Euroradio: In short, you won't have this bassist for long. Euroradio: Speaking of new songs

I come to the interview a few hours before the concert, I look around. The work around is no less intense than in the shop. I go into the back room, more like a grocery store. It is strange to see an artist in such scenery, but it is clear that this is exactly what it looks like. back side tours of any musicians.

How did you react to the completion of the Lyapis Trubetskoy project?

It was already a long time ago. We all reacted calmly, began to continue what we can do ... Well, it seems to us that we can.

2010, the next re-election of Lukashenka. Quote: They began to put pressure on us, to ban concerts, and the dissolution of the group would be perceived as cowardice and cowardice.” Tell us more about this not the most pleasant period in the life of the band.

There was such a thing. We played one or two shows, the rest were canceled for completely stupid reasons. Sometimes it came to insanity. In Gomel, all tickets were sold, and this is about two or three thousand. They said that on that day it would be either snow or rain and the roof would not withstand. And so there were always some formal reasons for refusal. This happened in almost every city, and as a result, the tour was curtailed.

In our country, there is a practice adopted back in the Soviet Union: in order to hold a concert, you must obtain a tour certificate. It is given by specialists-ideologists, the department of culture and other persons. They consider requests for compliance with the aesthetic ... It is clear that they simply were not given to us.

On dozens of sites I came across this fact: for many years of participation in the Lyapis Trubetskoy group, Bulatnikov did not play a single note on the guitar, although he played acoustic guitar Pavel can...

This is due to the fact that we have always had people who play the guitar much better and more professionally. So why am I going to fool around and make people laugh? Somehow it so happened that I work more la la.

Returning to the previous question about the unspoken ban on performing in Minsk, does the band have any problems with the authorities now?

Well no. Neither our team nor Sergei, as far as I know.

But he, nevertheless, does not perform in Russia.

In Russia, no, but in Ukraine and Belarus, yes.

More than four hundred concerts in four years: how do you work at such a fast pace, and how do you relax?

I don't think it hits hard. Many of our Russian colleagues give much more concerts and feel fine.

With the exception of some Philip Bedrosovich, who can give two concerts in a row in one city ...

I mean precisely our colleagues, and not variety performers. And relax like everyone else. We are not something that would be healthy. The main thing is not to overdo it.

In 2012, during your last visit, the mediainformation about the cancellation of concerts in Tula and Kaluga due to the hard drinking of the musicians. As a result, the concert took place in Tula ...

I hardly remember the details, but in our practice there were such stories. What was it officially called? Due to illness of one of the team members. It also happened, what is there to lie?

You performed at a festival in Germany: when and how was it? Did the Germans understand the Russians?songs or there was a "consumption" of music: acceptance of rhythm, voice, but misunderstanding of the text?

This was already within the framework of the Trubetskoy group.The festival was in Berlin, it was called, in my opinion, Red square. The main part of the audience was Russian-speaking, but there were also Germans. I think that people who love guitar music understood everything without being tied to the language. What does the listener need at the festival? Music, energy. Even if you don't understand the meaning of the words. After all, we also listen to Western bands, often not understanding everything, but, nevertheless, we perceive it as normal.

"Lyapis Trubetskoy" broke up relatively peacefully - why did relations deteriorate in the future?

Don't know. I didn't ruin my relationship with anyone.

FROMno quarrels with Michalok? Is it possible to perform together with Sergey?

I usually say this: never say never; any extremes suffer from lies. But at this stage, in this situation, it seems to me that this is not very appropriate.

In concert announcements, your genre is described as "heavy dance music". In one of the interviews, you said that you had long since left this sound. How do you describe the genre you play now?

It's hard to describe. Sometimes we have a symbiosis in our programs: there are old songs by Lyapisov and new ones by Trubetskoy, heavy, and not very. Vinaigrette, schizophrenia, but it's still guitar music - quite heavy and dense.

One album in four years creative way- due to the youth of the group?

You count all the singles we have released. More than 20 tracks were released in one year. Now the demand for albums has disappeared, people are interested in the here and now. No one wants to bother and listen to a whole album. Moreover, it seems to me that many simply turn on the song, and if in a couple of seconds it does not stick- everything, the next one starts listening.

Pretty controversial statement.

It seems to me that the younger generation listens in this way. Sometimes you don't have time to convey a thought in an album, and the listener is already lost.

I think it's a bad album then.Or a bad listener.

There are no bad listeners - there are bad artists.

Is this a "customer is always right" thing?

If you make music for a certain audience, then you have to hook them with something. It is clear that people who listen to "Hands Up" have nothing against them, they are unlikely to like such music.

Hands Up has a rather interesting audience now: a new Russian wave in music - a symbiosis of underground and pop, and many young people listen to Hands Up.

This is because this music sounded in their childhood.

Is decision-making in the Trubetskoy group different from decision-making in Lyapis?

For the most part, yes. There is more collective creativity, decisions are made jointly. Prior to that, the group had a bright generator of ideas. I won’t say that everything was based only on him, but nevertheless.

Is this about Sergei?

Not so long ago we talked with the group "", the same centenarians. Vasily Vasin said the following phrase: “Power does not have to be loved, but it must be respected ". Is your group distancing itself from politics?

Yes. As part of the Lyapis Trubetskoy group, we said everything we wanted, everything we could. They even said things they shouldn't have said. At the moment we are not interested in politics. I think music - this is the thing that should bring people together. Unfortunately, today's policy has already torn people into several camps. You probably see that sometimes entire families have a conflict for political reasons, and relatives may not communicate because of this.

