What is the name of a person who likes to sniff underwear. Why do men sniff women's underwear?

Material prepared

Artyom Luchko

Many of us have personally met people who sense colors where there are none, associate names with tastes, or visualize music. Or at least they know they exist. For many years, scientists did not take these quirks of consciousness seriously, taking these phenomena as the product of an overactive imagination or even a mental disorder.

In recent years, synesthesia has (albeit reluctantly) been gradually accepted by science as a real phenomenon with a real neurological rationale. Some researchers even believe that studying it may provide clues to how the brain is organized and how our perception works. We decided to find out what synesthesia is by talking to the scientific curator of the Russian Synesthesia Society, and we also talked to the synesthetes themselves to learn more about what it is like to have such an unusual perception.

What is synesthesia?

In the most general perspective, synesthesia is understood as an unusual sensory experience that occurs in response to the perception or thought of a certain systemic phenomenon of reality. An example of synesthesia is the perception of music, human speech or letters. in color(the so-called “color hearing” is an old term, which, as it turned out after the discovery of about a hundred more species, meant only a particular manifestation of synesthesia).

However, unlike “man-made”, artistic or technical comparisons, for example, music and color (color music, visualizers, etc.), through which their creators meaningfully and systematically try to express a certain idea or implement a technical function, synesthesia manifests itself against the will of a person (called synesthesia) at the subjective level and at the time of the first appearance in very early childhood has no conscious meaning. The singularity of synesthetic perception lies precisely in the fact that it is an involuntary, additional, statistically unusual reaction. In conversations with synesthetes, it is usually not possible to trace where and why synesthetic experiences have such and not other content. Moreover, using certain methods, the psychologist, right in the laboratory situation, can evoke new synesthetic reactions in the synesthete, which, in terms of quality (for example, a new color), are completely unpredictable for either the experimenter or the subject. (In my experiments, synesthetes who perceived the colors of the days of the week showed the color of the fictitious day of the week.)

All these facts lead to the unequivocal conclusion that synesthesia is not sensory associations, but a direct product of the very activity of the brain. In addition, synesthesia, as I have already indicated above, is characterized by consistency those phenomena that are perceived synesthetically. Usually these are phenomena of reality that reflect human activity and are expressed in groups or categories (“notes”, “phonemes”, “letters”, “numbers”, etc.). As you can see, through these "categories" (or "semiotic systems") a person adapts to the world and recreates old or creates new meanings.

Where do the roots of this phenomenon come from?

Synesthesia is a phenomenon that can have various causes. Based on the causes, we divide synesthesia into types: intoxication, traumatic, hypnagogic and hypnopompic (at the moment of transition from wakefulness to sleep and vice versa), deprivation synesthesia, synesthesia in an altered state of consciousness (ISS-synesthesia), etc. The similarity of experiencing types of synesthesia is not indicates the uniformity of the causes that cause them. For example, synesthesia of natural development (congenital synesthesia) - the subject of my research - is supposedly the result of the interaction of genetic inheritance and peculiar environmental influences.

In the vast majority of cases, synesthesia is an independent and self-sufficient phenomenon. For example, the Soviet psychophysiologist S. V. Kravkov characterized synesthesia as a group of special varieties of coordination of the sense organs, which are sharply "expressed in a relatively limited circle of subjects." They are manifested in sensations and representations, which for this modality are "foreign and related in their quality to other sensory systems." He also noted the involuntariness and "compulsive nature", the diversity and the probable hereditary origin of synesthesia, emphasizing that "all such phenomena are by no means generated by the fantasy of individuals and do not serve as an indicator of any of their psychopathicity" (Kravkov, 1948). Persons whose perception is distinguished by synesthetic features (and according to statistics they are about 4%), in their other manifestations do not differ from us, except that, as the results of my research and the research of my foreign colleagues show, synesthetes can demonstrate a greater propensity for creative activity and are more productive in those activities that are associated with "stimuli" that cause them synesthesia.

The prevalence of synesthesia is 4.4%, and the most common type is the feeling of the days of the week in color.

Synesthesia is studied by different specialists in a variety of ways. Hence the diversity of the revealed “roots of the phenomenon”. For example, the results of molecular genetic, genealogical and twin methods indicate a high probability that synesthesia of natural development is a hereditary phenomenon. However, among other objections are those that music, the names of the days of the week, and other phenomena that can cause synesthesia are complex culturally determined concepts, and it would be absurd to assume their direct genetic inheritance. As a consequence, when explaining the genesis of synesthesia, we must take into account significance of the environmental component and cognitive.

