Whose year was according to the Eastern calendar. Horoscope signs of the zodiac by years, the eastern calendar of animals

The horoscope for 2016 for the signs of the zodiac, based on the astrological situation in the forecast period, is encouraging. In general, 2016 will be a bright and interesting time, full of amazing events. Each of us, in the unstoppable cycle of the universe, will definitely find something interesting for ourselves.

According to the eastern horoscope, 2016 will be the year of the Fire (Red) Monkey. This symbol is a metaphysical embodiment of the anthropogenic factor. The Year of the Monkey begins on February 7, 2016 and ends on February 27, 2017.

Horoscope 2016 - what to expect in the year of the Red Monkey?

According to the theory of five elements (in Chinese, Wu-xing), the natural elements of the Monkey are metal and water. The metal is associated with gold. Water is associated with wisdom and danger. Thus, in 2016 of the Monkey we will deal with diverse financial events. The monkey is smart, mischievous, cunning and vigilant. If you want to invest your money successfully, then you need to outsmart the monkey. Metal is also associated with the wind. This implies that for all signs of the zodiac in 2016, events will change very quickly. Measure seven times before you change something in your career, business, relationships.

The symbol of 2016 - the Monkey - symbolizes a special way of existence, rising above the world of animal passions and reigning in it, but without subordinating the surrounding reality to one's desires and being in harmony with the Universe. In this respect, Eastern philosophy is much deeper and more metaphorical than European.

For the signs of the zodiac, the horoscope for 2016 predicts that in 2016 the Monkey will patronize explorers, scientists and adventurers - everyone who denies everything static and strives for the constant change of everything that surrounds us. Of course, it cannot be said that an ordinary person in 2016, due to positive trends, will change the field of activity to the opposite. But, in any case, the perception and awareness of many things will change.

The 2016 horoscope for the zodiac signs and year of birth notes that, regardless of profession, each of us can (and should) strive for sustainable progress, which can be expressed in different ways. Some of the signs of the zodiac will clean up the courtyard of their house, someone will build a skyscraper, and someone will conquer Everest. In addition, it is impossible to say who is more of a researcher. Many areas of activity require such outstanding qualities as perseverance, will, fine calculation, etc. In 2016, new horizons will open up for each of us. And the more we strive for success, the better the possibilities of this world will open for us. It is not hard to guess that this year 2016 will bring many discoveries in all fields of science. Of course, this plays a big role in accelerating progress, but the last decades of 2016 will be a kind of watershed for everything related to scientific research. Using the recommendations, you can change the predetermined events and change your destiny for the better.

What does the horoscope 2016 promise to the signs of the zodiac

If we talk about the patronage of the stars, it is hardly appropriate to single out the element that will clearly dominate in 2016. Each zodiac sign has its own traits and characteristics that you should pay attention to.

For example, in 2016 fire signs of the zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius , who are known for their temperament and emotionality, will be surprised to discover the possibilities of psycho-mental (emotional) energy, which will receive an additional impetus due to the increasing dynamics of solar energy in 2016. For representatives of such signs of the zodiac as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, vitality is the key to victory! However, it is better to spend the provided opportunities not on parties, but on more rational and reasonable things.

Before water signs of the zodiac - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces in 2016 there will be a number of complex tasks related to the esoteric side of life. Perhaps you will go through some kind of rite, you will be entrusted with some secret information or something like that. Most likely, in 2016 you will try to fulfill your old dream. In other words, for the water signs of the zodiac, 2016 will be a time for awareness, implementation and acceptance of some occult knowledge that does not come to every person who is interested in them. To what extent it will be good (or not too good) - everyone will decide for himself. It is important to realize that, according to the horoscope, 2016 will bring almost unlimited opportunities in the field of spiritual development, but responsibility will also increase in direct proportion to the growth of consciousness. For example, how many possibilities does an ant have? Indeed, not so little, but in comparison with the Sun, its capabilities are negligible. Moreover, the ant is an animated being, while the Sun is not. This phenomenon demonstrates a unique law of the universe. Both the Sun and the ant are phenomenal in their own way. Only potential opportunities and scope of activity differ.

For zodiac signs of the air element - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius the horoscope in 2016 predicts the raising of questions related to love relationships. Of course, here much depends on the individuality and the specific location of the planets in your personal horoscope. 2016 will be full of romance, tenderness, love and sincerity. You may experience unexpected disappointments, but don't worry - everything will be as it should be. Moreover, even if a loved one has left you, this is not a reason to lose control of your life. Maybe you and your partner are just not right for each other. On the other hand, it is possible that you simply did not immediately notice the shortcomings of the satellite.