Faced conflicts on this basis, but to stop communicating ...

And I know about similar situations, and this is not an isolated case. Therefore, I say that music is a thing that can unite us. Regardless of our political views, social, economic statuses ... Coming to the concert, completely different people can communicate through music, and if we make a fuss at this moment, it seems to me that nothing good will come of it.

Three years ago you had a joint project with Legalize — who else would you like to work with? Who came up with the idea to record that track?

It so happened that we have known Legalize for a very long time. He often visited our Moscow concerts. Once, when the team had already collapsed, we once again hung out after the concert. There was a conversation that we both like the same track bands The roots. We decided to stir up a similar track based on. Such things are usually not planned in advance - everything happens spontaneously. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. Therefore, in our plans now there is no one with whom we would like to record. Maybeon one common wave, we will cross with someone ... Once, once, once, some boil and that's it.

Who else from the musicians do you communicate informally with?

I know many musicians. Still, we have been doing this for so many years, we see each other at festivals.

Who can you tag from contemporary musicians? Maybe you follow someone's work or just remember someone?

It is hard to say. I can’t say for sure about modern hip-hop artists. Maybe I look funny.

No, why?

Orthodox. This story doesn't appeal to me at all. I don't see anything in them to do with the concept of "music". It's not mine, so I can't say anything about these characters. Modern teams? Yes many good teams: for example, the Moon, ... Many worthy.

What songs from Trubetskoy do people like the most? Which one do you like?

It often happens that with the help of polls in VK, we see that people put likes under songs that we considered mediocre. And people love them the most. It's probably normal that the public and musicians have slightly different ideas about the perfect song.

At this stage, have you managed to make that perfect song? Or are you constantly in the creative process?

We are still in search. We would like to combine what we like and, at the same time, please our listeners. Get into the top ten. And we have all the trump cards in our hands. Now we are writing a new album - all of a sudden we can still create that masterpiece that both we and the public will like.

There is information on the network that Sergei Mikhalok banned the performance of the songs of Lyapis Trubetskoy of his composition. Later he said: “If they perform, then I will too.” But he will not sue, as he is against litigation. In the end, did you agree with him or let everything take its course?

So many messages came out: I allow, I forbid, I allow, I forbid ... Personally, I stopped following this. We just keep singing these songs and that's it.

And in one of the interviews from 15-16, your group announced that the songs of Lyapis Trubetskoy would not be performed ...

The fact is that there were a lot of statements from that side. It kind of unnerves us, the audience, keeps everyone in some kind of stupid state. Yes, we made this statement, and then, on reflection, we decided that we were getting into an awkward situation: we are taking the name Trubetskoy for ourselves.

Andit's too late to change the name - he called himself a loader ...

We called ourselves gruzdem to perform these songs. Then we suddenly leave the name, but at the same time we refuse to sing the songs. This is real schizophrenia. We became hostages of the situation, so we left everything as it is.

The number of spectators at Lyapis and Trubetskoy: was it difficult to switch from stadiums to clubs?

It was a normal situation: we understood that after palaces, stadiums and other things, we would have to move to small clubs. It is clear that the wrong fees, the wrong fees, the wrong crowds of people, the wrong specifications and so on.

How did the group react to this?

Yes, everyone was fine. We are people from an earlier time, all this has already passed. There are excellent examples of how people after world fame had to perform "on a van". I'm talking about Dave Grohlauthor's note drummer for Nirvana, later guitarist-vocalist of his own band Foo Fighters ): world fame, world star, and after Nirvana, for the first time, they had to travel around America on a small bus for ridiculous money. You probably know this story?

Yes. I also remembered the example of New order, after the collapse of the Joy division.

Lots of examples. What's wrong here? That is life.

#guest track

Can you recommend a track and explain why it is?

As an example of beautiful but unknown music.

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On the eve of the event, the band's vocalist Pavel Bulatnikov answered 12 angry questions from music journalist Tatyana Zamirovskaya, for the first time clarifying in detail a number of points in the collapse of the Lyapis Trubetskoy group.

Let me just tell you how it was. Somewhere in July last year, a group of comrades gathered at my house: Kolmykov, Mikhalok, Storozhuk, Azizbekyan, and others. We discussed our future in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Mikhalok said that he leaves behind the songs "Iron", "Warriors of Light", "Capital" and something else, no more than five in total. And that the rest of the Lyapis songs are not interesting to him at all - do what you want with them. After that, the question arose about the name of our new team. We had an idea to call ourselves Magister Bibendi, but since there was a collegial decision that most of the Lyapisov's repertoire remains with us, the idea arose to take the name Trubetskoy. So that this continuity is immediately clear. Almost Mikhalok himself suggested this, since many fans (and not only) personally called him "Lapis". Like Lyapis left, but Trubetskoy remained. That was the idea, and it seemed logical to all of us. It would be more difficult to explain why some Magister Bibendi group sings the Lyapis songs.

– Is your image, in which, as you can easily guess, not a lot of sportiness, but there is a hint of an ordinary rock and roll life not without alcohol - is this an element of lifestyle or part of the image to spite Mikhalka?

- Why does everyone think that if we do something, it is to spite Mikhalka? What are we, little children? Or some kind of asshole? Our image is a reflection of how we live. And everything that we do - we do for ourselves and for our listeners, and not to spite someone. To be honest, these questions about "out of spite" got rather tired. We live our lives, and we least of all want to spend it on some kind of "answers".

