Via flowers concert. Stas Namin's group "Flowers"

The group "Flowers" under the leadership of Stas Namin has long been a legend national music. The musicians brought elements of Western rock music to the Soviet stage in the late 60s and became, in fact, one of the first domestic rock bands. In 2009, the group celebrated its 40th anniversary with the release of a unique double album "Back to the USSR", was recorded in London on famous studio Abbey road. This disc contains greatest hits groups for the period from 1969 to 1983. This record was not just a return to the old, good times, but also the restoration of historical justice, because "Flowers" in the 70s were called "Soviet Beatles" by many. This grandiose show was attended by musicians who previously played in the group "Flowers": Konstantin Nikolsky, Igor Sarukhanov, Vladimir Chugreev and others. Among the guests were such popular musicians as: Yuri Shevchuk, Evgeny Khavtan, Garik Sukachev, Andrey Makarevich, chamber orchestra Moscow Soloists and many others. After this performance, which was an unheard-of success with the public, the musicians decided to resume concert activity, and

Now listeners have a rare opportunity to purchase tickets for a concert by Stas Namin and the Flowers group at Crocus City Hall. In 1973, the Flowers group released their first single, which sold a record 7 million copies. The whole country listened to the songs “Flowers Have Eyes” and “My Star”, and the group performed at stadiums and sports palaces, sometimes giving three concerts in one day. Back in 1981, Time magazine published an enthusiastic article about the group “Flowers ”, and five years later the musicians were able to carry out a grandiose world tour and for the first time play in front of a Western audience in the best halls of New York, Seattle, San Francisco and other cities in the USA and Canada. Since 1989, the Flowers group has practically ceased to exist, and Stas Namin was engaged in such global projects as the SNC Records record company, the Radio SNC radio station and the Gorky Park group, which received international recognition. The rock operas "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "Hair", staged at the Stas Namin Theater, gained great popularity. Today tickets for concerts of Stas Namin and the group "Flowers" people buy different ages. Don't miss the bright performances of the 70s and 80s.

The Moscow rock band "Tsvety" was created by guitarist and songwriter Stas Namin in 1969. creative destiny groups formed differently. "Flowers" in its forty-year history seemed to have lived several lives, and in the 2010s they began another, new one. From 1969 to 1979, as a student ensemble "Flowers", they became popular in Moscow and released a record at the Melodiya company. Due to its style, unlike the Soviet stage, the group falls under the complete ban of the central Soviet media and it manages to release only rare compromise records, which, despite strict censorship, for the first time introduce an element of rock music into the mass media. musical culture countries. In 1974, Flowers begin a professional tour and, after a conflict with the Philharmonic and the ban on the name by the USSR Ministry of Culture, they are restored in 1977 as the Stas Namin Group. Still banned from the media, they write new hits and regain popularity with a new name.

Being a kind of author's project of Namin, Flowers in the 1970s and 80s did not have a permanent composition, and all songs were recorded and performed by different soloists. The creative face of the group was, above all, its original, unlike any other style. In the first 20 years, more than fifty musicians played in the group, many of whom subsequently created their own ensembles, became famous composers and performers. The group "Flowers" had a permanent line-up only in 2000, and, according to Namin, this is the strongest line-up in the entire history of the group: Oleg Predtechensky - vocals and guitar; Valery Diorditsa - vocals and keyboards; Alexander Gretsinin - vocals and bass guitar; Yuri Vilnin - guitar; Alan Aslamazov - keyboards, vocals and saxophone.

In 2012, Flowers played the second concert at the Crocus City Hall, where they presented their new modern repertoire. These were no longer the Flowers that everyone was used to. As if liberated from their image of the 1970s, they immediately jumped to the present day. Their new songs and style differ from the early songs of the 70s as much as the first songs of the Beatles differ from their latest albums. The DVD, Blu-ray and CD of the three-hour concert consists of two parts, released on different discs as different albums: - the album "Homo sapiens" (A reasonable person) included an instrumental introduction and 12 new songs presented as a rock performance with its inner dramaturgy supported by a video installation. - album "Flower power" (Power of flowers) included 13 songs - modern remakes famous hits bands and new songs that Flowers performed together with their friends and guests - the best musicians countries.