Representatives of the elements of the Earth - zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn , as the horoscope predicts, in 2016 will be less influenced by the stars than other signs of the zodiac. However, it would be reckless not to mention the strong beneficial influence of Jupiter on the representatives of this element until September 2016. In general, we can say that Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn will do well, especially in the field of finance and business management. Of course, we must take into account some individual aspects. In other words, if you do nothing, you are unlikely to get anything. You know, fulfilling a sacred duty towards the family is not only washing dishes or going to the park together. It seems that anything is much more important and more interesting than this. Even if you think so, it does not mean at all that things are the way they are. Moreover, in 2016, the signs of the zodiac of the elements of the Earth will experience some radical changes associated with spiritual evolution.

Alas, as the horoscope for 2016 predicts according to the signs of the zodiac, the main feature of the new 2016 will be instability, which will affect absolutely all spheres of human life: economics, politics and finance. It will not bypass the souls of people either, so truly global cataclysms should be expected. But although this year will seem rather difficult and unsuccessful for some signs of the zodiac, all the processes that will take place in it are very plastic, and, if desired, they can be sufficiently turned to global benefit. This applies not only to each individual person, but to the whole society as a whole.

In a global sense, humanity should expect many surprises from 2016, which will be impossible to predict in advance. We have to survive for the whole world. The events and problems of the distant past will have a great influence, and the mistakes that were made then will receive an unexpected development in the present. Therefore, if you plan some goals in the new 2016, then try to plan everything and put it on the shelves in advance, so that the path to achieving them is not confusing, but as simple as possible. We recommend reading professional astrologers from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in order to be prepared for any surprises in world politics and economics.

Each New Year on the threshold makes us prepare for it in advance as a difficult and dynamic period of our lives. The greatest excitement will be caused by issues related to success in the professional sphere and personal life. Is it possible to improve the situation without waiting in advance that hopes for a better future will collapse? We wish you that in 2016 you will forget about all the problems in your life, give the opportunity to every moment in your life to be full of love, tenderness and happiness!

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A monkey- Inventor, motivator, improviser, resourceful, inquisitive, flexible, innovative, problem solver, self-confident, outgoing, artistic, polite, dignified, competitive, objective, fact-loving, intellectual. Can be selfish, needlessly arrogant, selfish, reckless, pretentious, deceitful, manipulative, cunning, jealous and suspicious.

About people born in the year of the Monkey.

Positive character traits: A monkey can be intelligent, devoted, sincere, inventive, intellectually developed.

Negative character traits: The Monkey is overly emotional and capricious, cunning, careless, sometimes petty, likes to indulge his desires.

The most suitable professions and occupations for the Monkey: consultant, doctor, stockbroker, architect, literary figure.

Horoscope for people born in the year of the Monkey.

People born in the year of the Monkey have every chance of becoming a famous and well-known person. Regardless of what exactly such a person does, sooner or later, their inherent charm and luck will make them successful people in life.

They are energetic people, and this quality makes them suitable for a wide variety of professions. Born in the year of the Monkey, especially when in need of something, capable of brilliant and imaginative planning, they are real virtuosos when it comes to cunning or bypassing competitors and enemies. They are intellectual, often deeply seeing any situation, people, and as soon as they set a goal, a rare set of circumstances can prevent them from achieving it, it is generally difficult to imagine that they would fail.

It is important to remember that there are some specific skills and areas of activity that these people should focus on first. Also, it is necessary to understand that they also have a limit in their luck, it is worth avoiding games for money and philosophical reflections on the vicissitudes of fate. It is no secret that most of them have the ability to assess risk, and have a keen sense of financial situations. They have a trait that helps them take on new challenges, understand the problem accurately, and delve into the details until the right solution is found. They are usually endowed with good organizational skills and are quite satisfied with the work, which implies research with quick results.

A very busy life, filled with humor, passion, quarrels, tears and recriminations, will be the standard fare in a romantic company with a person born in the year of the Monkey.

In their lives, people born during this period are carried away by love intrigues and romantic excitement in all their manifestations, their love life is always extremely active. Those in love with a person born in the year of the Monkey are usually attracted by his openness, good humor and good manners. Of course, with such people it is always difficult, as mentioned above, it is very difficult to create binding and honest relationships with them for a long period. However, sooner or later, even they become fed up with their wild behavior, and when they finally calm down, rarely deviate from their permanent partner.