- Why have you never been able to accurately and clearly answer questions about how the copyright cases for the band's old songs were resolved? Did everything really depend on word of honor?

- Here again it is easier to tell how everything was arranged with us. Here Mikhalok often used such an expression as "anarcho-syndicate" when he spoke about "Lapis". There was some art in it, but there was truth too. Paperwork in our group was used only to communicate with third parties, we never signed any contracts among ourselves and were proud of it. We really kept everything on our word of honor.

As for the documents, all copyrights for all Lyapisov songs are still managed by Children of the Sun LLC, which is managed by the management of the Trubetskoy group. As for the court, in the light of recent events, we will not be surprised at anything, but we see no legal grounds for this.

- Do the old Lyapis songs that you want to sing correspond to the current image of the band? And doesn't it smack of exhumation here - digging up antiquities, raising old layers in the spirit of "Au-au-au"?

- I'll start with the fact that we don't sing "Au-au". Initially, we had the idea to further recycle early songs"Lyapisov", but now this desire has somehow disappeared - it's probably clear why. For the Minsk concert on April 25, we picked up a few rarities, but the main work is on our own songs.

– Having “rolled” old songs around the festivals, you have now become carriers of sacred sociological knowledge about what people really need. Tell us, which Lyapis songs evoke the most emotions in the audience? What songs have people missed the most all these years?

We don't go to concerts sociological research. We cut rock. And I can only say one thing: every month there are less and less Lyapis songs in our set list, and more and more Trubetskoy songs.

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– How to get rid of this traumatic label of a cover band? What is your course of action in this regard?

- If Sergei Mikhalok once called us that, it does not mean that some kind of label is already hanging on us. People who go to our concerts don't think so at all. And in general - can you explain why such questions are asked only to us? As far as I know, the Brutto group also performs quite a lot of covers of Lyapisov's songs. For a moment, all the musicians of the group took part in the creation of these songs - but Ruslan Vladyko does not throw any complaints about the fact that his solos or riffs are used! The songs in "Lyapisy" were created like this: Mikhalok brought some kind of sketch, sang the text to the guitar. And everything else was invented in rehearsals. But one Sergey was always recorded as the author of music. We just didn’t worry about this, because we lived as one family ... And the sequence of actions is simple, I already talked about this: the Lyapis songs will gradually be replaced by ours, this is already happening.

– How clearly do you understand what your current new music- and how do you see your musical and aesthetic message, on which you base when composing new tracks?

- And what was the message of the "Lyapis"? It has changed a hundred times in 24 years. One group in different time she sang "Tsyki-tsyk", and "Sochi", and "Andryusha", and "Rabkor". We have the same thing - there is no well-thought-out business plan according to which we write songs. Today a song about love for a girl can be born, tomorrow about love for your city, and the day after tomorrow - I don’t even know what. The only thing we have definitely decided at the moment is that there will be no politics in our work. We do not want to multiply the negative. But this does not mean that our political views have changed. And, for example, at some congress of "United Russia" we will never speak, for any money. Oh, and about the music. We all like hard, guitar music. We are moving in this direction.

- Do you plan to contact songwriters from outside? If yes, who would arrange for you?

- Yes, we plan to contact Molchan ( laughs).

- In the virtual scandals that Mikhalok stirs up, you prefer to act as such good-natured, good guys, gentle, pleasant boys who do not hold grudges, do their job and continue to bring down good old rock and roll. Is this also part of the image or do you really treat it all with sadness, tenderness and some bewilderment?

- When such showdowns happen, when I see somewhere in the press that people start pouring and pouring on each other, I am equally unpleasant with the position of both sides - it doesn’t matter which of them is right, who is wrong. And I don't want to be involved in something like that. I'm not interested.

- Do you feel sorry for the group "Lyapis Trubetskoy"? Is there nostalgia and sadness? Here you play on stage and understand- oh, if Seryozha were still standing here, that would be cool! And this will never happen again.

– Emotionally it was hard to win back recent concerts"Lyapisov", realizing that this is the end of a serious life stage. But now I'm up to my neck in our new story. Everything hurt, forgotten. I certainly do not dream of reviving something old. I like to play with those people who are standing next to me on stage now.

- It is interesting that after the collapse of the kind of “grown up”, wise and philosophical updated version of the Lyapis, two teams appeared that jumped back from the state of “adulthood” back into infantilism and valiant prowess. Only Michalok has a nihilistic childhood of a young partisan fighter, and you have a cheerful rock and roll childhood with songs in the yard accompanied by a guitar. Explain why the adult group split into two children's?

- Because Lyapisam was 25 years old, and the Trubetskoy group is not even a year old yet - will such an answer suit you? (Laughs.) I feel like I'm at a psychiatrist's appointment, who already knows everything about me and sorted out all my answers in advance. And if these shelves do not suit us?

- When will you record the album? It's now a matter of honor: an album.

- We could release an album even tomorrow - enough songs have already been recorded. But we do not have such a goal - to release the album as soon as possible, because everyone is waiting for it. Or someone "out of spite", as you say. Or be sure to include everything that was recorded in the album. We may drop half of the songs from it, because now new ones are being born, and they turn out to be more interesting than those already recorded. So the process is underway. And the result is sure to come. Sooner or later, that's how it goes.

