Funny last names. The funniest names and surnames of real people “Cool and real! The most ridiculous surnames

I can’t tell right away, those who read it no longer rumble, like a button accordion .. we sit silently, maybe someone didn’t read the thread ...))) Also continue the topic if you want ... There is no mat, just real surnames .. some people really it's a pity...)))
found at
A little preface. I work in a commercial bank and am engaged in maintaining registers of shareholders. To date, more than 70 thousand people have gathered in these registries (a small town!) And we decided to collect ratings from all the cool names that come across to us, and then play the prize of the week, month, etc.
Just funny surnames like Popik, Tadpoles, Truffle and others are included only in the starting ratings, therefore I don’t give them here.
Well, here's what we have in the collection (I swear, everything is documented, I saw copies of the passport!) Kakashkind, Blatko, Chmyryuk, a woman with the surname Polovaya (an interesting question is: how is life, Polovaya?), An eccentric with a sonorous surname Beeliner (I wonder if he has a cell handed over for free?), a man by the name of Tampak (I really want to add, right?), A worthy citizen Judas Shlemovich Prezerman (that’s according to Chekhov: there is no such thing
which could not become a Jewish surname, but what a first name and patronymic!), the director of a reputable company by the name of Piskin (when he calls the office, everyone is dying)
Well, now the first three (in descending order) of the current month I will repeat - I have copies of passports!)
3) Alexander Nikolayevich Sraka (strongly, right?)
2) Leonid Naumovich Khuer (even stronger!) and
1st place - the hit of the season - a woman with the surname INTRALIGATOR (like
international crocodile).
We decided to study all 2.7 million subscribers of the Moscow telephone network and especially calculate such names.
The richest in obscene surnames was the letter "B". In Moscow, one Blyabkin and nine Blyablins are toiling under the yoke of teasers. And even without the number of owners of such surnames as Blyaror, Blyatnik and simply Blyakh. We express our sympathy to these people. And also to Blyakher, Blyakherova and all the Blyakhmans. Against the background of these sufferers, one can only rejoice for three
families that proudly bear the surname Bobik. Or
Bobinchik-Rabinovich. And there are two Nedrischevs in Moscow, but there is one more Sruchkin, four Zadnikovs and one Sukhozad. Five assholes, respectively, five. There is one Podhullin for three Nadhullins. Onanizev is present in two
copies, Pupkin - in three, and Sivuho also in two. The letter “B” in the Russian alphabet can only compete with the letter “X”, which begins with three Kherdvimovs, one Kherny, one Hernes, one Kheresh and three Kherenkovs.
For some reason, the surname Alkashov is very unpopular with us - there are only two of them.
But five families bear the surname Pedik. They are joined by the citizens of Pedora and Pedyachaya, against whose background the owners of the surnames Shnurapet, Shabash, Zyuzya, Zaduyviter, Sivokobylenko, Sivokoz, Paltsapupa live very well,
Zababashkin, Durnopeiko, Narko, Shmal and Glukin. We believe that one citizen Mudel and nine Mudorisovs were very unlucky.
But the fact that in Moscow there were three Good and even three Garny for one Bad, suggests that there are still more good people than bad ones.
Well, and finally: there are as many as 121 Sharikovs among us, of which P.P. only one. Chainikovs -17 (it's good to introduce yourself when a traffic cop stops on the road). And about politics. There are 39 Zyuganovs in Moscow, four Yeltsins. Plus varieties: Yeltsin - 1, Eltsin -2, Elson - 3. Chernomyrdins - 31, Chernomordovs - 1, Chernomordikovs - 1, Chernomordins - 5, Lenins - 6, Krupskys - 36, Stalins - 3.
The Ivanovs are the most common in Moscow - 21,833 subscribers. They are not followed at all by the Petrovs, as one might have assumed, but by the Kuznetsovs at all - 17440. The Petrovs are in third place - 9953, pushing the legitimate Sidorovs, who are also very numerous, from it.