In the beginning, when relationships are not formed, Monkeys can be unpredictable. Even a tiny mistake of a partner frightens the Monkey, often they take minor oversights on the part of the partner as a personal insult, the Monkey is subject to a sharp change in mood, often for no apparent reason - thank God that this usually does not last long.

As soon as the relationship passes the first, initial period of grinding in characters, all misunderstandings and disagreements are settled and smoothed out, the Monkey becomes a supportive and reliable partner. People of this type are overly attached to their partners, and often, after a breakup, they are incapable of other relationships.

Celebrities born in the Year of the Monkey: Alexander Herzen, Ivan Kozhedub, Alexandra Kolontai, Yegor Ligachev, Boris Polevoy, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Nikolai Dobrolyubov, Anton Denikin, Nestor Makhno, Grigory Rasputin, George Byron, Jacqueline Bisset, Julius Caesar, Jacques Chirac, Alexander Macedonian, David Copperfield, Spinoza, Timothy Dalton, Joseph Chamberlain, Charles Dickens, Ian Fleming, Tom Hanks, Harry Houdini, Descartes, Mick Jagger, Lyndon Johnson, Diana Ross, Omar Sharif, Leonardo da Vinci, Rod Stewart, Giordano Bruno, Elizabeth Taylor, Harry Truman.

The symbol of 2016 according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar - Red Fire Monkey.

In the European tradition, it is customary to honor the Monkey already on New Year's Eve. According to the Chinese calendar, she formally comes into her own on February 8, 2016 and rules until January 27, 2017.

The monkey symbolizes, on the one hand, the mind, cunning, sociability, observation, ingenuity, curiosity, caution, and on the other hand, selfishness, deceit, restraint, vindictiveness, frivolity, lack of concentration.

Fire gives the sign authority, enhances energy, and the red color gives strength and warmth.

The Red Fire Monkey is the brightest of all types. Her assertiveness and authoritarianism allow her to achieve a lot. At the same time, she does not tolerate other strong personalities nearby.

This combination makes 2016 absolutely unpredictable, strong and bright.

How to celebrate 2016

The hostess of the year will enjoy a noisy party. No quiet family holidays - change the traditions. You can go on a trip and meet the New Year on the square in the festive crowd.

The symbol of the year is fire. He must be present at the party. It can be candles, a fireplace or festive fireworks. Bengal lights will also work.

What to wear

The monkey loves brightness, brilliance and splendor. Therefore, you need to meet the New Year in catchy defiant outfits. Choose costumes in the colors of the upcoming 2016 - red, fiery, orange, scarlet shades. The basic element of the Monkey is metal. Therefore, sparkles, rhinestones and other “metal-like” elements are welcome. Bright shiny jewelry will also be appropriate.

The hostess of the year is extravagant and loves the unusual. She will like the change of image - you can change the hairstyle or wear an unusual outfit. Bold experiments will surely be rewarded with good luck in the new year.

What to give for the New Year

The monkey is original and loves surprises. Surprise your loved ones - present a certificate for spa treatments, tickets for a long-awaited concert, a book, a subscription to your favorite publication, a parachute jump. Your relatives and friends will definitely appreciate such non-standard ideas. Women can safely give jewelry. Although this is not a new idea, but in 2016 it fits more than ever.

The mistress of the year is very practical, so it is not necessary to show unusualness. As a gift, household appliances and household items are suitable - a slow cooker, a curling iron, bed linen, a set of towels.

Colleagues or acquaintances can be presented with a souvenir in the form of a monkey or show a creative streak and make an original gift - magnets with the inscription-symbol of the year "Now or never!".