Before the big Trubetskoy concert on April 25 in Minsk, the band's vocalist Pavel Bulatnikov rolled a liter of whiskey for two with a KYKY journalist and told what he thinks about Mikhalok's bans, why he abandoned politics on stage and when Trubetskoy will start writing hits.

Photos: Pavel Chaplin

At the very moment when Pavel Bulatnikov got out of the car at the Bristle bar, I tried to throw away the gum, but it, such a beast, stuck to the handle. So when he came up to me and extended his hand in greeting, I tried in vain for a few more seconds to tear the rubber off the plastic. Luckily, this was the most awkward moment of the evening, and the whiskey must be thanked for that. At first we wanted to ask for 300 grams, but the administrator quickly persuaded us for a bottle. True, the ordered whiskey was not in the bar, and Pavel opted for a slightly simpler drink. Along with the bottle, they brought us ice, water and glasses. Nothing extra.

– Have a nice holiday! - the waiter smiles, and already from the door adds in the direction of Pavel: - I am your idol! Well, the Lyapis Trubetskoy group.

- Thanks! - Pavel automatically answers the “idol”, unscrewing the bottle.

KYKY: They say you're a big fan of whiskey.

Pavel Bulatnikov: Yes, of all drinks I prefer it. Will you be on ice?

KYKY: Maybe. I don't know how better! You can teach me how to drink whiskey properly.

P.B.: Have you heard about my "Magister bibendi" tattoo? At all drinking parties, I usually pour. I have a belief that I light hand no one gets a hangover. Well, of course, it depends on how much you drink, but in general it's true. Magister bibendi is Latin for "master of drinking." Drinker manager. Well, let's get acquainted.

For acquaintance

On this topic: Erkin Tuzmukhamedov: “Most of the drinks sold in stores are just booze”

P.B.: Good drink! Scottish. This is a fairly ordinary whiskey, not single malt, but simply blended.

KYKY: What, by the way, single malts are cooler?

P.B.: Single malts are made from a single variety of barley and have a bright flavor. But this is all for aesthetes. There is whiskey that is simply impossible to drink: the smell of burning and peat, the taste of smoke. This whiskey is considered more masculine, but I prefer quieter varieties. Dewars is my favorite whisky.

KYKY: I've heard about single malt whiskeys that they are best drunk clean - without water and without ice.

Ice can still be thrown. It is believed that the taste of some whiskeys is revealed precisely with the addition of a small amount of ice. Moreover, whiskey is also fifty-degree. Or with a long exposure - 15 and even 25 years. Throw an ice cube into them to slightly dilute the rich taste. But this is all for hardened aesthetes, and I don’t consider myself one of those. Yes, and give $ 50 for a bottle of whiskey - it must be very well earned.

KYKY: Is it possible to make whiskey as good as Scotch in Belarus?

P.B.: Complex issue. Their culture of cooking has been brought up for centuries! According to the laws of Scotland, a whiskey barrel is used only once, then it is disassembled and transported to the States, where it is collected again and bourbon is prepared in it. However, if someone gets confused, I think we can make good whiskey. All the ingredients are there, the Internet is there.

KYKY: That is, the moonshine capital of Belarus, Old Roads, can be turned into a city of great whiskey, known throughout the world?

P.B.: It definitely won't work right away. But there is enough unconventional Japanese whiskey, and according to the latest ratings, it was in the top ten. the best varieties peace. Since they managed to make a decent drink in Japan, it means that it is possible in Belarus. Only quality is not enough here, you also need good marketing. We have already tried to revive krambambula, and it has not become widely popular. Why - this is not a question for me, but for marketers.

I've remembered the story. We were in Paris on tour. It was in the fall or at the beginning of winter, we went to the Eiffel Tower and everyone was cold, and in the cafes there they don’t serve anything stronger than beer and wine. We decided to drink something to warm up and found a Russian restaurant "Prince Igor" nearby. As always: Russian musicians, Russian atmosphere, but that's not what struck us. They asked for vodka. We ask: “Do you have barrel cucumbers for her?” Waiter: "Yes, no problem" - and takes out a five-liter jar of cucumbers. One of my friends says: “But I don’t want vodka, maybe you have beer?” “Yes, there is Zhigulevskoye.” He brings Zhigulevskoye with a classic Soviet label, pours it into a glass, and it tastes the same as in the old days, even foaming the same way! They make it somewhere in Germany in small batches. So for products it is not important where they are made.

On this topic: Give Whiskey a Chance: Belarusian Dream. Part one

P.B.: I'm not very fond of diluted whisky. Why spoil the product? Here are the cocktails. I myself like to treat guests with cocktails of my own production at home. I don't invent anything - I take classic recipes. I make the same Margarita, for example. Although she looks like a lady's drink in her large glass, but in fact there is nothing feminine in it, it is quite harsh.

KYKY: Well, since they started talking about cocktails, I suggest experimenting.

P.B.: I agree!

For experiments

KYKY: Let me return to the dropped phrase about alcohol: both quality and marketing are needed. It seems to me that this fully applies to the Trubetskoy group.

P.B.: Of course, this is important in promoting anything. Maybe we have some flaws in marketing right now. Here with the film “Trubetskoy. The Band" was a failure. When we released it, it seemed to us that it would be a good answer to the question: “What is the Trubetskoy group?”. But to watch a movie is half an hour of time, and nowadays people need to show very quickly and concisely what you want, what you are.