We all have different surnames. They are funny and sad, funny and funny. We do not choose what we will be called .., not fate! That's why they call us whatever! Now we will present you the funniest names and surnames, and you decide ... - laugh out loud or cry, pitying the real person who received such a name and surname.

Look .., this is the real data of real people! No one is to blame that people have such names and surnames. It's funny, of course, laugh ... just do not forget that we do not select this data. This is a gift of fate that sticks “like a bath sheet” and it is almost impossible to tear it off. You will say that I would quickly change all the data, but in the memory of people you will still remain that “funny-family” who recently changed his data, and your friends will tell everyone else and you will still have a new “klikuha”, which may be worse!

Really funny and cool female names and surnames

To your attention funny women .., no, not So! Funny names and funny surnames of cute girls and beautiful women. Well, why did fate so decree that cute creatures can have such terrible data? For them, the most urgent and vital issue is to urgently get married and change their surname! In the meantime, they sit in their offices with funny names, go through life and make the public laugh right and left ...

Photos of passports of guys and men with funny data

Passports prove that people with funny names and funny surnames live among us. They not only go through life laughing, since they do not change their data, they make us laugh and bring some color to our lives. “Laugh as much as you like, the last name will not come out of the passport ...”

Data in the passports of girls (women) - cause funny emotions

See what beautiful ladies with such surnames. How do they live if I already know them by sight thanks to such ridiculous data? And ... it is clear: "They go through life laughing ...".

Funny names and surnames on VKontakte

"VKontakte" can hide the real name and surname, so do not judge strictly, we could not check exactly and posted what is and was ... And this is a Fact!

Guys and men

Girls and women

The girls are so different, and the VKontakte network speaks about this. Such surnames: are they invented to attract attention, or are they real? Guessing will not ... We will not know! And you see for yourself what is happening there ....

Cool names and funny surnames in English

Foreigners are people from another world who write and speak differently than we are used to understanding. However… there is something we really understand and it's really funny! See for yourself…

Wikipedia has a lot of funny real names and surnames of famous people!

Do you trust Wikipedia? We believe .. because it describes mostly verified facts from our real life. See what famous people have such interesting surnames. In truth, our world is rich and diverse!

A beautiful and harmonious surname is a reason for pride. But not everyone is so lucky in life. Let's look at the funniest surnames in Russia and the world, and you yourself decide whether their owners are lucky or vice versa.

Or add one of the surnames to a particularly funny surname. We are sure that the result will make you laugh.

The funniest female surnames in Russia

A very tasty name. By the way, the word "sausage" comes from the French saucisse ("sausage"). And it, in turn, is formed from the beautiful Latin word salsicia (“salinity”).

This surname was formed from the nickname "Drunk" with the addition of the suffix "-s". However, in the old days, such a nickname did not have a negative connotation. On the contrary, it was supposed to protect its owner from addiction.

In the heat of a domestic quarrel, a husband can call his wife by her last name, and, formally, he will be right.

An old surname formed from a personal nickname. According to Dahl's dictionary, the word "rukosuy" means "clumsy, rotosey." And among the people, beggars and vagabonds, who did not even have mittens, were called hand-wielders, and in cold weather they warmed their hands in a beggar's bag.

Is this a real name, or just an attempt to attract attention? Who knows, because access to VKontakte is still free, and not by passports.

A positive surname that immediately says, in front of you is a good woman!

Today, the word "freebie", with which this surname is consonant, is used as a synonym for "free, for nothing." There is an assumption that this word comes from the Polish word cholewa - boot top. There the poor gentry hid food, small items - something that can be "taken for nothing," for free.

The jargon "kid" means a boy or youth. Probably not easy for a girl to live with such a surname.

What can you say? The man is in the right place!

The funniest surnames in Russia are often associated with professional activities. We venture to suggest that among the ancestors of people with the surname "Kill the wolf" were good hunters.

It's good when the chief accountant is honest.

Quite a rare and unusual surname. And it's pronounced like a mini tongue twister.

Perhaps this surname has nothing to do with the biblical Hell. It may also be related to the Hebrew name Ada, which means "decoration."