In my opinion, what is inherited is not a specific response to a specific stimulus, but what can be called a general synesthetic factor that takes shape under the influence of environment and learning. That is, it is probably inherited Synesthetic Coefficient(SinK) - a numerical expression of the degree of possession of this factor in each individual case. I am currently working on a method for detecting SinK. This will contribute to the unification of different types of synesthesia into research "clusters" according to the degree of manifestation of synesthesia and connection - roughly speaking, the "amount" of synesthesia that this or that synesthete has, with the degree of his inclination to creativity, the nature of his memory, abstract thinking, imagination etc.

In addition, it has been proved by objective methods that the brain of a synesthete is structurally arranged somewhat differently, both at the macro and micro levels. Functionally, the brain of a synesthete, at least at the moment of synesthetic perception, also differs from the activity of the brain of a non-synesthete and from the work of the brain of the same synesthete, but at the moment of perception of non-synesthetic stimuli. In general, we can say that we are dealing with a whole range of structural and functional differences, and not some kind of "point" changes, as was believed ten years ago. It should be assumed that this complex difference is the essence of the manifestation of superplasticity of the synesthete brain. From synesthete to synesthete, such superplasticity is realized very individually and depends, most likely, on the inherited Synesthetic Coefficient.

How many synesthetes are there in the world?

A study of synesthesia by a team led by Julia Simner in the UK, through self-reporting on a random demographic sample, indicates that the prevalence of synesthesia is 4.4% and that the most common type is the feeling of the days of the week in color. The same study found that synesthesia is evenly distributed among men and women (which I personally highly doubt), and the most studied type - "colored" letters - occurs in 1% of the population. In my experience over the years, these numbers are either a bit high, or certain cultures have a higher percentage of synesthetes. I did not conduct such studies on the general sample in Russia, but for different types of synesthesia among Russian-speaking synesthetes, the first and second places in terms of prevalence are in grapheme-color and musical-color synesthesia, respectively. The vast majority of women among the surveyed Russian synesthetes - 94%.

What is it like to be a synesthete?

As a psychologist, I can only cite some research results, which, being statistical generalizations, cannot always be transferred to a specific case of a particular synesthete. Comparison of facts reveals some distinctive properties of their cognitive sphere. Synesthetes selectively relate to stimuli that cause them synesthesia, that is, they are more sensitive to them. They have a more intense perception in general, especially in the sensory area to which their synesthetic reactions relate. Simplifying, we can say that their consciousness is more saturated with sensory qualities. Partially (more specifically, in terms of stimulus or response), synesthetes have more advanced memory mechanisms: this is the so-called "mnemonic support". When studying a foreign language, the grapheme-color synesthete will perceive the letters of the new alphabet in peculiar colors (the case of V.V. Nabokov) - this is how the transfer of categorization to the material of new knowledge is manifested. Synesthetes also often show a certain tendency to self-express their subjective experience with the help of appropriate artistic means.

The question of whether synesthetes actually feel additional qualities is somewhat tricky, since synesthetic perception is not necessarily expressed in a physical sense, but may be some kind of persistent knowledge or association, a persistent impression or an accompanying image form.

Angelina Kofmann

“I see letters and numbers in color, some words. Although the words mostly feel the taste. I distinguish smells, sounds (voices, songs, some individual musical instruments) by colors. In some cases, I can still tell what word, smell, letter to the touch and shape.

When I just found out that this ability is called that, and began to look for similar people on the Web, I came across a VKontakte group where they discussed who sees and feels what and how. I learned that the days of the week also differ in colors, at first I did not understand. And then somehow I listened to myself, and it turned out that I also see them by flowers. So are the seasons and the months.

The name Peter is red for me, and his other form - Petya - is soft orange. Almost all of the songs from one of my favorite bands, Coldplay, are blue-gray and mist-like. The most delicious words - key, completed. English is gray in sound, French is pink, and German is red-orange. Sometimes people have very tasteless voices that I hate to hear. Or they use words that I don't like. Unfortunately, I have not yet found a use for my synesthesia. I'm just glad that my world is so colorful and multifaceted.