The business card film "Trubetskoy. The Band" scored 36,000 views on YouTube. Perhaps this is still not a failure - but not a success either.

KYKY: Okay, quick and concise: what is Trubetskoy?

P.B.: Trubetskoy are people who love music. We call it "rock 'n' roll in pure". We love guitar music, we play it live and enjoy it.

KYKY: Well, I have heard such definitions a hundred times already. How is Trubetskoy different from all this hundred?

P.B.: It seems to me that we have our own sound, our own approach to arrangements, to sound, and to the songs themselves. Maybe this is not new, but I hope that it will be interesting to someone. At least we are interested in it.

KYKY: Wasn't it interesting in the late Lapis?

P.B.: That team has outlived itself. I, and many of the guys, were psychologically uncomfortable there. I do not want to talk about it for a long time. What is happening in our team in terms of relationships, I like more.

KYKY: That is, you wanted to assemble a team, and everything else is secondary?

P.B.: Yes, to assemble a team, try your hand, realize your ambitions, if you want. Together.

KYKY: About the forces. In Lapis, were you a serious creative force?

The main generator and ideological inspirer of the group, of course, was Sergei Mikhalok. And we were just performers, embodied the idea that he brought. Now the situation has changed dramatically: you have to do everything yourself: write music, come up with lyrics. The most important thing is not to be afraid to seem like a fool or inadequate. You bring some kind of sketch and say: “Guys, I’m showing it in the order of delirium.”

KYKY: Haven't creative ideas been blurred during the time of performance?

P.B.: We have a lifesaver - our sound producer Snorre Bergerud. Firstly, this person is far from the aesthetics of Slavic music. Secondly, he pays less attention to the texts, because he does not quite understand them. Thirdly, he immediately sees all our musical shortcomings. We trusted him and I like the sound of the result - our first singles.

KYKY: Well then, let's have some confidence.

For trust

KYKY: About singles. I'll be honest: I don't like them. It seems to me that these are not songs yet, but only a search process.

P.B.: I myself have questions about what we did, especially in terms of lyrics. It's a test of the pen. Many people thought: “Now they will take the old Lyapisov lyric songs, Bulatnikov will sing for girls, everyone will be happy.” No, I was not going to do this initially, although I understood that commercially it would be more advantageous. I don't need to.I make music with pleasure, and I do it honestly.I don't want to wrinkle my ass for some laurels in my 40s and look ridiculous at the same time.

KYKY: When can we expect the first hit from Trubetskoy?

P.B.: I already gave in, of course, became self-confident, but I think that in the last set we recorded two great tracks, two hits. Of course, it is difficult to speak until no one has heard them, but it seems to all of us that this good songs. Plus one duet-surprise - we have to release it for the concert.

That duet-surprise: the song "Gagarin", recorded with the Russian rapper Legalize. For 10 days, the clip has gained 180 thousand views on YouTube.

KYKY: I want to believe. Lyapis had plenty of hits, and now there are two groups - and not a single really strong song has yet been made.

P.B.: Maybe each of us thought that the key was in his pocket, and you can take everything at once, but it didn’t happen. But there were after all successful examples when collectives broke up and suddenly revived in a successful new form. Here's our favorite band, the Foo Fighters, which Dave Grohl put together when Nirvana died.

KYKY: Trubetskoy wants to become Belarusian Foo Fighters?

P.B.: It would be great.

KYKY: So, Trubetskoy wants to receive Grammys every year?

P.B.:(laughs) At least the Belarusian Grammy!

KYKY: Listen, you don’t have hits, Brutto’s songs are more boring and dumber than Lyapisov’s… Maybe all the good songs in Lyapis Trubetskoy were actually written by trumpeters?

P.B.: No, the songs were written by Seryoga. Maybe the magic was that these songs were made by exactly those people and in exactly the same line-up. Little things don't happen. Every little thing is a valuable component. Listen, I don’t know about you, but I want to continue drinking without ice.

No ice (and no toast)

KYKY: Any idea why Sergei Mikhalok suddenly forbade you to sing his songs?

P.B.: I do not know what to say about this: we have said everything in statement. We do not communicate with Sergei, we learned about his statements, like everyone else, from social networks. Yeah, I don't even want to think about it. I do not care. To be honest, it’s already sick of thrashing about it from interview to interview. Concerts scheduled before Sergey's announcement will be played as promised - with Lyapis songs. Almost all summer festivals were declared before the declaration was made. So - new album. Next will be yours.

KYKY: By the way, you weren’t banned from playing Lyapisov, but only Mikhalok’s songs. What is the percentage of Lyapis songs?

P.B.: In Lyapis Trubetskoy, Mikhalok wrote almost everything. There are songs that he did not write - "Curves", for example, were written by a former member of "Lyapis" Alexander Rolov. There are more covers that we did with Lapis: I Wanna Be Your boyfriend group Ramones, for example. True, now we do not perform these songs.

Are you afraid of losing part of the audience when you stop playing Lyapisov?

P.B.: Of course, there are fears, but this is normal. This whole situation should only encourage us to move forward. Why are there pike in the pond? So that the crucian does not doze off. In addition, we still feel like a young and novice team. Maybe the interest in us is not entirely justified, but I adequately look at things.

KYKY: Do you think the interest in Brutto is too high, too?