2. Vagina

The first carriers of this surname could live near the tributary of the Northern Dvina - the Vaga River. There is also a theory that Vaga is one of the variants of the name Evagrius, which in Greek means "happy on the hunt."

In the Poltava region in Ukraine, such a surname is very common. There is even a district called Nepyipy.

List of the funniest male surnames in Russia

The first bearer of such a harsh surname must have been a hunter. Wolfhounds are called large dogs, with which they hunt "gray predators, mothers and puppies."

Together with the initials, this surname, as it were, hints: it is better not to get on the carpet with such a lieutenant colonel.

Well, how can you not smile, imagining a possible mining process?

If you watched the old Soviet film "The Queen of the Gas Station", then you probably remember that the main character, played by Nadezhda Rumyantseva, had the same surname. And this name was also worn by a famous Odessa boxer of the 20s. According to the memoirs of actor Boris Sichkin, when the name of the boxer was announced, the whole audience answered with laughter: “Hello!”.

We do not know the origin of this surname. But one cannot help but notice its resemblance to a colloquial expression meaning "tells the truth" or "does not talk."

The word, which today has become one of the funny surnames, in Old Slavonic meant "foolish, holy fool." A freak is a person or animal with physical disabilities or unpleasant oddities in behavior.

Excuse me, can I have another doctor?

If you decided that this surname was formed from a known part of the human body, then you were mistaken. Its origin is associated with the Romanian word popă - that is, "priest, priest."

Who else to appoint responsible for such an important matter as fire safety?

This surname alludes to the height and weight of its original bearer. In this case, thin-warm means a slender, thin and (or) short person.

Such a funny surname, like many others, “leaked” into the Russian language from the Ukrainian language. It is there that compound surnames are used (Chelombitko, Prostibozhenko, Nebeybatko, etc.).

Another nickname that has become a surname. And not too pleasant for one of its owners. Judging by this photo, he changed it to a more euphonious one.

And the ultrasound is interesting, and the doctor is cheerful.

2. Kakashkin

It is possible that initially this surname was read not Kakashkin, but Kokazhkin, after the name of the Albanian town of Kokaj. According to one of the bearers of the surname, in the 20s of the last century, many shoemakers from Kokay moved to Odessa. There they became first Kokazhkins, and then Kakaskins.

A solid, reliable, one might say, fundamental surname.

The funniest foreign surnames

No comment. Just watch and enjoy.

The material uses images posted in the public domain on the Internet.

Each person pays a lot of attention to his surname. He studies its meaning, where it came from, what are its roots. However, the funniest and most unusual surnames presented here do not bring joy to their owners, and many seriously dream of getting rid of such a gift from their parents.

One can only be surprised at the inexhaustible human imagination and have fun from the heart when meeting such proper names in serious documents or on door plates in the offices of respectable bosses. The list presented is real surnames found on the territory of Russia and belonging to its citizens. Numerous photos are evidence of this.

The culture of the Cossacks has always been unique and somewhat different from the cultures of other indigenous peoples of Russia. This originality was also reflected in those nicknames that were given to warriors according to various signs or qualities of character. In the future, with the advent of surnames in the 19th century. they became official surnames.

  • Karaybeda
  • Motsny
  • Rotan
  • Gubach
  • Nesvyatipaska
  • Titsky
  • Ubeykobyla
  • Good evening
  • rodentub
  • zasyadwolf
  • Hoodier
  • Unclean
  • Walking day
  • Weakness
  • Drozhiruk
  • rottooth
  • Pidkuimikha
  • Nosulya
  • Neeshmak
  • yellowleg
  • Helpbatko
  • Mordan

Of course, the Cossack guys also had ordinary, Orthodox names, but given the specifics of the army, frequent campaigns and close communication, people with the same names had to be distinguished, and then observation and humor came into play. For example, two Sashas could be very different in appearance or temperament, and then each got his own nickname. Now, no one could confuse them during roll call or call them in battle during a fight.

