Zhilin and Kostylin have different fates. An essay on the topic “Zhilin and Kostylin: two characters - two destinies” Zhilin and Kostylin are two different characters

- the story of Tolstoy, who introduces us to a Russian officer who was captured by the highlanders. This happens during the Caucasian war. While reading the story, we get to know the two main characters - officers, whose comparative characteristics we were asked to do at home.

As we have already said, the main characters of the story are two officers of the Russian army Zhilin and Kostylin. They have both common and distinctive human characteristics. Perhaps it should be said about their common features, which makes the characters similar. This is their common service in the Caucasus. Both of them are of noble origin, serve in the rank of officers, go on vacation at the same time and are captured together at the same time. And then the reader sees how different people are, different not only in appearance, but also in behavior. One of them is a hero, and the second is a weak person, which causes only disgust. Let us dwell on the heroes of Zhilin and Kostylin in more detail.

Characteristics of Zhilin

Zhilin is a man who deserves respect. No matter what, he is always human. Although Zhilin was small in stature, he was a daredevil in everything. This is an officer whose courage and strength are immediately visible, while he never tried to seem like a hero. Even in difficult times, Zhilin thinks not about how to save his own skin, but about how to protect his mother from the news that he was captured. Zhilin is trying to find a way to solve the problem on his own. He organizes the escape, which, because of Kostylin, fails the first time. But this did not break the hero. Zhilin does not give up and finds salvation. This hero is strong in spirit and respected even by enemies. Zhilin is bold and decisive and it is impossible not to admire this.

Characteristics of Kostylin

But Kostylin is the complete opposite. Outwardly, this is a heavy fat man, pathetic and insignificant. The very description of it is repulsive. And when you get to know this hero of the story further, then you begin to despise him altogether. Kostylin is an egoist by nature, it is important for him to save his own skin, so he immediately rushed to write to his relatives so that they would prepare a ransom for him. Kostylin is a vile person who does not know the concept of friendship and certainly cannot be called his hero.

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"
Chapter I
1. Why is the story called "Caucasian
2. Whom
called in the story "Caucasian
3. What is the reason that made Zhilin
hit the road.
4. What was the danger of the path?

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"
Chapter I
What made Zhilin and Kostylin
break away from the guards and go ahead?

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"
Chapter I
6. How the heroes agreed to behave when leaving
from the convoy, and how they behaved when they met

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"
Chapter I
7. Tell us about how you were captured in
captured Zhilin and Kostylin.

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"
Chapter II
the fate of Zhilin, and then
and Kostylin in captivity?
9. What makes Zhilina
to bargain,
to give
wrong address?

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"
Chapter III
How did Zhilin and Kostylin live in captivity? How
their life was different during the month of captivity
in the camp of the enemy?
With whose help we get acquainted with life
mountain village?
How did the Tatars in the first days of captivity treat
Zhilin and Kostylin and why?
Are the highlanders right when they call Zhilin a "dzhigit"
reason for this difference.
Why locals began to come to Zhilin
residents from nearby villages?

comparison table

1. Meaning
2. Appearance
Veins - blood vessels Crutch - stick with
vessels, tendons.
pledged under
wiry -
mouse serving
support when walking
muscular, with
lame people or
those who are sick
“And Zhilin at least not“ A
great in stature, yes the man is daring
the whole
red and sweat from it
so it pours"

comparison table

3rd place
4. What did they eat
Mountain Tatar aul, barn
millet flour or
raw dough and water;
a piece
Only a cake
millet flour or
raw dough and water

10. Comparison table

5. Than
engaged in
letter, but not in writing
so wrote - so as not to
came. He thinks: "I
I'll go"
"Kostylin once again
wrote home
waiting for money to be sent
and bored. In whole
sits in the barn for days and
counting the days when
the letter will come; or
“And he looks out for everything,
asks him how
run. Walks around the village
whistles, and then sits,
needlework - or from
clay dolls sculpts, or
rods. And Zhilin
any needlework was

11. Comparison table

6. Opinion
Tatars about

12. Comparison table

We draw a conclusion
We characterize Zhilin and Kostylin
Active person. AT
loses his spirit. All
making efforts to
to get out of the village
make an escape. All of it
subject to the same goal of liberation.
inactive, bored, waiting,
when the money will be sent; not
able to adapt to


"Prisoner of the Caucasus"
Chapter IV
How did Zhilin live for a month?
What is the hero's trick?
to climb the mountain?
What prevented him that evening
make an escape?
Why did Zhilin propose to Kostylin
run with him?
Kostylin before the escape?

14. "Zhilin is preparing to escape"

Making a story plan
materials III and IV chapters
1. Acquaintance with the life of the Tatar village.
2. Work on the tunnel.
3. Search for the road.
4. Escape route - only to the North.
5. The sudden return of the Tatars.
6. Escape.

15. Draw a conclusion

manifest the character of one person and completely
not manifest the character of another in the same

16. Draw a conclusion

helps out patience, endurance,
a wish
to be
free, faith in one's rightness; another
does not show any effort
to the fact that at the cost of their own efforts
to be released from captivity, although he, too,
I want to return to my homeland.

