The plan of the Creative project and Essay on the topic “Spiritual values ​​and moral ideals in the life of man and society. Spiritual values ​​of the Russian people Composition about spiritual values

What are spiritual values? What values ​​are important in a person's life? The answers to these questions may be different for everyone, because everyone has their own priorities.

Essay about spiritual values

Very often you can hear the expression: “The main thing is not external beauty, but internal beauty”, or: “The main thing is the beauty of the soul, not the body.” But what is inner beauty, the beauty of the soul? The answer to this question is quite simple - spiritual values.
Spiritual values ​​are called the main decoration of every person. But why? Are they really that important? For me personally, yes. It is in spiritual values ​​that a person’s thinking, his attitude towards himself, towards other people, towards the world around him is displayed.

What are spiritual values? These include such qualities as honesty, fidelity, philanthropy, diligence, faith, respect for people, kindness, the ability to help, responsiveness, kindness, sincerity and many others. These components are what is called the beauty of the soul. Through them, the whole essence of man is revealed.

Why is it said that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty? It's simple - external beauty can be created artificially: makeup, a beautiful hairstyle, stylish clothes, expensive perfumes. If you look at a beautiful person, then outwardly we will like him. But if we get to know each other better and understand that he is proud, evil, vile, will we like him further? Definitely not. And if we see a dirty beggar on the street, who will feed a hungry dog ​​with a cheap pie? I think that despite his appearance, we will treat him with respect - we will like him precisely with his inner beauty.

For me personally, the main spiritual values ​​are honesty, respect for people and the ability to help. I believe that every person should be honest both with himself and with everyone else. If I don’t like something or I don’t want to do something, then I’ll be honest about it. But sometimes it’s very difficult to be honest: you don’t want to offend a friend who doesn’t fit a new hairstyle at all, put your grandfather in an uncomfortable position, who gave another unnecessary cup, or admit that it was you who broke your mother’s favorite vase. But the bitter truth is always better than the sweet lie. By being honest about something, you can avoid even more lies in the future.

Respect for people and the ability to help are those spiritual values ​​that accurately show a real person. For example, you may not like your classmate Lena: she is envious, asks a lot, and wants to appear better than others. But out of respect for her as a person, you will not join the conversation in which Lenochka will be discussed. Yes, you don't like her, but someone else might not like you either. You should treat others the way you want to be treated. Therefore, respect for me is the basis of the attitude towards people.

The ability to help is an extremely important quality for me. A person can be honest and respect you, but will not want to help. But that friend who will help you out of a difficult situation is a real person. He understands that one day he may find himself in such a situation and he would also like someone to help him. But this skill should not be confused with simple market relations: I - to you, you - to me. No, that's not it at all. Again, how I treat people is how they will treat me.

Spiritual values ​​are very important. It is through their prism that we see a person. And the more of them and the deeper they are, the brighter we see the inner beauty of a person.

You can leave your essay on the topic “Spiritual Values ​​of Modern Man” in the comments to express your opinion on this difficult topic.

Our thousand-year-old culture is at the heart of national values, spiritual and moral guidelines. It is the embodiment of the Christian ideals of our ancestors that are majestic temples, iconography, ancient literature. At present, it is especially important to involve the younger generation in the domestic spiritual traditions.

A responsible role in this is assigned to the lessons of literature, where the problem of “spiritual and moral education” is solved, which is understood as the process of promoting the spiritual and moral development of a person, the formation of his moral feelings, moral character, moral position, moral behavior. Any literature creates its own world, embodying the world of ideas of contemporary society. Let's try to restore the world of ancient Russian literature. What kind of a single and huge building is this, on the construction of which dozens of generations of Russian scribes worked for seven hundred years - unknown or known to us only by their modest names and about which almost no biographical data has been preserved, and there are not even autographs left?
The feeling of the significance of what is happening, the significance of everything temporal, the significance of the history of human existence, did not leave the ancient Russian person either in life, or in art, or in literature. Man, living in the world, remembered the world as a whole as a huge unity, felt his place in this world. His house was located at a red corner to the east.