Bulgarian, Moldovan, Gypsy

Everyone knows that people of different nationalities live in the Russian Federation, there are even entire villages where Bulgarians, gypsies live, and many Moldovans have long been Russian citizens. They also include surnames. which cause. if not wild uncontrollable laughter, then surprise for sure.

  • Bestrescu
  • Fanta
  • Rakova
  • Khachapuri
  • trifle
  • Zapadlovsky
  • Cherepovsky
  • cats
  • Razdvinogov

Caucasian surnames

  • Nadoev
  • wallpaper
  • slop
  • Sarajevo
  • Plebos
  • Pliev
  • Onanidze
  • Onaniashvili

  • Porosenkov
  • Don't fuck up
  • Hemp
  • Shmal
  • Zhopina
  • Yablonska
  • Vagina
  • lokhov
  • Shelyukhin
  • Shmarin
  • Mozgoedov
  • Durnopeiko
  • snot
  • Sexual
  • Svinar
  • Kovyryalov
  • Zhirnov
  • Zhirinovsky
  • Chmyr
  • Moshnin
  • Khokhlupoykin
  • Syringe
  • Moshonkin
  • Brekhunov
  • Mityukov
  • Mondina
  • Mochenkin
  • Fonderkin
  • Sosunov
  • Pechenkin
  • Pichugin
  • Khryukin
  • Golobokova
  • Goloshchekin
  • Quarter
  • Tretyak
  • Dobrobaba
  • Onan

To make sure that the list is not made up, it is enough to enter any surname into the search engine and you can immediately get several dozen lucky people with unusual surnames. Help in the search and telephone directories of megacities.

Double surnames with strange meanings

In Russia, it is not uncommon for people to have double surnames. Usually they are written with a hyphen and sometimes cause a lot of trouble to their owners. Where do they come from? The paths are different:

Someone adds a pseudonym to their native surname, usually this happens in a creative environment, in order to be different from others and not to be confused with other actors. (For example, the wonderful actor Pankratov Cherny).

There are also historical ones. Two noble families, when they became related, united the surnames of the spouses (Musin-Pushkin).

Someone got a surname in an orphanage during the war years, thanks to the indefatigable imagination of educators.

Let's get acquainted with these unique words:

  • Buffalo Cat
  • Bit Ivan
  • Honest-Khoroshko
  • Kill-Joyful
  • Shura-Bura
  • Drinker-Nefedoya

Surname Collectors

There are civil servants whose work is directly related to documents and personal data of people. Among them there are a lot of people who know how to appreciate humor, so they cannot pass by the next family pearl. There are large collections of names from which you can laugh for more than one evening. In every job, even such a paper and boring one, you can find its charms. Here is one of the interesting selections:

  • Muhosranov
  • Serobaba
  • Blyakher
  • intraligator
  • Nedorezov
  • Akulibaba
  • Dolbnya
  • Bibik
  • Nedorezov
  • Dohlik
  • Pipko
  • asshole
  • Wartkin
  • Saloed
  • Pogulayko
  • skins
  • Khertukheev
  • Khrennov
  • Smorshchuk
  • Wart
  • Shurlo
  • Burdyga
  • Golotsutskov
  • Neumyvakin
  • Sinebryukhov

Sometimes such collectors not only write out their finds in a separate notebook, but also make scans as evidence that such funny surnames really exist, and are not just another notion.

Funny names of public people

Among famous personalities, you can often meet people with strange surnames. They exist in all areas and countries, including among our athletes and media personalities.

football players

  • Karyaka
  • Smertin
  • Kolodin
  • Zlobin
  • Popel
  • Mazilu
  • Contra
  • Kakashvili
  • Krivoruchko
  • Jop (Poland)

Hockey players

  • Krutokhvostov
  • Ovechkin
  • Myshkin
  • Koshechkin
  • Mogilny
  • Vypuukal (Czech Republic)
  • Vibl (Czech Republic)
  • Jablonsky
  • Skvernyuk

tennis players

  • Chesnokov

basketball players

  • Najera
  • Khryapa

Biathlon, skiing

  • Deri Earth
  • Chudov
  • Cr. Stick
  • Sacherbacher


  • Borzakovsky
  • Borzov
  • B. Shieblowski


  • A. Malysh
  • Zebra

A person, of course, is not free to choose a surname. He gets it from his family. Some owners, having become adults, are in a hurry to change their surname that poisons their lives, others go through life with it, not complexing and proving in deed that it is not the name that makes a person, but just the opposite, if he is a purposeful, self-sufficient person.