P.B.: It's not for me to judge. I'll be honest: I don't follow Brutto's work. I listened to the album and I'm not interested. In addition, I do not want to do any comparisons, or races, or competitions. So I decided for myself: I don’t watch and I don’t listen. And I feel fine.

KYKY: All these questions about Mikhalka are already in your liver, probably?

P.B.: To be honest, yes. I understand that many people are interested in this, but it is not interesting for me. I've been tired of talking about this for six months.

KYKY: Okay, what are you interested in?

P.B.: It is very interesting to play a concert in Minsk on April 25 as part of the Trubetskoy group. For us, this is a landmark concert: here is our homeland, here are a lot of friends, acquaintances, relatives. Lyapis haven't played in Minsk for six years. I understand that many will again compare us with Brutto, suck these comparisons - well, it doesn’t matter. For the team, this is a milestone event. Maybe when we release new songs, the “they are nothing, a cover band” mood will calm down a bit, and we will be able to show that we are a self-sufficient band that also has the right to exist.

KYKY: That is, talk about a cover band offends?

P.B.: Of course, it is unpleasant to constantly read that we are a cover band! We are all ambitious people. We want to prove that we are accomplished musicians.

KYKY: Gotta pour it.

P.B.:(to photographer Pavel Chaplin) Maybe you are with us?

Pavel Chaplin: Only if a little.

And we don't have much. Half a bottle of everything.

KYKY: Already without toasts it is possible, probably.

P.B.: I think yes.

To hell with the toast

KYKY: Let's talk about the idea. Trubetskoy basically refuses any ideological and political moments. Why?

P.B.: We don't want to bring politics to the stage. It seems to me that within the framework of the Lyapis Trubetskoy group, we have already said everything we wanted to, and we will continue to bring it to a large audience great sense no. The time is very difficult now, and I have a feeling that it is very dangerous to bring discord at this time. But I don't change flags or beliefs. I am the same person who more than once held the white-red-white flag on the stage. I have not changed my attitude towards Belarusian culture, neither to the Belarusian language, nor to Belarusian history. Yes, I believe that our flag is BCHB, our coat of arms is Pahonia, our language is Belarusian. But I do not want to call from the stage to anything.

KYKY: And do you play things from the work of Lyapis related to politics?

P.B.: In the last sets we tried to get away from it. Tired of angry spitting from the side of one and the other, and even from the author. At our concerts there are no appeals, no politics. I like it when both fans of the early Lyapis and fans of the late period can come to the concert. After all, they always fought among themselves in social networks: “You are true, but you are not true,” and now another decay has been added. People can be of different strata of the population, different political views, but at our concerts they sing together songs that they like. It's great.

KYKY: Have you ever been friends with Michalok?

P.B.: I thought they were. It's been that way for a very long time years. We even baptized each other's children: I - his son, he - my daughter. Yes, there was a time when I thought it was mine best friend. That's why I said that now I'm talking about best friends with caution. Now I say "big buddies". But, you know, I don't want to exaggerate this topic.

KYKY: Let's talk about the semantic component. What do you want to tell people?

P.B.:Think for yourself: what should people say about the age of forty? Of course, we can't just sing about flowers and disco girls, that would be stupid. But there are some things outside of time. Here, for example, we took the poems of Maxim Bogdanovich and made a rock ballad out of them. This song is a completely different story. Our guitarist, Ruslan Petrovich, brought the text, and we made a song in one rehearsal. Joyful - it's cool to make a song in a day! And then it turns out that on this day Bogdanovich had a birthday. It seems to me that there is some mysticism in this.

KYKY: Let's go for Bogdanovich.

For Bogdanovich

P.B.: In general, I think that our second single turned out to be more successful.

KYKY: Here I agree. The first one was quite crumpled. In addition, it turned out to be a complete failure with the presentation.

P.B.: I won't even argue. It turned out crumpled because we showed everything that we had. But with the second single - I was very pleased that the song of my authorship "Gorad" won in "Tuzin gіtoў". Of course, “Tuzin gіtoў” is not a Grammy, but it's always nice to win, especially at home. Especially considering that this is my first experience of writing text in Move.

KYKY: By the way, you dropped the phrase “Belarusian is fashionable” in one of your interviews. Songs in Belarusian - is it a pursuit of a trend?

P.B.: No, it's not about fashion, I just feel like a Belarusian, for me it's a given. I was not born in Belarus, I have been here since I was two years old, but I think I have a good command of the language. I think in Russian, but I don't need an interpreter to read, listen and speak Belarusian. I like the culture of Belarus. It always seemed to me that if you live in a country, you are the master of language and history.

KYKY: You know how the collapse of the Lyapis upset me? There used to be one group with good ideas, and now there are two groups with controversial ideas. Some have Christmas trees and a bass, others have a ball, a rook and "they will get a dick."

P.B.: You know, we are not saying that we will no longer sing songs of a different semantic direction. But I'm really scared that what happened to our neighbors can be repeated here. My homeland, my family, my friends are not empty words. I don't want any of my compatriots to get hurt. Each of us, who is more or less responsible, should understand this. difficult time. But I repeat: I have not changed my beliefs.

I want to say: "Glory to Ukraine."

P.B.: Glory to the heroes! May I add more?

KYKY: Let's.

P.B.: Live Belarus!

KYKY: Live!

Long live

Paul's phone rings.

P.B.:(into phone) Pick me up in half an hour! (hangs up) Wife teases. Speech is already in shambles.