Each year has its own patron animal. The year of the Goat (Sheep) has just replaced the year of the Horse, and everyone is already interested in the year 2016 following this. According to the eastern calendar, the next year will be the Fire Monkey. The ninth sign of the Chinese horoscope is characterized by the variability of character and a sudden change of mood born under it. The previous year of the monkey was 2004, and the next after 2016 will be 2028, every twelfth year - a cycle of changing one sign .... Characteristics of the fire monkey Temperament and emotions are combined with cunning and deceit. Monkeys born in the year will go to the goal by any means. For this animal, there is no morality, there is no constancy, the change of mood is involuntary and can alternate with sadness, unbridled joy or anger for several minutes. Laughter, tears, depression, rage, melancholy, it's all about her. Emotions change, but the scope of action remains constant. In any mood for a monkey, the goal is above all. She will remember her, strive to achieve her, to more than she has, and stubbornly carry out her plan. Wits and ingenuity, charm, universal love and magical attraction - all this allows the monkey to go through life easily, without holding evil and nostalgia for the past in his soul. A flexible and quick mind gives an advantage when considering many decisions and cases at the same time. It makes a good impression on the opponent, can easily insist on his own and persuade the interlocutor to his side. It takes advantage of the other signs of the opposite sex and skillfully manipulates it .... Color, element and other signs of the 2016 year of the monkey What color is our monkey? The answer is unequivocal - the year will be a fiery monkey. The exact change of the year of the Goat to the year of the Monkey occurs on February 16, 2016. Each year has its own color, element, zodiac sign and month. For the Monkey, the patroness of 2016, they are as follows: color - red; energy - yin; month - July; zodiac sign - Leo; element - fire. There are only five elements, unlike animals: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. They change differently, for example, 2004 was the year of the wooden Monkey, and 2028 will be the year of the earth .... What awaits us in the year of the fiery Monkey Each patron animal affects its year, strengthening some spheres of influence and weakening others. The symbol of 2016 promises us a lot of positive emotions in almost all matters. Professional activity In work this year, you can achieve unprecedented career growth. Everything will be easy, the salary will increase, the management will notice and appreciate it. In addition to the main income, some additional source promises material success. Health Health will need to be monitored more closely than this year. There is a possibility of complications after past illnesses, the number of cases of injury will increase. Therefore, astrologers recommend now to start preventing diseases, start visiting a fitness club or gym, do gymnastics, and get carried away with running. It should be remembered that it is much more expensive to be treated than to engage in disease prevention. Social sphere In the year of the fiery Monkey, communication will be all right. A sociable animal with a light character will help people in finding new friends, it will be possible to restore former friendship, to establish relations with distant relatives. This year you can suddenly fall in love, find your destiny. Marriages Marriages that take place in the year of such a beast as Monkeys bring a lot of joy to the newlyweds. Stronger, less discord in the family, easy relationships without jealousy, good fertility. For couples married under the sign of this animal, noisy quarrels are characteristic, which suddenly begin and just as suddenly end in a stormy reconciliation. They live in marriage for a long time, divorces occur less frequently than in other years. Prospects For those who organize a new project this year or decide to implement a long-planned one, new horizons will open. It's time to dare and put ideas into practice. The monkey is the most reliable patron for those who want to radically change something in their lives. This may be the beginning of the construction of a new house, moving, changing jobs and much more. Pregnancy Pregnancy at this time proceeds better than in other years, there are fewer complications, since the baby already in the womb strives for life and tries with all his might to help mommy. During these years, there are fewer premature babies, babies with pathologies, especially of a mental nature, are born less often. If you want a mobile child with the makings of a genius, feel free to plan a pregnancy and give birth in the year of the monkey. Newborns Children born in the year of the Monkey are smart and quick-witted. About 60% of geniuses were born during the years of the patronage of this animal. A sharp mind, the ability to think analytically, instant problem solving, all these are signs of a talented person. But they lack perseverance, excessive mobility prevents them from studying at school. If a child learns something, then he does it “on the fly”, it’s hard for him to delve into it for a long time. Excessive mobility both helps and hinders. Such children need discipline and constant mental stress. For them, there is only the first place, the desire for superiority arises from birth .... Horoscope for those born in these years People born in the years of the patronage of this animal often become famous, influential and famous people. Such geniuses as Leonardo da Vinci, Gaius Julius Caesar, Dickens, Dumas son, Jack London, Byron, Gauguin. Many scientists and politicians, illusion geniuses, directors, poets: Diaghilev, Harry Truman, Fellini, Omar Sharif, Houdini, Ian Fleming, Mick Jagger, Rozhdestvensky, Igor Kio, Chekhov, Elizabeth Taylor, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, as well as Rockefeller and Papa John Paul II. The list can go on and it will be very long. People of various mindsets, mathematical, analytical, creative, humanitarians and politicians, economists and geniuses of philosophy, no other year has such a “starfall” of born extraordinary people achieving success and recognition. Popularity for the majority comes in more mature years, rarely anyone achieves much in their youth. As a rule, young years are spent on exploring the world, intensive study, sports, hobbies and striving to find oneself. There are especially many outstanding people born in the year of the Monkey among businessmen and representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Excellent leaders who achieve everything with their mind and ability to work, real workaholics, but everything comes easy to them, thanks to their exceptional mind and desire to achieve the goal. Warning Those born this year can lose everything overnight. Luck can turn away from them at any moment. You should not get involved in alcohol and gambling, you should not get involved in dubious projects and be too gullible. It is necessary to restrain mood swings, emotional outbursts and not be led by all sudden desires. If you limit yourself a little and hold back, those born in the year of the Fire Monkey are guaranteed success .... More.