Outsiders most often say that this is nonsense. What are these associations, and nothing more. And those who believe, the first thing they ask is what color / taste their name is. My mom is a synesthete. And a few other friends, but not many. Actually, I think there are more of them, they just don't know about it. Some learned about it from me, but before, like me, they just lived with it and didn’t think about it. ”

Maxim Proshutinsky

“According to the results of an incomplete study, as I understand it, I have phonemic-color, tactile-phonemic and not yet defined synesthesia. I see the colors of familiar words, letters, numbers by ear and by sight. It also creates feelings that I phantom feel in my brain (as part of my body). And the same tactile sensations arise when realizing something, for example, the time of year of a memory, or when a person feels, or when an emotional state, with many other things. With age, these feelings have faded significantly, but I still feel them, but not so cloyingly and intrusively.

At the realization of my ex-girlfriend, a tactile smell was obsessively felt in the brain in the back of the head, as if he had entered a bakery and there was a cloying smell of sweetened flour. I feel myself in different periods of life in different ways. At 8 years old, for example, there was something like an aftertaste of halva behind the brain ... but a very distant comparison, I can’t think of a closer one. 13 years - cinnamon with sugar, a little peppery and pleasantly sharp on the sides of the brain (like a needle). 18 years old - like feeling intoxicated with water after a strong thirst, at the bottom of the brain, but also a distant comparison ... Now - 19 years old - the smell of aloe at the bottom of the brain. Many words that are completely different in meaning, but slightly similar in sound, feel almost the same, because of this, it happens that I confuse them: for example, table and bark, glass and dog, count and throne.

Synesthesia helps me in life by organizing my memory. And it’s also very convenient to think about something, remember the touch of a thought, and then it will definitely not be forgotten. Doesn't help much at work. A little bit. I'm a cutter, and if I think of the sequence of takes and shots as a puzzle that I'm putting together, I can say that I feel every piece of the puzzle, and this makes it a little easier for me to put it together.

Olga Balla

“I constantly feel (that is, I feel as a“ background ”of the perception of everything in general) colors and some“ physical ”characteristics (moisture / dryness, heat / cold, height / lowness, roughness / smoothness, shine / haze ...) letters, sounds of speech and digits. For a very long time (up to 12 years) I was sure that this is the norm and is common to everyone. But even now it’s hard for me to imagine how people don’t feel this: what, when they read a text or see a series of numbers, do they have a black and white picture in front of their inner eyes or nothing at all ?! I live in this all the time! I remember once I said “sweet blue”, and the interlocutor did not understand what it was about (but it was about the letter “h”, we remembered the name of the person, I say - “there is something sweet blue, must be "h". Probably, if you look from the outside, it may seem unusual - the combination of taste, color and letter, a direct exit from color and taste to the letter. But for me it's okay!

Synesthesia helps a lot to remember and remember names, numbers, phone numbers, dates - all this is remembered as color spots. On the other hand, it is difficult to establish internal relationships with something that has a disharmonious, “uncomfortable” color internal picture (hence, it is more difficult to remember). Well remembered, say, 47 - blue-dark-dark green, but badly 48: blue - sticky-dark cherry. I caught myself on the internal resistance to the perception of people whose name color is not pleasant or disharmonic (say, the name Eugene is the painful indistinct color of oatmeal. But I understand that Eugene is not to blame.

With work, my perception does not intersect in any way, no more than with everything else (I’m actually a journalist and I write texts).”

Types of synesthesia

Some varieties do not have names, so scientists sometimes have to improvise, creating them for their publications and reports on the go. For example, I had to choose “beautiful” terms for color synesthesia for emotions, taste for pain and perception of human faces (types), and it turned out something like “affective-color” and “algo-gastic”. For the third type, which is expressed in the form of textured "auras", I proposed the combination "auric synesthesia". And here's how to call grapheme synesthesia with phonemic patterns, which consist, for example, that the letters E and E, similar in spelling, cause different colors, but U and Yu, which are different in writing, but similar in phonemic composition, give shades of the same color - remains a question for me.