Upon death, he was placed in the grave with his head to the west, so that his face would meet the sun. His churches were turned with altars towards the emerging day. In the temple, the murals reminded of the events of the Old and New Testaments, gathered around it the world of holiness. The Church was a microcosm, and at the same time she was a macro person. Big world and small, the universe and man!
Everything is interconnected, everything is significant, everything reminds a person of the meaning of his existence, of the greatness of the world, the significance of the fate of a person in it. It is no coincidence that in the apocrypha about the creation of Adam it is said that his body was created from earth, bones from stones, blood from the sea (not from water, but from the sea), eyes from the sun, thoughts from clouds, light in the eyes from the light of the universe, breath from wind, body heat from fire. Man is a microcosm, a “small world,” as some ancient Russian writings call him. Man felt himself an insignificant particle in the big world and yet a participant in world history.
In this world, everything is significant, full of hidden meaning ... Old Russian literature can be considered as literature of one theme and one plot. This plot is world history, and this topic is the meaning of human life...

Literature is not a natural science theory, not a doctrine, and not an ideology. Literature teaches to live by depicting. She teaches to see, to see the world and man. This means that ancient Russian literature taught to see a person capable of good, taught to see the world as a place of application of human kindness, as a world that can change for the better.

Our thousand-year-old culture is at the heart of national values, spiritual and moral guidelines. It is the embodiment of the Christian ideals of our ancestors that are majestic temples, iconography, ancient literature. At present, it is especially important to involve the younger generation in the domestic spiritual traditions.

A responsible role in this is assigned to the lessons of literature, where the problem of “spiritual and moral education” is solved, which is understood as the process of promoting the spiritual and moral development of a person, the formation of his moral feelings, moral character, moral position, moral behavior. Any literature creates its own world, embodying the world of ideas of contemporary society. Let's try to restore the world of ancient Russian literature. What kind of a single and huge building is this, on the construction of which dozens of generations of Russian scribes worked for seven hundred years - unknown or known to us only by their modest names and about which almost no biographical data has been preserved, and there are not even autographs left?
The feeling of the significance of what is happening, the significance of everything temporal, the significance of the history of human existence, did not leave the ancient Russian person either in life, or in art, or in literature. Man, living in the world, remembered the world as a whole as a huge unity, felt his place in this world. His house was located at a red corner to the east.

Upon death, he was placed in the grave with his head to the west, so that his face would meet the sun. His churches were turned with altars towards the emerging day. In the temple, the murals reminded of the events of the Old and New Testaments, gathered around it the world of holiness. The Church was a microcosm, and at the same time she was a macro person. Big world and small, the universe and man!
Everything is interconnected, everything is significant, everything reminds a person of the meaning of his existence, of the greatness of the world, the significance of the fate of a person in it. It is no coincidence that in the apocrypha about the creation of Adam it is said that his body was created from earth, bones from stones, blood from the sea (not from water, but from the sea), eyes from the sun, thoughts from clouds, light in the eyes from the light of the universe, breath from wind, body heat from fire. Man is a microcosm, a “small world,” as some ancient Russian writings call him. Man felt himself an insignificant particle in the big world and yet a participant in world history.
In this world, everything is significant, full of hidden meaning ... Old Russian literature can be considered as literature of one theme and one plot. This plot is world history, and this topic is the meaning of human life...

Literature is not a natural science theory, not a doctrine, and not an ideology. Literature teaches to live by depicting. She teaches to see, to see the world and man. This means that ancient Russian literature taught to see a person capable of good, taught to see the world as a place of application of human kindness, as a world that can change for the better.