As a rule, many are interested in 2016, which animal according to the horoscope, what to meet and what to cook? The New Year is a fabulous holiday that is preparing a lot of joy, surprises and delicious treats. It is necessary to prepare for this event in advance. Characteristics of the year: New 2016 is the year of the red Monkey, which is distinguished by intelligence, ingenuity and resourcefulness. It should be taken into account that this animal is very unpredictable. Those who show ingenuity in the new year, will go towards their goal, despite all doubts and difficulties, will certainly succeed and receive a reward from the mistress of the year.

The monkey does not like lazy people who sit and wait for everything to be ready. But whoever decides to try his luck and decides to play all-in, will definitely win and get a good jackpot. Next year is worth living under the slogan - now or never!

The main symbol of the coming year is fire, which is one of the five elements. It is worth learning how to deal with fire and then it can only benefit you. The main colors of the next year are all bright reds or shades of scarlet or orange. As for stones, all red stones will bring good luck and happiness - ruby, garnet or amber.

Family and love horoscope

It is always necessary to treat the stars with attention and study horoscopes for the new year. New 2016 is a leap year, not the most favorable time for marriage. At the same time, it is worth knowing that a monkey is a very frivolous animal, which is distinguished by its inconstancy. Those who are in a relationship need to get married in 2015, or wait until 2017. Those who are married should not be distracted by the temptations that a monkey can prepare. Remember, behind the bright shell there may be emptiness. It is necessary to protect the present, what you already have. At the same time, this is a very good year for having children. Therefore, families that have been married for a long time can plan a child in 2016, he will definitely be born happy and healthy.

Business - horoscope

If you look at the historical data of the Year of the Monkey, you can immediately see that there are a lot of economic and political events in this year. At the same time, events are both good and bad. The monkey is very fond of beautiful words and pathos. It is necessary to learn to listen, understand the truth and act based on real facts. This year you need to be ready for everything, because even a crisis is a good thing, thanks to which you can take a big step forward. The only thing is that it all depends on whether you can take advantage of the situation and turn everything in your favor. To become a successful person in 2016, you need to learn all the habits of a monkey, learn to be cunning and resourceful. There is no need to enter into conflicts and quarrels, you need to stick to your strategy and stick to your line in a positive way. Even if you are lucky, you should not lose yourself in your luck, you should always pay attention to the opinions of professionals and loved ones. 2016 is a good time to change profession or job. Those who decide to radically change everything will definitely win much more. However, whoever doubts, it is better not to risk it, nothing good will come of it, because the monkey helps decisive and self-confident people.

Everyone begins to prepare for the event in advance and the first questions are: 2016, which animal according to the horoscope, what to meet and what to cook? We answered the first question, now we are answering the second. First, everyone decorates the apartment, then they come up with a New Year's menu and a holiday scenario, and then they puzzle over what to wear for the holiday.

General tips for choosing an outfit

The most important rule is that the outfit should be bright, beautiful and comfortable. Girls should look at dresses in red or orange. Consider what outfit suits each zodiac sign in 2016:

For them, outfits made of natural silk are suitable. Girls will suit a light and romantic dress.

More emphasis needs to be placed on accessories. The most correct option is large yellow hoop earrings. They will not only attract attention, but also bring good luck in the new year.


To celebrate well and attract good luck in the new year, the twins should wear something paired. For example, two identical bracelets on different hands or a double sash.

Representatives of this sign must purchase a mask. Thanks to the mask, they will create a certain intrigue that cannot be shown to everyone around.

This sign is the most fortunate, as it can choose the outfit of its choice, since this is the sign of a royal person. Both a modest outfit and a large crown on the head will look amazing.

must wear a beautiful floor-length evening dress. You must look divine and irresistible so that the new year 2016 will bring you happiness and luck.

Representatives of this sign must necessarily throw a fur cape or a short coat over their shoulders. If you plan to celebrate the New Year in a hot room (nightclub, desert islands, etc.), then you can simply use fur accessories.