One of the most common
types of synesthesia

Musical-color synesthesia - perception of music in the form of naturally and involuntarily manifested color spots, stripes, waves

Grapheme color synesthesia - the appearance of color associations with the outlines of letters or numbers

Phonemic-color synesthesia - connection of the sound of human speech with different colors

Phonemic gustatory synesthesia - the appearance of taste associations from the sound of individual words

The researcher of synesthesia must also use his imagination in identifying subtypes of synesthetic manifestations. Take the so-called musical synesthesia. You can use this name in everyday stories about your synesthesia, but in research terminology this is not enough. The fact is that there are almost a dozen subspecies of musical synesthesia. This is the perception in various shades or other qualities of sounds of different heights (notes), and the original perception of modes, timbres of instruments, author's and stylistic varieties of music, its genres, individual compositions, etc. Each musical synesthete has a certain aspect, which is perceived in a synesthetic way. The same can be said about the concept of number (with synesthesia for numbers), noises and sounds, emotions, types, etc. For the experimenter, the accuracy of the analysis of the studied subspecies is important, since each of them is based on different cognitive mechanisms.

What stimulates synesthesia?

Synesthesia does not appear constantly, but selectively. How often depends on the system of incentives that cause it. It is clear that if music causes synesthetic sensations in you, then moving to a quiet place and setting yourself a ringtone in the form of a dolphin whistle or a monkey hooting, there is every possibility not to experience synesthesia again. In other cases, with other varieties, trigger stimuli cannot be avoided, since they belong to any manifestation of one or another sensory modality, for example, any taste or any noise can provoke synesthesia. Note that my experiment with a fictitious, eighth day of the week, which eventually began to cause color in the subjects, indirectly indicates that synesthesia is not a physical stimulus per se, but the idea of ​​it, the meaning attributed to a certain physical event. Therefore, perhaps our hermit synesthete will miss music so much that he will hear it in the dolphin whistle.

Curious Manifestations of Synesthesia

For me, all manifestations of synesthesia are equally interesting and mysterious, and the mechanisms of its occurrence and generation, both in function and in content, are hidden from the synesthete itself. Unlike associations, metaphors and other cognitive strategies, the final content of which reflects experience and learning, synesthesia is an internally generated process (endogenous genesis).

Synesthesia occurs in very early childhood, when the meanings of the content of reactions are simply not yet formed and acquire a postfactum interpretation. Even the most uncomplicated at first glance, the type of synesthesia is a reflection of the hidden complex work of the brain.

Of course, I have seen many unusual manifestations of this phenomenon, but this unusual content of synesthetic stimuli and reactions, such as, for example, the color of one’s own body movements, the sound of a visually perceived movement, the color and texture of an orgasm, even though it adds piquancy and additional intrigue, scientifically point of view is important as a possible starting point for serious research.

Does synesthesia help or hinder life?

In most cases, the presence of synesthesia is not a hindrance. How can a phenomenon be a hindrance, with which you can live your whole life without knowing that you had it? Offhand, you can't tell a person who has synesthesia from a person who doesn't. As I said, without knowing about this phenomenon, a synesthete will not distinguish himself from a non-synesthete. Do you know how many moles you have on your head under your hair? In most cases, synesthesia is an absolutely neutral phenomenon: there is, and that's it. It often seems that the researchers themselves are more enthusiastic about this phenomenon than its owners. It is worth admitting, however, that in one case out of a hundred, synesthetic reactions are indeed the cause of surmountable interference for the processes of perception, attention and memory. These cases (let's call them cases with an excessively high Synesthetic Coefficient) for obvious reasons become known more often, but, despite this, they are much less than cases of a positive and even enthusiastic attitude towards one's own synesthetic features.

For some reason, the utilitarian meaning of synesthesia is always taken as the basis for assessing the phenomenon itself. Let's figure it out. There are manifestations of synesthesia, and there are properties and qualities associated with it. Manifestations are just the tip of the iceberg of possibilities. According to my observations and the results of research, for example, grapheme-color synesthetes are mostly endowed with "humanitarian" brains, synesthetes with auric synesthesia are excellent physiognomists and everyday psychologists (not necessarily philanthropic, by the way), and in a synesthete with taste sensations, it is probably sweet the chef naps, and so on. Using synesthesia as a phone book, password reminder, melodic visualizer, or spell-checker, a person with synesthesia runs the risk of getting stuck in superficial utility and never getting to the block of creative possibilities.

Michael Haverkamp

Some synesthetes find practical use for their unusual abilities, and individual companies recruit such people to do unusual work. For example, at Ford there is such a position as a synesthete expert. His task is to touch, smell and listen to cars. We contacted Michael Haverkamp and he told us about the peculiarities of his profession.