Creative Project Plan

(performed: primary school teacher MAOU "Gymnasium No. 2" Kuteynikova Anna Valentinovna)

Project theme: "Monuments of religious culture in my city"

Relevance: The cultural history of our country, and our city in particular, has preserved many religious monuments, among which is St. Sophia Cathedral - the brightest monument (religious, architectural, historical) of our city. The monuments of religious culture contain the wisdom of many generations of people, they have always been and will be needed by people, as they carry enduring values. The study of cult art introduces students not only to the culture of the past, but to the history of the spiritual life of mankind. At the same time, the main thing is not the acquisition of various knowledge in the field of architecture, painting or the history of the temple, but the comprehension of its meaning, cultural significance, understanding of the traditions and artistic taste of the people. Novgorod has always been the center of Russian culture and religion. Novgorod is rightly called one of the most religious cities. The temples of Veliky Novgorod were of great cultural significance: they embodied the history of the city, the traditions and artistic tastes of the people.

Target: acquaintance of students with the church of St. Sophia of Novgorod as the most prominent representative of the religious culture of Veliky Novgorod

Tasks: 1) the formation of research skills, 2) spiritual and moral education of students in the tradition of respect for national history, 3) familiarization with the spiritual heritage of their native city, as well as a respectful attitude to the protection of cultural heritage sites of the city of Veliky Novgorod, 4) fostering a sense of pride and responsibility for the cultural and historical heritage of the Russian people.

Practical significance: For the education, upbringing, mental, moral and spiritual formation of the rising citizens of Russia, knowledge of the culture of their homeland is of paramount importance. Through acquaintance with the monuments of religious (and not only) culture children learn understand moral ideals, universal human values, Christian virtue and morality. Children will receive basic ideas about the purpose and features of a religious building in the national culture: an Orthodox church as a monument of religious culture.

Expected results: disclosure of the ideological-content and figurative-aesthetic aspects of the temples of Veliky Novgorod.

Photo exhibition or exhibition of children's works on the themes "Our churches", "Temples of Veliky Novgorod". Children can be offered topics for self-preparation of short speeches about the churches of Veliky Novgorod, about the organization of an Orthodox church, etc.

Essay on the topic "Spiritual values ​​and moral ideals in the life of man and society"

Formulation of the problem:

In my opinion, the topic of this essay is currently very relevant and modern, since many moral guidelines in the life of modern society are now lost, it hurts with lack of spirituality, immorality, callousness and indifference. I believe that the subject of studying the foundations of spiritual and moral culture was introduced in our region in a timely manner. It is in these lessons that children realize and understand that a real person begins where there are shrines of the soul. The most important issues concerning the relationship between the World and Man include the inner spiritual life of man, i.e. core values ​​that underpin its existence. A person not only cognizes the world as a being, trying to reveal its objective logic, but also evaluates reality, trying to understand the meaning of his own existence, experiencing the world as proper and improper, good and harmful, beautiful and ugly, fair and unfair, etc. Therefore, whatOne of the most important problems of upbringing, over which generations of teachers have struggled and are struggling, is the problem of the spiritual and moral development of the individual. The spiritual growth of a person, his enrichment with new knowledge, a high level of professional skills become not only the conditions for the harmonious development of the individual, but also the necessary prerequisites for the active participation of everyone in the improvement of all aspects of social life. Values, especially spiritual ones, play an important role in this.

Topic disclosure:

At present, in real everyday life, we can meet the most diverse levels of embodiment of moral values, the most diverse levels of morality, from holiness to baseness, cynicism. Spiritual values ​​include wisdom, understanding the goals of society, understanding happiness, mercy, tolerance, self-awareness. Spiritual values ​​motivate people's behavior and provide a stable relationship between people in society. Therefore, when we talk about spiritual values, we cannot avoid the question of the social nature of values. Spiritual values ​​(scientific, aesthetic, religious) express the social nature of the person himself, as well as the conditions of his being. But, unfortunately, in our country there was a loss of values. Now there has been a change in the value orientations of society and the younger generation in particular. The concepts of "honesty", "justice", "kindness" do not compete with "prestige". Our society is sick: it is permeated with self-interest, a thirst for hoarding, a lack of solid moral foundations, which negatively affects the development of the moral needs of schoolchildren. Selfish and pragmatic became the leading motives: we have forgotten and do not understand how we can live for others; How can you sacrifice yourself for others. Under the influence of the outside world and media propaganda, an anti-ideal is formed in children. The main problem in the development of spiritual and moral culture at school age was the loss of a moral ideal. Therefore, in my opinion, the most important task of a teacher in modern society has become: the formation in children of the need for an ideal; the need to find and indicate a model worthy of emulation. After all, a person, especially a young person, has an urgent need for a worthy, authoritative ideal, which to a certain extent determines the content of the moral values ​​of a particular person. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to conclude: what is a person's ideal, such is he himself. The spiritual and moral development of a person is a complex, lengthy process. Throughout life, a person assimilates the experience of past generations, determines his position in life, and we, teachers, should try to ensure that this process does not proceed spontaneously, under the influence of dubious ideals, but purposefully. Basic national values ​​underlie the integral space of spiritual and moral development and education of schoolchildren, i.e. the way of school life, which determines the classroom, extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students. How to instill morality, spiritual and moral culture in a Russian schoolchild? The main way of moral education of children and youth in Russia is the systematic teaching of spiritual and moral culture at school, based on centuries-old religious values ​​and the cultural and historical traditions of the people arising from them.


Spiritual and moral education is an orientation towards high moral values, the process of promoting the ascent of children to a moral ideal, through introducing them to moral values; awakening and development of moral feelings; the formation of moral will; motivation for moral behavior.

Thus, the main content of spiritual and moral education should be basic national values, each of which is revealed in the system of moral values ​​(representations): patriotism, social solidarity, citizenship, family, work and creativity, science, traditional Russian religions. The process of educating morality is a rather complex phenomenon, because it forms the basic qualities of a person, introduces him to eternal, deep human values.

The task of moral education consists not only in simple moral education, but also in the formation of skills and abilities to realize moral values ​​in a wide variety of everyday situations, in the development of moral creativity, as well as the desire for moral improvement.

Thus, spiritual values ​​play an important role in the harmonic

personal development and are necessary prerequisites for the participation of each person in the improvement of all aspects of public life. The basis of moral behavior is an act, and in life a person needs a specific example to follow - a moral ideal, something sublime and unattainable. In our modern society, with a low level of moral culture and behavior, the task of moral education is primarily not moral education, but the formation of skills to realize moral values.

Before, I never had to think deeply about what spiritual values ​​are and what their significance is in our life.

Spiritual values, we hear this phrase very often, and you cannot call it unfamiliar. However, if I were asked to explain its meaning, perhaps it would be difficult!

To understand this topic and write an essay, I decided to read articles on the Internet, but it turned out that philosophers talk about it in their own way, religious leaders have a different point of view, and there are a lot of disputes on the forums. I also tried to figure this out.

With values, everything is clear, this is what we really value, cherish, and try to get. And with the “spiritual” things are more complicated. Judging by the root, this is something related to the soul, but why are the two concepts “spirit” and “soul” applied to a person in Russian? Why, for example, when describing a person, they say “bright soul”, “small soul”, “rotten soul” or “strong in spirit”, “healthy spirit”. Probably because the spirit in a person is something beautiful, solemn, closer to God than the soul. The soul, if it lives according to the laws of the flesh, can be petty, rotten, and if it lives according to the law of God, it becomes bright, kind, beautiful. Perhaps that is why values ​​are still called spiritual, and not spiritual. If my assumption is correct, then it becomes clear that spiritual values ​​are something that brings a person, his soul closer to God.

I believe that the main spiritual values ​​are: the Orthodox religion, which helps a person to strive for spirituality, brings his soul closer to God; art that awakens the brightest and most exalted feelings and educates the soul.

Can people live without spiritual values? Probably they can, but I think that all the evil on the planet happens because of people who do not have these values!

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