Biography of Alexia I will dance the singer. Athlete, singer and model Sasha Zhulina: what do we know about Tatyana Navka's daughter

Few people expected that the daughter of famous athletes Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin would decide to connect her life not with figure skating, like her parents, but with music. 16-year-old Alexandra Zhulina, having taken the creative pseudonym Alexia, has already begun to conquer the heights of Russian show business. Radio stations are happy to play her first single “I Will Dance” on the air, and the other day the premiere of Alexia's debut video for the song “You Breathe Me” took place. Something tells us that this is only the beginning and we will hear more than once about the achievements of the young artist. the site decided that it was worth getting to know the future star better, and therefore did not miss the opportunity to get to know Sasha personally. To be honest, the heiress of a high-profile surname surprised us with the seriousness of her intentions and at the same time disarmed us with her simplicity in communication.

When you are the daughter of famous skaters, people around you unconsciously expect you to continue the sports dynasty. The daughter of Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin, Sasha, once preferred tennis to figure skating, but due to a back injury she was forced to forget about this sport. Now she has plunged headlong into creativity and releases singles and videos under the pseudonym Alexia.

And if Alexandra's passion for music seems strange and illogical to many, then the site, during the interview, found out the answers to all questions and was imbued with sincere sympathy for the newly-minted artist. Read on and understand why.

website: Sasha, how did it happen that you started singing? Still, she grew up in a family of athletes.

Alexia: Few people know about this, but my dad sings very well, so, probably, I was into him - my mother was not interested in vocals. When tennis didn't work out for me, I realized that this was my chance to make a childhood dream come true. At the family council, they decided that it was worth finding good teachers so that they would give me a voice, and try.

“No one thought that in the future I would start recording songs and shooting videos - I just wanted to find something I like, to which I could devote my free time from school.”

website: In addition to vocals, what else do you do?

Alexia: Solfeggio. I am still learning to play the piano - I practice almost every day. It is difficult enough to start at the age of 16, but without it, nowhere.

Alexia: Moved to 10th. After graduation, I plan to enter MGIMO, most likely the Faculty of Economics.

? Why economics, not music?

Alexia:“I like mathematics, I like to solve various problems, equations. I'm also interested in economics. I want to get a higher fundamental education, which will come in handy anyway.”

As for music ... As an option, I consider Gnesinka (Russian Academy of Music named after the Gnesins, - approx. site), faculty of pop-jazz vocals. But I'm still not sure if it's worth those nerves. We have a lot of artists who did not study at music colleges, universities - they had enough knowledge gained at a music school or during private lessons.

Alexia: I visit a choreographic studio, because I want to move well on stage, put on numbers with dance elements. And, of course, I really like the learning process.

Alexia: That's the thing, no. It all started with my first song “I will dance”, which I prepared as a wedding gift for my mother. It so happened that one of the guests filmed my performance, posted it on Youtube, the video quickly gained a lot of views, and soon I was offered to put the single in rotation on the radio.

“Honestly, I did not dream of broadcasts, stage, concerts. Everything happened spontaneously. Then I thought, why not try to develop in this area further. Now I’ve got a taste for it and I want to work hard, my producer Vladimir Nichiporuk helps me with this.”

website: How did your parents react to your choice?

Alexia: My parents always supported me in everything, they were never against my hobbies. On the contrary, if I wanted to quit any activity, they convinced me that it was worth making more effort to get the result.

Alexia: I just liked that name for a long time. If I perform under a pseudonym, this does not mean that in this way I am trying to hide my last name, family and pretend that I do not use the help of loved ones.

“Of course, my mom and dad help me, like any other parents help their children - they support me, guide me, suggest something, advise.”

Moreover, I am still studying at school and, unfortunately, I do not earn money myself. But my parents didn’t “shove” me anywhere, they didn’t spend millions on my promotion, as some media write. I really hope that after some time I will be able to provide for myself and pay off my relatives.

Alexia: In some respects, yes, of course, it interferes. Many, as soon as they hear that "the daughter of Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin sang," react harshly and biased. They say that I have no talent and in general everything is paid for, while they don’t even understand the situation and don’t want to understand anything. Okay, let's think so.

Alexia: Not anymore. It used to be a shame, because, in my opinion, I have a good voice. I'm not saying that I have excellent vocal abilities, super talent, but there is always something to strive for, something to develop.