“Basically, my perception is the same as everyone else’s. However, my feelings are connected in a special way. As an example, when I hear sounds or listen to music, I see colors and shapes in front of me.

I have always been interested in technology, music and art. While studying electrical engineering, I studied communications technology and acoustics. An important part of acoustics is the transmission of a sound wave through the human ear and neural signal processing. The psychology of hearing plays an important role. When I worked as an automotive acoustics engineer, I was involved in the study of vehicle vibrations, brake noise, sound emissions, and improving vehicle sound quality, among other things. During this time, it became clear to me that the effect of sound on human perception cannot be fully understood without taking into account data from other senses. It is very important to know what images appear in a person's head when listening to music. If you hear someone touching a surface, what will it feel like to you?

After developing a methodology for the multi-sensorial optimization approach of car components, I got a full-fledged position as a specialist in cross-sensory harmonization of the perception of car quality. In addition to optimization work, I wrote a book that describes my understanding of all feelings and sensations (Synesthetic design. Handbook for multisensory approach. Birkhäuser, 2013).

Currently, mid-range and luxury cars are subject to high requirements for the "perception" of their quality. Evaluation of the appearance, sound and tactile perception of materials is usually carried out within specialized departments. The next step, which is often overlooked, is to optimally match the sensory perception of the car's components. When a person touches any material, he should feel and hear exactly what he expects from the appearance of this material. Individual perception is a good start for expanding creative possibilities. However, each approach must prove itself before final approval. The final product design must be suitable for all customers. We use scientific tests and research based on customer feedback to make sure we're moving in the right direction.

The smells of gasoline, oil, plastic and metal are not included in the rating of the most pleasant materials. I like the smell of natural materials much more, for example, the smell of leather or natural fabric. But in some cases, I feel that even the smell of gasoline is appropriate, for example, for an old-fashioned model. The smell of leather is preferred in Europe and North America, but customers in Japan, China and India do not like finishes that smell like leather. At Ford, we aim for a "clean" interior experience without intense fragrance. Almost every car company tries to optimize the look, feel, sound and smell of their vehicles. However, the approach to optimizing the senses is new to the automotive industry.”

How does society perceive synesthetes?

More conventionally minded people may show one side of the twofold stereotype of synesthesia as a phenomenon that breaks out of the "statistical norm". On the one hand, pathologising templates can be issued, on the other hand, the desire to put the phenomenon of synesthesia on a pedestal, endowing it with the romantic nature of genius-by-default. People with more open views, recognizing the significance of the diversity of manifestations of human types and accepting the uncertainty of differences in subjective perception, when evaluating synesthesia, begin to ask questions, finding out for themselves the essence of this phenomenon. Such people perceive this unusual phenomenon with genuine surprise and curiosity.

Which famous person is a synesthete?

Exist biographical evidence, more often in the first person, that such outstanding personalities as Richard Feynman (Nobel Prize winner in physics), philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, writer Vladimir Nabokov, composers Franz Liszt, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, György Ligeti, Olivier Messiaen, Jean Sibelius, had synesthetic abilities, theorist and musician-bellist Konstantin Saradzhev, jazz player Duke Ellington. I hasten to warn you that although the presence of synesthesia makes someone the owner of an extraordinary perception, the authorship of the novel Lolita, the opera Sadko and the primacy in the discovery of the principles of quantum electrodynamics are not automatically attached to it.

How do you know if you are a synesthete?

Synesthesia can be detected in oneself, knowing about the features of this phenomenon, by reflecting and comparing the patterns of one's perception with the perception of other people. Some synesthetes can live their whole lives without learning about their features. Others are aware that their perception is different from that of their acquaintances, relatives and friends, but do not know that this feature has its own name and that a wide circle of scientists fruitfully studies it.

Can you develop synesthesia?

In scientific practice, there have been several unsuccessful attempts to "develop" synesthesia under strict laboratory control. All that has been achieved is intersensory associations, which, although somewhat reminiscent of synesthetic experiences, are not. As mentioned above, synesthesia is a systemic and involuntary experience of an additional sensory quality, and the direct mechanisms for the generation and manifestation of this experience are hidden from the synesthete. Synesthesia is an additional experience and does not exclude the parallel, simultaneous flow of more typical, associative experiences characteristic of all of us, and for this reason alone it is unequal to them. This means that synesthesia, in addition to synesthetic sensations associated with a particular stimulus, can also have ordinary associations caused by the same stimulus. Scientific experiments have repeatedly proven that it is impossible to consciously develop synesthesia, therefore, for example, mnemonic techniques referring to the case of the synesthete-mnemonist S. Shereshevsky, to put it mildly, mislead the public. In order to have a unique memory, like that of Solomon Veniaminovich, one must first have the same unique, to some extent innate, properties of perception.