The program of these albums, in fact, for the first time in a live concert, presented to the public today's Stas Namin's Group "Flowers", which, having retained all its musical principles, formed in the 70-80s, developed them and transposed them into modern rock 2010s.


- Moscow rock band, created by a guitarist and songwriter in 1969. In 2009, the group celebrated 40 years. His fortieth idols 1970-80 -x was celebrated with a big concert with the participation of famous guests. The concert featured songs from the double album "Back to the USSR", recorded at the legendary Abbey Road studio in London. The musicians also prepared a surprise: in honor of their anniversary "Flowers" performed several songs from the classics of world rock music. Forty-year history of the group "Flowers" was not smooth and even.

The beginning of the path of the group "Flowers"

For the first 10 years from 1969 to 1979 "Flowers" become super popular in Moscow. They performed in clubs and at student parties. Becoming laureates student festival in 1973 and 1974, the group released two records on the Melodiya label. Their songs are sung by the whole country, but because of their style, unlike the Soviet stage, the group falls under the ban of the central Soviet media. In 1974 "Flowers" begin professional tours. But under pressure from the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, they stop touring activities. Later restored under the name "Stas Namin's group" and release new records (1977 - "Old Piano", 1977 - "It's too early to say goodbye"). During this period, the group again tours a lot.

From 1980 to 1985 - a time of active change in the country, and "Stas Namin's group" periodically appears in the media. During this period, the group released their first album - "Hymn to the Sun". After that, the dance "Reggae, Disco, Rock" and "Surprise for Monsieur Legrand" are released on French. Participation in the festival "Yerevan-81" aggravated relations between the group and the authorities, and "Flowers" banned even on Melodiya. And after participation in the festival of youth and students and joint concerts with foreigners, unauthorized by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Culture even accuses them of anti-Soviet activities.

A new stage or .. the end of the road?

1986 becomes the beginning of a new period in the history of the group. First "Flowers" go to the West and for four years make a world tour, after which in 1989 the group ceases to operate. Whole 10 years "Flowers" don't work together.

In 1999, Namin again gathers the group. "Flowers" celebrate their 30th anniversary big concert. But even after this event did not help the group to return to show business. episodically "Flowers" give concerts and constantly work at the Moscow Theater of Music and Drama, created by Stas Namin in the same 1999, participating in the creation of the musical "Hair", rock opera and other performances.

Composition "Flowers"

From the very beginning, the group was the author's project of Namin, but the composition of the group changed many times. During the first 20 years, more than 50 musicians played in the band, many of whom subsequently created their own ensembles, became famous composers and performers. Among them: Sergey Dyachkov, Alexander Slizunov, Alexei Kozlov, Konstantin Nikolsky, Vladimir Matetsky, Sergey Dyuzhikov, Alexander Losev, Vladislav Petrovsky, Andrey Sapunov, Igor Sarukhanov, Vladimir Belousov, Alexander Marshal, Sergey Voronov, Nikolai Arutyunov, Alexander Malinin and others.

Anniversary concert of the group "Flowers"

In 2010, after their 40th anniversary concert, which traditionally featured former musicians and friends of the band, "Flowers" in fact, for the first time in 20 years, on a new round of life, they again reached big stage, began touring and recording new music:

Group of Stas Namin "Flowers". Anniversary concert"40 years" updated: April 13, 2019 by: Elena

The Moscow rock band "Flowers" was created by guitarist and songwriter Stas Namin in 1969. The creative fate of the group evolved in different ways. "Flowers" in its forty-year history seemed to have lived several lives, and in the 2010s they began another, new one. From 1969 to 1979, as a student ensemble, "Flowers" became popular in Moscow and released a record at the Melodiya company. Due to their style, unlike the Soviet stage, the group falls under the complete ban of the central Soviet media and it manages to release only rare compromise records, which, despite strict censorship, for the first time introduce an element of rock music into the mass musical culture of the country. In 1974, Flowers begin a professional tour and, after a conflict with the Philharmonic and the ban on the name by the USSR Ministry of Culture, they are restored in 1977 as the Stas Namin Group. Still banned from the media, they write new hits and regain popularity with a new name.