I work in a commercial bank and am engaged in maintaining registers of shareholders. To date, more than 70 thousand people have gathered in these registries (a small town!) - and we decided to collect ratings from all the cool names that come across to us, and then play the prize of the week, month, etc.

Just funny surnames like Popik, Tadpoles, Truffle and others are included only in the starting ratings, therefore I don’t give them here.

Well, here's what we have in the collection (I swear, everything is documented, I saw copies of the passport!).

Kakashkind, Blyatko, Chmyryuk, a woman with the surname Polovaya (an interesting question: how is life, Polovaya?), an eccentric with a sonorous surname Beeliner (I wonder if he was given a cell phone for free?), a man named Tampak (I really want to add, right?), a worthy citizen Juda Shlemovich Prezerman (that’s right, according to Chekhov: there is no such thing that could not become a Jewish surname, but what a first and middle name!), the director of a reputable company by the name of Piskin (when he calls the office, everyone freaks out).

Well, now the first three (in ascending order) of the current month, I repeat - I have copies of passports!)

3) Alexander Nikolaevich Asshole (strongly, right?)

2) Leonid Naumovich Khuer (even stronger!) and

1st place - the hit of the season - a woman with the surname INTRALIGATOR (like an international crocodile).

We decided to study all 2.7 million subscribers of the Moscow telephone network and especially calculate such names.

The richest in obscene surnames was the letter "B".
In Moscow, one Blyabkin and nine Blyablins are toiling under the yoke of teasers. And even without the number of owners of such surnames as Blyaror, Blatnik and simply Blyakh. We express our sympathy to these people. And also to Blyakher, Blyakherova and all the Blyakhmans.

Against the background of these sufferers, one can only rejoice for the three families that proudly bear the surname Bobik. Or Bobinchik-Rabinovich.

And there are only two Nedrischevs in Moscow, but there is one more Sruchkin, four Zadnikovs and one Sukhozad.

Five assholes, respectively, five.
For every three Nadhullins, there is one Podkhullin.
Onanizev is present in two copies, Pupkin - in three, and Sivuho is also in two.

The letter "B" in the Russian alphabet can only compete with the letter "X", which begins with three Kherdvimovs, one Hernykh, one Hernes, one Kheresh and three Kherenkovs.

For some reason, the surname Alkashov is very unpopular with us - there are only two of them.

But five families bear the surname Pedik!
They are joined by the citizens of Pedora and Pedyachaya, against whose background the owners of the surnames Shnurapet, Shabash, Zyuzya, Zaduyviter, Sivokobylenko, Sivokoz, Paltsapupa, Zababashkin, Durnopeiko, Narko, Shmal and Glyukin live very well.

We believe that one citizen Mudel and nine Mudorisovs were very unlucky.

But the fact that in Moscow there were three Good and even three Garny for one Bad, suggests that there are still more good people than bad ones.

And, finally, there are as many as 121 Sharikovs among us, of which P.P. only one.

Chainikovs -17 (it's good to introduce yourself when a traffic cop stops on the road).

And about politics. There are 39 Zyuganovs in Moscow, and four Yeltsins.
Plus varieties: Yeltsin - 1, Eltsin -2, Elson - 3.
Chernomyrdins - 31, Chernomordovs - 1, Chernomordikovs - 1, Chernomordins - 5, Lenins - 6, Krupskys - 36, Stalins - 3.

The Ivanovs are the most common in Moscow - 21,833 subscribers.
They are not followed at all by the Petrovs, as one might have assumed, but by the Kuznetsovs at all - 17440. The Petrovs are in third place - 9953, pushing the legitimate Sidorovs, who are also very numerous, from it.

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