17. Homework

story according to the plan "Zhilin
getting ready to run."

Zhilin and Kostylin different fates composition grade 5


1. Briefly about the work.

2.1. Life in captivity.

2.2. The escape.

3. My favorite hero.

L. N. Tolstoy wrote his story Prisoner of the Caucasus in 1872 and dedicated it to the events of the Caucasian War. In the work, using the example of two people, he described the difficult life in Tatar captivity and the military prowess of a Russian prisoner.

Zhilin and Kostylin are different characters both in character and way of thinking. But one day they were on the same road. During the captivity, Zhilin behaved like a hero, fought back and tried to escape. But Kostylin, on the contrary, became afraid and, having a loaded gun and a war horse, not only did not protect his comrade, he even failed to escape!

It is noteworthy how both of these officers, being in the same circumstances, behaved differently. Zhilin invariably relied only on himself, constantly looking for opportunities to escape, always behaved correctly. For example, he did a good job - he made clay dolls and distributed them to local children, repaired things and treated the sick. By this he won the respect and sympathy of the Tatars.

Kostylin, on the contrary, behaved passively and cowardly. He, complaining about his fate, constantly lay in the barn, relaxing physically and mentally. He did not strive for anything, did not want to fight, was afraid of everything and was lazy. Both comrades reacted differently to the possibility of a ransom. Zhilin did not want his elderly mother to pay an exorbitant fee for him, he bargained for up to five hundred rubles for his freedom, and even then he specially sent a letter to the wrong address. Kostylin, on the contrary, was delighted that he could throw off the responsibility for his release on someone, and inactively began to wait for a ransom from the house.

During the first escape, Zhilin showed himself to be a persistent and courageous person. Overcoming the pain in his legs from hard blocks, he patiently demolished all obstacles, purposefully moved forward, hoping for the best. His comrade in misfortune, on the contrary, whined all the way, complained and wanted to return back to captivity, and later he became so weak that Zhilin was forced to drag his comrade on himself. In this act, all the most beautiful features of a man were manifested - kindness, self-sacrifice, readiness to help.

After returning to the Tatars, Zhilin did not stop losing hope of escaping. Despite the terrible conditions in which the prisoners found themselves, Ivan continued to act, take the initiative, and fight. His optimistic spirit and cheerful attitude, his inextinguishable energy and purposefulness greatly influenced the result. Zhilin's cordiality and pleasant manners prompted the master's daughter, Dina, to help him escape. Taking the risk, the girl helped the prisoner escape and even escorted him outside the village.

Zhilin happily reached his own, and Kostylin, refusing to re-escape, spent another month in captivity. He, half-dead, weakened, was released as soon as the ransom came. Of course, I am delighted with the main character Zhilin. He is a fearless and courageous person, confident in himself and in his abilities, positive and cheerful. He was able to change his circumstances, he was able to cope with a seemingly incredibly difficult problem, he was able to get out of a difficult situation with dignity. You can learn a lot from this man, for example, how to be an optimist in difficult circumstances, how to become a good friend, how to behave in an unusual environment.

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I read a very interesting story by L. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus". It tells about the war between the Russians and the highlanders.

The main characters of the work are Zhilin and Kostylin. They were Russian soldiers who were captured by the Tatars. During the attack of the invaders, Zhilin shouted to Kostylin to get a gun, but Kostylin rode away on horseback from his comrade. This characterizes Kostylin as a cowardly person capable of betrayal. When the soldiers were captured, Zhilin kept in touch with the Tatar girl Dina, who felt sorry for him. The hero was kind to her and gave homemade clay toys.

Zhilin tried to get to know the area better in order to escape. Kostylin was not active in captivity: he only lay and ate. He did not even try to escape from the Tatars, did not help Zhilin develop an escape plan. Kostylin thought that they would soon be redeemed from captivity.

During the first escape, the captives failed to escape, because Kostylin's cry betrayed them. Because of this, Zhilin did not want to take Kostylin with him, but he considered it cruel in relation to a person who, like him, was in trouble. I believe that Zhilin did the right thing by taking Kostylin with him. In this episode, the author seems to want to say: "Betrayal is to leave a comrade in trouble." During the second escape, Zhilin escaped alone, but Dina helped him.

The character of Kostylin was much different from the character of Zhilin. Zhilin was quick-witted, smart, much stronger in character than Kostylin. The name itself speaks for itself. Kostylin was afraid of the Tatars and wrote a letter home to be ransomed for a very large sum. He did not rely on himself at all, was lazy and did not even try to save his life. Zhilin did not despair and tried to find a way out of a difficult situation. Kostylin did nothing and waited to be redeemed.

The difference in the characters of the heroes influenced their fate in such a way that Zhilin was at large much earlier than Kostylin. It follows from this that Kostylin was the opposite of Zhilin, which is what the author was trying to say. I support Zhilin, because he knew that there were not even five hundred rubles at home, and his mother was dying of old age, and he specifically indicated the wrong address on the letter so that it would not reach. This emphasizes Zhilin's ability to take care of loved ones.