    There are various deviations of the psyche and sexual addictions. In nature, the smells emitted by the female are attractive to the male and cause excitement. Sniffing a female is the norm in nature, the male immediately understands his age, health, readiness for mating.

    In human society, there are a lot of conventions and norms of behavior that suppress natural needs. such norms are called moral norms. And rightly so, it is they who in many ways make society stable and different from the animal world. However, for some men, smells become TOO important sexual aspect. This is the most too and gives rise to an unhealthy attraction to the smells of women's secretions. In nature, such a male would not surprise anyone, but in human society it causes disgust and misunderstanding. This is a demonstration of sexual desires, the search for a partner. Such men cannot or do not know how to experience desires of a sexual nature without a stimulus in the form of a smell. For a person, this is already a deviation. The reasons for these deviations are different. But the most basic are psychological trauma on sexual grounds in childhood or too strict prohibitions (dogmas, foundations, rules, traditions) of the family or society. For example, it is in Japan, with very specific attitudes towards sex, that such deviations in men are more common than in Russia, where both traditions and attitudes towards sex are different.


    • Men engage in cunnilingus because they like the taste of women's secretions;
    • Men do cunnilingus because they enjoy the process (presumably without reference to taste);
    • Men engage in cunnilingus because they want to please a woman.

    This analytic is followed by the next portion: a man doing cunnilingus, wanting to please a woman is normal.

    If he likes the process itself, nothing strange either. And if there is an addiction to taste and smell, everything, man, write down you pervert! Fetishist! SO THIS IS THE CONCLUSIONS

    Our nature is such, we are first of all animals, and then people. A person differs from an animal in the ability to suppress certain instincts in himself and keep them under control. For some individuals, instincts get out of control, or take a temporary advantage, then various deviations from generally accepted social norms of behavior are possible. Is there a boundary between normal attraction through smell to the female and abnormal? Yes, there is, when attraction replaces the female herself, this is already a specific deviation. It has long been known that if a man and a woman do not have the intimate smell of each other, they will not have life.

    Men sniff women's underwear to smell a WOMAN.

    The brain is the main erogenous zone in both men and women. Having caught the smell, the man starts sexual arousal, up to orgasm. An extreme case of such an addiction to lingerie is fetishism, when the woman herself is not as necessary as her underwear)

    A normal person will not be addicted to the smell of women's underwear. If a man sniffs women's underwear in order to smell the smell, then he is a pervert and this is no longer normal. Such a person is like an animal that smells a female.

    Men sniff women's underwear for the purpose of arousal. And also for the purpose of obtaining sexual pleasure or new sexual sensations.

    Someone likes to sniff lingerie, and someone likes to spy on naked girls. And some, naked girls prefer girls in stockings.

    Someone thinks that such behavior (sniffing underwear) is a deviation from the norm. But I think that such people simply have a better sense of smell than others. They sniff and the resulting smell is transmitted to the brain, to the pleasure center, and they enjoy it.

    Oh, horror, these are fetishists. my friend had a case - she rented a two-room apartment for two with a girl. One day the neighbor's boyfriend came and the neighbor was in the shop. he decided to wait for her. While my Nastya was in the kitchen, he went into the bathroom and started sniffing the girls' underwear, where he was caught red-handed.

    If such behavior is seen as permanent, then it is certainly sexual fetishism. It is sexual, since the very concept of fetishism has a broader meaning

    Freud paid quite a lot of attention and analysis of such behavior in men. He even has such a book Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality published already in 1905. More details can be read here.

    If these actions are permanent and replace communication with real women, or a person does it with amazing persistence, then there is probably a reason to talk about perversion (sexual deviation from the norm). In this case, it's about fetishism. They say that in Japan they even sell used panties of young girls in special. stores, and some men buy them. I don’t know how true this is, but this infa has been going around for a long time.

    If men do this sometimes or once, when communicating with a partner, then there is nothing wrong with that, they just like the smell of her body and everything that comes into contact with it.