Since 1980, in the wake of the "Olympic thaw", Stas Namin's group "Flowers" begins to appear sporadically in the media, releases the first author's album "Hymn to the Sun" and manages to record two more custom albums - "Reggae, Disco, Rock" and "Surprise for Monsieur Legrand. Then the conflict between the group and the regime escalates again and they again fall under the ban, and new repertoire"Flowers" are also banned on Melodiya. Even Namin's "innocent" song "We wish you happiness", written in 1982, first appears only at the end of 1984. In 1986, along with perestroika, the group suddenly begins new life. "Flowers" travel to the West for the first time and in four years make a world tour, almost without working in the USSR. In the 90s, the group stops its activities for 10 years.

In 1999, Namin again gathers the group. Flowers celebrate their 30th anniversary with a big concert, which is attended by musicians who previously worked in the group, as well as friends - stars national rock music. But even after this concert, the group does not return to public life. Flowers work in the Moscow Theater of Music and Drama, created by Stas Namin, participating in the creation of the musical "Hair", the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar" and other performances.

Being a kind of author's project of Namin, Flowers in the 1970s and 80s did not have a permanent composition, and all songs were recorded and performed by different soloists. The creative face of the group was, above all, its original, unlike any other style. In the first 20 years, more than fifty musicians played in the group, many of whom subsequently created their own ensembles, became famous composers and performers. The group "Flowers" had a permanent line-up only in 2000, and, according to Namin, this is the strongest line-up in the entire history of the group: Oleg Predtechensky - vocals and guitar; Valery Diorditsa - vocals and keyboards; Alexander Gretsinin - vocals and bass guitar; Yuri Vilnin - guitar; Alan Aslamazov - keyboards, vocals and saxophone.

In 2009, in the year of their fortieth birthday, in fact, after a thirty-year break, the Flowers decide to once again intensify their creative public life.

In the summer of 2009, the band recorded at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London all their famous hits created between 1969 and 1982. The double album "Back to the USSR" becomes a kind of result of the first period of their work.

In 2010, again at Abbey Road Studios, Flowers recorded new album, which included banned songs by the band, written in the eighties but never published, and three new songs: "Hymn to the Heroes of Our Time", "Light and Joy" and "Open Your Window". The latter gave the name to the album. The Society of Sound created by Peter Gabriel has exclusively chosen this album for its VIP clients as the most interesting work years and included it in its catalog.

In the same 2010, the band played their anniversary concert "Flowers-40" at the Crocus City Hall and released a DVD and CD. In this concert, the group managed to do what different reasons failed in previous years. The concert summed up the band's forty years of work, presenting all famous songs"Flowers" in the standard performance, as fans used to listen to them on the records in the 1970s. It also featured musicians from the band's early lineups, friends and guests. For the musicians themselves, the concert "Flowers-40" in a certain sense summed up the classic restrained style established by the early Beatles, and the image in which they were accustomed to perceive all these years.

In 2012, Flowers played their second concert at the Crocus City Hall, where they presented their new contemporary repertoire. These were no longer the Flowers that everyone was used to. As if liberated from their image of the 1970s, they immediately jumped to the present day. Their new songs and style differ from the early songs of the 70s as much as the first songs of the Beatles differ from their latest albums. The DVD, Blu-ray and CD of the three-hour concert consists of two parts, released on different discs as different albums: - the album "Homo sapiens" (A reasonable person) included an instrumental introduction and 12 new songs presented as a rock performance with its inner dramaturgy supported by a video installation. - the album "Flower power" (Power of Flowers) included 13 songs - modern remakes of the group's famous hits and new songs that Flowers performed together with their friends and guests - the best musicians in the country.

The program of these albums, in fact, for the first time in a live concert, presented to the public today's Stas Namin's Group "Flowers", which, having retained all its musical principles that developed in the 70-80s, developed them and transposed them into modern rock of the 2010s.

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