I really liked L. Tolstoy's story. he teaches to be cheerful, not to lose hope, to find a way out of a difficult situation, and not to be lazy, like Kostylin.

The story of L.N. Tolstoy's "Prisoner of the Caucasus" tells about the fate of two Russian officers who were captured by the highlanders during the war. The plot of the story is quite simple. The story is the same for two, but the destinies are different.

The author chooses surnames for the characters that fully correspond to them. Such surnames in the literature are called speaking, because they can tell a lot about their carrier. Zhilin is short, thin, but wiry and agile. Kostylin is a heavy, fat, lazy man, very heavy on his feet. A lot can tell about the heroes of the moment when they are just taken prisoner. When the heroes decided to fight off the caravan, Kostylin insisted that the gun was loaded, the horses were faithful. Therefore, he convinced Zhilina that they could continue the journey alone. Although both were aware of the danger. But we were very tired of driving slowly through such heat.

It was especially difficult for Kostylin. The officers urged their horses forward. But very quickly they came across a Tatar detachment. Kostylin got scared and, leaving his comrade, let his horse back. Together with Kostylin, the gun "left" as well. Zhilin was left alone with the highlanders, but continued to fight. He did not give up until the last, even when his hands were already twisted. In the house of the Tatar, it turned out that Kostylin had also been taken prisoner. His horse stood up and the gun stopped firing. That is, in the presence of a large separation, a frisky stallion and a gun, he could not fight back. He was detained after Zhilin, there was enough time.

In captivity, Zhilin leads a fairly active lifestyle. He makes clay dolls for Tatar children, repairs watches and even weapons. The entire highlander settlement marvels at his skill and ideas. And even residents of neighboring villages come to him as to a master. People come with broken utensils for him to fix. Thus, he wins the trust and sympathy of the owner. And the master's daughter Dean brings him delicious food in secret. He even managed to feed and caress the dog. Zhilin was preparing to escape. They demanded a ransom. He bargained for five hundred rubles. But Ivan understood that his mother could not collect such money, he felt sorry for his mother. And he wrote the wrong address on the envelope. I only hoped to escape. Kostylin, having been taken prisoner, slept and lay more and more. I wrote to my relatives about a ransom of five thousand rubles. And he just waited for them to come. Zhilin's escape failed only because he took Kostylin with him. He even carried him in his arms for some time, although his legs were no less worn. But this did not save their escape.

When they were brought back, Zhilin finds a way to escape. Dean helps him. And the exhausted Kostylin is then redeemed for five thousand, having collected money. These heroes have different destinies, because the characters are different. Not even characters, but a different attitude to life. Only active people who boldly move forward always win. Like Zhilin.

Option 2

This is a story about a Russian soldier who was taken prisoner by the Tatars. The soldier's name was Ivan Zhilin. He was away from home on duty. He was from a poor family. He left his mother at home, who was old. One day, when he was on duty, he received a letter from his mother asking him to return home, as his mother was old and wished to see her only son. She also informed him that she had seen a pretty girl for him to marry if he wished. Having received the letter, he appealed to his higher authority for the lack of vacation and, having received this application, left his regiment at home.

At that time, there was a war going on in the Caucasus, and the roads were too dangerous to drive day or night. Thus, Zhilin and one of his comrades named Kostylin left other fellow travelers and went alone. They lined up with weapons, sabers and guns and began to progress. But for some reason, Kostylin's leg fell behind, and Zhilin went forward alone. After walking for some time, he ran into the Tatars pursuing him. He prepared himself, but there were many of them, from which he could not defend himself, and in the end he was caught by the Tatars. They took him up and down the mountains and finally carried him to the house of a Tartar with a red beard who was with a raiding party. He was chained and kept in a locked house. He was wounded and blood coagulated on his head and face. He felt very hungry. The next morning he was given something to eat. So he began to spend a few days there. One day he was brought to a neighboring village in the house of a man named Abdul Murat. Murat told him that he bought it from Kazi Mukhamed for two hundred rubles. His new master, Abdul Murat, ordered him to write a letter home saying that his people should ransom three thousand rubles for him. Zhilin said that he was not so rich, and his people would not be able to pay such huge money, so he could write asking only five hundred rubles for his ransom.

His master ordered him to write a letter home, asking for five thousand rubles for his ransom. He wrote a letter. Zhilin also wrote a letter demanding five hundred rubles for his ransom. But he wrote the wrong address so he couldn't get to his house. He thought that his family would not be able to collect that kind of money and intended to escape somehow. Time passed but the money for their redemption did not come. Once Zhilin saw there a girl of about thirteen, who was the daughter of his master. He often came to him with water or something else.

I think that Kostylin was very lucky, since he might not have been bought out, and judging by his human qualities, he would not have lived in the village for a long time. Reading the story, I concluded that there are no hopeless situations, and you always have to fight to the end result. The writer tried to convey through his work that a person is the master of his own destiny, and I can agree with this.

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