    Recall any movie about separation between loving people - he (or she) presses a sweater or scarf to his face, inhaling his native smell.

    But ... I think that even they are unlikely to sniff dirty panties.))

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that gives a person a temporary feeling of euphoria and mental clarity. Cocaine is highly addictive and its use can lead to serious health problems, including overdose and death. It is not easy to determine whether a person uses cocaine or not, since these symptoms are very similar to those of other diseases. This article lists some of the signs to look out for if you're worried that a relative, friend, or colleague is using cocaine.


Part 1

visual physical signs

    Look for white powder on the person's nose. Cocaine is a white powder that is usually taken intranasally (sniffed through the nose). Look at the person's face and nose. Even if the person has wiped off the traces of cocaine, you can still find powder residue on the person's clothing or items they have used.

    • Check things under the bed or under the chair that may have been used as a surface to inhale cocaine.
    • A person may make excuses by saying that it is powdered sugar, flour, or another harmless substance. If this is not the first time you notice this, especially in places where the use of flour or powder is not possible (for example, on a magazine under the bed), then most likely it is cocaine.
  1. Regular use of cocaine by inhalation through the sinuses can lead to chronic inflammation and nasal congestion. Often people who use cocaine have persistent cold symptoms and are actually healthy.

    Notice the person's eyes. Because it is a powerful stimulant, people who use cocaine often have red, bloodshot eyes. Pay attention to this sign. Cocaine causes insomnia, which is why the eyes of a cocaine user are especially red in the morning.

    Dilated pupils may indicate that a person is using cocaine. If you have a suspicion that a person is using cocaine, pay attention to his pupils - they can be quite dilated even in a room with good lighting. A person may experience pain in bright light. Also, pay attention to the glasses - perhaps he wears them to reduce discomfort.

    Pay attention to the injection marks on the human body. Some addicts sometimes dilute cocaine and inject it intravenously. Pay attention to the hands, forearms, legs of the person, and check for any injection marks. People who inject cocaine have marks on their arms called "tracks". So pay special attention to this.

    Pay attention to the person's things that he can use to use drugs. Cocaine is consumed in powder form. Crack is a cheaper version of cocaine that is smoked. Cocaine is also administered intravenously. As a rule, a person uses different objects for this.

    Pay attention to the consequences. A person who has taken a large dose the night before feels lethargic and depressed in the morning. You may have noticed that the person woke up irritated. There is a possibility that this is because he took a large dose in the evening. If you notice drastic changes in a person's behavior, this is an occasion to think.

    • Very often a person tries to retire. If you notice that a person closes the door in their room and does not leave it for a long time, this may be a sign of drug use.
    • Some people use sedatives and alcohol to combat the effects of cocaine. In addition, drug addicts thus struggle with insomnia.
  2. Watch for long-term changes in a person's behavior or character. Over time, a person becomes more and more dependent on cocaine. His main task is to find the next dose, which can seriously harm other daily duties. Pay attention to the following signs that will show that a person has been using drugs for a long time:

  3. People who use drugs often experience financial problems. Cocaine is a very expensive drug. Sometimes because of long-term use of cocaine, people lose their jobs, which affects their financial condition.

    • Perhaps a person asks for money in debt, while not saying where he is going to spend it.
    • Addicts often take sick leave, are late, and rarely turn in their work on time.
    • Such people may begin to steal or sell their belongings in order to continue paying for their drug addiction.

Part 3

What to do
  1. Talk to the person about this problem. It's much better than just being silent. Tell the person that you have noticed that they are using cocaine and that you are concerned about their health and well-being. Say that you want to help the person overcome their habit or addiction.

    • Don't wait until the person is so addicted that he can't get out of it. Cocaine is too dangerous a drug. Don't let the situation get out of control.
    • Give concrete examples proving that the person uses cocaine. Be prepared for the person to deny their addiction.
    • Identifying the symptoms of drug addiction is the first step towards recovery. Naturally, this can be extremely painful, especially if this person is your relative. Never stop supporting him and don't lose hope; There are many ways to treat drug addiction.


    • An overdose of cocaine can lead to a heart attack, cerebral hemorrhage due to high blood pressure, elevated body temperature to dangerous levels, kidney failure, delirium, convulsions, and death. Many of these things can happen even after one dose. A heart attack or respiratory failure due to cocaine can occur both in a person who has never used cocaine before, and in the body of an addicted person with a high tolerance.
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