Alexia: I have never been a “famous” child - I lived in America until the age of 6, then moved to Moscow, where I still study at an ordinary comprehensive school. I played tennis, as you remember, but it didn't work out. Even there, in sports, it used to be said that all tournaments were paid, they say, Zhulina was playing dishonestly. I worried, of course. But now I understand that you just need to work and not pay attention to who says what.

“A normal sane person would never waste their time on negative comments from insecure people on the internet.”

website: You give the impression of a very calm, reserved person.

Alexia: I'm just stress-resistant, but quick-tempered (smiles).

website: It’s just hard to imagine you in anger!

Alexia: However, it happens often (laughs). This is my big flaw that I'm working on. Sometimes anger even helps, especially at work, when you get angry at yourself and try to work to the maximum.

“You breathe me”: the daughter of Tatyana Navka, singer Alexia, presented her debut video

Tatyana Navka's daughter, 16-year-old Sasha Zhulina, performing under the stage name Alexia, is taking her first steps towards conquering show business. Today she presented her debut video for the song "You breathe me" with the participation of the soloist of the MBAND group Nikita Kiosse and fitness model Roman Shlyakis.

I really like the result. Of course, I worry and think about how the audience will accept the video, after all, this is my debut. It was important for me to control the entire process of creating a video - editing, color correction. After reviewing the draft, my mother and I made a few minor edits, but overall everything is fine. I liked the shooting process, but when you become a witness to the creation of a finished video, emotions cannot be described, of course. But now I know for sure that I want to shoot more than one clip,

Alexia told about her video, which her mother, Tatyana Navka, also took an active part in the creation process:

We watched the material together with Sasha, and she asked for my advice. The main characters, Nikita and Roma, seem to me to be worthy rivals for Sasha's heart. Of course, so far only in terms of the plot.

Of course, fans of the MBAND group and personally Nikita Kiosse would probably dream of being in Alexia's place, but young people, by their own admission, are connected only by friendship - and now also by creativity.

Alexandra Zhulina, also known under the pseudonym Alexia, is a young Russian singer who released the songs “You breathe me”, “Fell in love” and video clips for them.

Alexandra was born in New York to a famous figure skater and her husband, also a skater and coach, after whom she was named. Sasha lived with her parents in the United States of America for several years, but in 2006 she returned to Moscow, as Tatyana Navka signed a contract to collaborate with the popular reality show Ice Age. According to her father, Alexandra retained dual Russian-American citizenship.

When her daughter was 10 years old, Navka divorced her husband and then raised the girl on her own. But Alexander Zhulin did not move away from his daughter, but participated in the life of the future singer. Despite the fact that both parents were engaged in figure skating, the girl did not show any interest in the rink and skates. But for more than 10 years she has been playing tennis, and at a serious level. But a back injury forced Zhulina to say goodbye to big sport.

However, the girl was not upset because of this event. Alexandra continued to study at a comprehensive school, and devoted her free time to another hobby - music. Alexandra began to study with a professional vocal teacher, and at the age of 15 she began taking choreography, solfeggio and piano lessons.

Sasha did not plan to make a musical career, but was preparing to enter the Faculty of Economics at MGIMO. The girl was attracted by the idea of ​​getting a fundamental education in one of the most sought-after sectors of life, especially in such a serious educational institution.

In addition to her passion for music, the girl tried herself in the modeling business. In 2015, Alexandra Zhulina opened the Bella Potemkina collection show. During the fashion show, the girl appeared in light summer dresses and evening dresses. Photos of the young model graced the pages of glossy fashion magazines.

The main hit of the evening was a dress made in the colors of the Russian flag. A month later, the singer bought herself the same dress to participate in the 20th anniversary ceremony of the Golden Gramophone award.


Alexandra Zhulina was not going to become a professional singer. The girl prepared the debut composition "I will dance" as a gift for Tatyana Navka's mother with the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation. But this performance was filmed by one of the guests and posted on the Internet. Without advertising and any promotion, the song began to gain a lot of views on the Youtube portal, and fans of popular music became interested in the biography of the performer.

Soon, Moscow radio stations offered Sasha Zhulina to make a studio recording, after which the young singer with this incendiary hit got into rotation on the radio. On "Russian Radio" the song "I will dance" took 69th place in the hit parade. Then the girl decided to continue her unexpectedly begun career.

In the summer of 2016, she recorded a new hit, “You Breathe Me,” and also shot a high-quality one, in which the young vocalist of the group also appeared. In the work on the video, Alexandra's mother Tatyana Navka provided great help. The figure skater, along with her daughter, monitored the installation process. Both were satisfied with the video.

