huge success on the pop scene.

Already in February, another video for the song "!" This composition, according to many critics, became best job throughout the group's history. She stayed on the charts for 7 months and later, in 2009, was awarded the title of the best Russian video of the decade. In April 2003, the second album "Stop! Filmed!" appears. The disc was commercially successful and soon went gold with over half a million copies sold.

In 2007, Koryagina left the team, and Vera Brezhneva soon followed. Olga was replaced by Meseda Bagaudinova. The new duet composition shoots a video "", and a little later - "". Another soloist became Tatyana Kotova. For her sake, the ending of the video "I'm not afraid" was re-shot and the audience could see it with their own eyes new member. In October 2008, the band recorded the soundtrack for the film Stilyagi.

In January 2009, Nadezhda Granovskaya returned to VIA Gro, and Meseda Bagaudinova had to leave the group. The first work of the updated composition was the composition "Geisha". In August of the same year, Konstantin Meladze creates another song for the team called "". In March 2010, Tatyana Kotova leaves the group. She is replaced by Eva Bushmina. The updated composition shoots the video "!", which premiered on April 11, 2010. In March, the song "Without You" is released.

In 2010, the "Golden" team unites to perform at a major anniversary concert dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the team.

Since the beginning of 2011, rumors have been circulating in the press about the imminent collapse of VIA Gra. main reason such rumors - the fall in the popularity of the team. Of the 80 planned concerts, only 15 took place, the rest simply could not sell enough tickets.

In December 2011, Nadezhda once again leaves the team due to pregnancy. She is replaced by a member of the Ukrainian "Star Factory" - Santa Dimopoulos. In February 2012, the single "Hello, Mom!" Immediately after the release of the video for this composition, Dimopoulos leaves the band. At the end of 2013, Konstantin Meladze announced the closure of the project, but this turned out to be a PR move in support of the reality show "I Want to VIA-Gru". At the entrance of this show, the composition of the team will be completely updated. The start of the transmission is scheduled for March 8, 2013.

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