I have a Russian mova taksama buksuye, there I am autamatychna perakhodzha to a big Belarusian one. Pavel follows me.

KYKY: I really want to stop the pairing of Trubetskoy and Brutto, but you are so busy at the hour, niby and hatsel say: “Yany won, so we will kill!”
At the words "yana" and "we" I chamustsi loudly knock on steel.

P.B.: Vedayesh, if we are on our way to our paths, Sergey Kazakh: “Byary my songs, take out, for if nothing is to be taken out of them, this will be foolishness. I have Brutto, new materials, new history. What the chiaper said hello, we ourselves do not understand. Geta is intransigent, but not morbid. What doesn't kill us makes us...
Hang on pause.

KYKY: Lepsh.

P.B.: Matsney.

KYKY: Yes. Listen, I'm thinking: what does your guitarist Ruslan Pyatrovich hear?

P.B.: Oh, Iago has a good thick. Kali you nazіraў, you don’t shy away from fashionable drinkers - we give a hole in our hands (Pavel daksamas knocking on the table). We have a mustache of music, you know, it’s like that ... Diverse. І jazz, and yaki-nebudz System of a Down…

KYKY: Oh, System of a Down is an outstanding edge.

P.B.: Do you know, chamu yon tabe padabaetstsa? There is something ў іх іх есs Slavic harmonies!

KYKY: But I also love American music!

I don't want anything to supplicate American music, but Americans are shying assholes. I bourbon pizza is simply not a magician. It’s delicious for the taste, but tomorrow this corn history is so good for you! And ўvogule, you know, what are galoўnae? Galoўnae - pіts z prіvіlіmі lyudzmi z prіvіlnay energetykay. If you live with kind people, then it is not so important that you live. I'm falling down, tomorrow morning you will wake me up kind words uspaminatsya.

KYKY: For the geta and release.

P.B.: Be healthy.

For the right energy

P.B.: What am I to say. If I’m on an interview, I’ll be aware of that, that you’re pissing right and all that. I understand that you are adequate. I want someone to write what a fucked up dude I am. Write it like it is. I have this principle in my life: never lie. For one simple reason: I'm not very good. If a person asked what I think ", I answer him. It seems to me that this is the point of the interview. If I start to be clever and pretend - who will read this garbage? My answers can be pulled from the Internet anyway.

KYKY: Tym hours our 0.7 skonchvaetstsa.

P.B.: Hello, here is 0.75.

Pavel looks at the bottle for a few seconds.

P.B.: Listen, there's a litre!

KYKY: Wow! Have we already filled in 0.5?

P.B.: Atrymlivaetstsa so. Chytachy taxama ўbachats, why are we with you on 0.5 pavalіl?

KYKY: That's it, I'm spitting an interview, because I'm drunk.

P.B.: Will we drink?

KYKY: Budzem.

On the development, the photographer Pasha made a pastan photo. "Can you smile a little?" Let's smile.


Back in March music world was stirred up by the news that Sergei Mikhalok was disbanding the Lyapis Trubetskoy group. And already on the night of September 1, midnight music lovers witnessed the formation of two separate groups - Trubetskoy, which included former members the deceased "Lyapis" PAVEL BULATNIKOV and Ruslan Vladyko, as well as Alexander Storozhuk and Ales-Frantishek Myshkevich, and the Brutto group led by Sergei Mikhalok, surrounded by brutal muscular guys. From now on, the words of the greeting “Trubetskoy came to us” became the purest truth. And he did come to Kyiv in November so far as part of the project “Lyapis Crew Trubute. Vol. 3". This happened just a few days before the debut of the release of "Yolka". We are looking forward to when Trubetskoy will come to us again with a whole bunch of new songs.

Z: Was there sadness at the thought of the end of the band?
Pavel Bulatnikov: If there was, then only at first, and then no longer. There was no time to be sad for all the worries. Although, of course, it is difficult to say that the atmosphere in the team was iridescent and happy, because for recent months we spent great amount concerts and very tired.

Z: Members of our legendary band The Gadyukin Brothers said that the main thing is that the group has energy and human relation to each other. What do you think is most important?
P.B.: Perhaps I agree that the atmosphere in the group is very important. Because we spend more time with group members than with families, and if there is no normal microclimate in the team, then it is impossible to create, record, invent.

"Drug Addicts in the City". Cover for "Brothers of the Viper". Republican Festival

Z: And what is important for the public?
P.B.: First of all, of course, the material, the energy of music, the charge that it gives. But in general, each person has his own criteria for evaluation.

Z: There is an interview in Sergey Rybik's book "Main Heroes" that conveys the atmosphere in "Lyapis" - the group got drunk and slept through the live broadcast on television. There is a possibility similar stories or have you settled down, changed, matured?
P.B.: Have I matured? I never thought about such questions. Have we cooled down? I can not promise anything. (Laughs.) Change? We live a busy life, enjoy all the benefits of civilization and have a normal rest. We are not ascetics. But I am for everything to be in moderation.

Z: Was the name of the first song "Swallow" symbolic? Is this really the first sign of song?
P.B.: Maybe someone saw a deep meaning in this release. We just corrected the injustice that was committed against the "Swallow". It sounded only a couple of times at Lyapis concerts, but never appeared in recorded form. We saw that on the Web people write: “When will you record “Swallow”?”. And the albums, as if by choice, were so conceptual that there was no place for such a cheerful song in them. And we decided to record it as a gift to people who are interested in it. Alexander Berger (press officer of the Trubetskoy group. - Ed. note): She organically got into the Trubute project. It was a Trubetskoy cover for Lyapisov.