Personal life

Despite the young age of Alexandra Zhulina, the public is already trying to attribute a number of stellar novels to the girl. There was a rumor that the girl was dating the nephew of the famous singer, whose name is the same as her uncle. But in fact, Dima and Sasha are connected only by friendship.

Now Alexia pays much more attention to her studies and musical creativity than to her personal life. The girl practically does not go on dates, although she has friends among the males.

Alexandra Zhulina's favorite singers are and. The girl is guided by the stars of American pop music, especially Selena, when she forms the arrangements, style and lyrics.

Alexandra Zhulina now

Rising star Alexander Zhulina could not help but notice on television. At the beginning of 2017, Alexandra signed a contract with the MUZ-TV channel, whose leaders invited Zhulina to take the place of the news column in the PRO-news program. A program reviewing the latest video clips is released weekly on Tuesdays. The news about the inclusion of Alexandra in the staff of MUZ-TV appeared on the channel's page in " Instagram ».

In August, the girl continued to storm the Olympus of Russian show business. This time, Alexandra brought to the attention of the public the song “I fell in love”, which was created on the Italian island of Sardinia. The author of the hit music was a popular Russian producer and composer, the words were written by Zhulina herself. The girl was helped by a senior colleague - the soloist of the group. Again, Tatyana Navka supervised the creation of the video. And the young singer was finally convinced of the desire to build a musical career.

According to the media, in 2018 the girl is already studying at the New York Film Academy, where she learns the basics of acting. This educational institution is characterized by mobility - it is not necessary to come to New York for meetings and classes with masters, lectures are held in other countries of the world by agreement. Among the lecturers of the academy are and.

The study takes place in the form of an intensive internship. For the experimental work of students, the bases of Universal Studios and Disney's Hollywood Studios are provided. The academy is popular with children of celebrities in the American film industry. At one time, NYFA students were the offspring of James Brooks.


  • 2015 - "I will dance"
  • 2016 - "You breathe me"
  • 2017 - "I fell in love"
0 April 5, 2016, 18:30

Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulina

15-year-old Alexandra Zhulina - the daughter of Olympic champion Tatiana Navka and coach Alexander Zhulin - seeks to build a career as a singer. Since April last year, Sasha began to study vocals, and in September she released her debut song "I Will Dance" under the pseudonym Alexia.

After the musical debut, Sasha was talked about in the media, so the site collected more information about the rising star of the scene.


Alexandra Zhulina was born in America on May 2, 2000: then her parents lived and worked in the USA. Sasha lived in New Jersey and New York for 5 years, and then, in 2006, the family returned to Russia. Alexandra was initially actively involved in tennis: the girl entered the court from the age of 5, regularly participated in competitions and won victories. In one of the interviews, Tatyana Navka commented on her daughter's success in the following way:

Sport is such a complicated thing, no one can guarantee 100% success. And even if she later chooses a different path, the sport will in any case help her overcome difficulties.

Tatyana Navka has been married to Alexander Zhulin for 10 years, after a divorce in 2010, the couple maintained friendly relations, so now Sasha often spends time with both mom and dad.

Instagram photo of Sasha Zhulina (with mother Tatyana Navka)

Passion for vocals

At some point, Zhulina decided to realize her potential on stage and changed her racket to a microphone. On one of the pages on the social network, Sasha explained her decision to quit tennis:

I was sure of it, so I don't regret it at all. And I do not regret that I devoted 9 years to tennis, it will still be very useful to me in my life. And so, there was no more free time, I was loaded with studies.

Instagram photo of Sasha Zhulina (with tennis player Andy Murray)

Sasha Zhulina with Vladimir Putin

By the way, during the presentation of her new song, Sasha looked very confident and danced well, you can see this by watching the video with the performance of the aspiring singer.


Now Sasha is still at school, but this does not prevent her from making plans for the future. Perhaps the girl decides to link her career with the profession of a singer, she still has time to think. Now Zhulina devotes her free time to studying, playing sports and vocal lessons.

By the way, the track "I will dance" got into the rotation of "Russian Radio" and at that time took 67th place out of 81 possible in the station's hit parade, overtaking the tracks of Natasha Koroleva, singer Dan Balan, the group "Dune" and not only .

In addition, 15-year-old Sasha managed to try herself as a model: in October last, she posed, and later opened the brand's show and made a splash on the show.

We will follow the success of the aspiring artist - we are sure that we will hear more than once about the daughter of Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin!

Instagram photo

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