A strict and restrained style, in bright colors, will look good. She should use a lot of jewelry and attract close attention from others.


Simple and comfortable outfits are suitable for this sign. The main rule is that the representatives of this sex feel comfortable, as in a “robe with slippers”.


This sign is well suited for things made of light fabric. Imagine that you are going to a beach party. Light trousers, comfortable flats - the best outfit for the new year.

That's who will have to try hard and surprise the lady of the new year. You will suit bright dresses, sparkling jewelry and bright makeup.

This sign can not do without a New Year's hat. You can choose any shape and size, the main thing is red.

What to cook

Pineapple mojito

This is a very tasty drink, the preparation of which will take no more than 20 minutes. Two servings can be prepared from the listed ingredients. You calculate the number of products based on how many guests are expected. For a cocktail, you will need 10 grams of cane sugar, mint, ice cubes, 100 ml of pineapple juice, a few pieces of fresh pineapple, one lime and 400 ml of tonic water. Take fresh mint, cut it up and place it in a deep glass or jug. Prepare two glasses for a drink. Wash the lime, cut it into two parts and squeeze the juice from each half into a glass. Add sugar to glasses in equal portions and mix with juice. Place ice cubes in glasses and pour tonic. It turns out that the glasses are half filled. The rest must be filled with pineapple juice. It remains to insert the tube, decorate the edge of the glass with a slice of fresh lime or a slice of pineapple, a sprig of fresh mint and serve.

Shrimp Avocado Salad

This is not only very tasty, but also a beautiful salad, which guests of the festive event will appreciate. For cooking, you will need: 3 tomatoes, 1 avocado, 500 grams of peeled shrimp, a clove of garlic, 2 tablespoons of ketchup and mayonnaise, herbs to decorate the salad, salt and pepper to taste. First of all, you need to wash the avocado well, dry it and cut it into two halves. Carefully remove the bone and pulp. Cut the pulp into small cubes. Boil the shrimp until fully cooked, remove the shell, cut and add to the avocado. Leave a few shrimps to decorate the finished salad. Remove the skin from the tomato, cut into cubes and put in a separate bowl. Season with salt and pepper to taste. After the tomato gives juice, it must be drained, add chopped garlic, avocado with shrimp. Mix ketchup with mayonnaise and season the salad. Put the finished salad on the avocado halves, decorate with shrimp and a leaf of any fresh greens on top.

Duck drumsticks with apples

A very tender and fragrant dish that will take the crown place on the festive table. The duck is prepared not only quickly, but also simply. To prepare the dish, you will need 2 drumsticks, 2 apples, potatoes, onions (small), a pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste. Wash duck drumsticks well, remove excess fat and place on a paper towel to remove excess water. After making small cuts over the entire surface and rub the meat with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Place the meat in a separate bowl, cover with a lid and leave to soak. Peel the onion from the husk. Wash potatoes, peel and cut into slices. Wash the apples, cut into slices, remove the core. Take a baking sheet and put duck drumsticks in it. Cover with foil and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes. After taking out the baking sheet, take out the meat, which during this time will give juice and put the potatoes, onions and apples. Season everything with spices. Place duck drumsticks on top. Cover with foil and cook for an hour at 180 degrees. Remove the finished dish, put it on a serving plate and serve it hot. If desired, the dish can be decorated with a sprig of thyme or fresh herbs.

New Year's dessert in glasses

Don't know what dessert to surprise your family and friends? Prepare a dessert in glasses and amaze everyone with an original dessert. For dessert, you need 10 grams of gelatin, 400 ml of milk, 150 ml of cream, 130 grams of granulated sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of vanillin. First of all, gelatin must be poured into a bowl, add two tablespoons of warm water and leave to swell. Take a saucepan, pour cream and milk into it. Add vanilla and put on fire. Add sugar and cook until completely dissolved. You need to stir all the time. Add gelatin to hot milk and mix well. Remove the mass from the heat and cool at room temperature. Take a glass for dessert, a deep bowl and a towel. Put a towel on the bottom of the bowl and carefully place the glass at an angle. Divide conditionally jelly mass into two parts. Set aside one and pour the second into a glass and put it in the refrigerator. The mass must be completely frozen. Add a spoonful of cocoa to the second part of the jelly mass. Get glasses with a frozen mass of white color and add coffee to them. Place the glasses in the refrigerator for several hours until completely solidified.

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