Z: And how many more such pleasant injustices can there be?
PB: I don't know. We are unlikely to re-record old songs, but at concerts we will perform some of the very old ones, but, of course, in an updated form. Because we don't have pipes in the band anymore. You will understand when you hear. Who describes music in words. (Laughs.)

Z: Can we say that the spiritual part of "Lapis" passed to you?
P.B.: Well, I don’t know, our music is, perhaps, harder than the Lyapis had. The main thing we want is to be positive in creativity, because in life we ​​are quite positive people. And I would like the listeners to feel it at the concerts. We want to enjoy life, to be mad, at least we are going to do it.

Z: And what about performances in Belarus? Are you now allowed without Michalok?
P.B.: We have submitted an application for the performance, now we are waiting for the answer to come.
A.B.: In Belarus, the system is as follows: an artist, even if he performs in some godforsaken district recreation center, must apply to the city executive committee for a performance with full description programs and works that he plans to perform.
P.B.: In general, there were cases in Belarus when the day before the concert it was canceled. I know that such a story happened to Lyavon Volsky (leader of the N.R.M. and Krambambulya groups). (At the time the magazine was being prepared for publication, information appeared that the Trubetskoy group would still perform in Minsk on February 13 at the annual music award"Euroradio" - "Give Rada". - Approx. ed.)

Maxi-single "Yolki"

Z: What did the members bring to the project. For example, Ales-Frantishek Myshkevich or Alexander Storozhuk?
P.B.: New member only bass player Ales-Frantisek Myshkevich. Sasha Storozhuk is actually an old-timer. He played in the Lyapis Trubetskoy group from 2001 to 2011. Ruslan Petrovich (Vladyko. - Ed.) In general, from the very foundation of the group, he worked as a guitarist in it.

Z: Ales played jazz band. What did he bring of his own?
P.B.: He played not only in a jazz group, but also in the same group "Krambambulya", the group "Without a ticket", etc. I'm not afraid of this word, Ales is one of the best bass players in Belarus. He is a very mobile, flexible musician with a good taste in music.

Z: Belarus is a country with a rich musical life. But only echoes reach us?
P.B.: Yes! This is true. It is a pity that in Big world units come out. Back in 2008 the Belarusian music producer Alexander Bogdanov, in the building provided by the children's tennis school, received the Artemy Troitsky Prize " steppe wolf” in the nomination “Activist” for the introduction of fashion for Belarusian music. Then in Moscow it was very popular to listen to bands from Belarus: the same Silver Wedding, Cassiopeia, Loop of Predilection, Nagual, PortMone and others - these bands play completely different independent music. Now this wave has subsided a little, but, thank God, there is music portals Ultra Music,, "Tuzin Gitou" - here you can always discover something new.

Z: What is important in the development of the band?
P.B.: All! (Laughs.)
A.B.: Naturally, you need to have talent, love for what you do, a huge capacity for work, be in right time in the right place, getting into the stream and the ability to bang your head against the wall - the main thing is to get to one point.
P.B.: Yes. In no case do not get upset if something did not work out.

Z: Are you ready for negative reviews about Trubetskoy's work?
P.B.: Naturally. We understood when we created the group that a lot of negativity would pour on us. Someone will say that we are traitors, someone - that they are not real, someone - that we use a bright name ... We are aware that it is impossible to please everyone, and I do not want this.

Z: At the Respublica festival, the impression was that the audience quickly forgot that Sergei Mikhalok was not on stage.
P.B.: Yes. The reception was doubly pleasant, because we knew that the public had been informed of our participation five days before the performance, and the tickets were sold out in advance. This was not our target audience - people just came to the festival, many of them were not Lyapis fans. Of course we were worried.

"You threw." Cover for Lyapis Trubetskoy. Republican Festival

Z: Are the audiences at festivals different from the audiences at concerts?
P.B.: Yes. 'Cause at festivals it might be fans different music, and they, in principle, may not like the team on stage at all. And on solo concert prepared people come, they know the words, they sing along, they have their favorite songs. At the festival, they can point a finger and ask in surprise: “Who is this?”.

Z: In Belarus there is an amazing ethno-trio "Trinity", which you can point your finger at and be surprised, but they run to listen to it with enviable enthusiasm.
P.B.: O! I have known its founder Ivan Ivanovich Kirchuk for a long time. He was the head of my educational practice when I studied at the KultProsvet School. Then he looked completely normal, walked in a suit and did not resemble Gandalf. (Laughs.)

Ethno-trio "Trinity"

Z: And what did you do in practice?
P.B.: I am a choreographer by training. It was Kupalle, in the House of Culture of the village of Krivichi, we had to put on a Kupala dance and a round dance, we recruited girls, students of the eighth - ninth grade. I started to teach them to dance, and they better show us the lambada.
A.B.: Pasha, why don't you use your profession as a choreographer, I have been wanting to ask for a long time?
P.B.: Ballet in a group? (Laughs) Listeners won't understand. Especially if I also start dancing on stage. True, the legs, of course, remember - it's no joke, three years at the school and five at the institute. I know everything: classical dance, duet, historical and everyday, folk and even ballroom dances.

What is the taste of life for you?
P.B.: Friends, family and life itself. Z

Interview: Yulia Naidenko
Photo: Elena Bozhko

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